New in the Archives: January 2025

Despite some weather closures, we hit the ground running after the holiday break with a session for the UAA Winter Teaching Academy for faculty, in which we discussed how (and why!) to incorporate archival materials into course curriculum. And that session has already borne some results: we are getting contacts…

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New in the Archives: September-October 2024

Community engagement: One of UAA’s priorities is to track various ways in which all of us engage with our communities surrounding us. While we do a LOT of that in the Archives, from describing collections to make them available for research, to working with collection donors, to working with local…

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Archiving AK Season 3, Episode 4: Tourism letters

It’s the peak of tourism season in Alaska, so we’re reading letters from tourists in our holdings! Tour guide Becky Butler Gallegos will give you a quick overview of various tourism routes in Alaska. We’ll hear from folks traveling the Inside Passage, through the Interior, and even out to Western…

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FAQs: Why do we need archivists? Everything is online!

There’s two parts to this question, and the quick response to both is: it depends! It depends on your question and the depth and the breadth and the topic itself. So let’s take a closer look at some data that might change the assumptions of “everything I need is online…

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New in the Archives, May-June 2024

Newly described collections EPH-0559: Alaskan aerial photograph holiday cards; undated. 26 photographic cards featuring aerial photographs of Alaskan villages and holiday greetings. EPH-0560-APU: South-Central Alaska Regional Science Fair program; 1972. EPH-0561-APU: Poetry Society of Alaska Stella Borealis newsletter; 1964 March. HMC-0780-APU: Mildred O. Mantle papers; 1949-1956. 0.01 cubic feet and…

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Archiving AK Season 3 Interlude: Explaining Oral History

We’re pausing our regularly scheduled Letters Live season to bring you an episode explaining oral histories, introducing our new Student Oral History Project, and providing an example of an oral history interview. Our summer intern, Rachel, hosts and is interviewed by Becky. The UAA/APU Archives and Special Collections collects, preserves,…

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