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Stephen Conn papers

 Guide to the Stephen Conn papers
1939-1999, bulk 1970-1999

Collection number: HMC-0874.
Creator: Conn, Stephen.
Title: Stephen Conn papers.
Dates: 1939-1999, bulk 1970-1999.
Volume of collection: 3 cubic feet.
Language of materials: Materials in this collection are in English.
Collection summary: Papers of a UAA Justice Center faculty member.

Biographical note:
Stephen Conn received his juris doctorate from Columbia Law School in 1968 and an M.A. in Anthropology in 1977 from UCLA. From 1972 to 1975 he was an associate professor with the Institute of Social, Economic, and Government Research (ISEGR) at University of Alaska Fairbanks. In 1975, he joined the Criminal Justice Center (later known as the Justice Center) at University of Alaska Anchorage as assistant director for bush justice programs, with a focus on education and administration in rural Alaska. After leaving the Justice Center in 1990, Conn became the executive director of the Alaska Public Interest Research Group (AKPIRG) until 1992.

Collection description:
The collection contains the research files of Stephen Conn. The subjects include alcohol in Alaska Native communities, bush and rural justice, Village Public Safety Officer (VPSO) Program, paralegal programs, and juror selection, tribal law, Alaska Native Land Claims, Indian Reorganization Act (IRA), land use, native village meeting minutes, subsistence, and corrections in bush Alaska. The collection includes seminars, conferences, and presentations either by Stephen Conn or others.

Arrangement: The collection is roughly grouped by subject.

Digitized copies: This collection has not been digitized. For information about obtaining digital copies, please contact Archives and Special Collections.

Rights note: Archives holds copyright to materials created by Stephen Conn. The collection contains materials created by others, which may be subject to copyright restrictions.

Preferred citation: Stephen Conn papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.

Works used in preparation of inventory: “Stephen Conn, J.D., M.A.”: Publications & Papers. http://justice.uaa.alaska.edu/publications/authors/conn/index.html.

Separated materials: Some publications were removed from this collection and some added to the Consortium Library’s Rare Books collection. Please contact an archivist for further information.

Related materials: Publications written by Stephen Conn are available online through the University of Alaska Anchorage Justice Center.

Acquisition note: The collection was donated to Archives by Stephen Conn in 2006 and 2007. A deed of gift was signed by Conn in 2007.

Processing information: This collection was described by Veronica Denison in 2016.

Container list:

Box/Folder Description Dates
1/1-24 Alcohol in Alaska: Research files, Havelock tape transcript and notes, interview with Kim Moeller (North Slope Borough), village Alaska and alcohol related crimes, Kipnuk, Bethel, Barrow, alcohol control, John Winjum interview notes, No Need for Gold: Alcohol Control and Laws and the AK Native population notes and bibliography, Victor Krum letters, Navajo Alcohol Project: Traditional Healing Methods, Satellite Villages: Bethel and State Liquor Policy in the Modern Era, The Alcohol Beverage Control Board in Alaska 1970-1999
1/25-69 Bush Justice Implementation Committee meetings, reports, and recommendations (Juneau, Nome, Kotzebue, Golovin, Unalakleet, Barrow, Dillingham, Fort Yukon, Bethel, Togiak, Manokotak, Napakiak) and Liability Committee (Native Justice: How it Worked and Evolved); Bush Justice Project reports; Second, Third, and Fourth Bush Justice conferences reports, presentations, findings, and recommendations; AKPIRG/Conn interview with Wheeler; Justice Problem Statements at Citizens Participation conference; Comparative analyses; Administrative issues with implanting Bush Justice; Standard and goals; Conn’s files, notes, and collected presentations and papers relating to bush justice 1970-1990
1/70-2/8 Alaska Village Council President’s Association meeting minutes (1965, 1967); Enforcement of tribal law; Village law proposals; Summary of disputes resolved by the Emmonak Problem Board, Selawek Problem Board; Access to law; Alaska Tribal Conference 1998; 1972 Roy Peratrovich interview; Law in Gambell and Savoonga; Legal and political relationship between IRA and traditional native councils 1965-1998
2/9-45 Tribal Law Enforcement and Court System in Stevens Village; Village Public Safety Officers (VPSO): Bush travel, Native American Rights Fund, memoranda regarding Conn’s work, turnover among VPSO, profiles, training manual reports, Wainwright, Emmonak training log, William M’s notebook village police—Emmonak; Corrections in bush Alaska: Roll of corrections officers, Lou Reese interview, Village Life on Trial, rural Alaska corrections programs; Troopers: travel survey, Alfred Francis interview, William Nix interview on role of troopers in the bush, trooper’s letters; Venetie Village Council meeting minutes; North Slope Borough correspondence; Rural Alaska corrections plan; Aborigines and the Law; An Introduction to the Study of Formal and Information Disposition of Deviants in Ethnic Villages; Village of Tyonek V. Pucket et al, tribal government notes 1939-1947, 1972-1986
2/46-49 Paralegals programs, Native Paralegals 1976-1988
2/50-66 Native women in crime; Juvenile Court Committee; Chris Cooke interview; The State of Plea-Bargaining in Alaska; Cross examination of Eugene Brower, Brower’s legal defense; Bethel: court dockets, Conn’s notes, Louis Agi interview; Native juvenile justice systems; Native youth and welfare services; Manokotak justice system; Alaska court Advisory Committee on Fairness and Access conference; Past activities of attorneys and the bar; Judicial proceedings concerning Native and Non-Native persons; Village Conciliation Board project evaluation 1973-1997
2/67-73 Juror Exclusion project: Correspondence, press packet, Bilingual Aboriginal Jurors in a Euro-Canadian Criminal Justice System, AKPIRG, Jury/grand jury pool data 1990-1996
2/74-88 Magistrate Advisory Committee: Handouts, Supreme Court, memoranda, role in bush Alaska, recommendations, Emmonak, Hippler statistics magistrate court Barrow 1963-1979
3/1-26 ANCSA and land rights: IRA transfers, corporations, land rights struggles, Land Use Regulation of Alaska Native Allotments and Alaska Native Town site Lots; seminar presentations by various people, governance, ANCSA Amendments, land use planning and management, Alaska Native sovereignty, issues report, village incorporation list, Native Governmental Jurisdiction, Village Home Rule, Moment of Truth: The Special Relationship of the Federal Government to Alaska Natives and Their Tribes circa 1971-1990
3/27-35 Subsistence, environments, and economy: Economic Development Among Indian Nations, environment protection, Lime Village: Subsistence and Appropriate Management in an Alaska Native Village, subsistence litigation, RurAL CAP and other subsistence conferences 1974-1990
3/36-41 AFN (Alaska Federation of Natives) related materials: Open policy issues, resolutions and recommendations, 1999 Convention draft resolutions, IRA transcript from AFN Conference, New Tyonek court decision for retreat, Committee on Tribal Governments 1983-1999
3/42-43 United Tribes of Alaska (UTA), General Assembly; Resolutions Submitted to UTA 1981, 1985
3/44 Various conference papers submitted by others regarding native customs and affairs 1984-1989
3/45-47 Water and sewer issues in Native villages; Alaska Native Coalition correspondence; Project Evaluations: Tundra Women’s Coalition, Kodiak Police Department, Kodiak Women’s Resources, Male Awareness project 1979-1992
3/48-50 Correspondence: Zagreb conference, Oilwatch Alaska Inc., and Conn’s correspondence 1976-1996
3/51-54 Conn’s letter to editor, Fulbright Scholarship and VPSO project information, resume, correspondence and collection articles 1967-1993
3/55-61 Various research files: Notes on slave cases in courts, Canada, Alone Together: Social Order on an Urban Beach by Robert Edgerton and notes, Changing Patterns of Eskimo Homicide by Joseph Bloom, Justice 455 notes—Sentencing Law and Practice, interview with Lewis Dischner, Tiwa people 1977-1990




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