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Robert C. Kallenberg papers

Guide to the Robert C. Kallenberg papers

Collection number: HMC-1235.
Creator: Kallenberg, Robert C.
Title: Robert C. Kallenberg papers.
Dates: 1919-1972.
Volume of collection: 5.5 cubic feet.
Language of materials: Materials in this collection are in English.
Collection summary: Papers of a commercial fisherman and educator.

Biographical note:
Robert Kallenberg was born May 23, 1903. He received a Bachelor of Science in animal husbandry from Iowa State College in 1925. In 1952, he received a Master of Science in agriculture with a major in conservation education and a minor in fishery biology from Cornell University. Kallenberg moved to Dillingham in 1926, and taught at Kulukak School under the US Bureau of Education from 1926-1927, Levelock School under the Alaska Native Service from 1941-1942, and Dillingham High School from 1949-1951. In the years he wasn’t teaching, Kallenberg worked in commercial fishing, trapping, and prospecting in the Bristol Bay area. He was actively interested in conservation and the affairs of organized labor, and served on the Territorial Board of Fisheries. Kallenberg was also a member of the Dillingham Power and Light Association, Inc., Pioneers of Alaska Igloo No. 6, and served on the Advisory Committee of the US section of the International North Pacific Fisheries Commission (INPFC). He was also a member of the Bristol Bay Chamber of Commerce. In 1963, he accepted a teaching position at Chugiak High School in Chugiak, Alaska, retiring when he was 70. Robert Kallenberg died in 2000.

Collection description:
The collection contains the papers of Robert C. Kallenberg, most of which relate to his employment as a commercial fisherman and educator, as well as the boards and committees he served. The collection includes his college course notes and sketches; materials related to a campaign for Alaska Legislature; correspondence with friends and members of the legislature regarding fishing, restricted fishing licenses, and fishing legislation; and reports, correspondence, and notes regarding INPFC annual meetings. The collection also includes correspondence, reports, and personal notes regarding Japanese fish efforts; fishing in Dillingham and the Wood River Dam; Alaska Department of Fisheries (ADF); Alaska Fisheries Board (AFB); US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS); commercial fishing permits; Central Alaska Power Association, Inc.; Alaska Rural Development Board; and the Alaska Road Commission regarding Dillingham road closures and the location of the Dillingham-Snag Point Road. The collection also includes Kallenberg’s employment information, fishing receipts, and invoices for the Nakat Packing Corporation and Nakat Co., Alaska Salmon Co., Bristol Bay Packing Company, Pacific American Fisheries, Alaska Packers Association, and Nushagak Cannery.

Arrangement: The collection is arranged in the order in which it arrived at the Archives.

Digitized copies: This collection has not been digitized. For information about obtaining digital copies, please contact Archives and Special Collections.

Rights note: The Archives holds copyright to material created by Robert C. Kallenberg. The collection contains material created by organizations and individuals other than Kallenberg, which may subject to copyright restrictions.

Preferred citation: Robert C. Kallenberg papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.

Separated materials: Publications were removed from the collection and some added to the Consortium Library’s Rare Books collection. Please contact the Archives for further information.

Related materials: Annual reports for the International North Pacific Fisheries Commission are available online: http://www.npafc.org/new/inpfc_publications_AR.html.

Custodial history: The Kallenberg family gave the collection to Mike Davis after Robert Kallenberg’s death.

Acquisition note: The collection was donated to the Archives by Mike Davis in 2015. A deed of gift was signed by Mary Kallenberg, Robert Kallenberg’s daughter, in 2016.

Processing information: This collection was described by Veronica Denison in 2016. Disintegrated fish scales in envelopes were removed from the collection. Photographs were taken of the envelopes and are available upon request. When possible original folders and folder titles were retained. The 2020 addition was added to the collection description by Arlene Schmuland.

Container list:

Box/Folder Description Dates
1/1 High school chemistry: Notes and drawings 1919
1/2-13 College course notes, sketches, and course work: Sketches of insects and plant life; Reinhardt Vertical and Graphic Materials course; Chemistry; Genetics; Embryology; Botany; Graduate school notes circa 1921-1954
1/14-15 Japanese fish efforts: Notes, telegram regarding travel to Tokyo, American Embassy Commissary receipts, travel notebook 1942-1956
1/16 Fishing ’51; Communism in Bristol Bay 1951
1/17 Spring 53: Alaska Department of Fisheries (ADF): Budgets, correspondence, notes; Alaska Fisheries Board 1953
1/18 53: ADF: Budgets, correspondence, notes; Alaska Fisheries Board 1953
1/19 54: Correspondence, most with C.L. Anderson of ADF; Stream readings; Wood Canyon Dam 1954
1/20 Alaska Fisheries Board (AFB), ADF: Budget 1954
1/21 ADF, Fisheries Research Institute, Fisherman’s Fund: Beluga’s in Bristol Bay, briefs regarding the taking over of Fish and Game; Kokhanok Bay correspondence and fish reports; Salmon reports, Nushagak Red Salmon Forecast for 1955 1955
1/22 53: Correspondence with ADF, C.L. Anderson, AFB, Predator Control Report Copper River Delta 1953
1/23 53: ADF; Correspondence:  Ernest Gruening, E.L. Bartlett, Congress of the United States; Afognak Island map 1953
1/24 54: ADF board agenda; Seal Program in Copper River, predator control expenditures 1954
1/25 55: AFB agenda; USFWS recommended changes to fisheries regulations; ADF; Catch reports 1955
1/26-27 55A: Correspondence: US Congress, ADF, Warren L. Looney, C.L. Anderson, William G. Harrington; Statement for Bristol Bay Fish Producers Association; Alaska Department of Fish and Game Commercial Fisheries Division King Salmon investigation; Preliminary Economic Survey of Dillingham 1955
1/28 Munson vs ADF & Board [Alaska Department of Fisheries, and Alaska Fisheries Board]: Kallenberg’s affidavit 1956
1/29 A 56: Correspondence: ADF 1956
1/30 B 56: Protest to issue preliminary permit, Central Alaska Power Association, Inc. Project 2215; Enumeration of Sockeye Fingerling Outmigration of the Naknek and Egegik Rivers of Bristol Bay; Red Salmon Investigations at Brooks Lake; Correspondence: ADF, Alaska Constitutional Convention 1956
2/1 Robert C. Kallenberg,  Member, Alaska Fisheries Board 56: Notes: Peck-Paul vs US; Proposals: US Department of Interior FWS; Bristol Bay Red Salmon average seasonal landings; Maps: Kokhanok Lake and vicinity, Bristol Bay watershed; ADF expenditures, budgets 1956-1957
2/2-3 56: ADF correspondence; Alaska Rural Development Board correspondence, budget; Munson v. Territory of Alaska; Efficiency of gill netting methods in Bristol Bay; Letters from Alaska Legislature 1956
2/4 Fisheries Board meeting February 27—March 3, 1956: Expenditures; Taku River research; Picket note regarding Kallenberg; Survey summary regarding fishermen’s reactions to trap bill, H.R. 242 1956
2/5 57: Correspondence: US Congress, E.L. Bartlett, Mike Stephovich, Alaska Rural Development Board; Memorandum regarding White Act 1957
2/6 A 57: ADF memos to Alaska Fisheries board members, C.L. Anderson; Alaska Department of Fish and Game: Press releases, commission minutes 1957
2/7 B 57: Alaska Fish and Game Commission agendas; Notes; Memo on high seas salmon tagging; Travel authorizations; Alaska Department of Fish and Game memoranda, correspondence; Fish and Game bills 1957
2/8 Alaska Fish and Game Commission meeting, Robert Kallenberg, November 18-23, 1957 1957
2/9 Press releases 57-58: Alaska Department of Fish and Game correspondence and press releases 1957-1958
2/10 Alaska Fish and Game Commission Meeting, Robert Kallenberg April 7-12, 1958: Agenda; Notes regarding sport and commercial fishing, fur, and game; Growth rate in rainbow trout; News releases; Alaska Sportsmen’s Council resolution 1958
2/11 58: Alaska Department of Fish and Game: Correspondence, press releases, committee minutes 1958
2/12 58: Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G): Correspondence, memoranda; Alaska Department of Fisheries: Memoranda; Alaska salmon fisheries protections, salmon spawning; Alaska Fish and Game Commission: Hunting guide, correspondence, memoranda 1958
2/13 Robert C. Kallenberg 58: ADF&G press releases; Alaska Fish and Game Commission: Agenda; Correspondence: Lee Gardner; Chart and memoranda for fishing gear and license fees; Licenses and regulations for commercial fishermen; Kallenberg’s notes; Alaska Sportsman’s Council resolution 1958
2/14 59: ADF&G press releases, correspondence; Alaska Sportsman’s Council resolution; Senator Bartlett press releases 1959
2/15 First Leg. First Session: Senate Joint Memorial No. 9; House Bills: 54, 73, 201, 245: Memoranda to Advisory Committee from Alaska Fish and Game Commission 1959
2/16 Restricted gear 1949 proposal: Proposed legislation to limit fishing gear in Alaskan waters 1949
2/17 Alaska Packers Association Fishermen’s Pass Book, includes Territory of Alaska fisherman’s license 1944
2/18 Pacific American Fisheries: Fishing receipt book 1957
2/19 IPHC [International Pacific Halibut Commission]: Memoranda, notices, legislation 1954-1962
2/20 Salmon Conference 1961 [Salmon Conservation Conference, Juneau]: Correspondence, agenda, memoranda, Kallenberg’s notes, report 1961
2/21 Report of Evaluating Committee of Salmon Conservation Conference: Kallenberg’s notes and annotations, correspondence 1961
2/22 Tide tables for Nushagak Bay 1942 June-July

Box 5

Campaign flyer, pamphlet, and business card circa 1966
2/24 Letters from Denton “Denny” Moore 1953-1956
2/25 Correspondence: Anchorage Chamber of Commerce preferential fishing rights for residents 1954
2/26 Correspondence: Fred Peterson lawsuit regarding Tolstoi vessel 1946

OS Folder

Alaska Road Commission correspondence: Dillingham road closures; Map, location of Dillingham-Snag Point Road 1948-1954
2/28 Correspondence: Dillingham Airport Committee; Alaska Game Commission site; Report on Dillingham Harbor and Naknek River; Payroll information from the Department of Education 1943-1954
2/29 Bristol Bay Chamber of Commerce newsletters: Vol. 9, No. 1; Vol. 10, No. 1 1946-1947
2/30 Fish scale samples (in book): Oncorhynchus nerka (sockeye salmon) Ugashik River 1956
3/1 Correspondence: Personal, Pioneers of Alaska recommendation, taxes on crab industry, Fishermen’s Co-op Trading Co.; Alaska Fishermen’s Union delegate certificate 1948-1956, 1965
3/2 Correspondence: Lowe Trading Co.; Alaska Territorial Legislature; Fisheries Board; Employment; Iliamna Fish Producers Association regarding samples; Telegram from Kallenberg’s sister regarding mother’s death 1942-1958, 1963

OS Folder

Pacific American Fisheries correspondence: Easements, includes maps 1956
3/4 Dillingham Tundra Jumpers; Kallenberg’s meeting notes; Constitution undated, 1950
3/5 Lorenze Equipment Company: Receipts, correspondence 1946-1947
3/6 Cook Inlet Set Netters Association correspondence regarding regulations 1954
3/7 The Nakat Packing Corporation: Fish receipts, W-4 1952-1954
3/8 Pacific American Fisheries: Fish receipts, earning statements 1947-1948, 1956, 1959
3/9 Alaska Salmon Co.: Fish receipts, account statement 1942, 1944
3/10 Airline traveling bills and tickets 1942-1952
3/11 Alaska Steamship Co. tickets, freight bill undated, 1940
3/12 Motor vehicle ownership certificate, license, Notice of Classification; School tax receipt, Dillingham Public Utility tax statement and official receipt; Alaska Travel Control permit to enter Territory of Alaska 1944-1949, 1954, 1960
3/13 Gear tax and fishing licenses 1942-1956
3/14 Bristol Bay Packing Company employment information 1945
3/15 Alaska Packers Association: Sale receipts; Work statements and credits; Nushagak station customer receipts; W4 for Nushagak Cannery 1941-1946
3/16 Application for admission to graduate school, includes resume circa 1951
3/17 Traders Inc.: Canvas proofing samples, Formula 33 information 1954
3/18 Adams Net & Twine Division: Calendar, pamphlet 1954
3/19 Correspondence: Ederer Division, Portland High School;  Proposed fisheries course outline, paper outline; Territory of Alaska teaching contract; Fish and Game: Dillingham to Juneau travel voucher 1952-1961
3/20 Kallenberg essays regarding commercial fishing, development of Bristol Bay Fishery undated
3/21 Dillingham alumni meeting speech undated
3/22 Kallenberg: Special Investigation of Salmon Fishery in Central and Western Alaska 1919, includes Kallenberg’s annotations and table of fish by species, graphs of salmon in Bristol Bay and Nushagak River circa 1919-1947
3/23 Fisheries Research Institute University of Washington fish tag report; Forty demonstrations in one class period, course work undated, 1952-1959
3/24 Red Salmon Cannery, Nakat Company fishing receipt book 1954
3/25 Fishery course H.S. [High School] 1954
3/26 Land Office, small tracts: US Department of  Interior: Identification of property at Wood River, correspondence with Kallenberg, homesites in Alaska, mineral reservation claim, appeals, filing fee receipts and application; Bureau of Land Management correspondence 1958-1963
3/27 Limnology: Course work undated
3/28 Sample of pupil notebook: The Fishing Industry undated
3/29 Ledger: Fishing materials used undated
3/30 Check receipt book for supplies and licenses 1958-1959
3/31 Alaska Independent Fishermen’s Marketing Association 1972
3/32 54: King Crab fishing; INPFC meeting in Vancouver: Correspondence, Kallenberg’s notes, The New International Fishery Commission Concept, Committee on Biology and Research meeting report, Kallenberg’s report, Department of State; Correspondence: Trade and tariffs on salmon, North Pacific Fisheries Convention legislation 1954
3/33-38 INPFC: Correspondence, reports, legislation, meeting minutes, Kallenberg’s notes and reports 1955-1956
4/1-12 INPFC: Correspondence, reports, legislation, meeting minutes, Kallenberg’s notes and reports 1957-1962
4/13 Hemingway and Bartlett: Nylock salmon and cabled twines 1954
4/14 Pan-American Coffee Bureau: Poster, booklet “A two-way street between the Americas” undated
4/15 Empty ration book folder “Keller’s Baking Co.”; Stamps: Easter Seals, Help Children Walk 1963
4/16 Correspondence: Carl Trobridge, Representative C. Chester Carlson regarding restricted fishing licenses, James Ryan Commission of Education; C.H.& S. Parts & Supply Corporation invoices; Ugashik District undated, 1947-1953
Box 5 Silk box: Cocoons, raw silk, silk sewing thread, silk fabrics, pamphlet undated
4/17 Photographs undated
4/18 1947 Grand Igloo Pioneers of Alaska Constitution and By-laws; 1956 Pioneers of Alaska roster Igloo No. 6 and Auxiliary No. 6 1947, 1956
4/19 Supply list receipt; B. Johannsson note regarding picket line in Bristol Bay; Kallenberg business card undated, 1940, 1950
4/20 Dillingham Public Schools: 1962 Commencement, Grandad Steps Out high school production pamphlet, The Blizzard from Dillingham High School Vol. 25 and issued regarding 1959 graduates; The Dillingham Music Club presents Miles Brandon flyer; Snag Point High School 1950 commencement 1955-1966
4/21 INPFC: Seventh Annual Meeting agenda, reports, Kallenberg’s notes 1960
4/22 INPFC: Ad Hoc Committee on Abstention: Agenda, reports 1958-1960
4/23 INPFC Tokyo: invitations and tourism brochure, INPFC handbook 1955
4/24 INPFC meeting notes 1958
4/25-27 INPFC meeting agendas and research materials 1958
6/1 INPFC meeting notes 1959-1960
6/2-6 INPFC meeting agendas and research materials 1959
6/7-12 INPFC meeting agendas and research materials 1961
Box 5 Boat flags; Bristol Bay Red Salmon index values; “People of the Tundra” poster, Chugiak High School undated



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