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Robert Wickman papers

Guide to the Robert Wickman papers
circa 1944-1945

Collection number: HMC-0498.
Creator: Wickman, Robert.
Title: Robert Wickman papers.
Dates: circa 1944-1945
Volume of collection: 0.01 cubic feet.
Language of materials: Materials in this collection are in English.
Collection summary: Photographs and papers of a B-24 pilot in the 404th Bombardment Group, 11th Air Force, who served in the Aleutians.

Biographical note:
Captain Robert Wickman served with the 11th Air Force in the Aleutians during World War II. Originally from Chicago, he served as a pilot with the 404th Bombardment Group. He flew a B-24 on missions over Japan, including Surabachi, Shismashu, Kurabuzki, Onekotan, Kashiwabara, Matsuwa, and Kataoka. Wickman’s service in the Air force earned him the Air Medal with one Oak Cluster, and the Distinguished Flying Cross. Captain Wickman served in Alaska and the Aleutians from 1944-1945.

Collection description:
This collection contains photographs from a scrapbook and the combat itinerary of Captain Robert Wickman. The single page combat itinerary documents 19 bombing runs made in the Pacific from September 7 through December 6, 1944. Information includes the date of the bombing run, distance, departure time, the aircraft number, the type of mission, and remarks about the flight. The collection also contains 123 black and white photographs relating to Wickman’s service in the 404th Bombardment Group in Alaska. Also included in the collection are xerographic copies of fourteen photographs, which were removed by a previous owner.

Arrangement: This collection is arranged by type of material.

Alternative formats: A xerographic copy of the original scrapbook is included in the collection.

Digitized copies: Select images from this collection are available on Alaska’s Digital Archives. For information about obtaining digital copies, please contact Archives and Special Collections.

Rights note: Archives does not hold copyright to materials in this collection.

Preferred citation: Robert Wickman papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.

Custodial history: The original scrapbook was purchased by a second party via eBay in 2000, who then sold the photographs to Archives and Special Collections and gave a xerographic copy of additional materials not given to Archives, in 2001.

Acquisition note: Wickman’s combat itinerary was purchased via eBay in 2000. The photographs were purchased from a second party in 2001.

Processing information: This collection was described by Kathy Hertel in 2001. The guide to the collection was revised by Veronica Denison in 2015. The photographs were rearranged into the original order in which they appeared in the scrapbook by Tom Myers in 2024.

Location of originals: 14 images and additional materials were removed from the collection before arriving at Archives and are presumed to be with the previous owner of the materials.

Container list:

Items Description
Combat Itinerary
1-5 Unidentified Officer in chair
6 Our Kitchen in Elmendorf, Anchorage, Alaska.
7-8 Lt. R. M. McFarland, Navigator.
9 Chuck Weniger, Bob Weiss, Bob Wickman
10 Lt. Murphy, Tech. Rep. Bregson, at the post office
11 The Navy Flagpole
12 Lt. Barker
13 Out Huts, APO 729
14-15 Unidentified Officer
16 F. O. Boehme. Lt. Murphy, Lt. McFarland
17 Lt. Weniger
18 Lt. Henning
19 Lt. Shorty McFarland
20 Lt. Murphy
21 Capt. Moeser and Capt. Beale in front of Operation
22 Lt. Murphy, Lt. Weniger
23 Weniger, Me, and Wickman, Nov. ’44, Lt. R. A. Weiss
24 Lt. Blacklock, Lt. Salzman, Lt. Adams
25 Oldham and Wickman, APO 729
26 Lt. Smity
27 McFarland and Smith, APO 729
28 Fireplace
29-30 New Year’s Party 1945, APO 729
31 Scenery
32 Unidentified Officer
33 Mountain Peak
34 Glacier around Northway
35 Operations Jeep
36 The dropped Jeep
37 Lt. Mizzanin, Bombardier, gets a shock by dropping a Jeep
38 Picking up the Jeep Mizzanin dropped
39-40 Illegible, shoreline scene
41 Fisherman’s tent on Nunivak
42-43 Nunivak
44 Left to right: Swift, Oldham, Wickman, Smith, Feb. 1945
45 Wickman and Oldham in Exposure Suites, February in the North pacific 1945, APO 729
46 Wickman and Oldham in Life Raft, APO 729, 1945
47 Lt. Wickman and crew testing exposure suites in the North Pacific, 2-10-45
48 Blue Fox, APO 729, Feb. 1945
49 Joker and Boheme
50 Lt. Weniger and crew
51 Lt. Blakeway and crew
52 Lt. Karpanty and crew
53 Lt. McKinley and crew
54 Lt. Watkins and crew
55 Lt. Clinlengbeard and crew
56 Wickman’s crew
57 Lt. Reynolds and crew
58 Lt. Newman and crew
59 Shorty, the navigator always
60 Smith
61 Lt. Stacle
62 Mac, Smith, Oldham, and Wickman
63 Lt. Jurgenson, our navigator
64 Mutter, Shorty, Crawford, Smith, Wickman, Evans
65 Wickman
66 Oldham
67 Smith
68 Shorty
69 Oldham
70 Shorty
71 Wickman, Daniels
72 Lt. Weniger
73 F.O. Boehme
74 Lt. Murphy
75 Windell
76 Oldham
77 Shorty and Our Hut, notice our sign
78 Wickman
79 Snowball fight
80 No. 88
81 Air view
82 Wickman at altitude
83 No. 90
84 On our trip from Canada to Anchorage: Northway
85 Unidentified soldier
86 On our trip from Canada to Anchorage: Northway
87 Shoreline
88 Agattu
89 Air view
90 Lt. Talbot’s crew. Shot down in flames over Paramushiro, Japan, Jan. 23, 1945
91 Agattu Island
92 Lt. McFarland, Lt. Smith, Lt. Oldham, our hut in the background
93 Me. Shorty shook the camera
94 Oldham
95 Tom Young and I. Shorty double exposed this one
96 Shorty at Stef McHelends house, Anchorage, Alaska
97 On our leave at Anchorage, Shorty and Oldham
98 Shoreline, APO 729
99 Shorty
100 A sign of spring, first marble game, APO 729
101 The gang
102 Oldham and Wickman, APO 729
103 Unidentified
104  Lt Boehme, the Queen of the Aleutians is in the center
105 Group of Officers
106 Group of Officers
107 Wickman receiving medal
108 Officer receiving medal
109 Officer receiving medal
110 Officers behind bar
111 Band members
112 Officers and dates dancing
113 Officers and dates
114 Officers and dates dancing
115 Group of Officers
116 South Pacific
117 Alaska flag postcard
118 Officer
119 Officer and woman
120 Unidentified man and woman.
121 Unidentified officer in chair
122 Unidentified shoreline
123 Women at party
124 Officers and women at party
Xerographic copy of the Wickman scrapbook, plus copies of 14 photos removed by a previous owner


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