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Alaska Repertory Theatre records

Guide to the Alaska Repertory Theatre records

Collection number: HMC-0028.
Creator: Alaska Repertory Theatre.
Title: Alaska Repertory Theatre records.
Dates: 1969-1989.
Volume of collection: 49.35 cubic feet.
Language of materials: Collection materials are in English.
Collection summary: Records of a theatre company in Anchorage, Alaska.

Organizational history:
The Alaska Repertory Theatre (ART) was founded in July 1976, as a non-profit, resident professional theater company. ART was supported by the State of Alaska, the Alaska State Council on the Arts, the Municipality of Anchorage, the Fairbanks North Star Borough, the National Endowment for the Humanities, as well as many public and private foundations, corporations, and individuals. In the first season, three productions were presented in Anchorage and Fairbanks. In later seasons, ART productions went on tour to various Alaskan communities. The organization was operated by a board of directors, a producing artistic director, a technical director, and a business manager. On November 3, 1988, the board of directors voted to close the ART “with dignity” because of a lack of sufficient financial support and an increase in the organization’s operating deficit. The last day of operation was December 31, 1988.

Collection description:
This collection contains records documenting the history and operation of the Alaska Repertory Theatre, Inc. The records are divided into seventeen series: 1, Board of Directors; 2, Reports; 3, Managing Director’s files; 4, Press releases; 5, Financial records; 6, General files; 7, Development and foundation records; 8, Advertising and promotional files; 9, Programs; 10, ART newsletter Profile; 11, Promotional materials and posters; 12, Production books; 13, Artistic Director’s files; 14, Student matinees; 15, Photographs;  16, Scrapbooks; and 17, Scenic design files. There are over 3600 photographs (primarily black and white), and the show files contain over 900 contact print sheets (primarily from 35mm black and white negatives), 23,000 negatives (primarily 35mm black and white film), and 14,000 slides (primarily color).

Arrangement: Collection materials are arranged into series based on record type or office of origin:

Series 1: Board of Directors meeting minutes; 1978-1989
Series 2: Reports; undated, 1975-1982
Series 3: Managing director’s files; 1988-1989
Series 4: Press releases; 1977-1989
Series 5: Financial records; 1977-1988
Series 6: General files; 1977-1989
Series 7: Development and foundation records; 1969-1989

Subseries 7a: General files; 1978-1988
Subseries 7b: Corporate files; 1977-1988
Subseries 7c: Foundation files; 1975-1988
Subseries 7d: Government agency files; 1976-1989
Subseries 7e: Donor cards agency files; 1982-1988
Subseries 7f: Events and mailings records; 1987-1988

Series 8: Advertising and promotional files; 1977-1989
Series 9: Programs; 1977-1989
Series 10: Profile newsletter; 1978-1984
Series 11: Promotional materials and posters; 1979-1988
Series 12: Production books; 1976-1989
Series 13: Artistic Director’s files; undated, 1981-1988

Subseries 13a: Scripts, programs, and working files; 1984-1988
Subseries 13b: Programs and reviews; 1984-1988

Series 14: Student Matinee records; 1977-1989
Series 15: Photographs; 1977-1989

Subseries 15a: Unmounted show photographs; 1977-1989
Subseries 15b: Mounted and oversize show photographs; 1977-1989
Subseries 15c: Community program and miscellaneous photographs; undated
Subseries 15d: Contact prints; 1977-1989
Subseries 15e: Negatives; 1977-1989
Subseries 15f: Tom Keene negatives; 1977-1979
Subseries 15g: Slides; 1978-1989
Subseries 15h: Slide show promotions; circa 1982-1986

Series 16: Scrapbooks; 1975-1989
Series 17: Scenic design files; 1978-1989

Digitized copies: 168 photographs from the collection have been digitized and can be found on Alaska’s Digital Archives. For information about obtaining copies, please contact Archives and Special Collections.

Rights note: Copyright to some materials in the collection may not reside with Archives and Special Collections. The Archives holds copyright to collection materials created by ART staff and contracted photographers. Commercial use of photographs may not be made.

Preferred citation: Alaska Repertory Theatre records, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.

Acquisition note: The records were presented to the Archives by the organization in 1989. A deed of gift was signed in 1989. Additional materials were donated to the Archives by Connie Soltis in 2019.

Processing information: This collection was originally arranged and described by Dennis Walle and Carolyn Bowers in 1989 and 1990. The finding aid was reformatted in 2011 by Arlene Schmuland. Duplicate copies and published materials not created or annotated by ART were removed at that time. Additional material was added to the collection by Gwen Higgins in 2019.

Container list:

Series 1: Board of Directors meeting minutes; 1978-1989. 0.4 cubic feet.
This series consists of the minutes of meetings of the Alaska Repertory Theatre board of directors. Arranged chronologically.

Box/Folder Description Dates
1/1 Board meeting minutes 1978
1/2 Board meeting minutes 1979
1/3 Board meeting minutes 1980
1/4 Board meeting minutes 1981
1/5 Board meeting minutes 1982
1/6 Board meeting minutes 1983
1/7 Board meeting minutes 1984
1/8 Board meeting minutes 1985
1/9 Board meeting minutes 1986
1/10 Board meeting minutes 1987 January-May
1/11 Board meeting minutes 1987 July-1988 June
1/12 Board meeting minutes 1988 September-December

Series 2: Reports; undated, 1975-1982. 0.1 cubic feet.
This series consists of annual reports of the Alaska Repertory Theatre, and reports concerning professional theatre in Alaska. Arranged chronologically.

Box/Folder Description Date
1/13 Professional regional theatre in Alaska and other future theatre development by Paul V. Brown for the Alaska State Council on the Arts 1975 September
1/14 Active communication—Alaska Repertory Theatre by John Goldring undated
1/15 Annual reports 1980-1982

Series 3: Managing director’s files; 1988-1989. 0.25 cubic feet.
This series consists of files relating to the activities of the managing director of the Alaska Repertory Theatre. Included are memos, public service announcements, a deposit ledger, performance histories, company management records, and state funding records. Arranged chronologically.

Box/Folder Description Date
1/16 Managing Director’s memo to file 1988 May, June
1/17 Public service announcements 1988
1/18 Deposit ledger 1988-1989
1/19 In-kind contributions records 1988-1989
1/20 State funding records 1988-1989
1/21 Company management records undated
1/22 Performance history by title page undated
1/23 Bylaws committee records undated

Series 4: Press releases; 1977-1989. 1.0 cubic feet.
This series consists of copies of Alaska Repertory Theatre press releases concerning Rep productions, fundraisers and other activities, and press releases concerning ART actors, directors and other employees. Arranged chronologically.

Box/Folder Description Dates
1/24 First season 1977
1/25 Second season 1978
1/26 Third season 1979
1/27 Fourth season 1980
2/1 Fifth season 1981
2/2 Sixth season 1981-1982
2/3 Seventh season 1982-1983
2/4 Eighth season 1983-1984
2/5 ART celebrates ninth season 1984-1985
2/6 ART celebrates tenth season 1985 April 28
2/7 Alaska Rep completes casting for summer production of Pump Boys and Dinettes 1985 May 14
2/8-9 Alaska Repertory Theatre launches hot summer production 1985 June 12
2/10 Alaska Rep schedules public appearances (for Anchorage area media) 1985 July 2
2/11 Alaska Rep extends hot summer production (Fairbanks media) 1985 July 7
2/12 Alaska Rep’s Pump Boys discounts (for military, students, seniors) 1985 July 18
2/13 Alaska Rep’s Pump Boys and Dinettes sponsor contests 1985 July 18
2/14 Alaska Rep extends Pump Boys and Dinettes 1985 July 24
2/15 REP/Synergy announces joint auditions 1985 August 5
2/16 Alaska Rep announces appointment of Ben Taber, new General Manager 1985 August 7
2/17 Pump boys to hold guitar and string bass clinic 1985 August 12
2/18 Mainstage schedule—Anchorage 1985 September 24
2/19 New home for Alaska Rep 1985 September 24
2/20 Costume ball opens design show 1985 October 26
2/21 10th Mainstage season begins Twelfth Night/What You Will 1985 October 14
2/22 Twelfth night preview discussion opportunities 1985 October 9
2/23 2nd show of 10th season-Watch on the Rhine schedule 1985 November 6
2/24 ART press releases Alaska Rep schedules Talk to the Top post-review discussions 1985 November 13
2/25 Alaska Rep appoints new Marketing Director and publicist 1985 December 9
2/26 Greater Tuna opening night party 1985 December 18
2/27 Tintypes press release 1986 January
2/28 Tintypes opens January 12 1986 January 2
2/29 Alaska Rep sponsors essay contest 1986 January 22
2/30 The few, the proud… the interns of Alaska Rep 1986 January 22
2/31 Alaska Rep extends musical through February 8th 1986 January 27
2/32 Northern Lights ABC school student wins Alaska Rep Theatre essay contest 1986 January 30
2/33 ART press releases Alaska Repertory Theatre announces resignation of Paul Brown 1986 March 17
2/34 News release-reading file 1986 April-December
2/35 TN selected for American Theatre Exchange program undated
2/36 Bennett Taber leaves Alaska Rep 1986 April 11
2/37 AK Rep announces Broadway Rappaport nominated for Tony award for best play 1986 May 13
2/38 AK Rep completes casting for El Grande de Coca-Cola 1986 May 13
2/39 El Grande fact sheet undated
2/40 Alaska Rep opens El Grande de Coca-Cola undated
2/41 Alaska Rep 1986-87 season fact sheet with plot synopsis undated
2/42 New tickets hours and new hours for box office 1986 June 23
2/43 Alaska Rep announces closing of El Grande 1986 June 23
2/44 Rep appoints Managing Director and Development Director 1986 July 18
2/45 Robert J. Farley to join Alliance Theatre Company in Atlanta 1986 July 21
2/46 ART releases Alaska Rep to benefit from Anchorage Antique Association show and sale 1986 July 25
2/47 Rep appoints Development Director local release 1986 July 25
2/48 AK Rep board announces austerity measures 1986 July 25
2/49 Rep and Synergy announce joint auditions for 1986-1987 season 1986 August 1
2/50 Alaska Rep announces appointment of Alice Chebba as Managing Director 1986 August 4
2/51 Alaska Rep announces directors for Mainstage season 1986 August 19
2/52 Alaska Rep announces casting for The Rainmaker 1986 August 19
2/53 AK Rep appoints new publicist 1986 September 11
2/54 Rep offers special rate for student matinees 1986 September 11
2/55 The Rainmaker opens Alaska Rep’s eleventh season 1986 September 30
2/56 Alaska Rep opens I’m Not Rappaport November 6 1986 October 27
2/57 Alaska Rep to benefit from Antique Association show 1986 November 15
2/58 News release Ak Rep production of I’m Not Rappaport concludes successful run 1986 December
2/59 ART press release Alaska Rep’s production of The Foreigner opens January 1 1986 December
2/60 ART announces 1-week extension of the hit comedy The Foreigner 1987 January 6
2/61 Alaska Rep sleuth 1986 December 4
2/62 The Foreigner breaks attendance records for two years 1987 January 28
2/63 Rep announces new Artistic Director, Andrew Traister 1987 March 5
2/64 Andrew Traister undated
2/65 Twelfth season announcement 1987 March 29
2/66 Rep announces apprentice program 1987 April 10
2/67 Casino night fundraiser 1987 July 22
2/68 Vanna White contest 1987 July 27
2/69 Casting announced for west coast premiere. BB 1987 October 4
2/70 Cat on a Hot Tin Roof opens 12th season 1987 November 6
2/71 Wilde comedy at Alaska Rep 1988 January 4
2/72 Bus stop opens at Rep 1988 January 4
2/73 West coast premiere Broadway bound 1988 February
2/74 AIDS Benefit Broadway bound 1988 February
2/75 Alaska Repertory Theatre announces one-week extension of west coast premiere 1988 February 16
2/76 Broadway bound to Fairbanks 1988 March
2/77 Publicity releases 1988-1989

Series 5: Financial records; 1977-1988. 0.25 cubic feet.
This series consists of copies of Alaska Repertory Theatre financial statements and schedules (1977-1987), copies of ART annual management letters (1981-1986), and copies of audit reports on the examination of ART financial statements (1988). Arranged by type and chronologically thereunder.

Box/Folder Description Dates
2/78 Financial statements and schedules 1977-1987
2/79 Annual management letters 1981-1986
2/80 Report on examination of financial statements and letters of recommendation 1988 June

Series 6: General Files; 1977-1989. 7.3 cubic feet.
This series consists of records concerning the management and operations of the Alaska Repertory Theatre. Included are records concerning the Alcohol Beverage Control Board, the Actors Equity Association, Alascom, the Alaska Humanities Forum, the Alaska State Council on the Arts, the ART board of directors, ART budgets, community service, equipment, computers, the Fourth Avenue Theatre, interns, the League of Professional Theatre Training, the League of Resident Theatres, marketing, the Municipality of anchorage, the Performing Arts Center, ART policies, student matinees, ART vehicles, and other subjects and agencies. Types of records include correspondence, inter-office memos, minutes, Actors Equity Association contracts, grant applications, equity agreements, marketing records, financial audit records, and other similar types of records. Arranged alphabetically by agency or subject.

Box/Folder Description Dates
3/1 ABC (Alcohol Beverage Control) Board 1988
3/2 Accounting memos 1987-1988
3/3 AEA (Actors’ Equity Association) 1969 1977-1983
3/4 AEA 1984-1986
3/5 AEA 1987-1988
3/6 Actors’ Equity Bond 1986-1988
3/7 Affiliated Artists Program 1980
3/8 American Federation of Television and Radio Artists 1979-1981
3/9 Alascom 1987-1988
3/10 Alaska Community Theatre Festival 1985
3/11 Alaska Humanities Forum 1987
3/12 Alaska Hydro Train 1987
3/13 Alaska Marine Highway 1980-1985
3/14 Alaska Rep-artistic history 1976-1987
3/15 Alaska Rep-history 1977-1987
3/16 Alaska Lottery 1987-1988
3/17 Alaska State Council on the Arts 1977-1982
3/18 Alaska State Council on the Arts 1983-1985
3/19 Alaska State Council on the Arts 1986-1987
3/20 Alaska State Council on the Arts 1988
3/21 Alaska Theatre of Youth 1984-1986
3/22 Alaska Theatrical Services 1987
3/23 Alaska Light Opera Theatre 1986-1988
3/24 Alyeska Pipeline Services Co. 1979 1980 1988
3/25 American Arts Alliance 1984-1986
3/26 American Arts Alliance 1987-1988
3/27 American Federation of Musicians 1979-1982
3/28 Anchorage Arts Advisory Commission 1985-1989
3/29 Anchorage Arts Council 1981-1988
3/30 Anchorage Chamber of Commerce 1985-1988
3/31 Anchorage Civic Opera 1981-1988
3/32 Anchorage Community College 1980
3/33 Anchorage Community Theatre 1979 1980 1987
3/34 Anchorage Convention & Visitors Bureau 1984-1988
3/35 Anchorage Daily News 1987-1988
3/36 Daily News building 1987
3/37 Anchorage Olympics 1987
3/38 Anchorage School District 1983-1988
3/39 Anchorage Symphony Orchestra 1981 1987
3/40 Anchorage Times 1986 1988
3/41 APOC 1987-1988
3/42 Arts agencies & service organization 1983-1984
3/43 Arts Alaska 1980, 1985-1987
3/44 Artsearch forms 1988
3/45 American Sign Language 1986-1988
3/46 Audit 1988
3/47 Blackwood-Frazier, Inc. 1985-1988
3/48 Board of Directors-bylaws 1982-1986
3/49 Board of Directors-Anchorage Assembly-re: funding 1987 December
3/50 Board of Directors-volunteer orientation information 1984 September 18
3/51 Board of Directors-budget explanation to BoD 1984 September 27
3/52 Board of Director’s-annual meeting 1986
3/53 Board of Director’s-annual meeting 1987
4/1 Board of Director’s-annual meeting 1988 September 22
4/2 Board of Director’s-meeting 1988 November 3
4/3 Board of Director’s-meeting 1988 November 8
4/4 Board of Director’s-meeting 1988 November 30
4/5 Board of Director’s-meeting 1988 December 13
4/6 Board of Director’s-artistic Statement 1984-1988
4/7 Advocacy Committee 1986-1987
4/8 Executive Committee 1987-1988
4/9 Facilities Committee 1986 1988
4/10 Finance Committee 1985-1988
4/11 Fund Raising Committee 1986
4/12 Nominating Committee 1986-1988
4/13 Print Marketing Committee 1988
4/14 Board of Director’s-correspondence FY 85 1984 May-1985 April
4/15 Board of Director’s-correspondence FY 86 1985 July-1986 May
4/16 Board of Director’s FY 87 1986 August-1987 May
4/17 Board of Director’s FY 88 1987 July-1988 February
4/18 Board of Director’s lists 1988 October
4/19 Board of Director’s meeting minutes FY 81 1981
4/20 Board of Director’s meeting minutes FY 85 1985
4/21 Board of Director’s FY 86 1986
4/22 Board of Director’s FY 87 1987
4/23 Board of Director’s FY 88 1988
4/24 Board of Director’s meeting notices 1988 December 1
4/25 Board of Director’s news articles 1987
4/26 Board of Director’s Producers Circle 1988
4/27 Board of Director’s resolutions 1985 July-December 1988
4/28 Box office 1985 December-1988 November
4/29 Brannigan Lorelli Theatre consultants 1984 April
4/30 Budgets FY 80 1979-1980
4/31 Budgets FY 81 1981 October-November
4/32 Budgets FY 82 1980 October-1982 September
4/33 Budgets FY 83 1981 November-1983 May
4/34 Budgets FY 84 1982 August-1984 September
4/35 Budgets FY 85 1984 June-1985 October
4/36-37 Budgets FY 86 1984 September-1986 July
5/1 Budgets FY 87 1985 September-1987 December
5/2 Budgets FY 88 1987 July-1988 March
5/3-4 Budgets FY 89 1988 January-1988 December
5/5 Budget-other theatres 1984
5/6 Budget-Soldotna 1984 September 12
5/7 Capital purchases 1985
5/8 Chitina Music Festival 1983
5/9 Chugiak High School 1984
5/10 Community services 1978-1983
5/11 Company management 1983-1989
5/12 Computers 1984 September 20
5/13 Computer-system 34 1985-1986
5/14 Department Commerce and Economic Development 1985-1988
5/15 Design show-Anchorage museum 1987
5/16 Development 1981-1988
5/17-18 Development FY 88 1987-1988
5/19 Development FY 89 1988
5/20 Drama Quest 1988
5/21 Driver education sheet 1984 September 6
5/22 Education services-statewide 1982-1985
5/23 Equipment-inventory 1982 1980-1983
5/24 Equipment-lighting 1982-1984
5/25 Equipment-lighting inventory 1978-1984
5/26 Equipment-loans 1984-1988
5/27 Equipment-multi cable 1984
5/28 Equipment-rental 1988
5/29 Equipment-soft goods 1983
5/30 Equipment-sound inventory undated
5/31 Equipment-used billings invoices 1982-1983
5/32 Exxon 1987-1988
5/33 Fairbanks 1979-1984 June
5/34 Fairbanks 1984 November-1986
5/35 Fairbanks 1987-1988
5/36 FEDAPT 1979-1985
5/37 FEDAPT correspondence 72-79, vol. 1 1972-1979
5/38 Finance Committee 1985-1986
6/1 Fourth Avenue Theatre 1985 March-1985 October
6/2 Fourth Avenue Theatre 1985 November-1988 May
6/3 Fourth Avenue Theatre-renovation 1986
6/4 Fourth Avenue Theatre-use agreement 1985-1988
6/5 Funding-municipal 1984
6/6 General correspondence A 1984-1988
6/7 General correspondence B 1979-1988
6/8 General correspondence C 1983-1988
6/9 General correspondence D 1985-1988
6/10 General correspondence E 1984-1988
6/11 General correspondence F 1982-1988
6/12 General correspondence G 1984-1988
6/13 General correspondence H 1984-1988
6/14 General correspondence I 1978-1987
6/15 General correspondence J 1985-1988
6/16 General correspondence K 1984-1988
6/17 General correspondence L 1980-1988
6/18 General correspondence M 1979-1988
6/19 General correspondence N 1984-1988
6/20 General correspondence O 1985-1988
6/21 General correspondence P 1983-1988
6/22 General correspondence Q 1984-1988
6/23 General correspondence R 1981-1988
6/24 General correspondence S 1980-1988
6/25 General correspondence T 1982-1988
6/26 General correspondence U 1984-1988
6/27 General correspondence V 1986-1988
6/28 General correspondence W 1980-1988
6/29 General correspondence X 1985-1988
6/30 General correspondence Y 1985-1988
6/31 General correspondence Z 1987-1988
6/32 Grand Central Station 1984-1984
6/33 Grant Hall 1978-1984
6/34 Gross, Townsend, Frank, Inc., advertising 1981-1982
6/35 Hemmingway-Peppard 1988
6/36 History 1977-1983
6/37 Iatse 1983-1985
6/38 Industrial indemnity 1986-1987
6/39 In kind donations 1980-1985
6/40 Infrared listing system 1985
6/41 Intern application undated
6/42 Intern apprentice application undated
6/43 Intern apprentice inquiries 1987-1988
6/44 Intern information-general 1987
6/45 Intern program 1981-1986
6/46 Intern replies to institutions 1987
6/47 Interpreted performances 1984-1985
6/48 IRS information 1978-1986
6/49 Janitorial service 1984-1988
6/50 Jobber-rates & information 1985
6/51 Job descriptions 1983-1988
6/52 Juneau 86 1986
6/53 Laventhol & Horwath 1984-1988
6/54 League of Professional Theatre Training program 1980-1988
6/55 League of Resident Theatres (LORT) file # 1 AEA documents & memos 1985-1986
6/56 League of Resident Theatres (LORT) file # 2 AEA correspondence 1986-1987
6/57 LORT file #3 SSDC documents & memos 1986
6/58 LORT file #4 SSDC correspondence 1987
6/59 LORT file #5 USA documents & memos 1987
6/60 LORT file #6 USA correspondence 1987
6/61 LORT 1978-1983
6/62 LORT 1984
7/1 LORT 1985
7/2 LORT 1986
7/3 LORT 1987
7/4 LORT 1988
7/5 LORT SSDC Negotiating Committee 1987-1988
7/6 Lobbyist 1983-1988
7/7 Lynden Transport 1982-1983
7/8 Mailing lists undated
7/9 Markair 1984-1988
7/10 Marketing 1982-1988
7/11 Marketing-GTF original art (press kit) undated
7/12 Marketing-master calendar 1988-1989
7/13 Marketing materials 1981-1987
7/14 Marketing materials 1987-1989
7/15 Marketing materials-programs 1981-1984
7/16 Marketing materials-programs (8th season) 1983-1984
7/17 Marketing-telemarketing 1988
7/18 Master calendar 1986-1988
7/19 Meeting minutes-production-A 1979-1983
7/20 Meeting minutes-production-B 1984-1988
7/21 Municipality of Anchorage 1981-1988
8/1 NEA 1984-1988
8/2 Office lease 1978-1988
8/3 Organization tables-etc. 1980-1988
8/4 PAC 1980-1981
8/5 PAC 1982
8/6 PAC 1983-1987
8/7 PAC 1988
8/8 PAC Advisory Committee 1986-1988
8/9 PAC Advisory Committee – minutes. 1981-1987
8/10 PAC backup contract 1988
8/11 PAC Committee response letters 1983-1984
8/12 PAC correspondence 1981-1989
8/13 PAC meeting reports 1981-1984
8/14 PAC request for proposals 1984
8/15 PAC user agreement 1988
8/16 PAC permits-Municipality of Anchorage 1980
8/17 Playmaking 1980-1984
8/18 Play reading 1982-1984
8/19 Policy 1988
8/20 Policy manual-amendments 1986-1988
8/21 Policy manual 1988-1989
8/22 Policy manual master 1987-1989
8/23 Post mortem 1980-1986
9/1 Program information 1986-1988
9/2 Project 80’s 1980-1982
9/3 Rep raffle 1985-1986
9/4 Rehearsal space 1985-1988
9/5 Rental agreement-shop lease 1977-1988
9/6 Rental agreement-Ben Lomand, Inc. undated
9/7 Samuel French, Inc. 1976-1988
9/8 Sealand 1982-1988
9/9 Shop heating & venting 1985-1986
9/10 Shop-policy use agreement 1979-1982
9/11 Shop renovation 1980-1988
9/12 Shoptalk 1987-1988
9/13 Shubert Foundation 1986-1988
9/14 Sohio 1984-1985
9/15 SSDC-Society of Stage Directors & Choreographers 1978-1988
9/16 Student matinees 1980-1988
9/17 Summer Training Institute 1987
9/18 Sydney Laurence Auditorium (SLA) 1982 January
9/19 SLA 1982-1985
9/20 SLA renovations 1978-1984
9/21 SLA schedules & charges 1908-1985
9/22 SLA Tenant Group 1983-1984
9/23 SLA-use agreements 1981-1988
9/24 Theatre Communications Group 1979-1989
9/25 Theatre design 1981
9/26 Theatre specifications 1983-1984
9/27 Touring 1981-1988
9/28 Tours OPS Pacific 1980
9/29 True Concessions 1983-1987
9/30 UA Fairbanks 1982-1986
9/31 UAA Theatre program 1982-1984
9/32 US AA 1985-1987
9/33 Use agreement-Municipality of Anchorage 1979
9/34 Use agreement-UA 1981
10/1 US ITT 1980-1986
10/2 Vehicles-maintenance 1985
10/3 Vehicles-insurance 1979-1987
10/4 Vehicles-parcel van 1980-1981
10/5 Vehicles-registration 1986-1989
10/6 Vehicles-station wagon 1983-1984
10/7 Vehicles-van schedule 1984
10/8 Vehicles-van maintenance 1981-1986
10/9 Vehicles-spec file 1981-1985
10/10 W. Share Print-4th Avenue 1988
10/11 Westours 1982-1988
10/12 Wien 1983-1984
10/13 Wilderness Express 1987-1988

Series 7: Development and foundation records; 1969-1989. 7.4 cubic feet.
This series consists of records relating to funding of and fundraising by the Alaska Repertory Theatre. The records are divided into six subseries: general files, corporate files, Foundation files, government agency files, donor cards, and general and specific events/mailings. Types of records include correspondence, notes, inter-office memos, grant applications, federal grant regulations, annual reports of various foundations, funding applications, grant reports, proposals, and other similar types of records.

Series 7: Development and foundation records. Subseries 7a: General files; 1978-1988. 1.3 cubic feet.
This series consists of records concerning ART fundraising events and activities. Arranged alphabetically by file name or subject.

Box/Folder Description Dates
10/14 Anchorage Corporate Gift Committee 1981 1980-1981
10/15 Anchorage Sewing Association fashion show 1983 1982-1984
10/16 Anchorage Sewing Association fashion show 1984 1984-1985
10/17 Antique show 1986
10/18 Art auction 1984
10/19 Bank solicitation 1981 1981
10/20 Box office computer system 1986
10/21 Chamber honors the arts undated
10/22 Celebrity fundraiser 1984
10/23 Chocolate fundraiser 1984
10/24 Computer-aided ticketing system 1985
10/25 Cultural enrichment statistics 1983-1988
10/26 Cultural events 1985-1986
10/27 Fairbanks 1979-1981
10/28 Fairbanks 1981-1985
10/29 Fairbanks contributions FY 81 1980-1981
10/30 Fairbanks corporate luncheon May 14, 1981 1981
10/31 Fairbanks donors 1981-1985
10/32 Fund Raising Committee FY 81 1980-1981
10/33 Fundraising 1982-Toffrey II 1981-1982
10/34 Kimura poster 1983-1984
10/35 Lawless, Sarah-NEA site visit 1986 November
10/36 Miscellaneous arts management computer systems undated
10/37 Miscellaneous fundraising computer systems undated
10/38 Miscellaneous office information 1983-1984
10/39 Monte Carlo Night 1987
10/40 Monte Carlo Night-A bid reg 501-550 1987
10/41 Monte Carlo Night-B bid reg 551-599 1987
10/42 Monte Carlo Night-C bid reg 601-650 1987
10/43 Monte Carlo Night-D bid reg 651-719 1987
10/44 Monte Carlo Night-letters 1987
10/45 Nordstrom event-Class Act 1984
10/46 Nordstrom fashion show 1981
10/47 Northwest Orient flight magazine 1984 April
10/48 Playmaking 1982-1984
10/49 Regina’s fundraiser 1984
10/50 Refusals 1987
10/51 Rep Raffle 83 1982-1984
10/52 Rep Raffle 83-brochure 1983
10/53 Rep Raffle 83-contracts 1983
10/54 Rep Raffle 83-drawings 1983-1985
10/55 Rep Raffle 83-forms 1983-1984
10/56 Rep Raffle 83-lobby sales 1983
10/57 Rep Raffle 83-marketing 1983
10/58 Rep Raffle 83-post mortem 1983
11/1 Rep Raffle 83-prizes 1983-1984
11/2 Rep Raffle 83-Questionnaires 1983
11/3 Rep Raffle 83-rally 1983
11/4 Rep Raffle 83-runner 1983
11/5 Rep Raffle 83-volunteers 1983-1984
11/6 Rep Raffle II 1983-1985
11/7 Rep Raffle II-brochure 1984
11/8 Rep Raffle II-drawing 1984
11/9 Rep Raffle II-forms-state report 1984
11/10 Rep Raffle II-holdovers 1983-1985
11/11 Rep Raffle II-letters 1984
11/12 Rep Raffle II-lobby sales 1984
11/13 Rep Raffle II-marketing 1984
11/14 Rep Raffle II-post mortem 1984 November
11/15 Rep Raffle II-promotions 1984
11/16 Rep Raffle II-runner 1984
11/17 Rep Raffle II-tickets 1984
11/18 Rep Raffle III-86 1985-1987
11/19 Rep Raffle III-brochure and tickets 1986
11/20 Rep Raffle III-license and permits 1985-1986
11/21 Raffle Advisory Committee 1986
11/22 Other organization’s raffles 1980-1983
11/23 Roz Ryan benefit show September 23, 1984 1984-1985
11/24 Shoe String Fling 1982
11/25 Shoe String Fling II 1983
11/26 Seattle correspondence 1988
11/27 Silent auction 1987
11/28 Sommerville, Scott 1986
11/29 State Department of Tourism 1978-1979
11/30 State Government “Key Person System” 1981
11/31 Statewide education projects 1980
11/32 Statewide municipalities 1979-1983
11/33 Statistics-Alaska miscellaneous 1979-1980
11/34 Synergy benefit 1982
11/35 SADOC-subscription development 1982
11/36 Theatre Crafts-article about art 1983 April
11/37 Ticket freebies 1987
11/38 Train Murder 1985-1986
11/39 Walk for Hope 1985
11/40 Wine tasting-fundraiser 1986
11/41 Wine tasting-fundraiser 1987

Series 7: Development and foundation records. Subseries 7b: Corporate files; 1977-1988. 2.1 cubic feet.
This series consists of records concerning ART fundraising efforts among corporations and business in Anchorage and throughout Alaska. Arranged alphabetically by file name or subject.

Box/Folder Description Dates
11/42 ACB Interiors 1986
11/43 Alascom FY 80 1978-1980
11/44 Alascom FY 81 1980-1981
11/45 Alascom FY 82 1981-1982
11/46 Alascom FY 83 1982-1983
11/47 Alascom FY 84 1983-1984
11/48 Alascom FY 85 1984-1985
11/49 Alascom FY 86 1985-1986
11/50 Alascom FY 87 1986-1987
11/51 Alascom FY 88 1987-1988
11/52 Alascom FY 89 1988
11/53 Alaska Airlines 1988
11/54 Alaska Club 1987
11/55 Alaska Direct Mail Services 1986-1988
11/56 Alaska Distributors Co. 1986-1988
11/57 Alaska Executive Search Inc. 1983-1985
11/58 Alaska Hydro Train 1987
11/59 Alaska Mill and Feed 1982-1987
11/60 Alaska Mutual Bank 1986
11/61 Alaska National Financial Corp. 1986
11/62 Alaska Alaska National Insurance Co 1988
11/63 Alaska Pacific Bank 1979-1986
11/64 Alaska State Bank 1987
11/65 ALPAC Corp/Pepsi Cola 1982-1988
11/66 Alyeska Pipeline Co. 1978-1988
11/67 Amoco Production Co. 1979-1988
11/68 Anchorage Antique Assoc. 1986
11/69 Anchorage Cold Storage 1987-1988
11/70 Anchorage Daily News 1986-1988
11/71 Anchorage Fifth Avenue 1987
11/72 Anchorage Printing 1988
11/73 Anchorage Sewing Assoc. 1984-1985
12/1 ARCO FY 78-80 1978-1980
12/2 ARCO FY 81 1980-1981
12/3 ARCO FY 82 1981-1982
12/4 ARCO FY 83 1982-1983
12/5 ARCO FY 84 1983-1984
12/6 ARCO FY 85 1984-1985
12/7 ARCO FY 86 1985-1986
12/8 ARCO FY 87 1986-1987
12/9 ARCO FY 88 1987-1988
12/10 ARCO FY 89 1988
12/11 Artic Mining Systems 1984
12/12 Artic Music Inc. 1987
12/13 Chris Arend Photography 1987
12/14 Arensberg Sons, Inc. 1988
12/15 ARTA 1987-1988
12/16 Arthur Andersen and Co. 1988
12/17 ATCO Structures, Inc. 1982-1986
12/18 Avis-Alaska Rent-A-Car 1988
12/19 B. Dalton Book Sellers 1980-1984
12/20 Bell Plumbing and Heating 1981-1986
12/21 Birch, Horton, Bittner, Cherot and Anderson 1988
12/22 Bogle and Gates, Law Offices 1987-1988
12/23 British Airways 1984
12/24 British Petroleum 1988
12/25 Burger King 1982-1986
12/26 Burr, Pease and Kurtz 1987-1988
12/27 Camarot, Sandberg and Hunter 1983-1987
12/28 Carr’s 1977-1988
12/29 Chevron FY 78-82 1977-1982
12/30 Chevron FY 83-85 1983-1985
12/31 Chevron FY 86-89 1985-1988
12/32 Chilkoot Charlies 1988
12/33 Cook Inlet Regional, Inc. 1982-1988
12/34 Clarion 1988
12/35 Coopers and Lybrand 1987-1988
12/36 Credit Bureau of Alaska 1981-1986
12/37 Delta Airlines 1988
12/38 Design Craft, Ltd. 1981-1987
12/39 Duty Free Shoppers Ltd. 1978-1988
12/40 Dynamic Reality 1978-1984
12/41 Equitable FY 78-84 1979-1984
12/42 Equitable FY 85-86 1984-1985
12/43 EXXON FY 78-81 1978-1981
12/44 EXXON FY 82 1981-1982
12/45 EXXON FY 83 1982-1983
12/46 EXXON FY 84-85 1983-1985
12/47 EXXON FY 86-87 1985-1987
12/48 EXXON FY 88 1987-1988
12/49 EXXON FY 89 1988
12/50 First National Bank 1987
12/51 Foley & Foley 1988
12/52 G.C.I. 1986-1987
12/53 Global Travel 1987-1988
12/54 Gouchi 1986
12/55 Guess & Rudd 1987-1988
12/56 HMS, Inc. 1982-1987
12/57 Hacor, Inc. 1987
12/58 Hawaiian Airlines 1987
12/59 Hilton 1988
12/60 Hoffman Management Co. 1988
12/61 Hughes, Thorsness, Gantz, Powell & Brandon 1980-1988
12/62 Humana Hospital 1983-1986
12/63 IBM 1980-1988
12/64 Jack White Co. 1988
12/65 Japan Airlines 1986
12/66 J.C. Penney 1988
12/67 Johnson-Lieber Inc. 1983-1987
12/68 Ken Wray’s Printing, Inc. 1982-1986
12/69 Ketchum Air Service 1981-1986
12/70 Key Bank 1987-1988
12/71 Key Corporation 1987
12/72 KFQD 1985-1987
12/73 KGOT 1986-1988
12/74 Kelly, Luce & Grebe 1982-1987
12/75 KYAK 1986
12/76 La Nikkatsu 1988
12/77 Laventhol & Horwath 1982-1988
12/78 Lawyers Title Insurance 1984-1986
12/79 Longs Drug 1987
12/80 MacInnes Hoffman/Vitro 1982-1987
12/81 Marriott/Nana 1988
12/82 Markair 1981-1988
12/83 Marx Bros. Cafe 1981-1984
12/84 Matanuska Maid 1980
12/85 McDonalds 1978-1983
12/86 Mosley Enterprises 1987
13/1 Multivisions-Visions Sonic Cable 1979-1988
13/2 Murray, Bradley & Rockey 1979-1982
13/3 Mystrom Advertising 1982-1984
13/4 National Bank of Alaska 1981-1988
13/5 N.C. Machinery Co. 1979-1987
13/6 Newton Investments 1985
13/7 Nordstrom 1978-1988
13/8 New York Life Insurance Co. 1987
13/9 Oaken Keg Spirit Shops 1987-1988
13/10 The Odom Corp. 1988
13/11 Office Place 1986
13/12 Pacific Fabrics 1988
13/13 Perkins Coie 1987-1988
13/14 Peterson & Co. 1987-1988
13/15 Porcaro Blankenship 1986-1987
13/16 Port of Tacoma 1987
13/17 Preservative Paint Co. 1988
13/18 Printmore Corp. 1981-1982
13/19 Rainer Bank 1979-1988
13/20 Roberts & Shefelman 1987-1988
13/21 Safeway Stores, Inc. 1980-1988
13/22 Sheraton 1988
13/23 SOHIO FY 78-80 1977-1980
13/24 SOHIO FY 81 1980-1981
13/25 SOHIO FY 82 1981-1982
13/26 SOHIO FY 83 1982-1983
13/27 SOHIO FY 85 1983-1985
13/28 SOHIO FY 86-87 1985-1986
13/29 Spenard Builders 1977-1986
13/30 Standard Oil FY 83-85 1982-1985
13/31 Standard Oil FY 86-88 1985-1988
13/32 Standard Oil FY 89 1988
13/33 State Vending Co. 1981-1987
13/34 Stephan Fine Arts Gallery 1983-1984
13/35 The Tea Leaf 1986-1987
13/36 Tesoro 1982-1988
13/37 Totem Auto Body 1986
13/38 Touche Ross and Co. 1987-1988
13/39 Tour Alaska 1987
13/40 True Concessions 1987
13/41 Tundra Tours 1980-1984
13/42 Unisource 1987-1988
13/43 United Airlines 1984
13/44 United Bancorporation 1987
13/45 United Bank of Alaska 1980-1986
13/46 Unocal Corporation 1988
13/47 Uptown Blossoms 1988
13/48 Uptown Condos 1988
13/49 Western Airlines 1978-1983
13/50 Western Insulfoam Inc. 1986
13/51 Westmark Hotels 1988
13/52 Westours 1979-1988
13/53 Xerox Corp. 1988

Series 7: Development and foundation records. Subseries 7c: Foundation files; 1975-1988. 0.9 cubic feet.
This series consists of records relating to ART funding by various private and public foundations. Arranged alphabetically by file name or subject.

Box/Folder Description Dates
13/54 The Aldolph’s Foundation 1979
13/55 AETNA Life & Casualty Foundation Inc. 1985
13/56 Alma Brooks Walker Foundation 1979-1980
13/57 American Express Foundations undated
13/58 AMOCO 1987
13/59 Arts Leadership List 1979-1981
13/60 AT&T Foundation 1987
13/61 The Atwood Foundation 1977-1984
13/62 Bloedel Foundation 1987
13/63 CBS Foundation 1979-1987
13/64 William H. Donner Foundation undated
13/65 Education Foundation of America 1987
13/66 Firestone Foundation undated
13/67 The Ford Foundation 1979-1981
13/68 Forrest Foundation 1987
13/69 Fred Meyer Trust 1986
13/70 Fund for New American Plays 1988
13/71 John Golden Fund 1987
13/72 Grotto Foundation 1984-1987
13/73 William R. Hearst Foundation 1979-1988
13/74 William & Flora Hewlett Foundation 1977-1979
13/75 International Paper Co. Foundation 1979-1987
13/76 JDR III Fund 1979
13/77 W.M. Keck Foundation 1987
13/78 Peter Kiewit Foundation 1987
13/79 Kreielsheimer Foundation 1987
13/80 Kresge Foundation 1979-1987
14/1 Lilly Endowment Inc. 1980
14/2 Andrew W. Mellon Foundation 1979-1987
14/3 Mobile Oil Foundation 1980-1986
14/4 M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust 1979-1987
14/5 Rasmuson/Loussac Foundation 1975-1984
14/6 Rasmuson/Loussac Foundation 1984-1988
14/7 Fredrick W. Richmond Foundation 1987
14/8 Rockefeller Foundation 1981-1988
14/9 Sears Roebuck Foundation 1979
14/10 Sells (Carol Buck) Foundation 1987-1988
14/11 Shubert Foundation FY 79 & 80 1979-1980
14/12 Shubert Foundation FY 81 1980-1981
14/13 Shubert Foundation FY 82 1981-1982
14/14 Shubert Foundation FY 83 1982-1983
14/15 Shubert Foundation FY 84 1983-1984
14/16 Shubert Foundation FY 85 1984-1985
14/17 Shubert Foundation FY 86 1985-1986
14/18 Shubert Foundation FY 87 1986-1987
14/19 Shubert Foundation FY 88 1987-1988
14/20 Skaggs Foundation 1979-1987
14/21 Skinner Foundation FY 79-83 1978-1983
14/22 Skinner Foundation FY 84-85 1984-1985
14/23 Skinner Foundation FY 87 1986-1987
14/24 Skinner Foundation FY 88 1987-1988
14/25 Theatre Communications Group Inc. 1987
14/26 Times Mirror Foundation 1979
14/27 Zale Foundation 1979-1983

Series 7: Development and foundation records. Subseries 7d: Government agency files; 1976-1989. 1.8 cubic feet.
This series consists of records relating to ART funding by municipal, state and federal agencies. Arranged alphabetically by file name or subject.

Box/Folder Description Dates
14/28 Alaska Humanities Forum 1987
14/29 Alaska State Council on the Arts FY 84 1984-1985
14/30 Alaska State Council on the Arts FY 85 1984-1985
14/31 Alaska State Council on the Arts FY 86 1985-1986
14/32 Alaska State Council on the Arts FY 86 1985-1986
14/33 Alaska State Council on the Arts FY 87 1985-1986
14/34 Alaska State Council on the Arts FY 87 1986-1987
14/35 Alaska State Council on the Arts FY 88 1987
15/1 Alaska State Council on the Arts FY 88 1988
15/2 Alaska State Council on the Arts FY 89 1988
15/3 Government Agency Foundation Program undated
15/4 Government Agency Funding Proposal 1986-1988
15/5 Handicapped Personnel Grant 1982
15/6 HEW Arts Education Program 1980
15/7 HEW Citizen Education for Cultural Understanding Program 1980
15/8 HEW Education Division Administration Regulations (EDGAR) undated
15/9 HEW Ethnic Heritage Studies Program 1979-1981
15/10 Military 1979-1980
15/11 MOA Contract Applications FY 80-84 1979-1985
15/12 MOA Contract Applications FY 85 1984-1986
15/13 MOA Contract Applications FY 86 1985-1986
15/14 MOA Contract Applications FY 87 1986-1987
15/15 MOA Contract Applications FY 88 1987-1988
15/16 MOA Motivation Matching Fund 1985
15/17 MOA Motivation Matching Fund FY 86 1986
15/18 MOA 1989
15/19 MOA Parks and Recreation 1988
15/20 NEA 1978-1986
15/21 NEA Challenge Grant Program 1976-1978
15/22 NEA Challenge Grant Program 1979-1981
15/23 NEA Challenge Grant Program Report 1978 December-1979 February
15/24 NEA Challenge Grant Program Report 1979 March
15/25 NEA Challenge Grant Program Report 1979 June 30
15/26 NEA Challenge Grant Program Report 1979 December 15
15/27 NEA Challenge Grant Program Report 1980
15/28 NEA Challenge Grant Program FY 83 1982-1983
15/29 NEA Challenge Grant Program FY 84 1983
15/30 NEA Challenge Grant Program Report 1987 June
15/31 NEA Challenge Grant Program FY 88-89 1987
15/32 NEA General Correspondence 1978-1982
15/33 NEA Theatre Grant FY 81 1980-1987
15/34 NEA Theatre Grant FY 82 1981-1987
15/35 NEA Treasury Grant FY 80 1979-1980
15/36 NEA Treasury Grant FY 82 1980-1982
16/1 NEA Treasury Grant FY 83 1982-1983
16/2 NEA FY 85 1982-1985
16/3 NEA FY 86 1984-1986
16/4 NEA FY 87 1985-1987
16/5 NEA FY 88 1986-1988
16/6 NEA FY 89 1987-1989
16/7 NEA papers, forms, etc. 1976-1981
16/8 NEA Special Project 1988
16/9 National Public Radio-Satellite Program Development Foundation 1981-1982
16/10 State of Alaska FY 88 1987
16/11 U.S. Department of Commerce 1983-1984
16/12 U.S. Department of Commerce Challenge Grant 1983
16/13 U.S. Document-FY 86 1985-1986
16/14 U.S. Document-FY 87 1985-1987
16/15 U.S. Document-FY 88 1987
16/16 U.S. Department of Education-Ethnic Heritage Studies Program 82-83 1981 January

Series 7: Development and foundation records. Subseries 7e: Donor cards agency files; 1982-1988. 1.1 cubic feet.
This series consists of cards documenting sponsors who donated to ART. The cards are divided by type of donor (corporate sponsors and individuals) and are arranged alphabetically thereunder.

Box/Section Description
16/17 Corporate sponsors, A-C
16/18 Corporate sponsors, D-K
16/19 Corporate sponsors, L-Q
16/20 Corporate sponsors, R-Z
16/21 Individual sponsors, A-B
16/22 Individual sponsors, C
16/23 Individual sponsors, D
16/24 Individual sponsors, E-F
16/25 Individual sponsors, G
16/26 Individual sponsors, H
17/1 Individual sponsors, I-L
17/2 Individual sponsors, M
17/3 Individual sponsors, Mc-P
17/4 Individual sponsors, Q-R
17/5 Individual sponsors, S
17/6 Individual sponsors, T-V
17/7 Individual sponsors, W-Z

Series 7: Development and foundation records. Subseries 7f: Events and mailings records; 1987-1988. 0.2 cubic feet.
This series consists of records relating to ART fundraiser mailings. Arranged alphabetically by file name or subject.

Box/Folder Description Dates
17/8 Development-alumni mailing 1988
17/9 Development-membership drive 1988
17/10 End of the year business mailings 1988
17/11 Fairbanks single tix mailings 1988 April
17/12 Mailing results 1988
17/13 Marketing-Press releases/PSAs 1987-1988
17/14 Marketing-Press releases/PSAs 1988
17/15 Othello-opening night ARCO reception 1988
17/16 Phonathon 1988
17/17 Volunteer statistics 1988

Series 8: Advertising and promotional files; 1977-1989. 0.9 cubic feet.
This series consists of records relating to advertising and promotion of Alaska Repertory Theatre productions. Included are correspondence, notes, drafts of programs and study guides, advertising flyers, promotional and marketing reports, newspaper advertisements, play reviews, newspapers articles about the ART, and other similar records. Arranged chronologically.

Box/Folder Description Dates
17/18 Season I 1977
17/19 Season II 1978
17/20 Season III 1978-1979
17/21 Diamond Studs 1979
17/22 Season IV 1979-1980
17/23 Season V 1980-1981
17/24 Season VI 1981-1982
18/1-2 Season VII 1982-1983
18/3-4 Season VIII 1983-1984
18/5 Season IX 1984-1985
18/6 Season X 1985-1986
18/7 Season XI 1986-1987
18/8 Season XII 1987-1988
18/9 Season XIII, Othello advertising 1988-1989
18/10 Season XIII, Othello program 1988-1989
18/11 Season XIII, New Alaskan Play advertising 1988-1989
18/12 Season XIII, Steel Magnolias advertising 1988-1989
18/13 Season XIII, Steel Magnolias program 1988-1989
18/14 Season XIII, Betrayal advertising 1988-1989
18/15 Season XIII, Betrayal program 1988-1989
18/16 Season XIII, Mountain High advertising and program 1988-1989
18/17 Season XIII, O’Keefe program 1988-1989
18/18 Season XIII, program 1988-1989
18/19 ART event maps circa 1982

Series 9: Programs; 1977-1989. 0.3 cubic feet.
This series consists of copies of Alaska Repertory Theatre season programs and programs, study guides, and flyers for individual ART productions. Arranged chronologically by performance season.

Box/Folder Description Season
18/20 Premier season, Scapino 1977
18/21 Season program
Alaska Repertory Theatre Fairbanks
Diamond Studs
The Fourposter
A Christmas Carol
18/22 A Christmas Carol
The Fourposter
Slow Dance
Taming of the Shrew
Terra Nova
18/23 Hot ‘L’ Baltimore
Diamond Studs
Loose Ends
Sly Fox
Something’s Afoot
St. Mark’s Gospel
Talley’s Folly
18/24 Alaska Repertory Theatre 1981
A Midsummer Night’s Dream
On Golden Pond
Elephant Man
Will Rogers, U.S.A.
18/25 Christmas Carol
Man Who Came to Dinner
Will Rogers U.S.A.
Sixth Season 1981-82
An Enemy of the People
The Joffrey II Dancers
Tukak Teatret
Hot ‘L’ Baltimore
18/26 Seventh Season
Ain’t Misbehavin
Major Barbara
18/27 All My Sons
Philadelphia Story
Two for the Road
18/28 Billy Bishop Goes to War
Brighton Beach Memoirs
Noises Off
Pump Boys and Dinettes
18/29 El Grande De Coca Cola
Greater Tuna
Twelfth Night
Watch on the Rhine
18/30 The Foreigner
I’m Not Rappaport
The Rainmaker
18/31 Bus Stop
Broadway Bound
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof
Importance of Being Earnest
18/32 Alfred Stieglitz Loves O’Keefe
Steel Magnolias
Love Letters
1988-1989, 1994-1995

Series 10: Profile newsletter; 1978-1984. 0.1 cubic feet.
This series consists of copies of the Alaska Repertory Theatre newsletter. The newsletter contains information concerning ART plans, productions, fundraising activities and events, and other subjects concerning the ART. Arranged chronologically.

Box/Folder Issue Dates
18/33 Vol. 1 1978-1979
18/34 Vol. 2 1979-1980
18/35 Vol. 3 1980
18/36 Vol. 4 1981
18/37 Vol. 5 1982-1983
18/38 Vol. 6 1983-1984

Series 11: Promotional materials and posters; 1979-1988. 0.45 cubic feet.
This series consists of copies of posters and other promotional material advertising Alaska Repertory Theatre productions in Anchorage, Fairbanks and other communities in Alaska; and copies of poster advertising various ART fundraising events and the ART internship program. Included are posters for Diamond Studs the southeastern Alaska tour of Will Rogers U.S.A., Fool (Anchorage and other communities), Wings, Pantagleize, Pump Boys and Dinettes, and other productions; and poster for ART fundraising events including a Tea Dance, and a Grand Tour and Wine Tasting party. Arranged into two groupings: productions and events, thereunder chronologically.

Box/Item Description Dates
19/1 Alaska Repertory Theatre presents Diamond Studs poster 1979 July 4
19/2-3 Alaska Repertory Theatre 1980 season announcement party, KHAR Tea Dance 1979 September
19/4 Alaska Repertory Theatre presents Diamond Studs Statewide Tour poster 1980
19/5 Alaska Repertory Theatre presents 1981 Southeastern tour, Will Rogers U.S.A. poster 1981 March 1
19/6 Alaska Repertory Theatre presents 1981 Fairbanks Season A Midsummer Night’s Dream poster 1981 May 8-17
19/7 Alaska Repertory Theatre presents Tukak’ Teatret poster 1981-1982
19/8 Columbia Artists presents The Joffrey Dancers poster 1981-1982
19/9-20 Alaska Repertory Theatre presents Neil Simon’s Fool poster, statewide events 1982 March-May
19/21 Alaska Repertory Theatre Ain’t Misbehavin poster 1983 March
19/22 Alaska Repertory Theatre presents “Those Fabulous Flicks” fundraising advertisement 1983 November
19/23 Alaska Repertory Theatre presents All My Sons poster undated
19/24 Wings poster 1983 November 17-December 9
19/25 Pantagleize poster 1985 January 27-February 22
19/26 Alaska Repertory Theatre’s Premier Second Stage Performance Billy Bishop Goes to War poster 1986 February 28-March 16
19/27 Pump Boys and Dinettes poster 1986 Summer
19/28 Alaska Repertory Theatre, Season advertisement poster 1986-1987
19/29 The Importance of Being Ernest poster 1987-1988
19/30-31 Broadway Bound Anchorage and Fairbanks advertising poster 1988 February-March
19/32 Alaska Repertory Theatre 1981-1982 Internship Program poster 1981
19/33 Alaska Repertory Theatre Internship Program poster circa 1983
19/34 Alaska Repertory Theatre Intern Program poster circa 1984
19/35 Alaska Repertory Theatre Internships poster circa 1986
19/36 Alaska Rep Drama Quest New Play Contest poster 1988
19/37 Alaska Repertory Theatre 1986 Grand Tour and Tastings poster 1986 May
19/38 Alfred Stieglitz Loves O’Keefe original black and white watercolor undated
19/39 Draft advertising brochure undated

Series 12: Production books; 1976-1989. 8.0 cubic feet.
This series consists of records relating to the production of Alaska Repertory Theatre plays. Included are scripts, set designs, costume sketches, lighting plans and designs, stage layout plans, prop plans and inventories, cue sheets, blocking scripts, rehearsal schedules, rehearsal reports, performance appraisals, inter-company memos, cast lists, cast contact sheets, and other records. Arranged chronologically by performance season.

Box/Folder Description Dates
20/1 Clarence Darrow production book  1976-1977
20/2 Clarence Darrow tour production book  1976-1977
20/3 Clarence Darrow set designs  1976-1977
20/4 Clarence Darrow lights cue sheet  1976-1977
20/5 Clarence Darrow renderings, elevations, plans, light plot  1976-1977
20/6 Private Lives production book and safety copy  1976-1977
20/7 Private Lives rehearsal schedule, costumes plot, floor plan, light plot, program, show reports  1976-1977
20/8 Private Lives stage and set designs  1976-1977
20/9 Scapino! production book  1976-1977
20/10 Scapino! script  1976-1977
20/11 Scapino! light plot, floor plan, set design  1976-1977
20/12 Eccentricities of A Nightingale production book  1977-1978
20/13 Eccentricities of A Nightingale script  1977-1978
20/14 Eccentricities of A Nightingale lights cues, ground plan, prop/scene shift cards  1977-1978
20/15 Eccentricities of A Nightingale set design and notes  1977-1978
20/16 Sherlock Holmes production book  1977-1978
21/1 Sherlock Holmes lights and sound cue sheets, property inventory, plots, light plot  1977-1978
21/2 Sherlock Holmes set and prop designs  1977-1978
21/3 Diamond Studs production book  1977-1978
21/4 Diamond Studs safety prop plots and safety sound cue sheets  1977-1978
21/5 Diamond Studs cue sheets and light plot  1977-1978
21/6 Diamond Studs lights, safety cue sheets  1977-1978
21/7 Diamond Studs music  1977-1978
21/8 A Christmas Carol electrical cues and notes  1977-1978
21/9 A Christmas Carol plans and cue sheets  1977-1978
21/10 Four Poster production book  1977-1978
21/11 Four Poster safety copy  1977-1978.
21/12 Terra Nova production book  1978-1979
21/13 Terra Nova sound cues  1978-1979
21/14 Terra Nova master script  1978-1979
21/15 Terra Nova ground plan, slide, lights and cue sheets and plot  1978-1979
22/1 Taming of the Shrew production book  1978-1979
22/2 Taming of the Shrew sound cue script  1978-1979
22/3 Taming of the Shrew blocking script  1978-1979
22/4 Taming of the Shrew light plot, and cue sheets, ground plan and elevation  1978-1979
22/5 Slow Dance on the Killing Ground production script  1978-1979
22/6 Slow Dance on the Killing Ground blocking script, prop plot, wardrobe, performance reports  1978-1979
22/7 Slow Dance on the Killing Ground ground plan and light cue sheets  1978-1979
22/8 Death Trap production book  1978-1979
22/9 Death Trap sound cues  1978-1979
22/10 Death Trap light plot and cue sheets, dimmer and instrument schedules, ground plan and elevation  1978-1979
22/11 “Scenes from the Classics” PTP scene studies, Mollier-Wilde  1978-1979
22/12 A Christmas Carol production book  1978-1979
22/13-14 Diamond Studs production book 1979 summer
22/15-16 Sly Fox production book  1979-1980
23/1-2 Loose Ends script  1979-1980
23/3-4 Loose Ends production book  1979-1980
23/5 Talley’s Folly production book  1979-1980
23/6 Something’s Afoot production book  1979-1980
23/7 Something’s Afoot script, notes, set design  1979-1980
23/8 Something’s Afoot electrics  1979-1980
23/9 A Christmas Carol production book  1979-1980
23/10 A Christmas Carol cue sheets  1979-1980
23/11 A Christmas Carol Fairbanks production book  1979-1980
23/12 Midsummer Night’s Dream production book  1980-1981
23/13 Elephant Man production book  1980-1981
23/14 Elephant Man blocking script and light cues  1980-1981
23/15 Will Rogers, U.S.A. production book  1980-1981
23/16 On Golden Pond production book  1980-1981
24/1-2 An Enemy of the People production book  1980-1981
24/3-4 Fool production book  1981-1982
24/5-6 Hot ‘L’ Baltimore production book  1981-1982
24/7-8 Man Who Came to Dinner production book  1981-1982
24/9 Man Who Came to Dinner costume sketches  1981-1982
24/10 Major Barbara production book  1982-1983
24/11 Major Barbara sign in  1982-1983
24/12 Ain’t Misbehavin production book  1982-1983
24/13 Ain’t Misbehavin performance reports, lighting cues and design  1982-1983
24/14 Ain’t Misbehavin sound engineer  1982-1983
24/15-16 Tartuffe production book  1983-1984
24/17-18 Philadelphia Story production book  1983-1984
24/19-20 Wings production book  1983-1984
25/1 Translations production book  1984-1985
25/2-3 Brighton Beach Memoirs production book  1984-1985
25/4-5 Billy Bishop Goes to War production book  1984-1985
25/6 Noises Off production book  1984-1985
25/7 Noises Off script  1984-1985
25/8 Noises Off prompt script  1984-1985
25/9-10 Pantagleize production book  1984-1985
25/111-12 Pump Boys and Dinettes production book  1985-1986
25/13 Pump Boys and Dinettes production book 1985 summer
25/14-17 Tintypes production book 1985-1986
26/1-2 Watch on the Rhine production book 1985-1986
26/3-4 Greater Tuna production book 1985-1986
26/5-8 Twelfth Night production book 1985-1986
26/9 El Grande De Coca Cola production book 1986 summer
26/10 El Grande De Coca Cola script and notes 1986 summer
26/11 El Grande De Coca Cola script version 1986 summer
26/12 El Grande De Coca Cola piano and drum score 1986 summer
26/13-15 El Grande De Coca Cola production book 1986 summer
27/1-3 The Rainmaker production book 1986-1987
27/4-5 I’m Not Rappaport production book 1986-1987
27/6-7 Sleuth production book 1986-1987
27/8-9 Foreigner production book 1986-1987
27/10 Cat on a Hot Tin Roof script 1987-1988
27/11 Cat on a Hot Tin Roof production book 1987-1988
27/12 Broadway Bound script 1987-1988
27/13 Broadway Bound production book  1987-1988
27/14 The Importance of Being Earnest production script  1987-1988
27/15-16 Alfred Stieglitz Loves O’Keefe production book  1988-1989
27/17 Othello prompt script  1988-1989

Series 13: Artistic Director’s files; undated, 1981-1988. 1.0 cubic feet.
This series consists of records relating to the activities of the artistic director of the Alaska Repertory Theatre. The series is divided into three subseries: scripts, programs, and working files; programs and reviews; and scripts. Types of records include correspondence, rehearsal notes, production budgets, production meeting notes, programs and study guides, cast contact sheets, royalty payment receipts, and other similar records.

Series 13: Artistic Director’s files. Subseries 13a: Scripts, programs, and working files; 1984-1988. 0.7 cubic feet.
This series consists of records concerning planning and performances of ART productions. Arranged mostly alphabetically by title of production.

Box/Folder Description Dates
28/1 Betrayal working file and script 1988 June
28/2 Broadway Bound working file 1987-1988
28/3 Broadway Bound Fairbanks file 1988
28/4 Broadway Bound program 1988
28/5 Broadway Bound study guide 1988 February
28/6 Bus Stop working file 1987 September-November
28/7 Bus Stop play books, postcards, program, and study guide undated, 1988 January
28/8 Cat on a Hot Tin Roof working file 1988 September-November
28/9 Cat on a Hot Tin Roof program and study guide 1987 November
28/10 Driving Miss Daisy correspondence 1988
28/11 Importance of Being Earnest working file 1987 September-December
28/12 Importance of Being Earnest postcards, program undated, 1987 December
28/13 Mountain High working file 1988 July, September-October
28/14 Alfred Stieglitz Loves O’Keefe working file 1988 October-November
28/15 Alfred Stieglitz Loves O’Keefe budget file 1988 October-December
28/16 Alfred Stieglitz Loves O’Keefe study guide 1988 October-November
28/17 Alfred Stieglitz Loves O’Keefe programs 1988 October-November
28/18 Cassette tapes, Stieglitz, 1) act I, 2) act II, 3) Johanna Eurich, 4) Johanna Eurich undated
28/19 Othello working file 1988 August-September
28/20 Othello program undated, 1988 September
28/21 Pantagleize script undated
28/22 A Semblance of Virtue scripts undated
28/23 Steel Magnolias script and working file 1988 November-December
28/24 Steel Magnolias budget file 1988 December
28/25 Steel Magnolias program 1988 December
28/26 Translations working file 1984 October
28/27 Tukak’ Teatret playbook undated

Series 13: Artistic Director’s files. Subseries 13b: Programs and reviews; 1984-1988. 0.3 cubic feet.

Box/Folder Description Dates
28/28 Company contact sheets 1984-1986
28/29 Reviews 1985-1987
28/30 Programs 1985-1986
28/31 Brochures 1986-1988
28/32 Alaska Repertory Theatre: Historical view for Paul Brown roast. 1-inch video tape, color, running time 7:59 undated

Series 14: Student matinee records; 1977-1989. 0.5 cubic feet.
This series consists of records relating to Alaska Repertory Theatre student matinees and school outreach activities. Included are correspondence, form letters, school mailing lists, inter-office memos, school in-service program schedules, student matinee contest records, student and teacher study guides, and in school workshop records. Arranged alphabetically by production name.

Box/Folder Description Dates
29/1 Correspondence-student matinees 1984-1985, 1985-1986
29/2 Correspondence-student general 1988
29/3 Correspondence-interoffice memos 1988
29/4 Correspondence-form letters 1988-1989
29/5 Drama Quest-contest announcement 1987 January
29/6 Drama Quest programs circa 1988
29/7 Mailing lists-student matinees 1984-1985
29/8 Mailing lists-schools 1988-1989
29/9 Student matinee schedules 1984-1985
29/10 Schedules, in-service 1987-1988
29/11 Student matinee schedules 1987-1988
29/12 Student matinee schedules 1988-1989
29/13 Student projects-Tintypes matinee contest 1985-1986
29/14 Study guides 1976-1977
29/15 Study guides 1980-1981
29/16 Study guides 1981-1982
29/17 Study guides 1982-1983
29/18 Study guides 1983-1984
29/19 Study guides Pantagleize 1984-1985
29/20 Study guides 1985-1986
29/21 Study guides 1986-1987
29/22 Study guides 1988-1989
29/23 In school workshops undated

Series 15: Photographs; 1977-1989. 23.35 cubic feet.
This series consists of mounted and unmounted photographic prints, as well as contact prints, slides, and negatives. There are also video tapes of promotions for the organization. The series is divided into the following subseries: unmounted show photographs, mounted and oversize show photographs, community program and miscellaneous photographs, contact prints negatives, Tom Keene negatives, slide show promotions. The photographs are primarily black and white and are of various sizes. The photographs primarily depict Alaska Repertory Theatre productions, but also include photographs of ART cast members and production staff, ART fundraising activities, ART interns, sign language interpreted performances, backstage tours, and other events and activities.

Series 15: Photographs. Subseries 15a: Unmounted show photographs; 1977-1989. 3.0 cubic feet.
The number in parentheses indicates the number of photographs in the folder. Photographs are black and white except where indicated and are of various sizes. Many of the unmounted show photographs were originally maintained together in Series 17: Scrapbooks. These photographs are arranged chronologically by performance season.

Box/Folder Production Season
29/24 Private Lives (27) 1977
29/25 Clarence Darrow (11) 1977
29/26 Scapino (58) 1977
29/27 Fantasy Factory (4) 1977-1978
29/28 Diamond Studs (46) 1977-1978
29/29 Eccentricities of A Nightingale (41) 1977-1978
29/30 Four Poster (49) 1977-1978
29/31 Sherlock Holmes 1977-1978
29/32 Taming of the Shrew (81) 1978-1979
29/33 Terra Nova (71) 1978-1979
29/34 Slow Dance on the Killing Ground (83) 1978-1979
29/35 Death Trap (47) 1978-1979
29/36 Diamond Studs statewide tour (61) 1979
30/1 Sly Fox (15) 1979-1980
30/2 Loose Ends (26) 1979-1980
30/3 Something’s Afoot (27) 1979-1980
30/4 Talley’s Folly (40) 1979-1980
30/5 82 A Christmas Carol (105) 1978-1982
30/6 Tour Diamond Studs (40) 1980
30/7 Diamond Studs” miscellaneous (137) 1979-1980
30/8 Elephant Man (18) 1980-1981
30/9 Midsummer Night’s Dream (44) 1980-1981
30/10 On Golden Pond (28) 1980-1981
30/11 Will Rogers U.S.A. (39) 1980-1981
30/12 Fool (84) 1980-1981
30/13 Joffrey II Dancers (29) 1980-1981
30/14 An Enemy of the People (24) 1981-1982
30/15 Man Who Came to Dinner (71) 1981-1982
30/16 Hot ‘L’ Baltimore (14) 1981-1982
30/17 Creative Dramatics (32 color, 7 black and white) 1982-1983
30/18 Cultural Dramatization: “Playmaking” (62) 1982-1983
30/19 Two for the Road (7) 1982-1983
30/20 Tukak Teatret (38) 1982-1983
30/21 Nightingale (46) 1982-1983
30/22 Major Barbara (76) 1982-1983
31/1 Ain’t Misbehavin (67) 1982-1983
31/2 All My Sons (62) 1983-1984
31/3 Play reading 1983-1984
31/4 Wings (68) 1983-1984
31/5 The Philadelphia Story (21) 1983-1984
31/6 Tartuffe (54) 1983-1984
31/7 Noises Off (71) 1984-1985
31/8 Translations (48) 1984-1985
31/9 Brighton Beach Memoirs (29) 1984-1985
31/10 Pantagleize (63) 1984-1985
31/11 Billy Bishop Goes to War (9) 1984-1985
31/12-13 Pump Boys and Dinettes (92) 1985-1986
71/1 Pump Boys and Dinettes 1985-1986
31/14 Pump Boys and Dinettes family photo (4) 1985-1986
31/15 Twelfth Night (44) 1985-1986
31/16 Watch on the Rhine (63) 1985-1986
31/17 Greater Tuna (80) 1985-1986
31/18 Tintypes (59) 1985-1986
31/19 El Grande De Coca Cola (81) 1986-1987
31/20 “Paul Brown Roast” (14) 1986-1987
31/21 The Rainmaker (86) 1986-1987
32/1 I’m Not Rappaport (59) 1986-1987
32/2 Sleuth (52) 1986-1987
32/3 Foreigner (11) 1986-1987
32/4 Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (60) 1987-1988
32/5 The Importance of Being Earnest (60) 1987-1988
32/6 Bus Stop (1) 1987-1988
32/7 Broadway Bound (4) 1987-1988
32/8 Othello (2) 1987-1988

Series 15: Photographs. Subseries 15b: Mounted and oversize show photographs; 1977-1989. 12.1 cubic feet.
The number in parentheses indicates the number of photographs in the folder. Photographs are black and white and are of various sizes. These photographs are arranged chronologically by performance season.

Box/Folder Production Season
33/1 Clarence Darrow (4) 1977
33/2 Private Lives (2) 1977
33/3 Scapino! (3) 1977
33/4 Diamond Studs (12) 1977-1978
33/5 Eccentricities of A Nightingale (5) 1977-1978
33/6 Four Poster (5) 1977-1978
33/7 Sherlock Holmes (3) 1977-1978
34/1 Death Trap (12) 1978-1979
34/2 Slow Dance on the Killing Ground (9) 1978-1979
34/3 Taming of the Shrew (15) 1978-1979
34/4 Terra Nova (11) 1978-1979
35/1 Sly Fox (8) 1979-1980
35/2 A Christmas Carol (12) 1978-1982
35/3 Talley’s Folly (2) 1979-1980
35/4 Something Afoot (4) 1979-1980
35/5 Loose Ends (2) 1979-1980
36/1 Elephant Man (6) 1980-1981
36/2 Midsummer Night’s Dream (18) 1980-1981
36/3 On Golden Pond (11) 1980-1981
37 Will Rogers U.S.A. (7) 1980-1981
38/1-2 Fool (15) 1980-1981
38/3 Joffrey Dancers (1) 1980-1981
39/1 An Enemy of the People (6) 1981-1982
39/2 Man Who Came to Dinner (10) 1981-1982
39/3 Hot ‘L’ Baltimore (7) 1981-1982
39/4 Tukak Teatret (14) 1982-1983
40 Nightingale (12) 1982-1983
41 Major Barbara (10) 1982-1983
42-44 Ain’t Misbehavin (38) 1982-1983
45/1 All My Sons (14) 1983-1984
45/2 Wings (20) 1983-1984
46 The Philadelphia Story (10) 1983-1984
47 Tartuffe (35) 1983-1984
48/1 Noises Off (17) 1984-1985
48/2 Translations (17) 1984-1985
49/1 Brighton Beach Memoirs (6) 1984-1985
49/2 Pantagleize (15) 1984-1985
49/3 Billy Bishop Goes to War (6) 1984-1985
50/1-2 Pump Boys and Dinettes (10) 1985-1986
50/3 Pump Boys and Dinettes-family photo (4) 1985-1986
51 Twelfth Night (7) 1985-1986
52/1 Watch on the Rhine (13) 1985-1986
52/2 Greater Tuna (13) 1985-1986
52/3 Tintypes (11) 1985-1986
52/4 The Rainmaker (15) 1986-1987
53/1 I’m Not Rappaport (4) 1986-1987
53/2 Sleuth (6) 1986-1987
53/3 Foreigner (8) 1986-1987
54/1 Bus Stop (6) 1987-1988
54/2 Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (4) 1987-1988
54/3 The Importance of Being Earnest (6) 1987-1988
55/1 Broadway Bound (8) 1987-1988
55/2 Othello (2) 1988-1989
73/1 Unidentified show undated

 Series 15: Photographs. Subseries 15c: Community program and miscellaneous photographs; undated. 1.35 cubic feet.
The number in parentheses indicates the number of photographs in the folder. Photographs are black and white and primarily 8×10 or 5×7. These photographs are arranged chronologically by performance season.

Box/Folder Description
56/1 In-School Workshops (8)
56/2 Scenes from the Classics-Professional Training Program (PTP) (26)
56/3 Professional Training Program (6)
56/4 CETA Employees (9)
56/5 Creative Dramatics-Fairbanks (6)
56/6 Backstage Tours (21)
56/7 Cultural Enrichment (2)
56/8 Theatre Unlimited Workshop (5)
56/9 Pre-Performance Discussions (3)
56/10 Interns (12)
56/11 Apprentice Program (6)
56/12 Interpreted Performances (28)
56/13 Mark Air (1)
56/14 Performances (4)
56/15 “Profile” (1)
56/16 Brown and Pflug (5)
56/17, 57-58 Photos, various sizes (111)

Series 15: Photographs. Subseries 15d: Contact prints; 1977-1989. 0.8 cubic feet.
This series consists of over 900 sheets of contact prints, primarily from 35mm black and white negatives. The contact prints depict Alaska Repertory Theatre productions, fundraising activities, cast members, community activities, shop work and set construction, and other subjects. Many of the contact prints were originally maintained together in Series 12: Production books. All contact print sheets are black and white except where indicated. Photographers are identified when known. Arranged chronologically.

Box/Folder Production or event Season
59/1 Christmas Carol (31 sheets) 1977-1978
59/2 Four Poster Fairbanks tour (13 sheets). Photographers: Howard Ringby, Sabra McKraken 1977-1978
59/3 Four Poster/Four Poster Tour (4 b&w sheets, 1 color sheet) 1977-1978
59/4 P.T.P. (3 sheets) 1977-1978
59/5 Fantasy Factory (3 sheets) 1977-1978
59/6 Shopwork/Design (4 sheets) 1977-1978
59/7 Tea Dance (4 sheets) 1977-1978
59/8 Curtain Raisers (2 sheets) 1977-1978
59/9 McLain Band (3 sheets) 1977-1978
59/10 Terra Nova (20 sheets) 1978-1979
59/11 Taming of the Shrew (25 sheets) 1978-1979
59/12 Slow Dance on the Killing Ground (13 sheets) 1978-1979
59/13 Deathtrap (25 b&w sheets, 4 color sheets). Photographers: Jim Lavarkas (5 sheets) and Sabra McKraken (5 sheets) 1978-1979
59/14 P.T.P. (5 sheets). Photographer: Jim Lavarkas (2 sheets) 1978-1979
59/15 Christmas Carol, Fairbanks (20 sheets). Photographer: P.M. Ivey (1 sheet) 1979-1980
59/16 Talley’s Folly (18 sheets) 1979-1980
59/17 Something’s Afoot (16 sheets) 1979-1980
59/18 Diamond Studs, Tour (40 b&w sheets, 1 color sheet). Photographer: Mark Kelly (2 sheets) 1979-1980
59/19 Sly Fox (19 sheets) 1979-1980
59/20 Loose Ends (14 sheets). Photographer: Jim Lavarkas (1 sheet) 1979-1980
59/21 Miscellaneous (16 sheets) 1979-1980
59/22 Joffrey II Ballet (22 sheets). Photographers: Rob Stapleton (18 sheets), Danny Daniels (1 sheet) 1980-1981
59/23 Midsummer Night’s Dream (4 sheets). Photographer: Ken Roberts (3 sheets) 1980-1981
59/24 Fool (43 sheets). Photographers: Woodard (4 sheets), Sabra McKarken (1 sheet) 1981-1982
59/25 Hot ‘L’ Baltimore (9 sheets). Photographer: Danny Daniels (1 sheet) 1981-1982
59/26 Man Who Came to Dinner (18 sheets). Photographers: Lavarkas (2 sheets), Clark Mishler (1 sheet), Danny Daniels (4 sheets), Roberts (1 sheet) 1981-1982
59/27 An Enemy of the People (4 sheets). Photographer: Rob Stapleton. 1981-1982
59/28 Ain’t Misbehavin (19 b&w sheets, 2 color sheets). Photographers: Chris Arend (11 sheets), Mike Litt (color sheets) 1982-1983
59/29 Major Barbara (20 sheets). Photographers: Chris Arend (14 sheets), David Predeger (3 sheets), Danny Daniels (2 sheets) 1982-1983
59/30 Tukak Teatret (3 sheets). Photographer: Danny Daniels 1982-1983
59/31 Nightingale (12 sheets). Photographer: Danny Daniels 1982-1983
59/32 Creative Dramatics-Dana Hart and Jane Lind (8 sheets) 1982-1983
59/33 Creative Dramatics-Two for the Road (7 sheets) 1982-1983
59/34 Creative Dramatics-Unidentified (10 sheets). Photographer: Mike Litt (3 sheets) 1982-1983
59/35 “Playmaking”-East High School (2 sheets) 1982-1983
59/36 “Playmaking” and “Creative Dramatics” Cultural Dramatization, Akiak (2 sheets). Photographers: Jim Lavarkas, David Predeger 1982-1983
59/37 All My Sons (6 sheets) 1983-1984
59/38 “Wings” 1983-1984
59/39 The Philadelphia Story (8 sheets). Photographers: David Predeger, Chris Arend (1 sheet) 1983-1984
59/40 Tartuffe (35 sheets). Photographers: Brian Allen (12 sheets), David Predeger (1 sheet) 1983-1984
59/41 Translations (14 sheets). Photographer: Chris Arend (7 sheets) 1984-1985
59/42 Brighton Beach Memoirs (17 sheets). Photographer: Chris Arend 1984-1985
59/43 Noises Off (27 sheets). Photographer: Chris Arend (2 sheets) 1984-1985
59/44 Pantagleize (17sheets). Photographer: Danny Daniels (3 sheets) 1984-1985
59/45 Billy Bishop Goes to War (6 sheets). Photographer: Danny Daniels 1984-1985
59/46 Miscellaneous (6 sheets). Photographers: Al Sanders (2 sheets), Danny Daniels (2 sheets), Bob Shattuck (2 sheets) 1984-1985
59/47 Tintypes (20 sheets). Photographers Chris Arend (12 sheets), David Predeger (3 sheets) 1985-1986
59/48 Pump Boys and Dinettes (20 sheets). Photographers: Chris Arend (9 sheets), David Predeger (3 sheets), Al Sanders (1 sheet) 1985-1986
59/49 Watch on the Rhine (14 sheets). Photographer: Chris Arend (10 sheets) 1985-1986
59/50 Greater Tuna (21 sheets). Photographers: Chris Arend (16 sheets), Al Sanders (2 sheets) 1985-1986
59/51 Twelfth Night (12 sheets). Photographer: Chris Arend (9 sheets) 1985-1986
59/52 El Grande De Coca Cola (16 sheets). Photographer: Ray Ordorica (1 sheet) 1986-1987
59/53 Rainmaker (25 sheets), Danny Daniels (3 sheets) 1986-1987
59/54 I’m Not Rappaport (15 sheets) 1986-1987
59/55 Sleuth (13 sheets) 1986-1987
59/56 Foreigner (13 sheets). Photographer: Chris Arend (3 sheets) 1986-1987
59/57 “Paul Brown Roast” (1/3 sheet) 1986-1987
59/58 Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (16 sheets). Photographers: Chris Arend (10 sheets), David Predeger (1 sheet) 1987-1988
59/59 The Importance of Being Earnest (20 sheets) 1987-1988
59/60 Bus Stop (6 sheets) 1987-1988
59/61 Broadway Bound (13 sheets). Photographer: Chris Arend (12 sheets) 1987-1988
59/62 Othello (6 sheets) 1988-1989
59/63 Alfred Stieglitz Loves O’Keefe (6 sheets). Photographer: Chris Arend 1988-1989
59/64 Steel Magnolias (8 sheets) 1988-1989

Series 15: Photographs. Subseries 15e: Negatives; 1977-1989. 0.7 cubic feet.
This series consists of over 19,500 negatives, primarily 35mm black and white film. The negatives depict Alaska Repertory Theatre productions, fundraising activities, cast members, community activities, shop work and set construction, and other subjects. Many of the negatives were originally maintained together in Series 12: Production books. The number in parentheses is the number of negatives. All negatives are black and white except where indicated.  Arranged chronologically.

Box/Folder Production or event Season
59/65 Sherlock Holmes (95) 1977-1978
59/66 Eccentricities of A Nightingale (112) 1977-1978
59/67 Diamond Studs (239 black and white, 12 color) 1977-1978
59/68 Christmas Carol (962) 1977-1978
59/69 Four Poster Fairbanks tour (252) 1977-1978
59/70 Four Poster/Four Poster tour (129 black and white, 24 color) 1977-1978
59/71  PTP (78) 1977-1978
59/72 Fantasy Factory (24) 1977-1978
59/73 Shopwork/Design (68) 1977-1978
59/74 Tea Dance (30) 1977-1978
59/75 Curtain Raisers (7) 1977-1978
59/76  McLain Band (34) 1977-1978
59/77  Miscellaneous (229) 1977-1978
59/78 Diamond Studs (969) 1978-1979
59/79 Terra Nova (435) 1978-1979
59/80 Taming of the Shrew (582) 1978-1979
59/81 Slow Dance (414) 1978-1979
60/1 Deathtrap (766 black and white, 55 color) 1978-1979
60/2 Christmas Carol (394) 1978-1979
60/3  PTP (22) 1978-1979
60/4  Miscellaneous (880) 1978-1979
60/5 Talley’s Folly (508) 1979-1980
60/6 Something’s Afoot (508) 1979-1980
60/7 Diamond Studs tour (1011) 1979-1980
60/8 Sly Fox (618) 1979-1980
60/9 Loose Ends (441) 1979-1980
60/10  Miscellaneous (563) 1979-1980
60/11 Joffrey II Ballet (124) 1980-1981
60/12 Will Rogers U.S.A. (2) 1980-1981
60/13 On Golden Pond (8) 1980-1981
60/14 Midsummer Night’s Dream (14 color negative, 2 color transparencies) 1980-1981
60/15 Fool (1052) 1981-1982
60/16 Hot ‘L’ Baltimore (35) 1981-1982
60/17 Man Who Came to Dinner (99) 1981-1982
60/18 Ain’t Misbehavin (474 black and white, 74 color) 1982-1983
60/19 Major Barbara (379) 1982-1983
60/20 Tukak Teatret (6) 1982-1983
60/21 Creative Dramatics-Dana Hart and Jane Lind (157) 1982-1983
60/22 Creative Dramatics-Two for the Road (69) 1982-1983
60/23  Creative Dramatics-unidentified (261) 1982-1983
60/24  Creative Dramatics-miscellaneous (14 black and white, 24 color) 1982-1983
60/25  Playmaking and Creative Dramatics Cultural Dramatization “Playmaking” with Dana and Nancy (2) 1982-1983
60/26 All My Sons (194) 1983-1984
60/27 Wings (219) 1983-1984
60/28 Philadelphia Story (6) 1983-1984
60/29 Tartuffe (997) 1983-1984
60/30 Translations (220) 1984-1985
60/31 Brighton Beach Memoirs (190) 1984-1985
60/32 Noises Off (643) 1984-1985
60/33 Pantagleize (413) 1984-1985
60/34  Miscellaneous (116) 1984-1985
60/35 Tintypes (416) 1985-1986
60/36 Pump Boys and Dinettes (104 black and white, 4 color) 1985-1986
60/37 Watch on the Rhine (361) 1985-1986
60/38 Greater Tuna (371) 1985-1986
60/39 Twelfth Night (385) 1985-1986
60/40 El Grande De Coca Cola (424 black and white,7 color) 1986-1987
60/41 Rainmaker (61) 1986-1987
60/42 I’m Not Rappaport (286) 1986-1987
60/43 Sleuth (316) 1986-1987
60/44 Foreigner (269) 1986-1987
60/45 Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (355) 1987-1988
60/46 The Importance of Being Earnest (434) 1987-1988
60/47 Bus Stop (74) 1987-1988
60/48 Othello (193) 1988-1989
60/49 Fantasy Factory-Mountain View (19) undated
60/50 “People”-Miscellaneous (69) undated

Series 15: Photographs. Subseries 15f: Tom Keene negatives; 1977-1979. 0.25 cubic feet.
This series consists of over 3400 negatives of photographs (35mm black and white film) taken by photographer Tom Keene for the ART. The negatives depict Alaska Repertory Theatre productions, fundraising activities, cast members, community activities, shop work and set construction, and other subjects. Many of the negatives were originally maintained together in Series 12: Production books. Production or event provided where known. Arranged chronologically.

Box/Folder Description Dates
60/51 6 rolls 1977 February 14
60/52 8 rolls 1977 March 5
60/53 Private Lives 11 rolls 1977 March 27, 29
60/54 Phillip Pleasants 4 rolls 1977 April 11
60/55 Clarence Darrow 8 rolls 1977 April 15, 29
60/56 Seattle Rep, Anchorage. 2 rolls 1977 May 15
60/57 Seattle Rep, SE. 4 rolls undated
60/58 Luan-Portrait. 3 rolls undated, 1977 September 1
60/59 Megan Cole P/R in Anch. 1 roll 1977 November 8
60/60 Bios. 4 rolls 1977 December 30
60/61 8 rolls 1978 January 5
60/62 Sherlock Holmes. 8 rolls 1978 January 22
60/63 2 rolls 1978 January 31
60/64 Four Poster. 5 rolls 1978 February 13
60/65 5 rolls 1978 February 23
60/66 Diamond Studs. 3 rolls 1978 March 25
60/67 “Bike Race.” 1 roll 1978 July
60/68 “Luan.” 1 roll 1978 July 26
60/69 Fantasy Factory. 2 rolls 1978 September 15
60/70 Christmas Carol” 11 rolls 1978 December 2, 9
60/71 1 roll 1978 December 12
60/72 “Terra Nova.” 7 rolls 1979 January 13
60/73 1 roll undated

Series 15: Photographs. Subseries 15g: Slides; 1978-1989. 3.35 cubic feet.
This series consists of over 14,000 slides, primarily in color. The slides depict Alaska Repertory Theatre productions, fundraising activities, cast members, community activities, shop work and set construction, and other subjects. Many of the slides were originally maintained together in Series 12: Production books. The number in parentheses is the number of slides in the folder. Arranged chronologically.

Box/Folder Production Season or date
60/74 Fantasy Factory (32) 1978
60/75 Diamond Studs (148) 1978
60/76 Eccentricities of A Nightingale (245) 1978
60/77 A Christmas Carol (285) 1978
60/78 Four Poster (84) 1978
60/79 Sherlock Holmes, Scapino slides (15) 1977-1978
60/80 Miscellaneous production slide shows (134) 1978
60/81 Death Trap (3) 1978-1979
60/82 Miscellaneous presentation slide shows (115) 1978
60/83 Terra Nova (168) 1979
60/84 Taming of the Shrew (141) 1979
60/85 Slow Dance on the Killing Ground (85) 1979
61/1 Diamond Studs (191) 1979-1980
61/2 A Christmas Carol (61) 1979-1980
61/3 Talley’s Folly (139) 1980
61/4 Something’s Afoot (156) 1980
61/5 Sly Fox (111) 1980
61/6 Loose Ends (148) 1980
61/7 Diamond Studs 1980 Tour (193) 1980
61/8 Joffrey II Dancers (2) 1980-1981
61/9 Will Rogers U.S.A. (142) 1980-1981
61/10 On Golden Pond (298) 1980-1981
61/11 Elephant Man (163) 1980-1981
71/2 Elephant Man 1980-1981
61/12 Midsummer Night’s Dream (463) 1980-1981
61/13-16 Fool (1101) 1981-1982
61/17 Hot ‘L’ Baltimore (359) 1981-1982
71/3 Hot ‘L’ Baltimore 1981-1982
61/18 Man Who Came to Dinner (359) 1981-1982
61/19 An Enemy of the People (18) 1981-1982
61/20 Ain’t Misbehavin (316) 1982-1983
61/21 Major Barbara (365) 1982-1983
62/1 Tukak Teatret (276) 1982-1983
62/2 Nightingale (73) 1982-1983
62/3 Creative Dramatics (249) 1982-1983
62/4 All My Sons (253) 1983-1984
62/5 Wings (237) 1983-1984
62/6 Philadelphia Story (218) 1983-1984
62/7 Tartuffe (528) 1983-1984
62/8 Translations (307) 1984-1985
62/9 Brighton Beach Memoirs (432) 1984-1985
62/10 Noises Off (288) 1984-1985
62/11 Pantagleize (356) 1984-1985
62/12 Billy Bishop Goes to War (57) 1984-1985
62/13 Miscellaneous (20) 1984-1985
62/14 Tintypes (393) 1985-1986
62/15 Pump Boys & Dinettes (192) 1985-1986
62/16 Watch on the Rhine (337) 1985-1986
63/1 Greater Tuna (348) 1985-1986
63/2 Twelfth Night (279) 1985-1986
63/3 El Grande De Coca Cola (307) 1986-1987
63/4 The Rainmaker (530) 1986-1987
63/5 I’m Not Rappaport (274) 1986-1987
63/6 Sleuth (373) 1986-1987
63/7 The Foreigner (210) 1986-1987
63/8 Paul Brown Roast (50) 1986-1987
63/9 Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (268) 1987-1988
63/10 The Importance of Being Earnest (198) 1987-1988
71/4 The Importance of Being Earnest 1987-1988
63/11 Bus Stop (359) 1987-1988
71/4 Bus Stop 1987-1988
63/12 Broadway Bound (185) 1987-1988
63/13 Othello (116) 1988-1989
63/14 Alfred Stieglitz Loves O’Keefe (67) 1988-1989
63/15 Miscellaneous Stieglitz (176) 1988-1989
71/5 Alfred Stieglitz Loves O’Keefe 1988-1989
63/16 Windows, A.R.T. Logos, Miscellaneous (56) 1988
63/17 Steel Magnolias (93) 1988-1989
71/7 Midsummer Night’s Dream, Man Who Came to Dinner, Tintypes, Noises Off, Billy Bishop Goes to War, Pump Boys and Dinettes, El Grande de Coca Cola, Hot ‘L’ Baltimore, All My Sons, An Enemy of the People, On Golden Pond slides 1980-1987

Series 15: Photographs. Subseries 15h: Slide show promotions; circa 1982-1986. 0.6 cubic feet.
This series consists of slide shows and video tapes of ART presentations and advertisements. The number in parentheses indicates the number of slides in the folder.

Box/Folder Description
64/1 Tray 3, Slide Nos. 1-64, Shows; Slide Nos. 80-140, Construction of Fools. (126)
64/2-4 Videotapes: KTBY (black case), KAKM, PSA Director (white case), Theatre Man (no case)
64/5 Tray 2, Midsummer: Making of M. Dream (126)
64/6 Ain’t Misbehaving, general slide show. (61)
64/7 TR Tour, Tartuffe 1984 (61)
64/8 Tartuffe School Show” (45)
64/9 Slide Tray: GTF Slide Show, Slide Nos. 1-64; 1982-83 Season; Rep Logos, Slide Nos. 65-69; Misc. Slides Nos. 70-80 (72). 8 missing
64/10 Unidentified. (140)
64/11 Presentation to the A.R.T. Board of Directors; 11-22-86. The Production Shops: The “Behind the Scenes Artists” (91)
64/12 Tray 2, Midsummer Shop (58)
64/13 “Life in the Shop” Slide Show (89)

Series 16: Scrapbooks; 1975-1989. 3.0 cubic feet.
This series consists of scrapbooks put together by the Alaska Repertory Theatre to documents the history of the organization. They primarily consist of newspaper articles from various Alaskan and out-of-state newspapers concerning the Alaska Repertory Theatre and its productions, ART fundraising activities, ART advertisements, and other subjects relating to the ART. There are also copies of ART season and individual production programs. Two of the scrapbooks concern ART performance seasons in Fairbanks (1977-1981). Arranged chronologically with the exception of five larger-format scrapbooks, which are wrapped in paper at the end.

Box/Item Description Date
65/1 Third Season 1978-1979
65/2 Fourth Season 1979-1980
65/3 Fifth Season 1980-1981
65/4 Sixth Season 1981-1982
66/1 Seventh Season 1982-1983
66/2 Eighth Season 1983-1984
66/3 Ninth Season 1984-1985
66/4 Tenth Season 1985-1986
66/5 Eleventh Season 1986-1987
67 First Season 1975-1977
68 Second Season 1977-1978
69 Twelfth and Thirteenth Season 1987-1989
70 Fairbanks First and Second Seasons 1977-1981

Series 17: Scenic design files; 1978-1989. 6.05 cubic feet. The set design files include scenic design portfolios; photographs showing set models and sets being build; drawings and diagrams of sets; and set model. The series is arranged by type of material.

Box/Folder Description Dates
71/8 Connie Soltis scenic design portfolio 1978-1987
72/2 Scenic design portfolio 1985-1986
71/9-11 Set building and models photographs undated, 1980-1985
71/12 Preliminary set design sketches: Greater Tuna, Noises Off, Brighton Beach Memoirs, Twelfth Night, Watch on the Rhine undated
72/3 Alfred Stieglitz Loves O’Keefe set designs 1988-1989
72/4 Betrayal set designs 1988
Oversize folder Betrayal set designs 1988
71/13 Billy Bishop Goes to War research and stage diagrams 1984-1985
Oversize roll Billy Bishop Goes to War set design 1984-1985
72/5 Brighton Beach Memoirs set designs 1984-1985
72/6 Bus Stop set designs 1987-1988
Oversize folder El Grande De Coca Cola set designs 1985-1986
72/7 An Enemy of the People set detail drawing 1981-1982
72/8 The Importance of Being Earnest set designs 1988
Oversize folder The Importance of Being Earnest set designs 1988
Oversize folder Major Barbara set designs 1982-1983
Oversize folder Noises Off set designs 1984-1985
Oversize roll Philadelphia Story set design drawing 1983-1984
72/9 Pump Boys and Dinettes set designs 1984-1985
71/14 Tintypes set design element drawing 1986
Oversize roll Watch on the Rhine set design drawing 1985-1986
Box 73 Bus Stop painted and unpainted set models 1987-1988
Box 74 The Importance of Being Earnest set model 1988
Box 75 Will Rogers U.S.A. set model 1981-1982


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