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Victor Rivers family papers

Guide to the Victor Rivers family papers

Collection number: HMC-0209.
Proffitt, Virginia.
Rivers, Fern.
Rivers, Julian Guy.
Rivers, Ralph Julian, 1903-1976.
Rivers, Richard L.
Rivers, Russell Guy.
Rivers, Rusty (Elleighfare).
Rivers, Victor C. (Victor Claudius), 1905-1959.
Title: Victor Rivers family papers.
Dates: 1915-1976.
Volume of collection: 1.7 cubic feet and 673 MB.
Language of materials: Collection materials are in English.
Collection summary: Papers of a civil engineer and politician and papers of the members of his family.

Biographical note:
The family of Julian Guy and Louisa Rivers moved to Alaska from Seattle, Washington in 1906. They settled in Flat where they engaged in mining. Their first son, Ralph Julian Rivers, was born in 1903. His brother, Victor Claudius Rivers, was born in 1905. Victor Rivers became a civil engineer and later a member of the Territorial Senate from Fairbanks and from Anchorage, a delegate to the Alaska Constitutional Convention, and a candidate for governor of the state. Ralph Rivers became a miner, lawyer, district attorney, territorial attorney general, legislator, delegate to the Alaska Constitutional Convention, and U.S. Congressman (1959-1966).

Collection description:
Most of the papers in this collection relate to Victor C. Rivers. Other materials concern his second wife, Elleighfare “Rusty” Rivers, Julian Guy Rivers, Ralph Rivers, Virginia Proffitt, Russell Guy Rivers, Richard L. Rivers, and Fern Rivers. Among the papers are Victor Rivers’ correspondence with his brother and other political figures in Alaska; correspondence and papers relative to his service with the Corps of Engineers; and papers concerning both the State Constitutional Convention, Statehood, and his political campaigns. Also included are his resume, drafts of speeches and over 400 photographs.

Arrangement: The collection is divided into two parts: Victor Rivers’ papers and the family papers. Victor Rivers’ papers are divided into series by subject or document type. The family papers are divided by the individual family member.

Part 1: Victor Rivers papers; 1915-1971

Series 1: Personal papers; 1915-1960
Series 2: Business and professional papers; undated, 1939-1971
Series 3: Correspondence; undated, 1941-1964
Series 4: Political papers; undated, 1936-1958
Series 5: World War II papers; 1940-1944
Series 6: Scrapbooks; 1943-1950

Part 2: Rivers family papers; 1929-1976

Series 1: Elleighfare “Rusty” Rivers papers; 1934-1975
Series 2: Ralph Rivers papers; 1941-1976
Series 3: Julian Guy Rivers papers; undated, 1929
Series 4: Virginia Proffitt papers; 1968-1973
Series 5: Russell Guy Rivers papers; undated
Series 6: Richard L. Rivers papers; undated
Series 7: Fern Rivers papers; undated

Alternative formats: Negatives are available for some of the photographs in the Victor Rivers papers.

Digitized copies: 92 of the images from the collection have been digitized and placed online in the Alaska’s Digital Archives. One nitrate negative was scanned for preservation. Digital copies of other collection material are not available online. For information about accessing digital content, please contact Archives and Special Collections.

Rights note: Archives and Special Collections owns copyright to materials created by members of the Rivers family. Other documents in the collection may be subject to copyright not held by the Archives.

Preferred citation: Victor Rivers family papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.

Acquisition note: The collection was presented to the archives by Robert Wedemeier, the nephew of Victor C. Rivers, in 1983. An addition to the collection was presented by Wedemeier in 2017.

Processing information: A guide to the collection, written by Lelah Powers, was published in 1986 under a State of Alaska Library Assistance Grant. Revision and editing to that guide were done by Dennis Walle and Carolyn Bowers. The collection guide was reformatted to current standard by Arlene Schmuland in 2013. Some series related to specific individuals in the family that had initially appeared at the end of the collection were moved to the family member’s part of the collection, such as the scrapbooks and photographs. Most duplicates and publications were removed from the collection. The collection was reboxed. The original published guide has been superseded by this collection guide. Additional material was added to the collection and published material removed by Gwen Higgins in 2018.

Container list:

Part 1: Victor C. Rivers papers; 1915-1971. 1.5 cubic feet.
The Victor C. Rivers papers are divided into five series: personal papers, business and professional papers, correspondence, political papers, and World War II papers. Each series contains a variety of documents, some including photographs.

Part 1: Victor C. Rivers papers. Series 1: Personal papers; 1915-1960. 0.15 cubic feet.
The personal papers include his work history, documents of membership in various organizations, and other personal items. Also included are papers relative to membership in professional organizations. Included are membership cards and forms, Iditarod bank drafts, property descriptions, certificate from the Sons of the American Revolution, printed materials, and photographs . Arranged by type of document or subject.

Box/Folder Item Description Dates
1/1 Personal and professional history undated
1/2 Cards: American Furniture Mart and Home Furnishings passes, Otto’s Transfer business card undated, 1948-1950
1/3, OSF1 Certificates: Notary Public certificates, membership certificates 1944-1959
1/4 Medical business cards undated
1/5 Membership cards, Alaska related: Pioneers of Alaska, Alaskan Arts & Crafts, Idle Hour Country Club, BPOE Elks 1947-1960
1/6 Membership cards, non-Alaska related: Asociacion Interamericana, Sigma Nu Alumni Association of Seattle, Northwestern University Alumni Association 1947-1959
1/7 Miners & Merchants Bank, Iditarod, Alaska bank drafts, signed by David Strandberg and A. S. Erickson 1915-1919
1/8 Motor vehicle and hunting/fishing licenses 1938-196
1/9 Property documents 1943, 1953
1/10 Social Security card 1937
1/11, OSF1 Sons of the American Revolution documents 1957
1/12 Social rules and personal goals notes, poetry, and bill for services rendered 1939-1955
1/13 Stationery undated, 1956
1/14 Personal clippings and printed items 1945-1959
1/15 Photographs 1923-1959
1/15 1 Carcross: Fred Blanchard, Waldo Chamberlain, Preston Wright, Dick Saunders, Vic Rivers, and Jack Conway 1923
1/15 2 Carcross: Vic Rivers and Dick Saunders 1923
1/15 3 Worthington Glacier (photo-postcard). “Passed this glacier on trip over highway” 1935
1/15 4 Keystone Canyon, Richardson Highway (photo-postcard) 1935
1/15 5 Keystone Canyon: “Snowslide Gulch where slides blocked progress for two days” 1935
1/15 6 Tonsina River, Richardson Highway 1935
1/15 7 Snowslide Gulch (photo-postcard):”Held at upper Tonsina for two days because of slide here” 1935
1/15 8 Teikhel River, Richardson Highway (photo-postcard):  “Some of highway we drove after leaving Tonsina” 1935
1/15 9 Lowe River, Keystone Canyon: “Snow completely blocked road a short time later” 1935
1/15 10 Tonsina Hunting Lodge, 80 miles north of Valdez (photo-postcard): “Where we were held up for two days because of slides” 1935
1/15 11 Upper Tonsina Hunting Lodge, dining room 1935
1/15 12 Upper Tonsina Hunting Lodge, lounge 1935
1/15 13 Valdez (photo-postcard): “Where we embarked for the outside” 1935
1/15 14 First auto in Alaska: “Built in 1905 at Skagway by Robert Sheldon who had never seen an automobile. This machine is now in the Museum of the University of Alaska.” Sent to Vic Rivers from R. E. Sheldon 1939
1/15 15 Airplane: “Where plane made forced landing on lake after cylinder (shown on drum) came loose way up over Rainey Pass” undated
1/15 16 Trapper’s cabin: “Trapper’s cabin at Farewell Lake where we found food and shelter after being forced down by engine failure” undated
1/15 17 “Here are the carcasses of 23 wolves which the trapper had caught during the winter.” undated
1/15 18 Sitka, Alaska, and Mt. Edgecumbe 1946
1/15 19 Federal Building, Nome, Alaska (photo-postcard) to Miss E. Amason; signature not legible undated
1/15 20 Joyce Rivers high school graduation picture, Vic Rivers’ niece; enclosed in letter from Joyce 1953
1/15 21 Vic Rivers in an office 1959
1/15 22 Julian Guy Rivers undated
1/15 23 Victor Rivers, Seattle, Washington, perhaps graduation picture undated
1/15 24-25 Vic Rivers in receiving line undated
1/15 26 “Rusty” Rivers with cake undated
1/15 27 Vic Rivers and Bill Egan shaking hands undated
1/15 28-29 Vic Rivers
1/15 30-32 Vic Rivers on television 1958
1/15 33 Building undated
1/15 34 Building, person standing at side undated
1/15 35 Alaska Motor Stage at Gulkana Roadhouse (photo- postcard, also copy in undated correspondence file) undated
1/15 36 Gulkana Lodge (photo-postcard) undated
1/15 37 Gulkana Lodge and bridge (photo-postcard) undated
1/15 38 Air view of Petersburg, Alaska (photo-postcard) undated
1/15 39 Air view of Craig, Alaska (photo-postcard), Lindenberger Cannery in foreground undated
1/15 40 Air view of Craig, Alaska (photo-postcard) undated
1/15 41 Air view of Klawock, Alaska (photo-postcard) undated
1/15 42 Air view of Hydaburg, Alaska (photo-postcard) undated
1/15 43 Air view of Wrangell, Alaska (photo-postcard) undated
1/15 44 Chilkoot Barracks, Alaska (photo-postcard) undated
1/15 45 Mt. McKinley (photo-postcard) undated
1/15 46 Mt. McKinley’s Sentinel, fox on top of building at McKinley Park undated
1/15 47 Mt. McKinley from Copper Mountain undated
1/15 48 McKinley Park, “Seasons greetings from Grant H. Pearson” undated
1/15 49 Circle Hot Springs, Alaska (photo-postcard) undated
1/15 50 Healy River Coal Mine, Alaska (photo-postcard) undated
1/15 51 View of Alaskan town on river undated
1/15 52 View of Alaskan town on river and N.C. Co. building undated
1/15 53 View of Alaskan town on river undated
1/15 54 View of hills undated
1/15 55 View of valley and river undated
1/15 56-58 View of mountains undated
1/15 59-60 View of mountains and clouds undated
1/15 61 Transformers on tower, buildings undated
1/15 62 Airplanes on lake undated
1/15 63 Home of Mrs. Lorita Thomas, Los Angeles, CA undated
1/15 64 Pavlov Volcano undated
1/15 65 Unidentified volcano undated
1/15 66 Horse being lifted onto boat undated
1/15 67 Dall sheep, dead undated
1/15 68 Dead bear and gun undated
1/15 69 Man with bear cub undated
1/15 70 Man with bear skin undated
1/15 71 Man with dead bear in water undated
1/15 72 Black bear, Chitina, Alaska (photo-postcard) undated
1/15 73 Man standing near dog sled undated
1/15 74 “Lunch Time-McKinley Park” (photo-postcard), mountain sheep lamb being fed by men undated
1/15 75 Mountain Sheep, McKinley Park (photo-postcard) undated
1/15 76 Buffalo. McKinley National Park (photo-postcard) undated
1/15 77 Two cubs and a dog (photo-postcard) undated
1/15 78 Alaska Reindeer (photo-postcard), reindeer at Circle on the Yukon River undated
1/15 79 Dog (photo-postcard) undated
1/16 30-32 Negatives of photographs of Victor C. Rivers, an unidentified woman, and an unidentified child. One nitrate negative is available in digital form only. undated

Part 1: Victor C. Rivers papers. Series 2: Business and professional papers; undated, 1939-1971. 0.2 cubic feet.
This series contains papers relating to his construction business, engineering-architectural services, Rivers Construction Company, and various construction projects including the suggested Turnagain Arm Crossing. There are papers relating to costs of some projects as well items concerning several professional societies. Arranged alphabetically by the title of the business and professional society, with unsorted papers at the end of the section.

Box/Folder Item Description Dates
1/17 American Society of Civil Engineers recommendation application by Harold Lee Moats 1943
1/18 Board of Engineers and Architect Examiners records 1939-1951
1/19 Business cards 1944
1/20 Engineer-Architect Services professional work sketch booklet: shows hotel, concrete garage, airline terminal, Bethel school, log building, hospital, Cape Cod house, and airline hangar 1945
1/21 Engineer-Architect Services notebook: oxygen cylinder test and repair room, General Fish Co., Naknek Trading Company, Intercoastal Cannery and Carr Building addresses; Juneau and Ketchikan trips building sketches; notes for trips, meetings, and expenses to Fairbanks and Juneau and University of Alaska building contract; communications notes; University of Alaska notes for building plans; notes on steam generator; list of letters; notes on Arthur B. Anderson, Bristol Bay Packing Co., Libbyville Cannery, Diamond “J”, Red Salmon, and Standard Oil undated, 1951-1956
1/22, OSF1 Engineer-Architect Services sketches: community hospital, Matanuska Valley undated
1/23 Engineer-Architect Services staff undated
1/24, OSF1 National Society of Professional Engineers records 1946-1947
1/25 Rivers Construction company history 1957-1971
1/26 Rivers Construction Company projects: Sand Point project cost estimate; McKinley Park and Glacier Bay National Monument costs 1957-1958
1/27 Rivers Construction Company notes on employee salaries undated
1/28 Society of American Military Engineers membership card 1949


Maps: sketch of Turnagain Arm crossing; location map of proposed Turnagain Arm crossing; vicinity map of Kenai Peninsula on Turnagain crossing site undated, 1944
1/30 Sketches and unsorted print materials undated
1/31 Photographs 1932-1957
1/31 1-6 Federal building construction, Fairbanks, Alaska 1932
1/31 7 McKinley Park bunk house (photo sent to Vic Rivers by George R. Wilson; letter in correspondence file) 1938
1/31 8 McKinley Park; George R. Wilson in front of Post Office. Photo sent to Vic Rivers from Wilson 1938
1/31 9 McKinley Park; bunk house, Post Office, and roadhouse looking south at the railroad bridge over Riley Creek; photo sent to Vic Rivers from George R. Wilson 1938
1/31 10 McKinley Park; Maud Hausler’s store/Post Office interior; photo sent to Vic Rivers from George R. Wilson 1938
1/31 11 McKinley Park; putting the smoke stack of power house in place; photo sent to Vic Rivers from George R. Wilson 1938
1/31 12 McKinley Park; Vic Rivers I dog, Teddy, between bunk house and hotel; photo sent to Vic Rivers from George R. Wilson 1938
1/31 13 McKinley Park; construction gang 1937-1938
1/31 14 McKinley Park; Vic Rivers at construction site 1937
1/31 15-43 McKinley Park construction 1937-1938
1/31 44 Completed hotel at McKinley Park 1938
1/31 45 REA inspections; Vic Rivers on left, Ed Blair on right, Rivers was engineer for REA in Kodiak for inspection of pole setting and wire stringing. (newspaper article in clipping album) 1949
1/31 46-47 Sleds designed and built by Vic Rivers, Dillingham, Alaska 1954
1/31 48 Alaska Territorial Board of Engineers and Architects Examiners. Left to right: Leo Saarela, Mining Engineer; Harold Foss, Architect; William Manley, Architect; Frank Mapleton, Mechanical Engineer; Linn Forrest, Architect; Homer Nordling, Electrical Engineer; Victor C. Rivers, Civil Engineer 1955 February
1/31 49 Group picture of men in wooded area near Seldovia, Vic Rivers 3rd from left 1957 November
1/31 50-56 Unidentified house construction undated
1/31 57 Building under construction, front view undated
1/31 58 Building, rear view undated
1/31 59 Construction, four men undated
1/31 60 Vic Rivers at construction site undated
1/31 61 Building under construction near railroad track undated
1/31 62 Building under construction, looking north in shop before roof sheathing was in place undated
1/31 63 Building under construction, looking up at truss work undated
1/31 64 Building under construction, view of southwest corner showing hip undated
1/31 65 Building under construction, southwest corner view undated
1/31 66 West elev. showing 1,200 lb. I-beam in place undated
1/31 67 Construction, rafters undated
1/31 68 Unidentified building undated
1/31 69 Rear view of unidentified building undated
1/31 70-72 Unidentified building 1935 October 14
1/31 73-74 View of town from roof of Federal Building; two men working undated
1/31 75-76 View of Fairbanks undated
1/31 77 View of Fairbanks and bridge undated
1/31 78 House under construction 1935 October 14
1/31 79 Building under construction undated
1/31 80 Building under construction; network of pipes undated
1/31 81 Gold dredge undated
1/31 82 Bridge, unidentified undated
1/31 83 Two men in front of cabin 1935 October 14
1/31 84 Vic Rivers near cave undated
1/31 85 Man standing in front of cave undated
1/31 86 Mill with stack of logs undated
1/31 87 Mill undated
1/31 88 Surveyor in Fairbanks undated
1/31 89 Road construction, steam roller undated
1/31 90 Group of men (Vic Rivers 3rd from right) undated
1/31 91 Fire. From verso: “There were no pictures of the fire as it was early in the morning and too dark. Geo.” undated
1/31 92 Fire aftermath. From verso: “All glass on this side went out and we had 4 apartments on fire at the same time; some excitement.” undated
1/31 93 Fire aftermath undated
1/31 94 Ruin after a fire undated
1/31 95 Ruin after a fire undated
1/31 96-97 Water tank construction undated
1/31 98 Wasilla, main street looking east undated
1/31 99 Wasilla Lake looking west undated
1/31 100 Wasilla Lake from south shore looking north towards Talkeetna Mountains undated
1/31 101 Southeast outlet to Wasilla Lake looking south shore of lake undated
1/31 102 Little Susitna River looking downstream, junction of Fishhook and Wasilla Roads undated
1/31 103 Little Susitna River looking downstream undated
1/31 104 Looking north towards drainage area of Little Susitna River undated
1/31 105 Looking north near headwaters of Little Susitna River, narrowest section of stream undated
1/31 106-108 Near headwaters of Little Susitna River undated
1/31 109 Palmer from Palmer-Wasilla Highway looking east undated
1/31 110 North section of Palmer looking westward undated
1/31 111 Palmer boiler house (co-op) undated
1/31 112 Palmer 60,000 gallon elevated storage tank undated
1/31 113 Palmer, new hotel at right and Kosloski Department Store in center undated
1/31 114 Matanuska River looking upstream towards the east undated
1/31 115 Matanuska River looking downstream undated
1/31 116 Brasil Springs, galleries in center and settling basin in cabin in background undated
1/31 117 Brasil Springs, infiltration galleries undated
1/31 118 Campbell Creek, looking upstream from intersection of Campbell Creek and Campbell Airstrip Road, USGS measuring gauge in center undated
1/31 119 Campbell Creek, USGS measuring gauge in center, two men and car in background undated
1/31 120 Campbell Creek drainage area (looking east, north bank) undated
1/31 121 Campbell Creek, south fork looking east, upstream undated
1/31 122 Campbell Creek, near dam site, looking downstream undated
1/31 123 Campbell Creek, looking east below reservoir site, 1,000 yards upstream undated
1/31 124 Unidentified stream undated
1/32 Negatives of selected photographs undated, 1937-1938

Part 1: Victor C. Rivers papers. Series 3: Correspondence; undated, 1941-1964. 0.1 cubic feet.
The correspondence traces some of his assignments and appointments by the War Department during World War II. Several letters concern the political plans of Vic and Ralph Rivers with comments on some of the political issues. A 1944 letter records some of Vic Rivers’ work history, and other letters relate to family matters. This series contains various pieces of correspondence including letters of recommendation, Corps of Engineers appointments, and travel orders. Many letters pertain to World War II matters, the Alaska State Constitution, statehood, and politics; also, there are letters pertaining to his engineering business, a possible Latin American job, and family affairs. Arranged chronologically with undated materials at the beginning.

Box/Folder Item Description Date
1/33 1 Vic Rivers to Edna and Keith, letter on back of photos discusses trip to Fairbanks. Mentions business, insurance, Aunt Eva, and Zenaide. Trip to Fault Creek is planned. Photographs from this item are filed with photographs undated
1/33 2 Beiderman to Jack Hillard, discusses fog in cold weather rising from people and dogs undated
1/33 3 Governor to Vic Rivers and Mrs. Rivers, invitation to dinner at Governor’s Mansion undated
1/33 4 Christmas card from Mr. and Mrs. Victor C. Rivers and Keith undated
1/33 5 Christmas card from Alaska District Corps of Engineers, includes sketch of Mt. McKinley undated
1/33 6 Christmas card from Mr. and Mrs. Victor C. Rivers undated
1/33 7 Christmas card from Keith to Dad undated
1/33 8 Gift card undated
1/34 1 U.S. War Department, Engineer Office. Office Memorandum #51-1941. Major B. B. Talley to all concerned 1941 October 31
1/34 2 Ralph Rivers to Vic Rivers, concerns Wells’ case and family news; congratulates him on appointment 1941 October 23
1/34 3 Night Letter. Talley to Norman Sylar, directs him to organize Home Guard 1941 December 8
1/34 4 Vic Rivers to Lt.Cmdr. C. W. Nash, discusses his decision not to apply for commission in Naval Reserve and to seek appointment to Senior Engineer 1941 December 17
1/34 5 Ralph Rivers to Vic Rivers, discusses reappointment in Department of Justice, comments on 25 percent differential for some federal employees 1941 December 23
1/34 6 Ralph Rivers to Vic Rivers, discusses finances and payments 1941 December 31
1/35 1 Vic Rivers to Lt.Cmdr. Charles W. Nash, discusses decision to apply for commission in Naval Reserve in CEC and asks for a letter of reference 1942 January 6
1/35 2 U.S. Corps of Engineers. Office Memorandum #4-1942. Major B. B. Talley to all concerned, of duties, Victor C. Rivers is designated Assistant to Chief Engineering Division 1942 January 12
1/35 3 Harry D. Jacoby to Vic Rivers, bids him farewell; comments about job conditions. 1942 January 20
1/35 4 H. M. Berger (War Department) to Vic Rivers, appointment of Vic Rivers as Civil Engineer 1942 January 20
1/35 5 Lt.Comdr. C. W. Nash to whom it may be of interest, recommendation for Vic Rivers 1942 January 23
1/35 6 Byron J. Clark to Area Engineer, wants his name omitted from future organization charts 1942 February 6
1/35 7 Ralph Rivers to Vic Rivers, requests quarterly interest on McIntosh-Arend loan 1941 February 16
1/35 8 Vic Rivers to Mrs. Alma Watkins, condolences on death of Bob 1942 February 18
1/35 9 C. M. Jenkins to Victor C. Rivers, he is joining army soon 1941 February 18
1/35 10 Vic Rivers to Captain James D. Bush, Jr., asks for letter of recommendation for application for commission in the Navy or Army Civil Engineer Corps 1942 March 24
1/35 11 Captain James D. Bush to whom it may concern, recommendation for Vic Rivers 1942 April 2
1/35 12 Ralph Rivers to Vic Rivers, thanks him for $25 1942 April 11
1/35 13 H. M. Berger (War Department) to Victor C. Rivers,  Victor C. Rivers is appointed Senior Engineer 1942 April 16
1/35 14 E. L. Bartlett, Secretary of Alaska, to whom it may concern, recommendation for Vic Rivers 1942 May 11
1/35 15 Harry O. Arend, Assistant U.S. Attorney, to the War Department, Navy Department, and to whom it may concern, recommendation for Vic Rivers 1942 May 18
1/35 16 Anthony J. Dimond to Vic Rivers, sends 4 copies of recommendation 1942 May 25
1/35 17 Anthony J. Dimond to whom it may concern, recommendation for Vic Rivers 1942 May 25
1/35 18 O. D. Cochran to whom it may concern, recommendation for Vic Rivers 1942 June 8
1/35 19 Lt.Col. B. B. Talley to Commanding General, Alaska Defense Command, recommends appointment as officer 1942 June 13
1/35 20 Eleanor Marsch, Selective Service System to whom it may concern, certifies that Vic Rivers is registered with Selective Service Board 1942 August 3
1/35 21 J. P. Doyle to Vic Rivers, resignation 1942 October 21
1/35 22 Jack E. Mineer to Vic Rivers, thanks him for help while in Alaska 1942 October 8
1/35 23 Maj. Charles L. Burleigh to Vic Rivers, states that further information is needed for appointment in U.S. Army 1942 October 24
1/35 24 Vic Rivers to Office, Chief of Engineers, Washington, DC, transmits information needed for Army appointment 1942 October
1/35 25 War Department to Chief of Engineers, appointment of Vic Rivers as Principal Engineer (civil) 1942 October 25
1/35 26 War Department to Chief of Engineers, appointment of Vic Rivers as Senior Engineer (civil) 1943 October 25
1/35 27 Vic Rivers to Guy, sends information on how to transfer from Canadian to American Air Force 1942 November 2
1/35 28 Maj. Bush to Office of all Officers OIC AC, announces meeting and speech by Victor C. Rivers 1942 December 14
1/35 29 Vic Rivers to Harold Foss, recommends Irvin Cook be granted engineer’s registration in Alaska 1942 December 14
1/35 30 B. B. Talley to Office, Chief of Engineers, states that information on Victor C. Rivers is being sent to that office 1942 December 14
1/35 31 Maj. D. O. Givens to Office, Chief of Engineers, grants permission for Victor C. Rivers to accept appointment 1942 December 14
1/35 32 Christmas card, A. F. Raynor to Vic Rivers 1942 December 14
1/35 33 Christmas card, members of the Engineering Section, Alaska Operations Division, to Vic Rivers 1942
1/36 1 B. B. Talley to Chief of Engineers, appointment of Vic Rivers as P-6 Principal Engineer 1942 January 1
1/36 2 Lt. Col. Frederick M. Warburg to Vic Rivers, rejection of appointment for commission in U.S. Army because Personnel Board did not give approval 1943 January 9
1/36 3 War Department to Vic Rivers, excerpt from “The Officer’s Guide” 1942 April 27
1/36 4 Vic Rivers to unknown outlines official duties and procedures 1943 June 1
1/36 5 Genevieve M. Seibert to Vic Rivers, letter of thanks 1943 June 16
1/36 6 Maj. K. R. Lenzen to Vic Rivers, concerns trip to Kiska 1943 August 23
1/36 7 John T. Howell to Vic Rivers, submits resignation and discusses departure from Anchorage 1943 September 24
1/36 8 Vic Rivers to Harry Arend, discusses politics in Alaska 1943 October 6
1/36 9 Maj. Frank E. Williamson to unknown, contains extract of regulations from Air Transport Command which concerns safety and taking photographs 1943 October 29
1/36 10 Maj. Frank E. Williamson to unknown, transmits passenger instructions 1943 November 1
1/36 11 Ralph Rivers to Vic Rivers, received war bonds issued to Vic Rivers in 1943 1943 November 17
1/36 12 Vic Rivers to Ralph Rivers, transmits power of attorney to handle war bonds, discusses friends 1943 November 19
1/36 13 Office of the Engineer to Commanding General, llth Air Force Service Command, travel orders for Vic Rivers to go to Seattle 1943 November 25
1/36 14 Col. E. C. Gault to Vic Rivers, travel orders for Vic Rivers to Seattle 1943 November 26
1/36 15 Lt.Col. H. J. Kieling to commanding officers (Alaskan Wing), transmits extract of regulations governing sketches, photos, etc., of military areas, vessels, aircraft, etc 1943 December 7
1/37 1 Clyde Spears to Vic Rivers, Spears is entering politics and filing for Territorial Senate 1944 January 31
1/37 2 Vic Rivers to Bob Bartlett, discusses politics 1944 February 1
1/37 3 Vic Rivers to Clyde Spears, discusses politics and congratulates him on filing for Senate 1944 February 2
1/37 4 Vic Rivers to Col. Delong, concerns reorganization of engineering section and organization chart 1944 February 18
1/37 5 Vic Rivers to Ralph Rivers, concerns political moves of Ralph Rivers 1944 February 24
1/37 6 Vic Rivers to Ralph Rivers, discusses senate race 1944 March 1
1/37 7 W. H. Morris to Vic Rivers, transmits facetious definitions, enclosure lists others 1944 April 10
1/37 8 A. E. Haberle to Lt. Col. Givens, transmits work history of Vic Rivers 1944 July 15
1/38 1 Vic Rivers to Gen. Craig, discusses government employees competing with private sector in off hours 1947 August 6
1/38 2 Lt.Col. Gordon E. Dawson to Vic Rivers, acknowledges letter of August 6, studying problem of government employees working a second job 1947 August 11
1/38 3 Maj. Gen. Craig to Vic Rivers, states that existing regulations cover War Department employees in civilian activities 1947 August 18
1/38 4 Vic Rivers to Commanding General, discusses letters of August 6 and 18, lists 3 people who work for government who have engineering business in private sector, encloses a form of agreement between owner and engineer for professional services 1947 October 4
1/38 5 Col. J. B. Colson to Vic Rivers, discusses need for more rigid enforcement measures concerning federal and private sector employment 1947 December 26
1/39 1 Governor Ernest Gruening to Herb Hilscher, discusses problems of the Board of Engineers and Architects Examiners 1948 August 5
1/39 2 Alexander Hamilton Inst., New York, to Vic Rivers, outlines plan for profit sharing and incentive earnings for small businesses 1949 April 20
1/39 3 Alexander Hamilton Inst., Ltd., Canada, to Vic Rivers, Edwin L. Rees will be in Alaska and will call Mr. Rivers 1949 April 25
1/40 1 Clarence P. Keating, Jr., to Vic Rivers, discusses controversy on use of $60,000 to purchase site for new Territorial building 1950 March 4
1/40 2 R. L. Steward to Vic Rivers, transportation is available for Mr. Rivers to attend Board of Engineers and Architects Examiners at Juneau 1951 January 18
1/40 3 Roy W. Leibsle to Vic Rivers, discusses possible association on Alaskan projects and registration in Alaska as an engineer 1951 February 14
1/40 4 University of Alaska to Vic Rivers, invitation to commencement and to be in the processional 1951 May 21
1/40 5 John T. Howell to Vic, discusses employment and living possibilities in Latin America 1952 June 17
1/40 6 Humberto Romero Alvarez to Vic Rivers, in Spanish 1953 February 12
1/40 7 Humberto Romero Alvarez to Vic Rivers, in Spanish 1953 February 13
1/41 1 Joyce Rivers to Vic Rivers, family news 1954 January 12
1/41 2 National Society of Professional Engineers to Vic Rivers, invitation to write feature article 1954 February 16
1/41 3 Mrs. Denton R. Moore to Al Fields, c/o KENI, asks for article on the history of making dog sleds 1954 April 11
1/41 4 Al Fields to Mrs. Moore, discusses article on the history of making dog sleds by Vic Rivers in Alaskan Champion Dog Musher 1954 April 23
1/41 5 Vic Rivers to American Engineer, reply to the letter of February 16. Agrees to write an article 1954 April 26
1/41 6 Dr. Selling of Portland, Oregon, to whom it may concern, states Vic Rivers is in good health 1955 February 18
1/41 7 Ernest Gruening to Vic Rivers, sends congratulations on marriage and discusses politics 1955 May 3
1/41 8 B. Frank Heintzleman to Vic Rivers, congratulates him on marriage and discusses Alaska Road Commission 1955 June 9
1/41 9 Ernest Gruening to Vic Rivers, congratulates him on strong showing in Third Division race and discusses Rivers’ chances for election to Constitutional Convention 1955 September 20
1/41 10 Margery Smith to Cora C. Floyd, transmits letter from S. G. Schwartz to Rep. E. L. Bartlett (1955 November 1), concerning extension of city postal delivery to Mountain View area of Anchorage 1955 November 4
1/41 11 Vincent Ostrom to Vic Rivers, impressed with work being done on Constitution of Alaska 1955 December 26
1/42 1 Superintendent, Mt. McKinley, to Regional Director, Region Four, discusses proposed change in design and construction procedures in National Park Service areas, problems at McKinley, and need for permanent engineer 1956 January 22
1/42 2 Superintendent, Mt. McKinley, to Regional Director, Region Four, outlines 1957 fiscal year construction plan 1956 January 22
1/42 3 Invitation to the ceremony for the signing of the Constitution of the State of Alaska 1956 February 5
1/42 4 Roy W. Leibsle to Vic Rivers, unable to accept invitation for signing of Constitution 1956 February 7
1/42 5 Bill Egan to Vic Rivers, enjoyed working with him during the convention 1956 February 11
1/42 6 Regional Chief of Operations, Region Four, to Superintendent, Mt. McKinley, discusses 1957 construction program 1956 March 30
1/42 7 Frank Metcalf to Vic Rivers, thanks him for help in primary 1956 May 4
1/42 8 J. M. McDevitt to Vic Rivers, discusses job problems in Brazil 1956 June 6
1/42 9 Victor C. Rivers to Vance Hitt, outlines engineering program in regard to Moose Creek patenting mining claims, includes acceptance by Vance Hitt, Duck Flat Mining Company 1956 June 18
1/43 1 Leonard King to Vic Rivers, congratulations on election to President of Alaska Territorial Senate, mentions sending gavel from London, England, on back of paper is map of Alaska Highway with insert of Haines, Alaska 1957 February 4
1/43 2 Alaska Society, Sons of the American Revolution, to Vic Rivers, states that he can probably obtain membership through David or John Douty 1957 February 8
1/43 3 Amos Burg to Vic Rivers, appreciated Vic’s interest in fishery films 1957 March 2
1/43 4 Ralph Rivers to Vic Rivers, states that membership in the Sons of the American Revolution is important, discusses Washington politics 1957 March 12
1/43 5 President of Sons of the American Revolution to Vic Rivers, states he is accepted into Alaska SAR 1957 May 15
1/43 6 Ralph Rivers to Vic Rivers, appreciates sponsorship to Sons of the American Revolution, attached is copy of letter Ralph sent to President of Sons of the American Revolution 1957 August 21
1/43 7 W. V. MacDonald to Vic Rivers, refers to death of Louis Boos 1958 January 16
1/43 8 Dr. Selling to Vic Rivers, discusses blood type 1958 March 22
1/43 9 Jo Bryant to Vic Rivers, sends congratulations on statehood for Alaska, sends news of her children 1958 July 14
1/43 10 Naomi to Vic Rivers, sends congratulations on leading democrat article in Life and on statehood 1958 July 14
1/43 11 George R. Wilson to Vic Rivers, saw his picture in Life and asks if Vic is interested in photos taken in 1938 of the McKinley Park Hotel. (The photos are in Part 1, Series 2) 1958 July 17
1/43 12 John Dyer to Vic Rivers, asks for help in finding a job 1958 August 15
1/43 13 Ed and Blanche (Boyko) to Uncle Wick, note on business card 1958 August 25
1/44 1 Secretary Mildred Hermann to all Statehood Committee members, states that the committee lawfully comes to an end on January 7 1959 January 5
1/44 2 Robert B. Atwood, Alaska Statehood Committee to Vic Rivers, states that it has been a pleasure to serve on the committee with Vic 1959 January 12
1/44 3 Dick Saunders to Vic Rivers, lists names of people in 2 photos 1959 May 25
1/44 4 Dr. Grose to Vic Rivers, discusses Vic Rivers’ medical treatment 1959 June 15
1/44 5 J. Roscoe Miller, Northwestern University, to Mrs. Rivers, states that a memorial to Victor C. Rivers will be placed in Deering Library 1960 August 2
1/44 6 Virginia [Proffitt] to “Dear Folks,” discusses her health problems 1964 February 24

Part 1: Victor C. Rivers papers. Series 4: Political papers; undated, 1936-1958. 0.55 cubic feet.
Vic Rivers was a Territorial Senator and then President of the Territorial Senate as well as a member of the Constitutional Convention. He campaigned to be the Democratic candidate for the first governor of the State of Alaska.This series contains documents relating to Victor Rivers’ political activities. These include his involvement with the Alaska Territorial Legislature, the Constitutional Convention and statehood efforts, and campaign for governor. The documents are roughly grouped by the different positions which he held or for which he ran, then followed by stationery, photographs and printed materials.

Box/Folder Item Description Dates
1/45 Alaska Territorial Senate certificates of election 1936, 1946, 1956
1/46 Speech given on floor of Senate, bill to provide for state wholesaling of liquor undated
1/47 Alaska Statehood Committee documents 1949-1950
1/48 Constitutional Convention booklet 1955
1/49 Constitution Convention certificates 1955-1956
1/50 Constitutional Convention keynote address booklet 1955
1/51, OSF1 Constitution copy #49 and Constitution booklet 1956
1/52 Constitutional Convention signing ceremony and dinner programs 1956
1/53 Constitutional Convention leaflet 1956
1/54 Constitutional Convention Fairbanks City Council resolution 1956
1/55-57 Constitutional Convention Journal 1955 November 8-February 6
1/58 Constitutional Convention committee proposals: first enrolled copies 1955-1956
1/59 Constitutional Convention committee proposals 1955-1956
1/60 Consitutional Convention Committee on Style and Drafting reports and proposals 1956 January-February
1/61 Consitutional Convention delegate proposals 1955-1956
1/62 Louisiana and Puerto Rico resolutions 1958
1/63 Operation Statehood documents undated
1/64 Governor’s campaign budget and travel itinerary 1958


Governor’s campaign advertisements 1958
1/66 Stationery undated
1/67 Photographs 1937, 1949-1958
1/67 1 Governor and Members of Legislature, Thirteenth Session, Territory of Alaska, includes Vic Rivers 1937
1/67 2 Members of Senate and Staff, Thirteenth Session, Territory of Alaska, includes Vic Rivers 1937
1/67 3 Governor Ernest Gruening signing Fish Trap Tax Bill, includes Vic Rivers 1949 February
1/67 4 Governor Ernest Gruening presenting pen to Representative Marcus Jensen at signing of Fish Trap Bill 1949 February
1/67 5 Governor Ernest Gruening presenting pen to Speaker Stanley McCutcheon at signing of Fish Trap Pill, includes Vic Rivers 1949 February
1/67 6 Governor Ernest Gruening presenting pen to Senator Victor C. Rivers after signing the Property Tax Bill 1949 February
1/67 7 Alaska Statehood Committee, Juneau, Alaska. Left to right standing: E. L. Bartlett, Robert Atwood, Barrie White, William Baker, Mildred Herman, Frank Peratrovich, Percy Ipalook, Warren Taylor, Victor Rivers, and Andrew Nerland 1955 February 4
1/67 8 Alaska Constitutional Convention members 1956 February 6
1/67 9 Twenty-third Territorial Legislature 1957
1/67 10-11 Vic Rivers (possibly when Senate President) and 5 men undated
1/67 12-13 Official campaign photo 1958
1/67 14 Group of men and women near airplane undated

Part 1: Victor C. Rivers papers. Series 5: World War II papers; 1940-1944. 0.2 cubic feet.

The majority of these papers relate to Vic Rivers’ association with the U. S. Corps of Engineers during World War II. They include American Military Engineer Membership cards, a non-combatant’s card, organization charts for Anchorage and Seattle, and official passes for traveling the Alaska Railroad. Also, there is a translation of a Japanese Medical Officer’s diary (Paul Nobuo Tatsaguchi), and travel applications with reports on trips to the Aleutians and other parts of Alaska and Canada. The photographs contain images of Corps of Engineers equipment, captured Japanese personnel and equipment, troop transports and men in the Aleutians, a farewell party for B. B. Talley, and various undated and unidentified construction projects. The materials are divided into documents and photographs, each grouping arranged roughly chronologically.

Box/Folder Item Description Dates
2/1 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Society of American Military Engineers documents 1941-1942
2/2, OSF1 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers organization charts 1941
2/3 1 Typed report of trip to Cold Bay, Alaska 1941 September
2/3 2 Typed report of work in McGrath 1941 November-December
2/3 3-4 Log and reports of trip to Adak, Kiska, Attu, Shemya, Amchitka, Fort Glum 1943 August-September
2/3 5 Typed report containing information on trip to Yakutat, Annette Island, Vancouver, BC 1943 November-December
2/4 Typed transcript of “Japanese Medical Officer Tells of Last Days on Attu” from Arlington Times. Translation from document found on body of Japanese after capture of island. Contains note written by Vic Rivers stating that he saw the original diary translation 1943 September 20
2/5 Identification and immunization cards 1943
2/6 Travel documents 1943
2/7 1 Alaska Railroad data undated
2/7 2 “Protection of untreated timber,” P. G. Tegtmeier undated
2/7 3 Depot and port construction requirements undated
2/7 4 Magnetic elements for 29 towns circa 1940
2/7 5 “Holing Through” booklet, contains stories and editorial reprinted from the Anchorage Daily Times concerning the Whittier Tunnel 1942 November 20
2/7 6 “Holing Through Ceremony” pamphlet, lists guests and construction and engineering personnel, and menu 1942 November 20
2/7 7 Menu from transport North Coast 1943 September 2
2/7 8 Routing Slip. Engineers and Operations Division 1943 November 21
2/8 Loose photographs 1943
2/8 1 U.S. Corps of Engineers in Alaska; February 5, 1943. Lt.Col. Leon DeLong, Vic Rivers, R. L. Musser, Alan Brandes, Col. M. H. Wilson, Col. B. B. Talley, Maj. D. O. Givens, Maj. James Bush. Photo with signatures. Following presentation of the Award of Distinguished Service Medal to Col. B. B. Talley
2/8 2 Japanese equipment: Precise Theodolite [G46] 1943 June 8
2/8 3 Various pieces of Japanese equipment 1943 June 8
2/8 4 Japanese water depth gauge 1943 June 8
2/8 5 Japanese survey protractors 1943 June 8
2/8 6 Japanese personal equipment 1943 June 8
2/8 7-8 Farewell party for Col. B. B. Talley portrait includes Col. B. B. Talley, Vic Rivers, Col. George Nold, Lt.Col. D. O. Givens, Robert Musser 1943 June 13
2/8 9-10 Vic Rivers presenting plaque to Col. B. B. Talley 1943 June 13
2/8 11-12 Farewell party for Col. B. B. Talley. Portrait includes: Lt.Col. D. O. Givens, Vic Rivers, Col. B. B. Talley, Col. George Nold, Mrs. Brown, Robert Musser, and others 1943 June 13
2/8 13-15 Farewell party for Col. B. B. Talley 1943 June 13
2/8 16 Plaque commending Col. B. B. Talley 1943
2/8 17 Attu Island Japanese prisoners of war 1943 July 10
2/8 18 Attu Island Japanese dugouts for living quarters 1943 July 14
2/8 19 Adak harbor, ship at anchor/submarine net 1943 August 22
2/8 20 Adak harbor, naval motor torpedo boat/troop transports 1943 August 22
2/8 21 Adak harbor convoy at anchor 1943 August 22
2/8 22 Adak harbor naval machine shop repair ship with destroyers alongside 1943 August 22
2/8 23 Attu, Japanese grave and Howard Robinson, official photographer for Alaska Defense Command 1943 August
2/9 Copy of World War II photograph album 1943-1944
2/10 1-2 Entering Kiska harbor aboard transport North Coast (Capt. Theo. Raper, V. C. Rivers) 1943 September 2
2/10 3 Entering Kiska harbor aboard North Coast (Vic Rivers, raccoon mascot) 1943 September 2
2/10 4 Entering Kiska harbor aboard North Coast (Col. Sherman, Canadian Army and V. C. Rivers) 1943 September 2
2/10 5 Entering Kiska harbor aboard North Coast (Col. Sherman and Col. Willis, Canadian Army) 1943 September 2
2/10 6 Entering Kiska harbor aboard Transport North Coast (Col. Willis, Canadian Army and raccoon mascot) 1943 September 2
2/10 7 Kiska Island, air view 1943 September 4
2/10 8 Kiska Harbor. Nazima Maru on beach at Kiska Harbor after having been bombed and burned by American planes during American offensive 1943 September 4
2/10 9 Nazima Maru, close up view showing damage 1943 September 4
2/10 10 Snow jeep, Lt. Col. Boykin, Col. Shuler, Maj. Phillips, V. C. Rivers on Japanese constructed road on Kiska 1943 September 4
2/10 11 Kiska Harbor, landing beach showing American supply dumps 1943 September 5
2/10 12 Col. Shuler, Resident Engineer, Corps of Engineers – LCT type landing barges discharging cargo in background, Kiska harbor 1943 September 5
2/10 13 Salvaged Japanese motor trucks and supplies, Kiska Island 1943 September 5
2/10 14 Amphibious tractor transporting troops in Kiska harbor 1943 September 5
2/10 15-17 Kiska harbor, supply dump 1943 September 5
2/10 18 Start of ships’ dock Kiska harbor 1943 September 5
2/10 19 Equipment from demolished Japanese seaplane hangar, Maj. Phillips, Corps of Engineers, center; Kiska 1943 September 5
2/10 20 Remains of approximately 50 Japanese planes in junk pile, Kiska (and Vic Rivers) 1943 September 5
2/10 21-22 Japanese anti-aircraft gun on North Head, Kiska harbor 1943 September 7
2/10 23 Japanese harbor defense gun, North Head, Kiska Island (and Vic Rivers) 1943 September 7
2/10 24 Japanese constructed airfield after being repaired by American troops, Kiska harbor 1943 September 7
2/10 25 Japanese Jeep on Kiska Island (Vic Rivers and Capt. Theo. Raper) 1943 September 7
2/10 26 Japanese harbor defense gun on North Head, Kiska Island (and Howard Robinson) 1943 September 7
2/10 27 Battery of Japanese harbor defense guns on North Head, Kiska Island (and Lt.Col. Chillington, Chaplain; Vic Rivers, and soldier) 1943 September 7
2/10 28 Japanese two-man submarines lying on shore of Kiska harbor 1943 September 7
2/10 29 Japanese anti-aircraft gun, Kiska (Howard Robinson and Vic Rivers) 1943 September 7
2/10 30 Japanese dual purpose gun, Kiska Island (and Vic Rivers) 1943 September 8
2/10 31 “U.S. flag flies again at Gertrude Cove,” Kiska Island 1943 September 10
2/10 32 Lt. Col. Virgil Womeldorff and Lt. Col. McGreevy on Attu Island 1943 September 11
2/10 33 West Construction Company quarry on Attu (V. C. Rivers, Lt. Col. McGreevy, and Anton Anderson) 1943 September 11
2/10 34 Vic Rivers by grave of Japanese troops in Bassett Valley, Attu Island 1943 September 11
2/10 35 Entrance to underground storage under construction on Attu Island 1943 September 11
2/10 36 Lt. Col. Virgil Womeldorff and V. C. Rivers on Attu Island 1943 September 11
2/10 37 Japanese shrine on Kiska Island 1943 September 13
2/10 38 Breakwater looking toward shore, Amchitka 1943 September 14
2/10 39 Camouflaged gasoline tank farm on Amchitka Island 1943 September 14
2/10 40 Panorama of breakwater on Amchitka Island 1943 September 14
2/10 41 Amchitka Island breakwater 1943 September 14
2/10 42 Small naval boats anchored behind Amchitka breakwater 1943 September 14
2/10 43 Vic Rivers and jeep at seaward end of Amchitka breakwater 1943 September 14
2/10 44 Steel pipe for transporting gasoline on Amchitka Island 1943 September 14
2/10 45 Sand pits at East Cape on Amchitka Island 1943 September 14
2/10 46 Welded gasoline pipeline being laid underground on Amchitka 1943 September 14
2/10 47 An unidentified Lieutenant and Col. Blinn on Amchitka 1943 September 14
2/10 48 Storm hits breakwater for first time after completion on Amchitka 1943 September 16
2/10 49 Waves breaking against breakwater on Amchitka 1943 September 16
2/10 50 Waves start cutting action on Amchitka 1943 September 16
2/10 51 Waves cutting action on Amchitka 1943 September 16
2/10 52 Waves cutting action on Amchitka (one hour after storm) 1943 September 16
2/10 53 Capt. McNamara by D-8 Caterpillar attempting repairs on Amchitka breakwater 1943 September 16
2/10 54 Making repairs during storm on breakwater, Amchitka 1943 September 16
2/10 55 Euclid trucks and D-8 tractor making repairs during storm on Amchitka 1943 September 16
2/10 56 Maj. F. P. Brock and 12-yard Euclid diesel truck in background on Amchitka Island 1943 September 16
2/10 57 Soldier with fox pup on Kiska 1943 September 18
2/10 58 Bombed Japanese liner, Nazima Maru, Kiska harbor 1943 September 18
2/10 59 Remains of old Aleut village, east end, Shemya Island 1944 January
2/10 60 Two soldiers with eagle and anti-tank gun undated
2/10 61 Group of 6 men at building construction undated
2/10 62 Two men at construction site undated
2/10 63 Stack of pipe undated
2/10 64 Stack of pipe near buildings undated
2/10 65-66 Mountain scene undated
2/10 67 Building construction site undated
2/10 68-70 Wharf construction site undated
2/10 71 Truck and construction supplies undated
2/10 72 Wharf piling undated
2/10 73 Building construction undated
2/10 74-76 Wharf construction undated
2/10 77 Construction of building undated
2/10 78 Wharf undated
2/10 79 Wharf, construction of building undated
2/10 80 Mountain scene undated

Part 1: Victor C. Rivers papers. Series 6: Scrapbooks; 1943-1950. 0.3 cubic feet.

Box Description Dates
3 Scrapbook 1: contains articles on the Turnagain Arm Crossing, reopening of Victor Rivers’ private engineering office, his election to President of Territorial Board of Engineers, statehood issues, as well as articles on J. G. Rivers, Fern, Keith, and Russell Guy Rivers. 1943-1946
3 Contains sketches by Vic Rivers’ firm, Engineer-Architect Service, and a list of his technical staff; various business cards; articles on city power feuds and water problems; an article and snapshot of a Kodiak inspection; items on his work as project engineer of Chugach Electric and REA; invitation to the inauguration and festivities for President Truman; poem by Joyce Rivers; and articles on his senate candidacy and various political issues. 1945-1950

Part 2: Rivers Family papers; 1929-1976. 0.2 cubic feet.

Part 2: Rivers family papers. Series 1: Elleighfare “Rusty” Rivers papers; 1934-1975. 0.05 cubic feet.
This series includes Rusty Rivers’ correspondence and other documents. The letters concern recommendations, invitations to various events, letters of appreciation from Senator Kennedy and Governor Egan, a selection for a KBYR “Bouquet of the Day” (1964), as well as others. Contains certificates of various memberships, a funeral memorium, David McCloy achievements, various pictures and articles about the Martha Berry School, lists of David McCloy achievements, and print materials and clippings. Grouped by type of record, generally chronologically within.

Box/Folder Item Description Date
2/11 1 “Rusty” Rivers to various individuals, outline of recommendation for appointment of David L. McCloy to U.S. Air Force Academy undated
2/11 2 Lt. Col. Clyde M. Lynch to “Whom It May Concern,” recommendation for David L. McCloy to U.S. Air Force Academy undated
2/11 3 Elleighfare to Wilma Griffith, sends names and addresses to help locate a job 1942 April 8
2/11 4 “Rusty” Amason and Vic Rivers to unnamed, invitation to a spring party (where engagement will be announced) 1955 April 16
2/11 5 Senator John F. Kennedy to Mrs. Rivers, expresses appreciation for help during campaign 1961 January 19
2/11 6 Gov. William Egan to “Rusty” Rivers, appreciation for taking him to hospital to visit Julian 1961 July 3
2/11 7 Rear Admiral Corwin Mendenhall to Admiral Kirkpatrick, recommendation for Tom McCloy for U.S. Naval Academy 1963 September 5
2/11 8 Norman P. Schaefer to Superintendent of the U.S. Air Force Academy, recommendation for Thomas McCloy 1963 October 17
2/11 9 From KBYR, informs her of selection for “Bouquet of the Day,” includes transcript 1964 February 7
2/11 10 M. L. Peterson, Smithsonian Institute to Elleighfare Rivers, concerns copy of Robert E. Lee’s farewell to Army of Northern Virginia 1964 July 1
2/11 11 Inaugural of Lyndon Baines Johnson honorary invitation, accompanied by an order blank for inaugural book, inaugural committee note, and an envelope 1965 January 20
2/11 12 Congressman Robert E. Sweeny to Mrs. Rivers, acknowledges recommendation of David McCloy 1965 October 22
2/11 13 Donald W. Gropp (assistant to Congressman Bolton) to Mrs. Rivers, acknowledges recommendation of David L. McCloy 1965 October 26
2/11 14 Congressman Michael A. Feighan to Mrs. Rivers, acknowledges Recommendation of David L. McCloy 1965 October 26
2/11 15 Robert Wedemeier (Clerk to Congressman Ralph J. Rivers) to Mrs. Rivers, will send a copy of “Basic Sailing for Experimental Use Only” 1965 October 29
2/11 16 Margery Smith (Executive Secretary to Senator E. L. Bartlett) to Mrs. Rivers, acknowledges recommendation for David L. McCloy 1965 December 1
2/11 17 Senator E. L. Bartlett to David McCloy, unable to offer appointment to Air Force Academy, but Senator Gruening can (copy) 1966 January 26
2/11 18 Elizabeth D. Aprill to Elleighfare A. Rivers, concerns payment on loan 1966 June 5
2/11 19 Virginia Proffitt to “Rusty” and Rob, discusses local matters and nomination as “Boss of the Year” 1973 April
2/11 20 American Red Cross to unnamed, invitation to a dinner honoring the retirement of Mrs. Vic Rivers 1974 October 31
2/12 Certificates for Cook Inlet Historical Society, statehood referendum vote, United Daughters of the Confederacy, and Alaska Centennial Advisory Committee 1955-1962
2/13 Funeral memorium 1975
2/14 Martha Berry School documents undated, 1934
2/15, OSF1 Print materials and clippings undated

Part 2: Rivers family papers. Series 2: Ralph Rivers papers; 1941-1976. 0.05 cubic feet.

Contains letters on family and business matters, politically-related papers and photographs. Documents are grouped by type and generally chronologically within.

Box/Folder Item Description Dates
2/16 1 Victor C. Rivers to Ralph Rivers, suggests Guy to transfer from Royal Canadian Air Force to American Air Force, discusses differential and possible promotion to a higher grade 1941 December 10
2/16 2 Ralph Rivers to Victor and “Rusty” Rivers, states he is going to marry Martha in October, includes radio (KFAR) speech Ralph used as candidate for Delegate at Large for Territory of Alaska 1955
2/16 3 Ralph Rivers to Brig. Gen. H. A. Gerhardt, requests information on the withdrawal of 20 acres in Harding Lake area for Army use 1963 April 30
2/16 4 Lt. Col. Rex R. Sage to Ralph Rivers, transmits information on withdrawal of 20 acres in Harding Lake area 1963 May 27
2/17 List of members of first elected government of Alaska with signatures and campaign flyer circulated by the Ralph J. Rivers Campaign Committee 1959
2/18 Printed materials and clippings 1955-1976
2/19 Photographs Undated, 1959-1968
2/19 1 Celebration of Statehood (White House?), shows seven men including R. Rivers, R. Atwood, E. Gruening, and E. L. Bartlett 1959 January 3
2/19 2 Democratic National Convention, Los Angeles, J. F. Kennedy, Ralph Rivers, and others 1960
2/19 3 Congressman Ralph Rivers at his desk in Washington, D.C. 1964
2/19 4 Ralph Rivers at Democratic National convention in Chicago 1968 August
2/19 5 Ralph Rivers and stack of bills undated
2/19 6 Ralph Rivers with wife, Martha Marie Rivers undated
2/19 7 Kellis and Zenaide (sister of Vic and Ralph Rivers) undated

Part 2: Rivers family papers. Series 3: Julian Guy Rivers papers; undated, 1929. 0.02 cubic feet.

Box/Folder Description Dates
2/20 List of family members and certificate of capital stock of International Highway Association undated, 1929

Part 2: Rivers family papers. Series 4: Virginia Proffitt papers; 1968-1973. 0.02 cubic feet.

Box/Folder Description Dates
2/21 Ted F. Zelasko to the ‘Heirs and relations of John Cahill,” discusses probate matters; includes title insurance and list of family members 1972
2/22 Photographs of Virginia Proffitt 1973
2/23 Clippings 1968, 1973

Part 2: Rivers family papers. Series 5: Russell Guy Rivers papers; undated, 1966. 0.02 cubic feet.

Box/Folder Item Description Dates
2/24 1 Work history for 1945-1956 undated
2/24 2 Memo from Rivers Construction Co., concerning extension of the Alaska Railroad on the Seward Peninsula 1966 April 4
2/24 3 Dick to Guy, et.al., discusses business activities in Australia 1969 March 22
2/25 Clippings on Rivers Construction Company and on Capt. R. G. Rivers’ return on furlough in 1945 1945

Part 2: Rivers family papers. Series 6: Richard L. Rivers papers; undated. 0.02 cubic feet.

Box/Folder Description Dates
1/26 Work history for 1946-1953 undated

Part 2: Rivers family papers. Series 7: Fern Rivers papers; undated. 0.02 cubic feet.

Box/Folder Description Dates
2/27 Typed copy of an article on return to Anchorage of Fern Rivers and Orpha Brown after service in the U.S. Marine Corps undated


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