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United States. Air Force. 11th Fighter Squadron photographs

Guide to the United States. Air Force. 11th Fighter Squadron photographs

Collection number: HMC-0793.
Creator: United States. Air Force. Fighter Squadron, 11th.
Title: United States. Air Force. 11th Fighter Squadron photographs.
Date: 1945.
Volume of collection: 0.01 cubic feet.
Language of materials: Collection materials are in English.
Collection summary: Images related to a fighter squadron stationed in Alaska.

Organizational history:
The Eleventh Fighter Squadron, a unit in the Eleventh Air Force, was assigned to the XIth Fighter Command in June 1942. From September 1942 to August 1946, the squadron was assigned to the 343rd Fighter Group. The squadron was first stationed in Alaska at Elmendorf Field in December 1941, with detachments at Fort Randall and Fort Glenn. The squadron was later stationed at Adak Army Air Field in February 1943, with detachments at Amchitka and Fort Glenn. Finally, the squadron was stationed at Shemya from August 1945 to August 1946. This squadron flew P-40E fighter aircraft.

Collection description:
The collection consists of contact print sheets of pages from a unit photograph album of the Eleventh Fighter Squadron. The collection contains five photographic contact print sheets taken of five different album pages comprised of 92 different photographs. The first sheet is of the squadron’s new day room (May 30, 1945), along with a unit basketball team and soldiers playing baseball. The second sheet is of an officer’s club party (June 4, 1945). The third sheet is of various unit personnel working and socializing. The fourth sheet is of a transportation unit, other unit personnel, and interior views of a mess hall, intelligence office, and operations office. The fifth sheet contains individual portraits of eleven squadron pilots.

Arrangement: The collection is in the order in which it arrived at the Archives.

Rights note: Archives does not hold copyright to the images which may be in the public domain.

Preferred citation: United States. Air Force. 11th Fighter Squadron photographs, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.

Acquisition note: The collection was purchased from internet auction by the Archives in 2005.

Processing information: This collection was described by Jeffrey Sinnott in 2005. The guide to the collection was updated by to meet current standard by Arlene Schmuland in 2018.

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