Our March-April edition is running a little late! But here you go:
Newly available collections:
EPH-0452: COVID19 vaccination materials, 2021.
William Murry papers; 1917-1944. HMC-1366-AHS. Memorabilia collected by an early Anchorage resident.
Billy Roberts papers; 1946-1947. HMC-1368. Memorabilia from a serviceman stationed at Elmendorf Field in 1946.
New additions to the Alaska’s Digital Archives:
35 images from the 1975 Redbone performance tour of Alaska, from the John and Linda Nelson papers.
An Alaska Steamship Company menu and a commemorative photograph booklet from the South Seas Nite Club from the Billy Roberts papers.
140 images from the Ruth A.M. Schmidt papers.

Ruth Schmidt and other hikers on the Resurrection Pass Trail, 1966.
Items added to Scholarworks:
Did you know that Arlene is the statewide project manager for the Alaska’s Digital Archives? This means, along with other tasks, she works with new partners to get them up and running with adding materials to the site. As part of that work, she’s developing several training tutorials. Thanks to the folks at the Museum of the Aleutians who were willing to go through the training process without written documentation this past summer! The first set of five tutorials, on downloading, installing, and setting up the software client, have now been posted to Scholarworks. They consist of:
- Getting started with the ContentDM Project Client Part 1: The things you need to do ahead of time
- Getting started with the ContentDM Project Client Part 2: installing the software
- Getting started with the ContentDM Project Client part 3: Creating a project
- Getting started with the ContentDM Project Client Part 4: setting up your project
- Getting started with the ContentDM Project Client part 5: Adding files to your project
As a part of this project, a website aimed for new and continuing partners in the Digital Archives is under construction.
In grant news:
Arlene was awarded $480 from the Northwest Archivists Continuing Education fund to purchase 12 copies of A Matter of Facts: The Value of Evidence in an Information Age to be shared among archivists and libraries across Alaska for a quarterly book discussion group.
We also received $20,000 as part of a collaborative grant application funded by the Atwood Foundation in relation to the upcoming 50th anniversary of the passage of ANCSA at the end of 2021. Our portion of the funding will pay for digitization and other steps needed to preserve and provide access to some obsolete audio and audiovisual formats for materials related to ANCSA. We’re very excited to get going on these materials.