• Due to renovations to our vault, access to our collections is limited until further notice. Please contact us for more information.

New in the Archives: July-August 2024

New project alert

We have been busy over the summer setting up a new project in the Archives! We realized so much of UAA/APU student life is now electronic and more difficult for the Archives to capture (although not impossible, but that’s another blog post). In an attempt to document diverse student experiences on campus, the Archives would like to conduct interviews with students of all sorts. These interviews will be recorded, transcribed (as staffing allows), and preserved in our servers. We will make them publicly available online and in our research room. If you’d like to share your view of campus life, contact us today at uaa_archives@alaska.edu. Be a part of recorded history!

Newly described collections

EPH-0562-AHS: Placer mining location notice (blank); undated. 0.01 cubic feet. Blank form printed on cloth to notify of a placer mining location.

EPH-0563: Jean-Paul Billaud piano concert program; 1984. 0.01 cubic feet.

EPH-0564: The Hampshire County Youth Orchestra concert program; 1982. 0.01 cubic feet.

EPH-0565: The Chinese Magic Circus of Taiwan program; circa 1981-1982. 0.01 cubic feet.

EPH-0566: Christmas the World Over Living Advent program; 1984.  0.01 cubic feet.

EPH-0567: Anchorage Museum Magical Holiday Greetings program; 1986. 0.01 cubic feet.

EPH-0568: Janet Marie Flanagan concert program; 1982. 0.01 cubic feet.

EPH-0569: John Gearing organ recital program; 1983. 0.01 cubic feet.

EPH-0570: Arioso Chamber Ensemble program; 1988. 0.01 cubic feet.

EPH-0571: Oboe Chamber Music Concert program; 1988. 0.01 cubic.

EPH-0572: Friends of the Cello Recital program; 1990. 0.01 cubic feet.

EPH-0573: Smithsonian Events Fantasies and Dances program; 1991. 0.01 cubic feet.

EPH-0574: Antonio Vivaldi by Candlelight Gloria program; 1995. 0.01 cubic feet.

HMC-1300: Craig Mishler papers; 1933-2021. 2.6 cubic-foot addition. Papers, photographs, and audiovisual material from an anthropologist and folklorist working in Alaska.

HMC-1465: Helen Gillette papers; undated, 1979. 0.01 cubic feet. Letters collected by an Anchorage Times reporter on or about potential sources.

HMC-1466: McLane family photograph collection; circa 1910-1930. 0.02 cubic feet. Photographs collected by a family of Susitna Flats, Sitka, Anchorage, Palmer, and unknown locations in Alaska.

HMC-1467: Captain Charles Bates photographs; 1979. 103 MB.  Images of Western Alaska and aboard the North Star III taken by crew member.

HMC-1468-AHS: Alaska fish trap locations collection; circa 1932-1934. 0.02 cubic feet. Records indicating the locations of fish traps throughout southern Alaska.

HMC-1469: Jerry Coleman papers; 1943-2024, bulk 1943-1945. 0.25 cubic feet. Photographs and poems from a man who served in the U.S. Army Alaska in World War II.

HMC-1470: Eklutna Industrial School photograph album; circa 1924-1930. 0.02 cubic feet. Photograph album depicting students, buildings, and activities at a vocational boarding school for Alaska Native students.

HMC-1472: Edward A. Bruning papers; 1942-1945. 0.25 cubic feet. Papers of a soldier who worked on Smith Island during World War II.

UAA-0229: University Advancement Accolades; 2002-2013. 0.25 cubic feet. Publications about university happenings for alumni and donors created by the University Advancement office.

UAA-0230: Consortium Library. Archives and Special Collections student oral history interviews; 2024. 176 MB. Oral history interviews of UAA and APU students about their campus experiences.

New online

59 images from the Senator Ted Stevens papers, ANCSA papers.

1 image from the Gilbert Stevens papers for a researcher request.

9 images from the APU photographs.

39 images from the William G. Sprowls photographs.

23 images from the Captain Charles Bates photographs.


Our intern Rachel Nill created a new exhibit for us! It’s on display on the first floor on the Consortium Library, so please enjoy. Rachel carefully selected images from our holdings to show the many types of materials and topics we cover.

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