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U.S. National Park Service Alaska Highway planning survey photographs

Guide to the U.S. National Park Service
Alaska Highway planning survey photographs

Collection number: HMC-0285.
Creator: United States. National Park Service
Title: United States. National Park Service Alaska Highway planning survey photographs.
Date: 1943.
Volume of collection: 0.02 cubic feet.
Language of materials: Collection materials are in English.
Collection summary: Photographs taken along the Alaska Highway route.

Organizational history:
The National Park Service (NPS) was established in the Department of the Interior by an act of Congress in 1916. It was assigned duties relating to the national parks and monuments which had previously been assigned to the Office of the Secretary of the Interior. In 1933, the Service was expanded and renamed the Office of National Parks, Buildings, and Reservations; the name National Park Service was restored in 1934. The duties of the NPS include: promotion and regulation of the use of national parks, monuments, etc.; recommending new areas for parks; acquiring land; construction and maintenance of roads, trails, and buildings; research and educational work; and preparation of studies and publications on natural history, wildlife, archaeology, and other related subjects.

Collection description:
The collection consists of the first volume of a set of photographic albums prepared by the NPS as part of the Alaska Highway Land Planning Survey. The photographs show various scenes along the Alaska Highway including Big Delta Tangent, the construction of the Johnson River Bridge, Tok Junction, and Mentasta Lake. There are twenty-three black and white 5″x7″ photographs.

Arrangement: The order of the images in the album is undetermined.

Digitized copies: The 23 images in this collection can be viewed online in the Alaska’s Digital Archives. For information about obtaining copies, please contact Archives and Special Collections.

Rights note: As a product of the US federal government, these images should be in the public domain.

Preferred citation: United States. National Park Service Alaska Highway planning survey photographs, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.

Acquisition note: The album was given to the Archives by Robert Spude of the NPS in 1984.

Processing information: This collection was described by prior to 1990. The collection guide was reformatted into the standard finding aid format in 2011 by Arlene Schmuland.

Container list:

Photograph number Caption
P-2-#2 Alaska Highway. Big Delta Tangent east from mile 1993
P-2-#6 Alaska Highway. Big Gerstle River and Alaska Range
P-3-#l Alaska Highway. Berry Creek—Mile 1948+
P-3-#3 Alaska Highway. Johnson River Bridge
P-3-#4 Alaska Highway. Johson River—northeast toward confluence Tanana River
P-11-#4 Alaska Highway. Development site at mile 1859—view southeast (see following photo)
P-16-#12 Alaska Highway. Tanana River near Cathedral Bluffs—view northeast m. 1859
P-11-#7 Alaska Highway. Yerrick Creek—upstream—looking south toward Alaska Range
P-11-#6 Alaska Highway. Looking west toward Cathedral Bluffs from mile 1849. Before surfacing
P-18-#4 Alaska Highway. Looking west from Mile 1951 after surfacing
P-14-#9 Alaska Highway. Tok Junction
P-11-#10 Alaska Highway. View southwest from Tanana River Bridge—Alaska Highway at right—Tok valley in left distance
P-12-#4 Alaska Highway. Midway Lake looking west from mile 1797
P-18-#11 Alaska Highway. “The Colonel’s Wiggles” border section m. 1754
P-14-#12 Alaska Highway, Tok-Slana Section. Tok Valley—looking northerly from hilltop at mile 58.5 from Slana
P-15-#4 Alaska Highway, Tok-Slana Section. Tok River—upstream above road crossing
P-16-#3 Alaska Highway, Tok-Slana Section. Tok Valley—southwesterly at mile 51.3 from Slana
P-15-#8 Alaska Highway, Tok-Slana Section. Indian cabin and cache—mile 39
P-16-#6 Alaska Highway, Tok-Slana Section. Mineral Lake
P-16-#7 Alaska Highway, Tok-Slana Section. Mineral Lake
P-3-#10 Alaska Highway, Tok-Slana Section. Mentasta Lake upper end, near creek
P-15-#12 Alaska Highway, Tok-Slana Section. Mentasta Lake from proposed development site—loking northeast
P-16-#2 Alaska Highway, Tok-Slana Section. Mentasta reflections

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