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George A. Parks photographs

Guide to the George A. Parks photographs

Collection number: HMC-0892.
International Newsreel Corporation.
Associated Press.
Title: George A. Parks photographs.
Dates: 1925-1931.
Volume of collection: 0.02 cubic feet.
Language of materials: Collection materials are in English.
Collection summary: Press photographs of a Governor of Territorial Alaska.

Biographical note:
George Alexander Parks was born in Denver, Colorado, in 1883. He graduated from the Colorado School of Mines in 1906, and worked as a mining engineer in Mexico, Canada and the Western United States before coming to Alaska in 1907. In Alaska, he served in the following federal government positions: Mineral Examiner (1908-1917) and Chief (1920-1923), U. S. Land Office; Assistant Supervisor of Surveys, Public Lands (1924-1926); Territorial Governor (1925-1933); and District Cadastral Engineer (1934-1948). After retiring from the federal government, Parks worked part-time for the R. J. Sommers Construction Company in Juneau, and served as Vice President of the First National Bank of Juneau. He was also a member of the Masons, Shrine, Elks, and the Alaska Council of the Boy Scouts. The highway between Anchorage and Fairbanks was renamed in his honor in 1975. George Parks died in 1984.

Collection description:
The collection consists of six press photographs and formal portraits of George A. Parks (1883-1984).

Arrangement: The photographs are arranged chronologically.

Digitized copies: This collection has not been digitized. For information about obtaining digital copies, please contact Archives and Special Collections.

Rights note: The Archives does not hold rights to the images in this collection. Some may be in the public domain.

Preferred citation: George A. Parks photographs, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.

Acquisition note: This collection was purchased at internet auction in 2006.

Processing information: This collection was described by Jeffrey Sinnott in 2006. The finding aid was converted to current standard by Arlene Schmuland in 2017.

Container list:

Item Description Date
1 Caption: “Parks named governor of Alaska. Washington, Above is pictured George Alexander Parks, an engineer in the Department of the Interior for many years and stationed in Alaska. He has been named by President Coolidge to be Governor of Alaska following the expiration of the term of Gov. Scott Done. Mr. Parks is in the capital on his semi-annual visit and was very surprised when informed of his nomination. He wondered if he could ‘swing the job,’ but will tackle the job.” International Newsreel Photo. 5 X 7 inch. 1925 February 16
2 Caption: “Governor George Alexander Parks of Alaska, who made the first airplane flight ever made between Juneau, Alaska and San Francisco. Governor Parks made the trip in 19 hours and 48 minutes actual flying time. He came to California to see his niece, Miss Mary Catherine Thompson graduate from Mills College, Oakland. Associated Press Photo from San Francisco Bureau. 6 X 8 inch. 1929 June 4
3 Portrait smiling and seated in chair. 5.5 X 7 inch. 1929 June 4
4 Portrait standing and leaning over large case. 7 X 11 inch. 1929 June 4
5 Caption: “Upper photograph shows Gov. George A. Parks of Alaska delivering an address at the corner stone laying of the new territorial building at Juneau. The corner stone was laid April 29. The governor’s report for 1929 with a list of Territorial and federal officers in the, pamphlets and documents of various organizations sere sealed in the cornerstone. Lower photograph shows cornerstone on blocks just before it was raised and sealed into position.” Associated Press Photo from San Francisco Bureau. 8 X 10 inch, two images on print. 1930 May 6
6 Caption: “Alaskan Officials: Officials of Alaska are shown gathering around the conference table in the cabinet room of the new territorial building which has just been dedicated in Juneau.” Governor George Parks, Commissioner of Education Leo W. Breuer, Auditor Cash Cole, Attorney-General John Rustgard, Secretary of Alaska Karl Theile, Highway Engineer R. J. Sommers, and Treasurer W. G. Smith seated around conference table with signatures and titles at bottom of print. Associated Press Photo from San Francisco. 8 X 10 inch. 1931 April 16

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