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Joseph G. Moretti World War II letters

Guide to the Joseph G. Moretti World War II letters

Collection number: HMC-0897.
Creator: Moretti, Joseph G.
Title: Joseph G. Moretti World War II letters.
Date: 1943.
Volume of collection: 0.02 cubic feet.
Language of materials: Collection materials in English.
Collection summary: Letters to friends from a Seabee serving in the Aleutians with the 32nd Naval Construction Battalion.

Biographical note:
Joseph G. Moretti was from Florida. During World War II, he served in the Aleutian Islands as a Seabee in Company B, 32nd Naval Construction Battalion. Joseph Moretti died in Hialeah, Florida, in 2006.

Collection description:
The collection consists of two World War II era letters with envelopes by Seabee Joseph G. Moretti, to friends George and Sally Cathey of Tryon, North Carolina. In the first letter, dated June 12, 1943, Moretti thanks the couple for sending him a large supply of peanuts, informs them that he has sent them a tablecloth purchased in Ketchikan, and asks them how they liked the photographs he sent them taken at Dutch Harbor and Miami. He also writes that he has been on night duty, that there was a show with female performers there, and that it has been six months since he left the United States. In the second letter, dated August 18, 1943, Moretti thanks them for their last letter, mentions that he has not seen any native baskets for sale there, and recounts an unsuccessful attempt to climb a mountain using a jeep. He also writes about his friends and tent mates John and Mac, seeing a movie in the mess hall, and missing his wife.

Arrangement: The letters are in chronological order.

Rights note: Archives does not hold copyright to this collection.

Preferred citation: Joseph G. Moretti World War II letters, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.

Related materials: The E. J. Megonigal collection (HMC-0898) has another letter to the Catheys written by another member of Megonigal’s unit.

Acquisition note: The Archives purchased this collection at internet auction in 2006.

Processing information: This collection was described by Jeffrey Sinnott in 2006.

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