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Ralph and Ruth Thomas scrapbook

Guide to the Ralph and Ruth Thomas scrapbook
An Alaska Historical Society collection

Collection number: HMC-1439-AHS.
Thomas, Ralph.
Thomas, Ruth.
Title: Ralph and Ruth Thomas scrapbook.
Dates: 1958.
Volume of collection: 0.3 cubic feet.
Language of materials: Collection materials are in English.
Collection summary: Scrapbook documenting life in Fairbanks.

Biographical note:
Ralph Thomas worked in construction in Fairbanks, Alaska and was a member of the local carpenters’ union. He was married to Ruth Thomas, who lived in Wapato, Washington. In September 1958, Ruth took a trip to Fairbanks to visit her husband.

Collection description:
The collection consists of a scrapbook documenting life in Fairbanks compiled by Ralph and Ruth Thomas. The majority of the scrapbook contains news clippings from the Fairbanks Daily News Miner, some of which concern the vote for Alaska statehood. Other contents of the scrapbook include postcards, tickets and memorabilia from Ruth’s trip, envelopes from letters the couple received, Ralph’s union cards, and a three-page, handwritten description of Fairbanks. The pages of the scrapbook appear to have been made from paper shopping bags.

Arrangement: The collection is arranged in original order. Loose items from the end of the scrapbook have been placed in a folder for preservation purposes.

Digitized copies: This collection has not been digitized. For information about obtaining digital copies, please contact Archives and Special Collections.

Rights note: Archives and Special Collections does not own copyright to the collection.

Preferred citation: Ralph and Ruth Thomas scrapbook, Alaska Historical Society collections, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.

Acquisition note: This collection was donated to the Alaska Historical Society in 2023 by the Miller County Historical Society in Tuscumbia, Missouri.  The Alaska Historical Society retains ownership of the collection and placed it on deposit in Archives and Special Collections in 2023.

Processing information: This collection was described by Gwen Higgins in 2023.

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