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Thomas Morehouse papers

Guide to the Thomas A. Morehouse papers

Collection number: HMC-0410.
Creator: Morehouse, Thomas A., 1937-
Title: Thomas A. Morehouse papers.
Dates: 1967-1994.
Volume of collection: 32.5 cubic feet.
Language of materials: Collection materials are in English.
Collection summary: Papers of University of Alaska Anchorage Professor Emeritus in political science and former deputy director of Alaska’s Division of Policy Development and Planning.

Biographical note:
Thomas A. Morehouse graduated with a B.A. in Government from Harvard College in 1960. He went on to obtain a Masters in Public Administration in 1961 and a Ph.D. in Political Science in 1968 from the University of Minnesota. Morehouse joined the University of Alaska Anchorage in 1967 as a professor of Political Science with the Institute of Social, Economic, and Government Research (ISERG), which is now known as the Institute of Social and Economic Research (ISER). In 1994, he became Professor Emeritus of Political Science. From 1975-1976, Morehouse worked for Alaska’s Office of the Governor as Deputy Director of Policy Development and Planning. In addition to teaching, Morehouse researched and wrote books and articles on oil, fisheries, and government and policy in Alaska, with a special focus on Native Alaskan governance.

Collection description:
The collection is divided into two series. The first series contains Morehouse’s Deputy Director of Division of Policy Development and Planning (DPDP) records which include correspondence, meeting and research notes, annotated publications related to his work as Deputy Director. In addition, Series 1 contains information about the DPDP’s purpose, administrative records of the Office of the Governor (Hammond), and economic development, land management, and natural resources files.

The second series contains Morehouse’s faculty papers, ISER administrative records, and his research project files. Research files contain information on the North Slope Borough (NSB) and oil and gas; MAP project (Man in the Arctic Project); fisheries management; limited entry fisheries; North Pacific Fishery Management Council (NPFMC); Alaska fiscal policy; the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS); alcoholism; Chugach Forest; Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) and the pipeline; and Alaska local government. Types of records that can be found in series 2 are correspondence, meeting notes, annotated articles and reports, research notes, survey questionnaires, data collected during his research, ISER administrative records, grant proposals and reports, course syllabi, and drafts of his articles, reports, and books.

Arrangement: The files remain in the same order it arrived in the Archives. The collection is divided into two series: Division of Policy Development and Planning files and research and project files.  A detailed box/folder list that arrived with boxes 1-24 is available in the Archives.

Digitized copies: This collection has not been digitized. For information about obtaining digital copies, please contact Archives and Special Collections.

Use restrictions: The Archives is unable to reproduce any interview transcripts created and collected by researchers other than Morehouse and his research assistants.

Rights note: The Archives owns copyright to materials in this collection produced by Thomas A. Morehouse. Copyright restrictions may apply to materials not produced by Morehouse.

Preferred citation: Thomas A. Morehouse papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.

Works used in preparation of inventory:
University of Alaska. “Advisory Board,” Creating Alaska. Accessed October 28, 2011. http://www.alaska.edu/creatingalaska/advisory-board/members/.

Related materials:
For our collections related to government in Alaska, please refer to our topical guides, Alaska Constitutional Convention and statehood collections and Alaska state legislators and legislation collections.
For our collections related to the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) and D-2, please refer to our topical guide, ANCSA, ANILCA, and D-2 collections.
For our collections related to land use and natural resources, please refer to our topical guide, Geography and environmental studies collections.

Acquisition note: The collection was donated to the Archives and a deed of gift was signed by Thomas A. Morehouse in 1994.

Processing information: This collection was described by Mariecris Gatlabayan in 2011.

Container list:
Series 1:  Division of Public Policy and Development (DPDP), Office of the Governor records; 1968-1978. 3.0 cubic feet. This series contains correspondence, notes, and publications created and collected while Thomas A. Morehouse was Deputy Director of DPDP.

Box Description Dates
1 Files related to the Valdez project; facilities citing regulations; mining taxation;  Permanent Dividend Fund; Capital Site Planning and Moving committees; Devil Canyon Damn; Alaska Power Authority; tourism; Alaska Department of Public Works correspondence; D-2 Lands Bill; Department of Transportation; Governor Hammond administrative records, such as schedules and correspondence; Alaska Growth Policy Council and its executive director, Barry Quinn; Coastal Zone Management policy; and Alaska State Clearinghouse. 1975-1977
2 DPDP purpose, function, and organization; oil politics in Alaska; Alaska Economic Report Project and Department of Commerce and Economic Development; natural resources issues; and land management. Includes photocopies of interview transcripts conducted in 1982 that relate to the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) project. Interviewers include Bill Schneider, George Sherrod, and Michael Berring. 1968-1977
3 Subsistence, gasline and oil research, energy policy and projects, natural resources, tax policies, economic growth and development, city development, Native Alaskan corporations, and  Democratic Delegate Poll. 1970-1978

Series 2: Research and project files; 1968-1994. 29.5 cubic feet. This series contains correspondence, notes, research results/surveys, and publications related to research and publications by Morehouse.

Box Description Dates
4 Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) legislative history. Includes Joint Federal State Land Use Planning Committee (JFSLUPC) reports, hearings, and notes. 1968-1971
4 “Originals-Michael Lars copies.” Interview transcripts conducted in 1982 that relate to the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) project. 1982
4 Beaufort Island Lease Sale Hearings transcripts. 1975
4 Fiscal policy research files. 1974-1984
4-5 Alaska Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) UAA socioeconomic studies program. 1974-1980
5-6 Fisherman organizations research files; British Columbia, Canada fisherman and fisheries research files, correspondence, and notes. 1977-1979
6 “Issues in Alaska Government” correspondence. 1976-1977
6 Alaska Growth Policy Council, Alaska Public Forum records. 1975-1980
6-7 Chugach Forrest study records. Morehouse published research report for U.S. Forest Service called, “Land Settlement Alternative for the Chugach Region.” 1981
7-9 North Slope Borough and Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) study files. Includes The Arctic Coastal Management newsletters printed by the North Slope Borough; study and research design proposal and files; village reports; results of study; interview transcripts and notes; Man in the Arctic Project (MAP) reports and research files; and North Slope Borough assembly meeting minutes from 1972-1977. 1977-1979
9-10 North Slope Borough (NSB) research files. Includes research related to OCS in Beaufort and Canada; public hearings and transcript notes; varying committees’ minutes, such as the Board of Equalization meetings; correspondence from state government, federal government, consultants, and NANA (Northwest Alaska Native Association); OCS-Regional Government Study report outline, results, research files, and correspondence. 1977-1981
10-12 Fish Wildlife Service- Pipeline (1979-1980) research files related to the “Natural Resource Protection and Petroleum Development in Alaska” study. Includes files for all three phases of the study, correspondence, study design and schedule, interview notes, and publications collected for study. The study was conducted for the Office of Biological Services; Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Department of the Interior. 1969-1980
12 Alcoholism study, “Institutional Response to Alcohol in Alaska,”   records. Includes U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare public health service grant proposal, correspondence, and research files. 1974-1975
33  oversize Alcoholism study index cards. undated
12 Alaska state and local government study, “The State and the local Governmental System: Establishing Area wide Government in Alaska,” correspondence and research files. 1968-1970
12 Institute of Social, Economic, and Government Research (ISEGR) administrative records. 1968-1970
12 Alaska fisheries research files. Includes files related to limited entry fisheries. 1968-1971
13 ISEGR and UAA Political Science files; research files related to land use, Alaska pipeline, coastal zone management, and the North Slope Borough. 1964-1980
14 Research files and correspondence related to Outer Continental Shelf (OCS), pipeline, 1969 Alaska Science Conference, DPDP reorganization, and grant proposals. 1969-1981
14-15 Fish and Wildlife Service files related to effects of pipeline on wildlife. 1974-1981
15-16 Limited entry project records and research. The project explores the effects of limited entry in Alaska fisheries. Project also compared the effects of fisheries’ limited entry between Alaska and British Columbia, Canada. Includes draft of report, project administrative records, research notes, legal cases involving the Alaska Commercial Fishing Entry Commission (CFEC), and reports and publications related to limited entry. 1971-1979, undated
16 Fisheries management correspondence, notes, and publications. 1981-1982
17 Fisheries management correspondence, notes, and publications related to groundfish, herring, tanner crab, and salmon fisheries 1977-1982
18 Fisheries management correspondence, notes, and publications. Subjects include king crab fisheries; state and federal fisheries management regulations and policies; and the North Pacific Fishery Management Council (NPFMC). 1965-1986
19-20 Fish and Wildlife and pipeline papers related to Joint Fish and Wildlife Advisory Team (JFWAT).  Includes research proposals and design, correspondence, notes, and Trans-Alaska Pipeline Authorization Act (TAPAA) related publications and correspondence. 1971-1982
20-21 Alaska local government study research papers. Includes research proposals and design, correspondence, and publications related to local government policies, development, and issues. Cities/regions reflected in papers include Anchorage, Southeast Alaska, Kodiak, Mat-Su, Eagle River, Fairbanks, Juneau, Haines, Valdez, and Bristol Bay Borough. 1970-1983
21 Alaska local government research papers, includes interview notes, survey responses, and draft of Alaska’s Urban and Rural Governments 1971-1984
22 Course files: syllabi, notes, and readings created for courses taught at UAA and UAF. 1974-1994
23 Miscellaneous project proposals and ideas for proposals. 1980-1993
23 Regional Citizen’s Advisory Council records. 1992-1993
23 Independent Public Television, Inc./Alaska Public Television records. 1982-1992
24 Subsistence project records. 1993-1994
25 Research and project records regarding the political status of Alaska Native people. 1989-1991
25 Alaskan lobbyists project research files. 1970-1975
26 Papers, articles, lectures, and editorials. 1969-1991
27 Alaska Council on Science and Technology (ACST) records. 1981-1984
27 Alaska Science and Technology Foundation (ASTF) records. 1988
27 Indigenous Peoples and International Human Rights Law project records. 1993
28 Publications and research reports by or about Thomas Morehouse. 1963-1992
29 Alaska State Government and Politics and Alaska Politics and Government records that include chapter drafts and research files. 1987, 1994
29 UAA course syllabi for political science classes taught by Morehouse. 1987-1994
30 Employment/evaluative records which includes his CV, faculty workload agreements, reviews, and awards. 1963-1994
30 Selected correspondence, in alphabetical order by correspondent. circa 1981-1994
30 ISER records related to AEIDC review committee, ISER status reports, and ISER’s 25th anniversary. 1986-1983
31-32 Andrew W. Mellon Foundation project records. Morehouse used research from this project to write the book, Alaska Resources Development.  Includes correspondence, grant application and progress reports, research files, and drafts of book. 1981-1985

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