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Thomas William papers

Guide to the Thomas William papers

Collection number: HMC-0129.
Creator: William, Thomas.
Title: Thomas William papers.
Dates: 1972-1994.
Volume of collection: 1.0 cubic feet.
Language of materials: Collection materials are in English.
Collection summary: Literary papers of an Alaskan author and poet.

Biographical note:
Thomas William Halligan lived in Alaska for many years. He wrote a number of books including children’s stories, poetry, and novels under the pen name Thomas William. His published works include Brien; Prince Donkey: A Christmas Story; The Denali Christmas; Come See, Come Saw—An Alaskan Saga; Advancing Backwards—A Continuation of the Immortal Saga Come See Come Saw; and Retreating Forward.  He also wrote short poems for What’s Cookin’ Wasilla!, a cookbook published by the Wasilla Parent Teacher Organization.

Collection description:
The collection consists of drafts of at least 12 different works, both published and unpublished material.

Arrangement: Collection materials are arranged by writing project, roughly in chronological order.

Digitized copies: This collection has not been digitized. For information about obtaining digital copies, please contact Archives and Special Collections.

Rights note: Archives holds copyright to collection materials.

Preferred citation: Thomas William papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.

Separated materials: Copies of published works were removed from the collection. Those not already held by the Consortium Library were placed in the Rare Books collection.

Acquisition note: The collection was given to the Archives by Thomas William Halligan between 1981 and 1998. An addition was made by his sister, M. Gertrude Combs, in 2008.

Processing information: This collection was arranged and described  by Jeffrey Sinnott in 1995. The guide was updated to meet current standard by Arlene Schmuland in 2017. At that time published copies of material were removed.

Container list:

Description Dates
1/1 Easter Bonnet, bound copied manuscript 1972
1/2 Echo, bound copied manuscript 1972
1/3 Cupid and Apollo, bound typewritten manuscript 1973
1/4-6 Come see, come saw drafts and publisher’s announcement paste-up 1977
1/7-10 Advancing backward drafts 1979
1/11-15 Retreating forward drafts 1980
1/16-17 Genesis II drafts undated
1/18 Perils of wisdom volume I draft 1985
1/19-24 Perils of wisdom volume II drafts undated
1/25 Perils of wisdom volume III draft undated
1/26 Perils of wisdom volume IV-V drafts undated
1/27 Original sin: poems on Alaska and other planets draft undated
1/28 Original sin: poems on Alaska and other planets volume I draft undated
1/29 Original sin: poems on Alaska and other planets volume II draft undated
1/30 Original sin: poems on Alaska and other planets volume III draft undated
1/31 Original sin: poems on Alaska and other planets volume IV-V drafts undated
1/32 A horse for the general: the story of Jocko Graves draft undated
1/33 Unlabeled poems and writings undated


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