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Society for Technical Communication. Alaska Chapter records

Guide to the Society for Technical Communication. Alaska chapter records

Collection number: HMC-0415.
Creator: Society for Technical Communication.
Title: Society for Technical Communication. Alaska chapter records.
Dates: 1981-1991.
Volume of collection: 1.8 cubic feet.
Language of materials: Collection materials are in English.
Collection summary: Records of an organization for technical writers.

Biographical note:
The Alaska Chapter of the Society for Technical Communication (STC) began in 1981 as the Greater Anchorage Branch of STC. In 1982, the branch members voted to seek chapter status, which they received in January 1983. The chapter changed its name and boundaries in 1989 to become the Alaska Chapter. The objectives of the chapter are to advance the arts and sciences of technical communication in Alaska through its association with the national and international organizations. Activities of the chapter have included workshops, seminars, and other educational presentations; publication of a newsletter; annual presentation of awards for the best abstracts at the Alaska Science and Engineering Fair; and production and distribution of a videotape designed to provide advice and instruction to students preparing their science fair displays and abstracts.

Collection description:
The collection consists of organization records relating to the administration and activities of the chapter. Included are bylaws, newsletters, chapter reports, correspondence, meeting agendas and minutes, program publicity and handouts, conference programs, and membership lists.

Arrangement: The collection is arranged into the following records series:

  • Series 1: Administrative records: 1981-1991
  • Series 2: Meeting records; 1981-1990
  • Series 3: Event records; 1982-1991
  • Series 4: Competition records; 1983-1990
  • Series 5: Newsletters; 1982-1991
  • Series 6: Special project records; 1983-1988

Digitized copies: This collection has not been digitized. For information about obtaining digital copies, please contact Archives and Special Collections.

Rights note: The Archives does not hold copyright to materials in the collection that were not created by by the Alaska Chapter of the Society for Technical Communication.

Preferred citation: Society for Technical Communication. Alaska chapter records. Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.

Separated materials: Materials created by the national organization for the Society for Technical Communication were transferred to North Carolina State University.

Related materials: The records of the national organization are held by North Carolina State University.

Acquisition note: The collection was given to the Archives by the organization in 1993. 

Processing information: This collection was arranged and described by Michele Wellck in 1995. The guide was updated to meet current standard by Arlene Schmuland in 2018. At that time collection contents created by the national organization were removed and sent to North Carolina State University. 

Container list:

Series 1: Administrative records: 1981-1991. 0.5 cubic feet.
This series consists of the charter and bylaws, correspondence, fiscal records, membership records, public relations materials, chapter reports, guidelines for officers and committees, a history of the chapter, letterhead and logos, mailing lists, samples of STC publications, and lists of books in the STC library. The contents of this series are generally arranged by document type.

Box/Folder Description Dates
1/1 Chapter bylaws 1983-1989
1/2 Chapter creation 1982-1983
1/3 Chapter reports 1984-1990
1/4 Charters 1981, 1983
1/5 Elections, ballots, officers 1981-1991
1/6 Chapter goals and objectives 1983-1985
1/7 Greater Anchorage Chapter of STC history 1985 ?
1/8-9 Correspondence 1981-1990
1/10 Correspondence, national organization 1983, 1988-1990
1/11 Correspondence, Region 7 1987-1989
1/12 Mailing List undated
1/13 Mailings 1987-1990
1/14 Chapter financial reports 1983, 1986-1990
1/15 Membership 1981-1989
1/16 Membership application 1988
1/17 Membership, potential members 1988-1989
1/18 Letterhead, labels and business cards undated
1/19 Logos undated
1/20 Promotion 1981-1987
1/21-22 Public relations 1982-1990
1/23 Alaska media directory 1987
1/24 Insurance, STC life insurance 1985
1/25 Library 1986-1989
1/26 Post office box 1986

Series 2: Meeting records; 1981-1990. 0.2 cubic feet.
This series consists of agendas, notices, minutes and notes from board meetings, general meetings, and program meetings.

Box/Folder Description Dates
1/27 Meeting space 1981
1/28-30 Meetings 1981-1990
1/31 Board meeting 1988 September 9
1/32 Meetings 1989 May 11

Series 3: Event records; 1982-1991. 0.35 cubic feet.
This series consists of planning materials, program ideas, correspondence relating to organizing a program, program publicity, program handouts, and records of program attendance. Events include seminars, workshops, demonstrations, tours, and guest speakers.

Box/Folder Description Dates
1/33-34 Program records 1982-1991
1/35 Programs, attendance 1982-1984
1/36 Programs, evaluation form undated
1/37 Programs, handouts undated
1/38-40 Programs, ideas and plans undated
1/41 Programs, “How to work with your printer” miniseminar 1985
1/42 Programs, Hibbard/Doyle visit 1985 September 23
1/43 Programs, “Talking about health risks” 1987 May 14
1/44 Programs, “Introduction to online databases” 1987 October 15
2/1 Programs, chapter public relations workshop 1988
2/2 Programs, Jo Ann Hackos seminar 1989 June 20
2/3 Programs, graphics seminar 1990 March 13

Series 4: Competition records; 1983-1990. 0.35 cubic feet.
This series consists of records relating to competitions in which the chapter or individual members were invited to participate. Examples are the STC Audiovisual Competition, the Chapter Newsletter Competition, and the International Technical Publications/Art Competition.

Box/Folder Description Dates
2/4 Alaska publications competition 1984-1986
2/5 Associate fellow competition 1985, 1987
2/6 Audiovisual competition 1984-1989
2/7 Chapter achievement awards 1983-1984, 1990
2/8 Chapter newsletter competition 1986-1988
2/9 Chapter public relations competition 1983-1988
2/10 International student technical writing competition 1986-1988
2/11 International technical publications/art competitions 1984-1990
2/12 International technical publications competition, ARCO Alaska winning entry 1989
2/13 Press Women competitions 1986
2/14 Publications competition, Puget Sound 1987-1988

Series 5: Newsletters; 1982-1991. 0.2 cubic feet.
This series includes the newsletter of the Greater Anchorage Chapter/Alaska Chapter of STC, the Alaska connection, and records related to the production of it.

Box/Folder Description Dates
3/1 The Alaska connection newsletter articles and production 1987-1989
3/2-3 The Alaska connection newsletters 1982-1990

Series 6: Special project records; 1983-1988. 0.2 cubic feet.
This series consists of records relating to special projects of the Alaska Chapter of STC. Projects included the judging of student abstracts at the Alaska Science and Engineering Fair, the production of an instructional videotape on designing science fair displays and writing abstracts, the creation of a freelancers directory, the mobilization of objections to a 1986 tax reform act, the surveying of STC members, and the development of a relationship with the Council on Northern Resources Information Management (CONRIM).

Box/Folder Description Dates
3/4 CONRIM (Council on Northern Resources Information Management), memo of understanding 1986-1987
3/5 Freelance directory 1983-1988
3/6 Science and engineering fair abstracts undated
3/7 Science and engineering fair abstracts, 1984 competition 1984
3/8 Science and engineering fair abstracts, advance abstracts 1988
3/9 Science and engineering fair abstracts, video evaluation forms undated
3/10 Survey of technical communicators 1985
3/11 Tax reform act “1706” 1986
3/12 Telephone survey 1984

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