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David M. Hickok Papers

Guide to the David M. Hickok papers

 Collection number: HMC-0408.
Creator: Hickok, David M.
Title: David M. Hickok papers
Dates: 1923-1992; bulk 1962-1988.
Volume of collection: 17.25 cubic feet.
Language of materials: Collection materials are in English.
Collection summary: Papers of an Alaskan natural resources officer regarding land use in the state.

Biographical note:
David M. Hickok was born in Mt. Vernon, New York on October 7, 1924. He received a B.A. degree from the New York State College of Forestry at Syracuse University in 1947. Hickok spent much of his career as a natural resources officer working on issues pertaining to Alaska. He worked as a planning officer for natural resources for the U.S. Department of Commerce from 1965-1966, at the same time as he served on the President’s Review Committee for Alaska, and for the Federal Field Committee for Development Planning in Alaska from 1966-1970. Hickok later worked at the University of Alaska Anchorage, first as the director of the Sea Grant Program (1970-1975) and then as director of the Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center (1972-1988). In the mid-1970s, he also worked as an associate for the consulting firm Arctic Environmental Associates (AEA), along with Denise Ganopole, Bruce Hickok, and Sam Means; AEA was involved in investigating non-Native land use in the Arctic from 1941-1976. Among Hickok’s many other positions during his career, he also served as chairman of the Interagency Alaska Ecological Reserves Council (1977-1979), a member of the Polar Research Board, National Research Council, National Academy of Science (1977-1980), president of the Arctic Division, American Association for the Advancement of Science (1978), president of the Alaska Academy of Engineering and Science (1982-1987), and chairman of the Council on Natural Resources Information Management (1986-1987). He was married to Mark Hickok in 1974.

Collection description:
This collection primarily consists of papers collected and created by David M. Hickok that relate to land use in the Arctic, especially dating from his work as a natural resources officer for Alaska from 1962-1970 and as director of the Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center (AEIDC) from 1972-1988. These papers include speeches, articles, and other writings by Hickok and others; reference files relating to research and policy in the Arctic (including papers on the Arctic Research and Policy Act of 1984 and from the Arctic Research Commission); reference files kept by the AEIDC on D-2 lands issues, Alaska Native issues such as the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) and the Alaska National Interest Land Claims Act (ANILCA), and the Naval Petroleum Reserve Number 4 (Pet-4) in Alaska, later known as the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska (NPR-A); papers relating to the establishment of the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR); and records relating to the 1973 lawsuit Edwardsen v. Morton, regarding pre-ANCSA Alaska Native land rights in the Arctic. The collection also contains a small number of newsletters and brochures dating from Hickok’s service as president of the Alaska Academy of Engineering and Science (AAES) from 1982-1987. There are additionally a few personal letters, ephemera, awards, and other personal papers kept by Hickok.

Series 1: Papers, statements, and speeches; 1962-1989
Series 2: Writing by other authors; 1933-1989
Series 3: Alaska Academy of Engineering and Science (AAES); 1983-1989
Series 4: Arctic research and policy papers; 1969-1992
Series 5: Arctic Environmental and Information Data Center (AEIDC) papers; 1923-1986
Subseries 1: Alaska Native files; 1962-1986
Subseries 2: D-2 lands files; 1968-1979
Subseries 3: National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska files; 1923-1986
Series 6: Alaska Native Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) papers; 1964-1987
Series 7: Edwardsen v. Morton papers; 1952-1980
Series 8: Other papers; 1969-1992

Digitized copies: Digital copies of collection material not available online. For information about obtaining digital copies, please contact Archives and Special Collections.

Access restrictions: Researcher access to materials in Box 35 may be restricted due to confidentiality concerns. Please consult an Archivist before requesting materials from this box.

Rights note: The Archives holds copyright to collection materials authored by David Hickok.

Preferred citation: David M. Hickok papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.

Related materials: The Archives also contains the following related collections: Mark Hickok papers; 1955-1991. HMC-0618.

Acquisition note: This collection was donated to the Archives by David M. Hickok in 1993 and 1997.

Processing information: This collection was originally arranged and described by Michele Wellck in 1997. The guide to the collection was revised by Megan K. Friedel in 2010.

Container list:
Series 1: Papers, statements, and speeches; 1962-1989. 1.5 cubic feet.
This collection contains articles, position papers, reports, proposals, and speeches written by David M. Hickok and with other co-authors from 1962-1989. Box 1, Folder 1 contains Hickok’s original file index to these papers. This series is arranged chronologically.

Box/Folder Description Dates
1/1 Files indexes 1986-1987
1/2 “Odes in Retaliation” by David M. and Mark Hickok undated
1/3 “Five Steps: Keys to a Better Environment” by David M. Hickok undated
1/4 “A Resource, Transportation and Economic Assessment of Arctic Alaska” by David M. Hickok for the Arctic Slope Regional Corporation undated
1/5 “The Pursuit of Arctic Information Management and Transfer” by David M. Hickok and Barbara Sokolov for the Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center undated
1/6 Proposed Charles M. Russell National Wildlife Range by David M. Hickok for the U.S. Dept. of the Interior circa 1962-1963
1/7 Kenai National Moose Range by David M. Hickok for the U.S. Dept. of the Interior circa 1963
1/8 “Evolution and Management of the National Oceanographic Program” by David M. Hickok 1965 December
1/9 “Observations on the Alaska Reindeer Situation” by David M. Hickok for the Federal Field Committee 1968
1/10 “An Approach to Marine Resource Development in Alaska,” reports by the Ad-Hoc Sea Grant Committee, including David M. Hickok 1969
1/11 “Environment and Ecology – Use the Knowledge We Have,” Anchorage Daily News article by David M. Hickok 1969
1/12 “Conservation Issues Connected with the Resource Development of the North Slope of Alaska and Comments on Alaska Native Land Claims,” speech by David M. Hickok to Sierra Club 1969 March 18
1/13 Statements (revised) of David M. Hickok and Arlon R. Tussing on application of the trans-Alaska pipeline system for a right-of-way 1969 August
1/14 Statement by David M. Hickok on application of the trans-Alaska pipeline system for a right-of-way 1969 October
1/15 Remarks by David M. Hickok to Alaska Geological Society on behalf of the Federal Field Committee 1969 October 8
1/16 Statement by David M. Hickok to Greater Anchorage Area Borough Assembly re: Air Pollution; Oct. 27, 1969. 1969 October 27
1/17 “Socio-Economic Consequences of Native Claims Settlement,” remarks by David M. Hickok on behalf of the Federal Field Committee 1969 November
1/18 “Observations on Alaskan Environmental Policies, Influences and Issues,” paper by David M. Hickok for the Federal Field Committee 1969 December
1/19 “Observations on Marine Affairs in Alaska,” by David M. Hickok and Esther Wunnicke 1970 February
1/20 “Environmental Issues in Alaska,” lecture by David M. Hickok to Anchorage Unitarian Universalist Fellowship; Mar. 1, 1970. 1970 March 1
1/21 “Environmental Issues in Alaska,” speech by David M. Hickok to East High School students 1970 April 22
1/22 “Proper Management of Alaska’s Ocean Resources,” article by David M. Hickok in Alaska Industry (Sea Grant Program) 1970 June
1/23 “Developmental Trends in Arctic Alaska” by David M. Hickok 1970 July
1/24 “Alaska’s Sea Grant Program,” presented by David M. Hickok at conference 1970 August
1/25 “Observations on an Alaska Plan for Coastal Zone Data Acquisition” by David M. Hickok (Sea Grant Program) 1970 October
1/26 “A Little Bit of Truth Will Go a Long Way,” article by David M. Hickok for Anchorage Daily News 1971
1/27 “Man in the Arctic,” comments by David M. Hickok (Sea Grant Program) 1971
1/28 “A Plea for Truth from Government/Needed: An Arctic Data Bank,” articles by David M. Hickok in the Anchorage Daily News (Sea Grant Program) 1971 February
1/29 Statement by David M. Hickok on environmental impact statement for trans-Alaska pipeline 1971 February
1/30 “Challenges in the Alaska Coastal Zone,” conference paper by David M. Hickok 1971 October
1/31 “The Alaska Coastal Zone” by David M. Hickok for the Anchorage Daily News 1971 November
1/32 “The Importance of Alaska’s Coastal Zone,” by David M. Hickok in the Anchorage Daily News 1971 November 26
1/33 “Protecting Alaska’s Territorial Area” by David M. Hickok in the Anchorage Daily News 1971 November 27
2/1 “Understanding the Alaska Coastal Zone” by David M. Hickok (Sea Grant Program) 1972
2/2 Summary of conference on taking of fish and game resources to meet subsistence needs (includes presentation by David M. Hickok) 1974
2/3 “Nunamiut Experiences and Current Approaches to Subsistence Harvest Problems by the People of Anaktuvuk” by David M. Hickok for the Arctic Environmental and Information Data Center 1974 February
2/4 “Dear Dad,” letter by David M. Hickok giving impressions of Russia 1976
2/5 “A Historic and Current View of Alaskan Arctic Research and Events” by David M. Hickok, paper prepared for Polar Research Board, National Research Council 1976
2/6 “Storage, Transfer and Usage of Alaskan Environmental Information” by David M. Hickok for Arctic Bulletin 1976
2/7 “Arctic Research – A Strategic View” by David M. Hickok 1976 January
2/8 “Placing the ANCSA 17 d-2 and Related Issues Before the Congress” by David M. Hickok for the Arctic Environmental and Information Data Center 1976 February
2/9 “Resource Development and Related Environmental Concerns in Arctic Alaska – Impact on Natives,” paper presented to the Polar Countries Geography Symposium in Leningrad, USSR by David M. Hickok for the Arctic Environmental and Information Data Center 1976 July
2/10 “Summary of David Hickok’s ‘Prediction’ of the Caribou Decline” 1976 December
2/11 “Alaskan Arctic Research: Historical Perspectives” drafts by David M. Hickok intended for Arctic Bulletin 1976-1978
2/12 Alaska Resource Information System (ARIS), letter by David M. Hickok and proposal 1977
2/13 “Crucial Land Status Decisions in Arctic Alaska” by David M. Hickok 1977
2/14 “Symposium: Geography of Polar Countries: Selected Papers and Summaries” (includes presentation by David M. Hickok) 1977 March
2/15 “Economic, Land, and Environmental Issues related to Resource Development of the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska,” prepared for U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Office of Mineral Policy and Research Analysis, by Arlon R. Tussing and David M. Hickok 1977 March 15
2/16 Review by David M. Hickok of Alaska Dept. of Fish & Game’s “Alaska Wildlife Management Plans 1977 May
2/17 “An Examination of the Alaska Academy of Science and Technology Alaska Research Council Concept” discussion Paper by David M. Hickok, Buck, and Van Nieuwenhuyse for the Artic Environmental Information and Data Center (AIEDC) 1977 August
2/18 Testimony of David M. Hickok on HR 39 and related subjects 1977 August
2/19 “Some Background Notes on the Creation of the Arctic National Wildlife Range” by David M. Hickok circa 1978
2/20 Arctic regions environmental descriptions by David M. Hickok; 1979. 1979
3/1 “The Arctic Desert” by David M. Hickok, Joseph C. LaBelle, and Robert G. Adler for Handbook of North American Deserts, published in 1981 1979-1981
3/2 “Environmental Aspects of Federal Efforts to Monitor Pipeline Operations in Alaska” by David M. Hickok, appendix in Trans-Alaska Oil Pipeline Operations: More Federal Monitoring Needed 1981 January
3/3 “United States Arctic Policy” by David M. Hickok, Gunter Weller, T. Neil Davis, Vera Alexander & Robert Elsner 1981 February
3/4 Statement by David M. Hickok to Alaska State Legislature on Arctic policy 1981 April 11
3/5 Statement of David M. Hickok before Joint Committee on State Affairs 1981 April 11
3/6 “A Review of the Development and Effectiveness of Energy Related Regulations on Alaska’s Federal Lands” by David M. Hickok and Spencer for the General Accounting Office on behalf of the Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center (AEIDC) 1981 October
3/7 “A Study of United States Arctic Research Policy and the Possible Roles of the Naval Arctic Research Lab,” statement by David M. Hickok to the U.S. Geological Survey 1981 November
3/8 Testimony by David M. Hickok on S. 1562, “Arctic Research and Policy Act of 1981” 1982 April
3/9 Testimony of David M. Hickok on Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act (ANILCA), Sec. 1007 implementation 1982 April
3/10 “Analysis of the Relationships of Research-Derived Knowledge to NPR-A Lease Stipulations,” by David M. Hickok 1983 June 28
3/11 “Availability of Information on High Latitude Areas and the Need for Inventory,” by David M. Hickok 1984 July
3/12 “Implications of the Arctic Research and Policy Act of 1984,” talk by David M. Hickok at the 1984 Arctic Science Conference 1984 October
3/13 “The History of ANCSA Provision Section 14(c)(3),” talk by David M. Hickok 1985
3/14 Statement by David M. Hickok at Arctic Research and Policy Act Meeting 1985 February 28
3/15 “A Statement on Alaska’s Arctic Research Priorities and Science Policy” by Lyle D. Perrigo and David M. Hickok 1985 November
3/16 Statement of David M. Hickok on Olds ad challenging Sen. Murkowski’s contribution to the U.S. Arctic Research Commission 1986 September 26
3/17 “Situations Affecting the Alaska and Arctic Information Transfer Issue,” paper by David M. Hickok 1986 November
3/18 “Status Report on Information Management and Transfer Initiatives” by David M. Hickok 1986 December
3/19 “New Approach Needed for Alaska Resource and Science Information Services” by David M. Hickok for the Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center (AEIDC) 1987 January 12
3/20 “Cooperate to Forestall ‘Information Dark Age”, article by David M. Hickok in Anchorage Daily News 1987 February 3
3/21-22 A National Arctic Information Network, Volumes I and II, by the Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center (AEIDC), David M. Hickok, Barbara Sokolov and Rita Dursi; July 1987. 1987 July
3/23 Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center (AEIDC) Program Review by David M. Hickok 1988 June
3/24 “Commentary on the Question: Whether or Not to Continue the ‘Alaska Land Use Council’…” by David M. Hickok 1989 January

 Series 2: Writings by other authors; 1933-1989. 0.9 cubic feet.
This series contains articles, brochures, reports, newspaper clippings, letters, and testimonials about David M. Hickok, the Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center (AEIDC), and other issues pertaining to Alaskan land use and natural resources, all written by people other than David M. Hickok. For papers written by Hickok on these topics, see Series 1. This series is arranged by subject.

Box/Folder Description Dates
4/1-14 Articles and other writings about David M. Hickok and his work with the Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center (AEIDC), mostly consisting of newspaper clippings 1933-1989
4/15-34 Articles and other writings by the Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center (AEIDC), including organizational brochures, reports and proposals on use of land and natural resources, and other papers 1972-1987
4/35-5/23 Writings by other authors, including articles, letters, reports, and testimonial statements about Alaskan development, natural resources, and development by Jake Adams, William E. Brown, Kerry D. Feldman, Daniel A. Jones, Ben B. Mozee, Robert R. Nathan, Daniel O’Neill, Howard Pollock, Meg Reeves, William Scheider, John Strohmeyer, Iris Warner, James W.Winchester, Oran R. Young, and the U.S. Dept. of the Interior 1933-1989

 Series 3: Alaska Academy of Engineering and Science papers; 1983-1989. 0.1 cubic feet.
This series contains newsletters, brochures, and other papers kept by David M. Hickok during and after his service as president of the organization from 1982-1987. This series is arranged chronologically.

Box/Folder Description Dates
5/24 Charter membership brochure undated
5/25 Banquet at Alaska earthquake conference 1984 March 27
5/26 Northern Information Networking Conference brochure 1985
5/27 Newsletters 1983-1989
5/28 “Towards a Framework for Alaska Foundation -Supported Research” by David M. Hickok 1988 September
5/29 “Commentary on the Question: Whether or Not to Continue the ‘Alaska Land Use Council’…” by David M. Hickok for newsletter 1989 January

 Series 4: Arctic research and policy papers; 1969-1992. 4.75 cubic feet.
This series contains papers collected by David M. Hickok from 1969-1992 on issues relating to scientific research in the Arctic, including land use, natural resources, energy (including oil, gas, and pipeline construction), national security, the Arctic Research and Policy Act of 1984, and the Arctic Research Commission, among other topics. This series is arranged alphabetically by subject.

Box/Folder Description Dates
6/1 “Miscellaneous Files” index 1986
6/2 “Index for David Hickok’s Files” 1988
6/3 Ad-Hoc Committee on the Arctic Research and Policy Act – “Research Priorities for the Arctic” 1985
6/4-19 Alaska Council on Science and Technology research priorities reports and recommendations and other papers 1977-1983
6/20 Alaska earthquake photograph archive flyer undated
6/21 Alaska Land Use Council report on cooperative management in Alaska 1989 March
6/22 Alaska Research Corporation background and bill 1988-1989
7/1 Alaska Research Policy Act – SB232 (Bill to Amend) 1987
7/2 Alaska Statehood Commission final report, “More Perfect Union: A Plan for Action” 1983 January
7/3 Alaskan Science Conference review in APOA Review; 1984-1985. circa 1984-1985
7/4 American Association for the Advancement of Science, 28th Science Conference brochure and article 1977
7/5-6 American Association for the Advancement of Science, Arctic Division papers and meeting minutes 1984-1987
7/7 American Public Health Association papers on the National Arctic Health Science Policy undated
7/8 Arctic conference brochures 1984-1992
7/9 Arctic Environmental Council letter regarding pipeline construction inspection 1976 June 4
7/10-11 Arctic Five-Year Research Plan consultative workshop (Nov. 17-19, 1986, Anchorage, Alaska) papers 1986-1987
7/12 Arctic Haze Symposium papers 1982-1985
7/13-8/1 Arctic Marine Policy Workshop hand-outs 1983-1986
8/2-5 Arctic policy papers, including papers from Woods Hole workshop on Arctic issues, policy paper for Alaska Academy of Engineering and Science (AAAS), and arctic policy review brochures 1982-1985
8/6-7 Arctic reference papers on natural resources and policy 1983-1986
8/8-9/2 Arctic Research and Policy Act of 1984 correspondence, bills, implementation papers, legislative files, meeting minutes, and planning papers 1981-1988
9/3-11/1 Arctic Research Commission papers, including meeting minutes, membership lists, and reports 1984-1989
11/2 “Arctic Science Bill Goes to Reagan for Signing,” Anchorage Times article 1984 June 26
11/3 Arctic science policy 1982
11/4-5 Banff Conference papers 1984-1986
11/6 Canadian research papers 1985-1988
11/7 Canadian-U.S. Arctic Policy Forum papers 1984-1985
11/8 Committee on Natural Resource Information Management (CONRIM) newsletters 1980-1985
11/9-11 Commonwealth North Energy Commission papers, including materials on Alaska Native land use 1985-1989
12/1 “Entering the Age of the Arctic: Opportunities and Obligations of an Arctic Nation” 1988 January
12/2 “Evaluating the Benefits of Arctic Research” – Congressional Research Service Report 1987
12/3 Executive order for Arctic Research 1985 January 28
12/4 “The Exxon Valdez Oil Spill – A Report to the President” 1989 May
12/5-8 General Accounting Office drafts, notes, reviews, and other papers on oil and energy in Alaska and fish and wildlife management 1977-circa 1982
12/9 Geography of Polar Countries Symposium papers 1975-1976
12/10 Hydrotechnical engineering papers 1985
13/1-3 Interagency Arctic Research Policy Committee research plans and program lists 1985-1987
13/4 International Communication and Coordination for Arctic Science papers 1987
13/5 “Jurisdiction and Management of Arctic Marine Transportation” report 1984
13/6 Man and Biosphere conference [UNESCO-MAB International Conference on Arctic Science Policy and Development in Fairbanks, Alaska, 1985] papers 1984-1985
13/7 “Management of Arctic Marine Transportation: A Canadian Perspective” report 1984 October
13/8 “National Needs and Arctic Research – A Framework for Action” USARC report 1986
13/9-10 National Research Council, Polar Research Board reports and papers 1984-1985
13/11 National Science Board report, “The Role of the National Science Foundation in Polar Regions” 1987 June
13/12 National security decision directive on U.S. Arctic Policy 1983 April 14
13/13 North Slope oil export ban papers 1987-1990
14/1 Northern Information Networking Conference final report 1986 March
14/2-7 Oil and gas papers, including papers from the Alaska Oil and Gas Association and Office of Technology Assessment (U.S. Congress), bibliographies and reports on oil spills, and other materials 1969-1985
14/8 Prospectus from the Arctic Research Consortium 1987
14/9 Research Needs Assessment by Alaska State Agencies 1986 May
14/10 Review of U.S. Arctic and Alaska science policy initiatives 1982 February
14/11 Science and Engineering Advisory Committee press release 1985 March
14/12 State of Alaska science policy 1981-1986
14/13 Statement on Alaska’s arctic research priorities and science policy 1985 November 14
14/14 University of Alaska Foundation study by Lyle Perrigo and others 1984-1985
15/1 U.S. Arctic research policy undated
15/2 U.S.-Canada Arctic Policy Forum final report to the William H. Donner Foundation 1984

 Series 5: Arctic Environmental and Information Data Center papers; 1923-1986. 7.75 cubic feet.
This series contains papers collected by the Arctic Environmental and Information Data Center (AEIDC) and organized by them into topical files on three separate issues relating to land use in the Arctic: the AEIDC Native files; the AEIDC D-2 land files; and the AEIDC Pet-4 files. The original order of this series has been maintained.
 Series 5: AEIDC papers. Subseries 5a: Alaska Native files; 1962-1986. 4.25 cubic feet.
This subseries contains original papers and photocopied documents that were maintained by the Alaska Environmental and Data Information Center as the “AEIDC Native Files.” These papers were microfilmed at an unknown date, and the files are arranged by AEIDC’s original microfiche codes. These codes are as follows:

  • “ancsa” indicates Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act papers;
  • “anilca” indicates Alaska National Interest Land Claims Act papers, including some material related to D-2;
  • “natorg” indicates papers regarding Alaska Native organizations;
  • “native” indicates papers regarding Alaska Native issues.

The titles of each folder are the original titles in the microfiche index, and a copy of this index is in Box 16, Folder 1. The location of the original microfiche is unknown.

Box/Folder Description Dates
16/1 AEIDC Native Files microfiche index (covers “ancsa”, “anilca”, “natorg”, and “native” files) undated
16/2 ancsa1: ANCAB appeals 1974-1979
16/3 ancsa2-4: ASRC and Village Corps agreements 1973-1983
16/4 ancsa5-7: ASRC/Anaktuvuk and interior land exchange papers ??
16/5 ancsa8: Alaska Native tribal governing bodies, bill S. 2046 1977-1982
16/6 ancsa9: Alaskan Native enrollment papers 1971-1973
16/7 ancsa10: Allotments issue papers 1971-1974
16/8 ancsa11: Anaktuvuc B-52 Wien 1962
16/9 ancsa12: Anaktuvuk Pass background 1982
17/1 ancsa13-14: Easement information and TNPS relationship 1980-1986
17/2 ancsa16-18: Analysis attempts 1974-1975
17/3 ancsa19: Annual report of the implementation of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act 1979
17/4 ancsa20: Arctic Barrier Island 1975
17/5 ancsa21: Correspondence 1967-1968
17/6 ancsa22: Correspondence 1969-1985
17/7 ancsa23: Congressional reports and proceedings 1969-1971
18/1 ancsa24: Congressional reports and ANCSA law 1971-1976
18/2 ancsa25: Senate report 1970
18/3 ancsa26: Bill analysis and explanation 1971
18/4 ancsa27-30: Congressional bill drafts 1969-1970
18/5 ancsa31: Early land claims efforts 1969-1970
18/6 ancsa32: Federal Register/News releases 1977-1979
18/7 ancsa33: Federal Register/News releases 1980-1982
18/8 ancsa34: Federal Register/News releases 1983-1985
19/1 ancsa35:Game correspondence 1972-1976
19/2 ansca36:Legislative opinions 1969-1970
19/3 ancsa37: NANA/NSB boundary 1985
19/4 ancsa38-40: Native review papers 1975-1984
19/5 ancsa41-44: Native review papers 1983-1984
19/6 ancsa45-47: News articles, press releases, and speeches 1969-1983
19/6 ancsa48: Press clippings 1975-1979
19/7 ancsa49: News clippings and articles 1970-1984
19/8 ancsa50: News releases 1972-1979
20/1-2 ancsa51: Nunakput–Our Land: Environmental Processes in Arctic Alaska by Joseph C. LaBelle, Alaska Environmental Information and Data Center (copied pages or proofs, including chapter by David M. Hickok) 1975
20/3 ancsa52: Public law 94-204 – 1/2/76 amendments 1975-1976
20/4 ancsa53-56: Rules and regulations 1972-1980
20/5 ancsa57-59: Statements from F/S LUPC 1972-1979
20/6 ancsa60-61: Transition documents 1972-1977
20/7 Other ANCSA papers: “The History of ANCSA Provision Section 14(c)(3)” by David M. Hickok Undated
20/8 Other ANCSA papers: Federal Field Committee notes on ANCSA framework circa 1969-1970
20/9 Other ANCSA papers: Correspondence and invoice regarding Arctic Environmental Associates work on Anaktuvuk easement issue 1981
21/1 anilca1: Bills and documents 1952-1983
21/2 anilca2: Comparative analysis of Ppending 17(d)(2) legislation 1975 September
21/3 anilca3: Testimony 1977 August12
21/4 anilca4: Testimony of Hickok undated
21/5 anilca5: Statements 1975
21/6 anilca6: Alaska Federation of Natives (AFN) document regarding tate position on d-2 lands 1975
21/7 anilca7: D-2, a summary of current congressional proposals 1978 August
21/8 anilca8: Joint Federal-State Land Use Planning Commission paper and statement 1973
21/9 anilca9: Position paper and history of recommendations 1973-1976
21/10 anilca10: Federal-State Land Use Planning Commission summary of recommendations/ National Wildlife Refuge Association position undated
21/11 anilca11: Miscellaneous publications 1975-1979
21/12 anilca12: Comparative analysis of proposed legislation implementing 17(d)(2) 1975 September 3
21/13 anilca13: Federal-State Land Use Planning Commission comparative analysis of pending D-2 bills 1975 September 3
21/14 anilca14: Alaska Lands Legislation Implementation Directive 1980 December 2
21/15 anilca15: Statements and testimony 1977
21/16 anilca16: Report by David M. Hickok and statements by Secretary of the Interior Cecil Andrus regarding D-2 1976-1977
21/17 Other ANILCA papers 1986-1987
21/18 Other ANILCA papers: Congressional record 1980
21/19 Other ANILCA papers: D-2 miscellaneous papers 1973-1980
22/1 Other ANILCA papers: D-2 RurALCAP materials 1977
22/2 Other ANILCA papers: RurALCAP regional development corporations priorities 1972
22/3 Other ANILCA papers: Land selection papers 1970-1989
22/4 Other ANILCA papers: Papers regarding preliminary identification of state selection interest lands 1977
22/5 Other ANILCA papers: “The Great Alaska Feud: How the Massive Lands Bill is Caught Between Two Senators’ Hatred For Each Other” by Nicholas Lemann, article in the Washington Post 1979 September 30
23/1 natorg1: Anaktuvuk Pass/Nunamiut Corporation papers 1975-1982
23/2 natorg2-4: Arctic Slope Regional Corporation papers 1972-1984
23/3 natorg5: Koniag, Inc. papers, including material on appraisal methods 1976-1982
23/4 natorg6-8: Nunamiut Corporation papers 1978-1982
23/5 natorg9: Nunapitchuk papers 1984
23/6 natorg10-12: North Slope Borough papers 1971-1985
23/7 natorg13: Ukpeagvik Inupiat Corporation papers 1980-1983
23/8 native1: Arctic Slope atlas 1973-1976
23/9 native2: North Slope Borough maps 1977
23/10 native3: Nuiqsut cultural plan 1979
23/11 native4: Unimak – False Pass fishery report prepared for the Aleut League 1973
24/1 native6: 1st Inuit Circumpolar Conference papers (Barrow, 1977 November 20-27) 1977
24/2 native7: Subsistence conference papers 1974
24/3 native8: GA(F) – Interior, Dept. of, Bureau of Land Management correspondence 1970-1985
24/4 native9: GA(F) – Dept. of Interior – Heritage Conservation and Recreation Service letter 1980
24/5 native10: GA(S) – Dept. of Fish & Game, Subsistence Division 1977-1981
24/6 native11: Nunam Kitlutsisti, Harold Sparck – A-Z 1975-1979
24/7 native12: Subsistence issue letters 1982
24/8 native13: ORG – Inuit Circumpolar Conference 1982-1985
24/9 native14: UAF – Alaska Native Language Center 1978
24/10 Other native issues papers: Inuit Circumpolar Conference – 1980 June 28-July 1 – Labrador report circa 1977

 Series 5: AEIDC papers. Subseries 5b: D-2 lands files; 1968-1979. 1.5 cubic feet.
This subseries contains original papers and photocopied documents that were maintained by the Alaska Environmental and Information Data Center as the “AEIDC D-2 Lands Files.” These papers were microfilmed at an unknown date, and the files are arranged by AEIDC’s original microfiche numbers. The prefix “dmh” indicates the papers are from the D-2 lands files. The titles of each folder are the original titles in the microfiche index, and a copy of this index is in Box 25, Folder 1. The location of the original microfiche is unknown.

Box/Folder Description Dates
25/1 AEIDC D-2 lands files microfiche index (covers “dmh” files) circa 1979
25/2 dmh1: D-2/Land designations 1977-1979
25/3 dmh2: National Park Service – Gates of the Arctic Proposal 1973
25/4 dmh3: Alaska National Interest Lands Claim Act 1977
25/5 dmh4: National Parks magazine articles 1974-1977
25/6 dmh5: National Park Service Gates of the Arctic plan 1973
25/7 dmh6: Alaska land issues 1973-1979
25/8 dmh7: National monuments 1977-1978
25/9 dmh8: Alaska Coalition 1974-1977
25/10 dmh9: D-2 1977-1978
26/1 dmh10: D-2 articles 1969-1979
26/2 dmh11: D-2 1971-1978
26/3 dmh12: Federal State Land Use Planning Commission 1976-1977
26/4 dmh13: ANCSA 1971-1976
26/5 dmh14: Proposed wilderness areas 1968-1975
26/6 dmh15: Alaska reports 1975-1977
26/7 dmh16: McKinley extension and mining 1969-1976
26/8 dmh17: Sierra Club Alaska task force 1975-1977
27/1 dmh18: Lands – D-2 bills, historic 1971-1975
27/2 dmh19: Gates of the Arctic 1970-1977
27/3 dmh20: Lands – “Art Sundt” 1976-1977
27/4 dmh21: D-2/Subsistence 1975-1977
27/5 dmh22: D-2 Bills, etc. 1972-1977
27/6 dmh23: D-2/ANILCA (“Soan-Ge-Ta-Ha the Magnificent”) 1970-1977
27/7 Other D-2 papers: D-2 distribution list for report undated

 Series 5: AEIDC papers. Subseries 5c: National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska files; 1923-1986. 1.5 cubic feet.
This subseries contains original papers and photocopied documents that were maintained by the Alaska Environmental and Data Information Center as the “AEIDC Pet-4 Files,” relating to Naval Petroleum Reserve Number 4 (or Pet-4), later known as the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska (NPR-A). These papers were microfilmed at an unknown date, and the files are arranged by AEIDC’s original microfiche numbers. The prefix “pet” indicates the papers were part of the Pet-4 files. The titles of each folder are the original titles in the microfiche index, and a copy of this index is in Box 28, Folder 1. The location of the original microfiche is unknown.

Box/Folder Description Dates
28/1 AEIDC Pet-4 files microfiche index (covers “pet” files) undated
28/2 pet1: National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska – General accounting office 1976-1984
28/3 pet2: National Petroleum Reserve 4 1923-1983
28/4 pet3: Naval Petroleum Reserves Production Act of 1976 1976-1977
28/5 pet4: Bureau of Land Management – Memo regarding NPR-A exploration program 1976
28/6 pet6: U.S. Dept. of the Interior Geological Survey – Report on Pet-4 1977 April
28/7 pet7: Bureau of Land Management – NPR-A information 1976-1982
28/8 pet8: Bureau of Land Management – Record of NPR-A subsistence hearing testimony 1982
28/9 pet9: U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management – Environmental impact statement on oil and gas leasing 1983 February
28/10 pet10: Petroleum 1982-1983
28/11 pet12: National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska – Correspondence and miscellaneous 1977-1983
28/12 pet13: National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska (NPR-A) 1977-1986
29/1 pet14: Aerospace Corp. – “An Analysis of Key Issues Concerning the Exploration for Oil and Gas…” 1977 February
29/2 pet15: Pet 4 – Background Information 1973-1976
29/3 pet16: NPR-A No. 4 – Miscellaneous letters 1958-1976
29/4 pet17: Pet 4 Study Plan – Discussion draft/outline undated
29/5 pet18: Pet 4 Study Plan – Miscellaneous correspondence 1974-1977
29/6 pet19: NPR 4 Task Force – Correspondence and minutes 1976
29/7 pet20: Pet 4 ecological impact study 1974-1975
29/8 pet21: NPRA Narrative Expansion – U.S. Dept. of the Interior 1977-1983
29/9 pet22: NPR-A No. 4 – Engineering plan for assessments and evaluation program 1975-1976
29/10 pet23: Pet 4 Issue (105b Study) 1976-1977
30/1 pet24 and pet26: [Reports and] Pet-4 bibliography – U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service 1976
30/2 pet25: AEIDC/David Hickok – “Proposed Study Plan for the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska,” report for Dept. of the Interior 1976 September
30/3 pet27: Pet 4 Study – AEIDC Project – Miscellaneous notes 1976-1977
30/4 Other Pet-4 papers: Reports 1974-1979
30/5 Other Pet-4 papers: Articles and miscellaneous 1971-1977
30/6 Other Pet-4 papers: Memo re: Legal issues involving NPR-A by David Weinstein 1977 December

 Series 6: Arctic National Wildlife Refuge papers; 1964-1987. 0.75 cubic feet.
This series contains reports, assessments, and other papers relating to David M. Hickok’s involvement over his career in the establishment of and land use planning for the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. This series is arranged mostly alphabetically by subject.

Box/Folder Description Dates
31/1 Alaska National Wildlife Refuge – Alaska Oil and Gas Association materials 1986
31/2 “Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska, Coastal Plain Resource Assessment – Report and Recommendation…” draft 1986 November
31/3 “Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska, Coastal Plain Resource Assessment…” appendix 1987 April
31/4 Alaska National Wildlife Refuge – Alternatives Workbook from US Dept. of the Interior 1987 January
31/5 “Petroleum Production on the ANWR Coastal Plain and the National Interest” by Guerrieri 1986 October 1
31/6 Marine protection, research and sanctuaries H.R. 9727 1972-1974
31/7 State land selection – Easements 1980
31/8 State land selection 1980
31/9 “The ANWR Issue” – Outline undated
32/1-32/3 National wildlife refuges – Water rights papers 1964-1979

 Series 7: Edwardsen v. Morton papers; 1952-1980. 1.75 cubic feet.
NOTE: Materials in Box 35 may be restricted for research use due to confidentiality concerns. Please consult an Archivist before requesting materials from this box.
This series contains papers relating to a 1973 U.S. District Court case brought by Charles Edwardsen, Jr., executive director of the Arctic Slope Native Association, and other Native organizations against the U.S. Secretary of Interior, Rogers C. B. Morton, and other officers of the Department of the Interior. The plaintiffs alleged that the Department of the Interior had violated their rights to Arctic Slope lands and waters before the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act of 1971 by illegally transferring land to the State of Alaska, among other actions. The case was ruled in favor of the plaintiffs and established that Alaska Native groups could sue for trespass against those who occupied or used Native-claimed lands before 1971. In 1975, David M. Hickok and his firm, Arctic Environmental Associates (AEA), were contracted by the U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs, to investigate non-Native land use in the Arctic from 1946-1971 in order to help settle these incidents of trespass . The papers consist of AEA reports, correspondence, legal statements, litigation documents, other related law cases, and interviews with investigative witnesses. This series is arranged in its original order.

Box/Folder Description Dates
33/1 “Interim Report: Investigation of Non-Native Entries into the Arctic Slope Regions, 1946-1971…” by Arctic Environmental Associates 1975
33/2 “Final Report: Investigation of Non-Native Entry into the Arctic Slope Region, 1946-1971, Phase II, prepared for U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs…,” (Phase II additions) by Arctic Environmental Associates 1975 September 26
33/3 Final report by Arctic Environmental Associates 1975 April
33/4 Correspondence 1973-1977
33/5 Correspondence with Davis, Wright, Todd, Riese, & Jones (law firm) 1974-1975
33/6 Correspondence from Washington, D.C. 1975
33/7 Correspondence – Other 1975-1976
33/8 Meeting in Seattle 1975
33/9 Index to maps (see Oversize folders 1-5 for maps) undated
33/10 Investigation forms undated
33/11 Letters of introduction 1974-1975
33/12 Statements given before the Senate Interior and Insular Affairs Committee and affadavits for Edwardsen v. Morton 1974-1975
33/13 Stipulation and agreement for Edwardsen v. Morton 1973-1974
34/1-2 Litigation documents undated, 1974
34/3 Litigation documents – Plaintiff-Intervenor’s memorandum in opposition to defendant’s joint motion to dismiss 1976 July
34/4 Supplemental memorandum in support of plaintiffs’ motion for a mandatory injunction undated
34/5 “Use and Occupancy of the Arctic Slope by Arctic Slope Eskimos” undated
34/6 Non-Native use of Arctic slope – Materials from U.S. Coast Guard 1963-1975
34/7 “Review of Leasing Activity on the Arctic North Slope (State)” by the Alaska Scouting Service 1968 August 14
34/8 North Slope Borough v. Andrus; Nat. Wildlife Federation v. Andrus; Village of Kaktovik v. Andrus – Memorandum in Opinion and Order 1980
34/9 U.S. v. ARCO 1975-1976
35/1 A-8 State of Alaska, containing reports, affadavits, and litigation questionnaires on legal issues regarding the construction of the Hickel Highway 1970-1975
35/2 Individuals recommended for deposition taking undated
35/3 Non-record sources undated
35/4 Non-record source notes 1955-1959
35/5 Non-record interviews: X-1 Col. Charles Adams 1975
35/6 Non-record interviews: X-2 Jim Aiken 1975
35/7 Non-record interviews: X-3 Clifford Alderfer 1975
35/8 Non-record interviews: X-4 James C. Bartonek 1975
35/9 Non-record interviews: X-5 Max Brewer, John Schindler and Jess Walker 1975
35/10 Non-record interviews: X-6 Edith Bullock 1975
35/11 Non-record interviews: X-7 Homer Burrell 1975
35/12 Non-record interviews: X-8 Chuck Champion 1975
35/13 Non-record interviews: X-9 Bill Copeland 1975
35/14 Non-record interviews: X-10 Andy Crane 1975
35/15 Non-record interviews: X-11 Mike Ehredt 1975
35/16 Non-record interviews: X-12 Joseph Felder 1975
35/17 Non-record interviews: X-13 Ray Gillespie 1975
35/18 Non-record interviews: X-14 Don Hartman 1975
35/19 Non-record interviews: X-15 Lawrence Irving 1975
35/20 Non-record interviews: X-16 Phil Johnson 1975
35/21 Non-record interviews: X-17 David Klein 1975
35/22 Non-record interviews: X-18 Lum Lovely 1975
35/23 Non-record interviews: X-19 James S. Magoffin 1975
35/24 Non-record interviews: X-20 Marving Mangus 1975
35/25 Non-record interviews: X-21 Peter E. Merry 1975
35/26 Non-record interviews: X-22 Robert Murphy 1975
35/27 Non-record interviews: X-23 Ransom T. Schultz 1975
35/28 Non-record interviews: X-24 Don Simasko 1975
35/29 Non-record interviews: X-25 Av Thayer 1975
35/30 Non-record interviews: X-26 Sam White 1975
35/31 Non-record interviews: X-27 Bob Wienhold 1975
35/32 Non-record interviews: X-28 Lyman Woodman 1975
Oversize folder 1 Maps 1-19: Maps of Philip Smith Mountains, Chandler Lake, De Long Mountains, Point Hope, and Mt. Michelson, annotated to show land use. These maps correspond to the Arctic Environmental Associates report in 33/3. 1955-1973
Oversize folder 2 Maps 20-41: Maps of Sagavanirktok, Umiat, and Ikpikpuk River, annotated to show land use. These maps correspond to the Arctic Environmental Associates report in 33/3. 1955-1971
Oversize folder 3 Maps 42-60: Maps of Point Lay, Flaxman Island, and Beechey Point, annotated to show land use. These maps correspond to the Arctic Environmental Associates report in 33/3. 1955-1959
Oversize folder 4 Maps 61-72: Maps of Beechey Point, annotated to show land use. These maps correspond to the Arctic Environmental Associates report in 33/3. 1970
Oversize folder 5 Map 73-93: Maps of Harrison Bay and other areas, annotated to show land use and other activities on the North Slope by ARCO, BP, Continental Oil Co., Humble, Kaiser Steel Corp., Western Geophysical, Morgan Coal Company, Pan Am/Mobil, Shell/Union, Socal, Texaco, Cities Service, Forest Oil, Hamilton Brothers, Hunt Oil, Marathon, Home Oil, Sun Oil, USN/USGS/Arctic Contractors, and geophysical exploration. These maps correspond to the Arctic Environmental Associates report in 33/3. circa 1955-1968

Series 8: Other papers; 1969-1992. 0.25 cubic feet.
This series contains other papers collected by David M. Hickok, including Alaska Native Review Commission reports and other papers, some correspondence, his resumes and other biographical information, and some ephemera. This series is arranged alphabetically by subject.

Box/Folder Description Dates
36/1 Alaska Native Review Commission – Schedules and overview roundtable discussions report 1984
36/2 Alaska Native Review Commission – Other papers 1984
36/3 Arctic Environmental and Information Data Center main file lists 1986-1988
36/4 Business cards – David Hickok, Bruce Hickok, and others undated
36/5 Certificates and letters of appreciation 1976-1980
36/6 Comments on unknown publications, possibly regarding Alaskan Lands undated
36/7 Conference badges and ribbons awarded to David M. Hickok undated
36/8 Gerald Ganople letter and article 1969
36/9 Letter from David M. Hickok to Governor Cowper regarding Dept. of Natural Resources 1986 December 18
36/10 Letter from David M. Hickok to Ray Gillespie regarding avalanche and fire weather forecasting 1986
36/11 Miscellaneous notes and odd pages 1969
36/12 Nan Elliot letter of recommendation from David M. Hickok 1992
36/13 Resumes and biographical sketches of David M. Hickok 1987

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