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Rare books and theses

Rare books

All of the Rare Books are listed in the Consortium Library catalog. Rare Books are not available for checkout, but can be accessed during Archives normal business hours.

UAA and APU masters theses

UAA and APU theses: For several years now, theses from both UAA and APU students have been submitted electronically and are available only through the ProQuest Dissertations and Theses database (see the main Consortium Library website for access). The electronic theses are not listed in the Library catalog. Older hard copy theses are listed in the Consortium Library catalog. The Library holds two copies of most UAA hard copy theses: one in the Library’s circulating collection and a second copy accessible through the main Access Services desk on the first floor of the library. The Library holds one copy of most APU hard copy theses: these are available through the main Access Services desk on the first floor of the Library.

Many graduate programs at UAA accept graduate projects instead of theses. These were not consistently submitted to the Library and so may be more difficult to locate. The copies of projects held by the Consortium Library are in the general collections and not in Archives. Researchers seeking graduate projects should check both the Library catalog and Scholarworks@UA. The Library catalog has listing for hard copy projects and Scholarworks for more recent projects that were submitted electronically.

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