• Due to renovations to our vault, access to our collections is limited until further notice. Please contact us for more information.

Upcoming Free Workshops!

October is Archives Month, and we’ll be celebrating by offering four FREE workshops!  Descriptions are below.  All workshops are open to UAA students, faculty and staff, as well as any interested members of the general public and will be held at the UAA/APU Consortium Library.  Space is limited, so register soon!

TO REGISTER FOR A WORKSHOP: Email archives@uaa.alaska.edu or call 907-786-1849. No registration is necessary for the Archives Roadshow workshop on October 27th.

Saturday October 6 – Preserving & Identifying Photographs
10:30am – 4:30pm.  UAA/APU Consortium Library Room 307. Maximum 25 participants.
Presenter: Megan K. Friedel, Archivist
Do you have shoeboxes stuffed with photographs? Are most of them unidentified and undated? Do you want to learn how best to store, preserve and identify them so that they last for future generations? This full-day workshop will teach you how to identify and date significant photo and negative types from the 19th and early 20th centuries; best practices for storing and preserving a wide range of photographic material, including slides, glass and film negatives, photo albums, scrapbooks and more; hands-on exercises in identifying the format and subject of photographs; and one-on-one consultation with a UAA archivist to help you determine the needs of your photo collection. Participants should bring 2-3 photographs from their collections to share with the class.

Saturday October 13 – Making Book Enclosures
10:30am – 12:30pm. UAA/APU Consortium Library Room 307. Maximum 20 participants.
Presenter: Arlene Schmuland, Head of Archives & Special Collections
Do you have worn books that you need to keep? Can’t repair them? Need to protect some of your rare volumes? This two-hour, hands-on training will show you how to make quick and simple book enclosures from sheets of folder-weight paper. You’re welcome to bring a book of your own or we’ll have some on hand for you to wrap for us.

Saturday October 13 – Introduction to Scanning and Organizing Digital Photographs
1:30 – 4:30pm. UAA/APU Consortium Library Room 307. Maximum 20 participants.
Presenter: Mariecris Gatlabayan, Archivist
Bytes, pixels, resolutions… oh my! The idea of scanning or organizing digital photographs can be overwhelming. So grab a bunch of your photographs and participate in this half-day workshop. The workshop will provide an introduction to scanning, resizing, editing, and organizing photographs, as well as guidelines on how best to preserve digital photographs to ensure long term access for future generations. Participants will have the opportunity to scan and edit a few of their photographs. As a result, please bring a USB drive or media on which you can save your scanned images.

Saturday October 27 – Archives Roadshow
1:30 – 4:30pm. UAA/APU Consortium Library Room 307. NO REGISTRATION NECESSARY.
Got old stuff? Want to know what it is, what historical value it has, and how to preserve it? Bring your photographs and negatives, moving image and audio recordings, letters, diaries, manuscripts, and other family or personal papers, and meet one-on-one for free consultations with archivists from UAA, the Anchorage Museum, Alaska Moving Image Preservation Association, National Archives, and other institutions. No monetary appraisals will be given, but we’ll help you find resources for valuation and conservation. There will also be a behind-the-scenes tour of the Archives & Special Collections collections vault at 2:30pm and a raffle for a free in-home consultation with an archivist!


  1. I am also very interested in the workshop being presented Oct 27, but I will be out-of-town. Will there be others? Thank you.

  2. Megan Friedel, UAA Archives & Special Collections

    Hi JoAnn, the workshop dates have already passed. We don’t have plans right now to offer any more workshops until 2013. Watch this space for more information!

  3. Sorry about the delay in response, JoAnn. (I haven’t been getting our comment notifications!) We’re not sure yet. We’ll be looking at attendance and participation and things like that next summer as we think about planning the October 2013 Archives Month festivities, see what worked, what didn’t, what we should focus on, and so forth. It was a fun time but the audience turnout was fairly low for the roadshow, so we’re pondering some ways we could make it more far-reaching.

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