Helen D. Nienhueser papers

Guide to the Helen D. Nienhueser papers

Collection number: HMC-1476.
Creator: Nienhueser, Helen.
Title: Helen D. Nienhueser papers.
Dates: 1960-2023.
Volume of collection: 20.5 cubic feet and 163 MB.
Language of materials: Collection materials are primarily in English. Limited materials are in Russian.
Collection summary: Papers of a land use planner, political activist, and author of 55 Ways to the Wilderness in Southcentral Alaska.

Biographical note:
Helen Nienhueser was born Helen Louise Donaldson in 1936. After graduating from Pembroke College (now part of Brown University) in 1957, Nienhueser visited Alaska for a summer job with the Farthest North Girl Scout Council in Fairbanks. She befriended Celia Hunter and Ginny Wood at Camp Denali, who inspired her later conservation work. Nienhueser moved to Alaska in 1959. She homesteaded in Eagle River Valley and worked for the Susitna Girl Scout Council until the early 1960s. She took a number of classes at the Anchorage Community College/University of Alaska Anchorage from 1959 to 1975, and she earned her Master of Public Administration from the Harvard University John F. Kennedy School of Government in 1985. Nienhueser married John G. R. Wolfe in 1957 and had two sons with him, John and David. She married Gayle Nienhueser in 1967.

In 1970, Nienhueser established the Alliance for Humane Abortions and led a petition effort in support of a law legalizing abortion in Alaska. She continued her activism by aiding in the creation and serving as a board member of the Alaska Center for the Environment in 1971. She went on to serve on the Municipality of Anchorage’s Parks and Recreation Commission and the Joint Federal-State Land Use Planning Commission Advisory Committee (early 1970s) and the Bureau of Land Management Land Use Planning Commission (1976-1979). She chaired the Governor’s Trails and Recreational Access for Alaska board (1996-2003). Nienhueser imagined a park in Midtown Anchorage and co-led the development of the Cuddy Family Midtown Park for 20 years. She also assisted with the Coastal Trail, the Chester Creek Greenbelt and Chester Creek Trail, and Chugach State Park in Anchorage. She founded the Alaska Women’s Network and served on the boards of Alaska Common Ground, Ecological Economics for Alaska, and Anchorage Unitarian Universalist Fellowship. Furthermore, Nienhueser served on the board of the Alaska Conservation Foundation for many years, including a stint as president. She testified at many public meetings regarding transportation, trail access, and land development around Alaska.

Apart from her personal activism, Nienhueser worked for the Alaska Department of Natural Resources from 1976-1994 as DNR’s first land use planner. She was an active member of the Sierra Club and the Mountaineering Club of Alaska. Nienhueser contributed to an MCA booklet titled 30 Hikes in Alaska published in 1967. The Mountaineers Inc. and the Alaska Conservation Society then offered to underwrite a book tentatively called 100 Wilderness Routes in Alaska. Ginny Wood recruited Nienhueser to lead the research and writing of the Anchorage-Matanuska portion of the guidebook. As a result of this work, Nienhueser ultimately published the first edition of 55 Ways to the Wilderness in Southcentral Alaska in 1972 with co-author and photographer Nancy Simmerman and 30 Hikes cartographer Hans van der Laan. With Simmerman and later her son John as co-authors, Nienhueser revised the book regularly for 50 years. She turned over authorship of 55 Ways to John and his daughter in 2022.

Collection description:
This collection contains Helen D. Nienhueser’s papers relating to her education and writing, her advocacy, and her professional work. The collection is divided into nine series: personal papers, Alaska abortion law papers, Department of Natural Resources files, 55 Ways papers, Alaska Conservation Foundation Board records, Trails and Recreational Access for Alaska records, Midtown Park papers, advocacy papers, and Alaska Common Ground and Ecological Economics of Alaska papers. Nienhueser’s advocacy for parks, recreation, global affairs, politics, conservation, transportation and roads, and television programming are particularly well-represented. There are also papers from Nienhueser’s time with the Alaska Center for the Environment and her work on D-2 lands, the Chester Creek Greenbelt, and the Talkeetna Mountains State Park. There are many types of materials, including meeting minutes and agendas, reports, notes, correspondence, handouts, job evaluations, resumes, writing drafts on paper and on floppy disks, maps, land use plans, testimonies, pins for volunteers at the Midtown Park, and promotional materials for Nienhueser’s various causes. Materials relating to the writing and publishing of 55 Ways to the Wilderness in Southcentral Alaska include photographs, negatives, hike journals, correspondence, maps, and drafts and revisions.

Arrangement: The collection has been arranged into the following nine series: personal papers, Alaska abortion law papers, Department of Natural Resources files, 55 Ways to the Wilderness in Southcentral Alaska papers, Alaska Conservation Foundation records, Trails and Recreational Access for Alaska records, Midtown Park papers, advocacy papers, and Alaska Common Ground and Ecological Economics of Alaska papers.

Series 1: Personal papers, 1960-2023
Series 2: Alaska abortion law papers, 1969-2003, bulk 1970-1972
Series 3: Department of Natural Resources files, 1969-1997
Series 4: 55 Ways to the Wilderness in Southcentral Alaska papers, 1960-2012
Series 5: Alaska Conservation Foundation Board records, 1975-2012
Series 6: Trails and Recreational Access for Alaska records, 1995-2004, 2020
Series 7: Midtown Park papers, 1992-2020
Series 8: Advocacy papers, 1968-2017
Series 9: Alaska Common Ground and Ecological Economics papers; 1990-2020

Digitized copies: This collection has not been digitized. For information about obtaining digital copies, please contact Archives and Special Collections.

Technical requirements: Files from the floppy disks were created in Word Perfect or other early word processors. To view these files as they were intended, these software may be required.

Digital materials: The digital contents of this collection are not available online. Access may only be provided on-site in the Archives research room. For more information about potential distance access to digital records, please contact Archives and Special Collections.

Rights note: The Archives holds copyright to most materials created by Helen D. Nienhueser. The Archives hold copyright to items created by Nancy Simmerman. Nienhueser’s family retains copyright to materials relating to the publication 55 Ways to the Wilderness in Southcentral Alaska, including drafts.

Preferred citation: Helen D. Nienhueser papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.

Works used in preparation of inventory:

“Helen Donaldson is a Future Bride.” New York Times. December 29, 1957.

“Alumnae: Helen Nienhueser.” Alaska Women’s Hall of Fame. Accessed December 16, 2024. https://www.alaskawomenshalloffame.org/alumnae/helen-nienhueser/

Separated materials: Publications and clippings have been removed from the collection. Ephemera items have been separated to collections EPH-0006, EPH-0314, EPH-0402, EPH-0585, EPH-0586, EPH-0587, EPH-0588, EPH-0589, EPH-0590, EPH-0591, EPH-0592, EPH-0593, EPH-0594, EPH-0595, and EPH-0596. Two books were separated to Rare Books. Please contact the Archives for a bibliography of removed materials.

Related materials: For additional materials related to environmental issues and outdoor recreation in Alaska, please visit our Greenspace collections topic guide. For additional materials on women’s issues, please visit our Women’s organizations and women’s issues topic guide.

Acquisition note: Helen Nienhueser’s son, John Wolfe, Jr., gifted this collection to the Archives in 2024.

Processing information: This collection was described by Becky Butler Gallegos in 2024. Select items have been placed in folders, refoldered, or removed from binders. Where folders or envelopes were removed, these items were photocopied and the photocopy was placed with the contents in a folder. Overfilled folders were divided into multiple folders. Rusty staples, paper clips, and binder clips were removed. Publication covers were photocopied and placed with accompanying material in folders or removed and added to a bibliography. Photographs and negatives were housed in archival sleeves. Thermal paper was photocopied; copies were interleaved into the collection and digital copies saved to the server. Items containing sensitive financial information or ID numbers were photocopied and replaced with redacted copies. Duplicate materials were removed. Folder labels are by the creator unless none is given.

Container list:

Series 1: Personal papers, 1960-2023. 0.5 cubic feet and 500 KB. This series contains Nienhueser’s educational papers, copies of articles by or about her, writing drafts, resumes and job applications, personal notes, and Girl Scout Togowoods Camp records. Folders are arranged chronologically.

Box/Folder Folder label Description Dates
1/1 Girl Scout Togowoods Camp schedule, instructions, stories, and notes 1961-1962
1/2 Misc. Newspaper and Magazine Articles Articles, clippings, the wedding invitation for Art Davidson and Mairiis Kilcher, and the wedding script of Anthony Kronman and Sally Donaldson 1960-1974
1/3 Experiment The Experiment in International Living applications, correspondence, notes, and photographs 1965-1967
1/4 Things by me or about me Correspondence, notes, and articles by or about Helen Nienhueser 1969-1975
1/5 Notebook on parenting [possibly from a human relations course] 1972
1/6 Notebook from an economics and public policy course 1973
1/7 Originals of work done Articles and testimonies by or about Helen Nienhueser 1974-1976
1/8 H + Gayle – job applications Correspondence, notes, resumes, and test results about Helen and Gayle’s job applications 1975
1/9 Draft resumes, notes Notes on job search and draft resumes and cover letters circa 1975-1978
1/10 Notes, job description, and publications about a community school planner position circa 1975
1/11 Helen resumes/job apps unsorted Resumes and job applications undated, 1976
1/12 Steve Notes and correspondence about Nienhueser’s professional relationship with Stephen Reeve 1978-1979
1/13 Job application correspondence 1979-1987
1/14 Helen’s resumes (sorted) Resumes circa 1979-1981
1/15 Energy policy essays from Public Administration class 1981 October-December
1/16 IBM diskette with resume circa 1983
1/17 Resumes undated
1/18 Kennedy app Application materials to the Harvard University John F. Kennedy School of Government Mid-Career MPS Program 1980-1984
1/19 Memos and application materials to the Harvard University John F. Kennedy School of Government Mid-Career MPS Program 1984
1/20 Notes and essays from leadership class on leadership style and issues at DNR 1984
1/21 “My Past and Future Relationship with the Anchorage Times” 1985 April 8
1/22 John F. Kennedy School of Government Career Planning Guide circa 1985
1/23 Notes on work [?] undated
1/24 Essay on Cuba’s economic system written for a Comparative Economic Systems class 1990 April 26
1/25 Land Reform Economic Development LA + Asia Essays and literature reviews for Political Science and Pacific Rim Studies classes at Alaska Pacific University 1990-1991
1/26 Random Tidbits Personal notes and correspondence about international affairs and Sierra Club meeting minutes 1991-1995
1/27 Resume/letters/DOI job Job application for special assistant to the Secretary for Alaska in the Department of Interior 1993
1/28 Frontier Consulting Services Draft resumes and Frontier Consulting Services labels circa 1993
1/29 Most accurate of 10/95 / actually as of 1994 Resumes circa 1994-1995
1/30 “What I Want in My Marriage” 2009 September 13
1/31 Anchorage United Unitarian Fellowship mission and vision 2013 July 9
1/32 KSG book – Helen’s article 1/6/2023 Final Correspondence and “Global Policy Imperatives, Local Solutions” article drafts for Harvard Kennedy School of Government book 2020-2023

Series 2: Alaska abortion law papers, 1969-2003, bulk 1970-1972. 0.5 cubic feet. This series contains Nienhueser’s papers from when she founded the Alliance for Humane Abortions to campaign for abortion law reform. It includes petitions, campaign materials and instructions, contact lists, correspondence, score sheets of politicians’ opinion, copies of bills, speeches, articles, and notes. Folders are arranged in the order they arrived at the Archives.

Box/Folder Folder label Description Dates
1/33 Petition to support abortion law – Seward 1970 March 9
1/34 Dittos – unused Blank petition and letter-writing campaign materials circa 1970
1/35 Clippings about Alaskan abortion law 1970
1/36 Letters to the editor re Abortion Clippings, reports, and notes about abortion law 1969-1973
1/37 Speeches – (legal summary) Speeches, draft letters to the editors, and notes by Nienhueser circa 1970
1/38 Talk on abortion Alliance for Humane Abortions notes, correspondence, call campaign instructions, speeches, bills, and Jesse Lee Home’s concern for abortion legislation [annotated] 1970-1972
1/39 Abortion – correspondence Alliance for Humane Abortions contact lists and correspondence about abortions 1970
1/40 Clippings on abortion Clippings about abortion 1970
1/41 Extra material Description of the formation of the Alliance for Humane Abortions, correspondence, and copies of state bills 1970, 2000-2003
1/42 Abortion Notes and letters to the editor about abortion 1970
1/43 HB268 (abortion) Correspondence, clippings, and articles about abortion and Alaska House Bill 268 1970-1974, 1991
1/44 PAC Notes and meeting minutes from the Family Planning Policy Advisory Committee 1972-1973
1/45 Abortion Notes, correspondence, and reports about Alaskan doctors performing abortions 1971-1972
1/46 Hawaii and Alaska bills House Bill No. 776 in the Legislature in the State of Alaska Sixth Legislature – Second Session 1970
1/47 Alliance for Humane Abortions contact list 1970
1/48 Abortion organizations Articles and notes about organizations discussing abortion 1970
1/49 Instructions for and Info from Telephoners Call campaign notes and instructions circa 1970
1/50 Contacts outside Anchorage Notes and correspondence about people outside of Anchorage circa 1970
1/51 Abortion – materials prepared Alliance for Humane Abortions publications and flyers circa 1970
1/52 1972 Candidate Survey Correspondence from the Knights of Columbus against abortion and the Alliance for Humane Abortions’ surveys of legislative candidates 1972
1/53 Score sheets Score sheets on Alaska State legislators’ opinions on abortion 1970
1/54 Samples Abortion Blank petitions, fact sheets, and form letters from the Alliance for Humane Abortions 1970
1/55 Letters Letter to members of the Alliance for Humane Abortions 1970 March 16
1/56 Survey of Legislators 1970 (abortion – population) Correspondence, surveys, and score sheets about state legislators’ opinions on abortion 1970
1/57 Abortion – H Notes Notes, contact lists, and correspondence about the campaign for abortion 1969
1/58 List 1 Contact lists circa 1970
1/59 List 2 Signed petitions in support of abortion and contact lists circa 1970

Series 3: Department of Natural Resources papers, 1969-1997. 6.5 cubic feet. This series contains Nienhueser’s work files from her various land use planning roles with the Department of Natural Resources. Her work on land disposals and management plans is particularly well-represented. The series includes correspondence and memos, land appraisals meeting minutes, notes, land management plans, maps, articles, and job administration records. Folders are arranged in the order they arrived at the Archives and appear to reflect Nienhueser’s filing system.

Box/Folder Folder label Description Dates
2/1 ASPA Symposium Speech draft, notes, articles, and schedule for American Society of Public Administration Symposium 1976
2/2 Area Plans Memos and notes about the creation of DNR land use area plans 1982-1986
2/3 BLM Organic Act Reports, annotated copies of bills, and draft DNR responses to the BLM Organic Act 1975-1976
2/4 AG’s Correspondence and memos from Alaska’s Office of the Attorney General 1985-1989
2/5 APA Conference Memorandum the American Planning Association conference 1980 November 6
2/6 Appraisals Memos, clippings, reports, and correspondence regarding land appraisals 1987
2/7 Classifications Land classification reports, notes, and memos 1981-1991
2/8 Computer Data Base III+ Notes and memos on DOS and how to create reports from a database 1985-1990
2/9 Cook Inlet Land Trade Reports, memos, testimonies, and correspondence about a land trade between CIRI and the state and federal governments 1975-1977
2/10 4.11 Criteria Land criteria reports for the Bristol Bay Cooperative Management Plan 1982
2/11 Criteria Path Materials from and memos about an Oregon State University course on using critical path methods in project management and a clipping about the PERT method 1983, 1989
2/12 Cross-Cultural Training Articles, reports, and correspondence about a cross-cultural workshop hosted by the Alaska Native Foundation 1988-1990
2/13 Dept. Orders Department order memos to DNR employees from the DNR commissioner 1981-1983
2/14 Disposal alternatives Memos, copies of bills, and correspondence regarding state land disposal options 1976
2/15 DOT Planning Reports, notes, and correspondence about Department of Transportation planning 1977-1978
2/16 Documentation Memos, reports, notes, and correspondence about grievances with DNR staff 1991-1993
2/17 Easements, RS 2477s, ROWs Correspondence and brochures on public easements and rights of way 1979, 1984, 1989
2/18 Economics Cost-benefit economic analysis research file 1982-1993
2/19 Evaluations/Personnel et al Nienhueser’s job evaluations and articles and notes on developing performance evaluations undated, 1980-1994
2/20 Filing Area plan filing schemes 1981-1987
2/21 Haines IDT Haines-Skagway Area Land Use Plan Interdisciplinary Team correspondence, reports, and notes 1979
2/22 Hatcher Pass work files 1989 Hatcher Pass Management Plan amendment to allow ski area meeting agendas, notes, memos, and reports 1987-1993
2/23 H. Pass Visual Analysis Notes and reports from visual analyses of Hatcher Pass circa 1985-1986
2/24 Indexing Correspondence, memos, and instructions to creates indexes 1989-1990
2/25 Interview Forms Interview questions and job descriptions for various positions undated, 1988
2/26 Issues (Examples) Copper River Basin Area Plan issues with land use 1985-1986
2/27 Japanese: doing business with Notes and reference materials on working with Japanese people circa 1984-1988
2/28 Land and Resources Correspondence, memos, and reports with the Land and Resources section of DNR 1983-1993
2/29 Management Notes and annotated articles on management circa 1978-1990
2/30 Management Plans Notes, memos, correspondence, and reports on alternative land use management plans 1982, 1985-1988
2/31 Mgmt planning – general Notes, articles, and memos regarding land management planning 1974, 1980-1987
2/32 Mgmt Plan Workshop Schedule, notes, and reference material passed out at a land management plan workshop 1981
2/33 Management Plans / Documentation of Mgmt Plans Reports and notes to document planning process of land management plans 1985-1986
2/34 Meetings Article on effective meetings 1990 February
2/35 Memoirs Correspondence and memos regarding Nienhueser’s hiring and accusations to improper hiring/policies within DNR 1975-1979
2/36 Mining Law of 1872 Articles and notes on the Mining Law of 1872 circa 1990
2/37 Mitigation Notes and memos regarding Alaska’s Mitigation Policy 1989
2/38 Monthly Reports Nienhueser and Dick Mylius’ monthly reports to supervisors 1990-1992
2/39 ORVs – ADL Correspondence, memos, and reports from a Surface Protection Seminar hosted by the BLM 1975-1975
2/40 ORV’s Correspondence and notes on off-road vehicle regulations 1972-1979
3/1 Planning General Correspondence and notes about DNR Land Use Planning 1992
3/2 USFS Planning “Protecting Trails in the National Forest Planning Process” and “Leadership and Problem Solving in Changing Times” articles 1986-1987
3/3 Planning Handbook – RAs Notes, memos, reports, and procedures for DNR Land Use Planning 1985-1992
3/4 Planning, centralized Annotated copy of a paper on planning studies undated
3/5 Planning Dept Order Two copies of the DOI Planning Department Order 1985 July 22
3/6 Plan Modifications Memos, notes, and drafts of land use area plan amendment procedures 1982-1989
3/7 Planning Powers – AK Communities Planning Powers for Alaska Communities poster
3/8 Planning: site (park) planning, recreation “, strategic “ Articles on park and recreation space planning circa 1985-1989
3/9 Planning – Canada Canadian land planning process articles 1982, 1993
3/10 Planning – Water Memorandum and notes on water planning 1979-1980
3/11 Planning: Implementation Correspondence, reports, and notes on implementing area plans 1982-1988
3/12 Plans – Statewide Twenty Year Budget Memos and reports about statewide planning for land use circa 1981
3/13 Potlatch Ponds Memorandum and court decision on the 1980 Potlatch Ponds lottery 1981
3/14 Powerlines Annotated Criteria for Reviewing Powerline Right-of-Way document circa 1980
3/15 Press Articles and notes on interacting with the media 1986-1993
3/16 Public Participation / Citizen participation / Delbecq method Articles, outlines, memos, and notes on engaging citizens in the land planning process 1976-1985
3/17 Planning History Articles, memos, correspondence, and notes about the history of interdepartmental coordination in planning 1976-1989
3/18 Public Participation Articles, notes, and reports on, materials from, and evaluations of public meetings, Part I 1968-1991
3/19 Public Participation Articles, notes, and reports on, materials from, and evaluations of public meetings, Part II 1979-1986
3/20 Public Trust Articles and memorandum about public trust doctrine undated, 1988, 1993
3/21 Recreation Mgmt Articles, notes, and memos about recreation management 1983, 1990-1991
3/22 Reading File Memos 1983-1984
3/23 Reorganization Memos and notes about the reorganization of the Division of Land and Water Management 1985
3/24 Remote Cabins Reports, notes, memos, correspondence, and draft regulations of remote cabin use 1976-1988
3/25 Reserve System Notes, reports, memos, and drafts of regulations about the state reserve system 1978, 1983-1984
3/26 Right-of-way/Easement Court decisions, memos, and reports of rights-of-way 1964-1978, 1990-1993
3/27 RRAPs – Goals + Obj Memos and reports from the Alaska Regional Resources Action Planning program 1979-1980
3/28 Site Specific Plans Draft reports and memos about site specific plans 1989-1991
3/29 Slope Notes on calculating slope undated
3/30 Special Use Lands Draft reports, memos, and regulations about designating special use lands 1970- 1991
3/31 Statewide Plan Notes, memos, and reports about the Statewide Plan 1981-1982
3/32 Status Plat Key Abbreviation lists for state land status records undated, 1987
3/33 Stress – mgmt of Articles and assessments about stress management undated, 1977, 1989
3/34 Submerged Lands Annotated article “Submerged Lands in Alaska” 1990
3/35 Talkeetna Mtns State Park Reports, map, and survey about the proposed Talkeetna Mountains State Park circa 1976
3/36 Time mgmt/sheets Memorandum about time sheets and time management article undated, 1987
3/37 Surveying issues Notes and article on surveying issues undated
3/38 Vegetation Classification System Vegetation Classification System key undated
3/39 Visual analysis Memorandum about a visual resource assessment tool undated
3/40 Wetlands Notes and memos about wetlands management 1981-1982
3/41 Wilderness Annotated copy of the Wilderness Act undated
3/42 Willow Subbasin Plan Comments Memos and comments about the Willow Subbasin Land Use Plan 1981
3/43 Women + Work Articles on women in the workplace undated, 1991
3/44 SCRO Work Program Work program drafts, schedules, memos, and reports 1982-1989
3/45 Writing Notes and articles on technical writing 1989-1991
3/46 Zoning in the Unorganized Borough Draft report “Zoning in the Unorganized Borough” undated
3/47 Papers and memos about land disposal 1982-1990
3/48 Disposals Memos and notes about land disposal 1980-1981
3/49 Disposals – Gain Reports, memos, and notes about land disposal 1982-1983
3/50 Area Plans + Settlement Memos and reports about settlement on lands 1976-1983
4/1 Disposals + Planning (Statewide + Area) Notes, correspondence, policy drafts, and memos about land disposal 1981-1982
4/2 Land Disposal Notes, correspondence, and policy drafts about land disposal 1982
4/3 Land Disposal – Subdivision Design DNR Planning Phase – Pre Contract procedure documents 1981-1982
4/4 Land Disposals Memorandum and “FY83 State Land Market Assessment” 1983
4/5 Land Disposals “Interim Report on Analysis of Alaska State Land Disposal Program” [annotated] 1983
4/6 Land Disposals Notes and statewide settlement policy paper 1983
4/7 Land Disposals Memos and land disposal policy documents 1981-1983
4/8 Land Disposals Memorandum and revised “FY83 State Land Market Assessment” [annotated] 1983
4/9 Land Disposals Memorandum and “Statewide Natural Resources Plan Policy Recommendations FY84 Settlement” 1983
4/10 Land Disposals Memos and land disposal policy documents 1983
4/11 Land Disposals Media release about “Land for Alaskans: Proposed Policies to Guide State Land Offerings and Disposals” 1983
4/12 Land Disposals Article and notes about Mike Berine’s position on state land disposals 1985-1986
4/13 Cooperative Planning, Planning categories, USFS, etc / Co-op Planning Jt BLM/ADL Study Reg Pl categories Notes, policy drafts, memos, and correspondence about creating compatible federal and state land planning systems 1977-1980
4/14 Cooperative Planning, Planning categories, USFS, etc / USFS/Peter’s contract Correspondence, cooperative agreement between USFS and DNR, and forest planning laws undated, 1979
4/15 Cooperative Planning, Planning categories, USFS, etc  / USFS Memos, notes, and policy drafts about cooperative agreements between USFS and DNR 1977-1978
4/16 Cooperative Planning, Planning categories, USFS, etc Notes about a community profile report undated
4/17 Cooperative Planning, Planning categories, USFS, etc / NANA Regional Strategies Correspondence, notes, reports, and memos about land planning in the NANA Regional Corporation region 1978-1979
4/18 Cooperative Planning, Planning categories, USFS, etc / Task Force Flood Plains Memos, reports, and meeting minutes from the Alaska Land Managers’ Cooperative Task Force Floodplain Management Subcommittee 1978-1979
4/19 Cooperative Planning, Planning categories, USFS, etc Memorandum about the report “Intergovernmental Planning Program for OCS Oil and Gas Leasing, Transportation and Related Facilities” 1979
4/20 Cooperative Planning, Planning categories, USFS, etc / Cooperative Planning Draft report “Developing Compatible Federal and State Land Planning Systems” 1977 October
4/21 1994 Transition DNR Gov. Elect Knowles Process Notes, draft reports, and policy review documents for Governor Tony Knowles Transition Team, Part I circa 1994
4/22 1994 Transition DNR Gov. Elect Knowles Process Notes, draft reports, and policy review documents for Governor Tony Knowles Transition Team, Part II circa 1994
4/23 Alaska Public Interest Research Group conference materials 1982-1983
4/24 “Title VII – General Administrative Provisions. Secretary Andrus’ Statement on Subsistence” undated
4/25 Bleiker Public Involvement Training materials 1991
4/26 “The Development of Planning in Alaska” by Tony Gasbarro circa 1973-1976
4/27 Memos and reports on land planning trainings 1977, 1983
4/28 Structure/Organization / Talkeetna State Lands Outlines and reports of state land management presentations 1994, 1999-2000
4/29 Alaska’s Resources Alaska’s Future 1987 Arctic Science Conference Notes on state land use circa 1987
4/30 State of Alaska Division of Personnel training and experience scores for Nienhueser 1976-1977, 1995-1997
4/31 Alaska Division of Emergency Services invitation to apply 1994 May 26
4/32 State land management bill and letter about bill 1987
4/33 “Assessment of Market Demand for State Land” [annotated] circa 1981
4/34 Job: Higher Pay issue Correspondence and memos about Nienhueser’s pay as acting chief 1976-1978
4/35 Regional Planning Course U of Wisc Notebook from a regional planning course undated
4/36 Articles on forest management undated
4/37 U of Wisc Regional Planning Course Notebook from a regional planning course undated
4/38 Management by Objectives Workshop Anchorage, Alaska January 25-27, 1977 Notes and memos from a “Management by Objectives” workshop 1977 January
5/1 Introduction to Regional Planning Final Exam March 19, 1976 A Essay responses to a final exam from an Introduction to Regional Planning class 1976 March 19
5/2 University of Wisconsin Extension Wisconsin and Walworth County land planning materials circa 1976
5/3 Misc memos Memos about land classification 1976-1977
5/4 Notes, schedule, and draft environmental policies from the Alaska State Land Use Symposium 1988
5/5 Policy, Procedures, Memos of understanding Memos and agreements about land classification and management policies and procedures 1976-1977
5/6 DNR Planning Memorandum about Planning Section activities 1976 June 7
5/7 Memorandum and summary of “Putting the Public Trust to Work” [annotated] 1991
5/8 “Third Northern Regions Conference: Cooperation in a Changing World Information Packet” [materials in Russian] 1990
5/9 American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers course materials 1987
5/10 “How to Manage Multiple Priorities” workbook [annotated] 1989
5/11 “How to Manage Conflict & Maintain Emotional Control” workbook and notes circa 1993
5/12 Crab photographs undated
5/13 Letter from State of Alaska about appointment of director 1979 December 19
5/14 Correspondence, extra resumes / Submitted apps for Principal Planner, Senior Planner, Land Management Officer I, Land Management Officer II Correspondence and job applications for planner positions 1975
5/15 Resume originals Resumes, job applications, and correspondence about jobs 1975-1976
5/16 Environmental Center Job application and correspondence about a statewide volunteer coordinator position 1975
5/17 Service contract between DNR and Nienhueser 1976
5/18 Letter from Frank A. Tupper to Harold Sparck about a planning position 1975 December 15
5/19 “1990’s Land Selection Project. Final State of Alaska Land Selections from Federal Lands. Final Report Draft” 1996 July
5/20 Job: Position Reclassification & Transfer 80-81-82-83 Notes, correspondence, and memos about the reclassification of Nienhueser’s DNR position 1980-1984
5/21 Planners Retreat – Policy Notes, correspondence, readings, and draft materials for planning retreat circa 1991
5/22 Campbell Tract/Bragaw: history I was a part of Memos, correspondence, and notes about the Campbell Tract and Bragaw extension 1976-1977
5/23 State Land Policy Act: history I was a part of Notes about and drafts of the Alaska Land Policy Act circa 1978
5/24 Job + DRD’s Policy Section Notes and correspondence about DNR job administration 1977-1982
5/25 Job info Notes, memos, and correspondence about DNR job administration 1976-1980
5/26 Job – Misc Notes, memos, and correspondence about DNR job administration 1981-1984
5/27 Job PA’s Personnel actions, salary schedules, and job administration notes 1981-1986
5/28 Job – Forestry transfer proposal Notes and memos about a potential transfer to the Division of Forestry 1981
5/29 Minutes, Agendas Frontier Thinking Memos, summaries, minutes, and agendas about the Frontier Thinking Conference 1990-1992
5/30 State of Alaska job applications 1975-1982, 1990-1996
5/31 Resume writing instructions and notes circa 1985
5/32 Job applications 83 or earlier Job applications and notes 1980-1983
5/33 Job evaluations Job evaluations, personnel actions, and notes 1980-1991
5/34 1301.1 Nienhueser, Helen 82 + before Job applications, personnel actions, and resume 1978-1982
5/35 H DNR person[n]el file 84 + earlier Notes, correspondence, memos, performance evaluations and training and experience results 1978-1984
5/36 Memorandum from Ron Swanson to Glenn Olds about Nienhueser’s work conditions 1992 December 8
5/37 Notes, memos, and personnel actions from DNR job administration 1976-1978
5/38 Notes on personnel and Regional Resource Planning position circa 1976-1978
5/39 Federal jobs, etc. Notes on job responsibilities 1977-1980
5/40 Letter to Claire Pease expressing Nienhueser’s interest in the Parks and Recreation Commission 1982 March 1
5/41 Notes, reports, and correspondence on state land selections 1992-1996
5/42 Letter from Governor Tony Knowles to Nienhueser thanking her for participation on the Natural Resources Policy Transition Team 1995 January 17
5/43 Negotiation, et al Notes, memos, reports, and training materials about negotiation 1984-1990
5/44 General Selection Project Notebook Reports and memos about the 1990s State Land Selections Project 1992-1996
5/45 Correspondence about state land disposals 1982
5/46 Disposals – RRAP Settlement Element Reports, notes, and memos about settlement element of land disposals 1979-1980
5/47 Disposals – Legislation State bills and legislative correspondence about land disposals 1979-1980
6/1 Disposals – LADS Report about Land Availability Determination System (LADS) 1979
6/2 Disposals – LUPC Reports from the Federal-State Land Use Planning Commission (LUPC) 1977
6/3 Disposals – LWV, ACE, FEC Articles, reports, and correspondence about the League of Women Voters, the Alaska Center for the Environment, and Fairbanks Environmental Center’s responses to the land disposals 1979-1980
6/4 Disposals – Misc Memos, notes, and reports about the State Land Disposal Program 1978-1982
6/5 Disposals – DNR Memos, reports, agenda, and draft policies from the DNR Land Disposal Program 1976-1980
6/6 Disposals – GEE Reports and correspondence by George E. Gee, a consultant working on state land disposals 1979-1981
6/7 Reading file, 83 DNR memos and notes 1982-1984
6/8 DNR notebook and work log 1980-1984
6/9 Job/grievance Notes, correspondence with the Alaska Public Employees Union, and grievance forms about Nienhueser’s pay as acting chief 1978-1979
6/10 Reading file (H) 1981 DNR memos and notes 1981-1982
6/11 Notes on budget tracking undated
6/12 BLM Correspondence and notes about the Bureau of Land Management Alaska State Multiple-Use Advisory Board 1975
6/13 Draft review of Bureau of Sport Fish and Wildlife proposal [annotated] 1974 May
6/14 Testimony on the State’s D-2 proposal 1975 December 17
6/15 Workshops Correspondence about and materials from environmental workshops and conferences 1974-1975
6/16 Correspondence/TMSP Correspondence and reports about the formation of Talkeetna Mountains State Park 1975
6/17 People interested in Talkeetna Mtns State Park Contact lists of people interested in Talkeetna Mountains State Park undated
6/18 TMSP Testimony – article Notes and speech outlines about the Talkeetna Mountains State Park 1975
6/19 Various HP + TMSP bills Notes and draft bills about Hatcher Pass and Talkeetna Mountains State Park 1975
6/20 Talkeetna Mtns State Park Descriptions of Proposal Correspondence about and descriptions of proposals for Hatcher Pass and Talkeetna Mountains State Park 1975
6/21 Other park bills Bills relating to state parks 1975
6/22 “Alaska State Park System, 1970-1976” [annotated] 1969
6/23 Notes on state parks and bills to create parks undated
6/24 Input from various people TMSP/draft proposal/samples to keep Notes and maps about the creation of the Talkeetna Mountains State Park 1975
6/25 Correspondence about the creation of the Talkeetna Mountains State Park 1975-1976
6/26 Note from Alice to Helen Nienhueser congratulating her for her departure from DNR circa 1994
6/27 “Hatcher Pass Management Plan Comments from Public Meetings Sorted by Resource, Topic and Origin” [annotated] 1986
6/28 Drafts of essay “Determining Demand for State Land” 1982 April
6/29 “Promised Land:” A History of Alaska’s Selection of its Congressional Land Grants [annotated] 1987 May
6/30 Draft report on trip to Togiak 1988 September
6/31 Matanuska Valley Moose Range Management Plan [annotated] 1986 October
6/32 Notes and correspondence about the Fish Creek Management Plan 1983-1984
6/33 Hatcher Pass Management Plan: Final [annotated] 1986 October
6/34 Hatcher Pass Management Plan Public Review Draft notes, maps, and correspondence 2010
6/35 Public Land Laws of Alaska [annotated] circa 1983, 1992
6/36 Susitna Area Plan [annotated] 1985
OSF1 Planning Powers for Alaska Communities poster
OSF1 “Effect of 1976 BLM Organic Act on Section Line Rights of Way Under the R.S. Section 2477 Highway Grant” 1977
OSF1 Hand drawn map of state lands in Kotzebue area undated
OSF2 State land selection issues worksheets undated
OSF2 Talkeetna quadrangle maps [annotated] undated
OSF2 Two DNR Land Disposal brochures [annotated] 1980
OSF3 “Bristol Bay Area Plan Settlement Element Map G.1” [annotated] 1984 May
OSF3 “Bristol Bay Area Plan Settlement Element Map I.1” [annotated] 1984 May

Series 4: 55 Ways to the Wilderness in Southcentral Alaska papers, 1960-2012. 3.5 cubic feet. This series contains Nienhueser’s papers relating to the writing and publishing of 55 Ways. There is correspondence, photographs and negatives of hikes, hike journals, drafts and revisions of the book, maps, articles and brochures about hikes, proofs, and Hans van der Laan’s papers from his work on the book. Folders are arranged in the order they arrived at the Archives and appear to reflect Nienhueser’s filing system.

Box/Folder Folder label Description Dates
7/1 Hans / Highway Eagle Lake Indian Knoya-Tokishla Squaw Maps of Southcentral Alaska, likely from 30 Hikes in Alaska by Hans van der Laan circa 1967- 1972
7/2 1st Drafts and Notes 1-14 Correspondence and notes on history and navigation of Southcentral Alaska hiking trails 1960-1970
7/3 Notebook, packing lists, and article drafts from first ascent of Monarch Peak in Talkeetna Mountains 1969
7/4 Questions and answers about 55 Ways undated
7/5 Draft of 55 Ways [annotated] circa 1971
7/6 MCA Correspondence Correspondence between the Mountaineers in Seattle and Helen Nienhueser and Nancy Simmerman 1969-1970
7/7 1971 Correspondence Correspondence between the Mountaineers in Seattle and Helen Nienhueser and Nancy Simmerman 1971
7/8 55 Ways 1978 revisions (nothing about Rabbit Lakes in this folder) Notes, correspondence, and maps for 1978 revisions circa 1978
7/9 Misc 1975 + earlier re 55 Ways Notes, drafts, and clippings for 1975 and earlier revisions circa 1972-1975
7/10 Set 2 Test for 1st edition Trip lists, notes, and trail reports undated
7/11 Original 55 Ways Foreword (+ comments + Intro) / copies of foreword + introduction Copies of 55 Ways foreword and introduction [annotated], notes, and correspondence 1970-1972
7/12 Copies of early promotional material Copies of early promotional material 1972
7/13 Correspondence with Alaska Magazine 1973 March
7/14 Correspondence with Alaska Magazine 1973 September
7/15 Letter to the Anchorage Times from the Mountaineers about copyright infringement 1975 June 23
7/16 55 Ways reviews 1990, 1994-1995
7/17 1974 questionnaires + responses 55 Ways revision questionnaires and responses 1974
7/18 Description of Rabbit Lake trail circa 1989
7/19 1983 notes for 85 revision Trail notes and description revisions for 1985 edition 1983
7/20 1975 copy of 55 Ways [annotated] circa 1975-1978
7/21 30 Hikes in Alaska [annotated] and note on existence of other 55 Ways revision copies circa 1969-1972, undated
7/22 Master index to peaks featured in Scree [annotated] undated
7/23 1972 copy of 55 Ways marked up for 1975 edition [annotated] circa 1972-1975
7/24 July 1981 revision of 55 Ways [annotated] 1981 July
7/25 Correspondence with MCA and maps marked with legal exhibit stickers 1969, 1991
7/26 1985 copy of 55 Ways [annotated] circa 1988-1989
7/27 12 floppy disks of 55 Ways drafts undated, 2000
7/28 55 Ways hike revision journal 1983-1984, 1989
7/29 55 Ways hike revision journals 1988-2016
7/30 55 Ways budget and time tracker 1970-1972
7/31 6 floppy disks of 55 Ways drafts 1983-1984
7/32 1972 copy of 55 Ways [annotated] circa 1972-1975
8/1 Paper on land use [annotated] circa 1981
8/2 Recommendations for easements in Eklutna area 1974
8/3 Notes and correspondence about 55 Ways revisions 1975-2001
8/4 Misc. 4th edition files Notes and correspondence about 55 Ways revisions 1993
8/5 55 Ways 97 Revisions Notes and correspondence about 55 Ways revisions 1997
8/6 New Trails Notes and articles about trails 1991-2002
8/7 Early notes and correspondence 68-72 Correspondence about the publication of 55 Ways 1970-1971
8/8 Correspondence and notes from revisions 1993/94 (for 4th edition) Notes and correspondence about 55 Ways revisions 1993
8/9 Chugach State Park Notes and articles about Chugach State Park trails 1987-1996
8/10 Fifty-Five Ways – Updates 1995 + earlier Notes, articles, and correspondence about 55 Ways revisions 1985-1995
8/11 55 Ways Correspondence with Nancy + Mountaineers Correspondence between the Mountaineers in Seattle and Helen Nienhueser and Nancy Simmerman 1984-1985
8/12 Future Rev Notes about 55 Ways revisions 1989
8/13 55 Ways 98 revisions Notes, articles, and correspondence about 55 Ways revisions 1995-1998
8/14 Misc – Book Notes, articles, map cross reference, hike description word counts, photo captions, and 30 Hikes in Alaska edits for 55 Ways undated, 1968-1970
8/15 Rabbit Creek access Notes, articles, maps, and correspondence about accessing the Rabbit Lake trail 1969-1983, 1989-1992
8/16 Curry Ridge hike negatives and Nienhueser with granddaughter Becca undated
8/17 Near Point/T’Kishla hike negatives undated
8/18 Five Mile Trail and Liberty Falls Creek hike negatives 1989
8/19 Bodenburg Butte, Table Rock, Thunderbird Falls, and Victor Creek hike photographs and contact sheets undated
8/20 McHugh hike photographs and negatives undated
8/21 Whittier hike negatives undated
8/22 Unlabeled hike negatives undated
8/23 Juneau, Gull Rock, Haines hike negatives undated
8/24 Fortress Ridge hike negatives 1973 July
8/25 1960s letters/intro. The first plan was 100 Hikes in Alaska. This file in from that period when Ginny was to be in charge and Nancy S and I were in charge of SC Correspondence with Ginny Wood and notes about writing 100 Wilderness Routes in Alaska 1967-1968
8/26 History of how 55 Ways came to be: originally 100 Wilderness trips covering the state coordinated by Ginny Wood Correspondence and notes about 100 Wilderness Hikes 1967-1969
8/27 55 Ways Business Correspondence, notes, expenses, reviews, and contracts about the publication of 55 Ways 1972-1973, 1981-2002
8/28 Nancy Simmerman Photos – 55 Ways to the Wilderness in Southcentral Alaska Nancy Simmerman 55 Ways photographs: Rendezvous Peak/Arctic Valley (Helen, Gayle, Johnny, David; Worthington Glacier; Hicks Creek, Chitna Pass; Seward Mail Trail; Falls Creek; McHugh Creek Picnic Site; Rabbit Lake; Indian Creek; Bird Ridge; Crow Pass; Glacier Creek; Winner Creek; Portage Pass; Resurrection Pass; Johnson Pass; Ptarmigan Lake; Lost Lake; Race Point; Tazlina; Seward Harbor; Crescent Lake; Upper Russian Lake; Hidden Creek; Kenai River; Mineral Creek; Alyeska; Bear Valley; Seven Lakes circa 1970-1975, 1993
8/29 52 Dixie Pass Correspondence and notes about 55 Ways revisions 1983-1998
8/30 55 Ways Non-Nancy Photos Reed Lk to Valdez 55 Ways photographs: Worthington Glacier; Nikolai Ridge; Dixie Pass; Squaw Creek; Race Point; Gunsight; Syncline; Hicks Creek; Chitna Pass; Mount Monarch; Peters Hills; Portage Pass; Nancy Lake Canoe System; Craigie Creek; Reed Lakes; Mount Marathon; Snowbird Valley circa 1968-1975, 1989, 1993
8/31 55 Ways Non-Nancy Photos T. Pass to Lazy Mtn. 55 Ways photographs: Lazy Mountain; Pioneer Ridge; Bold Peak Valley; Twin Peaks and Pass; Eklutna; Tazlina; Gunsight; Dew Mound; Thunderbird Falls; Carter Lake; Crescent Lake; Round Top; South Fork Eagle River; Near Point; Tikishla; Knoya; Flattop; Turnagain Arm Trail; Falls Creek; Byron Glacier; Turnagain Pass; Tin Can 1972, 1983, 1989-1993, undated
8/32 55 Ways Non-Nancy Photos Ken. Pen. + T. Arm 55 Ways photographs: Resurrection Pass; Devil Pass; Juneau Lake; Swan Lake; Ptarmigan Lake; Russian Lake; Russian Cascades; Lost Lake; Exit Glacier; Crescent Lake; Thunderbird Falls; Fuller Lakes; Eklutna; Bold Peak Valley; Twin Peaks; Kenai River Trail; Homer Beach; Solomon Lake; Hicks Creek; Chitna Pass; Gulkana River; Gunsight Mountain; Turnagain Arm; Table Rock 1972-1973, 1984-1993
8/33 34 Rendezvous – 55 Ways non-Nancy Photos 55 Ways photographs: Rendezvous Peak; Rabbit Lake undated
8/34 31 Williwaw Lakes – 55 Ways non-Nancy Photos 55 Ways photographs: Williwaw Lakes undated, 1991
8/35 55 Ways Palmer Creek Lakes Non-Nancy Photos 55 Ways photographs: Palmer Creek Lakes; Dixie Pass undated, 1989, 1993
8/36 1 Grewingk – 55 Ways Non-Nancy Photos 55 Ways photographs: Grewingk Glacier 1993
8/37 8 Russian Lakes 55 Ways – Non-Nancy Photos 55 Ways photographs; Russian Lakes undated
8/38 55 Ways Info for 5th printing of 5th edition 07-08 + later Notebook and correspondence about 55 Ways revisions 2007-2008, 2012
8/39 Hans files Notes, correspondence, and maps about 55 Ways from Hans van der Laan 1966-1971
9/1 Notes about 55 Ways revisions circa 2006
9/2 Girdwood (Winner Creek) Portage Whittier 07 + later Notes and articles about trails in Girdwood, Portage, and Whittier area 2007-2011
9/3 Misc (forward etc) 09 + later Notes and articles about trails, risks in backcountry recreation, and 55 Ways revisions 2009–2011
9/4 Notes and articles about trails and 55 Ways revisions 2005-2007
9/5 Notes and articles about trails and 55 Ways revisions 2005
9/6 Kodiak/Mostly 08 + later Chugach State Park Notes and articles about trails and 55 Ways revisions 1990, 2005-2012
9/7 Articles about trails 2009-2010
9/8 Kenai Peninsula mostly 09 + later Notes and articles about trails and 55 Ways revisions 2003, 2008-2009
9/9 Wrangels 08 + later + Valdez Notes and articles about trails and 55 Ways revisions 2000-2001, 2010-2012
9/10 5th ed, 2nd + 3rd printing Revisions Notes and correspondence about 55 Ways revisions 2003-2005
9/11 05 Trail Changes Articles about trails 2005
9/12 Articles about trails and correspondence about book selling 1998, 2002-2006
9/13 5th ed 55 Ways comments on map galley stage 11/01 Galley draft of 55 Ways, 5th edition [annotated] 2001 November
9/14 Correspondence about 55 Ways revisions, galleys, and photo permissions circa 2001-2002
9/15 Correspondence about galleys and page proofs 2001-2002
9/16 Copies of comments on 5 d galleys 11/01 Photocopy of galley draft of 55 Ways, 5th edition [annotated] 2001 November
9/17 Correspondence about 55 Ways revisions, galleys, and photo permissions 2001
9/18 Printout of what we sent Mountaineers in May 2001 55 Ways, 5th edition draft sent to publishers 2001 May
9/19 5th ed map scrap sent back by Mtnrs to aid in proofing maps Nov 01 55 Ways, 5th edition map proofs [annotated] 2001
9/20 55 Ways, 5th edition photo gallery circa 2001
9/21 Notes and reports on Chugach State Park Access 2002
9/22 55 Ways, 5th edition map proofs circa 2001-2002
9/23 Copies of Helen’s maps for 5th edition sent to Mtneers 5/01 Photocopies of 55 Ways, 5th edition map drafts sent to publishers [annotated] 2001 May
9/24 Linda Smith hike photographs: Indian and Wolverine 2000
9/25 55 Ways, 5th edition cover slide options circa 2001-2002
9/26 Notes and correspondence about 55 Ways photography undated, 2000, 1973
9/27 Notes and articles about trails and 55 Ways revisions circa 2001-2002
9/28 Copies of selected pages of 55 Ways ed 5 H+G comments + edits on Uma’s edits 9/18/01 Photocopies of selected pages of 55 Ways, 5th edition draft [annotated] 2001 September
9/29 Notes, articles, and correspondence about trails and 55 Ways revisions circa 2000-2001
9/30 Front/Back / Intro Appendices Area Maps Notes, articles, brochures, and correspondence about trails and 55 Ways revisions 1989-2000
9/31 Summer 1988 Eagle Lk Lost Lk Photographs of hikes to Eagle Lake and Lost Lake and an unknown celebration 1988
9/32 55 Ways photographs: Crescent Lake; Hicks Creek; Caribou Creek; Chitna Pass undated
9/33 Rejects from 55 Ways already locked 55 Ways slides circa 1974-1975
9/34 Photographs of a fox undated
9/35 Lazy Mountain #6 Matanuska Peak from Lazy Mountain Trip 42 55 Ways photographs: Matanuska Peak; Lazy Mountain 1983
9/36 Photographs of hikes: Wolverine Peak; Russian River Cascades; Lower Russian River undated, 2000
9/37 Photographs of bear prints undated
9/38 Photographs of hikes: Skilak Lake; Hidden Creek 1999 May
9/39 Linda’s photos Photographs of hikes: Indian; Russian Lakes circa 2000
9/40 Gull Rock May 2000 55 Ways photographs: Gull Rock 2000 May
9/41 Photographs of hikes: Indian 2000 August
9/42 McHugh Crk Valley Aug 1994 w Judy Reid Photographs of hikes: McHugh Creek Valley 1994 August
9/43 Summer 95 – July – Lost Crk – Trail Crk (Mentasta Mts – Midtown Park – Aug 10 work party. For better photos use 2 ¼ camera faster film tripod if slower than 125 Photographs of Midtown Park work party and hikes: Nugget Creek; Lost Creek; Trail Creek. 1995 July-August
9/44 Photographs of hikes: Turnagain Arm Trail; Bird Ridge; the Perch; Arctic ground squirrels undated
9/45 Bears/McNeill Photographs of bears and McNeil River undated
9/46 Shoup Bay + Valdez Historic Trail (snow) July 2000 Photographs of hikes: Shoup Bay; Valdez 2000 July
9/47 Wrangells Jul 98 Jumbo/Bonanza/Root G. Photographs of hikes: Bonanza Mine; Wrangells; Erie Mine; Root Glacier 1998 July
9/48 Worthington Root Glacier Grewingk July 2000 Photographs of hikes: Worthington Glacier; Root Glacier; Grewingk Glacier 2000 July
9/49 Valdez Historic Trail July 2000 Photographs of hikes: Valdez Historic Trail 2000 July
9/50 Stat (negs) 9/00 Hideout Kenai R Serenity Falls Cabin E Fork Eklutna Portage Lk Williwaw Dry Foot Rout Photographs of hikes: Hideout Trail; Kenai River; Serenity Falls cabin; East Fork Eklutna River; Portage Lake; Williwaw Lakes 2000 September
9/51 Notes and photographs of a fox kit and a hike undated, 1999 May
9/52 9/96 Denali, Twins, ducks + weasel @ K’da Photographs of ducks, a weasel, and hikes: Denali National Park; East and West Twin Peaks 1996 September
9/53 1995-1996 Winner Creek Worthington Keystone Turnagain Arm Wrangels Wildlife @ Denali + K’da bear ptarmigan caribou + weasel Twins (E + W) (Denali from Parks Hiway) / caribou/Denali 7/97 Photographs of wildlife and hikes: Winner Creek; Bird Creek; Worthington Glacier; Keystone Canyon; Turnagain Arm; Wrangells; Denali National Park 1995-1997
9/54 Gayle’s closeups any possibilities? Photographs of plants, insects, and children undated
9/55 1997 Moose caribou @ Denali Moose from McCarthy Rd Kennicott Photographs of moose and caribou in Denali National Park, McCarthy Road, and Kennicott 1997
9/56 Extra Photos 55 Ways photographs: Lost Lake; Grewingk Glacier; Williwaw Lakes; Pioneer Ridge; East Twin Pass; West Twin Peak; Harding Icefield Overlook; the Perch; Eagle River Valley; Bold Peak; Eklutna Lake; Byron Glacier; Solomon Lake; Exit Glacier; Rabbit Lake; Thunderbird Falls; Gulkana River; Resurrection Pass Trail; Juneau Lake cabin; Resurrection River cabin; Lazy Mountain; Old Johnson Trail; Schroff Lake; Dogsled Pass; Ohio Creek undated
9/57 Kodiak Elite Chrome

Ptarmigan – Denali – 9/98

Whittier Ferry – 6/99

Valdez Shoup Bay trail – 6/99

1/01 Ptarmigan Whittier Ferry

Slides of ptarmigan, Whittier ferry, and Valdez Shoup Bay Trail circa 1998-1999
9/58 Notes, articles, correspondence, and maps about 55 Ways revisions, Part I 1999-2001
9/59 Notes, articles, correspondence, and maps about 55 Ways revisions, Part II 1994, 1999-2001
9/60 55 Ways 1994 edition book cover 1994
OSF2 Map of Chugach Park winter trail system [annotated] circa 1978
OSF2 Map of Chugach State Park Existing Boundary [annotated] 1974
OSF2 Map of Chugach State Park Trail Plan: Chapter 4 Recommendations 1985 September
OSF2 Map of Chugach State Park Trail Plan: Hillside Planning Unit 1986 January
OSF2 Alaska Canoe Trails brochure and Chugach State Park topographical map [annotated] undated
OSF2 Exhibit No. 30 Illustrative Map of Rabbit Creek Valley [annotated] undated
OSF2 Map of Hillside Planning Unit Chugach State Park undated
OSF3 Denali State Park pamphlet [annotated] 2003, 2009
OSF3 Matanuska Valley Chamber of Commerce map of Resort & Vacation Area of Alaska undated
OSF3 Map of Valdez undated
OSF3 Girdwood Iditarod Trail map [annotated] circa 1999-2001
OSF3 Keystone Canyon Area Trails map [annotated] 1999

Series 5: Alaska Conservation Foundation Board records, 1975-2012. 2.25 cubic feet. This series contains ACF Board meeting minutes and agendas, financial statements, correspondence, notes, work plans, personnel and donor files, and reports. Folders are arranged roughly chronologically.

Box/Folder Folder label Description Dates
10/1 ACF Board correspondence, meeting minutes and agendas, notes, financial statements, and reports, Part I 1986-1989
10/2 ACF Board correspondence, meeting minutes and agendas, notes, financial statements, and reports, Part II 1983-1996
10/3 Correspondence about trails from David Finkelstein, Sierra Club 1978-1979
10/4 ACF: notes on meeting Celia Hunter circa 2001
10/5 ACF Three-Year Strategic Plan and Work Plan 2003-2006 [some annotated] 2005
10/6 ACF “Donor Cultivation” ACF donor cultivation correspondence, notes, and reports 1988
10/7 Roxbury Capital Management Socially Responsible Research Alaska Conservation Foundation 1996
10/8 Consulting Group Institutional Services Consulting Group Institutional Service financial statements [annotated] 1998
10/9 ACF transition reports [removed from Pierpont folder] 1987-1988
10/10 Pierpont Associates consulting correspondence and report 1988
10/11 Alaska marine conservation file 1993-1994
10/12 ACF Board meeting minutes 1989 September 16-17; 1994 September 24-25
10/13 Denny Wilcher’s financial analysis reports 1987-1988
10/14 Pierpont Associates initial report and correspondence [annotated] 1988
10/15 ACF donor letter 1993 December 1
10/16 Prudent Investment Management Process steps 1-4 undated
10/17 ACF investment committee meeting notes 1994 July 27
10/18 ACF Board meeting minutes and briefs 1980-1983
10/19 ACF annual report 1990 [annotated] 1990
10/20 Pierpont Associates fundraising report and notes [annotated] 1988
10/21 ACF finance and investment committee notes, minutes, reports, and financial statements, Part I 1987-1996
10/22 ACF finance and investment committee notes, minutes, reports, and financial statements, Part II 1994-1996
10/23 ACF finance and investment committee notes, minutes, reports, and financial statements, Part III 1987-1992
10/24 “The Modernization of Foundations” report presented to ACF finance committee undated
10/25 Midtown Park steering committee materials 1986-2004
10/26 “Draft. Building a Powerful Alaska Conservation Constituency: the Alaska 2012 Campaign” circa 2004
10/27 ACF Board meeting minutes 2011 June
10/28 Alaska Land Trust correspondence, meeting minutes, and reports 1994
10/29 ACF Personnel ACF personnel committee: staff evaluations, job descriptions, correspondence, meeting notes 2005-2007
10/30 ACF Executive ACF executive committee meeting agenda, minutes, and correspondence 2005-2006
10/31 ACF Endowment ACF Endowment/Capital Campaign Task Force materials 2000, 2008
10/32 Nominating Committee ACF ACF nominating committee meeting notes, correspondence, resumes, and policy documents 2004-2007
10/33 Governance Committee / ACF Gov and Nominating Committee ACF governance committee meeting notes, agendas, correspondence, and interview notes 2007-2012
10/34 ACF ACF meeting notebook 2005
10/35 ACF 2 ACF meeting notebook 2006-2007
10/36 Annotated copies of Dispatch newsletters 2005-2008
10/37 Energy/climate change research file [annotated] 2010-2020
10/38 Notes from ANILCA 25th anniversary celebration 2005
10/39 “Celia M. Hunter: Life and Leadership” by Jessica Wiles circa 2002
10/40 “Alaska Conservation Foundation: The Case for Unrestricted Support” undated
10/41 “The Alaska Transportation Priorities Project” [annotated] 2005
10/42 2003-2012 ACF history notes undated
10/43 Notes on personnel or potential contacts undated
10/44 2010-2015 ACF strategic planning circa 2010
10/45 Meeting notes 2005
10/46 Alaska Conservation Foundation Minutes ACF Board meeting minutes and reports 2003-2009
10/47 ACF personnel committee meeting summary circa 2005
10/48 ACF elevator pitch and notes circa 2021
10/49 “Conservation for a Majority of Alaskans: The case for a strong, in-state movement for conservation” [annotated] 2005
10/50 ACF Board and committee agendas, meeting summaries, financial statements, and support materials 2004-2006
10/51 “The State of Alaska Conservation: Civic Engagement Analysis” [annotated] 2004 July
10/52 ANILCA conference welcoming remarks and sponsor list 2005
10/53 Trustees Meeting February 2006 Alaska Conservation Foundation ACF Board winter meeting materials 2006
10/543 ACF Board correspondence 2005-2006
10/55 ACF financial records and Board correspondence 2006-2007
10/56 2006-2009 ACF strategic planning 2006
10/57 ACF Board May 1-2, 2009 meeting materials 2009
11/1 ACF Board October 2009 meeting materials 2009
11/2 ACF development materials 2006
11/3 ACF Board June 2006 meeting materials 2006
11/4 ACF Board September 2006 meeting materials 2006
11/5 ACF Board September 2007 meeting materials 2004-2007
11/6 ACF Board correspondence, financial statements, and notes 2007
11/7 ACF Board correspondence and September 2008 meeting materials 2008
11/8 ACF Board 2011 meeting materials 2011
11/9 ACF Board February 2012 meeting materials [CONTAINS PII] 2012
11/10 ACF Board June 2012 meeting materials 2011-2012
11/11 ACF Board meeting materials, notes, and reports 2009-2010
11/12 ACF Board handbook circa 2006-2007
11/13 ACF Board handbook 2007
11/14 Finance + Investment Com ACF finance and investment committee reports and correspondence 2004-2006
11/15 ACF Joanne Proposals, correspondence, and reports on donor and major gifts program by Joanne Kliejunas of Rhino Associates 1998, 2005-2006
11/16 “The Dynamic Board: Lessons from High-Performing Nonprofits” [annotated] undated
11/17 DNR dispute resolution research file 1991-1992
11/18 ACF Board notes, reports, meeting minutes and agendas 2012
11/19 ACF Reading File ACF reading file 1996-2006
11/20 ACF Bd Meeting October 2010 / ACF Board Meeting 9/10 ACF Board notes, reports, meeting minutes and agendas 2010
11/21 ACF donor reports and fundraising meeting agenda 2009-2010
11/22 ANILCA 25th anniversary celebration programs 2005
11/23 Interim ED ACF interim director search correspondence, resumes, and interviews 2005
11/24 House Party ACF donor party guest lists and notes 2003-2008
11/25 ACF Board correspondence 2004 September 2
11/26 ACF Issues/Campaigns ACF campaign and issue reports and publications 2002-2004
11/27 ACF Land / Wayburn Correspondence, annotated maps and plats, and notes regarding donated land circa 2006
11/28 ANILCA Celebration ANILCA 25th anniversary celebration registration materials 2005
11/29 Board Anne Wilkas resume, note on future board topic undated, 2005 April 8
11/30 Board-related ACF code of ethics, Board meeting minutes, correspondence, and financial statement 1996, 2003-2004
11/31 Committee Oversight ACF Board correspondence, committee lists, meeting minutes about committees 2004-2005
11/32 Development Committee ACF development committee reports, drafts, notes, and correspondence 2005-2007, 2011
11/33 Deborah Personnel file regarding Deborah Williams’ performance and resignation 2005
11/34 Dee ACF reports, notes, contract, and correspondence with J. Dee Frankfourth Consulting 2005-2006
11/35 Evaluations ACF executive director performance evaluations, notes, and correspondence 2004-2005
11/36 Foundations ACF donor files and correspondence with foundations 2004-2005
11/37 Grantmaking Committee ACF grantmaking committee correspondence, notes, reports, and project lists 1999-2000, 2003-2004
11/38 Lauri Personnel file regarding Lauri Adams 2006
11/39 New ACF Program Com. ACF program committee reports and correspondence 2010-2011
11/40 Old Program 08 / Program Committee ACF program committee drafts, notes, and correspondence 2006-2008
11/41 OCEANS Oceans research file 2003-2005
11/42 San Francisco Council San Francisco Bay Area Council file 2003-2004
12/1 Search Committee ACF executive director recruitment and hiring notes, correspondence, resumes, and interviews 2005-2006
12/2 Strategic Planning ACF strategic planning reports, evaluations, notes, and correspondence 2001-2005
12/3 Alaska Conservation Foundation Meeting of the Board of Trustees Hilton Hotel, Anchorage July 5, 2005 ACF Board July 5 meeting agendas, reports, and financial statements 2005
12/4 Alaska Conservation Foundation Meeting of the Board of Trustees Teleconference May 13, 2005 9:00 am ACF Board May 13 meeting agendas, reports, and financial statements 2005
12/5 Alaska Conservation Foundation May 13-16, 2004 ACF Board May 13-16 meeting agendas, reports, and financial statements 2004
12/6 Alaska Conservation Foundation 1980s ACF bylaws [annotated], project list, and annual budget undated, 1976
OSF1 Map of ACF land [annotated] circa 2006

Series 6: Trails and Recreational Access for Alaska records, 1995-2004, 2020. 1.0 cubic foot. This series contains records from Nienhueser’s time as a member and chair of the Governor’s Trails and Recreational Access for Alaska board. It includes notes, correspondence, reports, resolutions, meeting minutes and agendas, maps, and trail descriptions. Folders are arranged in the order in which they arrived in the Archives.

Box/Folder Folder label Description Dates
12/7 Certificate and Governor’s Award for TRAAK participation 2002-2003
12/8 Correspondence TRAAK correspondence 1996-2002
12/9 TRAAK TRAAK notebook 2000-2002, 2020
12/10 Nenana Canyon Nenana Canyon correspondence and notes 1996-2003
12/11 Achievements/Annual Report TRAAK / Achievement Vision Reports to Gov TRAAK Citizens Advisory Board resolutions, correspondence, reports, and project lists 1996-2002, 2004
12/12 TRAAK Minutes 1996 TRAAK Citizens Advisory Board meeting minutes 1996-2000
12/13 TRAAK Citizens Advisory Board Initial Meeting April 26 & 27 Anchorage TRAAK Citizens Advisory Board correspondence, directory, resolutions, agendas, and minutes 1996-2002
12/14 TRAAK 1998-1999 TRAAK notebook 1998-1999
12/15 TRAAK 1996 TRAAK notebook 1996
12/16 TRAAK 1997-1998 TRAAK notebook 1996-1998
12/17 TRAAK Citizens Advisory Board Resolution 00-05: Southern Extension of Anchorage Coastal Trail 2000
12/18 TRAAK Citizens Advisory Board internal correspondence and agendas 1996-2000
12/19 AMATS & TRAAK Anchorage Metropolitan Area Transportation Study reports and correspondence 1996-1999
12/20 ATV/Snomobile 4/02 Summit etc. / Feb 2002 Articles about motorized use of trails and records from a summit on ATV and snowmachine activity in Alaska 1996-1997, 2002
12/21 Bike/Ped policy TRAAK draft policies and correspondence regarding biker and pedestrian use of trails 1995-2002
12/22 Copper River Trail / Copper River/Wrangels (TRAAK) Copper River Trail correspondence, resolutions, reports, and notes 1996, 1998
12/23 Easements 17(b) ANCSA Sec 17(b) land easement records and correspondence undated, 1998-2001
12/24 Mat Su Trails Mat Su trail notes, correspondence, and reports 1998-2000
12/25 Open Meetings Correspondence about TRAAK’s open meeting policy 1996
12/26 Parliamentary Procedure Healthy Committees Reference materials on parliamentary procedures and committee work undated, 1993
12/27 Petersville Rd Symms project Correspondence regarding Petersville and Trapper Creek trail development 1998
12/28 Rec Trail Grants Policy Shell Lake Recreational Trails Grant Program correspondence and notes regarding Skwetna and Shell Lake development 2002
12/29 Segway Correspondence, notes, and articles about the laws around segways on trails 2002
12/30 Snowmad Decision Court decision and reports of the Alaska Superior Court’s decision on traditional use of trails circa 2002
12/31 South Denali/Petersville Rd South Denali and Petersville Road correspondence, reports, meeting minutes, notes, and resolutions 1997-2000
12/32 TRAILS – Best Practices, Benefits, Walkable Communities Handbook Creating biker- and pedestrian-friendly communities research file 1996-1998
12/33 Trail Maps Trail maps and descriptions throughout Alaska undated, 1995-1997
12/34 Trails Debate “Trail Tracks: the Trails Information Newsletter” [annotated] 1997
12/35 Winter Rec TRAAK correspondence, notes, and resolutions regarding winter trail use 1997-1998
12/36 Winter Trails Along Highways Winter trails along highways research file 1999-2001
12/37 Hut to Hut Alaska Mountain and Wilderness Huts Association and Hut-to-Hut Trail project records 1997
OSF1 AK Trail System Map Two annotated maps of Alaska trails circa 1997
OSF1 Annotated map of Tatitlek Village Selection undated
OSF1 Annotated map of Mat-Su Trails Council draft winter corridors 2000
OSF1 Trail maps of the Arctic Orienteering Club, Palmer, the Crevasse Moraine winter trails, the Kachemak Nordic Ski Club trails, Chena River State Recreation Area, and Kachemak Bay State Park undated, 1997

Series 7: Midtown Park papers, 1992-2020. 1.25 cubic feet. This series contains Nienhueser’s notes, correspondence, articles, speeches, volunteer lists and memorabilia, photographs, meeting minutes and agendas, maps, and campaign materials advocating for the construction of the Cuddy Family Midtown Park in Anchorage. Folders are largely in the order in which they arrived at the Archives; buttons were placed in the first folder to protect them.



Folder label Description Dates
13/1 Midtown Park volunteer and Lanie Fleischer Trail buttons undated
13/2 CF Midtown Park Advisory Committee 2004-2005 Article about and event announcements in Midtown Park 2000, 2004, 2015
13/3 MTP Grassroots Midtown Park notes, volunteer lists, and correspondence 1996-2000
13/4 Midtown (1996) 1997 Sorted 2020 Notes, articles, and correspondence about Midtown Park 1996-1998
13/5 MP History/Speeches Speeches, correspondence, and background and planning documents for Midtown Park undated, 1998-2001, 2017
13/6 40th Notes, statements, and correspondence about the extension of 40th Avenue 1995, 1997
13/7 BP project Midtown Park 2001 BP Classic Volunteer Project in Midtown Park notes and records 2000-2201
13/8 1999 Library + Diantha’s workshop Libraries for the Future Libraries for the Future workshop notes and records 1999-2000
13/9 Millenium Celebration Anch 2000 Millennium Celebration and Midtown Park/Trail Anchorage 2000 subcommittee notes and records 1998-1999
13/10 Project for Public Spaces Anchorage workshop 2004 Project for Public Spaces Anchorage workshop notes and records 2001, 2004
13/11 Rezone – Midtown Notes, correspondence, and reports about the land zoning of Midtown Park 1997-2003, 2020
13/12 Skating Oval 2001-2002 Correspondence, maps, and reports about the Midtown Park skating oval circa 1999-2005
13/13 North South Trail Correspondence, event flyers, and reports about a North South Trail connecting Midtown to downtown Anchorage along A St 1992-2000
13/14 Midtown Park Minutes 1995-1998 + Midtown Park and Trail Committee meeting agendas, minutes, notes, and correspondence 1995-1998
13/15 Midtown Park 1980s History Notes, correspondence, and reports about the creation of Midtown Park 1985-1988, 1996
13/16 Midtown Park Notes 95-99 sorted by year Notes, correspondence, and reports from the Midtown Park and Trail Steering Committee 1995-1999
13/17 MTP History 95-04 Notes, correspondence, and reports about the creation of Midtown Park 1995-2004
13/18 MTP 2000-2004 Notes, correspondence, and reports about the creation of Midtown Park 2000-2004
13/19 MTP 2005-2007+ Notes, correspondence, reports,  and meeting agendas from Cuddy Family Midtown Park Advisory Group 2005-2006, 2017
13/20 MTP History Notes, correspondence, and reports about the creation of Midtown Park undated, 1997-2020
13/21 Urban Parks Institute Conference Seattle Notes, correspondence, photographs, meeting minutes, and reports about the creation of Midtown Park [removed from binder] undated, 1995-2009
13/22 Background 1997-2000 Context/background for work on MT Park Notes, articles, and reports about the creation of Midtown Park 1996-2000
13/23 Urban Parks Institute Conference Seattle Urban Parks Institute Conference records 1998
13/24 MTP 1999 notes Midtown Park notes, talking points, maps, and budget 1999
13/25 Midtown Park notes, correspondence, articles, and reports 1997
13/26 Midtown Park petitions 1986
13/27 Notes, correspondence, and reports from planning the Millenium Project 1999
13/28 Notes, correspondence, and reports about the Midtown Park 1997
13/29 Notes on the creation of Midtown Park undated, 2000
13/30 Fund Raising Notes and meeting minutes from the Midtown Park and Trail fundraising subcommittee 1996
13/31 Wetlands Grant App Notes, correspondence, meeting minutes, and work plan materials for a wetland grant application 1995-1996
13/32 Workshop Midtown Park and Trail public workshop notes and correspondence 1995-1996
13/33 Midtown Notes Notes, plans, and correspondence about Midtown Park 1995-1996
13/34 Plan/Design/40th Notes, plans, maps, and memos about Midtown Park 1995-1997
13/35 People Midtown Park mailing and volunteer lists 1995-1997
13/36 Midtown Park – TFPL Notes, correspondence, and reports about the Trust for Public Land 1996-1997
13/37 Land Acquisition Notes, correspondence, and meeting minutes on land acquisition 1995-1996
13/38 CIP Notes, correspondence, and reports on the Capital Improvement Program 1995-1997
13/39 Midtown Park – Graphics Midtown Park notes, land ownership maps, concept plans, 1997-2001
14/1 Notes, articles, and correspondence about the Anchorage Assembly rezoning Midtown Park 1997-1998
14/2 MT Park 2018 Notes, correspondence, and reports about Midtown Park 2004-2005, 2018-2019
14/3 MTP Correspondence 1996-2001 Midtown Park and Trail Steering Committee correspondence 1995-2001
14/4 Mostly 1999 a lot re Diantha of Libraries for the Future Notes, meeting minutes, correspondence, and reports about Midtown Park 1998-1999
14/5 MT Park Handwritten History Notes 95-00 Notes and reports about the history of Midtown Park 1995-1997
14/6 Misc late 90s Notes, correspondence, and reports about Midtown Park undated, 1998
14/7 Notes, correspondence, and reports about the Midtown Park playground undated, 2009
14/8 Midtown Park 1990s Notes, correspondence, work plans, and reports about Midtown Park 1994-1999
14/9 Stevens “Archives” Land Notes, meeting minutes, memoranda of agreement, and correspondence about the potential creation of a NARA facility next to Midtown Park 2002-2004
OSF 3 Midtown Park Skating Task Force map undated

Series 8: Advocacy papers, 1968-2017. 3.75 cubic feet and 2 MB. This series contains Nienhueser’s papers relating to her many advocacy efforts about parks, recreation, global affairs, politics, conservation, transportation and roads, and television programming. It includes meeting minute and agendas, notes, correspondence, articles, reports, memos, contact lists, campaign and promotional materials, floppy disks, maps, and position papers. Folders are in no discernible order.



Folder label Description Dates
14/10 Anchorage Parks and Recreation Commission meeting agendas, minutes, and memos 1988-1989
14/11 Tikishla Park – Parks and Rec Commission Anchorage Parks and Recreation Commission meeting agendas, minutes, notes, and correspondence about Tikishla Park 1988-1989
14/12 Susitna-Watana Dam 2011 Notes and reports on the development of a Susitna hydroelectric project 2011
14/13 Nicaragua 1986 Notes, reports, and photographs from a Witness for Peace Alaska delegate visit to Nicaragua 1986-1987
14/14 Knowles Campaign 94 Helen’s Rural Bible Notes, contact lists, and election information organized by Alaska Native corporation for the Tony Knowles’ gubernatorial campaign [removed from binder] 1994
14/15 AK Geographic /AK Nat. History Assoc. board Notes, correspondence, brochures, and reports from Alaska Geographic and Alaska Natural History Association board of directors 2007-2010
14/16 Upper Cook Inlet Chapter/Alaska Conservation Society legislative action sheet circa 1975-1976
14/17 Wrangells slides notes Arctic Cross trip Notebook describing hikes, a slideshow, and a trip to Arctic Cross undated
14/18 Roads across AK – Rd to Nome – etc. Notes, articles, and newsletters about roads across Alaska circa 1972-1974
14/19 Tokosha Citizens Council 1980s Tokosha Citizens’ Council member lists, draft papers, notes, agendas, and timber data 1982-1984
14/20 Husky Hill – Tokosha Tokosha Citizens’ Council member lists, papers, notes, and meeting minutes undated, 1979-1998
14/21 Tokosha Tokosha Citizens’ Council notes, memos, papers, correspondence, and land use data 1978-1983
14/22 Tokosha (reviewed and tossed half this file 10/13) Tokosha Citizens’ Council position papers, meeting agendas and minutes, maps, correspondence, and notes undated, 1980-1983
14/23 Program Proposal – EE Correspondence, notes, and draft bills about a proposed Tokositna Visitor Center undated, 1979-1980
14/24 Letter to DNR Commissioner John Katz from the Tokosha Citizens’ Council circa 1982
14/25 Citizens committee to save Chester Cr. Greenbelt Notes, meeting agendas, and correspondence of the Citizens Committee to Save Chester Creek Greenbelt, Inc. 1971
14/26 ACE (?) Notes to Dee Frankforth & Misc ACE issues and articles Correspondence, notes, and articles on Alaska Center for the Environment issues 1972-1976
14/27 ACE History Correspondence, programs, contact lists, notes, and articles about the history of the Alaska Center for the Environment 1971-1978, 1985-2010
14/28 Helen’s transportation file ACE probably Notes, testimonies, articles, and speech outlines about transportation and corridor systems 1974-1975
14/29 27 Rabbit Lake + Access Issue Notes, articles, and correspondence about 55 Ways revisions regarding the Rabbit Lake hike and trail access 1985-1997
15/1 Ad Hoc Ad Hoc newsletter 1972 June
15/2 Mass Transit Highways – misc Notes, articles, testimonies and correspondence about roads and transportation 1971-1972
15/3 Misc clippings Env.-Land Use-Planning economics agriculture land use Anch Beautiful Summary, notes, and discussion questions from the Democratic Party Mid-Session Legislative Symposium 1975 March
15/4 UNCED + Global Forum Floppy disks and diskettes, reports, notes, and correspondence about the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development 1992 February-December
15/5 Alaska History Programs, articles, and reports from Alaskan events 1976-2002
15/6 Anchor Park, BK10, Lots 1-2-3-4 Testimonies, correspondence, notes, meeting minutes, and reports about the Chester Creek Greenbelt and Anchor Park 1974-1975
15/7 Devil Canyon Articles, notes, correspondence, and reports on Devil’s Canyon hydroelectric dam project 1972-1975
15/8 Assorted Issues Related correspondence from ‘Sewing Room’ Notes, correspondence, and publications about various issues, including the Alliance for Humane Abortions, Ruth Moulton Town Square Park, and the Alaska Conservation Foundation undated, 1972-1992, 2007
15/9 Trails Notes, correspondence, and articles about the Alaska Trails Conference, the Anchorage Trail and Park Pioneers, the South Extension of the Coastal Trail, and University Area trails 1995-2003, 2014
15/10 Trails proposed to BLM 1964 MoA proposal Trails history Letter from Mountaineering Club of Alaska to the Bureau of Land Management about desired trails and shelters 1964 March 17
15/11 Campus PARC Task Force Notes, meeting minutes, resolutions, and maps of the Parks and Recreation Council of Anchorage about University Area trails 1972-1975
15/12 Trail study DNR – 1972 Nat Goodhue Alaska Trail System Study draft report 1972 October 31
15/13 “Wilderness Trails ‘Recreational Development’ for State of Alaska” report from Anchorage Horsemen 1962-1963
15/14 Testimony of Parks, D-2 Testimonies on Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act, D-2 hearings, and the Kenai National Moose Range and Katmai-Glacier Bay wilderness proposals 1971-1977
15/15 Alaska Land + Lifestyles Articles, notes, and clippings for the Alaska Humanities Forum conference “Alaska’s Land and Lifestyle – 1990” 1969-1975
15/16 Wild Places Notes and correspondence about the Sierra Club television program “Wild Places” 1974
15/17 North TV Public TV Northern Television, Inc. Citizen Advisory Committee meeting minutes, agendas, resolutions, by-laws, articles, membership lists, notes, and correspondence 1981-1997
15/18 Correspondence, notes, and “Campbell Tract Task Force Citizen’s Committee Report: Updated Far North Bicentennial Park Master Plan” [annotated] 1983-1988
15/19 Aniak Trip 1982 AK Writers Project Correspondence, notes, travel documents, slides, and clippings from a trip to Aniak during the Kuskokwim 300 for the Alaska Writers Project 1981-1982
15/20 Notes about Chester Creek and Goose Lake development and copies of the May 1983 “Goose Lake Plan” [annotated] 1983
15/21 Mtnce/Greenhouse Organizational chart and reports from Park Maintenance and Operation Horticulture Section 1985-1986
15/22 Anchorage Assembly Goose Lake Park ordinance and meeting minutes and annual review from the Parks and Recreation Commission 1987
15/23 Municipality of Anchorage memo and articles about a Supreme Court decision on wetlands development 1987
15/24 Goose Lake Meeting minutes, memos, testimonies, notes, maps, and correspondence of the Parks and Recreation Commission about Goose Lake Park 1987-1988
15/25 Chester Creek Notes, memos, reports, testimonies, correspondence, meeting minutes about Chester Creek and Anchor Park 1970-1975
15/26 AK Womens Network Alaska Women’s Network

notes, contact lists, meeting minutes, pamphlets, correspondence, articles, bylaws, and articles of incorporation

15/27 AK Women’s Network AWN Subsistence Project + Other Notes incl. draft registration Alaska Women’s Network notes, correspondence, and articles and attendance sheet from Subsistence from Women’s Perspectives conference 1996-1999
15/28 Beijing + follow up NGO Forum parallel to UN Conf on Women 1995 Photographs, correspondence, notes, and reports from the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women and the Non-Governmental Organization Forum on Women in Beijing 1992, 1995
15/29 AK Common Ground Tourism Alaska Common Ground correspondence, reports, notes, and articles about tourism 1994-1998
15/30 Correspondence, notes, and maps about the South Extension of the Coastal Trail 2000-2002
15/31 “South Extension of the Coastal Trail: Viable Alternatives Report” [annotated] 2000 March
16/1 Coastal Trail Winter 02-03 Notes, reports, newsletters, articles, budgets, and correspondence about the South Extension of the Coastal Trail 2001-2003
16/2 Coastal Trail + Community Councils Community council contact lists, newsletters, and resolutions about the Coastal Trail 2002-2003
16/3 Anchorage Parks and Recreation plans, correspondence, maps, and reports 2005
16/4 Notes, petitions, articles, and correspondence about the South Extension of the Coastal Trail 2000-2002, 2006
16/5 Coastal Trail Notes, reports, articles, memos, and correspondence about the South Extension of the Coastal Trail 1997-2002
16/6 Coastal Trail 04-05 Notes, correspondence, reports, and articles the South Extension of the Coastal Trail 2003-2006
16/7 Coastal Trail 04 Press releases, correspondence, and reports about the South Extension of the Coastal Trail 2003-
16/8 Notes, articles, reports, and maps about the South Extension of the Coastal Trail 2001-2002, 2006
16/9 Correspondence and a flyer about the “Universities & Medical District Framework Master Plan” 2000-2001
16/10 Notes, articles, contact lists, reports, and correspondence about the Bragaw/Elmore extension for northern access to the U-Med district circa 2011, 2014-2017
16/11 “Interim 2035 Metropolitan Transportation Plan: Anchorage Bowl, Chugiak-Eagle River” [annotated] 2015 June
16/12 “Northern Access to U-Med District: AMATS TAC meeting” 2011 May 12
16/13 “Northern Access to the University and Medical District: Reconnaissance Study Report” [annotated] 2011 September
16/14 Northern Access to U-Med Notes, testimonies, meeting agendas, flyers, articles, and correspondence about the Bragaw/Elmore extension for northern access to the U-Med district 2011-2015
16/15 Bragaw/E. Anch. Notes, correspondence, fact sheets, reports, and maps about the Bragaw/Elmore extension for northern access to the U-Med district 1990-1998
16/16 Drafts of “Universities & Medical District Framework Master Plan” [annotated] 2000 February-May
18/36 “UMed District Plan Update: Public Hearing Draft” [annotated] 2015
18/37 “UMed District Plan: Supporting Documents” [annotated] 2014
16/17 Notes, documents, correspondence, and maps about the Municipality of Anchorage Official Streets and Highways Plan 1985-1995
16/18 Notes, documents, correspondence, and meeting agendas about the Municipality of Anchorage Official Streets and Highways Plan 1994
16/19 Notes, reports, testimonies, and correspondence about the Municipality of Anchorage Official Streets and Highways Plan 1991, 1993-1994
16/20 Notes, correspondence, meeting agendas, maps, and reports about the Municipality of Anchorage Official Streets and Highways Plan 1993
16/21 Helen Nienhueser AMATS-OS.HP Please return Anchorage Metropolitan Area Transportation Study and Official Streets and Highways Plan floppy disk undated
16/22 Correspondence – OSHP + articles + agendas Notes, correspondence, meeting agendas, and reports about the Municipality of Anchorage Official Streets and Highways Plan 1995-1996
16/23 Anchorage Long Range Transportation Plan Meeting #10 agenda, notes, and correspondence 2005
16/24 Executive Summary: “Citizens Transportation Plan” circa 2005
16/25 Anchorage Metropolitan Area Transportation Study meeting minutes 1995 September 28
16/26 AMATS Notes, correspondence, reports, and Anchorage Assembly documents about the Anchorage Metropolitan Area Transportation Study 1991-1999
16/27 Notes, correspondence, and reports about the Anchorage Metropolitan Area Transportation Study 1996-1997, 2000
16/28 Notes, correspondence, and reports about the Anchorage Metropolitan Area Transportation Study Long Range Transportation Plan 1991, 1994
16/29 Anchorage Metropolitan Area Transportation Study Technical Advisory Committee tables and correspondence 1999-2000
16/30 OSHP/OMASH Notes, correspondence, maps, agendas, minutes, and reports about the Official Streets and Highways Plan and Official Map of Anchorage Streets and Highways 1985, 1993-1996
16/31 Notes, correspondence, reports, and maps about the Anchorage Metropolitan Area Transportation Study Needs List, Long Range Transportation Plan, and Official Map of Anchorage Streets and Highways 1996
16/32 Notes on changes to the 2001 Transportation Improvement Program undated
16/33 AMATS 1998 Notes, testimonies, correspondence, reform proposals, and resolutions about the Anchorage Metropolitan Area Transportation Study 1997-1998
16/34 AMAS [sic] Background Anchorage Metropolitan Area Transportation Study planning documents, notes, and correspondence 1986-1995
17/1 1994 Testimony /

Northern Lights

Testimony and issue documents about Northern Lights Boulevard and the Official Streets and Highways Plan 1993-1994
17/2 Lists Assembly and Community Council Lists Contact lists for members of the Anchorage Assembly and various community councils 1995-1996
17/3 Anchorage Metropolitan Area Transportation Study correspondence and reports 1999
17/4 Anch. Ord. / AO213, AR95-329(s), Cover Sheets Copies of Anchorage Assembly ordinance 95-213 1995
17/5 Anchorage Metropolitan Area Transportation Study Technical Advisory Committee meeting agenda 1997 May 8
17/6 Notes, correspondence, and information packets about the Anchorage Metropolitan Area Transportation Study 1995
17/7 Notes Notes about the Official Streets and Highways Plan and the Long Range Transportation Plan 1991-1996
17/8 Notes, articles, Assembly meeting agendas, correspondence, and community council comments about the Official Streets and Highways Plan 1991-1994
17/9 Testimony on OSHP Testimonies, notes, and Anchorage Assembly documents about the Official Streets and Highways Plan and Official Map of Anchorage Streets and Highways 1994-1996
17/10 Transportation White Paper Papers on transportation planning by Nienhueser 1995, 2002
17/11 Bell Atlantic / RPCC Land Use Com Anch 2020 Notes, comments, and correspondence from the Rogers Park Community Council Land Use Committee 1999-2000
17/12 Rogers Park Community Council Rogers Park Community Council notes, articles, newsletters, and correspondence about transportation and land use issues 1972, 1996-2002
17/13 RP re transportation / Transportation Rogers Park CC Rogers Park Community Council notes, newsletters, and correspondence 1995-2000
17/14 Anch. 2020 Plan Notes, articles, reports, and conference materials about the Anchorage 2020 Plan 1999-2001
17/15 Snowmobiles + ATVs 1970 Notes, articles, testimonies, and correspondence about snowmobile use within Anchorage city limits 1971-1973
17/16 Glenn Highway Correspondence about the Glenn Highway Corridor Study 1983
17/17 Eagle River waterfall saved for the public by my intervention Negatives, notes, and articles about access and use of the South Fork Eagle River Falls/Barbara Falls undated, 1972-1975
17/18 Conservation Articles, papers, notes, correspondence, and newsletters about conservation with the Alaska Conservation Society, the Sierra Club, and the Mountaineering Club of Alaska 1968-1969
17/19 Environ. Conf/Planning Materials Notes, reports, and meeting agendas for an environmental conference circa 1977-1978
17/20 ROW Correspondence about letters of non-objection to roadways circa 1970-1976
17/21 Mountaineering Club of Alaska Chugach Park Committee meeting minutes, notes, maps, and correspondence 1971
17/22 New Indicators Committee Notes, correspondence, and reports about creating new indicators for Alaska’s societal wellbeing 1990-1991
17/23 Alaska-Beringia Expedition July 16-24, 1994 Reading List Alaska Discovery Alaska Conservation Foundation Notes, reports, photographs, travel documents, and background reading for a trip to Siberia with the Alaska Conservation Foundation [removed from binder] 1994-1995
17/24 Letter from Bob Adler to Helen Nienhueser about Guide to Wetlands Protection in Alaska 1987 July 13
17/25 Correspondence, reports, and notes about the creation of a Point Woronzof Motor Recreation Park 1982-1983
17/26 A Report on Subsistence and the Conservation of the Yupik Life-Style [annotated] 1974
17/27 Correspondence about D-2 lands from David Finkelstein, Sierra Club 1979 May 8-9
17/28 Nienhueser’s statement on the BLM Primary Corridor Plan 1975
OSF2 Four status plat maps undated
OSF2 3500 Tudor Road Master Plan undated
OSF2 Capital Improvement Land Acquisition map [annotated] undated
OSF3 Campbell Tract Study Area Master Plan Map undated
OSF3 South Coastal Trail Trail News, Potential Routes Identified 2000 January
OSF3 Short List of Trail Routes: South Extension of the Coastal Trail 2000 January 31
OSF3 Anchorage Trail (Bicycle/Winter Running) 1993
OSF3 Chester Creek Trail Connection Study Executive Summary [annotated] 1996 October 30
OSF3 Rand McNally Anchorage city map [annotated] undated
OSF3 Chugach State Park map [annotated] undated

Series 9: Alaska Common Ground and Ecological Economics of Alaska papers; 1990-2020. 1.25 cubic feet and 161 MB. This series contains Nienhueser’s papers from her time on the board of Alaska Common Ground and Ecological Economics of Alaska. Nienhueser’s work surrounding the fiscal gap, forums, and Frontier Thinking conferences is particularly well-represented. It includes meeting minutes and agendas, notes, correspondence, reports, conference materials, budgets, letter of incorporation and dissolutions, bylaws, and articles. Folders are in the order in which they arrived at the Archives.



Folder label Description Dates
17/29 Alaska Common Ground event files, meeting minutes and agendas, and correspondence circa 2018-2019
17/30 Common Ground Alaska Common Ground fiscal gap film notes and correspondence 1995
17/31 Common Ground Fiscal Committee Alaska Common Ground Fiscal Committee correspondence, notes, and reports 1993-1994
17/32 Alaska Common Ground correspondence about Steve Colt 2020 July 24
17/33 Fiscal Project Alaska Fiscal Project correspondence, notes, and reports 2001-2016
17/34 Fiscal Project Alaska Common Ground event files, correspondence, and reports 2002
17/35 Fiscal Project “Hard Choices: Revenue-Raising Options for Alaska” by the Citizens for Tax Justice 2004 April
17/36 Fiscal Project Article from the Alaska Fiscal Project committee by Nienhueser 2002 March 8
17/37 Fiscal Project Drafts and correspondence about the report “Who Pays? Dealing with Alaska’s Looming Fiscal Crisis” 2002 November
17/38 Fiscal Project Center on Budget and Policy Priorities CD of handouts from a Funding State Services conference 2001 December
Server CD contents
17/39 Fiscal Project / Alaska State Budget Articles, reports, and Governor Knowles’ budget for fiscal years 2001-2002 1996, 1999-2001
17/40 Fiscal Project Articles, budgets, and reports about the Alaskan fiscal gap and a special advisory vote about the Permanent Fund 1999
17/41 Fiscal Gap / Fiscal Gap 3/93 ACG Conference Notes, reports, and correspondence from Alaska Common Ground Fiscal forums and conferences 1992-1993
17/42 Fiscal Gap Representative Kay Brown’s legislative updates 1996 March 5-28
17/43 Fiscal Gap Alaska fiscal gap event files and reports circa 1996
17/44 Fiscal Gap Articles, notes, correspondence, and reports about the Long Range Financial Planning Commission 1987-1997
17/45 Fiscal Gap Articles, notes, correspondence, and reports about the Permanent Fund 1993-1997
17/46 Fiscal Gap “Alaska’s Growing Fiscal Gap: The Preliminary Report of the State of Alaska Long-Range Financial Planning Commission” [annotated] 1995 August 12
17/47 Fiscal Gap Alaska Common Ground committee and fiscal forum reports and agendas 1996
17/48 Alaska Fiscal Project Articles, handouts, agendas, and correspondence about the Alaska Fiscal Project and the Center for Budget and Policy Priorities 2000-2001
17/49 Alaska Fiscal Project Alaska Fiscal Project reports, agendas, notes, and correspondence 2000-2001
17/50 Alaska Fiscal Project Reports, flyers, and correspondence about Alaskan economy, livable communities, and the Permanent Fund 2000-2002
17/51 Alaska Fiscal Project Alaska Fiscal Project reports and notes 1995, 2000-2001
17/52 BASICS Project Common Ground Basic Sectors to Alaska’s Economy and fiscal gap forum reports, notes, budgets, and correspondence 1992-1994
17/53 Alaska Common Ground Fiscal Policy Working Group notes, correspondence, agendas, and reports 1996, 2013-2014
17/54 ACG Issues Alaska Common Ground correspondence, notes, meeting minutes, reports, and event files on housing and medical care 2017-2018
18/1 ACG Draft report “An Economic Vision for a Prosperous Alaska” 2004 February 29
18/2 ACG Partial draft report on Alaskan economy 2004 January 31
18/3 Alaska Common Ground Fiscal Project meeting agendas and minutes, correspondence, and reports 2001-2002, 2007-2008
18/4 Articles on centers for budget and public policy 2006-2007
18/5 Presentation and article by Cliff Groh 2002
18/6 Articles, notes, and correspondence about the Alaskan economy and fiscal gap 2002
18/7 Articles, notes, and correspondence about the Alaskan economy and fiscal gap 1999-2002
18/8 Sustainable Development Redefining Wealth and Progress: New Ways to Measure Economic, Social and Environmental Change [annotated] circa 1989
18/9 Sustainable Development “Report of Alaskan Replies for Agenda 21 of Alaska” [annotated] and Ecological Economics of Alaska correspondence circa 1993
18/10 Sustainable Development Articles, reading lists, and correspondence about sustainable development 1991-1994, 1996
18/11 Sustainable Development United Nations Conference on Environment and Development contact lists and business cards 1992
18/12 Sustainable Development / Sustainable Development Conference “In Our Backyard” Programs, brochures, notes, and reading materials from the Sustainable Development for Alaskan Communities conference 1990 November
18/13 Sustainable Development Article from the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development 1992 June
18/14 Sustainable Development Reports on sustainable development 1993-1994
18/15 Sustainable Development Sustainability Discussion Group memos 1993, 1996
18/16 Sustainable Development “Our Common Future: World Commission on Environment and Development Reconvened” [annotated] 1992
18/17 Sustainable Development Sustainability for the Last Frontier correspondence 1996, 2003
18/18 Sustainable Development Notes, articles, and correspondence on sustainable development 1993-1998
18/19 Sustainable Development Sustainable Future Conference agenda and notes 1999 July 22
18/20 Sustainable Development Sustainable Development: A Guide to Our Common Future [annotated] 1990
18/21 Reading File February 1993 Articles, reports, correspondence, meeting minutes, and conference planning materials on Ecological Economics of Alaska and sustainable development 1992-1994
18/22 Notes and summaries of the Second Frontier Thinking Conference 1991
18/23 Notes, papers, and correspondence from the Third Frontier Thinking Conference 1992
18/24 Correspondence and papers about the Earth Charter and Agenda 21 for Iowa 1993
18/25 ECO 2 Ecological Economics of Alaska board agendas, articles, reports on the Frontier Thinking Conference, and correspondence 1992
18/26 ECO 2 Second Frontier Thinking Conference notes, registrations, and planning materials 1991
18/27 ECO 2 Ecological Economics of Alaska board agendas and minutes, articles, notes, and Frontier Thinking Conference and World Game planning materials 1990-1991
18/28 ECO 2 / Feb 2-3, 1990 Writer’s Roundtable Alaska Energy/Environment Workshop Third Frontier Thinking Conference presenter bios and abstracts, evaluation, and financial statements 1992
18/29 ECO 2 Third Frontier Thinking Conference invitations, notes, registrations, and flyers 1992
18/30 ECO 2 Grant proposal to the Alaska Humanities Forum for Frontier Thinking Conference 1992
18/31 ECO 2 Ecological Economics of Alaska board correspondence 1991
18/32 ECO 2 Ecological Economics of Alaska board meeting agendas and minutes, notes, and correspondence 1992-1993
18/33 ECO 2 Ecological Economics of Alaska board meeting agendas and minutes, notes, Frontier Thinking Conference records, and correspondence 1992-1993
18/34 ECO 2 Ecological Economics of Alaska board meeting agendas and minutes, notes, conference planning records, and correspondence 1991,1993-1994
18/35 ECO 2 (current) Ecological Economics of Alaska correspondence, notes, financial statements, incorporation and dissolution records, and articles 1994-2003
OSF3 “Will Alaska Go Broke? Choices for the Best Future” poster 1996 April 1


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