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Edna and Norman Bassett photographs

Guide to the Edna and Norman Bassett photographs
undated, 1927-1932
An Alaska Historical Society Collection

Collection number: HMC-1027-AHS.
Bassett, Edna.
Bassett, Norman
Title: Edna and Norman Bassett photographs.
Dates: undated, 1927-1932.
Volume of collection: 0.01 cubic feet.
Language of materials: Materials in this collection are in English.
Collection summary: Trip photographs of a couple who visited Alaska.

Biographical note:
Norman Bassett was a ticket agent at Union Station in Indianapolis, Indiana from about 1910 to 1950. During this time, he and his wife, Edna, travelled extensively in the United States. The couple visited Alaska aboard the S.S. Dorothy Alexander in 1932. Norman Bassett died in 1957 and Edna Bassett died in 1973.

Collection description:
The collection consists of Edna and Norman Bassett’s personal and tourist photographs taken and collected on their trip to Alaska aboard the S.S. Dorothy Alexander, and on the White Pass and Yukon Railroad in 1932. Subjects of the photographs include Mendenhall Glacier, Taku Glacier, Juneau, Skagway, Haines, Sitka, Ketchikan, the S.S. Dorothy Alexander, and views from the White Pass and Yukon Railroad.

Arrangement: The collection is arranged in no discernible order.

Alternative formats: The collection includes a xerographic copy of the photographs.

Digitized copies: This collection has not been digitized. For information about obtaining digital copies, please contact Archives and Special Collections.

Rights note: Archives does not hold copyright to materialis in this collection.

Preferred citation: Edna and Norman Bassett photographs, Alaska Historical Society collections, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.

Acquisition note: This collection was donated to the Alaska Historical Society by Frank Haskett in 1994. The Historical Society retains ownership of the collection and has placed it on deposit with Archives and Special Collections.

Processing information: This collection was described by Jeffrey Sinnott in 1999. The guide to the collection was converted to current standard by Veronica Denison in 2015.

Container list:

Description Dates
Prints from photo lots 8, 16, and 17: Ice cave at Mendenhall Glacier; Mendenhall Glacier; Taku Glacier; Scenes along Inland Passage; Father Hubbard’s sled-dogs aboard the Dorothy Alexandra; Stream near Mendenhall Glacier; Views from train on the White Pass & Yukon Railroad between Skagway and Lake Bennett; Juneau from Gastineau Channel; Scene of Gastineau Channel taken from auto road; Sitka Harbor; S.S. Dorothy Alexander in Sitka Harbor; Totem poles near entrance to national forest trail, Sitka; Clearing and mountain valley from train 1932
Prints from photo lot: Skagway from mountainside; Painted cliff in Skagway Harbor; Deck of the Dorothy Alexander from main mast; Distant view of Fort Seward, Haines; Taku Glacier from ship; U.S. battleship in Puget Sound; Small islands from dock at Sitka; Two-masted schooner under sail near Ketchikan 1932
Commercial tourist photographs: Native fisherman next to large salmon on dock, “Compliments of the Photo Shop Studio, Sitka, Alaska”; Mountain stream; Three puppies on bench; “City Float. Ketchikan, Aaa,” Small boat harbor; Lover’s Lane with totem poles, Sitka; Ocean waves breaking on beach; “Kyan Totem. Ketchikan, Alaska,”  Thwaites photo, No. 6012, distributed by Ketchikan Better Business Bureau; View of Mendenhall Lake toward glacier with road bridge in foreground, Ordway photo, Juneau; “Lover’s Lane, Sitka, Alaska.”; Alaska Scenic Views, Juneau, No. 35810; “Juneau, Alaska,” aerial from above Douglas Island, Ordway photo undated, 1927, 1930



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