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HABS Forest Service Petersburg office and garage report and building plans

Guide to the Historic American Buildings Survey
Forest Service Petersburg office and garage report and building plans
1937, 1987

Collection number: HMC-0286.
Historic American Buildings Survey.
Houston, Bonnie S.
Manley, W. A.
United States. National Park Service.
Title: Historic American Buildings Survey Forest Service Petersburg office and garage report and building plans.
Dates: 1937, 1987.
Volume of collection: 0.2 cubic feet.
Language of materials: Collection materials are in English.
Collection summary: Documents related to the historic Forest Service buildings in Petersburg, Alaska.

Organizational history:
The Historic American Buildings Survey is a National Park Service historic architectural preservation program. The Forest Service Office and Garage in Petersburg, Alaska, was constructed in 1937 by the Civilian Conservation Corps using funds from the Emergency Relief Act and the fund for Forest Road Development. The office was shared by the Forest Service, the Clerk of the Territorial Court, and the Customs Agent until 1957. The building was then used exclusively by the Forest Service District Ranger and his staff. In 1977, the building housed the radio dispatcher, an electronics shop, a darkroom, and a soil laboratory. The office was closed in 1985 but the garage was used by the Forest Service maintenance crew until the building was turned over to the City of Petersburg in 1987. The Petersburg Office and Garage was included in the Historic American Buildings Survey in 1987.

Collection description:
The collection consists of a report recommending the inclusion of the Forest Service Petersburg Office and Garage in the Historic American Buildings Survey, and five architectural plans of the building. There is also a duplicate set of plans.

Arrangement: The drawings are in numerical order.

Digitized copies: This collection has not been digitized. For information about obtaining digital copies, please contact Archives and Special Collections.

Rights note: The documents in the collection are in the public domain.

Preferred citation: Historic American Buildings Survey Forest Service Petersburg office and garage report and building plans, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.

Acquisition note: The collection was given to the Archives in 1988 by the U.S. National Park Service.

Processing information: This collection was described prior to 1993. The guide to the collection was updated to meet current standard by Arlene Schmuland in 2018.

Container list:

Folder/Item Description Date
1/1 Copy of a report on the Forest Service Petersburg Office and Garage, recommending the inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places. The report includes information on the significance of the building, its history architecture, its physical description and layout, photographs, and a copy of an agreement between the Forest Service, the Clerk of the Court, and the Collector of Customs  governing use of the building. 1987
1/2 Drawing No. 1. [Exterior Elevations]. Scale: ¼”=1′ 1937
1/3 Drawing No. 2. [Floor and Roof Plans]. Scale: as shown 1937
1/4 Drawing No. 3. [Foundation Plan, Building Cross Section, and I-Beam, Sill, and Chimney Details]. Scale: as shown 1937
1/5 Drawing No. 4. [Entrance, Stair, and Window Detail, Wall Section]. Scale: as shown 1937
1/6 Drawing No. 5. [Heating System and Drain Detail]. Scale: as shown 1937


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