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Alaska Federation of Natives, International records

Guide to the Alaska Federation of Natives, International records

Collection number: HMC-0472.
Creator: Alaska Federation of Natives, International.
Title: Alaska Federation of Natives, International records.
Dates: 1971-1979.
Volume of collection: 1.8 cubic feet.
Language of materials: Collection materials are in English.
Collection summary: Records of an Alaska Native advocacy organization.

Organizational history:
The Alaska Federation of Natives, International (AFNI) was created in 1973. AFNI was a nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing the cause of Alaska Natives in the United States and abroad through charitable work and outreach programs. Membership was open to Alaska natives living outside the state of Alaska. AFNI was also instrumental in the formation of the Esk-Ind-Al Corporation, and the Thirteenth Regional Corporation, an Alaska Native corporation representing Alaska natives living outside the state of Alaska.

Collection description:
This collection contains records of the Alaska Federation of Natives, International. The collection contains administrative records of the organization as well as the office files of Helen Marie Klein who served as Executive Secretary. Documents include business and organizational records, correspondence, court papers, literature from other Alaska Native organizations, general files, and legal files of cases involving AFNI and the Thirteenth Regional Corporation.

Arrangement: The collection is arranged into two parts: administrative records of the organization (series 1-3)  and the records of the Executive Secretary’s office (series 4-5). Within those parts, the records are arranged into series by record type or function.
Series 1: Organizational and business records; 1973-1976
Series 2: Correspondence; 1973-1978
Series 3: Court papers; 1973-1979
Series 4: Executive Secretary’s general files; 1973-1976
Series 5: Court case records; 1971-1978

Digitized copies: This collection has not been digitized. For information about obtaining digital copies, please contact Archives and Special Collections.

Rights note: Collection materials may be subject to copyright not held by the Archives.

Preferred citation: Alaska Federation of Natives, International records, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.

Related materials:
HMC-0390: Thirteenth Regional Corporation records; 1971-1992.
HMC-0384: Billy Blackjack Johnson papers; 1929-1997.

Acquisition note: This collection was presented to the archives in 1998 by Billy Blackjack Johnson.

Processing information: This collection was described and arranged by Kathleen Hertel in 2000. The guide to the collection was reformatted to meet current standard by Arlene Schmuland in 2017. Duplicate materials and published items were removed from the collection at that time.

Container list:
Series 1: Organizational and business records; 1973-1976. 0.25 cubic feet.

Box/Folder Description Dates
1/1 AFNI seals of incorporation 1973 April
1/2-5 Resolutions 1973
1/6-7 Full board meeting records 1973, 1975
1/8 Executive Committee meeting records 1973-1974
1/9 Appeals 1973
1/10 Appeal forms 1973
1/11-13 Travel receipts 1973-1976

Series 2: Correspondence; 1973-1978. 0.85 cubic feet.

Box/Folder Description Dates
1/14-16 Correspondence 1973 February-December
1/17 Correspondence regarding Alaska Federation of Natives Annual Conference 1973 December
1/18-21 Correspondence 1974
1/22-25 Correspondence 1975
2/1-2 Correspondence 1976
2/3 Correspondence 1977-1979
2/4 Notes undated

Series 3: Court papers; 1973-1979. 0.3 cubic feet.

Box/Folder Description Date
2/5 Helen Marie Klein case notes 1975
2/6 Corinne Leach vs 13th Regional notes and correspondence 1979
2/7 Alaska Native Association of Oregon, et. al. vs. Rogers Morton, et. al., and AFNI, et. al. vs. Rogers Morgan, et. al. notes and correspondence Undated
2/8 Frederick Paul case correspondence 1973
2/9 Dennis Small case correspondence 1975

Series 4: Executive Secretary’s general files; 1973-1976. 0.1 cubic feet.

Box/Folder Description Dates
2/10 Articles of Incorporation, Esk-Ind-Al Service Interim 13 Undated
2/11 Esk-Ind-Al Board meeting records 1973
2/12 Backup documents, 13th Region 1973
2/13 Esk-Ind-Al brief 1973
2/14 Resolution 1-73-12, IRS status 1973
2/15 Administrative records nad correspondence 1973
2/16 Invoices 1973

Series 5: Court case records; 1973-1978. 0.3 cubic feet.

Box/Folder Description Dates
2/17 Alaska Federation of Natives, International, et. al. vs. Rogers C. B. Morton, et. al., Case Number 2141-73: includes court orders, memoranda, petitions, responses, stipulations, exhibits 1973-1976
2/18-19 George Fiori, Jr. vs. Thirteenth Regional Corporation: includes AFNI articles of incorporation, bylaws, Esk-Ind-Al files; depositions, petitions, correspondence 1971-1978
2/20-21 Charles A. (Jack) Buregson vs Thirteenth Regional Corporation: includes filings, application, deposition of Helen M. Klein 1973-1978


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