Category: Exhibits
April is the something month
The Armchair traveler in Rare Books
The Library has these exhibit cases. We’ve been doing what we can to say that because the exhibit cases used to belong to A&SC but they’re not all that practical for most of the exhibits that we do these days. …
I failed scissors in kindergarten.
Is there an echo in here?
Lately we’ve been getting a lot of requests in pairs. Not the same queries, just queries for the same collection. Today we had two email requests regarding the Michael Philip collection from people who had spotted the portion of the …
exhibits on a shoestring
the buildup to an exhibit
The entries for our Eye of the Beholder exhibit are starting to trickle in. Which is good, since earlier this week we had none and were beginning to wonder if we’d have anything to exhibit. The nature of deadlines and …
Archives at the State Fair
It doesn’t seem like a natural match, and after next Monday we might decide it isn’t, but MC & I (Arlene) have volunteered to spend Labor Day at the Alaska State Fair at the UAA booth promoting A&SC and maybe …
Organize, organize, organize
Some days you just have to dump all those waiting reports and documents to write and such and just spend a day moving stuff about. Today was that day.
And it all started with the picturingUAA project. We’ve been putting …
and on with the old news…
Last year we did a great exhibit called “Eye of the Beholder.” Well, not so much we, as everybody else who decided to do the really heavy lifting for us. Here’s the theory behind the exhibit: take a single photograph, …
April is the something month
The Armchair traveler in Rare Books
The Library has these exhibit cases. We’ve been doing what we can to say that because the exhibit cases used to belong to A&SC but they’re not all that practical for most of the exhibits that we do these days. …
I failed scissors in kindergarten.
Is there an echo in here?
Lately we’ve been getting a lot of requests in pairs. Not the same queries, just queries for the same collection. Today we had two email requests regarding the Michael Philip collection from people who had spotted the portion of the …
exhibits on a shoestring
the buildup to an exhibit

The entries for our Eye of the Beholder exhibit are starting to trickle in. Which is good, since earlier this week we had none and were beginning to wonder if we’d have anything to exhibit. The nature of deadlines and …
Archives at the State Fair
It doesn’t seem like a natural match, and after next Monday we might decide it isn’t, but MC & I (Arlene) have volunteered to spend Labor Day at the Alaska State Fair at the UAA booth promoting A&SC and maybe …
Organize, organize, organize
Some days you just have to dump all those waiting reports and documents to write and such and just spend a day moving stuff about. Today was that day.
And it all started with the picturingUAA project. We’ve been putting …
and on with the old news…
Last year we did a great exhibit called “Eye of the Beholder.” Well, not so much we, as everybody else who decided to do the really heavy lifting for us. Here’s the theory behind the exhibit: take a single photograph, …