Guide to the Christine M. McClain papers

Collection number: HMC-0370.
Creator: McClain, Christine M. (1915-1989).
Title: Christine M. McClain papers.
Dates: 1907-1992.
Volume of collection: 7.7 cubic feet and 79 MB.
Language of materials: Collection materials primarily in English. A few materials in Italian and Dutch are also included.
Collection summary: The papers, writings, and photographs of an Anchorage-area freelance journalist.
Biographical note:
Christine McClain was born in Orient, Washington. She studied newspaper writing and learned typing and dictation in that state. During World War II, she worked in Seattle for the Alaska Communications System (ACS), Army Signal Corps, as a typist and reporter for the ACS newsletter. She transferred to Alaska in 1948, and married Sam McClain in 1950. She continued to work for the ACS until 1971. Christine McClain was a freelance writer who worked as a stringer for Newsweek magazine during the oil boom in Alaska. Her work appeared in over twenty-five national publications including Sunset, Today’s Health, and Coronet. She also worked as a features editor for the Anchorage Times. McClain was a charter member and a president of Alaska Press Women, was the first Alaskan to win an award in a National Federation of Press Women communication contest, was a member of the Alaska Press Club and the Anchorage Writers Group, and was a volunteer for various local service organizations. She was also the recipient of an Alaskan First Lady Volunteer of the Year Award. Christine McClain died in Anchorage in 1989.
In her writings, Christine McClain used a variety of pseudonyms. These included: Corrine Michael, Chris McClain, Christa McClain, Michael Dennis, Kris T. McClain, K. M. McClain, K. M. Coulson, and Chris M. Ferrari.
Collection description:
The collection consists primarily of papers relating to Christine McClain’s work as a freelance writer, including book and article manuscripts, research materials, and notes for non-fiction, short story, and poetry writing. The collection also contains some personal records such as biographical materials, family papers, employment records, religious materials, and correspondence. Topics of her writing largely relate to her life and work in Alaska.
Arrangement: This collection is arranged in the following series and subseries:
Series 1. Personal materials; undated, 1907-1989
Series 2. Correspondence; undated, 1933-1989
Series 3. Writings; undated, 1933-1989
Subseries 3a. School writings; 1933
Subseries 3b. Short stories; undated, 1953, 1958
Subseries 3c. Television screenplays; undated, 1958
Subseries 3d. Drafts of non-fiction articles, published and unpublished; undated, 1956-1987
Subseries 3e. State and local profile articles; circa 1977
Subseries 3f. Historical articles; undated
Subseries 3g. Advice column “Dear Hope” for Arctic Sun; 1976
Subseries 3h. Newspaper releases; undated
Subseries 3i. Writings; undated
Series 4. Book manuscripts; undated, 1962-1987
Series 5. Alaska Communications System (ACS) research project files; undated, 1931-1992
Series 6. Notes; undated, 1960-1962, 1982
Series 7. Writers organizations records; undated, 1953-1984
Series 8. 1964 Alaska earthquake files; 1962-1979
Series 9. Photographs; undated, 1934-1989
Series 10. Certificates and awards; undated, 1957-1988
Series 11. Memorabilia; 1943-1965
Digitized copies: Selected items from the collection have been digitized and can be viewed on Alaska’s Digital Archives. For information about obtaining copies please contact Archives and Special Collections.
Rights note: The Archives holds copyright to materials created by Christine McClain. The collection contains materials not created by McClain which may be subject to copyright restrictions.
Preferred citation: Christine M. McClain papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.
Related materials: The Archives also holds the papers of Christine’s husband, Sam McClain, HMC-0429.
Custodial history: After the death of Sam McClain, some material was given to Pat Richardson by Claire Steffens, the attorney handling the McClain estate, around 1995. Richardson was a friend of Christine and Sam McClain.
Acquisition note: The collection was presented to the Archives by Sam McClain, Christine’s husband, in 1990. Papers were added by Sam McClain in 1991 and 1994. A deed of gift was signed by Sam McClain in 1994. Additional materials were given to the Archives by the estate of Sam McClain through the executor of the estate and his attorney, Claire Steffens, in 1995 and 1997. In 2018, Pat Richardson donated additional materials given to her by Steffens.
Processing information: This collection was arranged and described by Jeffrey Sinnott in 1997. The collection guide was updated to current standard in 2008. The guide was further revised and published materials removed in 2015 by Arlene Schmuland. Additional materials were added to the collection and described by Veronica Denison in 2018.
Container list:
Series 1: Personal materials; undated, 1907-1989. 0.2 cubic feet.
Box/Folder | Description | Dates |
1/1 | Biographical records | undated, 1954-1989 |
1/2 | Ferrari family letters (in Italian) | 1907-1927 |
1/3 | Ferrari family tax receipts and will | 1920-1928 |
1/4 | Alaska Communications System employment records | 1943-1979 |
1/5 | Personal records: financial, medical, legal, and educational | 1947-1982 |
1/6 | Religious materials: bookmarks, announcements, prayer cards | 1931-1933, 1964, 1976 |
6/24 | Bridal book | 1950 |
6/25 | European trip: Notebook, postcard, and tickets | 1974 |
6/28 | Stationary and business card | undated |
Series 2: Correspondence; undated, 1933-1989. 0.6 cubic feet.
Box/Folder | Description | Dates |
1/7 | Personal correspondence | 1933-1984 |
1/8 | Personal correspondence | 1985-1987 |
1/9 | Personal correspondence | undated, 1988-1989 |
1/10-11 | Published letters to the editor | undated, 1977-1989 |
1/12 | Unpublished letters to the editor | undated, 1987-1989 |
1/13-21 | Professional writings correspondence | 1950-1989 |
1/22 | Newsweek stringer correspondence | 1962-1967 |
1/23 | Rejection letters/slips | undated |
Series 3: Writings; undated, 1933-1989. 1.35 cubic feet.
Series 3: Writings. Subseries 3a: School writings; 1933. 0.05 cubic feet.
Box/Folder | Description | Date |
1/24 | School writings | 1933 |
Series 3: Writings. Subseries 3b: Short stories; undated, 1953, 1958. 0.15 cubic feet.
Stories arranged alphabetically by title.
Box/Folder | Item | Description | Date |
1/25 | 1 | “An avalanche of love,” by Christa McClain | undated |
1/25 | 2 | “A brat grows up,” by Chris McClain | undated |
1/25 | 3 | “Don’t under estimate the saints,” by Chris McClain | undated |
1/25 | 4 | “Dream come true” (hand-written draft) | undated |
1/25 | 5 | “End of vigil,” by Chris McClain (two drafts) | undated |
1/26 | 1 | “Find my child” (hand-written draft) | undated |
1/26 | 2 | “The fire”, by Christine McClain | undated |
1/26 | 3 | “First dance,” by Christine McClain | undated |
1/26 | 4 | “Flight 201,” by Christine McClain | 1953 |
1/26 | 5 | “Foolproof marriage recipe,” by Christine McClain | undated |
1/27 | 1 | “Grandma had to meddle,” by Chris McClain | undated |
1/27 | 2 | “Homestead caper,” by Chris McClain | undated |
1/27 | 3 | “The hunt that never was” (draft) | undated |
1/27 | 4 | “I bought a house & the relatives moved in!” (outline and draft) | undated |
1/27 | 5 | “I want my baby” | undated |
1/28 | 1 | “Impasse at Magnolia Beach,” by Christine McClain (two drafts) | undated |
1/28 | 2 | “Inheritance,” by Michael Dennis (pseudonym) | undated |
1/28 | 3 | “Lost lake caper,” by Chris McClain | undated |
1/28 | 4 | “A Man and his word” | undated |
1/28 | 5 | “Matilda’s garden,” by Kris McClain | undated |
1/29 | 1 | “Mickey finds a hero,” by Chris McClain | undated |
1/29 | 2 | “A mothers plea, to her son!” (two drafts) | undated |
1/29 | 3 | “Mukluks creep silently,” by Christine McClain | undated |
1/29 | 4 | “Muktuk wins,” by Christine McClain | undated |
1/29 | 5 | “Multiplied words,” by Corrine Michael (pseudonym) | undated |
1/30 | “Never, never, a right moment,” by Chris McClain (three drafts) | undated | |
1/31 | 1 | “The past lives forever” (draft) | undated |
1/31 | 2 | “Plain Emmie” (hand-written draft) | undated |
1/31 | 3 | “No rules for romance,” by Christa McClain (two drafts) | undated |
1/31 | 4 | “Recipe for romance,” by Chris McClain | undated |
1/31 | 5 | “Rendezvous race,” by Christine McClain (three drafts) | undated |
1/32 | 1 | “Reservation for murder,” by Dennis Michael (pseudonym) | undated |
1/32 | 2 | “Rules for a quick romance,” by Chris McClain | undated |
1/32 | 3 | “Rules for quick romance,” by Christine McClain | undated |
1/32 | 4 | “St. Anthony loves me,” by Chris McClain | undated |
1/32 | 5 | “The saints are powerful,” by Christa McClain (two drafts) | undated |
1/33 | 1 | “Sacrifice—the main course,” by Christine McClain | undated |
1/33 | 2 | “Sharp edge,” by Christine McClain | undated |
1/33 | 3 | “Skating on thin ice,” by Chris McClain | undated |
1/33 | 4 | “Skeets-2 is a hero,” by Chris McClain | undated |
1/33 | 5 | “The typewriter,” by Kris McClain (three drafts) | undated |
1/34 | 1 | “The very right moment,” by Christine McClain (two drafts) | undated |
1/34 | 2 | “Women crying in the wilderness,” by Chris McClain | undated |
1/34 | 3 | Untitled draft pages | undated |
Series 3: Writings. Subseries 3c: Television screenplays; undated, 1958. 0.05 cubic feet.
Box/Folder | Description | Date |
1/35 | “Al’s generation,” by Christine McClain | undated |
1/36 | “Grandfather’s lawyer” | 1958 December 30 |
1/37 | “The partners” | undated |
Series 3: Writings. Subseries 3d: Non-fiction articles; undated, 1956-1987. 1.15 cubic feet.
Articles mostly arranged alphabetically by title. Most dated articles include correspondence with editors or publishers.
Folder |
Item | Description | Date |
1/38 | 1 | “1100 miles on the Kenai” | undated |
1/38 | 2 | “Agutuk anyone?” | undated |
1/38 | 3 | “Air Force assists anti-rabies control program,” by Christine McClain | 1964 |
1/38 | 4 | “Air Force medics render first aid,” by Christine McClain | 1963 |
1/38 | 5 | “Air Force vets helps Alaska attack rabies,” by Christine McClain | 1963 |
1/39 | 1 | “Air Guard airlifts “bundles of mercy,” by Christine McClain | 1964 |
1/39 | 2 | “Alaska heralds her debut in display,” by Christine McClain | circa 1960 |
1/39 | 3 | “Alaska imports more whiskey than groceries,” by K.M. McClain | undated |
1/39 | 4 | “Alaska offers college graduates unlimited opportunities,” by Christine McClain (plus correspondence) | 1962 |
1/39 | 5 | “Alaska shall have music,” by Christine McClain (plus correspondence) | 1961 |
1/40 | 1 | “Alaska’s annual sweepstakes—ice breakup,” by Kris T. McClain | 1962 |
1/40 | 2 | “Alaska’s artistic climate appeals to artists,” by Chris McClain | undated |
1/40 | 3 | “Alaska’s big tides hampers pipeline crossing,” by K.M. McClain | 1960 |
1/40 | 4 | “Alaska’s Blacks made history before King,” by Chris McClain | 1986 |
1/40 | 5 | “Alaska’s first Negro legislator,” by K.M. McClain | circa 1960 |
2/1 | 1 | “Alaska’s gambling law trips tripod of guessing game!,” by K.M. McClain | undated |
2/1 | 2 | “Alaska’s itinerant clinics insures sight and hearing!” (two drafts plus correspondence) | 1962 |
2/1 | 3 | “Alaska’s jet-propelled athlete,” by K.M. McClain (two drafts plus correspondence) | 1960 |
2/1 | 4 | “Alaska’s jumbled frosty junket,” by Christine McClain (student draft) | 1968 |
2/1 | 5 | “Alaska’s lady zoo builder,” by Christine McClain (two copies plus correspondence) | 1969 |
2/2 | 1 | “Alaska’s modern missionaries—lay apostles,” by Christine McClain | circa 1963 |
2/2 | 2 | “Alaska’s newest stampede—highway travel,” by K.M. McClain | undated |
2/2 | 3 | “Alaska’s old-timers” by Chris McClain | undated |
2/2 | 4 | “An Aleutian seal hunt” | undated |
2/2 | 4 | “Alligators and seals enhance economy,” by Chris McClain | undated |
2/2 | 5 | “America’s big brothers man Alaska’s radar network,” by Christine McClain | circa 1961 |
2/3 | 1 | “Anchorage Rotarians elevates Rotary’s goals,” by Christine McClain | 1960 |
2/3 | 2 | “Anchorage’s iron-fisted pioneer (Howard W. Pollock),” by K.M. McClain (two drafts plus correspondence) | 1959 |
2/3 | 3 | “Anchorage’s newest star—North Star Dairy,” by K. M. McClain | 1960 |
2/3 | 4 | “Anchorage’s younger set learn horsemanship” (two drafts), and “Alaskans go for sophisticated horse activities,” by Christine McClain (plus correspondence) | 1967 |
2/3 | 5 | “Are healers for real?” and “How Alaskans boost Manila’s economy,” by Chris McClain (plus correspondence) | 1978 |
2/4 | 1 | “Are “save” campaigns really necessary?” by Chris McClain | 1979 |
2/4 | 2 | “Are you a potential shoplifter?” by Chris McClain | undated |
2/4 | 3 | “Are you getting enough culture?” by Chris McClain | undated |
2/4 | 4 | “Art explosion hits Anchorage,” by Chris McClain (two copies plus correspondence) | 1974 |
2/4 | 5 | “August is fish story month,” by Chris McClain (two drafts) | undated |
2/5 | 1 | “Bacteria is a sneaky attacker,” by Chris McClain | circa 1982 |
2/5 | 2 | “Bahama offers winter sunshine” | undated |
2/5 | 3 | “Big ideas, big decisions, big faith (Walter J. Hickel),” by K.M. McClain (two drafts and loose draft pages) | circa 1966 |
2/5 | 4 | “Black Alaskans made history before King’s marches,” by Chris McClain | 1986 |
2/5 | 5 | “Bonanza for writers—Alaska!” by K.M. McClain (three copies) | 1959 |
2/6 | 1 | “Botulism lurks in Alaska bush,” by Chris McClain (plus correspondence) | 1980 |
2/6 | 2 | “A brownie isn’t a bit fussy,” by Chris McClain (two drafts) | undated |
2/6 | 3 | “The bust’s decline as sex object,” by Chris McClain | undated |
2/6 | 4 | “Camping no picnic for 172nd Brigade,” by Christine McClain (four drafts) | undated |
2/6 | 5 | “Can conservationists save Alaska’s Fish and Game?” (draft) | undated |
2/7 | 1 | “Career women of Alaska,” by Christine McClain | circa 1965 |
2/7 | 2 | “Charlie was a classy cat,” by Chris McClain (four drafts) | undated |
2/7 | 3 | “Children care for motherless moose,” by K. M. McClain | undated |
2/7 | 4 | “Children’s recreation in your back yard,” by Christine McClain | undated |
2/7 | 5 | “Christmas comes to Iguigig,” by Chris McClain | 1969 |
2/8 | 1 | “Christmas in a bath house,” by Christine McClain | undated |
2/8 | 2 | “Christmas in Kashimas—how Alaska missionary introduced Yule to Eskimos,” by Christine McClain (two drafts with photocopy from Anchorage Daily News) | 1956, December 24 |
2/8 | 3 | “Christmas in the 49th!” by Christine McClain (two drafts plus correspondence) | 1963 |
2/8 | 4 | “Christmas in the 49th state!” by Christine McClain. | 1969 |
2/8 | 5 | “Christmas puppy express on the Yukon,” by K.M. McClain (two copies) | 1958 |
2/9 | 1 | “Clover evens score,” by Chris McClain | undated |
2/9 | 2 | “Clover pays a debt,” by Chris McClain (two copies) | undated |
2/9 | 3 | “Cook Inlet’s pipeline racing against ice,” by K.M. McClain | undated |
2/9 | 4 | “Cordova’s Elk of the year,” by Chris McClain (three drafts) | 1980 |
2/9 | 5 | “Cry of the wild ram: Alaska’s historical drama, by K.M. McClain | undated |
2/10 | 1 | “Dawson City rediscovers gold—tourism,” by K.M. McClain | undated |
2/10 | 2 | “Death row for moose,” by Kris McClain | undated |
2/10 | 3 | “Dominicans blaze new trail: white robed priests match Alaska’s mountains,” by Chris McClain | undated |
2/10 | 4 | “Don’t call scrap junk,” by Chris McClain | undated |
2/10 | 5 | “Dorothy keeps femininity in man’s world,” by Chris McClain | undated |
2/11 | 1 | “Education isn’t changing alcoholism in statistics,” by Chris McClain | 1978 |
2/11 | 2 | “Emerald Island belongs to Alaska,” by Chris McClain | undated |
2/11 | 3 | “Engineers are licking permafrost!,” by K.M. McClain (two copies plus correspondence) | 1962 |
2/11 | 4 | “Eulogy: Carl Ernest Martin Sr.” | undated |
2/11 | 5 | “Fairbanks did build a scaffold,” by Chris McClain | circa 1977 |
2/12 | 1 | “Fairbanks first scaffold!” by Chris McClain | circa 1977 |
2/12 | 2 | “Food for kings—Alaska’s wild game dinner,” by Christine McClain (plus correspondence) | 1960 |
2/12 | 3 | “Ft. Richardson biathlon teams scale Mt. Marathon,” by Christine McClain (plus correspondence) | 1962 |
2/12 | 4 | “Fun for all—all for fun (Anchorage Fur Rendezvous),” by Chris McClain (2 drafts) | circa 1966 |
2/12 | 5 | “Fur Rendezvous—and how it grew,” by Chris McClain (plus correspondence) | 1976 |
2/13 | 1 | “Get rid of him before he kills someone: this was my innocent baby he was talking about,” by Christine McClain (four drafts) | undated |
2/14 | 1 | “Golden rule before God,” by Christa McClain (autobiographical story) | undated |
2/14 | 2 | “Guard plays Santa,” by Chris McClain | circa 1963 |
2/14 | 3 | “Guardsmen adopt Eskimo children,” by Christine McClain | 1963 |
2/14 | 4 | “Has Alaska’s gambling law abolished guessing game?,” by K. M. McClain | undated |
2/14 | 5 | “Helen’s perils on Bering Glacier,” by Chris McClain | undated |
2/15 | 1 | “Hitting the Klondike trail” | undated |
2/15 | 2 | “Homesteading no different than Grandma’s era!,” by Christine McClain (plus correspondence) | 1964 |
2/15 | 3 | “Human relations,” by Christine McClain | undated |
2/15 | 4 | “Icy cocktail payoff—cool dollars: chunks of spring ice in Tanana River brings wee fortune,” by K.M. McClain | circa 1961 |
2/15 | 5 | “In Alaska August is derby month,” by Chris McClain | 1980 |
2/16 | 1 | “In doctorless villages, Air Force medics render first aid” | circa 1964 |
2/16 | 2 | “It’s an old tune with a new twist,” by Chris McClain | 1978 |
2/16 | 3 | “It’s a tough race up,” by Chris McClain | 1962 |
2/16 | 4 | “It’s helpful to winterize your mind,” by Chris McClain | undated |
2/16 | 5 | “Jesuits pave way for Eskimo adult education,” by Christine McClain | undated |
2/16 | 6 | “Jet-propelled runner,” by K.M. McClain (plus correspondence) | 1960 |
2/17 | 1 | “July is the mostest in Alaska,” by Chris McClain | undated |
2/17 | 2 | “Junior dog mushers tomorrow’s champions,” by Christine McClain | circa 1962 |
2/17 | 3 | “Kawneer and schools develop Alaska,” by K.M. McClain (plus correspondence) | 1961 |
2/17 | 4 | “Kenai’s top award winner,” by Chris McClain | undated |
2/17 | 5 | “King of Sitkalidak Island—Jack McCord,” by Chris McClain | undated |
2/18 | 1 | “Laughton finds Anchorage theatre-goers solid,” by K. M. McClain | undated |
2/18 | 2 | “Leave Grandma alone,” by Chris McClain | undated |
2/18 | 3 | “Lillian Watson—telephone girl in the gold camps” (two drafts plus correspondence) | 1963 |
2/18 | 4 | “Living is rugged on Bering Glacier,” by Christine McClain | undated |
2/18 | 5 | “Long distance a pain in the neck?” | undated |
2/19 | 1 | “Looking at people,” by Chris McClain (plus correspondence) | circa 1980 |
2/19 | 2 | “Z. J. Lousaac—Anchorage’s benefactor,” by Christine McClain | undated |
2/19 | 3 | “Margaret recalls the creek!” by Chris McClain | undated |
2/19 | 4 | “Mental retardation is everybody’s responsibility,” by Chris McClain | circa 1979 |
2/20 | 1 | “Mentally, Alaska, is growing!” by Christine McClain (two copies and draft pages) | undated |
2/21 | 1 | “Mistletoe legends,” by Kris McClain | undated |
2/21 | 2 | “Modern Alaskans have old-fashion Christmas spirit,” by Christine McClain | undated |
2/21 | 3 | “Montana’s loss is Anchorage’s gain,” by Chris McClain (plus correspondence) | 1981 |
2/21 | 4 | “Most unforgettable 4th of July” | circa 1948 |
2/21 | 5 | “Mt. Marathon—Seward’s own Mt. McKinley,” by Christine McClain (plus correspondence) | 1962 |
2/22 | 1 | “The mouse took a bite,” by Chris McClain (autobiographical story) | undated |
2/22 | 2 | “Musically Alaska goes international,” by Christine McClain | undated |
2/22 | 3 | “Musk ox are human!: Wanton killing of wild life has led to the extinction of game hunting,” by Kris McClain (three drafts) | undated |
2/22 | 4 | “My problem child was ill, is yours?” by Christine McClain | undated |
2/22 | 5 | “My untimely grave an icy sepulcher,” by K.M. Coulson (pseudonym) (copy plus correspondence) | 1959 |
2/23 | 1 | “Navy mothers host Vietnam GI’s,” by Christine McClain | undated |
2/23 | 2 | “Nellie’s impossible dream is a reality,” by Chris McClain | circa 1975 |
2/23 | 3 | “New Yorker enkindles old flame,” by Chris McClain (two copies) | undated |
2/23 | 4 | “Nurse recalls days of primitive medicine,” by Chris McClain | undated |
2/23 | 5 | “Oil discovery brings religion to the Kenai,” by Christine McClain (plus correspondence | 1963 |
2/24 | 1 | “The old gal pitched a curve!” by J. Ridder with K.M. McClain | undated |
2/24 | 2 | “An outstanding Alaska” and “Sourdough mayor,” by Chris M. Ferrari | undated |
2/24 | 3 | “The padre lawmaker of the Yukon,” by K.M. McClain | undated |
2/24 | 4 | “Personalized shopping—military style: Women solve servicemen’s shopping problems from the tip of the Aleutians to the Arctic Circle,” by Christine McClain | circa 1960 |
2/24 | 5 | “Preserving recreational land herculean task” (two drafts) | undated |
2/24 | 6 | “One man’s battle against rabies: Captain Frazier E. Hemphill, USAF veterinarian, proves a one-man crusade can succeed” by Christine McClain | 1964 |
2/25 | 1 | “The railroad Kiwanians built,” by Chris McClain (plus correspondence) | 1967 |
2/25 | 2 | “Rebirth of an industry,” by Christine McClain | undated |
2/25 | 3 | “Reblazing the Trail of ‘98: Dawson whoops it up in fun and frolic,” by K.M. McClain | undated |
2/25 | 4 | “Rondy rates in top ten festivals,” by Chris McClain | 1977 |
2/25 | 5 | “Roundup time, Alaska style,” by Christine McClain (plus correspondence) | 1964 |
2/26 | 1 | “Russian churches are America’s newest landmarks,” by Chris McClain; (plus correspondence) | 1976 |
2/26 | 2 | “St. Nick visits St. Nicholas of Myra,” by Christine McClain | undated |
2/26 | 3 | “Salmon—always in season,” by Christine McClain | undated |
2/26 | 4 | “Share the gift,” by Christine McClain | 1958 |
2/26 | 5 | “Shell launches pipeline industry,” by K.M. McClain (plus correspondence) | 1966 |
2/27 | 1 | “Six months of powdery snow,” by K.M. McClain | undated |
2/27 | 2 | “Sled dog racing: Alaska’s family winter recreation,” by K.M. McClain (plus correspondence) | 1962 |
2/27 | 3 | “Skagway’s Days of ‘98,” by Christine McClain | circa 1960 |
2/27 | 4 | “Skiers come lately,” by Christine McClain (plus correspondence) | 1963, 1964 |
2/28 | 1 | “Society must establish its priorities” by Chris McClain | 1978 June |
2/28 | 2 | “Something is fishy in August,” by Chris McClain | undated |
2/28 | 3 | “Sweet Cake was his name,” by Chris McClain (three drafts) | circa 1976 |
2/28 | 4 | “Tanana spring ice yields cold bonanza,” by Chris McClain (two drafts) | undated |
2/28 | 5 | “Telephone industry big business” | undated |
2/28 | 6 | “A Tennessee medic tramples Alaska’s mountains,” by K.M. McClain | undated |
2/29 | 1 | “Terror aboard Flight 293,” by Christine McClain (four drafts plus correspondence) | 1969 |
2/29 | 2 | “There’s Christmas without Santa,” by Chris McClain (four drafts plus correspondence) | 1977 |
2/29 | 3 | “Today’s Alaskagram [series]–Valdez; medical care; igloos; electricity,” by K.M. McClain | undated |
2/29 | 4 | “Turnagain Arm pipeline crossing brings natural gas,” by K.M. McClain (plus correspondence) | 1961 |
2/29 | 5 | “An uninvited guest—botulism,” by Chris McClain | undated |
2/30 | 1 | “Vacationing in the 49th state?: camping out is the answer for the budget-minded,” by Christine McClain | circa 1959 |
2/30 | 2 | “What makes the salmon run?” | undated |
2/30 | 3 | “What’s happened to sex objects,” by Chris McClain (plus correspondence) | 1987 |
2/30 | 4 | “Where career women succeed quickly,” by Christine McClain (plus correspondence) | 1965 |
2/30 | 5 | “Who comes first in survival—man or mammal?” by Chris McClain (plus correspondence) | 1978 |
2/31 | 1 | “Why Alaska should appreciate Emerald Island,” by Chris McClain | undated |
2/31 | 2 | “Why mental health conference,” by Christine McClain (two copies) | 1969 |
2/31 | 3 | “Will Alaska’s gambling law abolish traditional classic?,” by K. M. McClain | 1959 |
2/31 | 4 | “Will Juneau remain Alaska’s capital?” by K.M. McClain | undated |
2/31 | 5 | “Will the Days of ‘98 survive?,” by Chris McClain | circa 1982 |
2/32 | 1 | “Winter’s worst enemy—frostbite,” by Christine McClain (four drafts plus correspondence) | 1965-1967 |
2/33 | 1 | “Wolves keep prowling,” by Chris McClain | 1976 |
2/33 | 2 | “A working mother achieves her goal!” by Chris McClain | undated |
2/33 | 3 | “Written for San Francisco Examiner,” by Chris McClain (plus correspondence) | 1976 |
2/33 | 4 | “You can be a model patient: In spite of illness, your stay in the hospital can be a pleasant experience” | undated |
2/33 | 5 | “You can grow Alaska’s wildflowers,” by Christine McClain (plus correspondence) | 1961 |
2/34 | 1 | “You can learn ‘ski talk’”, by Chris McClain | undated |
2/34 | 2 | “You can look centennial in Anchorage,” by Chris McClain | circa 1967 |
2/34 | 3 | “You can look to the Valley for R&R,” by Chris McClain | undated |
2/34 | 4 | “You can make aging beautiful” | undated |
2/34 | 5 | “You can’t afford to forget when shopping!,” by Chris McClain | 1984 |
2/34 | 6 | “Your Anchorage Fur Rendezvous,” by Christine McClain | circa 1966 |
2/34 | 7 | “Your kid needs both ears,” by Chris McClain | circa 1981 |
2/35 | Untitled articles | undated | |
4/31-33 | Unsorted notes, writings, and research materials | undated | |
6/20 | 1 | “Alaska” | undated |
6/20 | 2 | “Alaska offers new ski thrills” | 1964 |
6/20 | 3 | “Anchorage: Husky Youngster” | undated |
6/20 | 4 | “Anchorage tries new approach to alcoholism” | 1978 |
6/20 | 5 | “Billy and our telegraph line” | undated |
6/20 | 6 | “Green’s funeral chapels grow with Alaska” | 1972 |
6/20 | 7 | “From Russia with love: early settlers from Siberia left their mark on Alaska” | 1976 |
6/20 | 8 | “National police officer of the month Robert Lockman: Sergeant, Alaska State Police” | 1973 August |
6/20 | 9 | “A South Carolina minister challenges Alaska’s wilderness park” | 1971 |
6/20 | 10 | “They’re lowering-in economy” | 1961 |
6/20 | 11 | “Food for thought” | undated |
6/23 | Audio cassette of interview of unidentified man about Alaska Nellie (Note: Side A contains possible recordings from a radio and side B begins with recording of a church service before the interview) | undated |
Series 3: Writings. Subseries 3e: State and local profile articles; circa 1977. 0.05 cubic feet.
Box/Folder | Item | Description |
2/36 | 1 | “Alaska’s biography.” |
2/36 | 2 | “Bethel—metropolis of a vast area.” |
2/36 | 3 | “Palmer—fertile valley.” |
2/36 | 4 | “Fairbanks—heart of the golden north.” |
2/36 | 5 | “People.” |
2/36 | 6 | “Significant events (historical).” |
2/36 | 7 | “Kenai, Alaska’s second oldest permanent settlement.” |
2/36 | 8 | “Kodiak—Alaska’s emerald island” (see feature story). |
2/36 | 9 | “Kotzebue—land of midnight sun.” |
2/36 | 10 | “Seward—A city not a folly.” |
2/36 | 11 | “Anchorage—The cultural city.” |
2/36 | 12 | “Juneau, Alaska’s capital city.” |
2/36 | 13 | “Nome—gold rush city.” |
2/36 | 14 | “Barrow—largest Eskimo village.” |
2/36 | 15 | “Homer—city with magnificent beauty.” |
Series 3: Writings. Subseries 3f: Historical articles; undated. 0.05 cubic feet.
Box/Folder | Description |
2/37 | “Alaska’s first free mail delivery faced hardships,” by Chris McClain |
2/38 | “Alaska is the gabbiest state,” by Chris McClain |
Series 3: Writings. Subseries 3g: Advice column “Dear Hope” for Arctic Sun; 1976. 0.05 cubic feet.
Box/Folder | Description |
2/39 | Advice column |
Series 3: Writings. Subseries 3h: Newspaper releases; undated. 0.05 cubic feet.
Box/Folder | Description |
2/40 | News releases on rehabilitation of juvenile delinquents in Anchorage |
Series 3: Writings. Subseries 3i: Other writings; undated. 0.05 cubic feet.
Box/Folder | Description |
2/41-42 | Draft pages of articles and short stories |
2/43 | Poems, addresses, short pieces |
Series 4: Book manuscripts; undated, 1962-1987. 0.75 cubic feet.
Box/Folder | Description | Dates |
2/44-51 | I wishit for you shometime (story of Mildred Durgan) | 1962? |
3/1 | They called it ‘ValDEEZ’ (local history with sidebars from other authors) | undated |
3/2-16 | Autobiography—living small | 1974-1984 |
3/17 | The River Will Be Swimming by John R. Buchanan, S.J. (includes correspondence) | 1986-1987 |
Series 5: Alaska Communications System (ACS) research project files; undated, 1931-1992. 0.7 cubic feet.
Articles, manuscripts, correspondence, and photographs relating to ACS history.
Box/Folder | Description | Date |
3/18 | “The saga of the roaring boring Alice,” by Chris McClain (two drafts) | 1985 |
3/18 | “Written for ‘This Alaska’” | undated |
3/18 | “Why the Alaska Communication System?” by Christine McClain | undated |
3/18 | “RCA Alascom inaugurates dial phone in bush villages” (three drafts) | undated |
3/18 | “RCA Alascom’s pleasant public service counters” | 1971 August 11 |
3/18 | “Another first for RCA Alascom” | undated |
3/18 | “Cecil Green retires!” | undated |
3/18 | “Voices on the North Slope” | undated |
3/18 | “RCA Alascom enters satellite communication” (two drafts) | undated |
3/18 | “Hello world—Alaska calling” by Christine McClain | undated |
3/18 | “Long distance calling…” by Chris McClain, The Great Lander Shopping News Sourdough Saver Classifieds, volume 13, number 3 | 1981 January 21 |
3/18 | “Gen. Billy Mitchell—blazing Alaska’s telegraph trails” by Chris McClain | undated |
3/19-21 | Book manuscript: WAMCATS—Conquerors of the Unconquerable draft and notes | undated |
3/22 | WAMCATS—correspondence | undated, 1965-1969, 1984 |
3/23 | Lists and addresses | undated |
3/24 | William H. Angel—Chilkoot WAMCAT: 1928-1931 | undated |
3/25 | E. L. Barber correspondence, 16 black and white photographs | undated, 1967 |
3/26 | R. G. Blackett 8 black and white photographs taken during voyage of the USAT Cableship Dellwood, port schedule, and ships log | 1929-1930 |
3/27 | Arthur M. Fernandes correspondence, unit histories, WAMCATS reunions records and rosters | undated, 1957, 1963-1966 |
3/28 | Bob Hillman correspondence | 1966-1967 |
3/29 | John H. Hoeppel correspondence, history and biography | 1966-1967 |
3/30 | Pat LeStrange correspondence | 1967 |
3/31 | W. R. Melvin 39 black and white photographs, map, writings | undated, 1931-1932, 1967 |
3/32 | Philip W. Reed copies of original documents, correspondence, unit history, notes and clippings | undated, 1928-1979 |
3/33 | WAMCATS and ACS Association rosters and bulletins | Undated, 1982-1990 |
3/34 | ACS documents | 1931-1967 |
3/35 | Historical articles and publications (includes two photographs) | Undated, 1948-1971 |
4/1 | “Satellite information” including 3 black and white photographs and one color postcard | undated, 1966, 1971 |
4/2 | Alaska Communication System: Regulations and tariffs (with revisions) | 1961-1970 |
4/3 | Communication operating instructions 1929-1 Comm Det (ACS), Anchorage Station, Commercial Telegraph | 1966 |
4/4 | 1929 CGM, 177-1, supplements | 1961-1964 |
4/5 | Western Union Telegraph Company “Subject: telephone operating practices, instructions for telephone operators and supervisors, operations proceedures, operating instruction Number T-1” | 1971 |
4/6 | Canadian National Telecommunications tariff book | 1969 March 15 |
Series 6: Notes; undated, 1960-1962, 1982. 0.4 cubic feet.
Box/Folder | Description | Date |
4/8-12 | Stenographic notebooks (33 notebooks in shorthand) | undated |
4/13 | Looseleaf notebook pages with notes on fiction writing | undated |
4/14 | Italian language class notes and exercises | undated |
4/15 | Writing class notes and short stories cut from magazines; Notes from an interview written on newspaper | undated |
4/16 | Four small notebooks plus loose notebook pages | undated, 1960-1962, 1982 |
Box/Folder | Description | Date |
4/17 | Poetry Committee, Anchorage, Alaska, League of Western Writers, Alaska Chapter
scrapbook |
1956-1966 |
4/18 | Alaska Chapter of the League of Western Writers scrapbook | 1953-1960 |
4/19 | The First Annual Conference of the Alaska Chapter of the League of Western Writers program | 1954 |
4/20 | The Sixth Annual Writers’ Convention, The National Writers Club program and notes | 1957 |
4/21 | Eighth National Writers’ Convention, The National Writers Club, Denver, Colorado program and flier | 1961 October 5-7 |
4/22 | Alaska Press Women Series—Pioneers list of biographical articles published in the Great Lander Shopping News | undated |
4/23 | Alaska Press Club Sixth Annual Awards Dinner, Wednesday Evening, Chart Room, Westward Hotel, Anchorage menu and program. | 1958 May 28 |
4/24 | Alaska Press Club, Inc., Anchorage Chapter list of names and addresses of active members | undated |
Series 7. Writers organizations records; undated, 1953-1984. 0.5 cubic feet.
Series 8: 1964 Alaska earthquake files; 1962-1979. 0.05 cubic feet.
Box/Folder | Description | Date |
4/25 | Story drafts and notes | Undated |
4/26 | “The quake gazette” by Christine McClain, 3 pages | 1964 |
4/26 | Letter from Ruth Arneson, Kodiak, Alaska, 4 pages | 1964 March 29 |
4/26 | Letter from Pauline and Bill, Anchorage, 2 pages | 1964 March 30 |
4/26 | Unsigned letter, 3 pages | 1964 April 1 |
4/26 | “Hello, A.Q. (after quake)” by “B” at Anchorage Westward Hotel, 5 pages | 1964 April 17 |
4/26 | “Parka pal” letters by Fr. Jim, S.J. | 1964 April, May |
4/26 | Letters from Celestial Life Insurance, Alaska Jesuit Missions, by Rev. Paul C. Connor, S.J. | 1964 May, June |
4/27 | Press releases, Headquarters, U.S. Army, Alaska Information Office | 1964 March 30-June 3 |
4/28 | Press releases, U.S. Army Engineering District, Alaska | 1964-1966 |
4/29 | Press releases, Presbyterian Hospital | 1964 |
4/30 | Press releases, Headquarters, Alaska Air Command, Elmendorf Air Force Base, Information Division | circa 1964 |
Series 9: Photographs; undated, 1934-1989. 1.0 cubic feet.
Box/Folder | Item | Description | Date |
5/1 | “Alaska before WWII” album, 220 black and white prints and postcards, 4 color prints and postcards, 31 black and white copy negatives. Subjects include: President Warren G. Harding, Fire in Anchorage on June 21, 1921, Sitka, Cordova, Wrangell, Ketchikan, S.S. Denali—ship, Father Hubbard, S.J., St. Paul Island, U.S. Coast Guard Cutters Spencer and Hamilton, Attu Island, Dutch Harbor, Unalaska, Unga Island, U.S. Cruiser Pensacola, Haida—ship, Juneau, King Island, Kiska, Bering Sea, U.S.S. Tennessee—ship, Toramaru—ship, Luchenbach—ship, Bremerton Navy Yard, Panama Canal, Gulf of Alaska, Otto Schallerer post cards—sunsets, sled-dogs, Nome, Sophie Christenson—cod fishing ship, S.S. North Coast—ship, S.S. Victoria—ship, S.S. Northwestern—ship, S.S. Alaska—shipwreck and rescue of passengers, German prisoners of war. | undated, 1934-1940 | |
5/2 | “Alaska life” album, 167 black and white prints and postcards, 27 color prints and postcards, 3 black and white copy negatives, 5 black and white original negatives, 2 color transparencies. Subjects include: American Cancer Society, Alaska Communication System, Alaska Communication System picnic at Lake Spenard 1949, USO, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Kodiak, Chiniak, Clear, Alaska, Jolly Jr.’s, Sam McClain, Dennis Day, Alaska Press Club, National Writers Convention in Denver 1961, Kay Kennedy, Mt. Alyeska Ski Resort, Alaska Press Women Convention at Sheep Mountain Lodge 1973, Writers Convention 1965. | 1948-1973 | |
5/3 | “Social and ACS events” album, 58 black and white prints and postcards, 18 color prints and postcards, 8 black and white copy negatives, 2 black and white original negatives. Subjects include: Anchorage,, Simon Olmer, William Johnson, Judge Anthony J. Dimond, USO building, Anchorage Fur Rendezvous, U.S. Army and Air Force training exercises, Alaska Press Women—first meeting in Fairbanks 1961, Governor’s Picnic in Anchorage circa 1971, Robert C. Reeve, Alaska Centennial, Chitina, Alaska Communication System offices in old federal building, Glenn Highway construction. | undated, 1949-1971 | |
5/4 | “Various activities: horses, Rondy 60s” album, 196 black and white prints, 30 color prints, 13 black and white copy negatives. Subjects include: Anchorage Fur Rendezvous, Speedboat races Lake Wasilla (?), United Nations Day 1962, Wheeler and Telephone Conference, Bear barbeque at King Mountain Lodge 1962, Alaska Methodist University landscaping and final construction 1962, Horse show Anchorage, Haver Building fire 1963, 1964 Earthquake in Anchorage, Anchorage, Governor’s Picnics 1964-1966, Governor William Egan, Louie Armstrong 1965. | undated, 1962-1966 | |
5/5 | Untitled album, 64 black and white prints and postcards, 67 color prints and postcards, 6 black and white copy negatives. Subjects include: Wasilla Conference Talkeetna Historical Society (?) 1973, Alaska Zoo 1974, Anchorage summer 1975, Kodiak 1976, Big Lake summer 1978, Ice Worm Festival in Cordova 1978, Sam McClain, O. G. McClain Clan family reunion (?) 1979, Sam McClain retirement party. | 1970-1979 | |
5/6 | Untitled album, 128 black and white prints and postcards, 53 color prints and postcards, 9 black and white copy negatives. Subjects include: St. Paul Island seal harvest circa 1969, St. Paul seal processing, hotel, school, and Russian Orthodox Church, St. Mary’s Mission—before fire and during fire in 1963, Father Poole, S.J., Holy Cross Mission Native dancers 1963, Kotzebue July 4th celebrations, Unalakleet, Independence Mine. | undated, 1963-1969 | |
5/7 | “Valdez, Juneau, ’63 ferry, Skagway, Dawson, Whittier” album, 207 black and white prints and postcards, 47 color prints and postcards, 10 black and white copy negatives, 13 black and white original negatives. Subjects include: Valdez, Bridal Veil Falls, Worthington Glacier, Healy Coal Mine, Lower Tonsina, Juneau, Mendenhall Glacier, Wrangell, ferry trip, U.S. Forest Service helicopter Juneau, Skagway Days of ’98, Dawson Creek, Yukon Territory, Knik River flood 1962, Whitehorse, Yukon Territory, Lake Bennett, Yukon Territory, Carcross, Yukon Territory, Whittier port, railroad, and town | undated, 1962-1973 | |
5/8 | “Seward, Ninilchik, Seldovia, Homer” album, 188 black and white prints and postcards, 38 color prints, 14 black and white copy negatives. Subjects include: Portage Glacier, Seward Salmon Derby, Mount Marathon Run in Seward, Ninilchik, Seldovia, Homer, Copper Center Lodge, Kenai Chevron Oil Refinery opening 1966, ALS National Party Anchorage Natural Gas Corp., Kenai 1966, Eklutna Glacier Training U.S. Army 1966, Big Game Awards, Helena Burnett guide, Ralph Marshall pilot. | undated, 1962-1967, 1981 | |
5/9 | “Europe” album, 61 black and white prints, 121 color prints. This album contains photographs from a European Art Tour organized by Western Travel Service, Inc., that Christine McClain took in June 1974. The tour visited cities and sites in Italy, Greece, and Yugoslavia. | 1974 | |
5/10 | “Mexico, Hawaii” album, 71 black and white prints, 42 color prints, 1 black and white copy negative. Subjects include: Colorado (commercial travel image set), Seattle, Victoria, British Columbia, Polly Bergen, San Francisco 1966, Los Angeles, Acapulco, Mexico, Hawaii (commercial travel image set), Honolulu 1967, Maui 1982. | undated, 1967, 1970, 1975, 1982 | |
5/11 | “Fairbanks, Nenana, North Pole, Talkeetna” album, 241 black and white prints, 27 color prints, 7 black and white copy negatives. Subjects include: Fairbanks, Alaska Centennial celebrations, Alaskaland, Eielson Air Force Base, University of Alaska Conference, Burl Ives, Governor Walter Hickel, Centennial train to Fairbanks, Alaska Railroad, Nenana, Talkeetna solar eclipse, mountain climbers, luau, Moose Dropping Festival, Fairview Inn, Talkeetna, Homer. | undated, 1960-1979 | |
5/12 | Untitled album, 12 black and white prints and postcards, 119 color prints and postcards, 2 black and white copy negatives. This album includes personal photographs of friends, family, and pets. It also includes photo Christmas greeting cards and a photograph of Pope John Paul II during his visit to Anchorage. | 1980-1985 | |
5/13 | “Charlie, Smoky, Corky, Duke” album, 204 color prints. This album contains photographs of Sam and Christine McClain and their cats. | 1979-1986 | |
5/14 | “Christmas photos, friends” album, 56 black and white prints and cards, 71 color prints and cards. This album contains photographs and photo Christmas greeting cards from friends, as well as those of a Navy Wives Thanksgiving dinner and an ANS Christmas in 1968. | undated, 1950-1986 | |
5/15 | “M” album, 9 black and white prints and cards, 141 color prints and cards, 1 black and white copy negative. This album contains personal photographs and photo Christmas greeting cards. | 1986-1988 | |
5/16 | Christine McClain, portraits and photos, 27 black and white prints, 7 color prints, 4 color-tinted prints, 3 4X5 inch black and white negatives, 3 120 size black and white negatives, 6 color slides. | undated, 1962-1978 | |
5/17 | Family photos, 140 black and white prints, 32 color prints, 2 35 mm black and white negatives. | undated, 1932-1983 | |
5/18 | Friends and children, 26 black and white prints, 15 color print. | undated, 1952-1978 | |
5/19 | Alaska Communication System, 25 black and white prints. | undated | |
5/20 | Alaska Communication System: Signal Corps. U.S. Army photographs, 11 black and white prints. | 1959-1962 | |
5/21 | Alaska Division of Tourism photos, 4 black and white prints | undated | |
5/21 | 1 | Caption: “ALASKA UNDER THE RUSSIANS is the background of ‘Cry of the Wild Ram,’ an historical pageant which will be produced for the second time in Anchorage, July 21-22 and 28-29. The story depicts the times and trials of Alexander Baranov who dominated Alaska (then called Russian America from the late eighteenth century through the first two decades of the nineteenth.” | |
5/21 | 2 | Caption: “FUN OF A HELICOPTER RIDE over some of the world’s most breathtaking scenery is exceeded in Alaska only by the fun of the world’s finest skiing at steep Creek, near Juneau. There are no lifts or tows into the area yet (the tows are installed and operating at Douglas Ski Bowl, also near Juneau) but ‘chopper’ flights provide a safe, fast means of ascent to the summit.” | |
5/21 | 3 | Caption: “HIGH ON THE MOUNTAINSIDE, overlooking the majestic Tanana Valley of Interior Alaska, a skier at Fairbanks’ Ullrhaven Ski Lodge pauses to enjoy the view. Alaska’s skiing in characterized by powder snow at low altitudes, uncrowded slopes, and a wide variety of runs ranging from bunny hills to drops of the expert class.” | |
5/21 | 4 | Caption: “SLALOM COURSE is negotiated by young skier at Douglas Bowl near the Alaska capital city of Juneau. Reached by helicopter or afoot the area boasts rope tows, warming cabins and long-season skiing.” | |
5/22 | Alaska Nellie’s Country Store and Gallery, Seward, 10 b&w prints. | undated | |
5/23 | Alaska Psychiatric Institute, Jim Balog, photographer, 7 black and white prints. | undated | |
5/23 | 1 | Caption: “Miss Vivian Denton, lab technologist does a test in the API lab.” | |
5/23 | 2 | Caption: “Mr. Alice Martinson, X-Ray technician gives an EEG test.” | |
5/23 | 3 | Caption: “Hope Tuttle, Classroom instructor at the Alaska Psychiatric Institute.” | |
5/23 | 4 | Caption: “View from west of building shows the Chugach Mountains in background, wing in foreground is an acute treatment ward.” | |
5/23 | 5 | Caption: “Child’s Unit, nursing staff member supervises play at the playground.” | |
5/23 | 6 | Caption: “Charles Masterson and volunteer worker, occupational Therapy.” | |
5/23 | 7 | Caption: “Occupational Therapy” | |
5/24 | Anchorage Fur Rendezvous. Pete Robinson, photographer, Greater Anchorage, Inc, 5 black and white prints. | undated, 1976 | |
5/24 | 1 | Caption: “Activity in the Pit Area during the World Championship Races.” | |
5/24 | 2 | Caption: “Carl Huntington wearing the number 1 heads out on the trail during the Fur Rendezvous.” | |
5/24 | 3 | Caption: “Bridget Thomas, ‘76 Miss Fur Rendezvous.” | |
5/24 | 4 | Caption: “George Attla, ‘76 Champion.” | |
5/24 | 5 | Caption: “Unidentified Junior Musher.” | |
5/25 | James Balog photographs, 11 black and white prints | undated | |
5/25 | 1 | Anchorage International Airport: employees posed in front of fire engine. | |
5/25 | 2 | Three moose among trees near office building in winter. | |
5/25 | 3 | Ski hill and rope tows at Arctic Valley. | |
5/25 | 4 | Skiers waiting for rope tow at Arctic Valley Ski Bowl. | |
5/25 | 5 | Caption: “Gary King at Arctic Valley.” | |
5/25 | 6 | Caption: “Sun deck cafeteria at Mt. Alyeska.” | |
5/25 | 7-11 | Ski photos at Mt. Alyeska. | |
5/26 | Bristol Bay fishing, 72 black and white contact prints on 6 sheets. | undated | |
5/26 | 1-11 | Caption: “Misc. Shots of Native fishermen and catch being unloaded from boats. Young boy was helping father during entire season.” (Contact sheet 1). | |
5/26 | 12 | Caption: “In background is ‘Reefer II’ Sits in deep water mile out from cannery and takes on loads of fish from small boats twice a day. Comes in at night on high tide to unload total haul for day.” (Contact sheet 1). | |
5/26 | 13 | Caption: “Eskimo going up Kuskokwim River in small boat. Not a fisherman, he is mechanic for Northern Consolidated Airlines.” (Contact sheet 2). | |
5/26 | 14-15 | Caption: “Bush planes at Bethel await Natives from Bristol Bay coming up from end of fishing season. They will haul the Natives into the small Native villages for the winter.” (Contact sheet 2). | |
5/26 | 16-21 | Caption: “Misc. Fishing and unloading pix.” (Contact sheet 2). | |
5/26 | 22 | Caption: “Hobby of men on ‘Reefer II’ is target shooting aboard ship white awaiting small boats.” (Contact sheet 2). | |
5/26 | 23-24 | Caption: “Dropping fish into hold of big boat.” (Contact sheet 2). | |
5/26 | 25-26 | Caption: “Eskimo cannery workers at coffee break on dock.” (Contact sheet 3). | |
5/26 | 27 | Caption: “Italian fisherman A.H. Spinale from Pittsburg, California who is fishing again this year. He has fished in Bay area for 43 years. In winter runs store (grocery and dry goods) in Pittsburg. This year, he says will clear over 25,000 dollars with fish.” (Contact sheet 3). | |
5/26 | 28-33 | Caption: “Misc. Shots of boats at Peterson Point at New England and Pacific American Canneries.” (Contact sheet 3). | |
5/26 | 34-35 | Caption: “Natives get on scales for return haul to Native towns.” (Contact sheet 3). | |
5/26 | 36 | Caption: “Air shot of New England and Pacific American Canneries at Peterson Point, Alaska. Just out of King Salmon in the Bristol Bay region.” (Contact sheet 3). | |
5/26 | 37-48 | Caption: “Misc. shots of bush planes at Bethel loading Natives for flights to small Native villages along Kuskokwim and Yukon Rivers. Natives all brought to Bethel from Bristol Bay and then taken to their home villages there.” (Contact sheet 4). | |
5/26 | 49-60 | Caption: “Misc. Shots Eskimo kids with fish racks and dried fish. Woman is using gasoline driven washing machine from mail order house. One shot of Native family fishing on Kuskokwim for winter food.” (Contact sheet 5). | |
5/26 | 61-69, 72 | Caption: “Native kids swimming in river at fish camps.” (Contact sheet 6). | |
5/26 | 70-71 | Caption: “Catholic Nuns at St. Mary’s school on Yukon River. Largest building on river. In September, over 250 Eskimo kids of all ages come from villages to board at school for winter. Handles grades 1 thru 12. Graduates about half dozen high school students a year. Grow all their food, made their own building, and run their own fish cannery during summer for food during winter.” (Contact sheet 6). | |
5/27 | Bush photos: people, children, villages, 13 black and white prints. | undated | |
5/28 | Bush photos by Christine McClain, 2 black and white prints. | undated | |
5/28 | 1 | Caption: “Arriving at Unalakleet, modern station [wagon] meets plane.” | |
5/28 | 2 | Caption: “Feeding time at Kotzebue, Alaska” (dog on chain with pup). | |
5/29 | Copper Valley School (religious retreat), 31 black and white prints, 2 color prints, 25 35 mm black and white negatives. | undated, 1966 August | |
5/30 | Dawson trip, 32 black and white prints, 10 120 size black and white negatives | 1962 | |
5/31 | Ear surgery, 5 black and white prints. | undated | |
5/32 | Federal Aviation Authority photographs, Lillian Watson, 5 black and white photos. | undated, 1962, 1966 | |
5/32 | 1 | Caption: “Lillian Watson at the FAA ‘modern’ switchboard in 1966, Photo—Darby.” | |
5/32 | 2-3 | Lillian Watson at FAA switchboard. | |
5/32 | 4 | Caption: “Left: Allen Hulen, Assistant Administrator Alaskan Region presents Lillian one of her ‘awards’ with her immediate supervisor John B. Moore looking on.” | |
5/32 | 5 | Lillian Watson at FAA switchboard. | |
6/1 | Governor’s picnic, 7 color transparencies | 1964 July | |
6/2 | Mountain and glacier training, U.S. Army, Alaska, U.S. Army photographs, 11 black and white prints. | undated | |
6/2 | 1 | Caption: “Bringing injured man down mountain in litter.” | |
6/2 | 2 | Caption: “Keeping rope taut.” | |
6/2 | 3 | Caption: “One rope bridge for crossing river.” | |
6/2 | 4 | Caption: “Piggy-back down the mountain.” | |
6/2 | 5 | Caption: “Rappelling down the mountain.” | |
6/2 | 6-9 | Rappelling down rockface. | |
6/2 | 10 | Men traversing rockface. | |
6/2 | 11 | Man crossing river using rope bridge. | |
6/3 | Northern Commercial Company department store, Ward Wells, photographer, 5 black and white prints. | undated | |
6/3 | 1 | Caption: “Alaska’s chain store with a wide easel for a display artist.”(storefront facade). | |
6/3 | 2-4 | Display window with mannequins. | |
6/3 | 5 | Interior view with fur coats, animal rugs, and mounted animal heads. | |
6/4 | Operation Santa Claus, U.S. Air Force, Elmendorf Air Force Base, 15 black and white prints, 36 35 mm black and white negatives, 3 120 size black and white negatives, 6 press releases. | undated, 1963 | |
6/4 | 1 | Santa Claus giving out presents to natives (APCS Photo). | |
6/4 | 2 | Santa Claus in cockpit with headphones. | |
6/4 | 3 | Caption: “Santa (Lt. Col. Jay N. Thomas) and helper Clarence Pungoujie unload C-123 at Northeast Cape AFS. In 20 below zero weather, they travel by dogsled to the village Savoonga. The frost can be seen on Pungoujie’s parka ruff. The Huskies appear to be confused… U.S. Air Force Photo.” | |
6/4 | 4 | Santa Claus kneeling between men holding Operation Santa Claus sign. No. 235. | |
6/4 | 5 | Santa Claus with sled and Air Force personnel with Operation Santa Claus sign. No. 236. | |
6/4 | 6 | Caption: “HQ AAC—SANTA ARRIVES ALASKAN STYLE—Using a dog team instead of his customary reindeer, Santa Claus arrives at the village of Unalakleet, Alaska, near an Alaskan Air Command (AAC radar site, to distribute gifts to the native children there as part of Elmendorf AFB’s Operation Santa Claus…” No. 237. | |
6/4 | 7 | Caption: “HQ AAC—“MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL!–Waving a greeting to the children of Unalakleet, Alaska, is Santa Claus as he prepares to take a dog sled ride into the village with dog musher A2C Jerry D. Hart, of Monroe, La., from a nearby a nearby Alaska Air Command radar site,. . .” No. 238. | |
6/4 | 8 | Caption: “HQ AAC—ONE OF LIFE’S BIG MOMENTS—Shaking hands with Santa Claus provides a big thrill for the native school children of Unalakleet, Alaska as is evidenced by the looks of happy anticipation on their faces. . .” No. 239. | |
6/4 | 9 | Caption: “HQ AAC—‘HOW OLD ARE YOU LITTLE MISSY?’—As part of Elmendorf AFB, Alaska’s annual Operation Santa Claus to provide toys and gifts for native children near Alaskan Air Command remote radar sites, the kindly old gentleman greets school children of Unalakleet. . .” No. 240. | |
6/4 | 10 | Santa Claus holds little native boy. No. 241. | |
6/4 | 11 | Caption: “HQ AAC—SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE—An Air Force sergeant from Elmendorf, AFB, Alaska plays Santa Claus to a multitude of young Alaskan natives at Unalakleet village. Here, he is aided by Miss Dolores Kracher, first grade teacher, Bureau of Indian Affairs, Unalakleet Elementary School. . .” No. 242. | |
6/4 | 12 | Santa Claus and Miss Dolores Kracher hand out presents to native children. No. 243. | |
6/4 | 13 | Santa carrying presents for native children. | |
6/4 | 14 | Proof sheet and 36-35mm negatives of Operation Santa Claus. | |
6/5 | Philippines trip, 12 black and white prints, 50 color prints. | 1978 | |
6/6 | Quake, Kodiak, 19 black and white prints, 4 color post cards, 2 black and white copy negatives. | 1964 | |
6/6 | 1 | Caption: “Mission with a heart—The Coastal Monarch unloads at the marginal pier at the Kodiak Naval Base, Kodiak, Alaska…” Yule M. Chafin, photographer. | |
6/6 | 2 | Caption: “Huge fishing boats were tossed up on what once was the Elks new bowling lanes.” Yule M. Chafin, photographer. | |
6/6 | 3 | Caption: “This shows just a small part of wreckage after four tidal waves, an earthquake, 80-mile an hour winds hit Kodiak, Alaska, on March 27th. Fishing boats, houses, downed telephone and electric lines—make strange mixture in aftermath of disaster.” Yule M. Chafin, photographer. | |
6/6 | 4 | Caption: “‘Hi neighbor! Here’s Help.’—was the message Brought into Kodiak residents on the ship Coastal Monarch. Ship was loaded down with lumber, building supplies, a gift from hundreds of people and firms in Oregon, Washington and Idaho to get Alaskans back on their feet. Ship docked on May 9th.” Yule M. Chafin, photographer. | |
6/6 | 5 | Caption: “The Yukon lies disabled after tidal waves.” Yule M. Chafin, photographer. | |
6/6 | 6 | Caption: “She [Yukon] proudly sails out of Kodiak’s harbor on her way to the fishing grounds again. She was one of the lucky ones.” Yule M. Chafin, photographer. | |
6/6 | 7 | Caption: “Downtown Kodiak was a twisted, jumbled mass of wreckage. Shops and homes were carried blocks from their original sites and crushed together.” Yule M. Chafin, photographer. | |
6/6 | 8 | Caption: “Roads on Woody Island were choked with debris when the 1964 tidal waves swept across part of the island.” Yule M. Chafin, photographer. | |
6/6 | 9 | Caption: “Edward McDermott, President Johnson’s personal emissary to the disaster areas, is met upon his arrival at Kodiak Naval Station by Rear Admiral Robert E. Riera, USN, Commander, Alaskan Sea Frontier and Commandant, 17th Naval Distric. Mr. McDermott described the Alaskan situation as ‘awful’.” U.S. Navy photograph. | |
6/6 | 10 | Caption: “This giant buoy that once guided shipping into the mouth of Old Woman’s Bay or the harbor of the City of Kodiak now rests on the Station taxiway. The third tidal wave, which crested at 30 feet above mean lower water, drove this buoy and other smaller ones inshore from the open sea.” U.S. Navy photograph. | |
6/6 | 11 | Caption: “Special services boat shop is uprooted by the third tidal wave and moved away to pilings which stopped its fluvial transit.” U.S. Navy photograph. | |
6/6 | 12 | Caption: “Salvaging one of the fishing Boats.” U.S. Army photograph. | |
6/6 | 13-14 | Caption: “Rebuilt boat harbor by U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.” U.S. Army photograph. | |
6/6 | 15 | Caption: “Clean-up: Down Main Street Kodiak.” U.S. Army photograph. | |
6/6 | 16 | “Fishing boat slowly sinking to bottom.” U.S. Army photograph. | |
6/6 | 17 | Distant aerial shot of rebuilt boat harbor. U.S. Army photograph. | |
6/6 | 18 | Man and boy on ruins of building. | |
6/6 | 19 | Houses on harbor waterfront. | |
6/6 | 20 | Boat harbor and aerial of harbor and town. | |
6/6 | 21 | Postcard caption: “Kodiak, Alaska, the first capital of Russian America established in 1794.”; Alf
Madsen, photographer. |
6/6 | 22 | Postcard caption: “Greetings from Kodiak – King Crab Capital of the World”; Alf Madsen, photographer. | |
6/6 | 23 | Postcard caption: “Before and after scenes of the March 27th Black Friday Earthquake which destroyed property and boats totalling over 25 million dollars. Half the business district was wiped out including all stores of O. Kraft & Son.” Alf Madsen, photographer. | |
6/6 | 24 | Aerial of Kodiak. | |
6/7 | Quake, James West photographs, 33 black and white prints, 5 black and white copy negatives. | 1964 | |
6/8 | Ships, 6 black and white prints. | undated | |
6/8 | 1 | S.S. Denali (color tinted). | |
6/8 | 2 | S.S. Denali, Schallerer, photographer. | |
6/8 | 3 | Malaspina (ferry). | |
6/8 | 4 | U.S. Army Albert. J Meyer (freighter). | |
6/8 | 5 | S.S. North Coast (color tinted). | |
6/8 | 6 | U.S. Navy cruiser | |
6/9 | Sparrevohn construction, U.S. Army Engineer District, Alaska, U.S. Army photographs, 6 black and white prints. | undated | |
6/9 | 1 | Caption: “ALASKAN EGGHEADS – These ping-pong domes cover intricate radar facilities at a remote U. S. Air Force Defense Station in Alaska.” | |
6/9 | 2 | Caption: “NOT FOR AMATEURS – Alaska bush flying is not for amateur pilots. This sign [DEAD END] at the end of the runway at Sparrevohn, Alaska, obviously means what it says.” | |
6/9 | 3 | Caption: “‘NOT LIKE MISSOURI’ – Leo Smith is the project engineer at the Sparrevohn Air Force Station in Alaska.” | |
6/9 | 4 | Caption: “PLANE LIFE IN ALASKA – The only road to this remote Alaska military station is a skyroad. Sparrevohn is a dense station located about 300 miles west of Anchorage. … The station runway and taxiway is shown above.” | |
6/9 | 5 | Caption: “ROUGH ROAD TO SPARREVOHN – The route used by planes supplying the Sparrevohn defense station crosses the extremely rugged Alaska Mountain Range.” | |
6/9 | 6 | Caption: “TRAMWAY SERVES RADAR STATION – This tram is used to supply the hilltop radar station at Sparrevohn.” | |
6/10 | St. Mary’s Christmas special, Alaska Air National Guard, 29 black and white prints, 24 35 mm black and white negatives. | 1963 | |
6/10 | 1 | Caption: “Father James Poole, S.J. school director with Air Guard Personnel and villager.” | |
6/10 | 2 | Caption: “Father John B. Fox, S.J., a veteran of 36 years experience in western Alaska with the Eskimo children.” | |
6/10 | 3 | Caption: “St. Mary’s Mission main building, to the left is new gym.” | |
6/10 | 4 | Air National Guard cargo plan landed on river near mission. | |
6/10 | 5 | Caption: “Santa (Sgt L. E. Harris) gives youngster candy, older students look on.” | |
6/10 | 6 | Caption: “Plane ready for departure from Anchorage… Harris Darby photo.” | |
6/10 | 7 | Boy carrying bed frame toward mission from cargo plane. | |
6/10 | 8 | Caption: “Without dogs, reliable sled is used for heavy cargo—Harris Darby photo.” | |
6/10 | 9 | Ruins of burnt boys’ dormitory building looking toward mission buildings. | |
6/10 | 10 | Caption: “Site of three-story boys’ building.” | |
6/10 | 11 | Caption: “Buildings that were saved by chance of wind… Harris Darby photo.” | |
6/10 | 12 | Caption: “Children hand carry the fragile eggs at St. Mary’s.” | |
6/10 | 13 | Caption: “Transport is ski and wheel equipped and can be used on runways or snow-covered ground as at St. Mary’s in March—Harris Darby Photo.” | |
6/10 | 14 | Natives crowd around cargo hold of plane. | |
6/10 | 15 | Caption: “Army National Guard Men ready to unload plane—Harris Darby photo.” | |
6/10 | 16 | Closeup of Eskimo child on sled. | |
6/10 | 17 | Caption: “Santa prevents a near slip on the ice.” | |
6/10 | 18 | Caption: “One of four planes brought immediate relief to St. Mary’s. Note child running at right-hand corner—Harris Darby photo.” | |
6/10 | 19 | Nun and two native women in kitchen. | |
6/10 | 20 | Native students singing behind nun playing the piano. | |
6/10 | 21 | Two nuns and two native women pose in winter coats. | |
6/10 | 22 | Caption: “Children eager to lend a helping hand… Harris Darby photo.” | |
6/10 | 23 | Caption: “St. Mary’s gives the Air National Guard a royal welcome. School in background.” | |
6/10 | 24 | Caption: “Unloading cargo and precious potatoes.” | |
6/10 | 25 | Caption: “Eskimo children though shy always have smiles… Harris Darby photo.” | |
6/10 | 26 | Caption: “Everyone helps unload the plane at St. Mary’s Mission.” | |
6/10 | 27 | Native women in front of plane with “St. Mary’s Christmas Special” banner. | |
6/10 | 28 | Men unloading supplies from cargo plane. | |
6/10 | 29 | Caption: “Native dancers—front row, son, father, villager and young son of Mr. Beans.” | |
6/11 | Talkeetna solar eclipse, 16 black and white prints | 1963 | |
6/12 | U.S. Air Force Captain R. Hemphill treating dogs in native village, 4 black and white prints, U.S Air Force photographs | ||
6/13 | U.S. Air Force photographs, 18 black and white prints. | undated | |
6/13 | 1 | Caption: “Aerial view of Sparrevohn, to the right is Lime Village where Eskimo hobbled the rugged terrain to reach the site.” | |
6/13 | 2 | Caption: “Eskimos frequently come to sites complaining of chest ailments: woman was air evacuated to Alaska Native Service hospital found to be suffering from pneumonia.” | |
6/13 | 3 | Caption: “HELPING HAND—Mrs. Randall O’Day, a Red Cross volunteer from Ft. Richardson, serves coffee to patient on one the the air-vac flights.” | |
6/13 | 4 | Caption: “HQ AAC—EARLY WARNING—BMEWS Site 2, at Clear, Alaska boats three AN/FPS-50 fixed detection radars.” | |
6/13 | 5 | Caption: “John Norris, Alaska’s first national contender” (equestrian event). | |
6/13 | 6 | Caption: “Sgt. Herron in winter gear.” | |
6/13 | 7 | Caption: “Mrs. Robert L. Mayne and her three children arrive at Elmendorf after being rescued from a DC-7 that ditched in open sea near Sitka.” | |
6/13 | 8 | Mrs. Mayne embraces husband after rescue from DC-7. | |
6/13 | 9 | Caption: “SLED DOG RACE. Major General Joseph A. Cunningham, commander, Alaska Air Command, was ‘sled to sled’ with Rhea Bowman, this year’s ‘Miss Fur Rendezvous,’ after the first stretch in the annual Dignitaries Sled Dog Races. Miss Fur Rendezvous came out victorious over all of the participating dignitaries.” | |
6/13 | 10 | Caption: “Staff Sergeant THELBERT E ‘DOC’ FIELDS discusses certain medical projects with Major JAMES W PITTAWAY, COMMANDER, 795TH Aircraft Control and Warning Squadron, Cape Romanzof, Alaska.” | |
6/13 | 11 | Caption: “Staff Sergeant THELBERT E ‘DOC’ FIELDS gives Major JAMES W. PITTAWAY, commander, 795th Aircraft Control and Warning Squadron, the second in his series of polio shots.” | |
6/13 | 12 | Caption: “Tramway in desolate region of western Alaska.” | |
6/13 | 13 | Caption: “Mrs. Violet Ukauka, slices the pickled moose nose. Mr. Berth Meir preparing the smoked salmon sticks. Early arrivals sample pickled hooligan and calm dip. Large tray in front is a shrimp paste spead on Ritz crackers. Mrs. Meir’s kelp chutney, kelp pickles and kelp marmalade are in the jars.” | |
6/13 | 14 | Caption: “An un-named site but typical of many in the Alaska Air Command, where military stands guard against sneak aerial attack.” | |
6/13 | 15 | Caption: “View overlooking the Main Site, 795th Aircraft Control Squadron.” | |
6/13 | 16 | Caption: “Unidentified civilian worker with Sgt. Herron at Sparrevohn.” (medical) | |
6/13 | 17 | Caption: “USAF HOSPITAL ELMENDORF”; “…C-123’s of the Operations Sq, based at Elmendorf AFB.”; “‘DAWN AT TATALINA’… extreme temperatures and weather conditions … at this Alaskan Air Command remote radar site.”; “MAINTENANCE SUPPORT for Alaskan Air Command’s combat and mission support aircraft is provided by the 5040th Consolidated Aircraft Maintenance (CAM) Group based at Elmendorf.” Proof sheet containing 4 images. | |
6/13 | 18 | Caption: . “MAJOR GENERAL JAMES C. JENSEN, Commander, ALASKA AIR COMMAND, Elmendorf Air Force Base, Alaska”; “C-130 ‘HERCULES’ AIRCRAFT of the Alaskan Air Command’s 17th Troop Carrier Sq. …”, “THAT OTHERS MAY LIVE-An H-21 helicopter of the 5017th Operations Sq. hoists an Alaskan native to safety.”; “SURVEILLANCE—That nothing will pass undetected…F-102 Delta Daggers respond to requests from aircraft control and warning stations throughout Alaska…” Proof sheet containing four images. | |
6/14 | U.S. Army photographs, 15 black and white prints. | undated, 1955 | |
6/14 | 1 | Caption: “PIPELINE BREAKFAST – The Gene Nunley’s live in an isolated Alaska pipeline camp, quite as normally as people do in Junction City, Kansas. Chris, 9, goes to school during the week at nearby Delta Junction. He frequently sees moose and caribou and buffalo enroute.” | |
6/14 | 2 | “Mrs. Gene Nunley sweeps off her trailer home porch at Timber Pipeline Station.” | |
6/14 | 3 | “WINTERIZED – The new Alaska pump station on the military pipeline was built in 1962 to operate dependably despite chilly winter temperatures. The station shown above is located in interior Alaska at Sears Creek. The lows there are in the minus 60 column.” | |
6/14 | 4 | Pump station at Sears Creek. | |
6/14 | 5 | Caption: “SLICE OF YUKON LIFE—The ice on the Yukon this winter was nearly as thick as a man is tall. In the middle of the winter it was measured at more than five feet thick at Rampart Canyon by Army Engineers. This picture was taken on May 17, the day of the spring breakup.” | |
6/14 | 6 | Caption: “FOR LEASE—The Army Port of Whittier in South-Central Alaska is being advertised nationally for lease. . . . Shown above is the Buckner Building with facilities for 1,000 troops, often called ‘City under a Roof.’ It is one of many facilities in the multi-million dollar installation.” | |
6/14 | 7 | Man crossing the finish line in the Marathon Mountain run in Seward. | |
6/14 | 8 | Caption: “Glenallen-Valdez Line, Storm Damage 27-28 Dec. 55, Apprx: Mile 100.” | |
6/14 | 9 | Caption: “First Sgt. Alexander Bjornstal demonstrates to Pvt. First Class Jimmy Flores how to stop a slide down an ice slope by digging in with the ice axe and not crampons.” | |
6/14 | 10 | Caption: “Typical permafrost foundation on piling. Bethel communication building.” | |
6/14 | 11 | Pilings for permafrost foundation. | |
6/14 | 12 | Caption: “Frame of the communications building supported by 20 Long’s Thermo-Valve Foundations. Long Photo.” | |
6/14 | 13 | Caption: “One of Long’s Thermo-Valve footings used on the 300-foot Aurora communications tower. Long Photo.” | |
6/14 | 14 | Caption: “300-foot Communication tower at Aurora site. Long Photo.” | |
6/14 | 15 | Building built on pilings. | |
6/15 | WAMCATS reunion in Fairbanks, 6 black and white prints, 18 35 mm black and white negatives. | 1967 | |
6/16 | Identified photographs, 38 black and white prints, 2 color prints, 1 black and white negative. | undated, 1938, 1940, 1960 | |
6/16 | 1 | Alaska Railroad Hospital at Anchorage | |
6/16 | 2 | Portage Glacier, Alaska Railroad photographs. | |
6/16 | 3 | Denali National Park (?), Alaska Railroad photograph. | |
6/16 | 4 | Caption: “Cabbage grow to giant size in the Matanuska Valley.” | |
6/16 | 5 | Caption: “Cattle on Kodiak Island graze on land that is leased from the federal government.” | |
6/16 | 6 | Caption: “Side road off the Glenn Highway north of Anchorage.” | |
6/16 | 7 | Caption: “Birch in the Matanuska Valley.” | |
6/16 | 8 | Caption: “Mile 99 on the Glenn Highway north of Anchorage.” | |
6/16 | 9 | Caption: “Farm in Mat Valley.” | |
6/16 | 10 | Caption: “Road going up Bird Creek Valley.” | |
6/16 | 11 | Alyeska Ski Resort lodge interior. | |
6/16 | 12 | Anchorage Community Chorus, Charles Moses. | |
6/16 | 13-14 | Anchorage Community Theatre groundbreaking. Caption: “L/R Mayor George H. Byer, Laughton, Frank Brink, Director of Anchorage Community Theatre and R. Everett Harris, president of Anchorage Community Theatre.” | |
6/16 | 15 | Caption: “Arctic Valley ski lift planned.” | 1960 March 22 |
6/16 | 16 | Louis A. Custimi. | |
6/16 | 17-18 | Douglas Island Ski Bowl, U.S. Forest Service photographs. | |
6/16 | 19 | Eckmons Furniture store prior to earthquake, Ross Studio, Spenard. | |
6/16 | 20 | Fairbanks Ice Carnival Queen: Grace Baily. Postcard. | 1938 |
6/16 | 21 | Fairbanks Ice Carnival Queen: Molly Chamberlain. | 1940 |
6/16 | 22 | Caption: Passengers disembarking the S.S. Denali.” Father Bernard Hubbard, S.J. | |
6/16 | 23 | Caption: “Fr. Bernard Hubbard, S.J. known as the ‘Glacier Priest.’” | |
6/16 | 24 | Caption: “Cathedral of the Nativity, B.V.M.” Juneau, Alaska. | |
6/16 | 25 | Juneau block with St. Ann’s Hospital, Cathedral of the Nativity, rectory building, and St. Ann’s school, A. V. Astone, photographer. | |
6/16 | 26 | Caption: “Muskox Herd at Nunivak Island have increased to 406 including 75 calves according to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Once a resident of the Arctic slope of Alaska, the herd was transplanted in 1935 and 1936 from Greenland to the College Experimental farm in Fairbanks.” U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service photograph. | |
6/16 | 27-29 | Northwest Poultry Farm, Inc., Kotzebue. Includes note from James H. Hayes. | |
6/16 | 30 | Palmer: farmhouse on Fishhook Road. | |
6/16 | 31 | Caption: “The beautiful Portage Glacier,” Tee Balog, photographer. | |
6/16 | 32 | Caption: “Portage Glacier, Alaska,” Sue Oyler, photographer. | |
6/16 | 33-35 | Romig Hill ski slope ski class. | |
6/16 | 36 | Skagway street scene looking toward the Pack Train Inn. | |
6/16 | 37 | Skagway, men and women at gambling table. | |
6/16 | 38 | Ski bowl below Alaska Native Hospital, Anchorage, view near foot of ski jump tower. | 1939 |
6/16 | 39 | Ski bowl below Alaska Native Hospital, Anchorage, looking downhill. | 1939 |
6/16 | 40 | Caption: “Sven Johanson, coach…, holds the stop watch of three of his charges during a training session at Fort Richardson…” U.S. Modern Olympic biathlon team. | |
6/17 | Unidentified and partially identified photographs, 67 black and white prints, 23 black and white negatives, 6 color negatives. | undated | |
6/26 | Family photographs: Sisters, and unidentified relatives | circa 1900-1950 | |
6/27 | Photographs of ships: Calmar Line, Dorothy Luckenbach, USS Indianapolis | circa 1940-1950 | |
Server | Photographs of Christine and Sam McClain, trips, family [Note: These photographs have been digitized and may duplicates of originals already in the collection] | undated | |
Box 6 | Alaska Communications System composite photographs | 1949 November | |
6/29 | Description of photographs [Note: Came in separately from photographs and unsure if photos were donated] | undated |
Series 10: Certificates and awards; undated, 1957-1988. 0.4 cubic feet.
Box/Folder | Description | Date |
7/1 | Certificates | 1957-1988 |
7/2 | Alaska Press Club framed plaque and letter opener | undated, 1984 |
Series 11: Memorabilia; 1943-1965. 0.45 cubic feet.
Box/Folder | Item | Description | Date |
6/18 | Air France menus | 1960 | |
7/3 | 1 | Oil industry activities, Cook Inlet Basin map | 1965 November 8 |
7/4 | 2 | John F. Kennedy assassination teletype | 1963 |
6/19 | Slapsy Maxie’s, 168 O’Farrell St. sign | 1943 |