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George and Julia Musgrave papers

Guide to the George and Julia Musgrave papers
circa 1897-1903

Collection number: HMC-0184.
Musgrave, George.
Musgrave, Julia.
Title: George and Julia Musgrave papers.
Dates: circa 1897-1903.
Volume of collection: 0.25 cubic feet.
Language of materials: Materials in this collection are in English.
Collection summary: Primarily letters describing a couple’s trip to, and life in, Dawson, Yukon Territory.

Biographical note:
George and Julia Musgrave came to the Yukon Territory from Plainfield, New Jersey in 1897 or 1898 to prospect for gold. After several largely unsuccessful prospecting attempts, they moved to Dawson in 1899 where George Musgrave set up a store. In 1901, the store burned down and in 1903 the Musgraves left the Yukon Territory and moved to San Francisco.

Collection description:
The collection contains letters written by George and Julia Musgrave to friends in Plainfield, New Jersey. The letters concern the letters concern the Musgrave’s trip to Dawson, George Musgrave’s prospecting attempts, life in Dawson, friends and neighbors in Dawson, and advice to friends back in Plainfield. The collection also contains newspaper clippings from the Dawson News, the Yukon Sun, and other newspapers concerning miners and mining, business activities, and general events of Dawson and the Yukon Territory. There is also a picture of the first wedding in the first chapel at Dawson.

Arrangement: The collection is arranged by type of material.

Digitized copies: This collection has not been digitized. For information about obtaining digital copies, please contact Archives and Special Collections.

Rights note: Archives and Special Collections has copyright to materials created by George and Julia Musgrave. The collection contains material not created by the Musgraves which may be subject to copyright restrictions.

Preferred citation: George and Julia Musgrave papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.

Acquisition note: The collection was purchased by Archives and Special Collections from Luella Arthur, the granddaughter of Julia Musgrave, in 1983. Musgrave signed a purchase agreement, which also transferred copyright to Archives, at the time of purchase.

Processing information: This collection was described by Eldon Gretzinger in 1983. The guide to the collection was converted to current standard by Veronica Denison in 2017.

Container list:

Folder Description Dates
1 J. Musgrave to Genevieve, Dorcas Baby and Agnes Hazard: 4 pages. Wishing them a bright and happy new year. Wants them to know she has not forgotten them. undated
2 G. Musgrave (Dawson, Y.T.) to R. Hazard (Plainfield, N.J.): 3 pages. Tells him not to send any mail 2nd class as they will not bring it in. Business is keeping him busy. undated
3 G. Musgrave (Lake Bennett, Y.T.) to R. Hazard (Plainfield, N.J.): 4 pages with envelope. Tells of hardships and boat building. 1898 May 16
4 G. Musgrave (Lake Bennett, Y.T.) to R. Hazard (Plainfield, N.J.): 5 pages with clipping and poem. Has finished boat named Dorcas. Will start journey to Dawson via 5-Mile Canyon and White Horse Rapids of Yukon River. 1898 June 5
5 J. Musgrave (White Horse Rapids, Y.T.) to E. Hazard: 6 pages. Weather fine — has cold. Passed through the rapids ok. 1898 June 15
6 G. Musgrave (Big Salmon, Ak.) to R. Hazard: 3 pages with envelope. Telling of trip through rapids — many boats lost, also lives. Pessimistic about gold prospecting 1898 June 23
7 J. Musgrave (Dawson, Y.T.) to E. Hazard: 5 pages with envelope, clipping, dried flowers. George is building a cabin. Thanks them for gifts. No profits from mining and no work for an honest man. 1898 July 14
8 J. Musgrave (Baker Creek, Y.T.) to E. Hazard (Plainfield, N.J.): 9 pages includes addition from G. Musgrave. Tells of trip to Dawson. Has put on weight and feels good. Addition: G. Musgrave to R. Hazard tells of trying to place claim on Last Chance Stake; was 2 days late as there had been stampede; man lost Discovery Creek to Shady Lady. Tells of Dawson and rents; one cat in Dawson; sells kittens $35.00 each. 1898 August 21
9 G. Musgrave (Dawson, Y.T.) to R. Hazard (Plainfield, N.J.): Tells of cabin; location 1½ miles up Klondike River at mouth of Bonanza Creek. Lots of sickness in Dawson. Three papers printed Klondike Nugget, Klondike Miners, and Klondike Sun. 1898 October 16
10 J. Musgrave (Dawson, Y.T.) to E. Hazard (Plainfield, N.J.): Tells of miners hardships. Deaths due to fever. 1898 November 14
11 G. Musgrave (Dawson, Y.T.) to R. Hazard (Plainfield, N.J.): Four men to be hanged but was postponed. Very discouraged. 1898 November 14
12 G. Musgrave (Dawson, Y.T.) to R. Hazard (Plainfield, N.J.): Christmas in Dawson. Salvation Army gave free Christmas dinner. Methodist Church had entertainment. 1898 December 26
13 J. Musgrave to Genevieve Hazard: Genevieve’s 7th birthday extolling the virtues of reading the Bible and a good education. Tells of beautiful flowers and mosses that grow in the Yukon. 1899 March 12
14 J. Musgrave (Dawson, Y.T.) to E. Hazard (Plainfield, N.J.): Tells of her illness, the weather and gossip about people in Dawson. 1899 April 16
15 G. Musgrave to R. Hazard: Has started in business for himself and will not leave this summer. Will stay over one more winter and try to make a homestake. Tells friends he is coming home with larger sack than he left with. 1899 June 24
16 G. Musgrave to R. Hazard also letter J. Musgrave to E. Hazard: Has given up all hope of mining. Concentrating on store and homestake. Very hard work. Sending small nuggets by Dr. Gaston of Plainfield. Julia tells of good breakfast (Quaker oats, real potatoes, fried, sausage. Bread and butter, coffee, and real milk, which is 75¢ a quart. Minister married to Miss Swan. Needs good union suit of blacksilk for winter. 1899 July 16
17 J. Musgrave to E. Hazard: Letter and envelope. Thanking her for ribbons and stamps. Has to buy woolen underwear. Thinking of going home for winter. 1899 September 18
18 G. Musgrave to R.F. Hazard: Commenting on Courier News (N.J.) about himself. Business done on 3% to 5% profit margin. Doesn’t see much chance for riches. 1899 September 23
19 J. Musgrave to E. Hazard: Tells of receiving letter from Ella thanking her for nuggets. Has faith God will take care of them. Partial letter from G. Musgrave to R. Hazard. 1899 October 13
20 J. Musgrave to E. Hazard: Thanking her for muffler. Gossip about people in Dawson. 1900 February 15
21  J. Musgrave to E. Hazard: Telling of loneliness and no mail. New cabin being built. One clipping, poem. 1900 March 19
22 J. Musgrave to E. Hazard: Talks of “Grippe” making everyone sick. Is making visits to miners ill. 1900 April 24
23 J. Musgrave (Dawson, Y.T.) to E. Hazard (Plainfield, N.J.): Letter and envelope. Has had a boarder who is leaving and will mail letter in Seattle. Thinks a lady is wiser to remain single as the best of men do not treat their wives as they should. 1900 October 3
24 J. Musgrave to E. Hazard: Sun is shining for first time in five months. Store was burned to the ground. $3,000.00 loss. 1901 March 2
25 J. Musgrave (Dawson, Y.T.) to F. Hazard (Plainfield, N.J.): Letter and envelope. Talks of good dinner and lovely weather. 1901 March 17
26 J. Musgrave to G. Hazard: Lots of mail arrived in Dawson. George sold his claims – big mistake. 1901 October 26
27 J. Musgrave (Dawson, Y.T.) to E. Hazard (Plainfield, N.J.): Letter and envelope. Very mild winter – 32 below. 1902 January 24
28 J. Musgrave (San Francisco, Calif.) to E. Hazard (Plainfield, N.J.): Was very ill but is now better. Thinks doctors gave her too much medicine. 1903 January 10
29 J. Musgrave (San Francisco, Calif.) to E. Hazard (Plainfield, N.J.): Likes the town but hates damp cold. Saw Booker T. Washington also Gen. Booth. Had rough crossing Queen Charlotte Sound. 1903 January 12
30 J. Musgrave (San Francisco, Calif.) to E. Hazard (Plainfield, N.J.): Tells of electric car accidents. Afraid for George. Very disappointed they came to San Francisco instead of going to Plainfield, N.J. 1903 February 4
31 J. Musgrave to E. Hazard, G. Musgrave to R. Hazard. Partial letter. 1902 March 26
32 J. Musgrave to E. Hazard. Partial letter. undated
33 G. Musgrave to R. Hazard. Partial letter. 1898 August 21
34 J. Musgrave to E. Hazard. Partial letter. undated
35 G. Musgrave to R. Hazard. Partial letter. undated
36 J. Musgrave to E. Hazard. Partial letter. undated
37 J. Musgrave to E. Hazard. Partial letter. undated
38 J. Musgrave to G. Hazard. Partial letter. undated
39 G. Musgrave to R. Hazard. Partial letter. undated
40 Envelopes undated
41 Photo Julia Musgrave undated
OS Folder First wedding in Dawson; News clippings circa 1897-1903







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