From an unsolicited Facebook posting by a library colleague last night:
Too much partying at the Archives Open House–I missed my bus.
For those of you who missed the previous blog posting, we here at A&SC decided to celebrate Archives Month this year by holding an open house with AMIPA. Which was Weds, Oct 6, 4-6 pm. As you can tell by the above note, I think we can call it a success. Megan and Mariecris are estimating we had over 100 guests and while it’s always great to see our longtime supporters and donors like UAA Chancellor Fran Ulmer, Arliss Sturgulewski, and Vic Fischer, we also met quite a few students like the anthropology grad students who came over to attend as a field trip in a methods class. So a terrific outreach opportunity to potential researchers too.
Instead of writing a lot, I’ll just share some of our favorite photographs from the event. By the way, part of the event was our opening the 3rd annual Eye of the Beholder exhibit. For more information about that, see our call for participation.
Thanks to all who attended, and thanks to all who have told us we need to do this again next year. And special thanks to Northwest Archivists Inc (our regional professional association) who funded much of the event. And if you’re worried, we didn’t let the food anywhere near the archival materials. Oh, and the colleague who posted the above? She got a ride home from another colleague at the event. So that all worked out well.

Megan listens as Arliss Sturgulewski shares some of her own memories on the vault portion of the tour.

From left to right, Walt Parker, Vic Fischer, and Arliss Sturgulewski. All great supporters of A&SC and AMIPA.

Arlene talks about Rare Books and university theses to small tour group consisting of a UAA student, faculty member, and a colleague librarian from the Alaska Resources Library and Information Service.

Carl Hild signs our guest book. Carl is great about talking to those in the health and medicine fields and getting them to think about placing their papers here.

Chancellor Ulmer poses for our camera in front of the Eye of the Beholder exhibit. She even participated by signing one of the objects in the exhibit (come and find it). Behind her is Elizabeth James who is carefully reading her own contribution to the exhibit.

Steve Levi, not only a contributor of materials to A&SC, but an AMIPA board member, and an all-around fun guy to have at a party. He also participated with an entry into this year’s exhibit.
I had so much fun that night and was really excited to meet all our guests!