• Due to renovations to our vault, access to our collections is limited until further notice. Please contact us for more information.

Out walking the blog

June is deadline month around A&SC.  External deadlines, so no chance of begging off or asking for extensions.  In terms of personnel, faculty have leave days that expire at the end of June.  In terms of grants, grant reports are due.  And it seems like everybody around a university likes having meetings in June since school is on so people are here, but the teaching load is a little lighter than the rest of the year so people theoretically have more time.  Note the theoretically. Traditionally June & July are some of the busier reference months for A&SC.

Where this is going…  Arlene (me) usually writes the blog entries, with an occasional stand-in by Mariecris.  But I have about 18 days of leave to burn, a weeklong jury summons, and several reports to write up during June, plus any number of meetings. So June is going to be a bit of me, while I’m in, and a bit of everybody else too.  Maybe we’ll be doing some sharing of some of our favorite collections or items and the stories that go with them.  But if we miss a few days, we hope you’ll understand: we probably were overwhelmed!

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