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Hilary Hilscher Alaska Telecommunications History project records

Guide to the Hilary Hilscher Alaska Telecommunications
History Project records and research files

Collection number: HMC-0859.
Creator: Hilscher, Hilary.
Title: Hilary Hilscher Alaska Telecommunications History Project records and research files.
Dates: 1939-2005.
Volume of collection: 8.0 cubic feet.
Language of materials: Collection materials in English.
Collection summary: Alaskan telecommunications history research files.

Biographical note:
Hilary J. Hilscher received a bachelor’s degree in journalism from the University of Missouri in 1971, and a master’s degree in business administration from Alaska Pacific University in 1992. Her professional positions have included: Vice President, Public Relation, Nerland & Associates/Mystrom Advertising, Anchorage (1983-1991); Writer/Editor, Graphic Arts Center Publishing Company, Portland, Oregon (1982, 1991, 1992); Director of Program Development, The Nature Conservancy of Alaska, Anchorage (1991-1996); Senior Writer/Editor, Lukin Publications Management, Anchorage (1996-1998); Communications/Development Associate, The Nature Conservancy of Washington, Seattle (1998-1999); free-lance communications work (1999-2002); and Communications Coordinator, Audubon Washington (2002-). From 1999 to 2002, she led a project to produce a history of telecommunications in Alaska (book, video, exhibit), which included oral history interviews. This work was not completed.

Collection description:
The collection consists of Hilary Hilscher’s research materials concerning the history of telecommunications in Alaska and records of the Alaska Telecommunications History Project. The collection contains: project administrative files; project advisory panel files; oral history interview audiocassettes (44 total) and transcripts (25 total); other audiocassettes and audio compact discs; videocassettes (27 total); Collins Overland Telegraph research materials; Washington-Alaska Military Cable and Telegraph System and the Alaska Communications System research materials; Alaska telecommunications histories; White Alice Communications System and the sale of Alaska Communications System research materials; broadcasting history research materials; general telecommunications history research materials; Alaska rural telecommunications reports; Alascom, GCI and other telecommunications company publications; and congressional hearings and reports on satellite communications. The administrative files contain proposals, reports, deeds of gift for oral history interviews, notes, and other materials. The advisory panel files contain correspondence and biographical materials concerning the panel members. The various research materials, histories, reports and publications consist of both copied and original items.

Arrangement: The collection is divided into series which are by topic or by record type.

Digitized copies: Some of the oral history transcripts are provided online through the links in the container list below. For information about obtaining digital copies of other materials in the collection, please contact Archives and Special Collections.

Rights note: Some materials in the collection may be subject to copyright restrictions.

Preferred citation: Hilary Hilscher Alaska Telecommunications History Project records and research files, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage. Publication of collection materials also requires credit for the funding sources for the project: Alaska Telephone Association, AT&T Alascom, GCI, Alaska Communications Systems, and Augie Hiebert.

Acquisition note: The collection was presented to the archives by Hilary J. Hilscher in 2006. A deed of gift was signed in 2006. The oral history transcripts were added in 2008.

Processing information: This collection was arranged and described by Jeffrey Sinnott in 2006. The finding aid was rewritten and reformatted to this standardized form by Arlene Schmuland in 2011.

Container list:

Series 1: Administrative files; 1974, 1998-2005. 0.35 cubic feet.

Box/Folder Description Dates
1/1 Proposals and ending project (Hilary Hilscher and Kathy Price) 2003-2005
1/2 Outline of chapters for book 2002 April
1/3 Preface 2000
1/4 Chapter 1: Western Union-Collins Overland undated
1/5 Deeds of gift for oral history interviews 2000-2001
1/6 File codes undated
1/7 Proposal versions: Baker-Jennings Films proposal; Proposal: A Telecommunications History of Alaska in Print, Video, and Exhibit; Presented by Hilary J. Hilscher, Graphics Arts Center Publishing Company, and Baker Jennings Films; Proposal: A Telecommunications History of Alaska; Presented by Hilary J. Hilscher and Graphic Arts Center Publishing Company; and Proposal: A Telecommunications History of Alaska; Presented by Hilary J. Hilscher and Epicenter Press. 1998-2000
1/8 Proposal transparencies 1998
1/9 Sources, topics, files, content, and libraries 1998-2000
1/10 Interview notes 2000
1/11 Washington D. C. trip records 1999-2001
1/12 Miscellaneous correspondence (includes photographs) 1998-2000
1/13 Quarterly reports 1999-2002
1/14 Funding proposals and budget information 1999-2001
1/15 Alaska Telephone Association documents 1999-2001
1/16 Oral history records: Writing Alaska’s History: A Guide to Research (Volume 1); By Robert A. Frederick, Executive Director and Editor, and Patricia A. Jelle, Associate Editor; Alaska Historical Commission, Office of the Governor and Oral History in Search of Community, Anchorage-Westward Hotel, Anchorage, Alaska, October 29-31, 1974; A workshop sponsored by the Alaska Historical Commission, the Alaska Historical Society in association with the Alaska State Library, and the Alaska Division of Parks (program). 1974

Series 2: Advisory panel files; 1997-2005. 0.35 cubic feet.

Box/Folder Description Dates
2/1 Advisory invitations 1998-1999
2/2 Augie Hiebert (includes photograph) 1997-2005
2/3 Ted Stevens 1997-2000
2/4 Judy Bittner and Dave Nicholls 1998-1999
2/5 Jerry DeFrancisco (not on panel) 2000
2/6 John Dudley 1997-2002
2/7 Cliff and Paula Eller 1998, 2000
2/8 Cory Flintoff 1998, 2004
2/9 Willie Hensley 1998
2/10 Alex Hills 1997-1998
2/11 Tom Jensen 1998-2001
2/12 Susan Knowles 1998, 2000
2/13 General Tom McInerney 1998
2/14 Bill Miller 1997-1998
2/15 Charles Northrip 1998
2/16 James Quello 1997-1998
2/17 Don Rinker 1998-1999
2/18 Charles Sitkin 1998
2/19 George Shaginaw 1998
2/20 Robert Walp (not on panel) 1999-2000
2/21 Lee Wareham 1998
2/22 Marvin Weatherly 1998

Series 3: Oral history interview transcripts; 1999-2001. 0.4 cubic feet.
Linked transcripts are available online in PDF format.

Box/Folder Description Date
3/1 Interviewee list and cd-rom of transcript documents undated
3/2 Bob Arnold (10 pages) 2000 June 30
3/3 Al Bramstedt (26 pages) 2001 July 24
3/4 Al Bramstedt (25 pages) 2001 November 9
3/5 John Dudley (18 pages) 2000 June 29
3/6 Ron Duncan (25 pages) 2000 December 18
3/7 Bob Gleason (22 pages) 2000 March 2
3/8 Bob Gleason (22 pages) 2000 March 4
3/9 Augie Hiebert ( 18 pages) 1999 January
3/10 Augie Hiebert (11 pages) 2000 February 28
3/11 Alex Hills (42 pages) 2000 August 23
3/12 Ed Istvan (17 pages) 2000 March 3
3/13 Tom Jensen (22 pages) 2001 July 25
3/14 Tom Jensen (29 pages) 2001 November 10
3/15 Tom Jensen (25 pages) 2001 December 15
3/16 Liz Kester (25 pages) 2000 December 16
3/17 Susan Knowles (22 pages) 2000 August 29
3/18 Bill Miller (16 pages) 2000 July 1
3/19 Charlie Northrip (22 pages) 2000 July 29
3/20 Walt Parker (16 pages) 2000 December 15
3/21 Theda Pittman (18 pages) 2001 July 21
3/22 Bob Walp (26 pages) 2000 October
3/23 Bob Walp (29 pages) 2000 October 27
3/24 Lee Wareham (16 pages) 2000 June 24
3/25 Lee Wareham (11 page) 2000 July 26
3/26 Mary Weatherly (25 pages) 2000 December 26

Series 4: Oral history interview audiocassettes; 1984-2001. 0.35 cubic feet (44 audiocassettes).

Box/Item Description Dates
4/1 Bob Arnold (60 minutes). 2000 June 30
4/2 Al Bramstedt (Tape No. 1, 30 minutes). 2001 July 24
4/3 Al Bramstedt (Tape No. 2, 30 minutes). 2001 July 24
4/4 Al Bramstedt (Tape No. 3, 30 minutes). 2001 November 9
4/5 Al Bramstedt (Tape No. 3, 30 minutes). 2001 November 9
4/6 John Dudley (Tape No. 1, 60 minutes). 2000 June 29
4/7 John Dudley (Tape No.2, 60 minutes). 2000 June 29
4/8 Ron Duncan (Tape No. 1, 90 minutes). 2000 December 18
4/9 Ron Duncan (Tape No. 2, 90 minutes). 2000 December 18
4/10 Bob Gleason (Tape No. 1, 60 minutes). 2000 March 2
4/11 Bob Gleason (Tape No. 2, 60 minutes). 2000 March 4
4/12 Bob Gleason (Tape No. 3, 50 minutes). 2000 March 4
4/13 Augie Hiebert in Sen. Ted Steven’s office (60 minutes). 1999 January
4/14 Augie Hiebert (Side A) and Ed Istvan (Side B, Tape No. 1, 60 minutes). 2000 February 28, March 3
4/15 Ed Istvan (Tape No. 2, Side A only, 30 minutes). 2000 March 3
4/16 Alex Hills (Tape No. 1, 60 minutes). 2000 August 23
4/17 Alex Hills (Tape No. 2, 60 minutes). 2000 August 23
4/18 Susan Knowles (Tape No. 1, 60 minutes). 2000 August 29
4/19 Susan Knowles (Tape No. 2, 60 minutes). 2000 August 29
4/20 Tom Jensen (Tape No. 1, 30 minutes). 2001 July 25
4/21 Tom Jensen (Tape No. 2, 30 minutes). 2001 July 25
4/22 Tom Jensen (Tape No. 3, 30 minutes). 2001 November 10
4/23 Tom Jensen (Tape No. 4, 30 minutes). 2001 November 10
4/24 Tom Jensen (Tape No. 5, 90 minutes). 2001 December 15
4/25 Liz Kester (Tape No. 1, 90 minutes). 2001 December 16
4/26 Liz Kester (Tape No. 2, 90 minutes). 2001 December 16
4/27 Bill Miller (Tape No. 1, 60 minutes). 2000 July 1
4/28 Bill Miller (Tape No. 2, 60 minutes). 2000 July 1
4/29 Charlie Northrip (Tape No. 1, 60 minutes). 2000 July 24
4/30 Charlie Northrip (Tape No. 2, 60 minutes). 2000 July 29
4/31 Walt Parker (90 minutes). 2000 December 15
4/32 Theda Pitttman (Tape No. 1, 60 minutes). 2001 July 21
4/33 Theda Pitttman (Tape No. 2, 60 minutes). 2001 July 21
4/34 Bob Walp (Tape No. 1, 60 minutes). 2000 August 23
4/35 Bob Walp (Tape No.2, 60 minutes). 2000 August 23
4/36 Bob Walp (Tape No. 3, 60 minutes). 2000 October 27
4/37 Bob Walp (Tape No. 4, 60 minutes). 2000 October 27
4/38 Lee Wareham (Tape No. 1, 60 minutes). 2000 June 24
4/39 Lee Wareham (Tape No. 1, 60 minutes). 2000 June 24
4/40 Lee Wareham (Tape No. 3, 60 minutes). 2000 July 26
4/41 Marv Weatherly (Tape No. 1, 90 minutes). 2000 December 26
4/42 Marv Weatherly (Tape No. 1, 90 minutes). 2000 December 26
4/43 H87-82-01: Stan Bennett with Gayle Maloy in Fairbanks, Alaska (Copy from UAF Oral History Program; 60 minutes). 1984 September 15
4/44 H93-20: Augie Hiebert with Susan McInnis in Fairbanks, Alaska (Copy from UAF Oral History Program, 60 minutes). 1990 April 15

Series 5: Other audio recordings; undated, 1968, 1997. 0.1 cubic feet (1 audiocassette, 3 audio compact discs).

Box/Item Description Date
4/45 Satellite Program for AFRN; Produced in the studios of KNIK-FM 105.3 (Audiocassette, 25 minutes). 1968 January 31
4/46 Our Inupiat Values: A KBRW-AM & FM Program Series Hosted by Sadie Neakok; Silakkuagvik Communication (2 audio CDs). 1997
4/47 R. E. and Barbara McDonald “Christmas Greetings”; Recorded before 1941, transcribed from the 78 RPM; Recorded in the Sound Studios of Radio Station KFQD in Anchorage, Alaska; The Barber Group Strategic Communication and Public Relations (1 audio CD). undated

Series 5: Videocassettes; undated, 1993-2001. 1.0 cubic feet (27 VHS videocassettes).

Box/Item Description Date
5/1 “The Bridge”; AT&T Alascom Pipeline Operations Operations Group; Produced by Baker-Jennings Films (9 minutes, 52 seconds). undated
5/2 “Communicators in Harm’s Way” Version 2/Final; Alascom, Inc.; Produced by Baker-Jennings Films (14 minutes, 38 seconds). undated
5/3 “Communication in Harm’s Way; Alascom; Produced by Baker-Jennings Films (14 minutes, 38 seconds). 1994 February 23
5/4 “Extreme Solutions” Revised/ Alascom only; Alascom, Inc. (9 minutes 47 seconds). undated
5/5 “On the Air”; Alascom, Inc.; Produced by Baker-Jennings Films (10 minutes). undated
5/6 “The Passage Makers”; Alascom; Produced by Baker-Jennings Films (28 minutes). undated
5/7 “Earthscape: Artists on the Copper River Delta”; Produced by Baker-Jennings Films (20 minutes, 17 seconds). undated
5/8 “A History of Telecommunications in Alaska Demo”; Produced by Baker-Jennings Films (9 minutes, 24 seconds). 1998 June 3
5/9 “The Journey”; North Slope Borough School District; Produced by Baker-Jennings Films (13 minutes, 15 seconds). 1995 October 25
5/10 “On the Wings of Tomorrow”; North Slope Borough School District; Produced by Baker-Jennings Films (13 minutes, 15 seconds). 1993 October
5/11 “Challengers of the Arctic Silence”; AT&T Alascom; Produced by Syntax Productions (18 minutes, 24 seconds). 2000 April 13
5/12 “Conversion to Digital; ABTC; Produced by Syntax Productions (11 minutes, 42 seconds). 2000 October 16
5/13 “Monitoring Station”; ABTC; Produced by Syntax Productions (9 minutes, 5 seconds). 2000 September 25
5/14 “Chamber Video”; AT&T Alascom; Produced by Bradley/Reid Communications, Inc. (2 minutes, 51 seconds). 2000 June 28
5/15 “The Arctic’s TV Generation”; Produced by KAKM-TV (28 minutes 36 seconds). 1986
5/16 “ASTAC: The First Ten Years”; Arctic Slope Telephone Co-op; Produced by Roger L. Miller (22 minutes). 1991 June
5/17 “State of Telecommunications – Alaska (14 minutes, 15 seconds) and “Telecommunications on the Last Frontier, Parts 1 & 2” (30 minutes); UAA Collection, Alaska Moving Image Preservation Association undated
5/18 “The Alaska-Siberia Connection”; Alascom; Produced by Connections (12 minutes). 1989 February 27
5/19 “Alaskan of the Year: Augie Hiebert” (4 minutes, 4 seconds). 2001 March 24
5/20 “Alaska On-Line” Conversation with “Red”; Guests: Lt. Gov. Fran Ulmer, Claudia Douglas, Pres. NEA, Dr. Jerome Komisar, UA, and Willie Hensley, DCED; A Redbou Production (120 minutes). 1996 February 3
5/21-22 “Hearing on Year 2000 (Y2K) Computer Crisis”; Host: Center for International Strategic Studies; Featuring: Sen. Bennett & World Experts on Y2K; H. A. “Red” Boucher, Communication Consultant; A RedBou Films Production (2 videocassettes, 120 minutes each). 1998 June 30
5/23 “Alaska Online” Conversation with “Red”; Guests: Francine Taylor, Robert Gottstein, Agnes Phillips, Doug Fine, and Roger McShea; A Redbou Production (160 minutes). 1998 September 19
5/24 “Alaska Online” Conversation with “Red”; Guests: George Gover & Ed Socks, Bob Poe & Phil Oates, Jay Hammond, Augie Hiebert, and Mark Begich; A Redbou Production (120 minutes). 1999 November 29
5/25 “Jay Hammond’s Alaska” Volume 3: Babe Alsworth, Clem & Diana Tillion, Peggy Dyson, Leonora Weaver, Anna Dobbs, and Dick Proenneke; Presented by Alascom; Produced by RTR Television, Inc. 1993
5/26 Armed Forces Network Germany 50th Anniversary (120 minutes). (30 minutes). undated
5/27 “Star Walker” Not Finished undated

Series 7: Collins Overland Telegraph research materials; undated, 1901-2003. 0.2 cubic feet.

Box/Folder Description Dates
6/1 Background undated, 2001-2003
6/2 Progress reports (copies). 1901-1904
6/3 Governor’s reports to the Secretary of the Interior (excerpts for cable and telegraph). 1905-1957

Series 8: Washington-Alaska Military Cable and Telegraph System (WAMCATS) and the Alaska Communication System (ACS) research materials; undated, 1944-1995. 0.5 cubic feet.

Box/Folder Description Dates
6/4 The Story of the ACS, 1900-1943 (copy). 1944
6/5 The Army Airways Communication System, Vol. 1: From Activation to Victory, 1938-1945, Chapter IV: Top of the World, pages 202-315; AACS  Historical Series; Prepared by the Historical Branch, Intelligence Analysis Division, AC/S Intelligence, Hq. AACS, AAF, Ashville, NC. 1945
6/6 Alaska Communication System 49th Anniversary, 1900-1949 Bulletin (partial copy). 1949
6/7 Building Alaska with the U. S. Army, 1867-1958; Headquarters, United States Army, Alaska; Pamphlet No. 355-5 (168 pages). 1958 December 31
6/8 Historical Aspects of the Building of the Washington, D. C.-Alaska Military Cable and Telegraph System, with Special Emphasis on the Eagle-Valdez and Goodpaster Telegraph Lines, 1902-1903; By William A. Quirk, III; U. S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management (copy, 27 pages). 1974 May
6/9 “History of the 1931st Communications Wing” (source unknown, excerpts). circa 1978
6/10 “Long-Distance Communications in Alaska”; By J. G. Tuckerman; Prepared for Professors J. Smith and E. Smythe, University of Alaska Anchorage (copy, 13 pages). 1980 July 2
6/11 “The Washington-Alaska Cable & Telegraph System: Bringing Communication to a Frigid Wilderness, a Herculean Achievement by U. S. Army Signal Corps”; By Ed Mariner, Sparks Journal, Society of Wireless Pioneers, Vol. 7, No. 4 (copy). 1985 June 21
6/12 . Chronology of Military Communications in Alaska, 1900-1984; By Technical Sergeant Raymond D. Baker, 1931 ISW Historian (280 pages). 1986 June 1
6/13 The Opening of Alaska; By Brig. Gen. William L. Mitchell, U. S. Army Air Corps; Edited by Lyman L. Woodman, Lt. Colonel, USAF-Ret.; Published by the Pictorial Histories Publishing Company, Missoula, Montana, and the Cook Inlet Historical Society, Anchorage, Alaska; Second Edition. 1988
6/14 Dave Smith’s Alaskan Reminiscences (draft, 14 pages). 1988 August
6/15 Wiring the Wilderness: The U. S. Army Signal Corps and the Construction of the Alaska Communication System, 1900-1936; By James Alan Moyers; A thesis submitted in partial fullfillment of the requirements for the Masters of Arts Degree, Department of History, Southern Illinois University (copies of thesis, 127 pages, and published version, 33 pages). 1995 October 20
6/16 “Liars and Thieves: Alonzo Maxey and the U. S. Army Signal Corps”; By Stephanie Stirling, Office of History and Archaeology, Division of Parks and Outdoor Recreation (copy, 10 pages). undated
6/17 WAMCATS and ACS Roster (reunion newsletter) 1988-1993
6/18 WAMCATS and ACS Roster (reunion newsletter) 1994-2000
6/19 WAMCATS and ACS: miscellaneous 1945-2000
6/20 Information and correspondence from Christine McClain’s files 1963-1975

Series 9: Alaska telecommunications histories; 1977-1995. 0.2 cubic feet.

Box/Folder Description Date
6/21 “Communications in Alaska”; By Theron L. Jenne; A Research Paper for Political Science, Dr. Walter F. Scheffer, University of Oklahoma (85 pages). 1977
6/22 Telecommunications in Alaska: Economics and Public Policy; By William H. Melody, Director, Alaska Communication Research Project, and Research Associates: Douglas Goldschmidt, Aileen Amarandos, Heather Hudson; A Report to the State of Alaska; Final Report 1978 April
6/23 Telecommunications in Alaska: Papers in Support of the Alaska Case Study Presentation to the 1982 Pacific Telecommunication Conference, January 17-20, 1982, Honolulu, Hawaii; Edited by Robert M. Walp; Pacific Telecommunications Council (133 pages). 1982
6/24 Publicly Funded Satellite Television in Alaska: Lost in Space; By Rosemarie Alexander Isett; A Dissertation submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Mass Media Ph.D. Program, College of Communication Arts and Sciences (274 pages). 1995

Series 10: White Alice Communications System and the sale of Alaska Communication System research materials; 1956-1970. 0.6 cubic feet.

Box/Folder Description Date
7/1 Project White Alice, Contract AF 33 (600) 29717, Special Report; Western Electric Company Part I: Inauguration – White Alice Communications System, Part II: White Alice Progress as of November 3, 1956 1956 December 1
7/2 In the Matter of the Application of RCA Alaska Communications, Inc. for an Order Granting Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity; Hughes, Thorsness, Lowe, Gantz & Clark, Attorneys at Law, Anchorage, Alaska (copy). 1969 September 26
7/3 A Special Study of the Sale of the White Alice Communications System; Office of Air Force History, 1931st Communications Wing, Elmendorf AFB, Alaska (331 pages). circa 1984
7/4 ACS sale: newspaper clippings 1965-1970
7/5-9 ACS sale documents 1961-1970

Series 11: Broadcasting history research materials; 1939-2002. 0.4 cubic feet.

Box/Folder Description Dates
7/10 Augie Hiebert file 1982-1994
7/11 KFAR Keybook of Interior Alaska; Midnight Sun Broadcasting Company, Fairbanks, Alaska; Designed by T. R. Lambert, Drawings by Eustace P. Ziegler and T. R. Lambert (oversize photo-illustrated softbound book, 64 pages). 1939
7/12 Alaska Day at the FCC Alaska Broadcasters Association event book. 1996 September 26
7/13-15 Research materials undated, 1939-2002

Series 12: Telecommunications history research materials; 1941-2003. 1.4 cubic feet.
Original and xerographic copies of miscellaneous sources.

Box/Folder Description
8/1 Alaska timeline, circa 1982.
8/2 World War II and 1940s
8/3 1950s
8/4-5 1960s
8/6 Earthquake, 1964.
8/7 DEW Line and White Alice Network, undated, 1955-1988, includes one black and white 8X10 inch print.
8/8 1970
8/9 1971
8/10 1972
8/11 1973
8/12-13 1974
8/14 1975
8/15 1976
8/16 1977
8/17 1978
8/18 1979
8/19 1980
8/20 1981
8/21 1982
8/22 1983
8/23 1984
8/24 1985
8/25 1986
8/26 1987
8/27 1988
8/28 1989
8/29 1990
8/30 1991-1998
8/31 2000-2003
9/1 Telecommunications annual reports, etc, Division of Telecommunications Services, Department of Administration, State of Alaska; 1983-1985.
9/2 The Chugach Conference; Aug. 18-19, 1989.
9/3 Other uses (boats, airplanes, remote sensing); 1950-2000.
9/4 Marine communications; 1971-2000.
9/5 Tip-n-Ring; Alaska Telephone Association; 1989-1990 (newsletter).
9/6 Materials from H. A. “Red” Boucher; 1987-1989.
9/7 Telestra background information; 1996.
9/8 Miscellaneous future; 1975-1999.
9/9 Public broadcasting in Alaska; 1989-1996.
9/10 Bush broadcasting; undated.
9/11 Rural and educational television; 1984-1990.

Series 13: Alaskan rural telecommunications reports; 1974-1978, 1995. 0.4 cubic feet.

Box/Folder Description Date
9/1 A Study to Evaluate the Effects of Television on Grade-School Children’s Academic Achievement and Mental Age in Wales, Alaska: An Investigative Report; By Helen Jivok Pope, Anchorage, Alaska; Presented to the Faculty of the University of Alaska in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Education (Special Education) (copy 132 pages). 1974 August
9/2 Alaska ATS-6 Health/Education Telecommunications Experiment: Alaska Education Experiment,  Final Report, Executive Summary; Prepared by the Office of Telecommunications, Office of the Governor of the State of Alaska (56 pages). 1975 September 30
9/3 Alaska ATS-6 Health/Education Telecommunications Experiment: Alaska Education Experiment, Final Report, Volume I; Prepared by the Office of Telecommunications, Office of the Governor of the State of Alaska (237 pages). 1975 September 30
9/4 Alaska ATS-6 Health/Education Telecommunications Experiment: Alaska Education Experiment, Final Report, Volume II, Appendices A Through E; Prepared by the Office of Telecommunications, Office of the Governor of the State of Alaska. 1975 September 30
9/5 Alaska ATS-6 Health/Education Telecommunications Experiment: Alaska Education Experiment, Final Report, Volume III, Appendices F Through J; Prepared by the Office of Telecommunications, Office of the Governor of the State of Alaska. 1975 September 30
9/6 Educational Telecommunications Alternatives for Alaska, Product 1; Prepared by the Alaska Office of Telecommunications, Robert M. Walp, Director, and Charles M. Northrip, Associate Director of Telecommunications; Prepared for the Alaska Department of Education (26 pages). 1976 January 30
9/7 ATS-6 and State Telecommunications Policy for Rural Alaska: An analysis of recommendations; Prepared by Theda Sue Pittman and James M. Orvik, Center for Northern Educational Research, University of Alaska, Fairbanks. 1976 December
9/8 Planning Assistance for the Development of Rural Broadcasting; By Theda Sue Pittman, Dr. Heather E. Hudson, and Dr. Edwin B. Parker; Prepared under contract for the Alaska Public Broadcasting Commission, Anchorage, Alaska (78 pages). 1977 July
9/9 Satellite Television Demonstration Project: Final Report, Vol. I; Prepared by the Office of Telecommunications, Office of the Governor, State of Alaska; Feb. 1, 1978 (79 pages).

-Satellite Television Demonstration Project: Final Report, Vol. II (Appendices); Prepared by the Office of Telecommunications, Office of the Governor, State of Alaska.

1978 February 1
9/10 Satellite Interconnection and Distance Delivery in Alaska: Toward the 21st Century; Summary and Recommendations of the Satellite Interconnection Project under the direction of the Telecommunications Information Council; Project Team: Douglas Samimi-Moore, Executive Director, Alaska Public Broadcasting Commission, and Lois Stiegemeier, Instructional Television Specialist, Department of Education. 1995 March 24

Series 14: Alascom, GCI, and other telecommunications company publications; 1973-2000. 0.4 cu. ft.

Box/Folder Description Dates
10/1-2 Alascom Spectrum (newsletter copies). 1979-1990
10/3 RCA Family (newsletter copies). 1976-1977
10/4 Rural Communications; RCA Alaska Communications (newsletter copies). 1975-1977
10/5 The RCA Alascom Story: A Decade of Communications Progress in Alaska, 1967-1977 (Chapter 1-7). 1978 March
10/6 The Alascom Story (15 and 31 page versions). circa 1978
10/7 AT&T Alascom historical presentations, map, and timeline. 2000
10/8 Alascom publications. undated, 1973-1977
10/9 GCI and ACS publications and information. undated, 1997-2000

Series 15: Congressional hearings and reports on satellite communications; 1959-1969. 0.35 cu. ft.

Box/Folder Description Date
10/10 Satellites for World Communication: Hearings before the Committee on Science and Astronautics, House of Representatives, 86th Congress, First Session 1959 March 3-4
10/11 Radio Frequency Control in Space Telecommunications; By Edward Wenk, Jr., Senior Specialist in Science and Technology, Legislative Reference Service, The Library of Congress; Prepared at the Request of Hon. Lyndon B. Johnson, Chairman, for the use of the Committee on Aeronautical and Space Sciences, United States Senate 1960 March 19
10/12 Policy Planning for Space Telecommunications: Staff Report Prepared for the Committee on Aeronautical and Space Sciences, United States Senate 1960 December 4
10/13 Communications Satellites: Hearings before the Committee on Science and Astronautics, U. S. House of Representatives, 87th Congress, First Session 1961 May-July
10/14 Space Satellite Communications: Hearings before the Subcommittee on Monopoly of the Select Committee on Small Business, United States Senate, 87th Congress, First Session, Public Policy Questions on the Ownership and Control of a Space Satellite Communications System 1961 August 2-11
10/15 Communication Satellites: Technical, Economic, and International Developments; Staff Report Prepared for the Use of the Committee on Aeronautical and Space Sciences, United States Senate 1962 February 25
10/16 Communications Satellite Legislation: Hearings before the Committee on Aeronautical and Space Sciences, United States Senate, 87th Congress, Second Session, on S. 2650, A Bill to Amend the National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958, as Amended, with Respect to Space Communications Facilities, and for Other Purposes, and S. 2814, A Bill to Provide for the Establishment, Ownership, Operation, and Regulation of a Commercial Communications Satellite System, and for Other Purposes 1962 February-March
10/17 Part 2: Communications Satellites: Hearings Before the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, House of Representatives, 87th Congress, Second Session, on H. R. 10115 and H. R. 10138, March 13, 14, 15, 16, 20, 21, and 22, 1962; USGPO; 1962.

9. Meteorological Satellites: Staff Report Prepared for the Use of the Committee on Aeronautical and Space Sciences, United States Senate, by the Library of Congress

1962 March 29
10/18 Project Advent – Military Communications Satellite Program: Hearings before the Subcommittee on Space Sciences of the Committee on Sciences and Astronautics, U. S. House of Representatives, 87th Congress, Second Session 1962 August 15, 17
10/19 Commercial Communications Satellites: Hearings before the Subcommittee on Applications and Tracking and Data Acquisition of the Committee on Science and Astronautics, U. S. House of Representatives, 87th Congress, Second Session 1962 September-October
10/20 Satellite Communications – 1964 (Part 1); Hearings before a Subcommittee of the Committee on Government Operations, House of Representatives, 88th Congress, Second Session 1964 March-May
10/21 Satellite Communications (Military-Civil Roles and Relationships): Report Prepared by the Military Operations Subcommittee of the Committee on Government Operations, U. S. House of Representatives 1964 October
10/22 National Communications Satellite Programs: Hearings before the Committee on Aeronautical and Space Sciences, United States Senate, 89th Congress, Second Session 1966
10/23 Government Use of Satellite Communications – 1968: Thirty-Fourth Report by the Committee on Government Operations 1968 August 1
10/24 Satellite Broadcasting: Implications for Foreign Policy: Hearings before the Subcommittee on National Security Policy and Scientific Developments of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, House of Representatives, 91st Congress, First Session 1969 May 13-22

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