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Joseph Rudd papers

Guide to the Joseph Rudd papers

Collection number: HMC-1293.
Creator: Rudd, Joseph.
Title: Joseph Rudd papers.
Dates: 1950-1978.
Volume of collection: 4.61 cubic feet.
Language of materials: Collection materials are in English.
Collection summary: The personal and business papers of Joseph Rudd.

Biographical note:
Joseph Rudd was born August 30, 1933 in Utica, New York. He received his B.A. degree from Williams College in Massachusetts, and graduated from law school in Denver in 1959; he was admitted to the Colorado Bar in 1959, and the Alaska Bar in 1961. Joseph and Lisa Rudd were married in New Hampshire in 1956, and moved to Alaska in 1959. Joseph Rudd was a natural resources lawyer. He worked as an assistant in the State Attorney General’s Office from 1959 to 1961. In 1961, he left to join the private law firm of Ely, Guess, and Rudd, of which he was a founding member. He was a member of the Anchorage, Alaska, and American Bar Associations and served on several natural resource councils including the Western Governors’ Mining Advisory Council. In 1973, he became the first Alaskan to receive a kidney transplant. He died in December, 1978, in a plane crash at Anchorage International Airport.

Collection description:
The Joseph Rudd papers includes: Alaska Kidney Foundation records, materials from a mining law course taught by Joseph Rudd, materials from a book on Alaskan mining law written by Joseph Rudd, Community Enterprise Development Corporation records, local government files, personal papers, law office files, Lost River Mining Corporation records, mining and minerals files, oil and gas files, Alaska lands subject files, Public Land Law Review Commission files, and maps.

Arrangement: The collection is arranged into the following series:
Series 1: Alaska Kidney Foundation records; 1973-1978
Series 2: Mining Law 331 course records; 1962, 1964-1967
Series 3: Alaska mining law book writing files; 1961-1964
Series 4: Community Enterprise Development Corporation records; 1976-1977
Series 5: Constitutional Convention local government committee records; 1955-1963
Series 6: Personal and professional papers; 1958-1978
Series 7: Law practice files 1973-1978
Series 8: Lost River Mining Corporation records; 1971-1973
Series 9: Mining and minerals files; 1954-1978
Series 10: Oil and gas files; 1952-1978
Series 11: Alaska lands subject files; 1949-1978
Series 12: Public Land Law Review Commission files; 1966-1970
Series 13: Maps; 1950-1974

Digitized copies: This collection has not been digitized. For information about obtaining digital copies, please contact Archives and Special Collections.

Rights note: Rights to materials authored by Joseph Rudd are held by Archives & Special Collections.

Preferred citation: Joseph Rudd papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.

Separated materials: Some published materials from the collection have been placed in the Consortium Library’s Rare Books collection.

Related materials:
HMC-0091: Community Enterprise Development Corporation of Alaska records; 1968-1980.
HMC-0212: Lisa Rudd papers; 1933-1985. Additional personal correspondence may be found in the Lisa Rudd papers.

Acquisition note: The records were given to Archives by Lisa Rudd in 1984 and by her estate in 1986.

Processing information: This collection was arranged and described prior to 1990 as part of the Joseph and Lisa Rudd papers. The guide was revised to meet current standard by Arlene Schmuland in 2018. At that time the Rudd papers were split into two collections, one for Joseph Rudd, one for Lisa Rudd. Publications and un-annotated published maps were removed from the collection at that time.

Container list:
Series 1: Alaska Kidney Foundation records; 1973-1978. 0.3 cubic feet.
The series consists of correspondence, meeting minutes, and business materials of the Alaska Kidney Foundation of which Joseph Rudd was a member of the Board of Directors from 1975-1978. Arranged chronologically by date.

Box/Folder Date
1/1-7 1973-1978, undated

Series 2: Mining Law 331 course records; 1962, 1964-1967. 0.3 cubic feet.
Course outlines, lecture notes, course materials, and exams from a mining law course taught by Joseph Rudd at the University of Alaska during 1962 and 1966-1967. Arranged by type of record.

Box/Folder Description Date
1/8-9 Course outline and lecture notes 1962-1967
1/10 Exams 1962, 1966-1967
1/11 Course handouts Undated
1/12 Other course materials 1964-1967

Series 3: Alaska mining law book writing files; 1961-1964. 0.2 cubic feet.
Correspondence, notes, rough drafts, and research materials relating to Joseph Rudd’s book on Alaskan mining law. Arranged by type of record.

Box/Folder Description Date
1/13 Correspondence 1961-1964
1/14 Notes and drafts Undated
1/15 Research materials Undated

Series 4: Community Enterprise Development Corporation records; 1976-1977. 0.2 cubic feet.
Articles of incorporation, bylaws, and meeting minutes of CEDC, for which Joseph Rudd was a member of the Board of Directors during 1976-1977.  Arranged by type of record.

Box/Folder Description Date
1/16 Articles of Incorporation, bylaws, and general information 1976-1977
1/17-18 Meeting minutes 1976-1977

Series 5: Constitutional Convention local government committee records; 1955-1963.  0.3 cubic feet.
Correspondence, minutes, reports, and proceedings of the Committee on Local Government of the Alaska Constitutional Convention and an index to the daily journal of the Constitutional Convention.  Also includes reports on local Alaska governments and borough incorporations. Arranged by type of record, thereunder chronologically.

Box/Folder Description Date
2/1 Correspondence 1955
2/2 Committee reports 1955-1956
2/3 Committee minutes 1955
2/4 Committee proceedings 1955-1956
2/5 Index to the daily journal for the Alaska Constitutional Convention 1963
2/6 Reports on Alaska local government 1960-1962
2/7 Borough incorporation reports 1963

Series 6: Personal and professional papers; 1958-1978. 0.11 cubic feet.
The series consists of family photographs; papers and speeches written by Joseph Rudd; Joseph Rudd’s notary public certificate; materials from Joseph Rudd’s 1978 trip to Europe and Saudi Arabia, and other personal records.

Box/Folder Description Date
2/8 Portraits of Lisa and Helen Rudd 1950, 1964, 1976
2/9 Papers and speeches written by Joseph Rudd. Includes a rough draft of “Who owns Alaska” and two speeches: “The objectives of government minerals survey” and “Land status problems in locating mining claims” Undated, 1967
2/10 Notary public certificate, Alaska Miners Association membership card and pin, American Association of Petroluem Geologists membership card, Pioneer Alaska Lobbyist Society membership card, and Doyon pin 1966, 1977-1978
2/11 Records from Europe and Saudi Arabia taken with Bill Allen 1978
2/12 Poem about the original Alaska oil and gas lease sale 1959?
2/13 Fireworks permit application 1967
2/14 Letters and notes Undated, 1964, 1966
6/1-3 Bottle of crude oil from Middle Ground Shoal, Cook Inlet, commemorative sample of bornite from Kennicott Mine, metal tag from Alaska Gastineau Mining Company (?) Undated, 1967

Series 7: Law practice files 1973-1978. 0.1 cubic feet.

Box/Folder Description Date
2/15 Alaska Assistant District Attorney identification card 1960
2/16 Martindale-Hubbel rating 1974
2/17 Ely, Guess, and Rudd office manual 1978
2/18 Alaska court directories 1974-1978
2/19 Bar Association membership cards 1976
2/20 Alaska Bar Association membership roster 1977
2/21 Law firm partner announcements 1961-1964
2/22 Speaking engagement records 1974-1978

Series 8: Lost River Mining Corporation records; 1971-1973. 0.3 cubic feet.
The series consists of records concerning the Lost River Corporation, the City of Lost River, Alaska, and the Lost River Fluorite, Tin, Tungsten Project.

 Box/Folder Description Date
2/23 Lost River general information 1972
OSF4 Lost River maps 1972
2/24 Lost River project consultant company reports 1972

Series 9: Mining and minerals files; 1954-1978. 0.7 cubic feet.
The series consists of correspondence, reports, presentations, laws, statutes, and regulations concerning various mining subjects including: the American Mining Conference; Canadian mining; mineral exploration and development; mining law; mining rights; and the Western Governors’ Mining Advisory Council. Some related materials may be found in series 13: Maps. Arranged alphabetically by subject.

Box/Folder Description Date
2/25-27 Alaska Minerals Conference (AIME) records: schedule and copies of papers presented at the 1967 conference held at the University of Alaska Fairbanks and sponsored by the Alaska section of the American Institute of Mining Engineers 1967
2/28 AIME: speech records. correspondence between Joseph Rudd and James A. Williams, Director of the Alaska Division of Mines and Minerals, and between Joseph Rudd and Cecil H. Smith, Exploration Manager for Vitro Minerals and Chemical Company, concerning the proposed U.S. Geologic Survey Heavy Metals Mining Plan, and Joseph Rudd’s upcoming speech at the 1967 Alaska Minerals Conference. Also articles, newspaper clippings, and reports by Joseph Rudd to prepare his speech, his speech:  “The objectives of government minerals surveys” 1960-1967
2/29 Canadian mining report: “Alaska-northwest Canada economic activities: a summary comparison of mining laws and oil and gas laws and practices with recommendations for policy” draft report authored by Charles F. Herbert and correspondence between the author and Joseph Rudd 1967
2/30 Federal mining material: correspondence between Joseph Rudd and James Williams, Director of the Alaska Division of Mines and Minerals, concerning mining law and the AMC Public Lands Committee; correspondence between Joseph Rudd and Charles Herbert, Deputy Commissioner of Natural Resources for Alaska, concerning the Bureau of Land Management; and articles, newspaper clippings, reports, and regulations concerning federal mining locations and patents, public lands, and mining claims 1954-1965
2/31 Japanese mining: reports on Japanese mining and mineral requirements including “Current Japanese mineral requirements for industry” by Noburu Takasugi, Consul General of Japan, Seattle, Washington, “Mining development in Japan, 1962” by the Ministry of International Trade and Industry, Bureau of Mines, Japan, and “The place of trade with Japan and Japanese investment in Alaska’s economic development” by Arlon R. Tussing Undated, 1962
2/32 Little and Battelle reports: “Alaska iron and copper deposits” by Arthur D. Little and a report on the Battelle economic study of the Alaska and Northwest Canada Highway System Undated.
2/33 Mineral exploration and development: various reports concerning exploration and development of minerals and base metals, an exploration and development agreement between Chataway Exploration Co., Ltd. and the American Smelting and Refining Company, and a rough draft of a joint venture agreement between Alaska Enterprises and Ptarmigan Company Undated, 1964, 1968
3/1 Mineral law publications catalogs 1957, 1964
3/2 Mining companies: index card file of mining companies and mines Undated
3/3 Mining law manual: correspondence between Joseph Rudd and Charles F. Herbert, Deputy Commissioner of the Alaska Dept. of Natural Resources concerning Charles Herbert’s mining law manual and a draft of the manual 1965
3/4 Mining rights of aliens: Alaska Dept. of Natural Resources. Division of Mines and Minerals information circular No. 2 “Mineral rights of aliens in the state of Alaska” 1966
3/5 Mining rights on public lands: “Acquisition of mining rights on federal public domain lands and state of Alaska public lands” report with an Alaska township map showing state-selected lands and copies of federal and state statutes pertaining to mining claims and mining rights 1964
3/6 Mining reports including reports on the Interstate Mining Compact, metal deposits in Alaska, mining law revisions, mineral patents, and public domain land management Undated, 1963-1973
3/7 Roads: letters to Joseph Rudd from Canadian mining officials concerning construction and maintenance assistance for mining roads in British Columbia, the Territorial Roads Policy, and the Tote Trail Assistance Program; correspondence between Joe Rudd and James A. Williams, Director of the State Division of Mines and Minerals concerning James Williams’ proposed State Mining Access Program and the Canadian road building program for resource development; memo to Joseph Rudd from Frank Erisman concerning various Canadian, U.S. and Alaskan right of way statutes and mining access roads; and notes by Joseph Rudd concerning mining access roads 1962-1969
3/8 State and federal mining legislation: federal mining legislation concerning mineral exploration claims, mining law revision, hard rock mineral development, and general mineral development. Also mining legislation from the states of Arizona and Washington 1960-1977
3/9 State mining law: correspondence between Joseph Rudd and Charles F. Herbert, Deputy Commissioner of Natural Resources, concerning SB262 relating to prospecting permits and locations on state shorelands, tidelands, and submerged lands; correspondence between Joseph Rudd and James A. Williams, Director of the Division of Mines and Geology, concerning Chapter 88SLA relating to mining claims Undated, 1961-1970
3/10 Tax: correspondence between Senator Bob Bartlett, other senators, and various mining lawyers, including Joseph Rudd, concerning SB338 and HR4665 relating to tax treatment of mining exploration expenditures; Joseph Rudd’s notes on SB338; copies of SB338 and HR4665; also drafts of memos concerning the Alaska Industrial Incentive Act, the Alaska Mining License Tax, and the changes in federal tax law relating to mining expenditures 1966-1967
3/11 University of Alaska reports on the right to enter, explore, and locate mining claims on federal withdrawals and reservation of public land in Alaska, the Alaska State Mental Health Program Land Selection, regulations relating to Canadian, American, and Alaskan right-of-ways and mining access roads, constitutional barriers to mining assistance programs, and the taxation of mining operations with Joseph Rudd’s notes on the subject Undated, 1967
3/12 Water use correspondence and reports 1964, 1967
3/13 Western Governors’ Mining Advisory Council: correspondence between Joseph Rudd and James A. Williams, Director of the Alaska Division of Mines and Geology concerning the Western Governors’ Mining Advisory Council and Joseph Rudd’s appointment as a delegate to the Council and Council meeting minutes and reports 1970-1973

Series 10: Oil and gas files; 1952-1978. 1.2 cubic feet.
The series contains correspondence, reports, articles, and regulations concerning various oil and gas subjects including: Alaskan oil development; oil and gas leases, the outer Continental Shelf; Petroprospect; the Alaska Pipeline; and state oil and gas units. Arranged alphabetically by subject. Some related materials may be found in series 13: Maps.

Box/Folder Description Date
3/14 Alaska oil development: correspondence between Joseph Rudd and Eugene (Gene) Guess concerning amendments to the Alaska Lands Act, and HB383 concerning the Department of Natural Resources powers in leasing of state mineral rights. Also articles and reports concerning oil exploration in Alaska and the affect of Alaska’s shorelands on the state oil and gas industry 1959-1966
3/15 Oil and gas drilling and contract forms 1959-1975
3/16 Gas Pipeline Task Force: letter to Governor J. Hammond from Attorney General Avrum Gross, Chairman of the Gas Pipeline Task Force, concerning a report on a study made by the Task Force of the three proposed pipelines to carry Prudhoe Bay natural gas; also a copy of the study 1976
3/17 Gas sales contracts 1971-1976
3/18 Miscellaneous oil and gas reports: notes by Joseph Rudd on oil and gas taxation and reports and articles concerning: the administration of the 1953 Alaska Registration Law; fuel minerals; a Cook Inlet Competitive Oil and Gas Lease Sale; state oil and gas problems; Alaska petroleum industry facts; the economics of oil and gas and Alaska state finances; crude oil and gasoline price increases; laws enacted by the Eighth Legislature; utilization of Alaska leases; gas conservation; environmental regulation of offshore exploration, production and development; the impact of oil import reforms on Alaska’s economy; and Alaska oil and gas field data 1959-1978
3/19 Oil and gas leases: Department of Natural Resources letter to petroleum industry concerning proposed amendments to the oil and gas leasing regulations; and Department of Natural Resources notices of various competitive and non-competitive oil and gas lease sales and openings 1961-1964
3/20 Oil and gas leases—fees: notes by Joseph Rudd concerning oil and gas leasing; a legal memo on leasing; a report on tax advantages for oil investors; information on title abstracts; various blank oil and gas lease forms; and a sample mineral deed form Undated, 1963
3/21 Oil and gas lease forms 1952-1974
3/22 Oil and gas property tax exemption: correspondence and memos between Lawrence L. Wilson of Union Oil Company, and various private individuals, and representatives of various oil companies concerning local property taxation of pipelines from drilling platforms in Cook Inlet and other oil fields in the Kenai Borough 1964-1969
3/23 Alaska oil and gas lease stipulation 1970
3/24-27 Case file documents regarding Pan American Petroleum Corp. et. al. before the Division of Lands, Department of Natural Resources concerning discovery royalty certification for the Pan American No. 1 well: hearing transcripts, briefs 1964
4/1 Petroprospect: draft of a limited partnership agreement between D. L. Simasko and members of the 69 Petroprospect Group, for the purposes of oil exploration. And correspondence between D. L. Simasko and various members of the 69 Petroprospect Group concerning the partnership agreement, oil drilling progress, and shore payments for 69 Petroprospect 1969
4/2 Senate bill 152: Correspondence between D. L. Simasko and various state legislators regarding SB152 on state leasing procedures, and presentations by various private individuals concerning the advantages of non-competitive over competitive leasing of state land for oil exploration 1969
4/3, OSF5 State mineral leasing: maps, and reports concerning various competitive and noncompetitive lease sales of state lands in the Cook Inlet Region for the purpose of oil and gas exploration 1959-1961
4/4 Unit agreements: Trading Bay State Unit and Kustatan River State Unit operating agreements 1967-1968
4/5 Unit agreements: geologic report on the Sterling Unit Area by Union Oil Company and blank state and federal unit agreements Undated, 1960

Series 11: Alaska lands subject files; 1949-1978. 0.4 cubic feet.
The series contains correspondence, reports, articles, and legislation concerning various land subjects including: Alaska Land Status; Alaska Native Land Claims; D-2 Lands; federal lands; inland navigable waters; the Joint Federal-State Land Use Planning Commission; natural resource lands management; state selection; and tidelands. Arranged by subject. Some related materials may be found in series 13: Maps.

Box/Folder Description Date
4/6 Alaska land status: Form letter written by Joseph Rudd summarizing the land status situation in Alaska 1971
4/7 Conveyancing: Joseph Rudd’s notes concerning land transactions and conveyancing; blank land deed forms; and regulations concerning land conveyancing Undated
4/8 D-2 lands: Paper by John K. Norman, an Anchorage attorney, entitled “Definition of “D-2” 1978
4/9 Federal lands: Memos concerning state police power jurisdiction on federal lands, access across federal lands, and amendments to the Clean Air Act that affect federal public lands, and homesteads 1976-1977
4/10 Inland navigable waters: Notes by Joseph Rudd concerning court cases involving public lands Undated
4/11 Joint Federal-State Land Use Planning Commission: reports, correspondence, notes, minutes 1970-1977
5/1 Russian land holdings in respect to ANCSA and other land use questions: including documents from the Kossatski estate deeding of land along the Yukon and Atna Rivers and other research materials 1971
5/2 States’ liability for injuries on boundary lands 1960
5/3 Scout tickets (well histories) for Alaskan petroleum wells 1957-1959
5/4 Quiet title: Documents relating to a suit to quiet title to a piece of land in Spenard 1955-1956
5/5 State selection: Petition briefs for court cases involving appeals against the State of Alaska over state selection of school and mental health trust lands Undated, 1960
5/6 Tidelands—Miscellaneous memos and regulations: Memos between Joseph Rudd and various private individuals and officials in state government, and memos between various officials of the state government concerning: Juneau tidelands, proposed tide and submerged lands regulations, acquisition of tidelands, sale of tidelands for public purposes, and mining on tidelands. Also drafts of proposed regulations for tide and submerged lands 1958-1961
5/7, OSF1/7 Unalaska—land withdrawals: Copies of documents relating to land withdrawals on the island of Unalaska, annotated by Joseph Rudd. 1891, 1940, 1952, 1955
5/8 Valdez—townsite information: Copies of documents relating to land transfer within the Valdez townsite 1910-1911, 1971

Series 12: Public Land Law Review Commission files; 1966-1970. 0.3 cubic feet.
The series includes contains correspondence between Joseph Rudd and members of the Commission; Joseph Rudd’s notes on the Commission, reports, and clippings about the Commission; The Alaska Land Law Study done by the Commission; mining association statements, which contain statements to the Commission by various mining associations; and American Bar Association correspondence and statements from the Natural Resources Section of the American Bar Association. Some related materials may be found in series 13: Maps. Arranged by record type or topic.

Box/Folder Description Date
5/9 Correspondence between Joseph Rudd, members of the Public Land Law Review Commission, and various private individuals concerning the work of the Commission, includes copies of proposed study plans of the Commission 1966-1967
5/10 Correspondence between Joseph Rudd, U.S. Senator E. L. “Bob” Bartlett and various private individuals concerning the Public Land Law Review Commission; Joseph Rudd’s notes concerning the Commission; list of Commission members and members of the Advisory Council to the Commission; Joseph Rudd’s remarks before the Commission, Anchorage, July 6, 1966; and articles, reports, and newspaper clippings concerning the Commission 1965-1966
5/11 Alaska Land Law Study: Draft of a study of Alaska mining laws with recommendations for change. Part of a study done by the Alaska Land Law Study Team for the Public Land Law Review Commission 1969
5/12 Statements by various state mining associations and representatives of mining companies before the Public Land Law Review Commission; declarations of policy; and reports concerning the Commission and amendments to the mining laws 1966-1968
5/13 American Bar Association correspondence and statements: Correspondence from the Natural Resources Section and the Hard Minerals Committee of the American Bar Association concerning the final report of the Public Land Law Review Commission and information for newsletters; and a draft of the review of the Public Land Law Review Commission Report by the Hard Minerals Committee of the American Bar Association 1970

Series 13: Maps; 1950-1974.  0.6 cubic feet.
Arranged by creator or subject.

Folder/Item Description Date
OSF1/1 U.S. Geological Survey Beechey Point, revised. 1969
OSF1/2 U.S. Geological Survey Kenai. Undated
OSF1/3 U.S. Geological Survey Kuskokwim Bay. 1954
OSF1/4 U.S. Geological Survey Mt. McKinley. 1952
OSF1/5 U.S. Geological Survey Sagavanirktok, revised 1965
OSF1/6 U.S. Geological Survey Teller, revised. 1966
OSF1/8 U.S. Geological Survey topographical survey Anchorage: B-7, revised. 1962
OSF1/9 U.S. Geological Survey topographical survey Nabesna: A-2. 1960
OSF1/10 U.S. Dept. of the Interior. Bureau of Land Management land claims withdrawals. Scale: 1″ = 40 miles. Annotated to show regional boundaries. 1972 March
OSF1/11 Map of Alaska (on mylar) annotated to show state land withdrawals, scale not given. Circa 1972
OSF1/12 Alaska Division of Lands. Twelfth competitive oil and gas lease sale grid number S-13-6. Townships 9 to 12 north, ranges 9 to 12 west, Seward Meridian, Alaska [Moquakie Indian Reservation], no scale given, revised. 1963 August 30
OSF1/13 Alaska Division of Lands. Twelfth competitive oil and gas lease sale, grid number S-13-5. Townships 9 to 12 north, ranges 13 to 16 west, Seward Meridian, no scale given, revised. Annotated, possibly to show leases purchased. 1963 April 1
OSF1/14 Alaska Division of Lands. Twelfth competitive oil and gas lease sale. Grid number S-13-12. Townships 5 to 8 north, ranges 13 to 16 west, Seward Meridian, Alaska, no scale given, revised. Annotated possibly to show leases that were purchased. 1963 August 30
OSF1/15 Alaska Division of Lands. Grid number K13-12. Alaska Exploration Corp., Nome area, offshore prospecting permits. Scale 1″ = 1 mile, revised. 1968
OSF2/1 Greater Anchorage Area Borough, GAAB Planning Department, scale 1″ = 2 miles, showing the boundary of the Richardson Vista area with a boundary description. Undated
OSF2/2 U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Public Roads, Anchorage vicinity map number 225, scale 2″ = 1 mile, revised. 1959 July
OSF2/3 Spenard Utilities, Inc., Water distribution systems showing areas presently served and proposed service areas, Anchorage, scale 2″ = 1 mile. 1963
OSF2/4 Northeast  section 14-13N-3W, Elmrich Villas Area, grid 1239, sheet 5, 1-27, scale 1″ = 100 feet 1961
OSF2/5 Northwest  section 13-13N-3W, Creekside Area, grid 1240, sheet 6, 1-28, scale not given. 1961
OSF2/6 Southeast  section, 14-13N-3W, Debarr Vista Area, grid 1339, sheet 8, 1-44, no scale given. 1962
OSF2/7 Southwest  section, 13-13N-3W, Creekside Area, grid 1340, sheet 9, 1-45. 1962
OSF2/8 Northeast  section 23-13N-3W, Shady Lane Area, grid 1439, sheet 10, 5-13, no scale given. Annotated with a small attached map showing proposed easements for sewage treatment. 1962
OSF2/9 Northwest  section, 25-T13N-R3W, Highland Terrace and Dickson Area, sheet 11, 5-49, no scale given. 1961
OSF2/10 Southwest  section, 25-T13N-R3W, Muldoon Area, grid 1740, 9-17, no scale given. 1962
OSF2/11 Northeast  section, 32-T13N-R3W, Homestead Acres area, grid 1833, 9-29, no scale. 1963
OSF2/12 Northwest  section, 11-12N-4W, Shady Birch subdivision area, grid 2226, sheet 2, no scale. Undated
OSF2/13 State Manor subdivision, sanitary sewer system–key map scale 1″ = 100 feet, sheet 1 of 8, Tryck, Nyman, and Associates. 1963
OSF2/14 State Manor subdivision, Rabbit Creek School, key map, water system, scale 1″ = 100 feet, sheet 1 of 13, Tryck, Nyman, and Associates. 1961
OSF2/15 State Manor subdivision, sewer key map, scale 1″ = 500 feet, sheet 2 of 11, Tryck, Nyman, and Associates. 1963
OSF2/16 Alaska 1172, showing the Valdez townsite and vicinity, no scale given. Undated
OSF2/17 “North Slope sale areas; development contracts.” No scale given. Shows petroleum development contract areas. Undated
OSF2/18 Cook Inlet natural gas plat and survey, Alaska Tidelands Survey No. 916, scale 1″ = 100 feet 1974
OSF2/19 No title. Handwritten on back: “Alaska Barite #2253, USS and loading site.” Scale indeterminate. Undated
OSF2/20 Map of the Roth Property, Healy Quadrangle, Division of Mines and Minerals. Scale 1″ = 400 feet Shows coal deposits. 1954
OSF2/21 Map of the Roth Property, Healy Quadrangle, Division of Mines and Minerals. Scale indeterminate. Shows gravel deposits. Circa 1954
OSF2/22 Valdez Mining District (plat) Sheet 148. Scale 1″ = 600 feet Undated
OSF2/23 Valdez Mining District (plat) Sheet 149. Scale 1″ = 600 feet Undated
OSF3/1 Alaska Map Service. Arctic Slope, scale 1:250,000, revised. Shows oil and gas lease locations and ownership and well locations (fragile, 1 major tear). 1968 August
OSF3/2 Alaska Map Service. Arctic Slope west, scale 1:250,000, revised. Shows oil and gas lease locations and ownership and well locations. 1968 August
OSF3/3 Alaska Map Service. Untitled (east Arctic Slope?) scale approx. 1:62,360. Compiled from Alaska Map Service and Division of Lands maps. Shows land status. Undated
OSF3/4 Alaska Map Service. Bethel. Map No. BB-01, scale 1:125,000 (1″ = 2 miles), revised. Shows oil and gas leases and their ownership. Annotated to indicate additional leases and their establishment dates. 1968 November 21
OSF3/5 Alaska Map Service. Bethel. Map No. BB-01, scale 1:125,000 (1″ = 2 miles), revised. Shows oil and gas leases and their ownership. Annotated, possibly to show lease cancellations or transfers. 1969 March 14
OSF3/6 Alaska Map Service. Baird Inlet, Map No. BB-02, scale 1:125,000 (1″ = 2 miles), revised. Shows oil and gas leases and their ownership. Annotated to show additional leases. 1968 November 21
OSF3/7 Alaska Map Service. Baird Inlet, Map No. BB-02, scale 1:125,000 (1″ = 2 miles), revised. Shows oil and gas leases and their ownership. Annotated, possibly to show lease cancellations or transfers. 1969 March 14
OSF3/8-15 Master plan and site plans for the Grounds of Alaska Methodist University, Anchorage, Alaska Undated, 1957
OSF3/16-19 Vitro Minerals Corporation, property surveys. 1964

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