Research room photography rules

Prior to taking photographs of archival materials or Rare Books in Archives & Special Collections (A&SC), researchers will sign a form agreeing to the following policies and procedures:

  • Permission must be obtained from the Archivist prior to taking photographs. Archives and Special Collections (A&SC) reserves the right to deny requests or portions of requests.
  • No images may be made of collection materials that have access or use restrictions.
  • All photos must be taken under existing lighting conditions. Flashes or other lighting equipment are not permitted.
  • Tripods or copy stands require the permission of the Archivist.
  • A&SC reserves the right to request copies of the images taken, at no cost to A&SC. A&SC reserves the right to make use of such images for any purpose.  Digital images must be provided to A&SC at the highest resolution taken.
  • If equipment or photography procedures disturb other researchers, photography will be delayed to a time convenient to photographer and A&SC archivists.
  • The form does not constitute permission for re-use of these photographs. Photographs are for personal reference use only. If you wish to share further (print, web, production, or otherwise) you must contact A&SC for permission.  Use fees may apply.
  • Researchers must track photographs taken using the form provided. Researchers are encouraged to take photographs of boxes and folders (or title pages or covers for Rare Books) prior to taking photographs of the contents or ensuring that source information is captured with the photographs of the content.

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