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Bristol Bay Native Association records

Guide to the Bristol Bay Native Association records

Collection number: HMC-0075.
Creator: Bristol Bay Native Association.
Title: Bristol Bay Native Association records.
Dates: 1968-2004.
Volume of collection: 18.2 cubic feet.
Language of materials: Collection materials are in English.
Collection summary: Records of a Bristol Bay area organization promoting development in the region.

Organizational history:
The Bristol Bay Area Development Corporation was founded in 1969 with assistance from the Alaska Federation of Natives and the Rural Alaska Community Action Program. The purpose of the corporation was to promote economic, community, and regional development in the Bristol Bay area by providing better housing, health services, education, job training, and job opportunities for natives in the area. The name was later changed to Bristol Bay Native Association. Programs with which the the association has been involved include the Headstart Program, the Johnson O’Malley (JOM) bilingual/bicultural education program; the Bristol Bay Housing Authority, limited entry fishing, CETA and CETA Health Aide Training, the Rural Alaska Community Action Agency (RurALCAP), the Bristol Bay Disaster Fund, and the Community Enterprise Development Corporation (CEDC).

Collection description:
This collection consists primarily of the administrative records, correspondence, and subject and agency files of the Bristol Bay Native Association for the period 1968-1979. The records contain information on the operation and activities of the Bristol Bay Native Association, and on subjects and programs the association was involved in. These include native allotments, native education and school programs, community development programs, rural housing, fisheries, health programs, grants, the Alaska Federation of Natives, village governance, and other subjects.

The collection is divided into nine series:
1. Administrative records
2. Administrative subject files
3. State and federal agency correspondence
4. JOM administrative records, bilingual/bicultural education program
5. Bilingual material
6. RurALCAP files
7. CEDC Nushagak Co-op files
8. Bristol Bay related publications and reports
9. Bristol Bay Native Corporation annual reports

Digitized copies: This collection has not been digitized. For information about obtaining digital copies, please contact Archives and Special Collections.

Access restrictions: Some materials may contain personnel or student information.

Rights note: Copyright to all materials created by the Bristol Bay Native Association remains with BBNA.

Preferred citation: Bristol Bay Native Association records, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.

Acquisition note: The collection was transferred to the Archives by the Bristol Bay Native Association via Barbara Smith in 1979. Additional annual reports were given to the Archives in 2005 by the organization.

Processing information: This collection was arranged and described prior to 1995. The finding aid was converted to current standard and some confidential documents removed by Arlene Schmuland in 2014.

Container list:
Series 1: Administrative records; 1969-1975. 2.2 cubic feet.

Box/Folder Description Dates
1/1 Address and telephone guide for officials undated
1/2 Adult Basic Education (ABE) 1971
1/3 Alaska Department of Fish and Game 1970
1/4 Alaska Federation of Natives (AFN) housing undated, 1971
1/5 Aleut League housing plan 1969
1/6-7 Alaska Federation of Natives (AFN) 1970
1/8 Alaska Federation of Natives (AFN) health wright program 1972
1/9 Aleknagik 1969-1970
1/10 Area community developer 1969-1970
1/11 Articles 1969-1970
1/12 Arts and crafts 1969
1/13 Alaska State Community Action Program-Bethel application undated, 1968
1/14 Alaska State Housing Authority undated, 1970
1/15 Rep. Wayne Aspinall 1970
1/16 Bristol Bay Area Development Corporation (BBADC) 1971-1972
1/17 Bristol Bay Native Association 1972
1/18 Bureau of Indian Affairs 1969-1970
1/19 Bureau of Land Management 1970
1/20 Board and executive meeting 1969-1970
1/21 M. Brandon – OJT. Executive Director 1969
1/22 Breakfast program 1970
1/23 Bristol Bay Borough and School District 1969
1/24-25 Budget 1969-1970
1/26 Bureau of Indian Affairs undated, 1971-1972
1/27 Burgess Construction Co 1969
1/28 Terry Chase 1970
1/29 Chief accountant 1970
1/30 Child development 1969
1/31 Clarks Point Village relocation plan 1969-1970
1/32 Cold storage 1969
1/33 Commission for Oceanographic Advancement through Science and Technology (COAST) 1970
1/34 CSC communication specialist 1969
1/35 Correspondence 1971-1972
1/36 Community Enterprise Development Corporation 1969
1/37 CO-OP examples undated
1/38-39 Credit Union 1969, 1971
1/40 Credit Association, Chignik area undated
1/41 Dann. William K, public health service hospital 1969-1970
1/42 Delegate agency status 1969
1/43 Department of Natural Resources undated, 1972
1/44 Field sanitation officer 1969-1970
1/45 Handi-craft CO-OP 1971
1/46 In kind forms undated
1/47 Land allotment undated, 1970-1972
1/48 Land claims 1971
1/49 Native allotments (incomplete) 1972
1/50 Projects 1970
1/51 Ski program undated, 1971
1/52 Training data undated
1/53 Andree, Helena 1973
1/54 Angason, Trefon 1973
1/55 Neyano, Bernice 1973
1/56 Johnson, J. Mark 1973
1/57 Matsuno, Paul 1973
1/58 Nielsen, Donald F 1973
1/59 Welsh, Beatrice 1973
1/60 Fishing 1973-1975
1/61 Johnson, Mark 1974
1/62 Johnson, J. Mark 1974
1/63-64 Matsuno, Paul 1974
1/65 Nielsen, Donald F. 1974
1/66 Nerguson, Patricia 1974
1/67 Bert, Reamey 1974
1/68 Welsh, Beatrice 1974
1/69 Bristol Bay Development Corporation correspondence 1974-1975
1/70 Bristol Bay Development Corporation monthly reports 1975-1976
1/71 CEDC 1974
1/72 BBADC-Trefon Anagon- correspondence 1974
1/73 Bristol Bay Development Corporation, work program undated, 1975
2/1 Economic Development Administration correspondence and planning grant 1973-1974
2/2-3 Administrative memorandums 1975
2/4 Bristol Bay By Lines (JOM) 1975
2/5 Board meetings 1975
2/6  Contract-current copy 1975
2/7 Bristol Bay disaster fund and poverty information undated, 1974
2/8 Headstart 1975
2/9 Proposals 1975
2/10 Resolutions 1975
2/11 Sam Fortier 1975
2/12 Bristol Bay Rural Development Corporation undated, 1975
2/13 Contract Bristol Bay Regional Development Council planning grant 1974
2/14 Correspondence Bristol Bay Regional Development Council planning grant 1974-1975
2/15 Monthly reports Bristol Bay Regional Development Council planning grant undated, 1974
2/16 “Report on Bristol Bay,” Bristol Bay Regional Development Council planning grant 1975
2/17 Correspondence received-Economic Development Administration planning grant 1975
2/18 Advisory board undated
2/19 Affidavit undated, 1975
2/20 Apprenticeship undated, 1974
2/21 Arctic Institute of North America 1973-1975
2/22 Boarding home program undated, 1975
2/23 Bristol Bay Area Health Corporation (BBAHC) communication 1974
2/24 BBAHC emergency medical services communications and transportation undated
2/25 BBAHC emergency medical services statistics undated
2/26 BBAHC filing code undated
2/27  CETA Act and regulations 1973-1975
2/28  CETA program notes, maps undated
2/29  BBADC personnel policy undated, 1969
2/30 Bristol Bay Native Corp 1973
2/31 Bristol Bay regional resource planning directory undated, 1974
2/32 Fisherman mini conference 1975
2/33 Chignik disaster 1975
2/34 Dillingham High School-Johnson O’Malley program 1974
2/35 Dillingham High School curriculum 1974-1975
2/36 Disaster funds 1975
2/37 Lawrence Freeburn file 1975
2/38 Housing notes undated
2/39 State of Alaska housing contract 1975
2/40 Kanakanak Service Unit undated
2/41 Letters 1974
2/42 Marketing agreement 1975
2/43 Mauneluk association 1975
2/44 Memorandums from lone ex-director asst 1975
2/45 Memorandums from Herman Schroeder 1974
2/46 National Association of Development Organizations (NADO) 1975
2/47 NERO & Associates, Inc undated, 1975
2/48 News, Bulletins and By-Lines 1975
2/49 Private foundations 1974
2/50 Program planning summary undated
2/51 Pulliam, Matthews and associations 1975
2/52 Rural Alaska Community Action Program (RurALCAP) 1975
2/53 RurALCAP energy information sheet (villages or village corp) undated, 1975
2/54 RurALCAP manpower info services undated, 1973-1975
2/55 Bristol Bay Borough School Board 1976
2/56 Snake River fish undated
2/57 Socioeconomic overview Bristol Bay area 1977
2/58 Tlingit/Haida-manpower undated, 1974
2/59 Trip reports Moses 1975
2/60 US. BIA directory-Juneau 1972-1973
2/61 US BIA history of activities 1974
2/62 US Govt contracting 1972
2/63 US Govt Office of Economic Opportunity reports 1974
3/1 US Govt Grants in Aide requirements undated, 1971
3/2 US Department of Interior Alaska development planning 1972
3/3 University of Alaska Cooperative Extension Service 1975
3/4 University of Alaska Institute for Social, Economic, and Government research-native education studies 1973
3/5 University of Alaska program for American Natives, human resources development 1973
3/6 Village Council support letters Title I and II 1975
3/7 Walrus hunting 1975 March 19-22
3/8 Washington State Board community based learning and cluster colleges undated
3/9 Washington State Board community based learning undated
3/10 Washington State Board concepts, components and planning undated
3/11 Washington State Board learning contracts 1973
3/12 Woodriver-Tikchik 1974

Series 2: Administrative subject files; 1969-1974. 2.6 cubic feet.

Box/Folder Description Dates
3/13 Ad hoc advisory structure undated, 1972-1973
3/14 Adult basic education undated
3/15 Agriculture undated, 1973
3/16 Alaska Area Native Health Service 1973
3/17 Alaska Bar Association undated, 1974
3/18 Alaska education of Natives 1973
3/19 Alaska Humanities Forum undated, 1973
3/20 Alaska Legal Services Corporation undated, 1973
3/21 Alaska Longevity bonus program 1972-1973
3/22 Alaska public utilities 1973
3/23 Alaska Native Foundation 1973
3/24 Alaska Native News 1973
3/25 Alaska Native management reports 1973
3/26 Alaska State Operated Schools Early Childhood Development Program-correspondence and memos 1972-1973
3/27 State Operated Schools 1972-1973
3/28 Alaska State Operated Schools Board of Directors 1972
3/29 Alaska State Operated Schools-Klemm, Ron, bilingual education 1973
3/30 Alaska State Operated Schools-Osterback, Dave, Regional Superintendent, Dillingham 1972-1973
3/31 Alaska State Operated Schools-Seville, Mary Alice, Child Development Specialist 1972-1973
3/32 Alaska State Operated Schools-Vaudrin, Bill, Director of Community Liaison 1972- 1973
3/33 Alaska State Operated Schools-Whitney, Clark, Regional Superintendent Lake Illiamna 1972-1973
3/34 Alaska State Operated Schools-Wood, Baxter, Director, Division of Learning Support Services 1973
3/35 Alaska State Operated Schools-Wright, Lyle, Associate Superintendent of Planning and Instruction 1972-1973
3/36 Personnel and legislation 1972-1973
3/37 Alaska Student Higher Education Services (ASHES)-minutes undated, 1972-1973
3/38 Bristol Bay development projects 1970-1973
3/39 Bond 1973
3/40 Resolutions undated, 1968-1970
3/41 Board of directors 1973
3/42 Boarding home program undated, 1969, 1973
3/43-44 Bureau of Indian Affairs Juneau 1973
3/45-46 Bureau of Land Management 1973
3/47 Center for Northern Education, University of Alaska undated
3/48 Children’s Cache undated, 1972
3/49-50 Community Enterprise Development Corporation (CEDC) undated, 1973
3/51 Community Development Program-Alaskanayuke, Albert 1973
3/52 Community Development Program-Wassillie, Evelyn 1973
3/53 Community Development Program-Yagie, Marvin 1973
3/54 Community Development Program undated, 1973
3/55 Day care 1972
3/56 Department of Commerce 1973
3/57-58 Department of Community and Regional Affairs 1972-1973
3/59-60 Department of Economic Development 1971-1973
3/61 Department of Education 1972-1973
3/62 Department of Fish and Game 1973
3/63-64 Department of Health Education and Welfare 1972-1973
3/65 Department of Labor 1974
3/66 Department of Health and Social Services 1972
3/67 Department of Natural Resources 1973
3/68 Department of Public Work 1973
3/69 Department of Revenue 1973
3/70 Early Childhood development contract 1972
4/1 Economic Development Administration 1973
4/2 Economic development general 1973
4/3 Economic reports 1940-1966
4/4 Economic Development Administration grant undated, 1972-1973
4/5 Education general information undated, 1973
4/6 Education grants 1972-1973
4/7 Education school boards 1972-1974
4/8 Education Title I 1972
4/9 Education Title IV 1972
4/10 Education TRI-regional undated, 1973
4/11 Environmental education act undated
4/12 Training and marine mammal act 1972-1973
4/13 Funding undated, 1973
4/14 Grants undated, 1973
4/15 Grant proposal (our land-our life) 1972
4/16 Gravel, Mike Senator 1972
4/17 Groh, Benkert, Greene and Walter 1972
4/18 G.S. ratings (5-12) undated
4/19 Hammond, Jay S. Senator 1972
4/20 Hensley, William Senator 1972
4/21 Hohman, George Rep. Bethel area 1972
4/22 Hollings, Ernest F. Senator 1972
4/23 Housing 1973-1974
4/24-25 Incorporation undated, 1972
4/26 Indian education undated, 1973
4/27 In-house memos 1973
4/28 Institute of Social, Economic, and Government Research 1973
4/29 Investment undated
4/30 Kanakanak Hospital Dillingham undated, 1971
4/31 Kodiak Area Native Corporation 1972
4/32 Labor undated, 1973
4/33 Land claims 1972
4/34 Land Use Planning Commission undated, 1973
4/35 Legislative digest 1973
4/36 Legislation summaries 1972
4/37 Loans undated, 1973
4/38 Manpower Training Division 1973
4/39 Maritime traffic maps undated, 1951-1971
4/40 Maritime traffic rates 1973
4/41 Mcgill, Joe Representative 1972
4/42 Memorandum of agreement 1972
4/43 Minutes 1971-1972
4/44 Minutes BBADC Board of Directors 1971-1972
4/45 Minutes BBADC Executive Committee 1971-1972
4/46-48 Correspondence and clippings undated, 1972-1973
4/49 Program correspondence 1972-1973
4/50 State officials 1973
4/51 Monthly acting reports undated, 1972
4/52 Mt. Edgecumbe School 1970
4/53 National Bank of Alaska undated, 1972-1973
4/54 National Park Service 1973
4/55 National Tribal Chairmen’s Association 1973-1974
4/56 Native Board of Health-Kanakanak Service Unit undated, 1969-1972
4/57 Native/Non-Native Commission 1972
4/58 Needs assessment undated
4/59 Newsletters 1972-1973
4/60 News releases undated, 1972-1973
5/1 Nielsen, Donald 1972
5/2 Nixon, Richard M. President 1972
5/3 Northwest Alaska Native Corporation undated
5/4 Opportunity Funding Corporation 1973
5/5 Petition 1971-1972
5/6 Planning questionnaires undated
5/7 Pre-elementary regulations 1972
5/8 Publications 1973
5/9-18 Reading file-Robert J. Clark 1972-1973
5/19 Reading file-Jeff Moxie 1973
5/20 Reading system 1972
5/21 Resolutions-other associations undated, 1968, 1971
5/22 River Times 1972
5/23 RurALCAP undated, 1971, 1973
5/24 RurALCAP The Village Voice 1972
5/25 Harvey Samuelson 1972
5/26 Seattle First National Bank 1971-1972
5/27 Secretary of the Interior undated, 1972-1973
5/28 Sewage/water 1972
5/29 Sierra Club Foundation 1972
5/30 State operated schools 1972
5/31 Stevens, Ted Senator 1972
5/32 Subscriptions 1973
5/33-34 Telegrams 1972-1973
5/35 Jim Thomas Associates 1972
5/36 Tlingit and Haida Regional Housing Authority 1973-1974
5/37 Treasurer-William Johnson 1972
5/38 Tundra Times 1972
5/39 University of Alaska undated, 1970-1972
5/40 Aleknagik 1972-1973
5/41 Chignik 1973
5/42 Chignik Lagoon 1972-1973
5/43 Chignik Lake 1973
5/44 Clarks Point (contains restricted documentation) undated, 1972-1973
5/45 Dillingham 1973
5/46 Egegik 1973
5/47 Ekuk 1973
5/48 Ekwok 1972-1973, 1976
5/49 Igiugig 1971-1973
5/50 Igiugig membership (contains restricted information) 1970
5/51 Iliamna 1972
5/52 Iliamna-Newhalen membership (contains restricted information) 1970-1971
5/53 Ivanof Bay 1973
5/54 Kokhanok 1972
5/55 Kokhanok membership (contains restricted information) 1970
5/56 Koliganek (contains restricted information) 1973
5/57 Levelock 1972-1973
5/58 Levelock membership 1971
5/59 October/Peter Apokedak and MAS undated, 1972
5/60 Manokotak 1973
5/61 Naknek 1973
5/62 Naknek membership  (contains restricted information) 1969-1971
5/63 Newhalen 1972
5/64 New Stuyahok undated, 1973
5/65-66 Nondalton 1970, 1973
5/67 Pedro Bay membership  (contains restricted information) 1971-1972
5/68-69 Perryville 1972-1973
5/70 Port Heiden 1972
5/71 Portage Creek 1973
5/72 South Naknek 1973
5/73 Togiak undated, 1973
5/74 Twin Hills 1972-9173
5/75 Community profiles undated
5/76 Village Councils undated
5/77 Village Council presidents 1973
5/78 Village incorporation packet undated, 1973
5/79 Village orders 1972, 1974
5/80 Village petition undated
5/81 Village survey 1969, 1973
5/82 Vista Planners program 1971
5/83 Vista Volunteers, correspondence and newsletters 1971-1972
5/84 Wien Air Alaska 1971, 1973

Series 3: State and federal agency correspondence; 1970-1977. 3.5 cubic feet.

Box/Folder Description Dates
5/85 2000.2 Evaluation 1971
5/86 4000.3 Public Health Service undated, 1969-1971
5/87 4000.6 Alaska Department of Labor 1971
5/88 4000.7 Alaska Legal Service undated, 1970-1971
5/89 Community Enterprise Development Corporation (CEDC) annual meeting 1970 December 17
5/90 4000.7A Jensen and Harris Lawyers 1971
6/1 4000.8 Community Enterprise Development Corporation (CEDC) undated, 1970-1971
6/2 4000.10 Small Business Administration undated, 1965
6/3 4000.12 Department of Public Works 1971
6/4 4000.15 Bureau of Indian Affairs undated, 1971
6/5 4000.16 Office of the Government 1969-1971
6/6 4000.17 Senator Stevens 1971-9172
6/7 4000.18 Senator Gravel 1971-1972
6/8 4000.19 Congressman Begich 1971
6/9 4000.20 State Department of Education 1971-1972
6/10 4000.22 Bureau of Commercial Fisheries 1971
6/11 4000.23 Bureau of Land Management 1971
6/12 4000.24 Commission for Human Rights 1971
6/13 4000.24A Housing and Urban Development 1970-1971
6/14 4000.25 Economic Development Administration undated, 1971
6/15 4000.26 Division of Aviation 1971
6/16 4000.27 Department of Highways 1970
6/17 4000.29 Department of Economic Development 1971
6/18 4000.30 DLG Manpower Center 1970-1971
6/19 4000.32 Development and Resources Corporation 1971
6/20 4000.33 Anchorage Community College undated
6/21 4000.35 University of N. Mexico (law) 1970
6/22 4000.36 State Office of Economic Opportunity undated, 1971
6/23 4000.37 Rural Development Agency 1971
6/24 4000.38 Department of Natural Resources undated, 1971
6/25 4000.39 Post office 1971
6/26 4000.40 Alyeska pipeline undated, 1971
6/27 4000.41 Subscriptions 1972
6/28 6000.6 Senator Hammond 1971
6/29 6000.7 Representative McGill undated, 1971
6/30 6000.8 Senator Christiansen 1971
6/31 7000.2 Directory-state officials 1971
6/32 7000.3 Boards and Commissions undated
6/33 7000.A Labor Union and Employment Group 1969
6/34 Department of Aviation 1969-1970
6/35 Department of Economic Development 1969-1970
6/36 Department of Highways 1969-1970
6/37 Department of Health and Social Services undated, 1972
6/38 Alaska, State of undated, 1975-1976
6/39 Aging, Office of 1975
6/40 Division of Aviation 1975
6/41 Bicentennial Commission of the Federal Government 1975
6/42 Bicentennial Commission of the State 1975
6/43 Commerce, Department of undated, 1975-1976
6/44 Community and Regional Affairs, Department of 1975
6/45 Community and Regional Affairs 1975
6/46 Department of Community and Regional Affairs 1975-1976
6/47 State of Alaska-application title Early Childhood Development 1976
6/48 Economic Development, Department of 1974-1976
6/49 Education, Department of 1975-1976
6/50 Environmental Conservation, Department of 1973, 1975
6/51 State of Alaska Environmental Conservation, letters answered 1975
6/52 State of Alaska Environmental Conservation to H. Schroeder 1975
6/53 State of Alaska Equal Employment Opportunities Office 1974, 1976
6/54 Division of Family and Children’s Services 1975-1976
7/1 Fish and Game, Department of undated, 1975-1976
7/2 Fisheries undated, 1976
7/3 Human Rights Commission 1975-1976
7/4 Labor, Department of-correspondence 1975-1976
7/5 Labor, Department of-report 1974
7/6 Labor, Department of-form 3060 occupational training application (blank) undated
7/7 Law, Department of undated, 1975-1976
7/8 Legislature 1975-1976
7/9 Department of Military Affairs 1975-1976
7/10 Department of Natural Resources 1974-1975
7/11 Telecommunications, Office of 1975
7/12 Telecommunications 1975
7/13 Division of Weights and Scales 1975
7/14-16 Bureau of Indian Affairs 1974-1976
7/17 Commerce, Department of undated, 1975-1976
7/18 Commerce, Department of-Economic Development Committee 1976
7/19 Economic Opportunity, Department of 1974-1976
7/20 Farmers Home Administration 1976
7/21 Federal Aviation Administration 1975
7/22 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 1976
7/23 Forest Service 1975
7/24 Health, Education and Welfare, Department of-Alaska 1975-1976
7/25 Department of Health Education and Welfare 1976
7/26 Health, Education and Welfare, Department of Kanakanak Service Unit 1975
7/27 Health, Education and Welfare, Department of 1975
7/28 Health and Social Services, Department of 1975-1976
7/29 Highways, Department of 1972-1975
7/30 Department of Housing and Human Development 1976
7/31 Indian Health Service undated, 1975
7/32 Interior, Department of undated, 1975-1976
7/33 Internal Revenue Service 1973-1976
7/34 Public Health Service 1975
7/35 Department of Public Safety 1975
7/36 Public Works, Department of 1975-1976
7/37 Department of Revenue 1975
7/38 Department of Transportation 1975
7/39 Alaska Methodist University 1977
7/40 Native associations undated, 1977
7/41 Alaskan and out of state colleges and education programs undated, 1977
7/42 Cooperative Extension Service 1977-1978
7/43 Conferences and workshops-UAF undated, 1977-1978
7/44 Conferences and workshops-UAA 1977
7/45 Native education-minutes and reports 1975-1977
7/46 Altrusa International Foundation, Inc. 1977
7/47 American Oil Foundation 1977
7/48 The Arthur Vining Davis Foundation 1976
7/49 Carnegie Corporation of New York 1977
7/50 The Cleveland Foundation 1977
7/51 Committee of the Permanent Charity Fund 1977
7/52 Doris Duke Foundation, Inc 1977
7/53 Faye McBeath Foundation 1977
7/54 The Florence and John Schumann Foundation 1977
7/55 Ford Foundation 1977
8/1 The Frank Stanley Beveridge Foundation 1977
8/2 General Telephone and Electronics Corp 1977
8/3 Hattie M. Strong Foundation 1977
8/4 Helena Rubinstein Foundation 1977
8/5 Hoblitzell Foundation 1977
8/6 Inland Steel-Ryerson Foundation, Inc. 1977
8/7 J.M. McDonald Foundation, Inc. 1977
8/8 The Kresge Foundation 1975
8/9 McInerny Foundation 1976
8/10 M.L. Parshelsky Foundation 1977
8/11 Mary Reynolds Babcock Foundation 1976
8/12 New York Community Trust 1977
8/13 New York Foundation 1975
8/14 Ottinger Foundation 1977
8/15 Pan American Foundation, Inc. 1977
8/16 The Walter and Olive Stienke Foundation 1977
8/17 Department heads 1978
8/18 Deputy director 1978
8/19 Executive Committee 1978
8/20 Executive director 1978
8/21 Memos to staff 1978
8/22-23 Trip reports 1977-1978
8/24-25 Incoming mail 1977
8/26 Bureau of Indian Affairs, Department of 1977
8/27 Bureau of Indian Affairs, Department of-articles involved in planning 1972-1973
8/28 Bureau of Indian Affairs, Department of-financial assistance forms 1973
8/29 Bureau of Indian Affairs, Department of-legislative reports 1977
8/30 Bureau of Indian Affairs, Department of-pamphlets 1973
8/31 Commerce, Department of 1977
8/32 Commerce, Department of, transcontinental rail connection 1977
8/33 Pamphlets 1976
8/34 Community and Regional Affairs, Department of 1977
8/35 Community and Regional Affairs, Department of-monthly report 1976
8/36 Department of Community and Regional Affairs-program evaluation forms undated
8/37 Consumer Protection newsletter 1976
8/38 Economic Development, Department of 1972
8/39 Education, Department of 1977
8/40 Education, Department of-administrative regulations 1977
8/41 Federal State Land Use Planning Commission for Alaska 1977
8/42 Fish and Game, Department of 1977
8/43 Commercial Fisheries Entry Commission 1977
8/44 Preliminary forecast of, 1977 return 1977
8/45 Health and Social Services, Department of 1977
8/46 Health and Social Services, Department of-comprehensive annual social services plan 1977
8/47 Law, Department of 1977
8/48 Labor, Department of 1977
8/49 Memorandum of agreement between Alaska Department of Labor and Bristol Bay Native Association 1977
8/50 Military Affairs, Department of 1977
8/51 Natural Resources, Department of 1977
8/52 Natural Resources, annual report 1976
8/53 Division of Commercial Fisheries 1975, 1977
8/54 Alaska Police Standards Council-regulations and procedures manual 1976-1977
8/55 Public Works, Department of 1977
8/56 Revenue, Department of 1977
8/57 Guide to general revenue sharing undated, 1977
8/58 Notes 1977
8/59 Correspondence 1977
8/60 Alaska Representatives 1977
8/61 Alaska Senators 1977
8/62 Anderson, Nels A. (Rep) 1977
8/63 Egan, William A. 1977
8/64 Governing office 1977-1979
8/65 Gravel, Mike (Sen) 1977
8/66 Hohman, George (Sen) 1977
8/67 Stevens, Ted (Sen) 1977
8/68 Young, Don 1977
8/69 Application packets 1977
8/70 Commerce, Department of 1977
8/71 Commerce, Department of-Economic Development Committee 1977
8/72 Committee on Finance 1977
8/73 Department of Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service 1977
8/74 Department of Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service-wildlife management plans undated, 1973, 1977
8/75 Guide for non-profit institutions 1974
8/76 Guide for state government agents 1969
8/77 Health Education and Welfare, Department of 1977
9/1 Department of Housing and Human Development 1977
9/2 Interim Committee on Subsistence undated, 1977
9/3 Select Committee on Indian Affairs 1977
9/4 Interior, Department of 1977
9/5 Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act 1975
9/6 Internal Revenue Service 1977
9/7 Labor, Department of 1977
9/8 Employment and Training Administration 1977
9/9 Indian and Native American programs-FY1976 report 1976
9/10 Old forms undated, 1975-1979
9/11 Evaluation of the Alaska Native Education Board’s bilingual/biculture program 1973-1974
9/12 State of Alaska Commission for Human Rights 1974
9/13 Alaska State Operated Schools-Anchorage 1972-1974
9/14 General SOS correspondence 1974
9/15 Aleknagik Co-op 1974
9/16 Alaska Native Education Board-correspondence 1974
9/17 Alaska Native Education Board-teacher training 1974
9/18 Board of Director’s report 1973
9/19 Evaluation 1974

Series 4: Johnson-O’Malley bilingual-bicultural program records; 1973-1979. 5.2 cubic feet.

Box/Folder Description Dates
9/20 Johnson O’Malley program 1974
9/21 Administration 1974-1975
9/22 JOM/Indian education regional coordination 1974
9/23 Interagency meetings-bilingual education 74-1975
9/24 JOMRC meetings 1974 September
9/25 Koliganek 1974
9/26 Sugcestun Aleut and Taniana bilingual/biculture program Kenai Peninsula Borough School District undated, 1973-1975
9/27 Proposal for the village management training program undated
9/28 Workshop 1974 August 11-25
9/29 Summary description of regional development strategies 1974
9/30 Village projects and development file-Aleknagik 1973-1974
9/31 Village projects and development file-Chignik 1973-1974
9/32 Village projects and development file-Chignik Lake 1973
9/33 Village projects and development file-Chignik Lagoon 1973
9/34 Village projects and development file-Clark’s Point 1973
9/35 Report on examination of financial statements and additional information 1975
9/36 Addresses-Alaska Native Education Board undated, 1975
9/37 Administration 1974-1975
9/38 BBAHC #116 field counselor 1974-1975
9/39 Village projects and development file-Egegik 1973-1974
9/40 Village projects and development file-Ekuk 1973
9/41 Village projects and development file-Ekwok 1973
9/42 Village projects and development file-Igiugig 1973-1974
9/43 Village projects and development file-Iliamna 1973-1974
9/44 Village projects and development file-Ivanof Bay 1973-1974
9/45 Village projects and development file-Kanakanak-Olsoville 1973-1974
9/46 Village projects and development file-Kokhanok 1973-1974
9/47 Village projects and development file-Koliganek 1973-1974
9/48 Village projects and development file-Levelock 1973-1974
9/49 Village projects and development file-Manokotak 1973-1974
9/50 Village projects and development file-Naknek 1973-1974
9/51 Village projects and development file-Naknek humanities forum grant 1973-1974
9/52 Village projects and development file-Newhalen 1973-1974
9/53 Village projects and development file-New Stuyahok 1973-1974
9/54 Village projects and development file-Nondalton 1973-1974
9/55 Village projects and development file-Perryville 1973-1974
9/56 Village projects and development file-Pedro Bay 1973-1974
9/57 Village projects and development file-Pilot Point 1973-1974
9/58 Village projects and development file-Portage Creek 1973-1974
9/59 Village projects and development file-Port Heiden 1973-1974
9/60 Village projects and development file-South Naknek 1973-1974
9/61 Village projects and development file-Togiak 1973-1974
9/62 Village projects and development file-Twin Hills 1973-1974
9/63 Village projects and development file-Ugashik 1973-1974
10/1 Books ordered 1975
10/2 JOM contract 1974-1975
10/3 Contract JOM grant 1975
10/4 Correspondence 1975
10/5 Definition of terms-land claims undated, 1975-1976
10/6 Draft 1975
10/7 Bethel Primary School undated
10/8 JOM program monthly narrative reports 1975
10/9 JOM#36 1974-1975
10/10 JOM bilingual/bicultural project desk copy 1975
10/11 JOM budget 1975
10/12 Koliganek 1975
10/13 Administration Kolig dance #88 1975
10/14 Program and budgets Kolig dance #88 1974
10/15 Reports and evaluations Kolig dance #88 undated, 1974-1975
10/16 Koliganek Fuel Co. 1975
10/17 Reports and evaluations Kolig kindergarten #89 1975
10/18 Program and budgets 1974-1975
10/19-20 Reports and evaluations 1974-1975
10/21 Reports and evaluation Togiak #62 undated, 1974-1975
10/22 Resource folder undated, 1975
10/23 ANEB workshop 1974-1975
10/24 Dillingham workshop 1974 August
10/25 Dillingham ANEB 1975 January
10/26 Language workshops undated, 1975
10/27 Workshop evaluations 1975 February
10/28-29 Denaina workshops undated, 1975
10/30 Nondalton Tanaina workshop 1975 April
10/31 Pilot Point Aleut workshop 1975 April
10/32 Alaska studies curriculum writing schedule, Native land claims course outline undated
10/33 Segcestun Aleut workshops 1975
10/34 Segcestun Aleut workshop-Pilot Point 1975
10/35 Yup’ik workshop 1975
10/36 Bethel Yup’ik workshop 1975 May
10/37 Scope of work 1975
10/38 AFN proposal higher education 1975-1976
10/39 Alaska Bilingual Education Center newsletter 1975-1976
10/40 B.I.A. general correspondence 1975-1976
10/41 Bilingual Bulletin 1975-1976
10/42 Bilingual teacher training model 1975-1976
10/43 Camp Fire Girls proposal 1975-1976
10/44 CICSB newsletter 1975-1976
10/45 AFN general correspondence undated, 1974-1975
10/46-49 Project #36 bilingual/bicultural correspondence undated, 1974-1975
10/50 Bristol Bay bilingual/bicultural project undated, 1974-1976
10/51 Dillingham JOM 1975-1976
10/52 ELW bill 1975-1976
10/53 Indian School boards 1975-1976
10/54 Public Law 93-638 Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance act 1975-1976
10/55 Jerry Arthur 1975-1976
10/56 Job descriptions undated
10/57 JOM #36 undated, 1975
10/58 Kuskokwim Community College degree program undated
10/59 Koliganek proposal nd, 1974-1975
10/60 #36 monthly reports 1974-1975
10/61 Office memos 1974-1975
10/62 Perrin, Kathleen 1975
10/63 Preschool info 1975-1976
10/64 Preschool newsletter 1975-1976
10/65 R.E.A.D. Alaska Department of Education newsletter 1975
10/66 School board training 1974-1975
10/67 Scope of work undated
10/68 Subcontract 1975-1976
10/69 University of Alaska contract degree program 1975-1976f
10/70 Chignik JOM #36 1975-1976
10/71 Chignik Lagoon JOM #36 1975-1976
10/72 Chignik Lagoon JOM #36 reports and evaluations 1975-1976
10/73 Chignik Lake JOM #36 1975-1976
10/74 Chignik Lake JOM #36 reports and evaluations 1975-1976
10/75 Clarks Point JOM #36 1975-1976
11/1 Clarks Point JOM #36 reports and evaluations 1975-1976
11/2 Egegik JOM #36 1975-1976
11/3 Ekwok JOM #36 1975-1976
11/4 Ekwok JOM #36 reports and evaluations 1975-1976
11/5 Igiugig JOM #36 1975-1976
11/6 Igiugig JOM #36 reports and evaluations 1975-1976
11/7 Ivanof Bay JOM #36 1975-1976
11/8 Ivanof Bay JOM #36 report and evaluations 1975-1976
11/9 Kokhanok JOM #36 1975-1976
11/10 Kokhanok JOM #36 reports and evaluations 1975-1976
11/11 Koliganek JOM #36 reports and evaluations 1975-1976
11/12 Koliganek JOM #36 1975-1976
11/13 Levelock JOM #36 1975-1976
11/14 Levelock JOM #36 reports and evaluations 1975-1976
11/15 Manokotak JOM #36 1975-1976
11/16 Manokotak JOM #36 reports and evaluations 1975-1976
11/17 Naknek JOM #36 1975-1976
11/18 Naknek JOM #36 reports and evaluations 1975-1976
11/19 Newhalen JOM #36 reports and evaluations 1975-1976
11/20 Newhalen JOM #36 1975-1976
11/21 New Stuyahok JOM #36 reports and evaluations 1975-1976
11/22 New Stuyahok JOM #36 1975-1976
11/23 Nondalton JOM #36 1975-1976
11/24 Nondalton JOM #36 reports and evaluations 1975-1976
11/25 Pedro Bay JOM #36 1975-1976
11/26 Pedro Bay JOM #36 reports and evaluations 1975-1976
11/27 Perryville JOM #36 1975-1976
11/28 Perryville JOM #36 reports and evaluations 1975-1976
11/29 Pilot Point JOM #36 1975-1976
11/30 Pilot Point JOM #36 reports and evaluations 1975-1976
11/31 Port Heiden JOM #36 1975-1976
11/32 Port Heiden JOM #36 reports and evaluations 1975-1976
11/33 Portage Creek JOM #36 1975-1976
11/34 Portage Creek JOM #36 reports and evaluations 1975-1976
11/35 Alaska student loan applications 1976-1977
11/36 AFN proposal-higher education undated
11/37 Correspondence-AFN/JOM trip evaluations 1976
11/38 Correspondence with AFN/JOM undated, 1975-1976
11/39 Alaska Student Higher Education Service-Board of Directors meeting records 1976
11/40 American Indian Policy Review Committee undated
11/41 Assessment program 1976
11/42 Bilingual/bicultural balance sheets 1975-1976
11/43 Bilingual/bicultural project 1976
11/44 Bilingual matter 1976
11/45 Bilingual workshop undated, 1975-1976
11/46  Contracts 1976-1977
11/47 JOM projects #5-programs and status report, BBBBP 1976-1977
11/48 Recap 76, 101-106 1976
11/49 Bristol Bay Native Association 1976
11/50  Executive meeting, Steve Mahikoa 1976 April 14
11/51 Budget correspondence, 106 undated, 1976
11/52 Budget correspondence 1975-1976
11/53 Catalogs and price lists, old undated, 1975
11/54 Certified cover letters 1976
11/55 Check requests and granted 1976
11/56 Child advocacy undated, 1975-1976
11/57 Contracts (villages) 1977
11/58 AFN/JOM Bristol Bay bilingual/bicultural project FY76 proposal 1976
11/59 Correspondence 1975-1976
12/1-2 Reading file 1976 January-August
12/3 Ekwok-general correspondence 1976-1977
12/4 Federal Register 1976
12/5 General information undated, 1975
12/6 Title IV, proposal for Indian education adult basic education undated, 1976
12/7 Initial data program undated, 1975-1976
12/8 Insurance 1974-1975
12/9 Items for JOM jogger undated
12/10 Steve Two-Pony- JOM projects undated, 1976
12/11 JOM 1976
12/12 Contract data 1975 October 21
12/13 Contract field 1975
12/14 Johnson O’Malley (JOM) program correspondence 1976-1977
12/15 Old correspondence re: JOM 1976 January-May
12/16 Correspondence JOM 1976
12/17 JOM distribution formula 1976
12/18 JOM final report 1976-1977
12/19 Re: JOM material undated, 1977
12/20 Legislative report, conference report 1976 June 8-July 2
12/21 L.L. and Associates W. Langer AMP Welder 1976
12/22 Levelock proposal 1976-1977
12/23 Manokotak 8th grade Anchorage trip 1976 May 10
12/24 Letters and memos 1975-1976
12/25 Memos (villages) 1977
12/26-27 Memos undated, 1975-1976
12/28 Rough draft notes minutes of 1976 July 6-7
12/29 Minutes file 1976
12/30-31 Financial records 1975
12/32 Statewide JOM Native Education Committee meeting 1976 April 7
12/33 Newsletters 1975-1977
12/34 Old order supplies 1975-1976
12/35 Pamphlets undated, 1976
12/36 Quarterly reports 1975
12/37 Parent Committee plan contract undated, 1976-1977
12/38 Reimbursement 1975
12/39 Release of claims forms 1976
12/40 Resolutions 1976-1977
12/41 Approval resolution 1977
12/42 Short term contract 1976
12/43 Information regarding: Snyder Act, Public Law 93-638 undated, 1976
12/44 SOS systems 1974-1976
12/45 Special bank account agreement undated, 1976
12/46 State special ed law undated, 1976
12/47 Stationery undated, 1975
12/48 Student assessment program 1976
12/49-50 Supply orders 1976
12/51 Telegrams 1976
12/52 Travel reports 1976
12/53 General travel 1976
12/54 Unrelated reports undated
12/55 Village projects undated
12/56 JOM long distance telephone record book undated
12/57 Manokotak-proposal for billing paralegal 1975 December 17
12/58 Monroe, Christine, correspondence 1976-1977
12/59 JOM program agreement with accounting, 1977
12/60 Application form (sample) 1976-1977
12/61 Alaska Student Higher Education Service (ASHES) 1977-1978
12/62 Budget modification 1977-1978
12/63 Post-secondary education undated, 1977
12/64 Newspaper clippings undated, 1977
12/65 Reading file, bilingual/bicultural program 1977 January-February
12/66 Enrollment figures undated, 1976
12/67 Indian education materials 1977-1978
12/68 Title IV proposal-Indian education preschool application undated, 1977
12/69 Inventory list-villages 1977
12/70-71 Job descriptions undated, 1977
12/72 JOM project-scope of work 1976-1977
12/73 Correspondence 1976
12/74 Personnel correspondence undated, 1976-1977
12/75 Reimbursement no. 8 JOM 1976-1977
12/76 Reimbursement requests made 1976
12/77 Request to B.I.A., direct contract 1977
12/78 Sign-off sheets 1976-1977
12/79 State Operated School (SOS) systems-related schools 1977
12/80 Staff meetings 1977
12/81 Translations 1977
12/82 Upcoming workshop, bilingual 1976
12/83 University of Alaska contract, degree program 1977
12/84 Dorothy Walcott (reading file) 1977
13/1  JOM proposal 1977-1978
13/2  JOM/NEC meeting, Thomas Tilden 1978 March 12
13/3 Draft for FY 78 proposal for bilingual/bicultural program 1977-1978
13/4 Monthly reports bilingual/bicultural program 1978
13/5 Monthly budget reports JOM/ 1977 September -1978 September
13/6 JOM/, 1978 final report, bilingual/bicultural program Contract #EOOC, 14201522 1978
13/7 Bilingual/bicultural program, state regulations undated, 1977
13/8 Advance budget request undated
13/9 Budget 1978
13/10 Current budget sheets and village program plans 1978
13/11 Village budget 1978-1979
13/12 Bush program report 1978
13/13 Budget modifications 1977-1978
13/14 Contract file undated, 1977
13/15 Correspondence, bilingual/bicultural program 1977-1978
13/16-23 Incoming letters, bilingual/bicultural program 1977-1978
13/24-25 Outgoing letters, bilingual/bicultural program 1977-1978
13/26 Incoming B.I.A. Anchorage undated, 1977-1978
13/27 Outgoing B.I.A. Anchorage undated, 1978
13/28 Incoming B.I.A. Juneau 1977-1978
13/29 Outgoing B.I.A. Juneau 1978
13/30 Correspondence-John W. Yukluk letters 1978
13/31 Department of Education guidelines for education programs undated, 1978
13/32 General reading file 1976-1978
13/33 Interoffice memos 1977-1978
13/34 JOM Native Education Committee, bylaws, minutes, reports 1978 February-March
13/35 JOM program grant-cost sharing proposal, supplementary Education programs workshop and annual report undated, 1977-1978
13/36 Monthly progress reports-Pilot Point 1977 October
13/37 Monthly progress reports-Port Heiden 1977-1978
13/38 Monthly progress reports-Portage Creek 1977-1978
13/39 Monthly progress reports-Levelock 1977-1978
13/40 Monthly progress reports-Clark’s Point 1977-1978
13/41 Monthly progress reports-Aleknagik 1977
13/42 Monthly progress reports-Twin Hills 1977-1978
13/43 Monthly progress reports-Pedro Bay 1977-1978
13/44 Newsletters 1978
13/45 Planning 1978-1979
13/46 Per capita cost undated, 1978
13/47 Personnel documents undated
13/48 Proposals, 1978 1976-1977
13/49 Purchase orders received 1977
13/50 Purchase orders sent 1977
13/51 Radio broadcast requests 1978
13/52 Scope of work and bank account agreement undated
13/53 Staff conferences 1978
13/54 Student count undated, 1977
13/55 Incoming telegrams 1977-1978
13/56 Thomas Tilden-reading file 1977 September
13/57 Village call signs (radio) undated
13/58 Adult education 1978
13/59  Executive board-addresses undated
13/60 B.I.A. addresses, Juneau/Anchorage undated
13/61 Incoming-B.I.A. Anchorage 1978-1979
13/62 Outgoing B.I.A. Anchorage 1978-1979
13/63 Incoming B.I.A. Juneau 1978-1979
13/64 Outgoing B.I.A. Juneau 1978
13/65 Report-program status B.I.A. 1978
13/66 Regulations, grant applications and conference reports concerning bilingual matters 1976-1978
13/67 Bilingual/bicultural resource people undated, 1978
13/68 Communications-villages 1978-1979
13/69 Constitution and by-laws-samples undated
13/70 General correspondence incoming 1978-1979
13/71 Government equipment undated
13/72 Indian education 1977-1978
13/73 Information undated, 1975-1978
13/74 Interagency meeting on education undated, 1978-1979
13/75 Internal office memos 1978-1979
13/76 JOM contract applications 1979-1980
13/77 JOM/NEC Chairman’s address undated
14/1 FY79 JOM contract undated, 1979-1980
14/2 Intent to contract 1980-1981
14/3 JOM jogger 1978-1979
14/4 Requirements for administration of JOM programs undated
14/5 JOM voting information 1979
14/6 Monthly expenses report 1979
14/7 Final monthly reports Administrative program 1979
14/8 Monthly reports 1979
14/9 Option “C” resolutions undated, 1979
14/10 Penn Mutual 1977-1978
14/11 Personnel policy 1975
14/12 Personnel training 1978
14/13 Scholarship funds 1978
14/14 Teacher certification in Alaska 1077
14/15 Telegrams-incoming 1978
14/16 Anna Maria Zerraro-reading file 1978-1979
14/17 Resources list undated, 1978
14/18 Rules and regulations undated, 1975-1977
14/19 Travel arrangements for state-wide JOM parent committee meeting in Anchorage 1979
14/20 Travel reports 1979
14/21 Villages undated, 1978-1979
14/22 Village/program reports 1978
14/23 Village resolution information undated, 1977-1979
14/24 WICHE 1978
14/25 Aleknagik 1979
14/26 Aleknagik monthly report undated
14/27 Chignik 1979-1980
14/28 Chignik Lagoon-monthly report 1978
14/29 Clarks Point 1979-1980
14/30 Clark Point monthly report 1979
14/31 Levelock 1979-1980
14/32 Levelock monthly report undated
14/33 Pedro Bay 1979-1980
14/34 Pedro Bay monthly report undated, 1977-1979
14/35 Perryville 1979-1980
14/36 Port Heiden 1979-1980
14/37 Portage Creek 1979-1980
14/38 Portage Creek monthly report 1978
14/39 Twin Hills 1979-1980
14/40 Twin Hills monthly reports 1978-1979

Series 5: Bilingual materials; 1974-1976. 0.9 cubic feet.

Box/Folder Description Dates
14/41-45 Bilingual/bicultural program lesson plans 1974-1975
14/46 Nome, bilingual/bicultural program proposal 1975-1976
14/47 North Pacific Rim Native Corporation, bilingual/bicultural program proposal undated, 1976
14/48 North Slope Borough, bilingual/bicultural program proposal undated
14/49 Nulato, bilingual/bicultural program proposal undated
14/50 Point Lay, Nuquist, Anaktuvak Pass, Point Hope, bilingual/bicultural program proposals undated
14/51 South Naknek JOM, bilingual/bicultural program proposal undated, 1974
14/52 St. Paul-St. George Islands, bilingual/bicultural program proposals 1974
14/53 Tanana, bilingual/bicultural program proposal 1974-1975
14/54 Tlingit and Haida Central Council, bilingual/bicultural program proposal 1974
14/55 Togiak, bilingual/bicultural program proposal undated
14/56 University of Alaska, bilingual/bicultural program proposal undated, 1974
14/57 Wasilla, bilingual/bicultural program proposal 1974
14/58 Yakutat, bilingual/bicultural program proposal 1975
14/59 Alaska Native Education Board Inc. undated, 1974
14/60 Carbons, bilingual/bicultural program lesson plan reports undated
14/61 Correspondence received 1975
14/62 Indian education 1974
14/63 Job descriptions undated
14/64 JOM act undated, 1974-1975
14/65 Lesson plans undated
14/66 Mailing list undated, 1975-1976
14/67 Proposal 1974-1975
15/1 Yupik materials undated, 1975
15/2-3 All math groups undated
15/4 Methods of teaching a second language (Yupik) undated
15/5 Material sent to villages undated, 1975
15/6 Alaska State Operated Schools bilingual education Department, administrative procedures February 1975
15/7 Togiak, village description undated
15/8 Iliamna Lake watershed fresh water commercial fisheries, investigation of 1966
15/9 Critical review of the policy of economic and social development in rural Alaska and the role of vocational training and education undated

Series 6: Rural Alaska Community Action Program (RurALCAP) files; 1969-1975. 2.3 cubic feet.

Box/Folder Description Dates
15/10 Directory RurALCAP 1969
15/11 Directories of officials 1969
15/12 Division of Buildings 1969-1970
15/13 Department of Labor, State of Alaska 1969-1970
15/14 Rep. Ed Edmundson 1970
15/15 Ekwok 1969-1970
15/16 Department of Law 1969
15/17 Department of Natural Resources 1970
15/18 Designs for low cost wood homes 1970
15/19 Dillingham city 1969-1970
15/20 Director of Elections 1970
15/21 Director, Human Resources Development 1970
15/22 Evaluation, board meeting 1970 April 7
15/23 Executive Director RurALCAP 1970
15/24 Egegik 1969-1970
15/25 Executive Committee meeting minutes 1970
15/26 Fall meeting 1969-1970
15/27 Federal Field Committee reports 1969
15/28 Filipino Community of Anchorage 1970
15/29 Federal Housing Authority 1969
15/30 Fish Co-op 1971
15/31 Food stamp program undated, 1969-1971
15/32 Governor Keith Miller 1969-1970
15/33 Greater Anchorage Area Community Action Program 1969
15/34 Hammond, Sen. Jay S. 1969-1970
15/35 Head Start 1969-1970
15/36 Health and welfare reports 1969
15/37 Honorable Henry Jackson 1969-1970
15/38 Honorable Mike Gravel 1969-1970
15/39 Honorable William Hensley 1969-1970
15/40 Housing market demand survey 1971
15/41 Housing (AFN) 1971
15/42 Housing 1971
15/43 Alaska Housing Finance Corporation 1972
15/44 Alaska Federation of Natives (AFN) Housing Department 1972
15/45 Housing, Bethel and Nome 1971
15/46 Human Resources Development 1970
15/47 Human Rights Commission 1970
15/48 IBM 1970
15/49 Institute for Social, Economic, and Government Research-newsletter undated, 1968-1969
15/50 Inter Agency Council 1970
15/51 Indian Reorganization Act (I.R.A.) 1969
15/52 Inventory 1969
15/53 Koliganek 1969-1970
15/54 Kuskokwim Fishermen Cooperative, Inc. 1969
15/55 Legal services 1969-1970
15/56 Kodiak Area Development Corp 1969-1970
15/57 Letters to board members 1969-1970
15/58 Levelock Branch River Igiugig, Native land allotments and projects 1970
15/59 Library 1969
15/60 Land claims 1968-1970
15/61 Local Affairs Agency 1969-1970
15/62 Mary M. Gregory-A.C.D. RurALCAP 1970
15/63 Manokotak 1969-1970
15/64 Memorandum agreement 1969-1970
15/65 Minutes board Bristol Bay Area Development Corporation (BBADC) 1969-1970
15/66 Minutes other development corps 1969-1970
15/67 Naknek North 1969-1970
15/68 Naknek South 1969-1970
15/69 Newhalen, Kokhanok 1969-1970
15/70 New Stuyahok 1969-1970
16/1 Northland Marine Lines, Inc. 1970
16/2 Northwest Social Systems 1969-1970
16/3 North State Telephone Co 1970
16/4 OM forms-D. Turner 1970
16/5-6 Operation Mainstream 1969-1970
16/7 Office rental etc., 1969-1970.
16/8 Ohgsenakle 1969-1970
16/9 Organization RurALCAP 1969-1970
16/10 Ostrosky Harold 1969
16/11 CSC Outreach Co-ordinator
16/12 Office Of Economic Opportunity (O.E.O.) guidance 1969
16/13 Rep. Gene Guess 1970
16/14 Rep. James Haley 1970
16/15 Secretary of the Interior Hickel 1970
16/16 Sen. Edward Kennedy 1970
16/17 Staff training 1969-1970
16/18 Truman Emberg-Regional Director 1969-1970
16/19 Agenda-part I RurALCAP Board of Director’s meeting 1975 May 15-17
16/20 RurALCAP regional directory 1975
16/21 RurALCAP Regional Directors meeting 1974 February
16/22 RurALCAP regional budgets 1975
16/23 Alaska Federation of Natives (AFN) village incorporation undated
16/24 Alaska House bill 541 1974
16/25 Alaska Legislative handbook 1970
16/26 Alaska Native Foundation, higher education needs 1974 December
16/27 Alaska Native Foundation Native management report 1974
16/28 Alaska Department of Fish and Game policy statement undated
16/29 Alaska Federation of Natives (AFN)-human resources 1974
16/30 Alaska Federation of Natives (AFN) first annual statewide seminar on rural health 1973 December 12-14
16/31 AFN fire extinguisher undated
16/32 AFN technical assistance-training needs undated
16/33 Alaska resource development directory 1975
16/34 US Department of the Interior 1975
16/35 Alaska Methodist University-Native studies, 1974.
16/36 Center for Northern Educational research-education in Alaska 1974
16/37 Publications undated, 1972
16/38 RurALCAP BBADC evaluation 1974
16/39 National Dissemination project, three models for change undated, 1973
16/40 Alaska Senate bill 22-adult basic education undated
16/41 Alaska Fed. of Natives communications 1974
16/42-43 Center for Northern Educational Research, clipping on education 1974
16/44 Campaign for Human Development undated, 1973-1974
16/45 Petty cash 1973-1974
16/46 Regional Director’s meeting 1974 February 2
16/47 Annual report 1974
16/48 Financial proposal for Aleknagik Cooperative Store 1974
16/49 Alaska Legal Service undated, 1975
16/50 Nels A. Anderson 1975
16/51-52 Angason, Trefon 1973-1975
16/53 Memorandums and carbon copies to: Trefon Angason, Jr. 1975
16/54-61 Angason, Trefon, Jr.-reading file 1975
16/62 Angason, Val 1975
16/63 Angason, Val N.-reading file 1975
16/64 Check request copies 1975
16/65 Correspondence 1976
16/66 Executive Committee meeting 1975 August 18
16/67 Clark, Sharon L. 1975
17/1 Jay Hammond 1975
17/2-3 Heyano, Robert 1975
17/4 House and Senate bills, Jeff Moxie 1975-1976
17/5 Interoffice correspondence 1975
17/6 Desk copies 1975
17/7 Correspondence and newsletters 1974-1975
17/8 RurALCAP, Inc. undated, 1975
17/9 RurALCAP General file undated, 1975
17/10 RurALCAP Anchorage office 1975
17/11-17 RurALCAP memos 1975
17/18 RurALCAP Inc. 1976
17/19 RurALCAP memos 1975 December
17/20 Subsistence activity, Aleknagik 1975
17/21 Travel reports 1975
17/22 Board of Directors meeting 1975 October 16-17
17/23 Executive Committee meeting 1975 November
17/24-25 Agenda-RurALCAP Board of Directors meeting 1975
17/26-27 Yupik undated, 1970, 1973
17/28 Agreement for loan of equipment (forms) undated
17/29 Allotment to be processed undated, 1971-1973

Series 7: Community Enterprise Development Corporation (CEDC) Nushagak Co-op records; 1968-1972. 0.9 cubic feet.

Box/Folder Description Dates
17/30 Bristol Bay Native Corporation/Jackie Knutsen undated, 1971
17/31 Jackie Knutsen CEDC undated, 1971
17/32 CEDC meeting 1972 September 20
17/33 Application for support to CEDC Kash-Kash Cooperative, Inc., Akhiok, Alaska 1971
17/34 Application for support to CEDC Kash-Kash Cooperative, Inc., Akhiok, Alaska 1971
17/35 Consumer Federation application for support to CEDC 1971
17/36-37 CEDC 1968-1972
17/38 Toksook Bay-CEDC consultant’s report undated
18/1-2 CEDC undated, 1970-1971
18/3 Cornells International Finders Research Services 1971
18/4 Fish and Wildlife undated
18/5 Commercial fishery undated, 1970-1971
18/6 Fishing 1970-1973
18/7 Department of Commerce (NOAA) undated, 1971
18/8 Letters of intent 1969-1970
18/9 Enrollment-preparing a roll of Alaska Natives 1971
18/10 Nushagak Fishermen, Inc. undated, 1970-1972
18/11 Memo undated, 1970
18/12 Copies and forms undated, 1972
18/13 Fishermans membership Nushagak undated, 1971
18/14 Minutes-Nushagak fishermen undated, 1970-1972
18/15 Nushagak fishermen (Ray Parks) 1972
18/16 Questionnaire undated
18/17 Agenda-Educational Telecommunication Consortium Fairbanks 1971
18/18 Enterprise performance and assistance 1972
18/19 CEDC Board of Directors meeting October 11, 1973
18/20 CEDC minutes of meetings 1971
18/21 Bea Welsh undated, 1973-1974
18/22 (Magnetic tape) Columbia Wards W.C. Arnold with board 1963
18/23 (Magnetic tape) Advisory Committee 1962
18/24 Teacher’s reader undated, 1971-1972
18/25 Teacher’s reader-Alaska Native Claims Settlements Act III of III undated, 1972-1973
18/26 Teacher’s reader Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act II of III undated
18/27 Alaska Natives and the law undated
18/28 Alaska Natives and the law Unit Four: Native land Claims K-6 undated

Series 8: Bristol Bay related publications and reports; 1966-1976. 0.2 cubic feet.

Box/Folder Description Dates
18/29 A Preliminary proposal for a community cultural center for the Bristol Bay region undated
18/30 Bristol Bay potential and economic development reports 1975-1976
18/31 Bristol Bay: its potential and development 1976
18/32 Bristol Bay: the Fishery and the people 1974-1975
18/33 Bristol Bay Native Association housing survey 1975
18/34 Bristol Bay: An overall economic development plan 1974-1975
18/35 Bristol Bay Borough comprehensive development plan 1966

Series 9: Annual reports; 1976-2004. 0.4 cubic feet.

Box/Folder Description Dates
18/36 Annual report 1976
18/37 Annual report 1978-1985
19/1 Annual report 1987-1989
19/2 Annual report 1991-1998
19/3 Annual report 1999-2004

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