Here’s some of the things we accomplished in the Archives over the past two months.
Alaska’s Digital Archives
107 images from the George Madsen photographs. George Madsen owned the Polar Bar in Nome, Alaska.
47 images from the Francis and Grace Cogswell papers.

Lt. Sell cleaning pan in stream. Francis and Grace Cogswell papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
49 images from the Loren Taft photographs. Loren Taft was a professional Alaskan photographer.
51 photographs from the Allison E. Stoars papers. Allison Stoars served in the Army Corps of Engineers at Yakutat during World War II.
Added 23 transcriptions to recordings of Ruben Gaines’ broadcasts. Transcription completed by volunteer Alice Cone. That adds up to 88 of the Gaines recordings transcribed so far.
UA Scholarworks
84 podcasts from the UAA Bookstore Special Events presentations.
91 issues from The Northern Light, the UAA student newspaper. Issues from 1988-1991.
Subject/Topic guides:
We have a guide to collections relating to Alaska Native individuals, families, and organizations.
Arlene wrote up a blog post on digitizing some films from a visit to Alaska in 1940.
Gwen was interviewed for a Seawolf Weekly article about health and medicine resources in the library, along with Sigrid Brudie of AML. The article highlighted the CLIR grant to digitize audiovisual materials related to public health in Alaska that we finished earlier this year.
Arlene wrote a blog post for the Northwest Archivists regional professional association on using Soundcloud for distance access to audio files.
1 cubic foot and 14.5 gb of electronic media addition to the National Ski Patrol. Alaska Division records.