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Index to the Don Grybeck slides

Slide index to the Don Grybeck slides collection, HMC-1172.The index was created by Don Grybeck and has not been edited comprehensively for spelling errors. The list also contains section headers, usually in all capital letters, that provide further information about some of the slides following such as the project or location in which he was engaged at the time the photograph was taken.

Item number Slides
1-5 Somewhere west of Colorado Springs climbing in the mountains. This is perhaps one of my first photographs with the Zeiss Contessa I purchased just prior to joining the Army; this is also perhaps my first mountain trip. (Colorado; 1955)
6 Looking west over the plains from the Mays Peak area near Broadmore Hotel. Again on my first expedition into the mountains. (Colorado; 1955)
10-11 Colorado
15-16 Royal Gorge, Colorado. (Colorado; 1955)
17-20 Colorado
21 Weathered Pikes Peak Granite west of Colorado Springs along the Gold Camp road. (Colorado; 1955)
23-24 Colorado
25 Looking north along ramparts of the Front Range from west of Colorado Springs. (Colorado; 1955)
26 Looking northwest from the front door of our barracks, 258th Ordnance Battalion, Fort Carson. (Colorado; 1955)
30-36 En route to Korea, 1955
38-46 Scenes around Yokohama harbor from the deck of the Gen. Mann. The band played for us but they wouldn’t let us off in Japan; rumor has it because too many of us wouldn’t come back!. (Japan, 1955)
48 En route to Korea, 1955
51 Scenes on the Gen. Mann during the trip from Japan to Korea. (Japan, 1955)
57 First views of Heavy Mortar Company, 32nd Infantry Regiment, 7th Infantry Division, APO 7, Korea (Korea, 1955)
62 Scenes, vicinity Headquarters, 31st Infantry just prior to going on a field exercise. (Korea, 1955)
70-79 Korea
89 Maneuvers in January–very cold maneuvers–up toward the DMZ just off the MSR. We are all camouflaged of course to meet the occasion. (Korea, 1956)
102 Korea
111, 118 Sequence of winter scenes around Heavy Mortar Company during the winter of 1956. Note that we’ve largely replaced the tents with Butler buildings. (Korea, 1956)
124-130 Korea
132-138 Bell, Medivac helicopter that came to take Capt. McCarthy off for R & R. (Korea, 1956)
139-161 Korea
165-168 Downtown Seoul (Korea, 1956)
172-176 Korea
178-189 Garden of the Gajo Inn, one of the Army’s R & R hotels, where I stayed in Tokyo. (Korea, 1956)
192 Japan
194-200 Ueno Park, Tokyo (Korea, 1956)
204-210 Japan
213-227 Wandering around Tokyo–almost dead broke–in the vicinity of the Imperial Palace on my last day of R & R. (Korea, 1956)
228-233 Troop-carrier aircraft at Tokyo’s Tachikawa Air Force Base. (Korea, 1956)
235-243 Undescribed
244-245 K14 airfield outside of Seoul (Korea 1956)
265-311 Scenes around the I Corps NCO school where I was taking an artillery fire-direction course. Very picturesque country near Uijongbu; reputed to be a National Forest (Korea, 1956)
314-318 Looking down from the hills north of our company over the Regimental headquarters area. The festivities were a visit by Sigmund Rhee, then President of Korea. (Korea, 1956)
320 Couple of the local ‘moose’ who lived in the village back of the KD range. (Korea, 1956)
324-327 Typical Korean village and its people–near a U.S. Army compound. (Korea, 1956)
330 Undescribed
333 Inchon harbor. (Korea, 1956)
337-348 Views about Inchon harbor; note the legendary mud flats at low tide. (Korea, 1956)
351 Wolmido Island, Inchon harbor. (Korea, 1956)
357-361 Vicinity Camp St. Barbara (Korea, 1956)
368 Village views and people on a hunting-photography excursion southwest and west of the Company area one sunny day. (Korea, 1956)
383-399 Views about Heavy Mortar Company in the winter of 1956. Note that the Company has just moved about 1/2 mile east into the old compound of the EEFK’s (Ethiopian Expeditionary Forces, Korea) (Korea, 1956)
401- 409 Views of Korea and Seoul from the train taking us to K-14 for the flight to CONUS. (Korea, 1956)
412-415 Aerial views of Japan (Japan; 1957)
416-425 Japan
427-428 Aerial shots of California and the Bay Bridge to Oakland, where we landed (California, 1957)
430-433 FORT LEWIS, WASHINGTON U.S. ARMY 1957-1958
434 Lower Columbia River near the Dalles, Oregon (Washington, 1957)
435-503 Undescribed
537 During a trip to the top of Ester Dome in the Fall of 1958 with Bob Wilson. Looking southeast over Fairbanks. (AKFB)
538 Bob Wilson on road to top of Ester Dome. (AKFB)
542 Undescribed
543 View from our room in Stevens Hall–which we moved into soon after it was completed.
545 Undescribed
546 The main street of the University of Alaska campus; winter of 1958-1959.
547-548 UAF campus
549 Old Main, University of Alaska campus.
551 Wickersham (women’s) dorm, early 1959.
552 Noon sun during winter; view from our room in Stevens Hall.
553 Undescribed
554 From our room in Stevens Hall.
555-556 Undescribed
559-567 Engineer Day festivities, Spring 1959.
568-570 Undescribed
571 Doming and cracking of ice in lower Cripple Creek near Chena Pump road in winter of 1958-1959.
573 Stevens Hall being serenaded by the girls from Wickersham one spring day. Note the rudimentary parking lot and the fine collection of cars
574 Undescribed
575-579 USSR & M dredge then in operation on lower Fairbanks Creek. Probably early spring of 1959. A workman sank it several weeks later while blasting ice from the dredge pond. (AKLG)
580 Nozzle near Meehan on lower Fairbanks Creek. (AKLG)
581 Cabins at Meehan, lower Fairbanks Creek. (AKLG)
582 Old cabin near the junction of Moose Creek and Fairbanks Creek, below the Hi Yu Mine. (AKLG)
583-587 Undescribed
588-590 Probably the USSR & M dredge on Engineer Creek north of Fairbanks. (AKFB)
591-596 A Hess Hall party out on the tailings near Ester. Recognize the faces but don’t remember most of the names. Probably Spring 1959.
597-606 Military base
608 Our first surveying job: Moon Lake campground near Tanacross.
609 Hunting camp along Taylor highway north of Jack Wade.
611-612 Eagle on the Yukon River (AKEA)
617-618 Looking southwest to northwest from near Donnelly Lodge. Had a simple surveying job there. Got impression roadhouse was then being used as a cathouse to service Ft. Greeley. (AKMH)
621 Hi Yu Mine. (AKFB)
623-624 Billy Creek just north of Dot Lake. A short job here. Disremember the people except for Ray Harpin at left; the other two were college students from Oregon (?).
631-637 Undescribed
638-641 Ray Harpin at our somewhat primitive quarters on another Indian allotment job at Sand Lake. (AKMH)
646 Undescribed
647 Upper Tanana somewhere, possibly near Cathedral Rapids (looking west??). (AKTC)
650-651 View on upper Tanana just above Cathedral Rapids; near one of our Indian allotment, survey jobs. (AKTC)
652 BLM cadastral-survey transit. Then still standard but soon to be replaced by theodolite-type instruments.
653 View on upper Tanana just above Cathedral Rapids; near one of our Indian allotment, survey jobs. (AKTC)
661-664 Marvin Warbelow and his plane at Cathedral Bluffs roadhouse where he often took off the highway. (AKTC)
665 Undescribed
668 Aerial view looking approximately north at the mouth of the Robertson River on the Tanana River. (AKTC)
669 Alaska Range south of Cathedral Rapids. (AKTC)
670+ Looking down Cleary Creek from approximately Cleary Summit, late 1959. (AKLG)
671+ University of Alaska field trip to Cleary Summit. Lynn Schrader at left; Jim Brown in white jacket and Charlie Merill walking toward me.
673+ Northern Consolidated F27 at McGrath on my way to Red Devil, summer of 1960.
674+ Typical central Kuskokwim terrain somewhere between McGrath and Red Devil. (AKMG)
675 Our BLM crew at the store in Tanacross. We essentially platted the town; the plat was then ignored. (AKTC)
675+ Meandering stream in central Kuskokwim area (AKMG)
676-677 Main Street of Tanacross, 1959. (AKTC)
678 Our field camp in a barrow pit about 12 miles out along the Chena Hot Spring road. We’re extending the Fairbanks Base Line and laying out Sections. (AKFB)
678+-681+ Red Devil mine in June 1960 (AKSM)
679-680 Using a Canadian Bombardier to do the work (and chase moose). (AKFB)
681-683 Undescribed
682+ Jim Harrison, then a miner at Red Devil
683+-684+ Mill and headframe at Red Devil (AKSM)
684-689 University of Alaska’s campus in late 1959. Note that Old Main just going down. (AKFB)
685+-687+ Pieces of high-grade cinnabar and stibnite from Red Devil. (AKSM)
688+-689+ Scenes along the Kuskokwim River at Red Devil. (AKSM)
691 Company housing at Red Devil. Len Groethe and I were then living at the far end of the row of the tarpaper shacks in the right-center. (AKSM)
692 View of the mill from the front door of our house in Red Devil (AKSM)
693 Looking approximately west at solifluction lobes on Eagle Summit. (AKCI)
694 Looking west at Livengood (AKLG)
695-698 Not absolutely sure but believe this is the USSR & M dredge on lower Engineer Creek; then active. (AKFB)
699-707 Skiing and sledding at UAF.
708 Old Main building on the University of Alaska campus; then in its final stages of being demolished.
709-710b Undescribed
712 Volcanic ash layer exposed in cut near Ester (as shown to us during a field trip by Troy Pewe). (AKFB)
713-714 Muck layer being sluiced near Ester. (AKFB)
715-720 Undescribed
721 Slump structures in recent terrace gravels as seen in a gravel pit at Richardson Roadhouse. (AKBD)
722 Undescribed
723 Famous house, now dismantled, beside the Alaska Highway near the bridge over the Tanana River at Big Delta. Built on a permafrost lens; originally level but sunk due to melting of the permafrost. (AKBD)
724-725 Undescribed
726 Field trip to Donnelly Dome; Troy Pewe and Dick Reger in center of the picture. (AKMH)
727-734 Undescribed
735 Looking east at alluvial fan near mouth of Darling (or Onemile?) Creek near Black Rapids training site. (AKMH)
737 First trip ever onto a glacier. Went up on an Army helicopter that was taking Larry Mayo’s camp off the Gulkana Glacier. Note that the tent frame was originally level on the ice before the summer melt. (AKMH)
738-741 Thaw pond on the terminal portion of the Castner Glacier. Note Dick Reger for scale (AKMH)
742 U of A students from one of Troy Pewe’s field trips walking up to the terminus of the Castner Glacier. (AKMH)
744-746 Terminus of the Castner Glacier in June 1961 with stream issuing out from beneath the ice. (AKMH)
787-789 Panorama looking east; view from Lost River mine almost to Brooks Mountain. (AKTE)
790-795 Undescribed
796 Looking north from near low pass at the head of Lost River down the Mine River. (AKTE)
797 Undescribed
798 Looking approximately southwest at the Lost River mine from the low ridge between Lost River and Cassiterite Creek. (AKTE)
799-802 Lost River Mine vicinity
803 Orbicular skarn at north contact of Tin Creek intrusive. (AKTE)
804-813 Undescribed
814-815 Grass-covered rhyolite dike cross-cutting limestone on ridge just to the north of the Tin Creek intrusive. (AKTE)
816-820 Undescribed
821 Looking approximately NW at ridge between Tin Creek intrusive and Lost River mine. Numerous dikes cross-cutting the limestone. (AKTE)
822-826 Undescribed
827 Ribbon rock with skarn; Tin Creek area. (AKTE)
828-829 Garnet-diopside-idocrase skarn replacing limestone; just above creek just south of Tin Creek intrusive. (AKTE)
830-836 Undescribed
837-838 Looking down Cassiterite Creek and Lost River from ridge north of the Lost River mine. (AKTE)
839 C. L. Sainsbury sliding down a snow-filled gully (as I remember with a big ammonite fossil in his pack). (AKTE)
840-842 Skarn developing along fractures in marble, Lost River mine. (AKTE)
843-851 Undescribed
852 Aerial view looking east at Brevig Mission with Grantley Harbor in the distance. (AKTE)
853 High-oblique aerial view of Teller in 1961. (AKTE)
854 Jointing in granite on the northeast side of Brooks Mountain. (AKTE)
855-856 Undescribed
857 Aerial view northwest at Brooks Mountain from the headwaters of the first major stream west of the Don River. (AKTE)
858 Prominent rilling on the terrace to the south of the York Mountains and east of Lost River. (AKTE)
859 Front of the high, marine terrace south of the York Mountains. Looking west from a position about 4 miles east of the mouth of Lost River. Weasel for scale. (AKTE)
860-861 Undescribed
862 View SSE over the mouth of Lost River. Note the striking marine terrace developed on bedrock here, Buildings were part of the mining operation. (AKTE)
863 Looking up Lost River from near its mouth. (Taken from same place at 862 but turned around 180 degrees). (AKTE)
864 Undescribed
865 Pleistocene gravel developed on top of the high marine terrace several miles east of Lost River. (AKTE)
866-868 Undescribed
869 ‘Zebra’ rock on beach east of the mouth of Lost River. Layers are black dolomite and white calcite; may be related to nearby fault. (AKTE)
870 Looking west from the mouth of Lost River at the high marine terrace (AKTE)
871 Our faithful weasel at the mouth of Lost River (AKTE)
872 Orbicular skarn from the north contact of the Tin Creek granite (AKTE)
873-875 Our spike camp at the mouth of King’s River. (AKTE)
876 Looking west along beach cliffs west of the mouth of Kings River. (AKTE)
878 Undescribed
879 A typical (wet, foggy, cold) Lost River day that summer. Looking west from the mouth of Kings River. (AKTE)
900 Looking northeast up over the mouth of Cassiterite Creek at the Lost River mine. (AKTE)
901-902 Looking down Lost River from about the Bessie and Maple prospect. (AKTE)
903 Undescribed
904 Rhyolite dike at the Dalcoathe prospect, north of the Lost River mine. (AKTE)
905 Undescribed
906-912 Series of shots of Lost River mine from ridge just to the west of it. (AKTE)
913-915 Undescribed
916-922 Details of the shingled, recent beach gravels in the bar at the mouth of Lost River. (AKTE)
923 Stone rings; location unknown but common throughout the area. (AKTE)
924 Frost boil near the Bessie and Maple prospect. (AKTE)
925-926 Looking west down at the Lost River mill from the caved-in stope on the Cassiterite dike. (AKTE)
927-931 Lost River Mine
932 Looking down Lost River from location as for 926. (AKTE)
933-935 Pete Sainsbury’s Cessna 150 passing overhead. (AKTE)
936 Undescribed
937-938 Lenhart Groethe on the day he finally got his D-8 going. (AKTE)
940-943 Undescribed
945 Looking north over high marine terrace at south side of York Mountains. Taken from air about 5-6 miles east of the mouth of Lost River. (AKTE)
946-948 Undescribed
949 Army helicopter on Gulkana Glacier. (This and 950 same day as 737.) (AKMH)
950 Looking southwest at Black Rapids Glacier from Army training area near the highway. (AKMH)
951-953 As 737: looking at icefall on Gulkana Glacier. (AKMH)
954 Sharpe hand magnetometer the USBM was using to map the nickel deposit near Rainbow Mountain. (AKMH)
956 Altered rocks in canyon on north side of Rainbow Mountain near the nickel prospect. (AKMH)
957 Jim Brown, Dan Renshaw, and myself at the nickel prospect on the north side of Rainbow Mountain. (AKMH)
958 Paul Sellman and Noel Horlocker making a mess in our kitchen at the cabin in Dead End Alley near the University of Alaska Campus.
971 Middle Ordovician limestone west of Brooks Mountain. Me for scale. (AKTE)
972 Knobby limestone; right-side-up. Probably related to stromatopoid ‘heads’. (AKTE)
973 Tectonic breccia; north slope of Collier Peak. (AKTE)
974 Aerial view up Lost River. (AKTE)
976 Undescribed
977 Contorted tremolite marble. (AKTE)
978 Undescribed
979 Marine terrace west of mouth of Lost River; note numerous faults. (AKTE)
980 Limestone ‘gneiss’; again me for scale. (AKTE)
981 Thrust fault near pass between Rapid River and Kings River. (AKTE)
982 Undescribed
983 Contact of York slate and limestone at the mouth of the Kanauguk River. (AKTE)
984-985 Undescribed
987 View up north fork of Tin Creek. Edge of intrusive at left; also note dikes on ridge in center of picture. (AKTE)
988 Near-vertical shot down on the Lost River mine. (AKTE)
989-992 Undescribed
993 View north up Kings River. Note the unusually flat alluvial river terraces. (AKTE)
994-995 Undescribed
999 ‘Buff’, our landlord’s golden retriever, who stay with us at Deadend Alley
1000 Paul Sellman and Nat Rutter with Paul’s newly refurbished Jaguar; Deadend Alley.
1001-1049 Undescribed
1051 Open-pit coal mine near Jonesville. (AKAN)
1052-1053 Undescribed
1054-1055 Shop area on Big Creek. Spent much of the early part of the summer taking the D-8’s in 1055 apart. (AKCH)
1056 Frank Birch after his first accident of the summer. Collapsed gear while landing on the (marginal, windy) strip on Big Creek. (AKCH)
1057 A D-8 I pretty much took apart myself.
1058-1059 Shop area on Big Creek. (AKCH)
1060-1062 Frank Birch’s second wreck of the summer. Because of it, I had to pack the mail and critical parts up from Chandalar Lake for a month or so. (AKCH)
1063-1064 Looking south along upper Big Creek; our camp at left-center. (AKCH)
1065-1073 Big Creek vicinity
1074 ‘Red’ Adney’s cache at Chandalar Lake. (AKCH)
1075-1078 Chandalar Lake
1079 Looking WSW over the lower part of Chandalar Lake. (AKCH)
1080 Looking approximately northwest from a position just above Tobin Creek about 2 miles up from its mouth. (AKCH)
1081-1083 Looking northeast up Big Creek from the hillside east of Tobin Pass. (AKCH)
1084 Solifluction lobes near McLellan Pass. (AKCH)
1085 Undescribed
1086 Looking approx. S down Big Creek from near McLellan Pass. Touissant’s mill in left center. Was built in a hole to protect it from the weather–where snow drifted in all winter! Amero’s old cabin in about center. (AKCH)
1087 Looking approx. east over McClellan Pass. Halvor Englestad then working with the Cat on the road. (AKCH)
1088 Looking approx. southwest over Chandalar Lake from the south end of the airstrip. (AKCH)
1090 Red Adney’s cabin on Chandalar Lake. The Indian guided for him in the summer. (AKCH)
1091 Looking approx. northeast from the beach in front of Red Adney’s cabin. (AKCH)
1092-1093 Chandalar Lake
1095 Looking southwest over lower Chandalar Lake from a position about a mile east of the airstrip. (AKCH)
1096 Looking down Tobin Creek from a position just east of where it splits (about 4 miles above its mouth). (AKCH)
1099 Looking east over Chandalar Lake from Tobin Pass. (AKCH)
1100-1101 Looking down and to the southeast at our camp on Upper Big Creek. (AKCH)
1102-1103 Undescribed
1104-1106 Texas Gulf helicopter, Frank Birch’s kids, and visiting geologists. (AKCH)
1107-1116 Looking southwest down Chandalar Lake from the prominent knob about 2 miles Northeast of the airstrip. (AKCH)
1117-1118 As 1116 but looking approximately west. (AKCH)
1119-1124 As 1116 but looking north. (AKCH)
1125 Much as 1116 but a little farther west on the knob. (AKCH)
1126-1135 Chandalar Lake
1138 Undescribed
1139 Smith and Wesson, M29 .44 Magnum and Smith and Wesson .22 Airweight Kitguns (which I still have in 1987).
1140 Several of my then rifles: a Springfield 1903A3, a Marlin .22 lever action, a .22 Mauser, and a Winchester 94 (action).
1143 Old B & L ore microscope–the first I ever used–which I put together from miscellaneous parts lying about the Geology Department.
1144 Larry Morrison in his office on the top floor of the Brooks Building. (AKFB)
1145 And Larry Hanson in his office in Brooks.
1156-1161 University of Alaska Fairbanks
1162 Ice bridge built in front of the Brooks Bldg for Engineer’s Day (AKFB)
1163-1165 University of Alaska Fairbanks
1166 Josan, my dog while I was living in Deadend Alley. Given to me by an old girlfriend, Ruth Glavinovich –and eventually returned to her. (AKFB)
1167 The effect of several sticks of dynamite on my old Ford station wagon. Blew it up where the UAF warehouse/shop area is now–in memory of Ruth! (AKFB)
1168-1177 Undescribed
1178- 1184 Butte, Montana and the Berkeley Pit on the way to Wyoming.
1185-1188 Old Faithful at Yellowstone; again passing through to field camp.
1189 Undescribed
1190-1191 High-level terrace in the Centennial Mountains (near University of Wyoming field lodge). Looking out over Great Plains.
1192 Geology field campers looking at quartzite in the Centennial Mountains, Wyoming.
1193 Jim Snell, my Canadian friend, at the University of Wyoming field camp.
1194 Quartzite cut by limonite-cemented fault breccia,; Centennial Mountains, Wyoming.
1195 An organic structure in quartzite of the Centennial Mountains, Wyoming.
1196-1198 Undescribed
1200 Our field camp caravan stopped to look at the Wyoming geology.
1201 Setting up one of our field camps in southeastern Wyoming.
1202 John Blackstone, the Geology Department Chairman and field camp leader, with another of the instructors, scoping it all out.
1203-1207 Undescribed
1208 Centennial Mountains, Wyoming.
1210-1215 Typical southeastern Wyoming plains.
1216 Cross-bedding in Precambrian quartzite, Centennial Mountains, Wyoming.
1217a-q Wyoming and Nome vicinity
1218 Can recognize the faces but now don’t remember the names. University of Wyoming field camp.
1219 Undescribed
1220-1221 Central City, Colorado
1223-1229 Undescribed
1230 Typical lunch at the University of Wyoming field camp.
1232 Undescribed
1235-1236 Undescribed
1238 My old Plymouth Valiant which I brought from Bill Delatri, fixed incessantly, eventually drove down to Colorado, and finally traded for a red VW bug.
1244 Carl Benson measuring snow on Easter Dome, winter of 1963. (AKFB)
1245 Geophysical Institute experimental trailer on Easter Dome. (AKFB)
1246 Depth hoar beneath snow pack on Ester Dome. (AKFB)
1248 Aerial oblique of University of Alaska’s campus in 1963.
1250 Looking north over Arctic village in Brooks Range. (AKAC)
1251 Venetie on the Chandalar River: setting up a snow course with Ted Freeman of the Soil Conservation Service. (AKCS)
1252 View up the North Fork of the Chandalar River. (AKCH)
1253 Looking north over Chandalar Lake. (AKCH)
1254-1255 Undescribed
1256 Inside unusual ice dome formed between ice layers of Wickersham Creek by water pressure. About -30 degrees F outside but above 25 degrees F inside the dome–which we drilled and entered. (AKLG)
1257 Old geophysics hut on top of Mt. Wrangell. (AKGU)
1258-1259 Vicinity Chetasline Glacier (?), southwest flank of Mt. Wrangell. Prominent ogive features in the ice. (AKVA)
1260-1261 View of the southeast flank of Mt. Wrangell; active vent on center skyline. (AKVA)
1262 Caribou herd on flats southwest of Mt. Wrangell. This and the previous five pictures were taken on my initial flight to the top of Mt. Wrangell with Jack Wilson in his Supercub. (AKVA)
1263-1266 View of Wrangell Mountains from prominent view stop on the bluffs near the mouth of the Tazlina River. (AKGU)
1267-1268 Undescribed
1269 Aerial winter shot of dredge and dredged area on lower Engineer Creek near it’s junction with Goldstream Creek. (AKFB)
1270-1274 Aerial shots of College, University Avenue, and the University of Alaska in the winter of 1963-1964. (AKFB)
1275 Wein, Pilatus Porters at Fairbanks. Very efficient aircraft that could lift an amazing amount off a short runway. But a disaster economically because of their high charter rate and insurance costs. (AKFB)
1276 Aerial oblique of Venetie during one of our snow measuring trips. (AKCS)
1277 As 1275. Wein, Pilatus Porter.
1280 Our old camp on Big Creek during the winter. Note the very thick snow drifts. (AKCH)
1281 Looking north from about the center of Chandalar Lake during the winter. (AKCH)
1283 Probably looking up the North Fork of the Chandalar River from above Chandalar Lake. (AKCH)
1284 Looking northwest from near Red Adney’s cabin over Chandalar Lake. (AKCH)
1286 Carl Benson measuring snow on Chandalar Lake; Red Adney’s Snow-Trac beside him. (AKCH)
1288 Red Adney’s Snow-Trac and I on Chandalar Lake. (AKCH)
1289 Red Adney cutting up lake trout for dinner beside his cache. (AKCH)
1290-1292 Undescribed
1293 About over mouth of Lake Creek looking north up North Fork of the Chandalar River. (AKCH)
1294 ‘Andy’ Anderson delivering the mail to the Stannish brothers near Wiseman with Wein’s Pilatus Porter. Neither could read and Andy was reading their mail to them! (AKCH)
1295-1296 Prominent landslide and alluvial fan below it at the NW end of Wild Lake. The Meaders lived right in the middle of the path of the landslide; one can just make out the trails leading to their cabin. (AKWI)
1297-1298 Carl Benson and Fred Meader measuring snow on Wild Lake; Elaine Meader and Dion, their son, in the other picture. (AKWI)
1299 Wild Lake
1300 The Meader’s cabin at the northwest end of Wild Lake. (AKWI)
1302 Dion Meader in 1964. (AKWI)
1303 Hole in ice of Wild Lake; kept open by bubbles of gas which intermittently rose from the bottom of the lake. (AKWI)
1304-1308 Aerial views of Barrow in the winter. (AKBW)
1310 Aerial oblique of Moose Creek and the Hi Yu Mine in the winter. (AKLG)
1311 Aerial oblique of the McCarty Mine area near Cleary Summit. (AKLG)
1312 Aerial oblique of Vetter prospect and Cleary Creek in distance during the winter. (AKLG)
1313 Aerial oblique of the University of Alaska campus in April of 1964. (AKFB)
1315 Looking north of Chandalar Lake in April of 1964. (AKCH)
1317 Old cabin at forks in Tobin Creek; Red Adney and his Snow-Trac. (AKCH)
1318 View back down Tobin Creek from open country about the forks. (AKCH)
1319 Ellis Anderson and Red Adney at Ellis’s cabin. Ellis was then in his 80’s. (AKCH)
1320-1323 Wider view of the area near Ellis Anderson’s cabin. His nearest neighbor was Red Adney who lives about 8 miles away and visited him perhaps twice a winter. Their next nearest neighbor was >100 miles away! (AKCH)
1324 The central Brooks Range in winter. Perhaps looking north toward Twin Lakes. (AKCH)
1325-1326 Wein airliner passing near Wild Lake on the way to Barrow. (AKWI)
1329 Aerial view looking north over Wild Lake. (AKWI)
1331 West Ridge of the University of Alaska’s campus in June of 1964. (AKFB)
1332 Aerial of University of Alaska’s campus in 1964. (AKFB)
1333 Tailings and dredge in lower Engineer Creek area. (AKFB)
1334 Looking northwest at junction of Chatham and Cleary Creeks near Cleary Summit. (AKLG)
1335 Near-vertical aerial shot down on the Vetter prospect near the head of Wolf Creek. (AKLG)
1336 Icing on Idaho Creek above the Steese Highway near Twelvemile Summit. (AKCI)
1337-1349 Aerials in the vicinity of Mt. Prindle. (AKCI)
1350 Looking southwest over the Chatanika dredged area along the Chatanika River Valley. (AKLG)
1351-1352 Looking southeast up Chatham Creek; edge of Cleary Mine at lower right. (AKLG)
1353 Aerial looking southeast up Bedrock Creek; Cleary Mine in lower center. (AKLG)
1354 Looking south from the head of Cleary Creek toward Cleary Summit and the ski runs. (AKLG)
1355-1356 Undescribed
1357-1359 Dredge then in operation at Chatanika. (AKLG)
1360 Dredge and dredged ground on lower Engineer Creek. (AKFB)
1361 Polygonal ground in lower Goldstream Creek valley north of College. (AKFB)
1362 Aerial shot of Carl Benson’s house in 1964.
1364 University of Alaska Fairbanks
1365 Low oblique looking west of University of Alaska’s campus; summer of 1964. (AKFB)
1366 Oblique looking east at downtown Fairbanks. (AKFB)
1367 Bunny Heiner’s family in Deadend Alley.
1368-1369 Undescribed
1370-1380 With Don Ragan doing ice studies near the ice fall on Gulkana Glacier. (AKMH)
1381 Getting ready at the Gulkana airport for the big push to the top of Mt. Wrangell. The idea–which didn’t work–was to sling those yellow huts up to the top by helicopter. (AKGU)
1382-1389 Undescribed
1390 Tertiary andesite and basalt on flank of Mt. Wrangell. (AKGU?)
1391-1395 Undescribed
1396-1398 Intermediate camp in the upper Sanford River. Helicopter slung the ‘helicopter’ huts and generator up to here. Mt. Sanford in background. (AKGU)
1399-1403 Undescribed
1404 On top of Mt. Wrangell; Mt. Blackburn in distance. Have five ‘Drawtite’ tents set up–with ice axes for stakes–and have started to dig out the foundation for the permanent building. (AKVA)
1405-1406 Army ‘Huey’ helicopter delivering prefabricated components for the permanent building on top of Mt. Wrangell. (AKVA)
1407 Arctic Cat snow machine used for hauling supplies and building material on top of Mt. Wrangell. (AKVA)
1408 Undescribed
1409-1414 Prefabricated high-altitude station is up and tents are down. Looking southeast. (AKVA)
1415-1416 Shots off to east and southeast from somewhere on top of Mt. Wrangell. (AKVA)
1417-1418 Mt. Wrangell area.
1419 Low aerial shot looking approx. west along low volcanic-ash ridge on which we built the research station. Old geophysical ‘Jamesway’ at left center; our building about the center of the photo. (AKVA)
1420-1425 Mt. Wrangell, Mt. Zanetti area.
1426-1429 Vicinity Mt. Zanetti looking north at Mt. Stanford. (AKGU)
1430-1431 Mt. Wrangell, Mt. Zanetti area.
1432 In the headwaters of the Stanford River looking approximately northwest. (AKGU)
1433 Mt. Wrangell, Mt. Zanetti area.
1434-1436 In flats near the terminus of the Stanford Glacier looking southeast at Mts. Zanetti and Wrangell. Refueling Army Huey helicopter. (AKGU)
1437 At about 1434; other Army helicopter picking us up at the intermediate camp. (AKGU)
1438-1439 Undescribed
1440 Looking southwest at Worthington Glacier from Richardson Highway near Thompson Pass. (AKVA)
1442 Undescribed
1443-1446 Looking east at Bernard Mountain ultramafic from the quarry west of the Little Tonsina River. (AKVA)
1447-1452 Undescribed
1453 Copper River near Gulkana one foggy day we tried and failed to get to the top of Mt. Wrangell. (AKGU)
1454-1456 Undescribed
1457-1472 Aerial shots of warm springs between Mt. Drum and Glenallen. (AKGU)
1473-1474 Undescribed
1476-1478 Views eastward toward Mt. Zanetti over the terminus of the Dadina Glacier. (AKGU)
1479-1485 Vicinity Chetaslina Glacier. The unnamed glacier to the east of the Chestaslina has developed spectacular ogives. (AKVA)
1486-1488 Approaching high-altitude station from south just as Lockheed Hercules is dropping fuel for the camp. (AKVA)
1489 Undescribed
1490 A July day on top of Mt. Wrangell! Three feet of snow the previous day. (AKVA)
1492-1495 Undescribed
1496 Army Huey helicopter that delivered us to top of Mt. Wrangell. (AKVA)
1497-1498 View southeast over nearly complete high-altitude research station on top of Mt. Wrangell. (AKVA)
1499-1502 Undescribed
1504 Taken from the window of my first apartment in Golden, Colorado, looking at Coors Brewery.
1505 And my Plymouth made it to Golden–with much grief in the form of out-of-balance tires–in 4 1/2 days from Fairbanks.
1506-1507 Colorado
1508 Trip to Red Cloud pegmatite south of Conifer, Colorado with Bob Carpenter.
1510 Undescribed
1511 View to the north from Lookout Mountain near Golden late one afternoon
1512 View to the north over Georgetown, Colorado from road to Guanella Pass.
1513 Undescribed
1514 Cirque at head of Leavenworth Creek near Waldorf, Clear Creek County, Colorado
1515-1516 Undescribed
1517-1519 Disrupted Idaho Springs Formation somewhere in Front Range, west of Golden, Colorado
1520-1521 View from my apartment window in Golden, Colorado.
1522 View up Clear Creek Canyon from Lookout Mountain road, Golden, Colorado.
1523-1526 Undescribed
1527 View to the northwest showing high-level surfaces on the Front Range; taken from Lookout Mountain road near Golden, Colorado.
1528 Golden, Colorado.
1529 View down on Golden from Lookout Mountain road.
1530 Undescribed
1532 Index map to mercury deposits of southwestern Alaska; talk for C.S.M. weekly seminar by students.
1533 Cinnabar, stibnite, realgar, and orpiment in silica-carbonate rock, Red Devil mine, Alaska. (AKSM)
1534 High-grade cinnabar-stibnite ore from Red Devil. (AKSM)
1535 Slide with text on geologic history of southwest Alaska mercury province. (AKSM)
1537-1538 Cinnabar, stinite, and quartz in graywacke; Red Devil mine. (AKSM)
1539 Undescribed
1540 Oxidized ore from upper working of the Red Devil mine. (AKSM)
1541 Cinnabar replacing mafic clots in the silica-carbonate rock; DeCoursey mine. (AKID)
1542 Purple coating on cinnabar; characteristically developed on weathered surfaces of ore; DeCoursey mine. (AKID)
1547- 1605 COMMERCIAL BLCKHAWK SLIDES Set of commercial slides by Blackhawk Films. Primarily Alaskan glaciers, Mt. McKinley Park, and the ‘Far North’. Subjects as labeled on the slides.
1606 Undescribed
1607-1608 Dredge
1609 Mt. McKinley (AKMM)
1610 Mt. Shishaldin (?) in the Aleutians.
1611 Anchorage. (AKAN)
1612 Nome (AKNM)
1613 Kodiak, Alaska
1615 Downtown Anchorage. (AKAN)
1617 Head of Muir Inlet, Glacier Bay National Park. (AKSK)
1620 Old Valdez prior to the 1964 earthquake. (AKVA)
1622- 1637 Undescribed
1638 Slide of an (Austin Post?) black-and-white oblique of the Gulkana Glacier. (AKGU)
1639 Slide of a black-and-white oblique of the southwest side of Mt. Wrangell. (AKVA)
1640-1655 Undescribed
1656 Central City, Colorado
1657-1664 Undescribed
1665-1671 Locations unknown but taken on field trip to Uravan area in western Colorado with Bob Carpenter. Obviously thick, flat-lying red sandstone.
1672-1678 Mines and geology, vicinity of Uravan, Colorado
1679-1687 Undescribed
1688-1691 Slide of relief map of central Colorado.
1693-1695 Relief map of Alaska
1696 My Plymouth Valiant, then nearly defunct, in the mid-60’s in Colorado.
1697 View out of the bedroom window of my apartment in the back of the old Territorial Capitol building in Golden.
1699 As 1689.
1700-1724 Undescribed
1725-1734 Altered zone associated with Mo-bearing porphyry south of O’Hara Spring near McGruder Mtn., Esmeralda Co., Nevada. Consulting job for Dan King, Los Angeles. Prospect a loser but got me a new (used) ’62 VW Bug.
1736-1740 Vicinity upper Cucamonga Canyon–where the prospect noted in previous slides was located–Esmeralda County, Nevada
1741-1745 Undescribed
1746 Looking out from a molybdenum prospect near Apex where Hal Bloom was holding his geochemical short course one summer with me as his assistant. (Colorado)
1747-1749 Undescribed
1750-1752 Hal Bloom’s geochemical short-course group at the Apex Mo prospect. Hal is sixth from the left in 1743. (Colorado)
1753 Looking at prominent face of Precambrian gneiss just southwest of Frisco, Colorado (while collecting a water sample and analyzing for Mo).
1754-1755 Undescribed
1756-1763 In upper Leavenworth Creek near Waldorf, Colorado. Beautiful cirques, parks, and glacial landforms. Note new VW for scale. (Colorado)
1764 Undescribed
1765 Looking north over Georgetown, Colorado
1766-1776 Undescribed
1777-1788 Vicinity Mo prospect at head of Death Valley where I had a consulting job in 1966. Esmeralda Co., Nevada.
1789 Undescribed
1790 Camp near Cucamonga Spring, Esmeralda Co., Nevada. Did consulting job out of here.
1793 Looking north over Morrison Sandstone along Dakota and Fountain hogbacks. (Colorado)
1794-1799 Flight with C. L. Sainsbury in central front range
1801 Looking approximately north and east at Mt. Evans. (Colorado)
1802 Flight with C. L. Sainsbury in central front range
1803-1804 Looking north along valley of North Clear Creek toward Georgetown (which is hidden). (Colorado)
1806 Undescribed
1807 Looking SSW toward South Park from a position near Square Top Mountain west of Mt. Evans. (Colorado)
1809 Undescribed
1810 Looking north over Empire, Colorado
1811 View up West Fork of Clear Creek toward Red Mountain near Berthoud Pass. (Colorado)
1812-1828 Undescribed
1829 Looking west over Barker Reservoir and Nederland at the continental divide. (Colorado)
1831-1840 Moraine Park, Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado.
1841-1842 Undescribed
1843 Looking north from above Boulder along Dakota hogback.(Colorado)
1844-1847 Undescribed
1848-1849 View from near Anglo-Saxon mine, NNW toward Empire and then SSW toward Georgetown. (Colorado)
1850-1854 View down on Golden from Lookout Mountain Road. (Colorado)
1855 Undescribed
1857 Near Bear Lake, Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado.
1858 Looking east from Trail Ridge Road in Rocky Mountain National Park along Fall River valley. (Colorado)
1859-1864 Near continental divide in Rocky Mountain National Park on a field trip with Fred Moore. (Colorado)
1866 Charlie Trautwein at bog iron deposit in upper Geneva Creek. (Colorado)
1867-1876 Slides of jalpaite for a talk at the regional GSA meeting at Bozeman, Montana.
1877-1892 Undescribed
1893 Sulfide-bearing exposures in bank of the South Fork of Quartz Creek northwest of Granite Mountain (AKCA)
1894-1896 Undescribed
1897 Looking north along the South Fork of Quartz creek; most of the bluffs along the creek are mineralized. (AKCA)
1898 Looking approximately east along unnamed tributary of Quartz Creek from a position about 7 miles NW of Granite Mountain. (AKCA)
1899 Looking east at what is left of Haycock in 1968. (AKCA)
1900-1901 Undescribed
1902-1904 USGS camp at Granite Mountain airstrip. (AKCA)
1905-1907 Undescribed
1908 Alex Stetmier, our very devious if not crooked helicopter pilot, in a Hiller 12E. (AKCA)
1909-1914 Undescribed
1915-1918 Old-time prospector and his two summer helpers cleaning out their rocker on Bear Creek. (AKCA)
1919-1921 Polygonal ground, undoubtedly with ice wedges, somewhere on the upper Kawalik River. (AKCA)
1922 Undescribed
1923 T. P. Miller standing on a granite knob in the northern Darby Mountains. (AKBN)
1924 Isolated granite knobs exposed somewhere northeast of the Darby Mountains. (AKBN)
1925 Looking northwest(?) in massive marble east of Death Valley. (AKBN)
1926 Stone nets developed on marble. (AKBN)
1927-1933 Undescribed
1934 Charlie Moon’s camp on upper Sweepstakes Creek near Granite Mountain. (AKBN)
1935 Herd of reindeer near our camp on the Granite Mountain airstrip. Looking northeast with top of Granite Mountain on the skyline. (AKCA)
1936-1941 Undescribed
1942-1944 As 1934. (AKCA)
1945 Granite Mountain airstrip with summit of Granite Mountain in the distance. (AKCA)
1947-1948 Hot spring on Spring Creek southeast of Granite Mountain. (AKCA)
1949 Undescribed
1950-1952 USGS camp at Granite Mountain airstrip. (AKCA)
1953 Looking southwest from Granite Mountain airstrip toward altiplanation terraces on Bear Mountain. (AKCA)
1954 Looking north along limestone hills which lie east of the Darby Mountains. (AKSO or AKNR)
1955-1958 Undescribed
1959 Looking down on mining operations at Bluff. (AKSO)
1960-1965 Undescribed
1966-1967 Looking NW at the lower part of the Gulkana Glacier from a position on the Hoodoos. Early USGS picture shows the ice up to the level of the prominent moraine on the far wall of the glacier. (AKMH)
1969 Gerard Bond’s work tent at his camp near Gulkana Glacier. (AKMH)
1970 Close-up of solifluction lobe. (AKMH)
1971-1972 Undescribed
1973 Stone stripes east of Round Tangle Lake. (AKMH)
1974 Undescribed
1976-1979 Dogs and cabins at the Hickathier’s camp at Chisana. (AKNB)
1980 Flats of the Chisana River near Chisana; looking approximately northwest. (AKNB)
1981-1985 Undescribed
1986-1987 Looking approximately southwest (?) toward glaciers at the head of Cross Creek. (AKNB)
1988 Undescribed
1989 Looking north at altered zone along one of the upper, north tributaries to Cross Creek. (AKNB)
1990-1993 Undescribed
1994-1998 Looking approximately south from near Peak 9070 toward one of the many glaciers at the head of Cross Creek. (AKNB)
1999-2005 Undescribed
2006 View along traverse on the north side of Chisana Glacier about 5 miles west of Euche Mountain. (AKNB)
2007-2008 Undescribed
2009 Slana basalt exposed on the north side of the Chisana Glacier about 4 miles west of Euche Mountain. Don Richter looking at numerous limestone inclusions in the basalt. (AKNB)
2010 Undescribed
2011-2016 View of lower Chisana Glacier; rubble covered and hummocky. (AKNB)
2017-2018 View west up Chisana Glacier from Euche Mountain. (AKNB)
2019 View approximately SSW at terminus of the Chisana Glacier from Euche Mountain. (AKNB)
2020-2024 Undescribed
2025-2027 Hanging glacier above Chisana Glacier. (AKNB)
2028 Foliation in glacier ice; tributary to the Chisana Glacier (in distance). (AKNB)
2029 Undescribed
2030 Miniature delta forming in glacial sediments. (AKNB)
2031 Undescribed
2032-2033 Hickathiers’s camp at Chisana where we stayed. (AKNB)
2034 Undescribed
2035 Unusual lobate deposits and alluvial fan; Cross Creek near Chisana. (AKNB)
2036-2037 Don Richter taking picture of Alex Steitmeier in the upper portion of the east branch of Bond Creek. (AKNB)
2038-2042 Folds and axial plane foliation in ice, upper portion of east branch of Bond Creek. (AKNB)
2044-2045 Upper Bond Creek area. (AKNB)
2046-2050 Looking up over terminal moraines at upper end of Cross Creek. (AKNB)
2051 Unusual lobate concentric glacial or alluvial deposit, Cross Creek. (AKNB)
2052-2053 Undescribed
2054 Don Richter and Elizabeth Hickathier practicing their shooting at camp. (AKNB)
2055 The Hickathier’s camp near Chisana. (AKNB)
2056-2058 Undescribed
2059-2061 Center of the University of Alaska campus in 1968. Library just going up. (AKFB)
2062 Undescribed
2063 Hiller 12E in typical low country in the Livengood area. (AKLG)
2064-2068 Undescribed
2069 View up Olive Creek near Livengood. (AKLG)
2070-2071 Tundra shot in Livengood area. (AKLG)
2072-2073 Looking north out over Yukon Flats from vicinity Noodor Dome. (Rumor has it that original name was No Odor!) (AKLG)
2074-2081 Remembered to get some typical shots of tundra someplace in the central Livengood quadrangle. (AKLG)
2082-2083 Beaver Creek but orientation and location uncertain. (AKLG)
2084-2087 Undescribed
2088 Looking northeast or east over lower Beaver Creek south of the White Mountains. (AKLG)
2089-2090 Undescribed
2091 Bob Chapman looking across Beaver Creek near the Big Bend at the south end of the White Mountains. (AKLG)
2092-2094 Phyllite with prominent axial-place foliation; near Big Bend in Beaver Creek. (AKLG)
2095 Undescribed
2096-2097 Fall of 1968. The birch that line the deep gulleys in the loess on the upper part of the slopes are just turning yellow. (AKLG)
2098-2102 Undescribed
2103 Looking northwest at placer workings on Olive Creek. (AKLG)
2104-2114 Undescribed
2115 Carl Parker’s camp on Olive Creek where we were staying. (AKLG)
2116-2117 Looking northeast over Livengood and placer works on Livengood Creek. (AKLG)
2118-2119 Looking west at Silver Plume from Pavilion Point along old Argentine Central railroad grade. (Colorado)
2120-2177 Undescribed
2178-2183 Buildings at Central City, Colorado.
2184 Desk in my apartment at the back of the old Territorial Capitol building in Golden, Colorado.
2190 Fine old building in Victor, Colorado.
2192 Vicinity Leadville, Colorado on a trip with Milt Wiltse.
2193 Undescribed
2194 Joe Finney and a French mineralogist on a field trip to Central City, Colorado.
2195-2197 Undescribed
2198-2201 Undescribed
2202-2208 The Don J. Miller II (DJM) in Ketchikan preparing to set out to work. (AKKC)
2209-2210 Looking south over the dunite at Yellow Hill on Annette Island. (AKKC)
2211-2215 DJM at Ketchikan dock. (AKKC)
2216-2218 Undescribed
2219-2220 Geologic office on DJM in 1969. (AKKC)
2221-2222 Salt Chuck mine at head of Kasaan Bay, Prince of Wales Island. (AKCR)
2223 Pretty flowers. Photo taken while wandering around lost looking for mines on Kasaan Peninsula (near the It Mine). (AKCR)
2224-2225 Lodge and totem pole near old Kasaan. (AKCR)
2226 Aerial of old cannery at Kasaan. (AKCR)
2227 Undescribed
2228 Layering in Duke Island ultramafic (peridotite) body. (AKPR)
2229 Topography on peridotite of Duke Island zoned ultramafic body. (AKPR)
2230 Looking northwest across Hall Cove, Duke Island. (AKPR)
2231 Looking north over Hall Cove, Duke Island and its zoned ultramafic body, toward Annette Island. (AKPR)
2232 Hiller 12E helicopter parked somewhere on Percey Islands. (AKPR)
2234 Landslide near Craig. (AKCR)
2235-2236 Undescribed
2237-2239 Fishing boats at Craig. (AKCR)
2240-2243 DJM parked at Craig. (AKCR)
2244-2247 Undescribed
2248-2249 Looking northeast along Twelvemile Arm from a traverse near Peak 2351. (AKCR)
2250-2251 Fawn surprised on traverse near Peak 2351. (AKCR)
2253 Hiller 12E helicopter airlifting skiff to west side of Dall Island from anchorage in American Bay (?). Allen L. Clark and pilot, Joe Dwyer. (AKDE)
2254 Looking south(?) from ridge west of Peak 2351 east of Trocadero Bay. (AKCR)
2256 As 2253. (AKCR)
2257 Capt. Robert Stacey and Ed Maghaeles working with the anchor winch on the DJM. (AKCR)
2258 Typical rain forest on Prince of Wales Island. (AKCR)
2259-2260 West coat of Dall Island. (AKDE)
2261 Looking south from Sunny Hay Mountain over Pt. St. Nicholas. (AKCR)
2262 Looking west from Sunny Hay Mountain at San Juan Bautista Island. (AKCR)
2263-2264 Undescribed
2265-2266 Flowers on a tundra meadow in the forest, Sunny Hay Mountain. (AKCR)
2267 Tundra meadow along the trail from Sunny Hay Mountain down to Craig. (AKCR)
2268-2269 Undescribed
2270 Tundra meadow along the trail from Sunny Hay Mountain down to Craig. (AKCR)
2271-2272 Undescribed
2273-2278 DJM at the main dock in Craig. (AKCR)
2279 Devil’s Club. (AKCR)
2280-2282 Undescribed
2283-2285 Aerial shots down on Klawock. (AKCR)
2287 Undescribed
2288 Basalt lenses in graywacke, vicinity Craig. (AKCR)
2289 Unknown memorial or ?, possibly a grave; on island just west of Klawock. (AKCR)
2290 Undescribed
2291 Allen L. Clark doing geology off a skiff on the islands north of Klawock. (AKCR)
2292-2293 Sea anemones in intertidal zone. (AKCR)
2294-2295 Allen L. Clark booming along in a skiff, vicinity of Craig. (AKCR)
2296 Looking north along western coast of Dall Island. (AKCR)
2297 Pretty flowers. (AKCR)
2298 Looking north along western coast of Dall Island. (AKCR)
2299-2301 Undescribed
2302 A. T. Ovenshine–a very thin A.T.O.–eating a C-ration for lunch on a beach open to the Pacific near Cape Addington and just adjacent to a small granitic pluton–hence the rounded granitic boulders. (AKCR)
2303-2305 Just up beach near Capt Addington from 2302; outcrop of a small pluton. (AKCR)
2306-2308 Complex metasedimentary rocks near Pin Peak, ENE of Craig. (AKCR)
2309-2310 Looking southeast along shore of Black Bear Lake at Pin Peak. (AKCR)
2311-2316 Aerial view looking southeast into cirque below Pin Peak at Black Bear Lake. (AKCR)
2318-2319 Undescribed
2320-2321 Looking down at the lake at the head of Threemile Creek that drains into Klawock Lake. Note the radial fracturing due to a snowslide. (AKCR)
2322- 2327 Undescribed
2328 Southeastern Alaska frog. (AKCR)
2329-2330 Undescribed
2331-2332 Myself below the massive carbonates on Coronation Island near Nation Point. (AKCR)
2333 Hiller 12E helicopter of Shasta Air Service on stern of DJM.
2334-2335 Undescribed
2336 Heavy swell breaking against the western side of Coronation Island. (AKCR)
2338 One of the less-than-beautiful fish we often caught. (AKCR)
2339-2340 Undescribed
2341-2342 Allen L. Clark in pilothouse of DJM. (AKCR)
2343 A. T. Ovenshine is pilothouse of DJM. (AKCR)
2344 Capt. Stacey in pilothouse of DJM. (AKCR)
2345 Location unknown; perhaps western Dall Island. (AKCR)
2346-2347 Undescribed
2349-2353 Undescribed
2354 Chevron folds in argillite, western Dall Island. (AKCR)
2355-2367 Undescribed
2368-2372 DJM with Hiller 12E.
2373 Basalt dikes cutting marble. Vicinity White Mountain, Dall Island, east of View Cove. Bill Klud for scale. (AKCR)
2375 Hiller 12E and stern of DJM. (AKCR)
2376-2382 Ray Wehr sneaking up on a spotted seal on the southeast side of Forrester Island. Note exposures of felsic pluton all along the coast here. (AKDE)
2383 Location as 2382. (AKDE)
2384 Undescribed
2385 Foliated felsic pluton on Forrester Island. (AKDE)
2386-2396 Sea lions on Lowrie Island and other rocks just north of Forrester Island. (AKCR)
2398-2399 Undescribed
2400-2401 Remains of a small logging operation; somewhere in western Craig quadrangle. (AKCR)
2402 Location uncertain. (AKCR)
2403 Undescribed
2404 Beautifully developed skarn progressively developed toward a small felsic pluton just offshore on a small island. Western Dall Island. (AKDE)
2405 Undescribed
2406-2407 Bill Klud skiffing in among the rocks to escape the heavy swell. (AKCR)
2408-2410 Hank Berg in heroic pose with Ray Wehr driving on the open ocean. (AKCR)
2411-2413 Capt. Stacey and Ed Maghaeles putting boats over the side. (AKCR)
2414 Quartz conglomerate, south end of Sukwan Island. (AKCR)
2415-2416 Coast Guard rescue helicopter that came to pick some of our people up after our helicopter blew a clutch on take-off. DJM anchored in one of the coves on south-eastern Dall Island, perhaps American Bay. (AKDE).
2417 Some of the abundant clams we found. (AKCR)
2418-2419 Undescribed
2420 Capt. Stacey and Ed Magnaeles in the pilothouse of the DJM. (AKCR)
2421 Capt. Stacey opening clams. (AKCR)
2422-2430 Undescribed
2431-2435 Ray Wehr landing large halibut off northern Coronation Island. (AKCR)
2436-2437 Dave Brew and ___________ in office of DJM. (AKCR)
2438 Ray Wehr. (AKCR)
2439 Capt. Robert Stacey on radio watch. (AKCR)
2440-2441 One of the numerous landslides in area. The thin soil just slips down the rock when saturated. (AKCR)
2442-2452 Undescribed
2453 Flowers on lateral moraine of Baird Glacier. (AKSD)
2454 Foliation in glacial ice, Baird Glacier. (AKSD)
2455 Small lake on north side of Baird Glacier, perhaps 5 miles above its terminus. (AKSD)
2457-2458 Looking north over Baird Glacier 4-5 miles east of its terminus. In 2457, note helicopter about half way down to the ice for scale!. (AKSD)
2460-2466 Baird Glacier
2467-2472 Looking up along north side(?) of Baird Glacier. (AKSD)
2473-2474 Undescribed
2476 Metamorphic layering in rocks adjacent to the Coast Range batholith; on traverse along ridge that comes down (south) from Gray’s Peak, west of North Baird Glacier. (AKSD)
2477- 2484 Mountain goats on ridge coming down from Gray’s Peak; view to southwest toward Henry and Dana Peaks. (AKSD)
2485-2496 Undescribed
2497-2498 Terminus of Baird Glacier, aerial shot looking about north. (AKSD)
2499- 2502 Undescribed
2503 Views from near Peble Peak just south of terminus of Baird Glacier. View to southeast toward Coast Range batholith. (AKSD)
2504 As 2503. View to southwest; note DJM as a little dot in Scenery Cove in foreground. Continued traverse down ridge for rest of day. (AKSD)
2505 Location as 2503. View to south of prominent hanging glacier on Foote Peak. (AKSD)
2507 As 2503. View to southwest; note DJM as a little dot in Scenery Cove in foreground. Continued traverse down ridge for rest of day. (AKSD)
2508 Undescribed
2509 View up toward Preble Peak from about half way along traverse down to Stewart Peak; south side of Baird Glacier. (AKSD)
2510-2511 Undescribed
2512 View down on DJM in Scenery Cove. (AKSD)
2513-2516 Undescribed
2517-2528 Looking south at glacier that drains into the north end of Lake ‘361’ at the head of the river that drains into the Salt Chuck of Port Houghton. (AKSD)
2529-2530 Joe Dwyer at location of 2528 with Hiller 12E. (AKSD)
2531-2532 Undescribed
2533 Engine room of DJM in 1969.
2534-2536 Ed Maghaeles cleaning a big halibut. (AKSD)
2537 Allen L. Clark relieving his inner tensions with an adventure magazine. (AKSD)
2538 Jim Smith doing map work on the DJM. (AKSD)
2539 Alaska State ferry. (AKCR)
2540 Undescribed
2541 Allen L. Clark on a particularly wet skiff traverse, vicinity Port Houghton. (AKSD)
2542 Skiff traverse under nylon; Port Houghton area. (AKSD)
2544 Undescribed
2545-2562 A day on the beach at the head of the North Arm of Farragut Bay after our helicopter battery stopped cranking the engine. Myself, Joe Dwyer, Allen Clark, and Pete Popeno in pictures. A very wet day. (AKSD)
2563-2569 Undescribed
2570 Salmon caught at the entrance to the Salt Chuck, Port Houghton. (AKSD)
2571-2572 Pictures along a traverse through the alders with Bill Klud; started at the small lake at the extreme head of the drainage that extends eastward from Lake 361. Views to south toward Peak 7180. (AKSD)
2573 Location as 2571. Myself lying on the granite cobbles of the creek bed at the end of the traverse—-very tired. (AKSD)
2575 Looking east along Lake 361 (east of Port Houghton). (AKSD)
2577-2580 Undescribed
2581 Cruise ship, the Mariposa at Juneau. (AKJU)
2582-2585 Undescribed
2586-2594 Houses and native building at Chilkoot Barracks near Haines. (AKSK)
2595 DJM at Haines dock. (AKSK)
2596 Undescribed
2597 Ed McKevett and Dave Brew in the galley of the DJM. (AKSK)
2598 Al Weissenborn and Gary Winkler in the galley of the DJM. (AKSK)
2599 Cannery near Haines at Letnikof Cove., (AKSK)
2600 Me in rack on DJM studying. (AKSK)
2601 Capt. Stacey studying current affairs in his cabin. (AKSK)
2602 Fishing boats at Haines dock. (AKSK)
2603 Undescribed
2604-2606 Location uncertain. (AKSK)
2607-2609 Looking east from near Porcupine Peak across Chilkat Valley at Klukwan and magnetite-bearing talus fan at the base of Iron Mountain. (AKSK)
2610-2613 Undescribed
2614 WP&YRR passenger car at Skagway. (AKSK)
2615 Undescribed
2616 Snowplow and White Pass locomotive #73 at Bennett Lake, Y. T..
2617 Old wooden church at Lake Bennett, Y.T.
2620-2621 Undescribed
2623 White Pass locomotives #70 and #71 at Skagway. (AKSK)
2624-2626 Undescribed
2627-2629 Aerial views down on Chilkoot Barracks near Haines. (AKSK)
2630-2631 Undescribed
2632-2635 DJM tied to the dock of the cannery near Kochu Island on Chilkat Peninsula. (AKSK)
2636 Capt. Stacey and Ed. Maghaeles on DJM tied to the Haines dock. (AKSK)
2637 Undescribed
2638 View down on Golden, Colorado from Lookout Mountain.
2640 Looking northwestward over Front Range peneplain from Lookout Mountain near Golden, Colorado.
2641-2643 Location uncertain. (Colorado)
2644 Mill at the mouth of the Argo tunnel, Idaho Springs, Colorado
2645-2647 Undescribed
2648-2649 Looking approximately northeast over Front Range peneplains from somewhere on Lookout Mountain near Golden, Colorado.
2650 Undescribed
2651 Looking north at South Table Mountain from Golden.
2654-2655 Front and rear of our rented–$110 per month–house at 2202 Cheyenne, Golden, Colorado, in 1970.
2656 Undescribed
2658 Ore bin of old mine on Virginia Canyon road north of Idaho Springs, Colorado.
2659-2665 Undescribed
2667 Another old house in Georgetown, Colorado.
2668-2677 Undescribed
2678-2685 Undescribed
2686 One of our first stops in the Chino Pit, New Mexico.
2687-2690 Chino Pit, New Mexico
2691 Brecciated, altered porphyry in Chino Pit.
2692-2695 Chino Pit, New Mexico.
2696-2697 Shops and leaching operations on waste dumps at Chino Pit.
2698-2718 Chino Pit
2719-2721 Silicified porphyry in Chino Pit.
2722-2728 Chino Pit, New Mexico.
2729-2731 Undescribed
2732 Felsite dikes cutting Hanover-Fierro stock, New Mexico.
2733-2734 Looking approximately northwest over Hanover-Fierro stock.
2735-2736 Chert lenses and masses in the Oswaldo Limestone near the Hanover mine, New Mexico.
2739-2741 Layering in Quaternary gravel (or tailings?); near Hanover mines, New Mexico.
2742 Undescribed
2743-2747 Vicinity Hanover Zinc mine; mine buildings and old surface workings.
2748 Stone polygons in surficial material near Hanover mine, New Mexico.
2749 Undescribed
2750 Looking approximately south over Hanover mine toward Chino Pit in the distance, New Mexico.
2751 Chert in Oswaldo Limestone near Hanover mine, New Mexico.
2752-2758 Various surface pits and adits near the Hanover mine; many show irregular masses of sphalerite-bearing skarn replacing limestone near the periphery of the Hanover-Fierro stock, New Mexico.
2759-2763 Hanover mine, New Mexico.
2764-2767 Rocks, now of uncertain significant, from near the Hanover mine, New Mexico.
2768-2771 Getting ready for a day of field tripping; Milt Wiltse to left; New Mexico.
2772 Cross-bedding in tailings near Hanover mine, New Mexico.
2773 Ore bin near Hanover mine, New Mexico.
2774-2775 Ripple marks and cross-bedding in tailings from near Hanover mine, New Mexico.
2776-2778 Undescribed
2779-2780 What is probably a rhyolitic explosion vent; along road on a field excursion many miles northwest of Silver City, New Mexico.
2781 The party getting ready to go underground; Art Panze and Jim Butler at right. New Mexico.
2782 Undescribed
2783 Jim Butler and Art Panze underground in the Hanover mine near Hanover, New Mexico.
2784 Altered fault zone; underground in the Hanover mine, New Mexico.
2785 Candee, Wiltse, Jerry Parker (Geologist for New Jersey Zinc), and Jim Butler eating lunch in the Hanover mine, New Mexico.
2786 Irregular mass of sphalerite (and skarn?) in the Hanover mine, New Mexico.
2787 Our party going underground at the Oswaldo #1 mine near Hanover, New Mexico.
2789 Chino pit and drill rig there.
2790-2792 Breccia pipe near Tyrone, New Mexico.
2793 Tyrone mine area, New Mexico.
2794-2795 Our party at the Tyrone mine, New Mexico.
2796 Tyrone porphyry in the oxidized zone, Tyrone mine, New Mexico.
2797-2798 Altered porphyry in the Tyrone pit, New Mexico.
2799 Tyrone pit showing irregular contact between the oxidized and supergene zones; New Mexico.
2800-2801 Mineralized porphyry in the Tyrone Pit, New Mexico.
2802-2804 Heavy shovel in the Tyrone pit, New Mexico. Note that the manufacturer’s name is obscured. The Phelps Dodge people didn’t feel the free publicity was merited by the service they were getting!
2805-2806 In the oxidized zone of the Tyrone orebody west of the main pit; New Mexico.
2807 Concentrator at the Tyrone mine, New Mexico.
2809-2813 Undescribed
2814-2817 Small mine south(?) of the main Tyrone pit leaching chyrsocolla ore; New Mexico. END OF NEW MEXICO FIELD TRIP
2818-2819 Undescribed
2820 Cross-bedded Lyons sandstone near Loveland, Colorado
2821-2836 Undescribed
2837 Morrison-Dakota contact near Loveland, Colorado.
2838 Undescribed
2840 Looking south from road up Coal Creek near Boulder, Colorado.
2841-2845 Undescribed
2846-2848 Chevron folds in Coal Creek quartzite, Coal Creek Canyon near Boulder, Colorado.
2849-2858 Undescribed
2859-2868 At Colorado Railroad Museum; Golden, Colorado.
2870-2871 ‘West Red’ from air, south of Aspen, Colorado. (Source unknown).
2873 Entrance to Red Sea and Gulf of Aden; southwest at top of picture.
2874 Looking down on Gulf of Suez; top of slide is ENE.
2875 Looking SSE over Gulf of Suez toward Red Sea.
2876-2877 Undescribed
2878 Caterpillar-like folds in southern Iran.
2879 Large folds in southern Iran; Strait of Hormuz in center of picture.
2880 Location uncertain; probably southern Asia.
2881 Somewhere in China.
2882 Near Tucson(?), Arizona.
2883 Mouth of the Colorado River and the upper Gulf of California.
2884 Edge of the desert near Walvis Bay, Southwest Africa.
2885 Location uncertain but nice joint pattern and several large folds.
2886 Location uncertain.
2887 Cyclonic storm in the Mediterranean Sea.
2888 Sand dunes in northern Africa(?).
2891-2898 Undescribed
2899 Ripple marks on modern beach, Texas coast.
2900 Barrier beach near Galveston, Texas showing passes and effects of storm overwash.
2901-2907 Undescribed
2908 Jack-up oil rig in Gulf of Mexico.
2909 Large anticlinal fold in Wyoming(?).
2910 Undescribed
2912-2913 Aerial photographs of faulted anticlinal fold.
2914 Breached anticlinal fold.
2915 Subject uncertain.
2916-2919 Undescribed
2920 Anticlinal fold exposed in river bank.
2921 Close-up of excellent example of a thrust fault.
2922 Fault offset in (Precambrian?) gneisses.
2923-2924 Near-vertical fault in sediments.
2925-2926 Undescribed
2927 Disrupted anticline in close-up.
2928-2933 Undescribed
2934-2940 Festoon cross-bedding.
2941 Slip-off face of small sand dune.
2942-2943 Ripple marks on modern sand dune or sandy unit.
2944 Ripple marks and slip-off face of modern barcan sand dune.
2945 Angular unconformity.
2946 Incised meandering river, probably upper Colorado or Green River in Colorado or Utah.
2947 Near Dead Horse Point in Utah(?); geology similar to 2946.
2948 Flat-lying, deeply eroded geology; possibly Grand Canyon country.
2949 Details of modern stream bed with braided channels.
2950 Details of head-of-gulley erosion in redbeds.
2951 Modern meandering stream in flood; note natural levee.
2952-2953 Dendritic drainage pattern in arid climate.
2954-2956 Spheroidal weathering of granitic rocks.
2957 Differential weathering of flat-lying sedimentary rocks
2958-2960 Wind erosion of sandstone.
2961-2962 Isolated buttes.
2963-2964 Concretions in sedimentary rocks.
2965 Cross-section of stream channel in sedimentary rocks.
2966 Pegmatite dike in schist.
2967 Creep of sedimentary rock beds as exposed in soil profile.
2968 Complex folding (in Idaho Springs Formation of Colorado?)
2969 Effects of soft-sediment deformation.
2970 Discoloration and deposition in marine environment at mouth of small river.
2971 Oil drilling operation in desert.
2972 Dune field.
2974 Devil’s Tower, Wyoming.
2975 Modern lava, Hawaii.
2976 Night picture of modern lava eruption, Hawaii.
2977-2978 Undescribed
2979-2980 Valley fill in Basin and Range province of western U.S.
2981 Fault offsetting alluvial fan, probably in Basin and Range province.
2982 Stone carried out on mud-cracked playa lake by wind.
2983-2984 Undescribed
2985 Island and shallow shoals where carbonates are being deposited (in Bahamas??). END OF L. W. LEROY SLIDES
2986 Gemini photograph of Houston area, Texas.
2987-2991 Houses, mine buildings, and church in Cripple Creek, Colorado
2992-2994 Typical scenery, Cripple Creek, Colorado area; exact locations unknown.
2995 Old store or firehouse near Victor, Colorado
2996 Looking south along Fountain Formation exposures near Red Rocks Park, Morrison, Colorado.
2997 Precambrian-Fountain Formation contact (at plaque), Red Rocks Park, Morrison, Colorado.
2998 Slump in Lyons sandstone near Morrison, Colorado.
2999 Oil seep along fault in Dakota sandstone; lower Turkey Creek near Morrison, Colorado.
3000 Fountain Formation hogback near Morrison, Colorado. Classic Pennsylvanian red-bed sequence.
3001-3005 Buildings in Georgetown, Colorado.
3006-3013 Downtown Silver Plume, Colorado
3014-3015 Milton A. Wiltse, Asst. Professor of Geology at Colorado School of Mines doing his thing in 1970.
3016 L. W. ‘Lett’ LeRoy in his office at C.S.M.
3017 Leitz Durimet (Polarizing) microhardness tester in C.s.M. ore microscopy lab.
3019 Old Leitz Panphot in C.S.M. ore microscopy laboratory
3020 Undescribed
3022 Old school in Leadville, Colorado
3023 Old D&RG railroad station in Leadville, Colorado
3024-3032 Various and sundry buildings in Leadville, Colorado
3033-3037 Mine buildings in upper Evans Gulch, Leadville, Colorado.
3038 Looking west from upper Evans Gulch toward Turquoise Lake in distance; near Leadville, Colorado.
3039 Looking west from Tucson mine area over Leadville, Colorado.
3040 Looking west from head of Iowa Gulch, near Leadville, Colorado.
3041 Resurrection mill in lower Iowa Gulch, Leadville, Colorado.
3042-3044 Looking NNW from road at Gilman mine. Excellent view of flat-lying sediments and the mine buildings and town. Gilman, Colorado.
3046-3048 Undescribed
3053 Pingo 2 1/2 miles NW of Big Bend of Beaver Creek, Livengood B-2 quadrangle. Photo from Florence Weber. (AKLG)
3054 Pingo 2 1/4 miles NW of Big Bend of Beaver Creek, Livengood B-2 quadrangle. Photo from Florence Weber. (AKLG)
3055 Details of joinery in log cabin at Council. (AKSO)
3056 Old cabin at Council. (AKSO)
3057 Two-story log cabin at Council. (AKSO)
3058-3059 The biggest building then still standing in Council. An old road house? The front door exhibits an unusual amount of class. (AKSO)
3060 Home-made water wagon made from old oil barrels. In front of Bill Law’s house. (AKSO)
3061 Old _________ and Weiss steam engine at the shaft of the Omilak mine. (AKBN)
3062 Old shaft house of the Omilak mine. McCarthys Marsh in background; looking to southwest. (AKBN)
3063 Recent one-room building at head of Omilak Creek. On airstrip built by Willie Foster to gain access to his lead prospect. (AKBN)
3064 Travis Hudson while he and I were camped out near Willie Foster’s lead prospect. Note mosquitoes on his cap and vest. (AKBN)
3065 Solifluction lobes, Darby Mountains. (AKBN)
3066 What remains of the lower camp of the old Omilak mine. (AKBN)
3068 Our bunkhouse at Council in the Law’s camp. (AKBN)
3069 Massive carbonates at west side of the Darby Mountains, vicinity Omilak Creek. (AKBN)
3070 Looking southwest over massive marble and schist; slopes with hundreds of solifluction lobes. Western Darby Mountains near the head of Omilak Creek. (AKBN)
3071 Undescribed
3072 Looking down on the Foster lead prospect. (AKBN)
3073 Undescribed
3074 Looking approximately NNW from hill 2404 at the Omilak mine. Clearly shows the mine is on a marble lens in the schist. (AKBN)
3075 Looking west over McCarthys Marsh from hill 2404 just south of the Omilak mine. (AKBN)
3076 Looking south along west side of the Darby Mountains from vicinity Omilak mine. Interlayered marble and schist. (AKBN)
3077 Location unknown but probably NW Darby Mountains; possibly looking east. (AKBN)
3078 Location unknown; probably NW Darby Mountains. (AKBN)
3079 Looking (north? and) down on the Foster lead prospect. (AKBN)
3080 Undescribed
3081 Oxidized galena ore from the Foster lead prospect. (AKBN)
3083 Shack on the airstrip just south of the Omilak mine (on the left skyline) where Travis Hudson and I camped out for several days. (AKBN)
3084 Old steam engine on Ophir Creek near Council. (AKBN)
3085-3086 Old Fairbanks-Morse steam engine on Ophir Creek near Council. (AKSO)
3087-3090 Old Wild Goose dredge on upper Ophir Creek. (AKBN or AKSO)
3091 Old diesel or gasoline engine at head of Ophir Creek near mouth of Crooked Creek. (AKBN)
3092 Wild Goose dredge on upper Ophir Creek. (AKBN or AKSO)
3093-3094 Terminus of the old Wild Goose Railroad from Council to ‘l5 Above Ophir. Here the warehouse at 15 above Ophir. (AKSO)
3095 The front (or back?) door of the Law’s house in Council. (AKSO)
3096-3098 Looking northwest along Niukluk River at Council in the summer of 1970. Bill and Betty Law’s cabin in foreground just above the mouth of Melsing Creek. (AKSO)
3099 Old cabin near remains of dredge hull; about 2 miles northeast of Council on Basin Creek. (AKSO)
3100-3101 Travis Hudson enjoying the sun in the Law’s front yard. Niukluk River at right. Note the lawn mower; probably the first ever in Council and certainly a rarity on the Seward Peninsula. (AKSO)
3102-3103 Lineations in schist; Council(?) area. (AKSO)
3104 Old dredge on east side of Solomon River below mouth of Big Hurrah Creek. (AKSO)
3105-3106 Careful examination indicates that this dredge is different from 3104. Looks in pretty good shape; probably the one I visited on the Solomon River above Lee’s camp. (AKSO)
3107-3113 Remains of equipment of the Council City and Solomon Railroad at the mouth of Solomon River just above the beach. All three of the CC&SR locomotives are shown here in 1970. (AKSO)
3114 ‘Ranch’ just outside of Nome. Note the cows!. (AKNM)
3115 Typical street scene in Nome…in all its squalor. (AKNM)
3116 Front Street in Nome. Then just paved and sidewalks put in. (AKNM)
3117 Undescribed
3119-3121 Remains of old Risdon steam dredge on Solomon River about 2(?) miles below mouth of Big Hurrah Cree. (Note: took large, ornate brass plate off the shrouding of the steam engine for myself. (AKSO)
3122 Undescribed
3123 Uncertain, but probably vicinity of Big Hurrah Mine; possibly looking up Solomon River. (AKSO)
3124-3126 Old steam engines at Big Hurrah mine. (AKSO)
3127 Location uncertain, possibly looking north over McCarthy Marsh. (AKSO)
3128 Tom Miller refueling helicopter. (AKSO)
3129 Flat-jointed basalt exposed north of the Bendeleben Mountains. (AKBN)
3130-3131 Undescribed
3132 Polygonal soil. (AKBN)
3133-3134 Undescribed
3135 Stone polygons composed of felsic granitic rocks covered by black lichen. (AKBN)
3136 Typical rubble slopes on granitic rocks of the Bendeleben Mountains. (AKBN)
3137 Undescribed
3138 Solifluction lobes on massive carbonates. (AKBN)
3139 Undescribed
3140-3142 Dikes and faults in contorted marble in southern Bendeleben Mountains. (AKBN)
3143-3146 Location uncertain. (AKBN?)
3148-3150 Irregular mass of cinnabar in shale unit with calcite lenses; underground in the Red Top Mine. (AKDI)
3151 Undescribed
3152-3155 Looking south at Marsh Mountain and Red Top Mine. (AKDI)
3156 Prospects pit being dug by Ed Gentzwill and Bill Carlson on ridge northwest of Marsh Mountain to prospect for mercury–apparently very successfully in that they found several new Hg veins. (AKDI)
3157-3160 Undescribed
3161 Clarence Wren’s cabins below the Red Top Mine (to the north); Clarence owned the Red Top and leased it to ________ who was trying to operate it at this time. Lived in this cabin for a few days. (AKDI)
3162-3173 Looking southeast over the Gentzwill-Carlson prospects toward the Red Top Mine. (AKDI)
3174-3176 Looking northwest at Lake Aleknagik from the top of Marsh Mountain. (AKDI)
3177 Undescribed
3178-3183 Aerial obliques looking down on the Red Top mine and the Gentzwill-Carlson prospects. (AKDI)
3184 Looking down on morainal (?) deposits between March Mountain and Cinnabar Creek. (AKTA)
3185-3190 Undescribed
3191 Looking down on Joe Hoare’s camp at the neck on Lake Chauekutuli(?). (AKTA)
3192-3202 Undescribed
3203-3204 Aerial oblique looking down on the Cinnabar Creek mine, including the mill and the open pit. (AKTA)
3205 High-grade mercury ore from the Cinnabar Creek mine. Of all things, they were grinding these cinnabar boulders up and putting them through their mill with its atrociously poor recovery!. (AKTA)
3207 Tailings (!) from the Cinnabar Creek mill. (AKTA)
3208-3209 Cinnabar Creek mill in 1970. (AKTA)
3210 Looking northwest toward Cinnabar Creek camp. (AKTA)
3211-3220 The open pit of the Cinnabar Creek mine, then being mined. (AKTA)
3222 Undescribed
3223 Typical scenery in the headwaters of the Aniak River. (AKTA)
3224-3225 Cinnabar Creek camp. Note the stagger-wing Beechcraft which was stranded there with mechanical trouble. (AKTA)
3226 Undescribed
3227 Traverse in the vicinity of Flat Top Mountain; typical geomorphology of the area. (AKTA)
3228 As 3227 with Joe Hoare. (AKTA)
3229 Allen L. Clark building a fire to heat his C-rations somewhere on a traverse. (AKTA)
3230 Wein-Consolidated, Twin Otter picking up cinnabar concentrates at Cinnabar Creek. (AKTA)
3231 Playing cards in the cookhouse: Francis McClure (Russ Schaefer’s heir), Allen Hubbard (her major domo), Tom Webb (mechanic), and Allen Clark. (AKTA)
3232 As 3231 from different angle.
3233 C.S.M. ore microscopy laboratory; comparison microscope built up with two Leitz MOP microscopes.
3234-3235 Milt Wiltse, Art Panze, and Mike Cruzon in CSM ore microscopy laboratory.
3236 ‘New’ Zeiss ore microscope in CSM ore microscopy lab..
3237 Leitz ore microscope.
3238 Undescribed
3239 Old Zeiss ore microscope.
3240 Hallimond visual photometer set up on a Leitz MOP microscope.
3241 Polishing room adjacent to the CSM ore microscopy lab.
3242-3247 Undescribed
3248-3251 X-ray equipment in Joe Finney’s laboratory.
3252-3253 Portable ARL spectrograph on which I did all my Silver Plume analyses.
3254 L. W. LeRoy and students at CSM.
3255 Audry Bruns, the CSM Geology Department secretary in the late 60’s.
3256-3257 John Hayes, C.S.M.
3258-3259 Jim Dover and student in C.S.M. optical lab.
3260 Rudy Epis (died 1987).
3261 Harry Kent looking very serious in his newly acquired role at C.S.M. Geology Department Chairman.
3262 Harold Bloom, geochemist in Geology Department.
3263 Joe Finney, when he was one of ‘us’, and Milton A. Wiltse, during his first year at C.S.M.
3264 Chris Candee preparing an X-ray sample in Joe Finney’s lab.
3265 Looking west over the Vetter prospect at the head of Wolf Creek, Cleary Hill area. (AKLG)
3266 Stibnite and gouge along fault zone near the Vetter prospect, head of Wolf Creek. (AKLG)
3267-3270 Old mining equipment, Fairbanks District. (AK LG or AKFB)
3271 Undescribed
3272 Typical birch forest near Fairbanks, possibly near Vault. (AK LG)
3300-3309 Murphy and I skiing on top of Ester Dome late in the winter. (AKFB)
3311 ARR No. 1 in front of the Anchorage passenger station. (AKAN)
3312 Our (rented) faculty house on Chandalar Street, University of Alaska campus. Possibly one of our last days there. (AKFB)
3313-3315 Fairbanks, Alaska
3318 The first picture of our new house at 432 Lignite Street, Fairbanks. The ‘For Sale’ sign was soon to come off. (AKFB)
3319-3345 ‘Galileo’, NASA Convair; boarded at Eielson AFB for a flight to Barter Island and then out over the ice of the Beaufort Sea for at least an hour. Plane heavily instrumented.
3347 Undescribed
3348-3350 Breakup in the Spring of 1971 on Lignite Street. What a mess! (AKFB)
3351 Results of my running a stoplight at College Road and University Avenue. It was all put back together eventually–more or less to its original state.
3352-3356 More view of our new house on Lignite during breakup of 1971.
3357-3358 Field geology class plane tabling in the eclogiter quarry near Olnes on the Livengood road. Charlotte Hok to the left. Start of field camp that summer. (AKFB)
3359 Undescribed
3360 Lode gold mine at the head of Dome Creek. (AKLG)
3361 Undescribed
3363 Class checking out the outcrop in 3362. Note the ‘Blue Bomb’, a surplus Army ambulance that I notoriously kept getting stuck. (AKEA)
3364-3368 Undescribed
3369-3377 Field camp site beside the bridge over the 40 Mile River just beyond South Fork Lodge. Can recognize Jim Madonna, Nancy Crozier, and Glen Kangas. Mike Wood ran the course here. (AKEA)
3378 University of Alaska Fairbanks
3379-3380 Spring on Lignite Street, Fairbanks.
3383-3384 Walking dragline on Salmon River opp Goodnews Bay Mining Company Large automatic nozzle/giants in foreground. (AKHG)
3385 Looking down on bucket line from winch room of Goodnews Day Mining Company’s dredge. (AKHG)
3386 Front of GBMC dredge. (AKHG)
3387 Undescribed
3388 Looking down on bucket line from winch room of GBMC’s dredge. (AKHG)
3389 Winch room of GBMC dredge. Allen L. Clark to right; Jerry Fisher in the middle. (AKHG)
3390 Looking down at the bucket line on the GBMC dredge. Note the sampler about to collect a pan of material. (AKHG)
3391-3392 GBMC dredge from the side. (AKHG)
3393-3394 Brecciated ultramafic? (AKHG)
3395 Looking northeast over GBMC camp. (AKHG)
3396 Looking east over GBMC camp. (AKHG)
3397 Undescribed
3398-3399 Looking approximately NNW toward Platinum and mouth of Goodnews Bay. (AKGO)
3400 Looking down on one of the houses at Platinum. (AKGO)
3401-3402 Looking approximately north over the Platinum store and airstrip toward the mouth of Goodnews Bay. (AKGO)
3403-3404 Allen L. Clark, Jerry Rosenbaum (our resident loser), and Martin Jetton, our helicopter pilot with a TEMSCO Hiller 12E at Goodnews Bay. (AKGO)
3405-3407 Undescribed
3408-3411 Clean-up on dredge. (AKHG)
3412 Ed Olsen, the President of GBMC helping on the dredge clean-up. (AKHG)
3413 Looking up the inside of the trammel on the GBMC dredge. (AKHG)
3416 Winches on the GBMC dredge. (AKHG)
3419-3421 Undescribed
3422 Martin Jetton watching the platinum and gold coming off the dredge concentrates on the Wilfey Table. (AKHG)
3423 As 3422, plus Allen Clark. (AKHG)
2424-3425 Undescribed
3426-3430 Front of GBMC dredge. (AKHG)
3431-3432 Bucket line and bow gantry of the GBMC dredge. (AKHG)
3433-3435 Faulted and veined dunite exposed along beach cliffs at the west side of Red Mountain. (AKHG)
3436-3437 Undescribed
3438-3445 Walking dragline of GBMC. (AKHG)
3446-3454 Ground sluicing operation on Salmon River near mouth of Medicine Creek. Ground too shallow to dredge here. (AKHG)
3455 Allen L. Clark and Martin Jetton panning. (AKHG)
3456 Faulted green tuff(?) somewhere in vicinity of Platinum. (AKHG)
3457 Dog-house boiler at GBMC camp. (AKHG)
3458 Tuffaceous agglomerate east of Red Mountain. (AKHG)
3459 Undescribed
3460-3469 Pillow basalt east of GBMC camp; probably in vicinity of upper Kinegnah River. (AKHG)
3470 Allen L. Clark sitting on the west slope of Chagvan Mountain; looking north toward Red Mountain in far distance. (AKHG)
3471 Looking WSW from vicinity Chagvan Mountain over Security Cove toward Cape Newenham Peninsula. (AKHG)
3472 Typical wind-swept beach in area. Here Nanvak beach; note walrus rusk for scale! (AKHG)
3473 Martin Jetton and our Hiller 12E on Nanvak beach. Note walrus skull; the beach here furnished tusks to Martin, Allen, and me! (AKHG)
3474 Undescribed
3475-3482 Low-altitude, aerial obliques down on Platinum. (AKHG)
3484-3485 Hear-vertical aerial shots down on the GBMC dredge on a particularly nice day. (AKHG)
3486-3491 Aerial obliques at various angles of GBMC dredge on the Salmon River. (AKHG)
3492-3496 Aerial shots of ground sluicing operation on the middle Salmon River. Particularly nice view of pump, pipeline, giants, wing-dam above sluice box, and dragline. (AKHG)
3497 Undescribed
3498-3501 Small skid-mounted churn drill near Salmon River. Formerly used for prospecting gravel to dredging. (AKHG)
3502-3508 Undescribed
3509-3510 Large churn drill used for prospecting gravel. (AKHG)
3511-3516 Close-up of giants stripping ground at site shown in aerial 3492-3496. (AKHG)
3517-3518 Front of old dredge on lower Wattamuse Creek. (AKHG)
3520 Stern of Wattamuse dredge showing single steel spud. (AKHG)
3521-3524 Washing plant at one of the placered areas on the upper Arolik River. (AKHG)
3525-3526 Undescribed
3527 Looking southeast into the crique at the head of Crater Creek(?), Note well-developed terminal moraine. (AKHG)
3528-3529 Undescribed
3530 Looking approximately east from vicinity Cape Newenham along north side of Cape Newenham Peninsula toward Chagvan Mountain in distance. (AKHG)
3531 Undescribed
3532 Altered zone–along fault?–near Castle Rock at west end of Security Cove. (AKHG)
3533-3536 Undescribed
3538 Looking approximately north over mouth of Chagvan Bay toward Red Mountain in distance. (AKHG)
3539-3542 Looking north over beach ridges on spit at mouth of Chagvan Bay toward Red Mountain in the distance. (AKHG)
3543-3546 Looking NNE up dredged area on lower Salmon River from near mouth of Quartz Creek. (AKHG)
3547 Oblique view of GBMC dredge showing the regularity of the ridges on the tailings. (AKHG)
3548 Aerial of ground sluicing operation shown much better in 3492-3496. But note that it is taking place on the shallow ground between the ‘young’ channel in the foreground and the ‘old’ clay-rich channel. (AKHG)
3549 Aerial shot down on the large tundra tussocks on the flat near Platinum; note road for scale. (AKGO)
3550-3555 Undescribed
3556 Aerial view to south at Red Mountain. Thick moraine in foreground on the northwest side of Red Mountain. (AKHG)
3557 High aerial oblique to south over north end of Red Mountain in foreground toward Salmon River; Chagvan Bay in distance. (AKHG)
3557a Aerial oblique down and to the north at the GBMC camp on the middle Salmon River. (AKHG)
3558 Aerial view to south of Red Mountain. (AKHG)
3559-3561 Undescribed
3562a View to south along Salmon River. Note sluicing operations in foreground and dredged ground along the Salmon River. (AKHG)
3562 Looking south over dredged ground on the lower Salmon River at Chagvan Bay in distance. (AKHG)
3563 As 3562. (AKHG)
3563a As 3562A.
3564 Looking southwest over GBMC camp on the Salmon river toward the Cape Newenham Peninsula in the far distance. (AKHG)
3565 Exceptional shot looking down Salmon River. Clear distinction between the ‘young’ channel to the right and the old, orange-weathering channel to the left. Dredge then about 2/3rd way up shot between channels. (AKHG)
3566 Looking down at one of the creeks draining east from the north end of Red Mountain. Creek ground sluiced; note test pits in lower part of creek. (AKHG)
3567 Undescribed
3568-3570 Looking north over Platinum at south spit and mouth of Goodnews Bay. (AKGO)
3571-3572 Beach ridges on south spit; looking north over Platinum. (AKGO)
3573-3575 Aerial shots of Platinum. (AKGO)
3576 View out on Golovin Bay from Golovin. Boat is one of the remnants of the ill-fated marine placer operations off Bluff in 1969 or 1970. (AKSO)
3577-3580 Folded, calcareous schists showing original sedimentary layering. (AKSO)
3582-3583 T. P. Miller trying to catch butterflies. (AKSO)
3585 Stone polygons in the southeast Darby Mountains. (AKSO)
3587-3589 Progressive transposition of sedimentary layering during low-grade metamorphism of calcareous shales; coast in vicinity of Elim. (AKSO)
3597 Undescribed
3598 Martin Jetton after landing in thick brush with Hiller 12E, seemingly effortlessly. (AKSO)
3599-3604 Dredge on Aggie Creek, east of Mt. Wick. (Or is it on the first unnamed creek south of Aggie Creek?). (AKSO)
3605 Folded marble and phyllite with marked axial plane cleavage on beach northwest of Rocky Point. (AKSO)
3607-3609 Tom Miller getting his walrus tusks on beach northwest of Rocky Point. Martin Jetton assisting in this incredibly smelly operation. (AKSO)
3610-3626 Undescribed
3627 Typical terrane in the northern Darby Mountains. (AKSO)
3628-3634 Undescribed
3635 Dike cutting calcareous schist. (AKSO)
3636-3637 Contact of marble-schist unit and Darby granite. Contact runs from edge of prominent marble to break between rounded-versus-jagged topography on skyline. Also note prominent solifluction lobes. (AKSO)
3638-3642 Undescribed
3643-3647 (Blurred) aerial oblique of beautiful downtown Golovin. (AKSO)
3648 Undescribed
3649-3657 Scenes about Golovin; 3656 is the old Dexter store or roadhouse. (AKSO)
3658-3659 Undescribed
3660 Prospect at the head of Dry Canyon Creek; T. P. Miller observing. (AKSO)
3662-3668 Undescribed
3669 Martin Jetton with a big grayling. (AKSO)
3671 In the granitic pluton of the northern Darby Mountains. (AKSO)
3672-3676 Undescribed
3677-3678 Martin Jetton collecting butterflies somewhere in the northern Darby Mountains. (AKSO)
3679 Undescribed
3680 Folds in calcareous schist. (AKSO)
3681 Jointing in granite of the northern Darby Mountains. (AKSO)
3682 Tom Miller and Martin Jetton collecting a water sample at the hot spring on upper Lava Creek. (AKBN)
3683-3684 Remains of World War II Russian, lend-lease B-25 (or Douglas A-20) that crashed between Elim and Golovin. (AKSO)
3685-3686 Bars and meanders on stream near crashed Russian bomber. (AKSO)
3687-3689 Tom Miller with .50 machine gun on World War II lend-lease Russian bomber that crashed between Elim and Golovin. (AKSO)
3690-3695 Undescribed
3696 Looking west toward Moses Point from southern Darby Mountains. (AKSO)
3698 Martin Jetton at an old driftwood building near Walla Walla(?). (AKSO)
3699 Looking along the Kwiniuk River somewhere. (AKSO)
3700 Sheared phyllite with prominent axial-plane foliation. (AKSO)
3702 Looking approximately south over what was left of Haycock from a position near triangulation station ‘Rabbit’. (AKCA)
3703 Looking north along the west fork of Quartz Creek along the mineralized zone we found in 1969. (AKCA)
3704 Tom Miller and Martin Jetton at the hot spring near Granite Mountain. Granite Mountain itself is marked by the radar site in the distance on the skyline. (AKCA)
3705 Grayling. (AKSO)
3706-3708 Old steam shovel and railroad ‘speeder’ in Nome. (AKNM)
3709 Looking northeast from Mt. Eklutna up Matanuska River. (AKAN)
3710-3711 Bluffs along Copper River near Copper Center. (AKVA)
3712-3716 Undescribed
3717-3720 Aerial shot down on the delta at the mouth of the Kuskulana River on the Chitina River. (AKVA)
3721 Looking approximately north from the Bonanza mine at the Nikolai Basalt-Chitistone Limestone contact. (AKMC)
3722 Undescribed
3723 Old ore wagon in McCarthy. (AKMC)
3724-3725 Looking approximately south from Bonanza Mine toward Porphyry Mountain. (AKMC)
3726 Looking approximately northwest across the Root Glacier from near the Bonanza Mine. (AKMC)
3727 Copper carbonates staining limestone at the top of one of the old stopes at the Bonanza Mine. (AKMC)
3728-3729 Allen Clark at the top of an old stope near the Bonanza mine. (AKMC)
3730-3731 Looking southwest over buildings at the Bonanza mine; Porphyry Mountain in the background. (AKMC)
3732 Family picking chalcocite out of the old dump near the Bonanza Mine buildings. (AKMC)
3734-3735 Undescribed
3736 Old store in McCarthy. (AKMC)
3737-3739 Old buildings at McCarthy. (AKMC)
3740-3741 Undescribed
3742-3743 Old turntable of the CR&NW railroad at McCarthy. (AKMC)
3744-3747 Remains of old CR&NW railroad work car at McCarthy. Note the legend ‘Katalla Co., Cordova’ on 3745. (AKMC)
3748-3754 The Kennecott mill and associated buildings. (AKMC)
3755 Looking north from the top of the Kennecott mill at the powerhouse with the Kennecott glacier as background. (AKMC)
3756 Looking south from the top of the Kennecott Mill toward McCarthy. White building in the foreground is the old hospital. (AKMC)
3757-3765 More of old Kennecott Mill and associated buildings. (AKMC)
3766-3770 Layered chromite in Tonsia ultramafic (taken while checking Barry Hoffman’s thesis). (AKVA)
3771-3772 Wisps of chromite in Tonsina ultramafic. (AKVA)
3773-3778 Old 0-4-0 saddle-tank switch engine on display, main street of Palmer. (AKAN)
3780-3782 Geologic field methods course at the University of Alaska in the Spring of 1971. Can identify Carlotte Hok, Glen Kangas, and Mike Wood. (AKFB)
3783-3787 Undescribed
3788-3789 Unusual weathering of Cretaceous Kuskokwim Group graywacke at the Red Devil Mine. (AKSM)
3790-3795 Undescribed
3796-3798 Buildings at the Red Devil Mine. (AKSM)
3799-3805 Beautiful downtown Bethel! (AKBH)
3806-3807 Undescribed
3808-3813 Panorama to the north from the top of Barometer Mountain. (AKSM)
3814-3820 Mike Estlund looking at weathered Kuskokwim Group graywacke in a trench near the Rice Shaft, Red Devil mine. (AKSM)
3821-3824 Red Devil mine from near the old bunkhouse. (AKSM)
3825-3828 Looking down and up the Kuskokwim River from near the Barometer mine. (AKSM)
3829-3833 View to the north of the Red Devil mine. (AKSM)
3834-3835 View to west of mine buildings at Red Devil; taken from the mill. (AKSM)
3836-3837 Headframe of the main shaft at Red Devil. (AKSM)
3838-3845 Various at the Red Devil mine. (AKSM)
3846 Looking up river from the main street of the ‘town’ of Red Devil toward the mine–which is just to the right of the oil tanks in the distance. (AKSM)
3847 Camp that Allen Clark and I put up on small lake about 7 miles ENE of the upper end of Kagati Lake; near Kagati mercury prospect. (AKGO)
3848-3849 Looking approximately southwest at Atayak Mountain and headquarters of Atmugiak Creek from lake in 3847. (AKGO)
3850-3851 Looking approximately west at Outchiwenet Mountain from Kagati mercury prospect. (AKGO)
3852-3855 Allen Clark at Kagati Lake mercury prospect. (AKGO)
3856-3857 Undescribed
3858-3862 Looking west at rock glacier from camp site on 3847 (AKGO)
3863 Undescribed
3864-3866 Monstrous tundra tussocks near Kagati Lake. (AKGO)
3867-3873 Undescribed
3874 Field assistant, Allen Clark, and Brett Clark at camp on first lake on Atmugiak Creek above Kagati Lake. A very wet nasty day. (AKGO)
3875 Fish camp along the Kuskokwim River near Bethel (AKBH)
3876-3882 Murphy and I during a camping trip On Deadwood Creek to see the old burned dredge on Crooked Creek. Dredge was the one originally owned by C. J. Berry. (AKCI)
3883-3889 Undescribed
3890 Cooper Land’s house on Lookout Mountain near Golden, Colorado.
3891-3896 Undescribed
3898-3903 Aerial view down and to south at Golden, Colorado
3904-3905 Undescribed
3906-3908 Aerial view near Breckenridge, Colorado?
3909-3910 Hi-Yu Mine on Fairbanks Creek (AKLG)
3911 Cleary Hill Mine (AKLG)
3912 Hi-Yu Mine (AKLG)
3913-3914 Field Camp, 1972; plane tabling in the Cleary Hill area. (AKLG)
3915-3919 Undescribed
3920 Road near the Cleary Hill Mine. This was a rabbit year and they had eaten everything in sight as far up as they could reach! (AKLG)
3921-3923 Steam hoist along the road to the Cleary Hill Mine. (AKLG)
3924 Quartz ‘eyes’ in Birch Creek Schist near Cleary Hill. (AKLG)
3925 Undescribed
3926-3927 Looking west along the Keystone vein and Vetter prospect on the ridge between Chatham and Wolf Creeks. (AKLG)
3928 Crenulations in micaceous Birch Creek schist near Cleary Hill. (AKLG)
3929 Undescribed
3931-3934 Various steam engines on upper Cleary Creek. (AKLG)
3935-3938 Plane tabling during field camp at Vetter prospect. Can identify Mark Robinson and Mark Zdepski. (AKLG)
3939 Old two-cylinder gas engine found on the south side of lower Chatham Creek. (AKLG)
3940 Details of the corner joinery of an old log cabin, Cleary Hill area. (AKLG)
3941-3943 Geologic field methods course on the University of Alaska campus in the early spring. (AKFB)
3944-3945 Undescribed
3946-3950 Alaska Railroad engine No. 1; taken at Alaskaland in Fairbanks where it was on display. (AKFB)
3951-3954 Aerial views on downtown Fairbanks (on a flight to the upper Salcha River with Murphy). (AKFB)
3955-3960 Undescribed
3961 Aerial view of Hamilton Acres and Lignite Street in Fairbanks; our house in about center of picture. (AKFB)
3962 Undescribed
3963-3965 Murphy on plane chartered to look over the Salcha ultramafic body prior to our fieldwork there. (AKFB)
3967 Looking WNW down Ricks Creek from its extreme headwaters; USGS camp just visible at right-center. (AKBD)
3968 Bright orange-weathering, chalcedony-calcite rock along the north contact of the Salcha ultramafic at the head of Ricks Creek. (AKBD)
3969 Strongly lineated schist near head of Ricks Creek. (AKBD)
3970 Mike Estlund; looking east toward triangulation station ‘Nail’ (about 3 miles away). (AKBD)
3971 Same view as previous shot. (AKBD)
3972-3973 Undescribed
3974-3979 Layering in Salcha ultramafic about 3 miles west of triangulation station ‘Nail’. (AKBD)
3980 Looking east toward head of Ricks Creek from Salcha ultramafic. (AKBD)
3981-3982 Undescribed
3983-3984 Slickensides on fault in silica-carbonate rocks at head of Ricks Creek. (AKBD)
3985-3986 Silica-carbonate rock adjacent to ultramafic rocks at head of Ricks Creek; ultramafic body extends off into the distance. (AKBD)
3987 Pretty Spring flowers growing on the Salcha ultramafic. (AKBD)
3988 Looking WNW down Ricks Creek from near its extreme head; Salcha ultramafic rocks in left foreground. (AKBD)
3989 Looking approximately NNW down on USGS camp at head of Ricks Creek from the Salcha ultramafic. (AKBD)
3990 Looking east along north side of Salcha ultramafic from near ‘Nail’. (AKBD)
3999-4000 Bell helicopter taking off near head of Ricks Creel. (AKBD)
4001 Undescribed
4003 Perhaps looking approximately northeast down Dan Creek. (AKBD)
4004 Undescribed
4005 Layering in Salcha ultramafic. (AKBD)
4006 Undescribed
4007 Looking northeast down Salcha ultramafic from near Peak 5531 (‘Nail’) (AKBD)
4008-4009 Our camp at the head of Ricks Creek. (AKBD)
4010-4011 Bell G3B1 with Bill Greenwood in it and our pilot Ed Miller. (AKBD)
4012 Undescribed
4013 Looking at the gaudy silica-carbonate zone which borders the Salcha ultramafic at the head of Ricks Creek. (AKBD)
4015 Undescribed
4017-4023 Scenes around our camp at the head of Ricks Creek. Includes Allen Clark, Bill Greenwood, and Mike Estlund. (AKBD)
4024-4027 Undescribed
4030-4035 Our wrecked helicopter approx. 3 miles up from the mouth of Lost Creek off the upper Salcha River. Our Pilot (?) got himself stuck in the trees and totaled the ship. The pilot, Ed Miller, suffered back injuries; Allen Clark was bruised; and Mike Estlund was knocked unconscious–and remained so until he died more than a year later. (AKBD)
4037-4040 See previous slides. I was on scene shortly; Allen and I cleared this landing area most of the night with a machete. Scene after an Army Huey pulled Mike out the next morning. (AKBD)
4041-4043 AS 4032
4044 Our garden at 432 Lignite, Fairbanks. (AKFB)
4045-4049 Goodnews Bay Mining Company dredge. (AKHG)
4051-4052 Sedimentary structures in recent beach near mouth of Salmon River. (AKHG)
4053-4061 Non-float washing plant just west of GBMC camp. Dragline dumping gravel into an elevated sluice box; pump furnishing water to sluice boxes from a damned pond just below. Cat removing gravel. (AKHG)
4064-4072 Packing up camp on upper Ricks Creek. Brett Clark and our cook, a student at the U. of Alaska whose name escapes me.
4073-4075 As 4053 (AKHG)
4076-4077 Bill Greenwood on beach west of Red Mountain. Faulted dunite cut by dikes and irregular masses of pyroxene rock. (AKHG)
4078-4081 Layering in colluvium from Red Mountain along beach. (AKHG)
4082-4084 Looking north along beach from west wide of Red Mountain toward Platinum and the mouth of Goodnews Bay. (AKHG, AKGO)
4086-4087 Undescribed
4088 Allen and Brett Clark on our Honda Trail 90’s; somewhere at the northeast end of Red Mountain. (AKHG)
4089-4091 Brett Clark feeding Arctic Terns out of the window of the dredge. (AKHG)
4092-4093 Looking down on the bucket line of the GBMC dredge. (AKHG)
4094 Looking approximately SSE down Salmon River from near the top of Red Mountain. Bill Greenwood in foreground. (AKHG)
4095 Kids at the Platinum airstrip while we were loading a Short Skyvan. (AKGO)
4097-4103 Undescribed
4104 Chromite layers in dunite near mine; Red Mountain ultramafic. (AKSV)
4106-4108 Chromite layers in dunite at mine; some folded and/or faulted. (AKSV)
4109-4112 Mixed dunite and pyroxenite rocks, vicinity of mine, Red Mountain. (AKSV)
4113 Chromite lenses in dunite; location uncertain. (AKSV)
4114 Undescribed
4115 Thin, folded pyroxenite layers in dunite near mine. (AKSV)
4116-4117 Undescribed
4118-4121 Looking ESE at prominent nose with mine on top. (AKSV)
4122-4125 Beautiful chromite layers in dunite; location about 0.8 miles WSW of top of Red Mountain. (AKSV)
4126-4128 Chromite layers in mixed dunite-pyroxenite rock. Various uncertain locations. (AKSV)
4129-4134 Undescribed
4136-4138 Folded chromite lenses in dunite; about 0.5 miles NW of top of Red Mountain. (AKSV)
4139-4146 Undescribed
4147 Close-up of serpentine shell of ultramafic; north contact west of Windy River. (AKSV)
4148-4150 Looking approximately SE at prominent nose with chromite mine on top. (AKSV)
4151-4163 Scenes around Seldovia harbor one foggy day. (AKSV)
4164 Undescribed
4165-4169 Looking east over Windy River toward north contact of ultramafic. Note road to mine. (AKSV)
4170-4173 Looking approximately south along headwaters of Windy River toward Red Mountain. (AKSV)
4174 Looking over wide serpentine zone at northwest side of ultramafic; looking NNW down Barbara Creek (AKSV)
4175 Undescribed
4176-4178 Layered chromite west of Windy River. (AKSV)
4179-4181 Undescribed
4183-4185 Dunite-pyroxenite layering west of Windy River. (AKSV)
4186-4196 Folded chromite layer which is further disrupted by an axial-plane fault. Locality about 2.3 miles NW of top of Red Mountain. (AKSV)
4197-4198 Pyroxenite (in relief) interbedded with dunite. Almost cross-bedding. Vicinity of saddle about 1 miles NW of top of Red Mountain. (AKSV)
4199-4200 Panorama looking SE of Red Mountain and mine area. (AKSV)
4201-4203 Scenes in Seldovia. (AKSV)
4204 Aerial obliques looking approximately SSE at logging operation at the head of Jackalof Bay. (AKSV)
4205 Aerial obliques looking approximately northwest at Kasitsna Bay. (AKSV)
4206 Aerial oblique looking down on logging operation at the head of Jackalof Bay. (AKSV)
4207 Aerial oblique looking NW at Kasitsna Bay. (AKSV)
4208-4213 Aerial oblique: view approximately west at the northwest portion of the Seldovia ultramafic.
4214 Aerial oblique view approximately west at the north end of the Seldovia ultramafic. (AKSV)
4215 Aerial oblique view northwest at the northern portion of the Seldovia ultramafic. (AKSV)
4216-4218 Aerial oblique view approximately northwest over the west side of the Seldovia ultramafic body. (AKSV)
4219 Aerial oblique vicinity of Seldovia ultramafic but exact orientation unknown. (AKSV)
4220-4221 Aerial oblique views approximately east of the whole west side of the Seldovia ultramafic. (AKSV)
4222-4226 Undescribed
4227-4239 Aerial oblique views approximately northwest at the whole east side of the Seldovia ultramafic body. (AKSV)
4240-4243 Aerial oblique views of the north contact of the ultramafic, west of Windy River. Garnet peridotite locality in foreground. (AKSV)
4244-4250 Aerial oblique views of mine area and rock face west of Windy River; looking approximately northwest. (AKSV)
4251-4258 Undescribed
4260-4269 Aerial obliques looking down and approximately east at Seldovia and vicinity. (AKSV)
4270-4271 Close-in aerial obliques of Seldovia harbor area. (AKSV)
4272-4273 Alluvial fan along road in Mt. McKinley National Park. (AKMM)
4274-4275 Cantwell (?) conglomerate in MMKNP. (AKMM)
4276-4278 Basalt dike in shales and sandstones(?) of Cantwell Conglomerate (?). (AKMM
4279 Noatak village, 1972 – Tom Hamilton slide. (AKNT)
4280 Prominent folds in lower Noatak Canyon – Tom Hamilton slide. (AKNT)
4282-4284 Old log cabin on Chatham Creek, Cleary Hill area. (AKLG)
4285-4289 Plane tabling near the Keystone prospect area, headwaters of Fairbanks Creek. U of A Field Camp 1973. (AKLG)
4291 Looking approximately north at McCarthy mine, headwaters of Fairbanks Creek. (AKLG)
4292 Headframe of McCarty shaft. (AKLG)
4293 Old steam engine, Cleary Hill area. (AKLG)
4294-4295 Typical outcrop of Birch Creek schist, Cleary Hill area. (AKLG)
4296-4303 Remains of old drift mine about 1.2 miles SSW of Olnes on Dome Creek. Includes self-dumping rig, gin pole, boiler, and hoist. (AKLG)
4304-4308 Old cabin on upper Fairbanks Creek just below Hi-Yu mine. (AKLG)
4309-4310 Mill at Hi-Yu mine. (AKLG)
4311 Base for Allis-Chalmers stamp mill; Hi-Yu mine. (AKLG)
4312 Hi-Yu mine.
4313-4318 Field Camp in 1973 at Cleary Hill area. (AKLG)
4319 Placer operation on upper Cleary Creek. (AKLG)
4320 Dog-house boiler at 4319. Used to thaw gravel during prospecting. (AKLG)
4321 As 4319. Wyatt Gilbert expounding on the Quaternary gravels. (AKLG)
4322-4323 Gordon House at outcrop of Cantwell conglomerate near Yanert. (AKHE)
4324 On plateau above old coal mine just west of railroad and approximately 2 miles south of Yanert. View to north down the Nenana River. (AKHE)
4325-4326 Site as 4324 but view to northwest toward Triple Lakes. (AKHE)
4327-4332 Undescribed
4333 Looking west from Park Highway near Moody at Quaternary gravels along the Nenana River. (AKHE)
4334-4337 Scenes at field camp in the Usibelli mine near Healy. (AKHE)
4339 Fold in Birch Creek schist along the Parks Highway. (AKHE)
4340-4342 Undescribed
4343-4348 Murphy fishing at the middle of the Triple Lakes near Yanert. (AKHE)
4350-4353 Angular unconformite between Tertiary coal-bearing unit near Healy and Quaternary gravel. (AKHE)
4354-4355 Tertiary gravels near Healy. (AKHE)
4356 Kotzebue waterfront. (AKKZ)
4357 Alexandrov taking a picture of the Kotzebue waterfront (for once he’s probably right, ‘It’s better in my country.’) (AKKZ)
4358-4359 Loading up the plane at Nome for the trip to Lost River; Alexandrov and Mowatt. (AKNM)
4360 Low aerial of Nome airport. (AKNM)
4361 Looking down of the USSR&M dredge on submarine beach just off the end of the Nome airport. (AKNM)
4362 Aerial oblique of Teller. (AKTE)
4363-4366 Looking west over Brevig Lagoon at York Mountains in the distance. (AKTE)
4367-4369 Looking south down Lost River; the mine is in approximately the center of the photo. (AKTE)
4370 Looking west from headwaters of the Mint River. Cape Mountain and Siberia in the distance. (AKTE)
4372-4373 Looking approximately SW and down at Brooks Mountain. (AKTE).
4374-4376 Looking approximately south over Brooks Mountain down Lost River. (AKTE)
4378-4379 Looking down and ESE at west side of Brooks Mountain granite. (AKTE)
4380-4385 Oblique views approximately to east at Lost River mine. (AKTE)
4386 View east up Tin Creek; Bessie and Maple prospect in foreground. (AKTE)
4387-4389 View north up Lost River valley from aerial position just south of the mouth of Tin Creek. Great view of Lost River Mine and Brooks Mountain beyond it. (AKTE)
4390 Undescribed
4391-4401 Russian commercial slides
4402 View south down Cassiterite Creek and Lost River valley from old mill. (AKTE)
4403-4404 View up Cassiterite Creek at the Lost River mine. (AKTE)
4405-4406 Skarn ‘veins’ developing along fractures in marble; Lost River mine. (AKTE)
4407 Nice ribbon rock; Lost River mine area? (AKTE)
4409 Contorted tremolite layers developed in marble near the mine. (AKTE)
4410-4413 Lost River mine buildings. (AKTE)
4414 Undescribed
4415-4417 Orbicular skarn at north contact of Tin Creek intrusive. (AKTE)
4418 Stan Alexandrov taking pictures of orbicular skarn at Tin Creek intrusive. (AKTE)
4419 As 4415. (AKTE)
4420-4421 Irregular skarn-limestone contact just south of Tin Creek intrusive along Tin Creek. (AKTE)
4422 Looking up Lost River valley toward airstrip from near mouth of Tin Creek. (AKTE)
4423-4424 Beautiful stone nets somewhere in Lost River valley south of the airstrip. (AKTE)
4425 Undescribed
4426-4429 Skarn ‘veins’ developing along fractures in the marble. (AKTE)
4430 Tremolite layers developing in marble; just above mine in bed of Cassiterite Creek. (AKTE)
4431-4434 Lost River mill one foggy day. (AKTE)
4435-4437 Old Nome post office; note the unusual angles between the foundation and the framework of the building! (AKMN)
4438 Fungus on driftwood
4439 Nome
4440-4451 Undescribed
4452-4456 Beautiful downtown Nome. A rare combination of unrestored antique buildings and old mining equipment. tastefully arranged with Nome’s particular charm, (AKMN)
4457 Thaw field in front of dredge on Submarine Beach west of Nome. (AKMN)
4458-4464 Old churn drills parked west of the Nome airport. Pearce Walsh, who took me around the area, in one of the pictures. (AKNM)
4465-4468 Dredge on Submarine Beach just west of Nome airport. (AKNM)
4469-4471 Undescribed
4473-4482 Undescribed
4483 Looking north up the west fork of the Speel River. (AKTR)
4484 Much as 4483 but looking northeast. (AKTR)
4485-4486 Undescribed
4487 The D.J.M. at the Juneau dock. (AKJU)
4488-4490 Undescribed
4491-4492 Hughes 500C on the Don J. Miller II; with Nelson, Ford, and Brew. (AKSD)
4493-4494 Undescribed
4495 Collecting geochemical samples at timberline northwest of Fords Terror in a series of delightful cirques. (AKSD)
4496 Uncertain location. (AKSD)
4497 Undescribed
4498 On the terminus of the Brown Glacier collecting geochemical samples. (AKSD)
4499 Looking south and down at the D.J.M. anchored in Sanford Cove. (AKSD)
4500-4504 Eduardo Rodriquez, Bill Lingley, and Art Ford boating in Tracy Arm. Looks cold and wet! (AKSD)
4505 En echelon, quartz lenses developed in schist; Tracy Arm. (AKSD)
4506 Undescribed
4507 Old cabin near the mouth of Powers Creek. (AKSD)
4508-4516 Undescribed
4517-4518 Looking northwest and down at Sanford Cove from near small lake north of Peak 3923 and south of Sumdum. (AKSD)
4519 Migmatites somewhere in Coast batholithic complex. (AKSD)
4520-4524 Undescribed
4526 Yours truly doing his thing in the rain. (AKSD)
4528 Bela Csejty on the D.J.M. (AKSD)
4529 A very youthful-looking Dave Brew on the D.J.M. (AKSD)
4530 Art Ford on the D.J.M. (AKSD)
4531 Steve Nelson ‘studying’ while soaking a bee sting in the sink of the D.J.M. (AKSD)
4532 Ed Maghaeles in his cabin. (AKSD)
4533 The entrance to Fords Terror at high tide. (AKSD)
4534-4537 Undescribed
4538-4541 Rodriquez, Lingley, and Ford skiffing again. (AKSD)
4542-4546 Undescribed
4547 Quartz lenses in gneiss(?). (AKSD)
4548-4551 Undescribed
4552 Looking southeast from Sanford Cove one sunny day as the fog is just burning off. (AKSD)
4553-4554 The D.J.M. in Sanford Cove. (AKSD)
4555 Felsic tuff beds on Round Islet at the mouth of Endicott Arm; looking southeast. (AKSD)
4560-4576 Undescribed
4577 Looking approximately east at the Dawes Glacier from near triangulation station ‘Don’. (AKSD)
4578-4580 Undescribed
4582 Scene aboard the D.J.M. Old crane still on board and we’re still using barrelled fuel. (AKSD)
4583 Undescribed
4584 Location uncertain. (AKSD)
4585-4600 Whole series of pictures of various migmatites; taken on traverse about 6 miles southeast of the terminus of the Dawes Glacier. (AKSD)
4601 Looking approximately south at an icefall on an unnamed glacier; taken from a ridge about 6 miles southeast of the terminus of the Dawes Glacier. (AKSD)
4602-4606 More migmatites as 4585. (AKSD)
4607 Location uncertain. (AKSD)
4608 Marble layers in the gneissic ‘screens’ in the Coast Range batholithic complex; just SW of the terminus of the Dawes Glacier. (AKSD)
4609 Small ultramafic body in gneiss; located about 3 miles SSE of the terminus of the Dawes Glacier. (AKSD)
4610-4612 Undescribed
4613-4614 Eduardo stopping for lunch overlooking the Dawes Glacier. (AKSD)
4615-4621 Undescribed
4622 Our Temsco, Hughes 500C helicopter somewhere in TAFT. (AKSD)
4623-4624 Undescribed
4625-4626 Bill Lingley and I skiffing along Tracy Arm. (AKSD)
4627 En echelon, quartz veins in schist. Probably at the shark kink in Tracy Arm; along the south side at the apex of the acute angle where a large river comes in. (AKSD)
4628 Location as 4627. (AKSD)
4629 Undescribed
4630-4632 Looking ESE at the terminus of the south Sawyer Glacier from the point just southwest of the terminus of the Sawyer Glacier. (AKSD)
4633-4645 Looking NNE at the terminus of the Sawyer Glacier from ‘Observation Point’. AKSD)
4646-4649 Looking southeast over the small cove (where the D.J.M. is anchored) at the southeast corner of the Snettisham Peninsula. (AKSD)
4650-4652 Undescribed
4653-4655 Undescribed
4656-4658 Brooks 2-6-0 on display in Whitehorse, Canada
4659-4661 An usual steam-driven drill on display in Whitehorse.
4662-4663 Riverboats ‘Casca’ and ‘Whitehorse’, then on display in Whitehorse.
4664-4668 Various rolling stock and diesels of the W.P. & Y. RR in the Whitehorse yard.
4669 Riverboat ‘Klondike’ on display in Whitehorse.
4670-4672 Diamond drill rig in operation at Howard Pass deposit. Gordon House to left in 4672.
4673-4674 Undescribed
4676-4679 Drill rigs and typical topography, Howard Pass deposit, Y.T. (See also 4707 and 4709).
4680-4689 Undescribed
4690 Looking ENE along the Prudhoe Bay airstrip near the mouth of the Sagavanirktok River. (AKBP)
4691 ‘Sag River area (May 24), looking N.’ (AKBP)
4692 Looking northwest over Deadhorse airstrip and ARCO camp. (AKBP)
4693 Delta of Kuparuk River. (AKBP)
4694 ARCO camp. (AKBP)
4695 A drilling operation in the winter. (AKBP)
4696 Aerial oblique of a drilling operation in early summer. (AKBP)
4697-4698 Undescribed
4699 Looking south over Deadhorse along Sagasvanirktok River. (AKBP)
4700 Undescribed
4701 Looking ESE over Deadhorse. (AKBP)
4702 Looking east over Deadhorse. (AKBP)
4703 Drill rig somewhere in Prudhoe Bay area. (AKBP)
4704 Cleaning up sluice box concentrates somewhere in Alaska.
4706-4707 Ore beds at Howard Pass deposit, Yukon Territory.
4708-4709 Howard Pass drilling camp in 1973.
4711 Weathered wood on a cabin near Vault. (AKLG)
4714 Musk ox farm, Fairbanks.
4715-4717 Riverboat ‘Nenana’ at Alaskaland. (AKFB)
4718-4719 Old (restored) cabin at Alaskaland. (AKFB)
4725-4735 Undescribed
4736-4738 View out the upstairs bedroom of our house at 432 Lignite, Fairbanks. (AKFB)
4739-4741 Marv Mangus’s painting of the CC&SR engines at Solomon; belongs to T. P. Miller.
4742-4744 Cabin in Cleary Hill area. (AKLG)
4745-4748 Frost heaving inside one of the old bunk houses at the Hi-Yu mine. (AKLG)
4749-4769 Mill at the Hi-Yu mine; several of the stamp mill inside. (AKLG)
4770-4771 Remains of the old blacksmith shop at the Hi-Yu mine. (AKLG)
4772-4773 Buildings at the Hi-Yu mine. (AKLG)
4775 Shellie.
4777-4778 Murphy at camp on the middle of the Triple Lakes near Yanert. (AKHE)
4779-4780 Brad Peek and Paul Metz while doing a short mapping exercise around Triple Lakes. (AKHE)
4781-4801 Looking southwest at the prominent landslide on the west side of the middle of the Triple Lakes. (AKHE)
4802-4803 Murphy’s and my camp at the middle of the Triple Lakes. (AKHE)
4805 AS 4780. (AKHE)
4806-4807 Undescribed
4808-4811 Looking west at the main tipple of the Usibelli coal mine near Healy. (AKHE)
4812-4813 Reseeded area of the Usibelli coal mine. (AKHE)
4814-4820 Various shots in vicinity of the coal tipple of the Usibelli mine; good shots of Tertiary coal-bearing section including effects of coal fires. (AKHE)
4821 Tertiary coal-bearing section near Usibelli mine tipple. Murphy on ‘fired’ portion of section. (AKHE)
4822 Abandoned U. S. Bureau of Mines rescue car at Suntrana. (AKHE)
4823-4826 Old steam shovel at Suntrana. (AKHE)
4827 Main coal tipple of Usibelli mine near Suntrana. (AKHE)
4829-4833 Undescribed
4834-4837 Tertiary coal-bearing section near Suntrana. (AKHE)
4839 Students plane tabling near Usibelli. (AKHE)
4840 Looking west down Healy Creek from near mouth of Cripple Creek. (AKHE)
4841 As 4838 (AKHE)
4842-4849 Various rolling stock of the Alaska Railroad in the yards at Healy. (AKHE)
4850-4852 The tools of plane tabling. (AKHE)
4853 Coal drilling rig at Usibelli mine. (AKHE)
4854-4856 Vicinity Cripple Creek mine. (AKHE)
4857 Old coal drilling rig. (AKHE)
4858-4862 Undescribed
4863 Layer of coal capped unconformably by Quaternary gravel near Usibelli. (AKHE)
4864-4865 Thick coal beds exposed about a mile east of Usibelli. This particular section is kept in reserve in case the open pit across the ridge to the north becomes inaccessible. (AKHE)
4866 Another old coal-drilling rig. (AKHE)
4867-4871 Undescribed
4872-4874 Wyatt and Joan Gilbert. (AKHE)
4875 Undescribed
4876-4878 More equipment of the Alaska Railroad in Healy; a tie machine? (AKHE)
4879 Undescribed
4880-4885 Tertiary sandstone section near Suntrana. (AKHE)
4886 Old Bureau of Mines, mine rescue car abandoned at Suntrana. (AKHE)
4887 Students plane tabling. (AKHE)
4888-4889 Main coal tipple of Usibelli mine near Suntrana; nice exposure of the Tertiary section. (AKHE)
4890-4905 Undescribed
4908 Elkie and pups.
4911-4915 Undescribed
4916-4917 PBY modified as an aerial borate bomber. At BLM fire-fighting headquarters, Ft. Wainright, June 1974.
4918-4921 Undescribed
4922 DC-6 borate bomber; Ft. Wainright, June 1974.
4923-4929 Undescribed
4930 Military flying-crane helicopters; Ft. Wainright, June 1974. (AKFB)
4931-4932 Coat tipple hear Alaska Railroad passenger station in Fairbanks. (AKFB)
4933 Our house at 432 Lignite, Fairbanks, (AKFB)
4934-4935 JATO-equipped ‘Flying Boxcar’; at BLM fire-fighting headquarters, Ft. Wainright, June 1974. (AKFB)
4936 Sleek but uncertain aircraft used by BLM in fire-fighting duties; Ft. Wainright, June 1974. (AKFB)
4937-4941 Undescribed
4942-4944 Army, Grumman Mohawk reconnaissance aircraft; Ft. Wainwright, June 1974. (AKFB)
4945 Undescribed
4946-4947 Mitchell B-25 modified for fire-fighting; Ft. Wainwright, June 1974. (AKFB)
4948 Coast Air, Grumman Wigeon at Juneau. (AKJU)
4949-4950 Coast Air, Beaver on floats. (AKJU?)
4951 Remains of Alaska-Juneau mill at Juneau. (AKJU)
4952 D.J.M. at government dock in Juneau. (AKJU)
4953 Connie Nutt and Art Ford practicing their geologic skills on the stern of the D.J.M. (AKJU)
4954-4955 Old southeastern cabin. (AKSD)
4956-4959 D.J.M. anchored somewhere. (AKSD)
4960 Carl Form on an epic traverse from triangulation station ‘Trail’ north toward Tracy Arm. Much deep wet snow. Carl’s first attempt as being a field geologist; he wasn’t impressed! (AKSD)
4961 Rounded xenoliths in felsic granitic rocks. (AKSD)
4962-4965 Location uncertain. (AKSD)
4966 Steve Dillman slipped this Hughes 500C down through these trees routinely (with a sharp eye out for eagles!). Somewhere up the Chuck River. (AKSD)
4967-4969 Connie Nutt, Dave Brew, Carl Forn, and Chris Carlson at lunch. (AKSD)
4970-4971 Old cabin near the mouth of the Chuck, River. (AKSD)
4975-4977 D.J.M. anchored at the head of Windham Bay. (AKSD)
4978 Looking WSW along Windham Bay; D.J.M. anchored near head. (AKSD)
4979-4985 Undescribed
4986 Have taken off all my field equipment for a C-ration and a radio check. (AKSD)
4987-4989 Undescribed
4990-4994 The work cabin on the D.J.M.; Dave Brew, Connie Nutt, and Chris Carlson. (AKSD)
4995-4997 Tom Patton and Paul Metz at Paul’s camp about 6 1/2 miles WSW of Chitna. Tom and I went up to check on Paul’s thesis mapping. (AKVA)
4998-5001 Old CR&NWRR work car at Chitna. (AKVA)
5002-5004 Old stores in Chitna. (AKVA)
5011 Brad Peek’s camp at the head of Niblack Anchorage, southern Prince of Wales Island. (AKCR)
5013 Ford, Forn, Nutt, Vennum, Carlson, and Brew experimenting with our new field note form. (AKTR)
5014 Looking southwest down Speel River from approximately opposite Indian Lake. (AKTR)
5015 As 5013. (AKTR)
5016-5019 Undescribed
5020 Temsco 500C helicopter perched on the rocks. (AKTR)
5021-5024 Undescribed
5025 Looking ENE at face between Speel Point and creek to Tease Lake from anchored D.J.M. (AKTR)
5026-5027 Old pulp-wood mill at the foot of the creek up to Tease Lake, Speel Arm. (AKTR)
5028-5037 Undescribed
5038-5039 Vicinity Crescent Lake? (AKTR)
5040-5041 Undescribed
5042 Art Ford and Connie Nutt with D.J.M. in background. (AKSD)
5043 Looking southwest over Windham Bay with D.J.M. anchored in it. (AKSD)
5044-5051 Undescribed
5052-5053 Ogives and foliation in some unknown glacier. (AKSD)
5054-5061 Undescribed
5062 Complex folds in gneiss involving calc-silicate rocks and marble. (AKSD)
5063-5070 An unusual rotary stamp mill about a mile up Spruce Creek (?) at the head of Windham Bay. (AKSD)
5073-5078 Old mill with rotary grinding equipment about 1 1\4 mile up Spruce Creek(?) at the head of Windham Bay. (AKSD)
5079-5080 Old steam engine near 5073. (AKSD)
5081 About 1\2 mile East of the head of Windham Bay. Chris Carlson and I were ‘walking’ down the old corduroy road from the mine to the head of the Bay. Typical south-eastern rain forest; note Devil’s Club. (AKSD)
5082 Undescribed
5083 Looking SSE up the Chuck River from its mouth. (AKSD)
5084-5085 Art Kimble and Mary Ann Park at the K & D mine near Sunset Cove. (AKSD)
5087 Herman Kloss’s cabin at the K & D mine. (AKSD)
5089 Herman Kloss’s cabin near the beach. Can just make out Herman to the left. Also Mary Ann Park and Art Kimble. (AKSD)
5090 Dave Brew and Connie Nutt ready to go skiffing. (AKSD)
5091 Chris Carlson taking an attitude somewhere on the beach. (AKSD)
5092 Complex folds in schist and marble; basically parallel folds but note the intrafolial folds in the marble layers. (AKSD)
5093-5096 (Perhaps) the prominent glacier with a steep ice fall and the ice fan at its base; about 2 miles ESE of Mt. Sumdum. (AKSD)
5097 Looking north down the beautiful, U-shaped valley just to the northeast of Mt. Sumdum. Tracy Army in distance. (AKSD)
5098 Looking approximately south along valley in 5097 toward Peak 5260 on the skyline. (AKSD)
5099-5101 Looking SSE up Chuck River from near its mouth. (AKSD)
5102 Looking WSW over Windham Bay. (AKSD)
5103 Looking up the west fork of the Speel River at unnamed glacier. (AKTR)
5104 (Possibly) alluvial fans at the end of the east arm of Fords Terror. (AKSD)
5105 Looking north up the North Dawes Glacier(?). (AKSD)
5106-5107 Undescribed
5108 Location uncertain but vicinity North Dawes Glacier; note helicopter for scale. (AKSD)
5109-5111 Undescribed
5112-5116 Looking north into Fords Terror. (AKSD)
5117 Looking approximately south from vicinity Sumdum Glacier toward Sanford Cove. (AKSD)
5118-5120 Looking WSW from vicinity Sumdum Glacier toward Holkam Bay and Stephens Passage. (AKSD)
5121-5123 Undescribed
5125-5126 Beaver on floats taking off; our mail plane from Juneau. (AKSD)
5127-5128 Undescribed
5129 Chris Carlson getting ready to go skiffing. (AKSD)
5130 Connie Nutt. What the well-dressed (female) geologist wears to work in the rain and cold. (AKSD)
5131-5134 More of Connie Nutt and Chris Carlson. Neither smoke; must have the sillies. (AKSD)
5135-5140 D.J.M. anchored in Windham Bay. (AKSD)
5141-5145 Dave Brew and Connie Nutt going skiffing. (AKSD)
5146-5148 Undescribed
5149a Coast Guard buoy tender at the Coast Guard dock in Juneau. (AKJU)
5149b-5150 Southeast Skyways, Goose taking off from Juneau. (AKJU)
5151-5154 Undescribed
5155-5157 A DC-6 in Juneau(?) (AKJU)
5158-5161 Undescribed
5162 Looking northwest along Gastineau Channel toward Juneau. (AKJU)
5163-5164 Aerial oblique looking down on the old Alaska-Juneau mill in Juneau. (AKJU)
5165-5166 Aerial obliques of downtown Juneau. (AKJU)
5167 Location uncertain; flight from Juneau to Whitehorse.
5168-5169 Undescribed
5170-5172 New Imperial copper mine near Whitehorse, Y.T.
5173-5176 Uncertain, perhaps along Yukon River somewhere.
5177-5181 Landing at Nome. (AKNM)
5182 Slough at the mouth of the Anvil River at Nome. (AKNM)
5183-5187 Undescribed
5188 Glacier cirques and tarns somewhere in the Kigluaik Mountains on the flight from Nome to Teller. (AKNM)
5189-5191 Glacial cirques as 5188 (AKNM)
5192 Looking northeast from near Windy Cove over Imuruk Lake (AKTE)
5193 Undescribed
5194 Looking approximately south toward headwaters of Lost River; Brooks Mountain granite in center of picture. (AKTE)
5195-5197 Undescribed
5199-5200 Looking down on the Lost River mine. (AKTE)
5201 Trailer that was hauled up to Brooks Mountain for Tom Patton and Mark Robinson who were doing their thesis there (with me as chairman of their thesis committee). (AKTE)
5202 View to the northwest side of the Brooks Mountain granite. (AKTE)
5203-5204 ‘Ribbon’ skarn at west side of the Brooks Mountain granite. (AKTE)
5205-5209 Panorama across the west contact of the Brooks Mountain granite that shows many of the varied mineral localities, (AKTE)
5210-5213 Undescribed
5214 Stream crossing beach ridge west of Brevig Lagoon. (AKTE)
5215 Undescribed
5216 Looking northwest at the spit just north of Teller. Note tents for scale. (AKTE)
5217-5218 Location somewhat uncertain but probably just east of Brooks Mountain looking northeast toward Ear Mountain. (AKTE)
5219 Orientation uncertain but vicinity of Brooks Mountain. (AKTE)
5220 View northwest up unnamed river toward Brooks Mountain in distance. (AKTE)
5221-5222 Undescribed
5223-5229 Aerial oblique of the west side of the Brooks Mountain granite. (AKTE)
5230 View to south down Lost River; Bering Sea in distance. (AKTE)
5231-5232 View to east over the pass at the southwest corner of the Brooks Mountain granite. (AKTE)
5233 Undescribed
5234-5235 View to the south over the north contact of the Brooks Mountain granite; Lost River valley in distance. (AKTE)
5236-5239 Undescribed
5240-5245 Tin placer operations at the Lost River mine. (AKTE)
5246-5247 The old mill at the Lost River mine. (AKTE)
5248 Taken from near the Dalcoathe lode. Looking south down Cassiterite Creek, past the Lost River mine, and into Lost River. (AKTE)
5249 Tin placer operations at the Lost River mine; just set up by Grothe and Pearson. (AKTE)
5250-5251 The old Lost River mill. (AKTE)
5252 As 5249. (AKTE)
5253-5255 Some of the old, (pre-1920?) buildings at the Lost River mine. (AKTE)
5256-5257 ‘Vein’ sharns developed along fractures in the marble; Lost River mine area. (AKTE)
5258 Remains of an old ore wagon, Lost River mine. (AKTE)
5259-5261 Looking NNE at the Lost River mine. (AKTE)
5262 The old Federal building in Nome; abandoned soon after it was opened when it began to quickly sink into the permafrost. (AKNM)
5263-5288 A nice cross-section of the homes and gardens of Nome including the antique equipment which is so tastefully scattered about the town. (AKNM)
5289 The Board of Trade Saloon in Nome. (AKNM)
5290-5293 Nome
5294 Walking back to camp from Brooks Mountain late one evening; looking down into Lost River valley. (AKTE)
5295 Excellent example of ‘ribbon’ skarn near the southwest contact of the Brooks Mountain granite. (AKTE)
5296 The old (pre-1910 or thereabouts) cabin at the pass near the southwest corner of the Brooks Mountain granite. (AKTE)
5297 As 5295. ‘Ribbon’ skarn. (AKTE)
5298 Looking northeast at the southwest corner of the Brooks Mountain granite. (AKTE)
5299-5301 Breccia dikes on the old road/trail about half way between Brooks Mountain and Lost River mine. (AKTE)
5302-5303 Dornier Do 28 B1 airplane, then based in Kotzebue. An unusual aircraft even for Alaska. (AKKZ)
5304-5305 Aerial oblique looking down on Juneau. (AKJU)
5306 Undescribed
5307 Aerial oblique looking down on what remains of the old Perseverance mill near Thane. (AKJU)
5308-5310 Undescribed
5311 Location uncertain but probably between the Sawyer and South Sawyer glaciers. (AKSD)
5312 Undescribed
5313 Looking west along Tracy Arm from near Peak 4192. (AKSD)
5314 Undescribed
5315 Looking south into the beautiful U-shaped valley south of Tracy Arm. Mt. Sumdum on right skyline; taken from about 1 1/2 miles SE of Peak 4192. (AKSD)
5316-5317 Looking east into the head of Tracy Arm from near Peak 2845. (AKSD)
5318 Undescribed
5319 As 5315 but from near Peak 2845. Really good shot; note helicopter for scale. (AKSD)
5320 Undescribed
5321 Walt Vennum someplace in TAFT. (AKSD)
5322-5336 Undescribed
5340-5342 Location uncertain but spectacular country in vicinity of North Dawes glacier. (AKSD)
5344-5348 Undescribed
5349 Looking northwest down Endicott Arm from a high ridge just east of the mouth of Fords Terror.(AKSD)
5350 The D.J.M. steaming northwest along Endicott Arm; taken from east of the mouth of Fords Terror. (AKSD)
5351 About as 5349 but a less picturesque position. (AKSD)
5352-5355 Undescribed
5356-5364 Lunch with Connie Nutt on the point just southwest of the terminus of the Sawyer glacier which shows prominently in the pictures. (AKSD)
5365 As 5359. (AKSD)
5366-5369 Undescribed
5370-5372 Connie Nutt at point just southwest of the end of the Sawyer glacier. (AKSD)
5373 Undescribed
5374 Heterogeneous gneiss at point just southwest of the end of the Sawyer glacier. (AKSD)
5375 Undescribed
5376-5377 As 5361. (AKSD)
5378 The north wall of Tracy Arm about 4-5 miles west of the terminus of the South Sawyer glacier. (AKSD)
5379-5380 Looking south up the valley near the bend in upper Tracy Arm. (AKSD)
5381-5382 Undescribed
5383-5389 The prominent icefall in the hanging glacier about 2 miles southeast of Mt. Sumdum. (AKSD)
5390-5392 Undescribed
5393 Looking down on the terminus of the Sawyer glacier. (AKSD)
5394 Connie Nutt looking up the Sawyer(?) glacier. (AKSD)
5395-5401 Undescribed
5402-5405 Looking to south over the terminus of the South Sawyer glacier; taken from the approximately 4,000′ ridge about 1/2 mile to the north of its terminus. (AKSD)
5406 Looking west down Tracy Arm from the 4,000′ ridge about 1/2 mile north of the terminus of the South Sawyer glacier. (AKSD)
5408-5411 Looking east at the small lobate glacier at the head of the first northward trending creek west of the terminus of the South Sawyer glacier. (AKSD)
5412-5416 As 5403. (AKSD)
5417-5430 More Nome houses. (AKNM)
5431 A new University of Alaska building in Nome; built on special piles to defeat the effects of the permafrost. (AKNM)
5432-5436 More Nome buildings and industrial archeology. (AKNM)
5437-5438 Looking west along Front Street, Nome. (AKNM)
5439 Waterfront beach house in Nome. (AKNM)
5440-5441 From D.J.M. steaming into Juneau. (AKSD)
5442-5443 Coast Guard buoy tenders at Juneau dock. (AKJU)
5444-5445 Steve Dillman and mechanic getting helicopter ready for a day’s work. (AKTR)
5446-5447 Undescribed
5448-5449 Migmatites. (AKTR)
5450 Undescribed
5451 Lower Speel River area(?). (AKTR)
5452 Undescribed
5453-5455 Folded, schistose ultramafic body about 4 miles southwest of Mt. Brundage. (AKTR)
5456 Undescribed
5457-5465 Hanging glaciers somewhere in upper Speel River area. (AKTR)
5466 Undescribed
5467 D.J.M. anchored in Speel Arm. (AKTR)
5468-5471 Undescribed
5472-5475 Taking samples with Art Kimble at the prominent orange-stained zone near Peak 3770 about 3 miles SE of the terminus of the South Sawyer Glacier. 5473 looking ENE up South Sawyer glacier. (AKSD)
5476-5477 Aerial oblique to north at terminus of South Sawyer glacier. (AKSD)
5478-5480 Connie Nutt leaving D.J.M. to go skiffing. (AKTR)
5481 Chris Carlson and I mapping at low tide just south of Sentinel Point on the west shore of Gilbert Bay. (AKSD)
5482 Location unknown but spectacular scenery. (AKTR?)
5483-5486 Undescribed
5487-5488 Daily planning map on D.J.M. (AKSD)
5489-5490 Dave Brew point counting on the D.J.M. (AKSD)
5491-5493 Some (of the many) Dave Brew notices to scientists on the D.J.M. (AKSD)
5494 The rough-geology compilation–kept up every day of course. (AKSD)
5495 Geologic-station ‘dot’ map to keep us informed of where we’ve already been–this too kept up every day. (AKSD)
5496 Just a plain map! (AKSD)
5497-5498 Chris Carlson catching up on her culture on the D.J.M. (AKSD)
5499 Me on the D.J.M. (AKSD)
5500-5502 One of our 1:63,360-scale geologic compilation maps. (AKSD)
5503-5505 Chris Carlson on Sweetheart Lake one day we helicoptered a skiff in for some shoreline work. (AKSD)
5506-5507 Undescribed
5508-5510 Looking up the Speel on Whiting River late one day. (AKTR)
5511-5512 Undescribed
5513-5514 The inside of a Hughes 500C. (AKSD)
5516 Somewhere near the Canadian boundary on a tributary to the Whiting River. (AKTR)
5517 Looking WSW at Midway Islands from near Meigs Peak. (AKSD)
5518 Looking southeast across Whiting River from near Peak 4706. (AKTR)
5519 From vicinity Peak 4706 looking southwest toward the mouth of the Whiting River and Port Snettisham. (AKTR)
5520-5527 Last traverse of the summer; arranged my field gear for a photo. (And as it turned out, left my yellow field notebook right here at 3000′ on the north side of the Whiting River for future generations). (AKTR)
5528-5529 Unloading the helicopter at the mouth of the Whiting River. This day, Steve Dillman’s father died and he left for the season, effectively ending out field work. (AKTR)
5530-5531 Chris Carlson and Connie Nutt relaxing; Dave Brew objecting (weakly). (AKTR)
5532-5533 Chris Carlson boxing rocks in the workroom of the D.J.M. (AKTR)
5534-5536 Connie Nutt plotting her field notes on the D.J.M. (AKTR)
5537-5538 Art Kimble, U.S.B.M., cogitating. (AKTR)
5539-5540 Mary Ann Park, U.S.B.M., packing up her rocks; Walter Gnagy in background. (AKTR)
5541 Chris Carlson and Connie Nutt packing more rocks. (AKTR)
5542 The daily planning map on the D.J.M., about to be packed up. (AKTR)
5543-5544 Dave Brew finishing up his daily log…and wondering where he went wrong. (AKTR)
5546-5547 Undescribed
5548 ‘Geno’ Kuehn, the cook on the D.J.M. (AKTR)
5549 The Bureau of Mine’s corner of the workroom on the D.J.M. (AKTR)
5550 Undescribed
5551 Connie Nutt doing rocks again. (AKTR)
5552 Walt Vennum packing his rocks on the D.J.M. (AKTR)
5553-5556 Capt. Robert Stacey in the pilot house of the D.J.M.–the cup probably had booze in it! (AKTR)
5557-5561 Unloading oil drums in Juneau. (AKJU)
5562 Coast Guard buoy tender at the dock in Juneau. (AKJU)
5563-5568 Unloading all our rocks and supplies in Juneau. (AKJU)
5569-5571 D.J.M. coming into the government dock in Juneau. (AKJU)
5573-5580 Aerial obliques of Malaspina glacier and moraines around it. (AKYA)
5581 Aerial oblique of Icy Bay. (AKIB, AKBG)
5582-5583 Undescribed
5584 Aerial oblique of head of Icy Bay(?)…but sure looks different on the 1959 map! (AKBG)
5585-5592 Aerial obliques of folds in the Bering Glacier. (AKBG)
5593-5595 Aerial oblique to the north of the mouth of the Copper River. (AKCV)
5596 Looking approximately southeast from an aerial position about 5 miles NE of Panorama Mountain. Note Denali Highway in upper right. (AKHE)
5597-5598 Looking approximately southeast from near Pyramid Mountain in central part of Healy quadrangle. (AKHE)
5599 Looking east up the Yanert Fort of the Nenana River, east of McKinley National Park. (AKHE)
5600-5601 Looking approximately east from just south of Upper Healy Creek. Note Wrangell Mountains in the far distance. (AKHE)
5602-5604 Looking east from somewhere in the vicinity of California Creek (?) toward Mt. Hayes in the distance. (AKMH)
5605-5611 Mary Ann Park and Art Kimble getting ready to go skiffing on the Whiting River. Jan Still also in 5611. (AKTR)
5612-5616 Undescribed
5617 Coast Guard buoy tender at the dock in Juneau. (AKJU)
5618 Ed Maghaeles on the D.J.M. in Juneau. (AKJU)
5619 Location unknown; can identify Wiltse, Triplehorn, and Hawkins.
5620 Bus in front of Black Rapids glacier. (AKMH)
5621 Looking southeast from the highway over the lower portion of the Black Rapids glacier. (AKMH)
5622 Probably outcrop of Valdez Group rocks near Tonsina. (AKVA)
5623 Dan Hawkins shaving one cold morning after camping out. (AKVA?)
5624 Our quarters for the night. (AKVA?)….
5625-5626 Outcrop of Valdez Group graywacke and shale near Tonsina. Milt Wiltse for scale. Note the folds and axial plane cleavage. (AKVA)
5627-5635 Looking approximately west at the Worthington glacier near Thompson Pas; note people in 5633 for scale. (AKVA)
5636-5638 Undescribed
5639-5642 Old cabin somewhere in TAFT area. (AKSD?)
5643 Large gneissic xenolith in tonalite. (AKSD?)
5644 Undescribed
5645 Dave Brew instructions posted on the D.J.M. (AKSD?)
5646 Dave Brew packing rocks on the D.J.M. (AKSD?)
5647-5648 Undescribed
5649-5650 Murphy and Milt Wiltse hunting near the Hi-Yu mine. (AKLG)
5651-5654 The mill of the Hi-Yu mine surrounded by Fall foliage. (AKLG)
5656-5657 Bucket line and spuds of the dredge at Chatanika; Fall colors in the background. (AKLG)
5962 Looking southeast along the west side of Gastineau Channel from the Bureau of Mines Island over the old tailings of the Treadwell Mines. (AKJU)
5963-5968 Looking at Juneau and Douglas one winter day from the USBM island. (AKJU)
5969 Undescribed
5970-5973 Looking at Juneau and the A-J mill from the USBM island. (AKJU)
5974-5975 Looking over the old tailings of the Treadwell mine from the USBM island. (AKJU)
5976 Undescribed
5978-5979 View of Juneau from Douglas one winter day. (AKJU)
5980-5981 Old (1912) Douglas fire-pump building. (AKJU)
5982-5985 Old buildings in Douglas. (AKJU)
5986-5987 The Kimble’s home in Lena Cove. (AKJU)
5989 Old restored cabin at Alaskaland, Fairbanks. (AKFB)
5990-5992 The riverboat Nenana at Alaskaland. (AKFB)
5993-5994 Kitty Hensley house at Alaskaland. (AKFB)
5995 Location uncertain.
5996 Undescribed
5997 Location uncertain but clearly in iron-cemented conglomerate.
5998-5999 Undescribed
6000-6001 Eating lunch at Granite Creek near Sutton. Just had a real gully washer of a flood down Granite Creek. (AKAN)
6002 Dan and Joanne Hawkins at lunch near Granite Creek. (AKAN)
6007 Mary Jennifer just after she was born.
6010-6013 Undescribed
6018-6019 Undescribed
6020 Diesel switcher of Tacoma Belt Line in dock area.
6021-6026 Tacoma port area. (Washington)
6027-6033 Buildings in downtown Tacoma, Washington.
6034-6035 As 6022.
6036-6044 Several picturesque old houses in Tacoma.
6045-6058 Tacoma port area.
6059-6060 Stratification in Recent gravels in a Tacoma gravel pit.
6061-6063 Undescribed
6064 Old building made into a shopping area in Tacoma.
6065-6070 Undescribed
6071-6078 The old gas works at Lake Union in Seattle; now made into a park.
6079-6092 Series of shots of Seattle from the Space Needle.
6093-6095 D.J.M. and its berthing area in Lake Union, Seattle.
6096-6102 Aerial obliques of downtown Seattle.
6103 Undescribed
6104-6109 Mill of the Hi-Yu mine near Fairbanks Creek. (AKLG)
6110-6111 Old steam shovel at Alaskaland, Fairbanks. (AKFB)
6118-6122 Undescribed
6128-6132 Various old restored cabins at Alaskaland. (AKFB)
6133 Looking down Second Avenue in Fairbanks. (AKFB)
6134-6139 Undescribed
6140-6141 Coal beds in the Tertiary sandstone section along Healy Creek. (AKHE)
6142-6145 Attendees at the field camp near Suntrana. (AKHE)
6146-6147 Plane tabling; thick coal bed in the background. (AKHE)
6148 Undescribed
6149-6150 Dall sheep on revegetated strip mine; looking west down Healy Creek with Usibelli in center of the picture. (AKHE)
6151-6160 Students plane tabling, plotting their work and measuring section near Usibelli and Suntrana. (AKHE)
6161-6162 Looking northwest at the main coal tipple of the Usibelli Mine near Suntrana; good view of the Tertiary coal-bearing section. (AKHE)
6163-6164 Students plane tabling; Mickey Paul in center. (AKHE)
6165 Gin pole and bucket of an old drift mine near Chatanika. (AKLG)
6166 Self-dumping rig and bucket of an old drift mine near Chatanika. (AKLG)
6167 Stripping operation near Ester; bluffs are typical ‘muck’. (AKFB)
6168-6174 Headframes of several lode mines on Ester Dome; Paul Metz in 6171. (AKFB)
6175 Diamond drill on Chatham Creek. (AKLG)
6176-6180 Looking northeast up the Whiting River from near its mouth. (AKTR)
6181 Braided channel of the Whiting River. (AKTR)
6182 Undescribed
6183-6184 Alouette helicopter we chartered for a short time; Connie Nutt, Art Ford, pilot, Jum Hoffman. (AKTR)
6185 Jean Ratte and Jan Still, USBOM, skiffing. (AKTR)
6186-6190 Undescribed
6191-6192 Aerial oblique of the Snettisham power plant on Speel Arm just south of Long Lake. (AKTR)
6193 Undescribed
6194 Looking east of Crescent Lake; Boundary Peak 79 in center skyline. (AKTR)
6195 Undescribed
6196 Jim Hoffman and I on traverse northeast of the sharp bend on the Speel River near Indian Lake; view looking southwest toward Speel Arm. (AKTR)
6197-6200 Undescribed
6201 Obvious fault/fold in phyllite(?); location unknown. (AKTR)
6202-6207 D.J.M. anchored in Speel Arm. (AKTR)
6208-6216 Undescribed
6217-6226 The rapids on the Speel River at the sharp bend about 4 miles above its mouth. (AKTR)
6227-6229 Looking northwest at Indian Lake and the dam at its lower end. (AKTR)
6230-6233 The Snettisham power plant and airstrip on upper Speel Arm. (AKTR)
6234 Looking straight down on the D.J.M. anchored in Speel Arm. (AKTR)
6235-6238 Undescribed
6239-6244 Capt. Stacey and Hughes 500C on the afterdeck of the D.J.M. (AKTR)
6245-6246 Traverse on ridge just west of Indian Lake; view to southwest at Speel Arm. (AKTR)
6247-6259 Undescribed
6261-6264 The stagnant ice and moraine at the terminus of the Speel Glacier.
6265 Migmatite (AKTR)
6266-6267 Undescribed
6268-6270 Hughes 500C and fuel drums on the helicopter deck of the D.J.M.; Capt. Stavey fueling ship. (AKTR)
6271 Close-in view to northwest of the dam at the lower end of Long Lake–which furnishes water for the Snettisham power plant. (AKTR)
6272-6274 Undescribed
6275-6276 Location uncertain. (AKTR)
6277-6279 Our Hughes 500C at several now disremembered locations. (AKTR)
6280-6288 View to northeast of the terminus of the unnamed glacier at the head of the main west (unnamed) tributary of the Speel River. (AKTR)
6289-6290 Undescribed
6292 Looking southwest from near triangulation station ‘Long’ over Long Lake into Speel Arm. (AKTR)
6293 What looks like a small terminal moraine somewhere. (AKTR)
6294-6296 Location uncertain but probably in tonalite or granite. (AKTR)
6297-6298 Art Ford taking a ‘granite’ sample on the nose about 2 miles north of the north end of Indian Lake. View to north up Speel River. (AKTR)
6299-6300 ‘Muskeg’ near the sharp bend in the Speel River about 2 miles above its mouth. (AKTR)
6301 Foggy day in Speel Arm. (AKTR)
6302-6308 D.J.M. anchored in Windham Bay. (AKSD)
6309 View from head of Windham Bay toward D.J.M.; high tide. (AKSD)
6310 Connie Nutt taking a mud sample at the head of Windham Bay. (AKSD)
6311 One of our skiffs–painted orange this summer–at the head of Windham Bay with the D.J.M. in the distance. (AKSD)
6312-6315 View northwest along Windham Bay from one of Herman Kloss’s old prospects opposite the mouth of Fords Terror at an elevation of about 1,600′. Connie and Art worked underground here several hours. (AKSD)
6316-6317 Connie Nutt and Art Kimble preparing to go underground at adit located as per 6312. (AKSD)
6318-6326 Much as 6312; Connie Nutt and Art Kimble waiting while the helicopter picked us up. (AKSD)
6327-6328 Looking west over Windham Bay–note D.J.M.–from near Peak 4330. (AKSD)
6329-6330 Art Kimble and Connie Nut at lunch near Peak 4330. (AKSD)
6331 View to northwest from near Peak 4330 showing the very prominent jointing…or is this the ‘megalinear’? (AKSD)
6332 As 6327. (AKSD)
6333-6334 Seine boats that anchored to us in Windham Bay for several days; they’d had a very poor season to then and were very unhappy. (AKSD)
6335-6336 Helicopter just making it in to pick us up before the tide closes off our landing spot. One foggy day when we beat it back to the Portland adit through the brush. (AKSD)
6337-6338 Looking southeast up Endicott Arm from near Brushy Island one foggy day. (AKSD)
6340-6344 D.J.M. in Sanford Cove. (AKSD)
6345-6349 View of D.J.M. anchored in Sanford Cove from site of Sumdum. (AKSD)
6350-6353 D.J.M. anchored in Sanford Cove. The tarp is spread to furnish shelter to etch rocks with HF for staining. (AKSD)
6354 Looking at the east wall of Fords Terror just past the narrows. Note (carefully) the tiny orange skiff just to the right of the iceberg. (AKSD)
6355 Undescribed
6356-6357 Coast Guard buoy tender at dock in Juneau; new State Office Building in background. (AKJU)
6358 Undescribed
6359-6363 High-endurance Coast Guard cutter at dock in Juneau. (AKJU)
6364 Remains of the A-J mill in Juneau. (AKJU)
6365-6370 Undescribed
6371 Some kind of Coast Guard ceremony at the dock in Juneau. (AKJU)
6372-6373 Jean Ratte and Jan Still having problems starting their outboards. (AKSD)
6374-6376 Foggy day at the head of Speel Arm. (AKTR)
6377 Mail delivery courtesy of Channel Air’s Cessna 185 on floats. (AKTR)
6378 Ed Maghaeles in his special skiff rigged with a battery-operated winch to pull crab traps. Note the bumper sticker. (AKTR)
6379 Ed Maghaeles at the fish cleaning counter on the stern of the D.J.M. (AKTR?)
6380-6383 Undescribed
6384 Ed Maghaeles getting ready to pull a skiff from the water. (AKSD?)
6385-6387 Chris Carlson and Gerry Czmanski skiffing. (AKSD)
6388 Undescribed
6389-6390 Connie Nutt fishing (without much success). (AKSD)
6391 Undescribed
6392-6394 Dave Brew and Chris Carlson(?) doing geology on the south side of Tracy Arm about midway up its length. (AKSD)
6395-6396 Bruce Johnson on point just southwest of the terminus of the Sawyer Glacier. (AKSD)
6397-6400 Jingle-jangle prospect near the right-angle bend in Tracy Arm near its mouth. Chalcopyrite-pyrrhotite vein in gneiss. (AKSD)
6401 Undescribed
6402 Large serpentinized ultramafic body west of Mt. Brundage. (AKTR)
6403-6404 Folded, schistose ultramafic layer in gneiss between Mt. Brundage and ‘Lisa’. (AKTR)
6405 Skiffing in Tracy Arm(?). (AKTR)
6406-6407 Undescribed
6408 Art Kimble figuring out where he’s at in the fog; probably somewhere near the lower Speel River. (AKTR)
6409 Chris Carlson plotting her data on the D.J.M. (AKTR)
6410 Connie Nutt point counting on the D.J.M. (AKTR)
6411-6412 Chris Carlson, playmate of the month, plotting her data on the D.J.M. (AKTR)
6413 Dave Brew, project chief, at work. (AKTR)
6414 Skiff snugged up to D.J.M. for a short move. (AK??)
6415 Working along Dundas Bay(?) (AKMF)
6416 Looking east over Juneau airport at Mendenhall glacier. (AKJU)
6417 Art Kimble and Jean Ratte off to look at a prospect. (AKMF?)
6418-6420 Chet Wrucke and Chris Carlson in Glacier Bay. (AKMF)
6421-6423 Undescribed
6424-6433 Pulling (King) crab traps at the mouth of Finger Bay near Willoughby Island, Glacier Bay. Prominent players are Capt. Stacey, Ed. Maghaeles, Gerry Czmanske, Chris Carlson, and Bruce Johnson with Kimble, and Connie Nutt in support roles (AKMF)
6434 Undescribed
6435 Maghaeles making up a halibut skate. (AKMF)
6436 Several sailboats that tied up to us for a short time in Dundas Bay. (AKMF)
6437 Connie Nutt in her work clothes taking a picture of me taking 6436. (AKMF)
6438 Connie Nutt conducting. (AKMF)
6439-6442 D.J.M. anchored in Dundas Bay in typical southeastern weather. The helicopter is broke and the plane brought the mechanics in from Sitka. (AKMF)
6443-6444 Remains of old cannery on the west side of Dundas Bay about 3 1/2 miles NNE of Pt. Wimbledon. (AKMF)
6445-6446 Some people just can’t help commenting when you can’t get the (damn) outboard motor started! (in Dundas Bay) (AKMF)
6447-6448 As 6439. (AKMF)
6449 Anchoring a skiff at low tide on the east side of Dundas Bay and about 3 miles north of Port Dundas. (AKMF)
6450 Gerry Czmanske and Connie Nutt walking along the tidal flats on a visit to the Harbeson cabin on the east side of Dundas Bay. (AKMF)
6451-6454 The wood shack of Buck Harbeson’s cabin much as he left it. (AKMF)
6455-6459 Remains of the old cannery on the west side of Dundas Bay about 3 1/2 miles NNE of Pt. Wimbledon. (AKMF)
6460 Undescribed
6461-6462 Bob Loney and Glenn Himmelberg on the bow of the D.J.M. (AKMF)
6463 Undescribed
6464-6467 Art Kimble on the nunatak of the Brady Glacier Ni-Cu deposit. (AKMF)
6468-6479 Undescribed
6480-6482 Mt. LaPerouse from the nunatak of the Brady Glacier Ni-Cu deposit. Panorama. (AKMF)
6483-6486 Looking north over the ‘nunatak’ at Mt. LaPerouse. Note Art Kimble at left of the nunatak for scale. (AKMF)
6487-6493 Art Kimble at the Brady Glacier nunatak. (AKMF)
6494-6495 Undescribed
6496 As 6484. (AKMF)
6497-6504 Aerial oblique to north with Ni-Cu nunatak in the foreground and Mt. LaPerouse in the distance. (AKMF)
6505 Looking approximately west from just west of the Ni-Cu nunatak toward De Langle Mountain on the left. (AKMF)
6506-6510 Undescribed
6511 Somewhere at the west side of Brady Glacier near North Deception Lake. (AKMF)
6512-6515 Undescribed
6516 Looking south along beach from old (beach) placer camp near the mouth of Echo Creek; north of Lituya Bay. (AKMF)
6517 Undescribed
6518-6519 Looking north along beach from old (beach) placer camp near the mouth of Echo Creek, north of Lituya Bay. (AKMF)
6520 Large root system of piece of driftwood clearly showing transport of erratics by floating logs. Near 6516 -6520. (AKMF)
6521 As 6518, trees past mouth of Echo Creek. (AKMF)
6522 Looking northwest at Mt LaPerouse over the north end of the north end of the west arm of s Bay. (AKMF)
6523-6524 Looking NNW over the terminus of Brady Glacier at Mt. LaPerouse. (AKMF)
6525-6526 Looking NNW from just over the center of the terminus of Brady Glacier toward Mt. LaPerouse and the Fairweather Range. (AKMF)
6527 About as 6525 but somewhat more to northwest; North Trick Lake in center. (AKMF)
6528 Looking approximately northwest from head of Thistle Cove toward De Langle Mountain and Mt. LaPerouse. (AKMF)
6529 Looking northeast over North Deception Lake at Brady Glacier. (AKMF)
6530-6533 Undescribed
6535-6539 Looking approximately west over the head of Dixon Harbor and Thistle Cove. (AKMF)
6540-6541 Czmanske, Carlson, Himmelberg, and Loney on the stern of the D.J.M. comparing their notes on the day’s work. (AKMF)
6542-6544 Looking northwest across the head of Lituya Bay at the scar of the 1958 wave. (AKMF)
6545-6547 Undescribed
6548-6550 D.J.M. at the government dock in Juneau. (AKJU)
6551-6554 Undescribed
6555-6556 Looking north at the small boat harbor in Juneau from the Douglas Bridge. (AKJU)
6557 Undescribed
6558-6564 Source of rock uncertain but an exceptionally nice mymerkitic texture in a granite. (AKmF)
6565-6568 Czmanske and Bruce Johnson unloading a Hughes 500C. (AKMF)
6569-6573 Undescribed
6574-6575 D.J.M. coming into Juneau. (AKJU)
6576 Capt. Stacey at Juneau. (AKJU)
6577-6582 Unloading the D.J.M. at the government dock in Juneau. (AKJU)
6583-6584 Coast Guard buoy tender ‘Planetree’ at the dock in Juneau. (AKJU)
6585-6587 Undescribed
6588-6589 View out the window of the ore microscopy lab, Berthoud Hall, Colorado School of Mines.
6590-6592 Undescribed
6594 Views out of our kitchen and living room windows; our house at 4421 Huffman Road,, Anchorage, (AKAN)
6606-6617 Our house on Huffman Road, soon after we moved in. (AKAN)
6619-6622 View of camp Tom Miller and I had just southwest of King Salmon on a caribou hunting trip. Got three. (AKNK)
6625 ‘Mac’s Photo’ shot: Downtown Anchorage. (AKAN)
6627 ‘Mac’s Photo’ Shot photo: Head of Muir Inlet, Glacier Bay National Park. (AKMK)
6628 View out our front window in Anchorage; ‘Sleeping Lady’ or Mt. Susitna. (AKAN)
6629-6631 ARR yards and Port facilities from near 218 ‘E’ Street, Anchorage. (AKAN)
6633-6640 Various buildings and construction in downtown Anchorage. (AKAN)
6641-6650 Dusk. Looking west at Mt. Spurr from our living room on Huffman Road. (AKAN)
6651-6656 Chugach Mountains somewhere east of Anchorage.
6657 Aerial oblique looking north: Storey Island in the foreground, Unakuik Inlet in distance. (AKSR)
6658-6660 Aerial oblique: looking northeast at Baranof Island just north of Sitka. Can just see Sitka at right edge of picture. (AKSI)
6661-6663 Undescribed
6665-6668 View out our living room window to west. (AKAN)
6670 Chugach Mountains east of Anchorage somewhere. (AKAN)
6671 Aerial oblique to northeast; Point Lena area north of Juneau. (AKJU)
6672-6674 Undescribed
6675-6679 View north over Anchorage from near McHugh Peak. (AKAN)
6680 Undescribed
6681 As 6670. (AKAN)
6682 As 6658 but shifted to south so Sitka is in lower center of the photo. (AKSI)
6683 Alaska Railroad shops in Anchorage. (AKAN)
6684-6685 Looking north to northeast over Anchorage port facilities. (AKAN)
6686-6689 Aerial obliques of Anchorage. (AKAN)
6690 View to southeast over Potter Marsh and tidal flats on Turnagain Arm. (AKAN)
6691-6693 Aerial obliques of Huffman Road in vicinity of our house. (AKAN)
6694 Near vertical shot down on Huffman School. (AKAN)
6696 View to northwest from over Potter Marsh toward Point McKenzie. (AKAN)
6697 Stranded ice in Turnagain Arm. (AKAN)
6698 Looking ESE along Turnagain Arm from near Bird Point. (AKAN)
6699 Mud flats on upper Turnagain Arm. (AKSR)
6700-6701 Looking northwest from a position approximately over Portage toward head of Turnagain Arm. (AKSR)
6702 Undescribed
6703-6704 View to northwest of Anchorage. (AKAN)
6705 Alaska Pacific University in April 1976. (AKAN)
6706 As 6704. (AKAN)
6707 Orca Street and Merrill Field, Anchorage. (AKAN)
6708 Looking north along Seward Highway toward downtown Anchorage. (AKAN)
6709 UAA and Providence Hospital area. (AKAN)
6710 Striking shot of a trailer park somewhere in south Anchorage. (AKAN)
6711 As 6690. (AKAN)
6712 UAA and Providence Hospital area; looking approximately east. (AKAN)
6713 Biff Reed who took us on the flight represented by 6683 to 6712; with his other sightseers, Marsha Green and Steve Nelson. (AKAN)
6714-6716 A Stagger-wing Beechcraft that was parked behind our office on Orca Street for a time. (AKAN)
6717-6721 Undescribed
6722 Old tracked vehicle at the Barter Island Dew Line site. (AKBA)
6723-6725 Undescribed
6726-6727 Downtown Kaktovik just prior to breakup. (AKBA)
6729-6731 Barter Island Dew Line station. (AKBA)
6732 Old abandoned LST near Pipsuk Point. (AKBA)
6733 Miscellaneous archeological treasures near the airstrip. (AKBA)
6734-6741 Various shots taken while wandering around the Barter Island Dew Line station and Kaktovik. (AKBA)
6742-6744 Super Cub at Barter Island airstrip. (AKBA)
6745 As 6734. (AKBA)
6746 Walt Audi fueling up his Cessna 185 for a flight to the Romanzof Mountains. (AKBA)
6747-6752 ARR No. 566 at the Park Strip in Anchorage. (AKAN)
6753-6766 Barter Island DEW Line station and Kaktovik. (AKBA)
6768 Looking east at the Arctic Cu-Zn deposit on the far skyline from the Anaconda Camp (managed by Research Associates of Alaska) on the upper Ambler River about 9 miles NE of Bornite. (AKAC)
6769-6772 The Anaconda camp located in 6768. (AKAC)
6773-6774 As 6768 with Anaconda camp in the foreground. (AKAC)
6775 Undescribed
6776 As 6769. (AKAC)
6777-6781 Undescribed
6782-6790 Aerial obliques of the Barter Island Dew Line station and Kaktovik. Excellent examples of polygonal ground abound. (AKBA)
6791-6794 Undescribed
6795 Drill sites north of triangulation station ‘Sleet’ west of Kalurivik River. Work being done by Anaconda. (AKAC)
6796 Gossan near drill site of 6795. (Several days later they hit the ore zone and brought in several boxes of almost solid sulfides with high Cu and Zn). (AKAR)
6797-6798 As 6795. (AKAR)
6799 Gossan (at Arctic deposit?) (AKAR)
6800-6802 Anaconda camp on the Shungnak River. (AKAR)
6803 Undescribed
6804-6808 Looking west and south from a traverse with Tom Smith on the ridge between the Kalurivik and Ambler Rivers. (AKAR)
6809 Undescribed
6810 Looking south along the Ambler River from a position about 12-14 miles north of Bornite. (AKAR)
6811-6813 Undescribed
6814 Seloy Hiller (A Hiller 12E with a jet turbine engine). (AKAR)
6815-6823 Aerial obliques of the Bornite deposit. (AKAR)
6832 As 6825. (AKAR)
6833-6836 Undescribed
6837 Decorated latrine at the Noranda camp on the Kogoluktuk River east of the Arctic deposit. (AKAR)
6838-6843 Undescribed
6844 Looking up the Kogoluktuk River from east of triangulation station ‘Riley’ (AKAR)
6845-6846 Undescribed
6847-6848 Looking northwest at the Arctic deposit from near ‘2230’. (AKAR)
6849-6851 Looking west at the Arctic deposit from the Kogoluktuk valley. (AKAR)
6852-6854 Looking at the west face of the Arctic deposit. Seloy Hiller in foreground. (AKAR)
6855-6868 Undescribed
6869 Interesting prefab raft used as a float in Bettles. (AKBT)
6870-6887 Berndt Gaedeke’s lodge at the north end of Iniakuk Lake. (AKSP)
6888-6908 Undescribed
6909-6911 Looking north over the delta of the Copper River. (AKCV)
6912-6915 Undescribed
6916-6918 Buildings at Bettles. (AKBT)
6919 What turned out to be Ray Bane’s house in Bettles. (AKBT)
6920 Short Skyvan at Bettles airfield. (AKBT)
6921 Bettles trading post. (AKBT)
6922 Vicinity of Sitka. (AKSI)
6923-6924 D.J.M. at dock in Sitka. (AKSI)
6925 Old Russian blockhouse in Sitka. (AKSI)
6926-6934 Various old houses and old to mature boats in Sitka. (AKSI)
6935-6936 Gerry Czmanski was late for the D.J.M.’s departure–and we finally went back and got him! (AKSI)
6937 Undescribed
6938-6939 Coast Guard buoy tender, the ‘Clover’ at Sitka. (AKSI)
6942-6943 Undescribed
6944 Gerry Czmanske on the D.J.M. (AKSI)
6945 Location uncertain, probably somewhere near Yakutat. (AKYA)
6946 Undescribed
6947 Aerial oblique of the Alsek Glacier and the lower Alsek River. (AKYA)
6948 Undescribed
6949-6952 Looking down on the nunatak of the Brady Glacier Ni-Cu deposit; Mt. LaPerouse on right, Broussole Bay in distance. (AKMF)
6953-6955 Undescribed
6956 Cove just west of the Juneau airport. (AKJU)
6957-6962 Undescribed
6963 D.J.M. underway with a Bell Jet Ranger on the helicopter deck.
6964-6965 As 6963 but view forward.
6966-6970 Undescribed
6971-6972 View northeast from the north side of the spit at the mouth of Lituya Bay. Cenotaph Island center of picture. (AKMF)
6973 Art Kimble and Connie Nutt in the galley of the D.J.M. (AKMF)
6974 Looking southwest from the head of Lituya Bay. (AKMF)
6975-6976 Looking at the scar on the mountain at the southwest side of Gilbert Inlet, head of Lituya Bay. Caused by the 1958 earthquake. (AKMF)
6977 Bruce Johnson skiffing at the head of Lituya Bay; Gilbert Bay in background. (AKMF)
6979-6980 Same location as 6978 but looking due south. (AKMF)
6981-6982 Undescribed
6983-6984 Looking southwest out over Lituya Bay from a station approximately 5,000′ elevation and east of the head of Lituya Bay. (AKMF)
6985-6988 Undescribed
6989-6990 Looking approximately northwest along Desolation Valley toward Fairweather Range from an aerial position about over the lower end of the Desolation Glacier. (AKMF)
6991 Looking southwest along the north side of Lituya Bay; Fish Lake in right-center. Good illustration of the 1958 trim line. (AKMF)
6992 Generally as 6991. (AKMF)
6993-6994 Looking southeast along the beach south of Lituya Bay. (AKMF)
6995-6996 Undescribed
6997-6999 Location uncertain but generally looking east from near the head of Lituya Bay. (near ‘2340’?) (AKMF)
7001 Looking southwest down Justice Creek from near Mt. Escures. (AKMF)
7002-7006 Undescribed
7007 Shore of small lake west of Mt. Escures. (AKMF)
7008 Looking northeast at Mt. Fairweather from near Mt. Escures. (The only time I saw it in two summers in Lituya Bay!). (AKMF)
7010-7017 Undescribed
7018 Looking down on the terminus of the North Crillon Glacier at the head of Lituya Bay. (AKMF)
7019-7020 Oblique of Lituya Bay from a station high over the head of Lituya Bay. (AKMF)
7021-7025 Looking southwest over the large glacial lobe between Middle Cone and Crillon Lake. (AKMF)
7026-7027 View to west over the head of Lituya Bay. (AKMF)
7028-7029 As 7020 (but aerial?) (AKMF)
7030 Undescribed
7031-7033 Dave Brew, A. T. Ovenshine, and George Becraft going skiffing in Lituya Bay. (AKMF)
7034-7035 Looking southwest along the east side of the La Perouse Glacier. (AKMF)
7036-7038 Undescribed
7039 Looking north up Crillon Lake. (AKMF)
7040 Undescribed
7041 View along the south side of lower Lituya Bay; trim line obvious. Fishing boats for scale. (AKMF)
7045-7046 Fuel boat at Yakutat. (AKYA)
7047-7051 D.J.M. at Yakutat dock. (AKYA)
7052 Undescribed
7053 Cannery at Yakutat. (AKYA)
7054 Undescribed
7055-7061 (Very poor) photo of the old steam locomotives at Yakutat. (AKYA)
7062-7064 Ed Maghaeles at the crane on the D.J.M.; Yakutat harbor. (AKYA)
7065-7066 A. Thomas Ovenshine at Yakutat. (AKYA)
7067 Cannery at Yakutat with Mt. St. Elias looking in the distance. (AKYA)
7068 Yakutat. (AKYA)
7069-7070 George Becraft and A. T. Ovenshine near the mouth of Echo Creek, north of Lituya Bay. (AKMF)
7071-7075 Undescribed
7077-7078 Capt. Stacey and George Becraft on the D.J.M. (AKMF)
7079-7080 Undescribed
7081 Unloading at Yakutat. (AKYA)
7082-7084 Looking north over Yakutat with Yakutat Bay and St. Elias Range in the distance. (AKYA)
7085-7086 Looking north over the Phipps Peninsula near Yakutat. (AKYA)
7087-7090 Undescribed
7091 Malaspina Glacier. (AKYA)
7092-7093 Landing at Fairbanks; view to southeast over International airport and Fairbanks. (AKFB)
7094 View to east over Yukon Flats somewhere. (AKFY?)
7095-7099 View west over the Mikado mine at the head of Tobin Creek, Chandalar area. (AKCH)
7100-7106 Don Singer and John DeYoung looking for gold at the Mikado mine. (AKCH)
7107 Undescribed
7108-7110 Looking ENE over Big Spruce Creek from a position about 1 mile north of peak 5322. Singer, DeYoung, and myself going down to look at the Venus prospect, a porphyry copper deposit. (AKCH)
7111 About as 7108; Singer and DeYoung in foreground. (AKCH)
7112 Don Singer at schistose, phrohyritic rhyolite with disseminated pyrite. Venus prospect. (AKCH)
7113-7114 Don Singer and John DeYoung eating a C-ration at the Venus prospect on Big Spruce Creek. Altered porphyry in background. (AKCH)
7115-7117 Undescribed
7118 Don Singer shooting at Chandalar Lake. (AKCH)
7119 Part of Red Adney’s old camp at Chandalar Lake; then owned by Placid Oil Company. (AKCH)
7120 Undescribed
7121 Summit mine near Little Squaw Peak one foggy morning. (AKCH)
7122 Looking SSW up Little Squaw Creek from near Little Squaw mine. (AKCH)
7123 Looking northwest at Squaw Lake from north end of ridge between Squaw and Little Squaw Creeks. (AKCH)
7124 Undescribed
7125-7129 Caches at Mello’s old placer camp on lower Little Squaw Creek. (AKCH)
7130-7131 Old U.S. Commissioner’s cabin at old Chandalar on lower portion of Little Squaw Creek. (AKCH)
7132-7135 Don Singer panning on Little Squaw Creek. (AKCH)
7137-7143 Old, half-scale Allis Chalmers stamp mill at the spring on lower Little Squaw Creek. (AKCH)
7144 Singer and DeYoung at bath on Chandalar Lake. (AKCH)
7145 Undescribed
7146 As 7119. (AKCH)
7148 Morning toilet at Chandalar Lake. (AKCH)
7149 Undescribed
7150 Looking northwest (with approximately 200mm lens) over Chandalar Lake from near the airstrip. (AKCH)
7151 Undescribed
7152 Bob Thorsen at Chandalar Lake. (AKCH)
7153 Don Singer cooking wieners at Chandalar Lake. (AKCH)
7155-7157 Undescribed
7158-7160 Aerial oblique looking south along Little Squaw Creek; old Chandalar in the foreground. (AKCH)
7161 Location uncertain but Chandalar area. (AKCH)
7162-7163 Looking south along the Chandalar River–Chandalar Lake in the distance–from near the mouth of Lake Creek. (AKCH)
7164 Exact location uncertain but near Bend Mountain on the upper North Fork of the Chandalar River. (AKCH)
7165-7166 Undescribed
7167-7168 Looking north over Red’s Lake on the upper North Fork of the Chandalar River. (AKCH)
7169 Undescribed
7170 Location uncertain but Skajit Limestone in the upper North Fork of the Chandalar River above Red’s Lake. (AKCH)
7171-7174 Looking north along the Middle Fork of the Koyukuk River; Sukakpak Mountain at lower right and Dietrick camp in the center of the picture. (AKCH)
7175 Undescribed
7176 About as 7174 but from a position just east of Sukakpak Mountain. (AKCH)
7177-7180 Undescribed
7181-7182 Looking north(?) along the Middle Fork of the Koyukuk with the pipeline and haul road paralleling the river. Can’t exactly locate photo but see 7183. (AKWI)
7183 Looking north up Middle Fork of the Koyukuk River from near Coldfoot. (AKWI)
7184 Picturesque tundra lakes on flight to Bettles. (AKWI)
7185-7187 Undescribed
7188 Looking east over Takahula Lake in Millichetak Creek. (AKSP)
7189 Undescribed
7193 Altered zone at granite contact about 9 miles west of Takahula Lake(?). (AKSP)
7198 Vicinity Arrigetch Peaks. (AKSP)
7199-7203 Granite ‘tooth’ at the head of Arrigetch Creek. (AKSP)
7205-7212 Undescribed
7213-7214 Looking south at Chandalar Lake. (AKCH)
7215-7217 Irv Tailleur’s camp at ‘Otter Bar’ on the Noatak River about 3 miles below the mouth of Kavachurak Creek. (AKAR) Named for Otter than crashed there bringing in fuel that summer.
7218-7220 Singer, DeYoung, pilot, and Veronica Vareoft, a visiting French MD, at Irv Taillerur’s camp. (AKAR)
7222 Undescribed
7223 Super Cubs at a hunting camp on a bar on the Upper Noatak River. (AKAR)
7224-7225 Looking south into one of the valleys on the south side of the Upper Noatak River. (AKSP)
7226-7227 Looking south into the Kugrak River from near its mouth. (AKSP)
7228 Undescribed
7229 Singer, DeYoung, and Grybeck at Angiaak Pass near Mt. Igikpak. (AKSP)
7230-7238 Views southwest in creek that flows northwest from Mt. Igikpak. Singer, DeYoung, and I walked up here from Mt. Igikpak. (AKSP)
7239-7240 Typical weather during our 3-day stay at Angiaak Pass. Read James Clavell’s ‘Shogun’ in its entirety here while it rained. Singer and DeYoung fixed meals. (AKSP)
7241-7249 Undescribed
7250 Pingo on the Upper Noatak River. (AKSP)
7251 Undescribed
7252-7261 Aerial obliques and ground view of Irv Tailleru’s camp at Otter Bar on the Noatak. (See 7216)
7262 The Otter of ‘Otter Bar’ just about to fly again after flipping over on landing and then being submerged by the rising water. (AKAR)
7263-7270 Undescribed
7271-7272 Chromite in Siniktanneyak ultramafic body. (AKHW)
7273-7275 John DeYoung and myself on a traverse down the creek in the Siniktanneyak ultramafic about a mile SE of triangulation station ‘Apex’. (AKHW)
7276 Undescribed
7277-7290 Various aerial obliques in the area of the lakes in the southeast portion of the Siniktanneyak ultramafic body. (AKHW)
7291-7293 Undescribed
7294 Location totally escapes me!.
7295 John DeYoung near Venus prospect on Big Spruce Creek. (AKCH)
7296-7298 John DeYoung with the first fish he ever caught: a grayling from a small pond near ‘Copper Knobs’ on the lower Kavachurak Creek. (AKAR)
7299-7300 John DeYoung on Kavachurak Creek. (AKAR)
7301-7308 Undescribed
7309-7327 Various shots in now uncertain locations in the vicinity of the granite near Shiskakshinovik Pass. Gil Mull in several of the pictures. (AKAR)
7328-7336 Various in the Upper Noatak River above ‘Otter Bar’. Several looking south into valleys tributary to the Noatak. (AKAR and AKSP)
7337 Pingo on the Upper Noatak. (AKSP)
7338 Looking south along Tupik Creek from near its mouth; Mt. Igikpak in distance. (AKSP)
7339-7343 Undescribed
7344 (East side of?) Mt. Igikpak showing iron-stained joints. (AKSP)
7345-7349 Undescribed
7350-7351 Porphyritic granite on east side of Mt. Igikpak. (AKSP)
7353-7357 Undescribed
7358-7359 Biff Reed, Irv Tailleur, and helicopter pilot panning in vicinity Mt. Igikpak. (AKSP)
7360-7364 Undescribed
7365 Bell Jet Ranger at Reed River hot spring. (AKSP)
7366 Undescribed
7367 Aerial oblique of Reed River hot spring. (AKSP)
7368-7374 Undescribed
7375 Biff Reed at fuel-cache lake on the upper Noatak River. (AKSP)
7376 Pingo on the upper Noatak River. (AKSP)
7377 Undescribed
7378-7380 Irv Tailleur’s camp on ‘Otter Bar’. (AKAR)
7381-7386 Undescribed
7387 Altered zone about 2 miles east of Angiaak Pass; looking southwest at mountain face. (AKSP)
7388-7390 Biff Reed and helicopter pilot panning on Tupic Creek. (AKSP)
7391 Granite with iron-stained joints near Angiaak Pass. (AKSP)
7392 Undescribed
7393-7394 Biff Reed panning in Tupic Creek. (AKSP)
7395-7397 Undescribed
7398 Looking southeast at Peak 7100 from near mouth of Angayu Creek. (AKSP)
7399 Reed, pilot, and Mull refueling on the upper Noatak River. (AKSP)
7400-7404 Irv Tailleur’s camp at ‘Otter Bar’. (AKAR)
7405-7428 Locations uncertain; most on flight between upper Noatak river and Kotzebue.
7429-7435  Undescribed
7436 Orientation uncertain but Alyeska pipeline camp and pipeline near Glenallen. (AKGU)
7437-7439 Undescribed
7440-7442 Looking southeast up the Matanuska Glacier; highway in foreground. (AKAN)
7444 Undescribed
7446 Looking WSW over Wishbone Ridge near Jonesville; old coal mines in front of ridge. (AKAN)
7448 Undescribed
7449 Looking southwest down Knik Arm from near Matanuska. (AKAN)
7450 Undescribed
7451-7452 Looking northeast over the International Airport toward Anchorage. (AKAN)
7454-7460 Panorama from near triangulation station ‘Blunt’, south of Lituya Bay, from north to west. Shows all of Lituya Bay. (AKMF)
7461-7465 View to north from ‘Blunt’ (AKMF)
7466-7468 Undescribed
7469-7477 Several shots from vicinity ‘Blunt’; ENE up North and South Crillon Glaciers toward Mt. Crillon on skyline. (AKMF)
7478-7484 From edge of precipice just east of ‘Blunt: looking northwest at head of Lituya Bay and Lituya Glacier. (AKMF)
7485-7486 As from 7479; looking northeast up North Crillon Glacier. (AKMF)
7487 About as 7479 but looking up South Crillon Glacier. (AKMF)
7488-7490 Undescribed
7491 Looking WSE across Sitka South at Mt. Edgecumbe; tug with two sawdust barges in the foreground. (AKSI)
7492-7493 Connie Nutt at rest in Lituya Bay. (AKMF)
7494-7496 Undescribed
7497-7498 Lituya Bay shrimp. (AKMF)
7499 Ed Maghaeles cleaning fish on the stern of the D.J.M. (AKMF)
7500-7515 The Don J. Miller II in Lituya Bay. (AKMF)
7516 Undescribed
7517-7518 Gerry Czmanske driving an inflatable in Lituya Bay. (AKMF)
7519-7523 Bird cliffs on Cenotaph Island, Lituya Bay. (AKMF)
7524 Close-up of 1958 wave scar on south side of Gilbert Inlet; note seals for scale. (AKMF)
7525-7526 Undescribed
7527 Looking southeast at alluvial fan of unnamed creek which enters Lituya Bay just west of Peak 2340. (AKMF)
7528 Another tough day on the D.J.M. (AKMF)
7529 View northeast at the head of Lituya Bay. (AKMF)
7531-7532 More of the birds on the cliffs of Cenotaph Island, Lituya Bay. (AKMF)
7533-7540 And more of the D.J.M. in Lituya Bay. (AKMF)
7542-7553 Undescribed
7554-7558 Looking south along the lower end of La Perouse Glacier. (AKMF)
7559-7561 Undescribed
7562-7563 Gerry Camanske and Connie Nutt in Bergie’s German Kanova inflatable; skiffing on Lituya Bay. (AKMF)
7564-7567 Undescribed
7568 Gerry Czmanske and Bruce Johnson mapping along the beach between La Perouse Glacier and Icy Point. (AKMF)
7569-7570 Undescribed
7571 Tertiary sandstone near Icy Point. Much soft-sediment deformation locally. (M70 Winchester, .375 H & H Magnum, for scale in 7571). (AKMF)
7572 Undescribed
7573-7574 Beach near Icy Point. (AKMF)
7575-7577 Undescribed
7578-7581 View WSW at Lituya Bay from a station high over the head of the bay. (AKMF)
7582 View northwest along Desolation Valley from near terminus of the Desolation Glacier. (AKMF)
7583-7590 The Bureau of Mines drilling the beach placer near the mouth of Echo Creek. (AKMF)
7591-7592 Jean Ratte and ? splitting USBOM samples at site of previous slide. (AKMF)
7593-7594 Old beach-placer camp near the mouth of Echo Creek. (AKMF)
7595-7596 Undescribed
7597 Driftwood on beach near the mouth of Echo Creek. (AKMF)
7598 The Bureau of Mines drilling the beach placer near the mouth of Echo Creek. (AKMF)
7599 Looking from vicinity University Avenue and Airport Road eastward toward Fairbanks. (AKFB)
7600 Looking down and east at ‘Deadend Alley’ area off University Avenue toward downtown Fairbanks. (AKFB)
7601-7602 Aerial obliques of the University of Alaska. (AKFB)
7604-7605 Meandering stream in winter someplace between Fairbanks and Bettles.
7606-7609 Aerial view eastward of the Yukon River crossing of the Alyeska pipeline. (AKLG)
7610-7611 Old Bettles on the Koyukuk River. (AKBT)
7612-7614 Undescribed
7615 Setting a flag at out prospective camp site at the north end of Walker Lake to mark location for fuel delivery. (AKSP)
7616-7621 Winter view at north end of Walker Lake. (AKSP)
7633 Winter view of Arrigetch Peaks area. (AKSP)
7655-7656 Bettles Lodge. (AKBT)
7657 Someplace between Bettles and Yukon River on way to Fairbanks.
7658 Undescribed
7659 Aerial obliques of the Yukon River crossing of the Alyeska pipeline. (AKLG)
7660 Undescribed
7661 Dredge on Sheep Creek, north side of Ester Dome near Fairbanks. (AKFB)
7662-7663 Aerial oblique of University of Alaska, Fairbanks. (AKFB)
7664-7676 Undescribed
7677 Beach on southeast side of Hinchinbrook Island. (AKCV)
7678 Fault developed in 1964 that offsets beach on Montague Island. (AKSR)
7679-7683 Undescribed
7693-7694 Looking south toward the head of Placer River valley from over Portage. (AKSR)
7695-7696 Undescribed
7697 Campbell Lake, Anchorage. (AKAN)
7698 Undescribed
7699 A. Thomas Ovenshine resting in what was then George Becraft’s office in Reston. Tom was in Washington for Alaskan hearings before Mr. Siberling.
7700 Cessna 185’s on floats tied up at the river by Bettles. ‘276’ was assigned to the Survey Pass project for most of the summer by Frontier Flying Service. (AKBT)
7701 Undescribed
7702 Helicopter just arrived at our camp on upper Walker Lake. Pilot, Jerry Carlson, and mechanic, Del Woodin, looking over the camp site marked by a disarray of fuel drums. (AKSP)
7703 Mt. Igikpak looking southwest over the glacier which flows down from it. (AKSP)
7704-7706 Undescribed
7707-7709 Mt. Oyukak, looking south over the glacier and prominent terminal moraine on its north side. (AKSP)
7710-7712 Undescribed
7713 Visiting helicopter at camp on Walker Lake. (AKSP)
7715-7716 (AKSP)
7717 Undescribed
7718-7719 Uncertain, possibly Mt. Igikpak. (AKSP)
7720 Undescribed
7721 Uncertain location; shows prominent layering in foliated orthogneiss (‘granite’). (AKSP)
7722 Undescribed
7723-7726 USGS camp on Walker Lake in early part of the summer. (AKSP)
7727-7728 Undescribed
7729 Jerry Carlson, our faithful helicopter pilot relaxing. Beside a great variety of food, he often carried a blown-up air mattress in the helicopter! (AKSP)
7730-7731 Undescribed
7732 Looking south over Walker Lake from its north end. (AKSP)
7733-7737 Undescribed
7738 Looking WSW over line of prominent granite spurs in first major valley south of Arrigetch Creek. (AKSP)
7739 Prominent stained zone at limestone-granite contact on Takahula River; looking west. (AKSP)
7740 Undescribed
7741 Looking southeast over Walker Lake from aerial position several miles up the Kallukton River. (AKSP)
7742-7748 Prominent birds-foot delta at north end of Walker Lake. (AKSP)
7749 Near-vertical aerial shot down at the USGS camp on the fan near the north end of Walker Lake. (AKSP)
7750 Looking south from air over Walker Lake. (AKSP)
7751 Our Cessna 185, ‘276’, at Walker Lake. (AKSP)
7752 Looking east toward low pass over into the headwaters of the Takahula River; altered granite. (AKSP)
7753 Undescribed
7754 Uncertain, but probably looking east toward the fault near the hot spring on the Reed River. (AKSP)
7755 Prominent roof pendant of schist in granite just east of Angiaak Pass; aerial shot looking west. (AKSP)
7756-7757 Undescribed
7758-7759 Prominent polygonal ground preserved on gravel (?) terrace. Probably in the headwaters of the Noatak River. (AKSP)
7760-7762 Helicopter at fuel-cache lake near mouth of Anorat Creek, upper Noatak River. (AKSP)
7763 Margo Toth and Steve Nelson with ‘276’; taking a break. (AKSP)
7765 Prominent terminal moraine (or rock glacier) at some uncertain location, possibly about 8 miles NE of head of Walker Lake. (AKSP)
7766 Undescribed
7767 Collecting geochemical sample 2-3 miles NW of Peak 4880 in the head waters of the Kobuk River. Looking west at massive granite which is locally altered along joints. (AKSP)
7768 Undescribed
7769-7771a Arctic deposit; looking east over drill roads. (AKAR)
7771b-7772 Undescribed
7773 Narvak and Shelby Lakes; looking south from air. Note float plane at end of lake in foreground. (AKHU)
7774 Looking north up Picnic Creek toward Sun and Smucker deposits. The violet on the hills of the foreground are fireweed which has just bloomed on the burned-over hillsides. (AKSP)
7775-7779 Hummocky terraces of terminal moraine, southwest and south ends of Walker Lake. (AKSP)
7780 Helmerick’s camp on Swan Island, Walker Lake., (AKSP)
7781 Marti Miller (cook), Ron Minter (pilot), and Margo Toth still at the table after dinner. (AKSP)
7782 Fuel cache and Bell Jet Ranger at USGS camp, Walker Lake. (AKSP)
7783 After-dinner, B.S. session: Marty Lewis (camphand), Marti Miller (cook), Ron Minter (pilot), Margo Toth, and Peter Coney (Univer. of Arizona). (AKSP)
7784 Bird-foot delta and USGS-camp fan at the north end of Walker Lake; looking east from air. Arrigetch Peaks on the skyline. (AKSP)
7785 Looking west over Swan Island, Walker Lake. (AKSP)
7786 Peter Gertson (fixed-wing pilot), Steve Nelson, and Margo Toth, with ‘276’ at Iniakuk Lake. (AKSP)
7788-7789 Lodge at north end of Iniakuk Lake operated by Bernd Gaedecke and his wife. (AKSP)
7790 John Cathrall (geochemist), Margo Toth, Jerry Carlson (pilot), and Steve Nelson fueling helicopter at Iniakuk Lake. (AKSP)
7791 John Cathrall killing time at Iniakuk Lake. (AKSP)
7792 Aerial shot of lodge and camp at north end of Iniakuk Lake. (AKSP)
7793 Looking north up the Alatna River from over the ridge northwest of Iniakuk Lake. (AKSP)
7794 John Cathrall, Jerry Carlson, Steve Nelson, Marti Miller, and Del Woodon (mechanic) killing time around the dinner table at the USGS camp, Walker Lake. (AKSP)
7795a Location uncertain but clearly in the granite. (AKSP)
7795b-7799 Aerial shots looking south over Walker Lake. (AKSP)
7800-7801 Birds-foot delta at north end of Walker Lake. (AKSP)
7802 Low-aerial shot looking north over USGS camp at Walker Lake. (AKSP)
7803-7804 Undescribed
7805 Location somewhat uncertain but probably looking north toward thrust-stacked sequence of carbonates east of Gull Pass. (AKSP)
7806 Undescribed
7807 Looking north at Arctic deposit ridge. Outcrop of ore body approximately center of the picture. But note that much of the yellow staining was exposed during exploration. (AKAR)
7808 Anaconda camp (run by Resource Associates of Alaska, RAA) on small unnamed lake just off Ambler River about 10 miles northeast of Bornite. (AKAR)
7809-7810 Undescribed
7811 High-oblique aerial shot down at the Ruby Creek deposit. (AKSH)
7812 Location uncertain; good exposure of granite in near-vertical face. Mt. Igikpak? (AKSP)
7813 ‘Mt. Mertie’ looking east over grassy slopes of calcareous metasediments and phyllite. (AKSP)
7815-7816 Undescribed
7817 Looking up unnamed valley to the south of Arrigetch Creek. (AKSP)
7818 Jerry Carlson refueling helicopter at lake on upper Noatak River. (AKSP)
7819 SeaAirmotive, Bell Jet Ranger ‘209’ on a bar, lower Awilinyak Creek. (AKSP)
7820 Undescribed
7821 Dike-fault marking contact in granite. Aerial shot looking west and down on granite ridge near the low pass between Takahula Lake and Arrigetch Creek. (AKSP)
7822 Undescribed
7823 Aerial shot looking up Arrigetch Creek from near its mouth. (AKSP)
7824 Aerial shot down on iron-stained creek. Probably Coalit Creek south of Plateau Mountain. (AKSP)
7825 Location uncertain; vicinity Easter Creek or Survey Pass? Looking south into heavy smoke from fires in the Yukon-Koyukuk area. (AKSP)
7826-7831 Undescribed
7832 Location uncertain; possibly granite-carbonate contact west of Angiaak Pass. (AKSP)
7833 Undescribed
7834 Steve Nelson and Marti Miller collecting ice for our drinks; unnamed glacier east of Akabluak Pass. (AKSP)
7835 Low aerial oblique looking down over north end of Walker Lake. (AKSP)
7836 Looking north over USGS camp, Walker Lake. (AKSP)
7838 Aerial shot of dissected morainal terraces at southeast end of Walker Lake. (AKSP)
7839 Undescribed
7840 Dinner by the lake. Note folded marble lens on skyline to west across Walker Lake. (AKSP)
7841 ‘Job’, Marti Miller’s near basket-case dog. (AKSP)
7842 Peter Gertson, John Cathrall, and Margo Toth with Job; probably as we were setting up camp. (AKSP)
7843 John Cathrall and Margo Toth making tables in the first days of the season. (AKSP)
7844 Nice, near-vertical aerial shot down at the fan on the north end of Walker Lake where our camp was location. (AKSP)
7845 Looking south along Awlinyak Creek; marble layer in center of photo is prominently exposed in the face of the ridge which terminates west of the mouth of Awlinyak Creek. (AKSP)
7846-7847 Tom Hamilton stopped by for dinner. Most of our party present but faces obscured. (AKSP)
7849 As above; from left Jerry Carlson, Peter Gertson, Margo Toth, Hamilton’s pilot, Cathrall, Nelson, Tom Hamilton, Marti Miller, Marty Lewis. (AKSP)
7850 Cessna 185, ‘276’; location unknown. (AKSP)
7851-7852 Job keeping watch over Steve Nelson on the beach of Walker Lake near camp. (AKSP)
7853 Steve Nelson on beach near camp.
7854 Alluvial fan truncated by stream; location unknown. (AKSP)
7855-7857 Looking up valley east of Angiaak Pass over prominent talus piles. Mt. Igikpak on skyline. (AKSP)
7858 Undescribed
7859 Location uncertain. (AKSP)
7860 Prominent terminal moraine in valley of headwaters of Awlinyak Creek. (AKSP)
7861 Looking northeast at ‘Mt. Mertie’ on skyline; about over Alatna River looking up ridge between Nahtuk and Pingaluk Rivers. Rocks in bluff are mostly Skajit Limestone. (AKSP)
7862-7863 Undescribed
7864 Looking west up prominent line of granite ridges in valley south of Arrigetch Creek. (AKSP)
7865 Dike-fault marking contact in granite. Aerial shot looking west and down on granite ridge near the low pass between Takahula Lake and Arrigetch Creek. (AKSP)
7866 Undescribed
7868 Looking northeast toward ‘Mt Mertie’ along divide between headwaters of Naktuk and Pinyakuk Rivers. Contact of Dfc and MCcp in foreground. (AKSP)
7869-7870 As 7868 but closer and looking north. (AKSP)
7871-7873 Location uncertain but probably in northeast part of the quadrangle. (AKSP)
7874 Natat Lake in foreground; aerial shot looking northeast toward Lonely Lake. (AKSP)
7875 Location uncertain; probably in northeast part of quadrangle. (AKSP)
7877 Location uncertain; probably in vicinity of Survey Pass. Well-developed talus lobes at foot of gulleys in the valley walls. (AKSP)
7878-7880 Undescribed
7881 Looking south over low pass into head of Peguluk Creek; well-developed talus cones. (AKSP)
7882 Location uncertain; probably one of the rivers in the central part of the quadrangle that drains south into the Alatna River. (AKSP)
7883 Undescribed
7884 Peter Gertson, Margo Toth, and Del Woodin reading their mail. (AKSP)
7885-7886 Undescribed
7887 Marti Miller and Margo Toth in camp. (AKSP)
7889 About to start on a chocolate cake after dinner. From left: Marty Lewis, Cathrall, Ron Minter, Toth, Nelson, Miller, and Jerry Carlson. (AKSP)
7890-7891 Nelson, Miller, and Carlson (AKSP)
7892-7893 Toth and Miller. (AKSP)
7894 Steve Nelson. (AKSP)
7895 Jerry Carlson, washing out his socks. (AKSP)
7896 Marti Miller at the beach-front scullery of camp. (AKSP)
7897 Ron Minter, one of our l85 pilots. (AKSP)
7898 As 7896. (AKSP)
7899 Cessna ‘276’ at camp. (AKSP)
7900 Scullery at camp with helicopter in background. (AKSP)
7901-7902 Undescribed
7903 Looking down on USGS camp from air. (AKSP)
7904 Looking up over the north end of Walker Lake. (AKSP)
7905-7908 Undescribed
7909 Location uncertain, possibly looking east toward one of the Arrigetch Peaks. (AKSP)
7910-7916 Undescribed
7917 Getting ready to go to work in the morning: Marti Nelson, Marty Lewis, Nelson, Ron Minter. (AKSP)
7918-7919 Undescribed
7920 Looking east over hill 4470 about 6 miles northwest of Iniakuk Lake. Mainly marble with irregular, infolded lenses of schist. (AKSP)
7921 Looking down and toward east over Takahula Lake. (AKSP)
7922 Looking down and toward east over the large nappe exposed in the steep valley wall about 3 miles northeast of Takahula Lake. (AKSP)
7923 Undescribed
7924 Chevron folds exposed in Devonian clastic-wedge rocks; northeast part of the quadrangle, possibly near Survey Pass. (AKSP)
7925 Braided stream channel, location unknown. (AKSP)
7926 Undescribed
7927 Looking east over Angiaak Pass to Mt. Igikpak. (AKSP)
7928 Terminal moraine below small, stagnant glacier; Mt. Igikpak? (AKSP)
7929 Prominent dike-fault exposed about 5 miles north of Reed River hot springs; aerial view looking north. (AKSP)
7931 Granite exposed below conformable metamorphic rocks; north side of batholith west of Awlinyak Creek in vicinity of Peak 6760. (AKSP)
7932 Stagnant glacier with terminal moraine; near granite contact west of Awlinyak Creek. (AKSP)
7933-7934 Altered granite; near Angiaak Pass? (AKSP)
7935-7936 Low aerial shot looking west into the prominent contact of granite and limestone about 9 miles west of Takahula Lake. (AKSP)
7937 Undescribed
7938 Steve Nelson and Bill Silberman with helicopter parked on the Kobuk River south of Walker Lake. (AKSP)
7939 Jerry Carlson at rest. (AKSP)
7940-7941 Undescribed
7942-7943 Dave Brew relaxing in full field gear (at Takahula Lake?). (AKSP)
7944-7945 Oblique of the granite ‘tooth’ and adjacent glaciers, head of Arrigetch Creek. (AKSP)
7946-7947 Undescribed
7948 Location uncertain; nice exposure of layered granitic orthogneiss. (AKSP)
7949 Looking east into folds in granitic orthogneiss exposed at the head of Awlinyak Creek about 2 miles northeast of Pass 4081. (AKSP)
7950 Jointing in granite, vicinity Pass 4081. (AKSP)
7951 Looking south into hanging valley in granite; about 2 miles southwest of Pass 4081. (AKSP)
7952 Looking northeast at granite-metamorphic rock contact exposed about 2 miles SSE of Peak 4561 (or about 4 miles NNE of north end of Walker Lake). Note granite klippe on skyline. (AKSP)
7953-7956 Aerial shots looking down Walker Lake. (AKSP)
7957 Looking down on USGS camp. (AKSP)
7958-7959 Looking north along Tupik Creek toward Mt. Igikpak; foreground is Mississippian rocks at Peak 5540. (AKSP)
7960-7961 Undescribed
7962-7963 Steve Nelson, Jerry Carlson, and Del Woodin fooling with the helicopter radio at camp. (AKSP)
7964-7965 Location uncertain. (AKSP)
7966-7967 Undescribed
7968 Looking up Alatna River toward Takahula Lake from an aerial position just west of Peak 4470 (northwest of Iniakuk Lake). (AKSP)
7969 Aerial shot looking south over Iniakuk Lake. Terminal moraine in foreground. (AKSP)
7970 Looking north up Tobuk Creek from an aerial position north of Iniakuk Lake. (AKSP)
7971 Looking west over Alatna River toward complexly folded marbles; taken from an aerial position over the lakes at the head of Tobuk Creek. (AKSP)
7972 Looking west in mixed carbonates and schists from a position above the Alatna approximately opposite Peak 4470. (AKSP)
7973 Looking northeast toward ‘Mt. Mertie’ from above the mouth of Millichetah Creek. (AKSP)
7974-7980 Undescribed
7981 Low oblique of USGS camp at Walker Lake. (AKSP)
7982-7983 Aerial shot east over cirques in granite orthogneiss, vicinity of Akabluak Pass, toward Arrigetch Peaks. (AKSP)
7984 Mt. Igikpak looking southwest. (AKSP)
7985-7987 Undescribed
7988-7989 Fault-dike north of Reed River; hot springs in foreground. Looking northwest into headwaters of the Reed River. (AKSP)
7990 Undescribed
7991-7992 Location uncertain but possibly over Reed River looking southeast toward Angunelechak Pass. If so, note contact of granite and metamorphic rocks in foreground. (AKSP)
7993-7994 Glacier on west face of Mt. Igikpak. (AKSP)
7995-7996 Flat-lying contact of granite and metamorphic rocks on the east side of Tupik Creek; aerial shot looking northeast. (AKSP)
7997 View up valley east of Angiaak Pass; Mt. Igikpak in distance. (AKSP)
7998 Looking southeast along the valley that turns just north of Angiaak Pass and terminates at the glacier on the side of Mt. Igikpak, the tall peak on the skyline. (AKSP)
7999 Location uncertain; Mt. Igikpak in distance. (AKSP)
8000 Undescribed
8001 Aerial shot southwest of Mt. Igikpak from a position over the headwaters of the Noatak River. (AKSP)
8002 Undescribed
8003 Dave Brew, Jerry Carlson, and ? fueling helicopter at Karupa Lake. (AKSP)
8004-8005 Sen. Mike Gravel getting into OAS Supergoose at Karupa Lake. USGS Cessna 185 and Jet Ranger in background. (AKSP)
8006 Location uncertain but almost certainly in northern quarters of quadrangle. Meandering stream flowing on tundra-floored valley with prominent polygonal ground in foreground. (AKSP)
8007 Undescribed
8008 Looking south over Chandler Lake. (AKCL)
8009 Fold and fault(?) in face of the peaks on the valley wall east of Chandler Lake. (AKCL)
8010 Undescribed
8011 Location unknown. (AKSP)
8012 Looking down and west over Ernie Lake. (AKSP, AKWI)
8013-8014 Undescribed
8015 Location uncertain; possibly northeast of Walker Lake looking southwest. (AKSP)
8016-8017 Granite-metamorphic rock contact east of Awlinyak Creek; aerial shot looking north. Note interlayering of carbonates and schist. (AKSP)
8018-8019 Undescribed
8020 Location uncertain; probably in vicinity Awlinyak Creek. (AKSP)
8021 Location uncertain; possibly the granite klippe northwest of Walker Lake. (AKSP)
8022 Location uncertain. (AKSP)
8023 Looking southeast into the cirques at the head of the Kobuk River. Granite of Arrigetch Peak to left. (AKSP)
8024 Undescribed
8025-8026 Glaciers at the head of Arrigetch Creek; aerial view looking southwest. (AKSP)
8028-8032 Excellent example of terminal moraine at unnamed glacier at head of Arrigetch Creek. (AKSP)
8033-8036 Glaciers at head of Arrigetch Creek. (AKSP)
8037 Folded black phyllite. (AKSP)
8038 View SSW along Dawn Creek to ‘Mt. Mertie’. (AKSP)
8039-8041 Undescribed
8042-8043 Contact of granite orthogneiss and metamorphic rocks on spur at west side of Arrigetch Creek (facing Awlinyak Creek). (AKSP)
8044-8047 Folds in foliated granitic orthogneiss in headwaters of Awlinyak Creek about 2 miles NE of Pass 4081; view to east. (AKSP)
8048 Granite klippe on Peak 5720 ridge about 7 miles NE of north end of Walker Lake. View east up first prominent valley to the east off Kaluluktok Creek and north of Walker Lake. (AKSP)
8049 Location uncertain in detail. General vicinity about 2-3 miles NE of north end of Walker Lake. Prominent fold in marble layer. (AKSP)
8050 View down at USGS camp and along Walker Lake to south. (AKSP)
8051 View north of upper end of Walker Lake and up into Kaluluktok Creek valley. (AKSP)
8052-8054 View into the headwaters of the first major valley south of Arrigetch Creek. Good shot of glaciated cirques and granitic spurs. (AKSP)
8055 Contact of granite and limestone in the low pass between Takahula Lake and Arrigetch Creek. View to the northeast. (AKSP)
8056 View southwest at the prominent altered zone that marks the granite-limestone contact about 8 miles WNW of Takahula Lake. (AKSP)
8057 Aerial view eastward of Nappe in marble that is exposed in the valley wall about 2 miles NE of Takahula Lake. (AKSP)
8058 Undescribed
8059 As 8057 but closer. (AKSP)
8060 Arrigetch Peaks; orientation uncertain. (AKSP)
8061 Location uncertain but vicinity Arrigetch Peaks. (AKSP)
8062 Low aerial oblique up south side of the first major valley south of Arrigetch Creek. (AKSP)
8063 Undescribed
8064 Location uncertain but probably west of Arrigetch Peaks. Nice exposure of gently-dipping layers of metamorphic rocks overlying the granite. (AKSP)
8065-8068 Undescribed
8069 Prominent layers of marble exposed in the face just to the west of the mouth of Awlinyak Creek. Almost certainly some kind of thrust faulting in here. View to north. (AKSP)
8070-8075 Aerial view southwestward up Arrigetch Creek. Chain of glacial lakes to left. Prominent terminal moraine in center distance. (AKSP)
8076-8077 About as 8073 but chain of glacial lakes in center of picture. (AKSP)
8078 Aerial view westward at Arrigetch Peaks. (AKSP)
8079-8081 Aerial view southwestward up valley south of Arrigetch Creek. Good views of glaciated cirque and granite spurs. (AKSP)
8082-8083 Undescribed
8084 Altered granite at contact about 10 miles west of Takahula Lake. Aerial view to WSW. (AKSP)
8086 Aerial view eastward over Takahula Lake into major carbonate terrane. (AKSP)
8087 View to east from about Peak 4950, which is about 4-5 miles SW of Takahula Lake. (AKSP)
8088 Location uncertain. (AKSP)
8089 View to northeast from a position over the headwaters of the Kobuk River and about 12 miles WSW of Takahula Lake. (AKSP)
8090 View to ENE from a position over the Kobuk River and about 12 miles WSW of Takahula Lake. (AKSP)
8091-8098 Undescribed
8099 Aerial shot toward NE from near Peak 7190 in Arrigetch Peaks. (AKSP)
8100-8107 Undescribed
8108 Very low aerial shot to WSW along granite spurs in first major valley south of Arrigetch Creek. (AKSP)
8109-8113 Undescribed
8114 Prominent cleavage oblique to the bedding in a phyllite on Plateau Mountain. (AKSP)
8115 Location uncertain, probably NE part of the quadrangle. (AKSP)
8116 Hunt Fork Shale; note ‘Mt. Mertie’ in distance. (AKSP)
8117 Location uncertain; looks like Dfc in foreground. (AKSP)
8118 Undescribed
8119 View southeastward down Alatna River from approximately over mouth of Arrigetch Creek. (AKSP)
8120-8122 Undescribed
8123 Aerial close-up of delta at head of Walker Lake. (AKSP)
8124 Cessna 185 ’74 Charlie’ at USGS. Gil Mull with back to us. (AKSP)
8125 Peter Gertson and ’74 Charlie’ at Walker Lake. (AKSP)
8126-8127 Undescribed
8128-8130 Larry Moehler (our replacement helicopter pilot), Dave Brew, Gil Mull and Steve Nelson pumping gas at Takahula Lake. (AKSP)
8132 Undescribed
8133 Looking up northeast Millichetah Creek from Takahula Lake. (AKSP)
8135-8138 Undescribed
8139 Looking approximately north at folded carbonates from a position about 8 miles south of Takahula Lake. (AKSP)
8140 Undescribed
8141 Looking northeast at Devonian clastic wedge rocks exposed in the big bend of the Killik River in the northern part of the quadrangle. (AKSP)
8142 Location uncertain but looking east in the northern part of the quadrangle in the vicinity of April Creek. (AKSP)
8143 Undescribed
8144 Location uncertain but typical Devonian clastic-wedge rocks in the northern part of the quadrangle. (AKSP)
8145 Probably headwaters of the Killik River looking southeast. (AKSP)
8147 Undescribed
8148 Over Angiaak Pass looking ESE toward Mt. Igikpak. (AKSP)
8149-8153 Undescribed
8154 Aerial view looking up Kugrak River from near its mouth. (AKSP)
8155-8156 Steve Nelson, Dave Brew, and Jerry Carlson refueling at gas-cache lake on upper Noatak. (AKSP)
8157-8158 Undescribed
8159 Jerry Carlson and helicopter. (AKSP)
8160 Folded black phyllite in central part of quadrangle. (AKSP)
8161 Terrain in east-central part of the quadrangle. (AKSP)
8162 Dave Brew, et. al., with ‘276’ at Takahula Lake. (AKSP)
8163-8164 Dave Brew and Jerry Carlson refueling at Takahula Lake. (AKSP)
8165 Looking northeast along contact of granite and limestone exposed just south of low pass between Takahula Lake and Arrigetch Creek. (AKSP)
8166-8171 In first major valley south of Arrigetch Creek; glaciers and granite spurs. (AKSP)
8173-8177 Undescribed
8178 Braided stream; location unknown. (AKSP)
8179 Undescribed
8180 Similar folding and axial-plane cleavage in black phyllite, vicinity lower Awlinyak Creek. (AKSP)
8181-8182 Fueling helicopter at fuel-cache lake on upper Noatak; Miller, Larry Moehler, Mull, Nelson, Peter Gertson. (AKSP)
8183 Same location as previous shots; Mull, Peter Gertson, Steve Nelson. (AKSP)
8184 Layered marble (Skajit Limestone) just west of Mt. Oyukak. Looking east. (AKSP)
8185-8186 Undescribed
8187 Gil Mull in foreground; Arrigetch Peaks. (AKSP)
8188-8189 Undescribed
8190 Solifluction lobes; location unknown. (AKSP)
8191 Undescribed
8192 Near Mt. Papiok looking west along the Noatak. (AKSP)
8193-8194 Location uncertain, but panorama vicinity Mt. Papiak looking north. (AKSP)
8195 Looking up Tupik Creek from vicinity Peak 5540. (AKSP)
8196-8197 Vicinity Peak 5540 looking down the Noatak to the northwest. (AKSP)
8198 Looking up Tupik Creek from vicinity Peak 5540. (AKSP)
8199 Undescribed
8200 Large fold on east side of Peak 6300; about 8 miles west of Arrigetch Peaks. Looking west from air. (AKSP)
8202-8203 Undescribed
8204 Koyukuk River at Bettles. ‘276’ and ’74 Charles’ tied up at Frontier float. (AKBT)
8205-8206 Bettles Trading Post. (AKBT)
8207 Undescribed
8208 Location uncertain but probably east of Igning River. (AKSP)
8209 Braided stream with old cutoff meander; location unknown. (AKSP)
8210 Undescribed
8211 West bank of the Kugrak River just above its mouth; looking NNW. (AKSP)
8212 Location uncertain, but vicinity Igning and Kugrak Rivers. (AKSP)
8213 Location uncertain; vicinity Kugrak River probably. (AKSP)
8214 Location unknown. (AKSP)
8215 Roof over granite on wall of Noatak River below Lucky Six Creek; looking east. (AKSP)
8216 Location uncertain; probably central part of quadrangle. (AKSP)
8217 Roof over granite in walls of Noatak River just west of Lucky Six Creek; looking northeast. (AKSP)
8218 Looking south over Angiaak Pass. (AKSP)
8219 Undescribed
8220 Probably looking SSW at peak with glacier just east of Angiaak Pass. (AKSP)
8221-8222 Undescribed
8223 East face of Mt. Igikpak looking WSW. (AKSP)
8224-8226 Undescribed
8227-8228 East face of Mt. Igikpak and glacier on its northeast side; nice shot of terminal moraine. Looking SSW from air. (AKSP)
8230-8232 Undescribed
8233 Somewhere in central Wiseman quadrangle. (AKWI)
8234-8237 Undescribed
8238 Pipeline and haul road just south of Wiseman. (AKWI)
8239-8243 Wiseman. (AKWI)
8244-8249 Nolan Creek near Wiseman. Various placer operations and bench mines. (AKWI)
8250 Undescribed
8252-8253 Placer operation near Wiseman; possibly Mascot Creek. (AKWI)
8254 Wiseman. (AKWI)
8255-8257 Coldfoot (pipeline construction) camp. (AKWI)
8258 Transition from elevated to buried pipeline south of Coldfoot. (AKWI)
8259 Aerial looking north along pipeline and haul road from vicinity Coldfoot. (AKWI)
8261-8263 Aerials of Bettles field. (AKBT)
8264 Looking down and to north at old Bettles on the Koyukuk River. (AKBT)
8265-8268 Undescribed
8269 Location uncertain; possibly Arrigetch Creek. Landslide. (AKSP)
8270 Undescribed
8271 Mt. Igikpak area? (AKSP)
8272 Close-up of fold in granite; northeast of Pass 4081. (AKSP)
8273 Undescribed
8274 Red Dog deposit, looking north. Stream cutting axis of anticline. Lower flanks of valley are dark faces of Lisburne Group. (Warren Nokleberg) (AKDL)
8275 Red Dog deposit. Brown veins are pyrite, sphalerite, and galena in black argillite. (Warren Nokleberg) (AKDL)
8276 Looking north. Drenchwater Creek and Fe-stained zone consisting of tuffs, black shale, and chert, all dipping steeply south. (Warren Nokleberg)
8277 Drenchwater Creek and Fe-stained zone; looking west along regional strike of beds. Bedding dips south but section probably repeated by folds and faults. (Warren Nokleberg)
8278 Fe-stained zone on Drenchwater Creek; looking SW. Rocks are tuff, black shale, and chert, all dipping south.
8279-8281 Undescribed
8282-8287 Looking up Tupik Creek; Angiaak Pass to right. Mt. Igikpak to left in clouds. (AKSP)
8288 Small hanging glacier about a mile NE of Angiak Pass; looking approximately east. (AKSP)
8289-8293 Undescribed
8294-8296 Heavy smoke in camp from fires in Yukon-Koyukuk basin. (AKSP)
8297-8298 Smoke in camp just about clearing enough to go out for the day. (AKSP)
8299-8300 Undescribed
8301-8304 Cabin at old asbestos mine on Asbestos Mountain. (AKAR)
8305-8306 Looking over Avaraart Lake up Mauneluk River; Resource Associates of Alaska (RAA) camp in foreground on the island. (AKSP)
8307-8308 Undescribed
8309-8310 Looking up Reed River from a position about 9 miles north of Nutuvukti Lake. (AKSP)
8311 Aerial looking up north end of Walker Lake. (AKSP)
8312 Folds in marble about 1.5 miles NE of USGS camp. Looking approximately west. (AKSP)
8313-8315 Undescribed
8316-8318 Taking down the camp at the end of the season. (AKSP)_
8326-8327 Old single-cylinder Fairbanks-Morse gas engine; Hope. (AKSR)
8331-8332 Contemporary church at Hope. (AKSR)
8333-8336 Cabin at Hope. (AKSR)
8337 Cabin/store; Hope. (AKSR)
8338 Undescribed
8340 Looking east across bight at Hope. (AKSR)
8341 Looking approximately NW across Turnagain Army from Hope. (AKSR)
8342 Undescribed
8345 Lituya Bay. (D.A. Brew) (AKMF)
8347 Looking NW over folds about 4 miles (?) south of Takahula Lake. (D.A. Brew) (AKSP)
8348 Looking east or northeast across area north of Mt. Igikpak. (D.A. Brew) (AKSP)
8349 Undescribed
8350 USGS helicopter and Cessna 185 with OAS’s Supergoose at Karupa Lake. With Sen. Mike Gravel. (D.A. Brew) (AKKL)
8351 Contact of Igikpak granite with schist. (D.A. Brew) (AKSP)
8352 Remains of caribou in foreground at Karupa Lake; Sen. Gravel’s party in back. (AKKL)
8352b Glaciers and peaks at head of first major valley south of Arrigetch Creek; looking approximately south. (D.A. Brew) (AKSP)
8352c Anaktuvuk Village, summer 1977. (D.A. Brew) (AKCL)
8353 Aerial shot looking southeast across Potter flats at low tide toward Turnagain Arm. (AKAN)
8354-8357 Undescribed
8358 Looking southeast from Bureau of Mines’ island in Douglas over SW side of Gastineau Channel and Treadwell tailings. (AKJU)
8359 Undescribed
8360-8362 Loading up Frontier Flying Service’s Beaver at Bettles. Can identify Steve Nelson, Marti Miller, and Bob Miller. (AKBT)
8363 Undescribed
8365 Looking south over Walker Lake from about USGS camp. Lake has just broken up and we just started unloading. (AKSP)
8366 Looking NW over north end of Walker Lake which still has much ice. In process of moving camp in. (AKSP)
8367-8371 Undescribed
8372-8373 Location uncertain; perhaps in central part of quadrangle looking west. (AKSP)
8374-8375 Undescribed
8376 Looking east at west contact of Arrigetch pluton. (AKSP)
8377 Looking west into glaciated valleys and granite from a position approximately over Awlinyak Creek about 6 miles NNE of Pass 4081. (AKSP)
8378-8379 Granite klippe near Peak 5720 about 6 miles NE of north end of Walker Lake. Looking approximately E. (AKSP)
8380-8381 As 8378 but looking about NE. (AKSP)
8382 Undescribed
8384-8388 Birds-foot delta at north end of Walker Lake. (AKSP)
8389-8391 Undescribed
8392-8395 Granite spurs and glaciers at head of first major valley south of Arrigetch Creek. Looking approximately southwest. (AKSP)
8396 Undescribed
8397 Terminal moraine at head of Arrigetch Creek. (AKSP)
8398-8401 Undescribed
8402 Folds in granite about 3 miles SW of Pass 4081; aerial looking WSW. (AKSP)
8404-8406 Undescribed
8407 Looking southeast at Arrigetch Peaks. (AKSP)
8408 Undescribed
8409 Looking approximately west at low clouds in Arrigetch Peaks. (AKSP)
8410-8411 Undescribed
8412-8413 Looking approximately SW along south side of Arrigetch Creek. (AKSP)
8414 Undescribed
8415 Looking across limestones on the west wall of Awlinyak Creek near its mouth into Unakserak River. (AKSP)
8416-8419 Undescribed
8420 Looking east toward Arrigetch Peaks from about Akabluak Pass. (AKSP)
8421 Undescribed
8422 Orientation uncertain; vicinity Gull Pass. (AKSP)
8423-8424 Looking north along dike/fault (in foreground) near Reed River hot springs toward Angiaak Pass. (AKSP)
8425 Undescribed
8426-8427 Looking south along whole length of Walker Lake. (AKSP)
8428 Undescribed
8429 Steep bluff on Noatak River just downstream from Lucky Six Creek. Granite capped by flat-flying metamorphic rocks. Looking northeast. (AKSP)
8430 Looking down Reed River from a position about 10 miles north of Nutuvukti Lake. (AKSP)
8431-8432 Undescribed
8433-8436 Panorama taken from very near center of the quadrangle looking west. Sweep across Peak 5660 to Peak 6760 catching granite contact and complex capping of gently dipping metamorphic rocks. (AKSP)
8437 Landslide about 1.5 miles NE of USGS camp. (AKSP)
8438 Looking south over central and south parts of Walker Lake. (AKSP)
8439 Looking down at USGS camp on alluvial fan. (AKSP)
8451 Low obliques of 1978 USGS camp at Walker Lake. (AKSP)
8453 Marti Miller posting maps inside of ‘Shell’ tent. (AKSP)
8454 Bettles field and Bettles Lodge; aerial looking west. (AKBT)
8455 Undescribed
8456 Low oblique of USGS camp. (AKSP)
8457 Cook tent and dining room table; USGS camp, Walker Lake. (AKSP)
8459-8460 Lower Kakuluktok Creek and northern end of Walker Lake looking south from air. (AKSP)
8461-8462 Undescribed
8463 Granite spur at head of Arrigetch Creek. (AKSP)
8464-8466 Undescribed
8467 Location uncertain. (AKSP)
8468 Location uncertain; possibly northeast of Akabluak Pass looking west. (AKSP)
8469 Looking northeast over mouth of Awlinyak Creek. (AKSP)
8470-8472 Aerial obliques shots looking south over length of Walker Lake. (AKSP)
8476 ‘Tumuck’, the malamute we borrowed from Ray Bane, NPS, who had found it wandering about Bettles. (AKSP)
8477 Looking NE over Alatna valley from approximately over Takahula Lake. (AKSP)
8478-8484 Clouds in the Arrigetch Peaks; high aerial shots generally looking west. (AKSP)
8486-8492 Undescribed
8493-8494 Looking west at large fold on east face of Peak 6300, northwest of Arrigetch Peaks. (AKSP)
8495-8496 Undescribed
8497 Uncertain location; certainly massive carbonates south of Takahula Lake. Possibly on south face of peaks just to SE of Peak 4300. (AKSP)
8498-8501 Undescribed
8502-8503 Looking ESE at upper Picnic Creek. Note Anaconda camp in left foreground and reddish rhyolite which crops out on ridge crest at right. (AKSP)
8504-8506 Undescribed
8507 SeaAirmotive, Bell, Jet Ranger, ’46 Alpha Lime’, our contract helicopter. (AKSP)
8508 John Cathrall near granite contact looking west toward Peak 4880 across Kobuk River. (AKSP)
8509-8510 Undescribed
8511 Marti Miller on traverse on upper Alatna River; view looking down Alatna. (AKSP)
8512 Undescribed
8513 Looking west down Noatak River from an aerial position south of Portage Creek. (AKSP)
8514-8515 Looking west down Noatak River. Note pingo in foreground; about a mile west of the south of Otkurak Creek. The lake where the USGS often refueled and kept a gas cache is just behind the pingo. (AKSP)
8516-8517 Refueling and rest stop at fuel cache on upper Noatak. Participants are Ed Svec (pilot), Marti Miller, and Steve Nelson. (AKSP)
8518-8519 Undescribed
8520-8521 Several shots of the granite-metamorphic rock contact on the bluffs on the Noatak between Twelve Mile and Portage Creeks. Shots looking east from elev. of about 3200′ about 2 miles SE of Peak 5540. (AKSP)
8522 Looking up at quartz crystal locality on Mt. Chitiok. (AKSP)
8523 Undescribed
8524 Location and rocks uncertain. (AKSP)
8525 Marti Miller working just east of lower end of Walker Lake (in right middle distance); looking south. (AKSP)
8526 Location uncertain. (AKSP)
8527 Undescribed
8528 Looking west down Kobuk trench from near Peak 4450. Avaraart Lake in center of picture. Also Marti Miller. (AKSP)
8529 Looking north up Mauneluk River(?) to snotty weather in the mountains. (AKSP)
8530 Undescribed
8531 Steve McDanal collecting schist sample. (AKSP)
8532-8533 Steve McDanal refueling helicopter at Noatak fuel cache in weather typical of the early part of the summer. (AKSP)
8534-8535 Aerial oblique of north end of Walker Lake. (AKSP)
8536-8537 Undescribed
8539 Looking approximately east at massive carbonates on east wall of lower Kugrak River. Mt. Oyukak on skyline. Note apparent angular unconformity, or thrust, or ?, to left center. (AKSP)
8540 Looking north at Mt. Oyukak from vicinity Peak 6492. Prominent DSsk-MDcp contact to left. (AKSP)
8541 Just to left of 8540; massive carbonates. (AKSP)
8542-8546 Undescribed
8547 Intensely folded schist; location unknown. (AKSP)
8548 Undescribed
8549 Steve Nelson, Marti Miller, and Ed Svec heating C-rations at fuel-cache lake on the upper Noatak. (AKSP)
8550 Intricately folded marble and schist exposed in lower Tupik Creek. (AKSP)
8551 Low shot looking north along fault-dike zone, Reed River fault north of hot springs. (AKSP)
8552 Location uncertain. (AKSP)
8553-8554 Undescribed
8555-8558 Granite spurs and glaciers at head of Arrigetch Creek. (AKSP)
8560-8562 Undescribed
8563 Marti Miller, Ron Costello, Tumuck, and Steve Nelson having a cup of coffee in front of the cook tent. (AKSP)
8564-8565 Looking northwest in Alatna valley; Takahula Lake in center of picture. (AKSP)
8566 Cook tent and dining table; Mike Mullen at tent. (AKSP)
8569 Undescribed
8570 Ray Bane’s house in Bettles. (AKBT)
8571 Old shack at Bettles with relic of one of the many air operations based there. (AKBT)
8572 John Cathrall and John King resting before dinner. (AKSP)
8573 John Cathrall. (AKSP)
8574 John Cathrall, Steve Nelson, and John King (Frontier fixed-wing pilot) at the dining room table. (AKSP)
8575 John Cathrall on right swearing to something. Also Bob Miller, unknown, and Mike Mullen at left. (AKSP)
8576 Don Beltz checking out the Jet Ranger; Frontier Cessna 185 at left. (AKSP)
8577 Undescribed
8579 From left: Mike Mullen, John Cathrall, Steve Nelson, and John King. (AKSP)
8580 Cook tent. (AKSP)
8581 Looking up meandering Alatna River from west of Iniakuk Lake. (AKSP)
8582 Close-up of nappe northeast of Takahula Lake on east side of Alatna River. (AKSP)
8583 John Cathrall. (AKSP)
8584-8586 Ed Svec and Don Beltz working on the helicopter at camp. (AKSP)
8587 John Cathrall. (AKSP)
8588 Dave Brew taking a picture. (AKSP)
8589-8592 From left: Dave Brew, Marti Miller, Bob Miller, John Cathrall, Don Beltz, and Steve Nelson. (AKSP)
8593-8594 Steve McDanal at waterfront laundromat. (AKSP)
8595 Looking approximately east at klippe on Peak 5720; about 7 miles northeast of Walker Lake. (AKSP)
8596 Undescribed
8597 Looking west at prominently stained contact of granite and marble; about 8 miles west of Takahula Lake. (AKSP)
8599 Undescribed
8600 Fold in marble layers in schist; looking west about 1.5 miles ENE of USGS camp on Walker Lake. (AKSP)
8601 Undescribed
8602-8603 Dave Brew and Cessna 185 (’50 Romeo’) at Walker Lake camp. (AKSP)
8604 Looking approximately southwest at folds in granite; about 3 miles SW of Pass 4801 or 5 miles NNE of north end of Walker Lake. (AKSP)
8605 Looking west into valley on west side of Awlinyak Creek and about 8 miles north of Pass 4801. Nice terminal moraine. (AKSP)
8606-8609 Undescribed
8610-8611 Looking southwest at Mt. Igikpak from over headwaters of the Noatak. Note Cessna 185 for scale. (AKSP)
8613-8614 Undescribed
8615 Looking down headwaters of the Noatak from a position somewhat southeast of Peak 6010. Mt. Papiak on right skyline; Mt. Oyukak on far left. (AKSP)
8616 Undescribed
8617 Looking approximately south from near Peak 6010 toward NE face of Mt. Igikpak. (AKSP)
8618-8619 Folded phyllite or semischist with prominent axial plane cleavage. Locations unknown. (AKSP)
8620-8621 Undescribed
8622 Bob Miller and kitchen tent. (AKSP)
8623 Marti Miller learning to shoot my .22 S&W Kitgun. (AKSP)
8624 Undescribed
8625-8626 Artsy shot of helicopter at Walker Lake. (AKSP)
8627 Fourth of July 1978. Don Beltz shooting his canon. The canon itself was a helicopter fitting, the powder was from a firecracker, and the projectile, a big ball bearing or stone. (AKSP)
8628-8629 Frontier Otter unloading fuel at Walker Lake. Note discolored area in front of pilot’s door. Steve asked about it and pilot was chagrinned to find he had burned a hole in the manifold. (AKSP)
8631-8632 Undescribed
8634-8635 USGS helicopter and (sick) Frontier Otter. (AKSP)
8636 Mike Mullen and Steve Nelson reading inside cook tent. (AKSP)
8637 Mike Mullen inside cook tent. (AKSP)
8638 John King, Frontier fixed-wing pilot, reading in the cook tent. (AKSP)
8639-8640 Undescribed
8641-8642 Sick, Frontier Flying Service, Otter at camp–where it stayed several weeks waiting for a new manifold. (AKSP)
8643 USGS camp at Howard Pass, 1978. (AKHW)
8644-8649 Noluck Lake. Various in vicinity of old ARL camp. The C46 is an old Interior plane which went through the ice and couldn’t be recovered. On my way to Drenchwater Creek to see Warren Nokleberg. (AKMU)
8650-8665 Various aerial shots in vicinity of Drenchwater deposit. (AKMU)
8666 Location unknown. (AKSP?)
8667-8671 Close-in shot of magnificent folds just NE of Peak 6300 (about 8 miles NW of Arrigetch Peaks). Looking approx. west. Note that one can just see two (orange) geologists below the skyline on the far left. (AKSP)
8673 Further-out view of fold in previous pictures. Peak 6300 on skyline. (AKSP)
8674-8677 Location uncertain but probably central part of quadrangle. Contact of granite and overlying metamorphic rocks. (AKSP)
8678 Looking southeast at Avaraart Lake from a position about 6 miles NW of the island in the lake. (AKSP)
8679-8680 Same position as 8678 except views swung right. Forms panorama with 8678. Angayucham Mountains in distance. (AKSP)
8681-8682 Undescribed
8683 Marti Miller working above Walker Lake (?). (AKSP)
8684 Undescribed
8685 Marti Miller and Ed Svec refueling at camp. (AKSP)
8686 Location uncertain; probably one of the small lakes at the head of the Kobuk River. (AKSP)
8687-8688 Looking approximately east at prominent contact of marble and shale with granite; about 8 miles west of Takahula Lake. (AKSP)
8689 As previous picture but looking west. (AKSP)
8690-8692 Low aerials up south side of first major valley south of Arrigetch Creek. Generally looking west or southwest. (AKSP)
8694-8695 Upper part of Arrigetch Creek in granite. Note in 8693 that the contorted rocks in the foreground are marble and schist near the granite contact. (AKSP)
8696-8697 Undescribed
8698 Looking down to the southwest over the prominent, thrust faulted limestone beds just to the southwest of the mouth of Awlinyak Creek. (AKSP)
8699-8701 High aerial looking up Arrigetch Creek. (AKSP)
8702 Undescribed
8703 Location uncertain but probably along one of the rivers in the southern part of the quadrangle. (AKSP)
8704 Undescribed
8705 Looking approximately north from a position about 8 miles SSE of the south end of Takahula Lake (which is at right center of picture) over massive folded carbonates. (AKSP)
8706 Meanders on the lower Alatna River. (AKSP)
8707-8709 Looking south over Iniakuk Lake. Beautiful example of terminal moraine at north end of lake. (AKSP)
8710 Looking north over big bend in Iniakuk River (about 8 miles north of north end of Iniakuk Lake). (AKSP)
8711-8712 Looking south over lower end of Iniakuk Lake toward Alatna River and Alatna Hills. (AKSP)
8713 Undescribed
8714 Tundra lakes on flight from Bettles to Walker Lake. (AKBT)
8715-8716 Terminal areas, Bettles Field. (AKBT)
8717-8718 Bettles Field looking approximately west. (AKBT)
8719-8720 At Frontier float on Koyukuk River, Bettles. (AKBT)
8721-8723 Bettles Field. (AKBT)
8724 Tundra lakes on flight from Bettles to Walker Lake. (AKBT)
8725 Twelve Mile Camp(?) on TAPS pipeline. (AKWI)
8726 TAPS pipeline near Twelve Mile Mountain. (AKWI)
8727-8728 Bars on small stream. (AKWI)
8730 Looking east at nappe about 3 miles NE of Takahula Lake. (AKSP)
8732 Undescribed
8733-8734 Location uncertain; possibly looking southeast from vicinity Akabluak Pass. (AKSP)
8735-8736 Undescribed
8737 Bettles Field. (AKBT)
8738-8739 Frontier Beaver leaving camp. (AKSP)
8740 Great Lands Exploration, Enstrom helicopter in camp while on NURE contract. (AKSP)
8741-8745 Steve Nelson, Marti Miller, John King, Ray Bane of NPS, and John Cady. (AKSP)
8746 Looking down on the Laws’ camp at the southeast end of Walker Lake. (AKSP)
8747 Undescribed
8748 Tumuck in front of cook tent, one foggy day. (AKSP)
8749 John King, Frontier pilot, and Steve Nelson. (AKSP)
8752 Steve Nelson in camp. (AKSP)
8753 Bell Jet Ranger and Ed Svec in camp. (AKSP)
8754 John King and Tumuck ready for a day’s work. (AKSP)
8755 Undescribed
8756 John Cathrall in his yellow Nomex jumpsuit. (AKSP)
8757-8759 Getting ready to go to work. (AKSP)
8760-8761 Someone in yellow rainsuit doing their washing one rainy day. (AKSP)
8762-8763 Undescribed
8764-8765 Ed Svec holding helicopter up (!!) on Beaver Creek about 10 miles SW of Akurekvik Pass. 8764 looking east. (AKSP)
8766-8767 Panorama looking west from ridge along east edge of quadrangle at about 67 21′ N. toward anticline over Precambrian (?) granitic schist exposed on ridge of Peak 4790. (AKSP)
8768-8769 Ernie Johnson’s cabin just below Colorado Creek (where he mined) on upper Mettenphery Creek. (AKWI)
8770-8771 Dog house boiler at Ernie’s cabin. (AKWI)
8772 Outhouse at Ernie’s cabin at Ernie Lake. (AKWI)
8773-8775 Traverse north of Peak 5930 (which is in turn about 4 miles north of ‘Mt. Mertie’, Peak 6320). Looking NNW into Kevuk Creek valley. Note caribou for scale. (AKSP)
8777 Fault offsetting rhyolite unit. Looking west from ridge which splits Picnie Creek drainage. (AKSP)
8778 Undescribed
8779 Location uncertain. (AKSP)
8780 Prominent hogbacks of Lisburne Limestone at the northern front of the Brooks Range. Looking west from over Killik River. (AKKL)
8782-8783 Undescribed
8784 Prominent fold and fault on valley wall just west of Chandler Lake. (AKCL)
8785 Near vertical shot down on polygonal ground at upper end of Chandler Lake. (AKCL)
8786 Location uncertain. (AKCL)
8787 Near vertical down on Anaktuvuk Village. (AKCL)
8788-8792 Looking northwest, vicinity Limestone Mountain (and/or Als Mountain). Folded Lisburne Group carbonates and (black) Kayak shale. (AKCL)
8793 Mt. Doonerak. (AKWI)
8794-8795 Vicinity Mt. Doonerak. (AKWI)
8796 Looking approximately south over Redstar Mountain. (AKWI)
8797-8798 Looking approximately east over prominent altered zone at Redstar Mountain., (AKWI)
8800-8803 Undescribed
8804-8805 Coldfoot, TAPS pipeline camp, vicinity Wiseman. (AKWI)
8806-8807 Looking north up Koyukuk River over Coldfoot, construction camp. (AKWI)
8808 Undescribed
8809 Looking down on USGS camp, Walker Lake. (AKSP)
8811-8812 Undescribed
8813-8815 Obviously Arrigetch Peaks in distance but orientation of picture uncertain. (AKSP)
8816 Uncertain location, probably in carbonate belt south of Takahula River. (AKSP)
8817 Looking approximately to north from a position about 67 14′ North, 154 03′ West on Kobuk River. (AKSP)
8818 Looking approx. north in massive, folded carbonates from a position just south of Peak 4300 (approx. 5 miles south of Takahula Lake). Massive carbonate faces between Naahtuk and Millichetah Creeks in distance. (AKSP)
8819-8820 Looking north of Takahula Lake in center of picture from a position near Peak 4300. Note large fold in carbonates in left center. (AKSP)
8821 Looking approximately northwest from near Peak 4300. Again note large fold seen in 8819.
8822-8825 Undescribed
8826 Looking approximately northwest over fossil-bearing conglomerate on northeast face of Peak 5930 in upper Dawn Creek. (AKSP)
8827 ‘Mt. Mertie’ (Peak 6320) seen looking southwest from several miles away. Arrigetch Peaks in far distance. (AKSP)
8829 Similar view to 8827 but position of camera shifted to northwest. (AKSP)
8830 Undescribed
8831 Looking southwest from over the small lakes at the extreme head of Unakserak Creek. (AKSP)
8832 Undescribed
8833 Peak 6300 in center front. Looking southwest into pluton. Note flat-lying metamorphic rocks to the right overlying the granite. (AKSP)
8834 Looking WSW up prominent glacial valley off Awlinyak Creek to SW (about 6 miles above its mouth). Note the granite-metamorphic rock contact in right foreground and middle which becomes flat contact at right. (AKSP)
8835 Undescribed
8836 Over Awlinyak Creek, looking west into valley about 8 miles above mouth of Awlinyak Creek. Can see both dips and antiformal note of metamorphic rocks over the granite. (AKSP)
8837 Undescribed
8838-8843 Glaciers, cirques, and granite east of Akabulak Pass. Probably looking approximately west. Note all these glaciers not on the 1956 map. (AKSP)
8844 As 8836 but taken somewhat further east (at north side of Arrigetch Peaks). Excellent view of antiformal dips over the granite between Awlinyak Creek and Akabluak Pass. (AKSP)
8845-8846 Over Awlinyak Creek, looking west into valley about 8 miles above mouth of Awlinyak Creek. Can see both dips and nose of metamorphic rocks over the antiformal granite. (AKSP)
8847-8849 Undescribed
8850 Looking approximately southwest into flat-lying country south of April Creek and NW of Doe Creek. Mainly Mississippian Kayak Shale and Devonian quartz sandstone which stands out in black (lichen-covered) ridges (AKSP
8851 Undescribed
8852 Over April Creek looking generally south over terrane of 8850. (AKSP)
8853 April Creek to left; Doe Creek in front of first steep ridge. Looking ESE over rocks in 8850. (AKSP)
8854 Area as in 8850 but looking southeast. (AKSP)
8855-8857 Undescribed
8858 Location unknown. (AKSP)
8859 Looking approximately southwest at Mt. Oyukak from about 15 miles out. Rocks are upper sandstone member of Hunt Fork Shale. (AKSP)
8860 Looking east from near mouth of Ram Creek on the upper Alatna River. Prominent contact in middle distance; Hunt Fork Shale to right, quartz sandstone of upper sandstone member to left. (AKSP)
8861 Location of shot uncertain. Mt. Oyukak in distance certainly. Probably taken somewhere over headwaters of Portage Creek. (AKSP)
8862-8863 Location uncertain but generally looking west along belt of calcareous rocks and phyllites which extend west from Peak 6620 (about 4 miles NW of Gull Pass) to bluffs between Portage and Twelve Mile Creeks. (AKSP)
8864 Looking WNW from a position about 4 miles west of the mouth of Pegeluk Creek along belt of massive carbonates. Gull Pass should be in middle distance somewhere. (AKSP)
8865-8868 Undescribed
8869-8875 Gently dipping contact of granite and overlying metamorphic rocks; looking westward from west of middle Awlinyak Creek. Generally looking west or northwest. (AKSP)
8876-8878 Taken from an aerial position about 2 miles SW of Peak 6300 (west of middle Awlinyak Creek); looking WSW. Gently dipping granite contact to right. (AKSP)
8879 Undescribed
8880 Looking south at Mt. Oyukak over Oyukak Creek. (AKSP)
8881 Looking south between Mt. Oyukak and Kugrak River. (AKSP)
8882 Undescribed
8883 Mouth of Kugrak River?. (AKSP)
8884 Undescribed
8885 Looking southwest at Mt. Oyukak. Contact of Mississippian shale and DSsk across middle of picture. (AKSP)
8886 Close-up of massive carbonates about 3 miles SW of Mt. Oyukak; looking approximately NE. (AKSP)
8887 Looking north up Kygrak River from an aerial position over the river and about 9 miles south of its mouth. Massive limestone in foreground in middle distance. (AKSP)
8888 Looking obliquely NNW across the lower Kugrak River. (AKSP)
8889 Aerial view of complex terrane south of Mt. Oyukak from an aerial position just east of Peak 6492. (AKSP)
8890-8891 As 8889 but aerial position more to southeast. (AKSP)
8892 Undescribed
8893-8894 Looking north along Kugrak River from above ridge at Danger Pass. (AKSP)
8895 Undescribed
8896 Looking ESE along DSsk-MDcp contact to east of Igning River about 12 miles above its mouth. (AKSP)
8897 As 8896 but taken somewhat north. (AK SP)
8898-8899 Undescribed
8900-8901 Low aerial of USGS camp at Walker Lake. (AKSP)
8902 My table in the work tent. Dark blob is the soapstone prospector made by Don Beltz in camp. (AKSP)
8903-8904 Undescribed
8905 West face of Mt. Igikpak. (AKSP)
8906 Undescribed
8907 Location uncertain. (AKSP)
8908 Undescribed
8909 Taken from an aerial position about 6 miles up Arrigetch Creek looking westward over the granite-metamorphic rock contact and the contact metamorphic rocks. (AKSP)
8910 ‘Mt. Mertie’ (Peak 6320) looking southwest. (AKSP)
8911 Location uncertain, but probably west of Mt. Mertie. (AKSP)
8912 Location uncertain. (AKSP)
8913 ‘Mt. Mertie’ (Peak 6320) looking southwest. (AKSP)
8914 ’50 Romeo’, our Cessna 185, John King, and Tumuck at camp. (AKSP)
8915 Undescribed
8916-8917 Low oblique of USGS camp at Walker Lake. (AKSP)
8918 Undescribed
8919 Location uncertain; perhaps in one of the cirques at the extreme head of the Kobuk River. Certainly in the granite. (AKSP)
8920-8921 Undescribed
8922 Looking approximately west from low position among the granite peaks and contact rocks south of the middle of Arrigetch Creek. Note the granite-metamorphic rock contact to the left. (AKSP)
8923 Undescribed
8924 South of the middle of Arrigetch Creek looking northwest. Looking along granite contact. Note the folded marble that butts up against the granite. (AKSP)
8925-8928 Several shots looking approximately SW at the granite spurs and peaks, and glaciers on the south side of the valley south of Arrigetch Creek. (AKSP)
8929-8930 Undescribed
8931 About over the north end of Takahula Lake looking northeast at the nappe in the bluffs across the Alatna. (AKSP)
8932 Looking approximately northwest obliquely to Lucky Six Creek from a position about 3 miles southeast of its mouth. (AKSP)
8933-8937 Undescribed
8938-8940 High oblique looking down to south on Walker Lake. (AKSP)
8941-8942 Undescribed
8943 Morainal debris in front of some unknown glacier. (AKSP)
8944 Undescribed
8945 Looking south at Mt. Igikpak. (AKSP)
8946 Looking southwest at Mt. Igikpak. (AKSP)
8947 Location uncertain but definitely gently dipping granite contact to the right. (AKSP)
8948 Undescribed
8949-8950 Looking about E from position about 4.5 miles N of the N end of Walker Lake. Granite contact to the right of the vegetated valley; also note granite klippe in middle distance on isolated peaks. (AKSP)
8951-8952 Looking same direction as 8949 but aerial position shifted progressively south. Granite klippe in both pictures; also prominent marble layers. (AKSP)
8953-8954 Looking down and to the west at the north end of Walker Lake. (AKSP)
8955-8956 Landslide about 2 miles east of USGS camp. (AKSP)
8957-8962 Panorama taken from near Peak 7100 about 3 miles south of the mouth of Lucky Six Creek; sweeps about 180 degrees from NW to SE. (AKSP)
8963-8965 Close-in shot looking northeast at granite-schist contact about 2 miles east of Akabluak Pass. Made a stop here and found scattered sulfides in about the center of the picture. (AKSP)
8966-8968 Undescribed
8969 From an aerial position about 5 miles southwest of the mouth of Pegaluk Creek looking northwest along the belt of carbonates which go through Gull Pass. (AKSP)
8970 Looking up the Alatna from over the mouth of Pegaluk Creek. Dfc on lower slopes of ridge to right of Alatna. (AKSP)
8971 About as 8970 but view shifted somewhat to west. (AKSP)
8972 Location somewhat uncertain but possibly looking northeast across Alkali Creek at the west side of Peak 4725. (AKSP)
8973 Undescribed
8974 Looking east at one of the Arrigetch Peaks and marbles on the east wall of Awlinyak Creek from an aerial position over the Creek and about NW of 7190. Note excellent recumbent, isoclinal fold in marble. (AKSP)
8975 Rock glacier or morainal debris in a cirque at the head of Awlinyak Creek. (AKSP)
8976 Looking east at folded marble about 3.5 miles NE of the north end of Walker Lake. (Broader view in 8952) (AKSP)
8977 Looking ENE along valley that end at USGS camp. Note landslide at right and massive carbonates in distance. (AKSP)
8978 Looking almost directly down on USGS camp. (AKSP)
8979 Oblique of USGS camp. (AKSP)
8980-8981 High over USGS camp (at bottom of picture) looking northwest in far distance. (AKSP)
8982-8985 Oblique view of USGS camp from air. (AKSP)
8986 Looking approximately northeast from an aerial position about 1.5 miles southeast of the mouth of Lucky Six Creek. (AKSP)
8987 From about same position as 8986 but looking southeast. (AKSP)
8988 George Becraft at camp. (AKSP)
8989 Looking southeast over southern Walker Lake; Helpmejack Hills in distance. (AKSP)
8990 Looking down at fan with USGS camp on Walker Lake. (AKSP)
8991-8994 Birdsfoot delta at north end of Walker Lake. (AKSP)
8995 Looking south over birdsfoot delta at USGS camp and Walker Lake. (AKSP)
8996 Bell Jet Ranger landing at camp. (AKSP)
8997 Undescribed
8998 Looking south of Lake Minakokosa; Beaver Creek in foreground. (AKHU)
8999 Undescribed
9000 Looking north up Picnic Creek. (AKSP)
9001-9002 Terminal moraine on Beaver Creek just north of Kobuk Trench. Looking north. (AKSP)
9003-9004 Looking south over Narvak and Shelby Lakes with Angayucham Mountains on both sides. Lockwood Hills is distance. (AKHU)
9005 Looking south over cirque in Angayucham Mountains about 3 miles NW of the north end of Narvak Lake. (AKHU)
9006 Undescribed
9007-9008 Looking south over Kolliokski Lake at Lockwood Hills in far distance. (AKSH)
9009-9010 Looking west over Bornite and Cosmos Hills. (AKAR)
9011-9012 Looking south over Bornite; Inerevuk Mountain in distance. (AKAR)
9013-9014 Looking northeast over Bornite to Shungnak River. (AKAR)
9015 Looking down and to the south at Bornite. (AKAR)
9016 Low oblique of Bornite. (AKAR)
9017 Undescribed
9018 Close-in aerial view of the east side of the Arctic-deposit ridge looking approximately southwest. (AKAR)
9019-9020 Undescribed
9021 Location unknown. (AKSP)
9022 Looking northeast at contact between schist belt and carbonate terrane (to north) from a position about 10 miles NNE of Avaraart Lake and just west of the Mauneluk River. (AKSP)
9023 Looking west over Avaraart Lake along Kobuk Trench. (AKSP)
9024-9025 Undescribed
9026 Prominent marble fold in schist. Looking north just west of junction of Ivik Creek and Mauneluk River. (AKSP)
9027 Location uncertain; perhaps near western edge of quadrangle south of Shulakpachak Peak. (AKSP)
9028-9029 Location uncertain. (AKSP)
9030-9031 Looking south up Igning River (or Kugrak River?). (AKSP)
9032 Looking down and to north at pingo at mouth of Anorat Creek; bluffs of Dfc across middle of picture. (AKSP)
9033 Looking approximately northeast at hood zone over granite exposed in bluffs just below mouth of Lucky Six Creek. (AKSP)
9034-9037 Undescribed
9038 Western contact of Arrigetch Peaks pluton just east of middle Awlinyak Creek. (AKSP)
9039 Approximately over middle Awlinyak Creek looking east over schists and gneiss with interlayered marble at Arrigetch Peaks pluton in distance. (AKSP)
9040 Location uncertain. (AKSP)
9041 Location uncertain; perhaps MDcp on Kugrak or Igning River. (AKSP)
9042 Looking north along west bank of Awlinyak Creek near its mouth; mouth of Unakserak Creek in distance. (AKSP)
9043-9044 Ed Svec at artesian spring on Kugrak River. (AKSP)
9045 Looking west at limestone bluff on walls of Kugrak River about 8 miles south of its mouth. (AKSP)
9046-9049 Looking north over complexly faulted terrane to south of Mt. Oyukak, which is on skyline in distance. (AKSP)
9050 Mt. Chitiok? (AKSP)
9051 Undescribed
9052-9053 Looking approximately ESE of Mt. Igikpak from approximately over Angiaak Pass. (AKSP)
9054-9056 Looking north along Tupik Creek from over Angiaak Pass. Note flat-lying granite contacts. (AKSP)
9057 Looking east at west wall of Mt. Igikpak. (AKSP)
9058-9059 Old cabin being dismantled at Ninilchik. (AKKN)
9060-9061 Undescribed
9062 Old Bristol Bay boat at Ninilchik. (AKKN)
9063 Undescribed
9064 Looking west across waterfront at Ninilchik. (AKKN)
9065 Thermometer on abandoned store in Ninilchik. (AKKN)
9066 Cabin joinery, Ninilchik. (AKKN)
9067 Cabin in Ninilchik. (AKKN)
9068-9069 Cross-bedding and chert(?) layer in Tertiary rocks near Ninilchik. (AKKN)
9070 Looking north along outcrops of Tertiary sediments near Ninilchik. (AKKN)
9071 Looking north over Ninilchik in May 1978. Note Russian Orthodox Church on hill. (AKKN)
9072 Nicely kept-up old cabin in Ninilchik. (AKKN)
9073 Old fishing shanty in Ninilchik. (AKKN)
9074 Old cabin being dismantled in Ninilchik. (AKKN)
9075 Looking north over Ninilchik in May 1978. Note Russian Orthodox Church on hill. (AKKN)
9076-9078 Old Libby, McNeil, and Libby, Bristol Bay boat at Ninilchik. (AKKN)
9079 Marti Miller, Steve Nelson, and Mike Mullen, taking a break while taking down camp, middle of August 1978. (AKSP)
9080 Ed Svec, Don Beltz, and a couple of people I don’t recognize with the helicopter at Walker Lake Camp. (AKSP)
9081 Steve Nelson and Bob Miller packing up camp; mid-August 1978. (AKSP)
9082 Not much left in camp; August 1978. (AKSP)
9083 Looking southwest over Lake Hood and Anchorage International Airport; Fall, 1978. (AKAN)
9084 Looking northeast over mouth of Chester Creek and downtown Anchorage at Chugach Range on a beautiful Fall day, 1978. (AKAN)
9085 Looking southeast over terminus of Blockage Glacier; probably Mt. Redoubt in left-distance. (AKTY)
9086 About over Chakachatna River looking approximately south over terminus of Blockage Glacier; Redoubt and Mt. Iliamna in distance. (AKTY)
9087 Looking west at Chakachamna Lake with moraines of glaciers on the south flank of Mt. Spurr in the foreground. (AKTY)
9088 Looking west along Chakachamna Lake; terminus of Barrier Glacier in foreground. (AKTY)
9089 Most recent volcanic vent on south flank of Mt. Spurr at about 7,500′; looking approximately north. (AKTY)
9090 Looking north up Nagishlamina River from approximately over Chakachamna Lake. (AKTY)
9091-9092 Undescribed
9093 Uncertain location; probably vicinity Merrill Pass. (AKLH)
9094-9095 Sparrevohn AF Station in foreground; looking north at Tundra Lake and Lime Hills. (AKLH)
9096-9098 Looking approximately east to southeast over Sparrevohn AF station toward Alaska Range in far distance. (AKLH)
9099 Lime village on the Stoney River. (AKLH)
9100 Unnamed tundra lake in northwest Lime Hills quadrangle. (AKLH)
9101-9102 Somewhere in vicinity Lyman Hills looking southeast at the wall of the Revelation Mountains in the distance. (AKLH)
9103 Looking south(?) along White Mountain mercury mine. (AKLH)
9104 Looking west of White Mountain mine at Lyman Hills. (AKLH)
9106 Uncertain location; certainly in north-central part of Lime Hills quadrangle. (AKLH)
9107-9108 Looking northwest down Big River from over Lyman Fork (I think). (AKLH)
9109 Undescribed
9110 Talus cone; location unknown. (AKLH)
9111 Morainal debris; location unknown. (AKLH)
9112 Possibly looking southwest up Fish Creek from a position near Strand Pass. (AKLH)
9113-9114 Location unknown but certainly in northeast Lime Hills quadrangle. (AKLH)
9115-9116 Location unknown but certainly in northeast Lime Hills quadrangle. (AKLH)
9117 Looking northwest up Nagishlamina River over its delta on Chakachamna Lake in foreground.
9118-9119 Looking north up Barrier Glacier. (AKTY)
9120-9122 Looking north at slope of Mt. Spurr. Note recent volcanic vent on Crater Peak in upper part of slide. (AKTY)
9123-9126 Looking northwest at Mt. Spurr and Crater Peak. (AKTY)
9127 Looking north at slope of Mt. Spurr. Note recent volcanic vent on Crater Peak in upper part of slide. (AKTY)
9129 Looking north over terminus of Capps Glacier. (AKTY)
9130 Looking north along dissected rocks on upper Nikolai Creek(?) toward lower portion of Capps Glacier; Mt. Gerdine in left distance. (AKTY)
9131 Looking northwest over lowlands in front of Capps and Triumvirate Glaciers with Mount Gerdine in distance. (AKTY)
9132-9136 Tidal flats and lowlands in vicinity of the mouth of the Susitna River. (AKTY)
9137 Looking northeast over the tidal flats near the mouth of Chester Creek with downtown Anchorage in the middle distance. (AKAN)
9138 Turnagain slide area in foreground with downtown Anchorage in distance. (AKAN)
9139-9140 Oakland, California, on trip to Menlo Park in Fall, 1978.
9141-9143 Flying over northern California.
9144 Cranes at Anchorage port facilities. (AKAN)
9147 Dave Brew at rest.
9148-9150 Skiffs and almost all the party at our lunch stop.
9151 A. Thomas Ovenshine and C-rations.
9152 Brew, Ovenshine, unknown, Willie Nelson.
9153 Conglomerate somewhere.
9154 A stop somewhere. Can identify Ray Elliott and Joe Ziony in foreground.
9155 Lunch stop. From left: Churkin, Berg, unknown, Nelson, Ovenshine, John Whetten, Ziony, Elliott, Koch, Patton, Brew, unknown.
9156 Elliott, Patton, Koch, unknown, Brew.
9157 Churkin, Berg(?), Nelson, Ovenshine, Jones, Whetten, Ziony.
9158 Davey Jones, Churkin, Berg, Whetten’s back, McKevett, Nelson, Ovenshine, Ziony.
9159 Joe Ziony.
9160 Ovenshine, Berg, Ziony.
9161 Ovenshine, Nelson, Berg, Ziony.
9162 Looking down on Mt. Edgecumbe and Crater Ridge. (AKSI)
9165 Lituya Bay and Fairweather Range in distance. (AKMF)
9166-9169 Tankers waiting out high seas in front of Valdez Arm early 1979. (AKCV, AkVA)
9170 Looking northwest over College Fiord from airliner. (AKAN)
9171 Chugach Mountains; looking approximately northwest at vicinity of Lake George. (AKAN)
9172-9176 Coming in over Anchorage in an airliner, winter 1979. (AKAN)
9177-9179 Looking down on the ice floes of upper Cook Inlet near Anchorage from an airliner. (AKAN)
9180 Houses in Ysbyty Ifan, Wales. Trip in winter 1979.
9181 Houses in Ysbyty Ifan, Wales. Joan and Glyn lived in the house in the center of the picture with their yellow Mercedes parked in front of it.
9182 Looking at Mt. Spurr in the far distance from our house in Huffman Road one winter day. (AKAN)
9183 D.J.M. somewhere. (AKPE)
9184 Location unknown; typical day. (AKPE)
9185-9186 Cape Decision lighthouse, south end of Kuiu Island. (AKPE)
9187 End of a foggy traverse on a logging road between Red and Salmon Bays, northern Prince of Wales Island. (AKPE)
9188-9190 ‘Tongs’ loading logs onto a logging truck near Sandy Bight, northern Prince of Wales Island. (AKPE)
9191-9194 Stern of D.J.M. and various of the crew getting ready to go to work. (AKPE)
9195 H. C. Berg ‘bailing’ boat, probably west side of Woronkofski Island. (AKPE)
9196-9198 Low obliques shots looking northeast over Petersburg.(AKPE)
9199 Lumber mill at Scow Bay near Petersburg. (AKPE)
9200 Stikine Air Service, Beaver on airstrip at Wrangell. (AKPE)
9201-9202 Greens Creek Pb-Zn-Ag deposit on northern Admiralty Island. Short visit there with H. C. Berg on June 10, 1979. (AKJU)
9203 Aerial looking southeast over Juneau. (AKJU)
9204 Looking northwest over the gloryhole of one of the Treadwell mines toward Douglas and Juneau. (AKJU)
9205 Looking north over the Bureau of Mines island toward Juneau. (AKJU)
9206 Standard Oil dock and waterfront at Juneau. (AKJU)
9207 Livingston, Hiller 12E at Juneau; transport for myself and Berg to Greens Creek. (AKJU)
9208 Looking southeast over small boat harbor, Juneau. (AKJU)
9209-9210 Looking southeast down Gastineau Channel over Juneau. (AKJU)
9211-9213 Alaska-Juneau gloryhole in Silver Bow Basin, Juneau. (AKJU)
9214-9215 Aerial looking northwest along Gastineau Channel over Douglas and Juneau. (AKJU)
9216 Looking down on USBOM island near Douglas and adjacent small boat harbor. (AKJU)
9217 Location unknown; probably on Admiralty Island somewhere. (AKSI?)
9218-9219 Looking east over Gambier Bay. (AKSI, AKSD)
9220 Houseboat at logging camp, Chapin Bay(?). (AKSI)
9221-9222 Location unknown. (AKPE)
9223-9226 Looking northeast over Petersburg. (AKPE)
9227-9228 Looking north over Wrangell Narrows at low tide from near mouth of Blind River. (AKPE)
9228a Looking east up over mouth of Stikine River? (AKPE)
9229-9230 Aerial view looking east at Wrangell. (A-PE)
9231 Looking down at the Wrangell docks. (AKPE)
9232 Lumber mill at Wrangell. (AKPE)
9233 Harbor area, Wrangell. (AKPE)
9234-9239 Various shots of houses, boats, and harbor, Wrangell. (AKPE)
9240 Stikine Air Service, Beaver being put together at Wrangell airstrip. (AKPE)
9241 Location uncertain. (AKPE)
9242-9243 Tundra bogs, locations uncertain. (AKPE)
9244-9245 Location uncertain. (AKPE)
9246 Location uncertain but note buildings. (AKPE)
9247 Location uncertain. (AKPE)
9248 Looking up Stikine River from near Kakwan Pt.; Chief Shakes Hot Springs in distance. (AKPE)
9249 Looking southwest over mouth of Stikine River from an aerial position approximately over Limb Island. (AKPE)
9250 Looking northeast at one of the glaciers that flow southwestward from the ridge between Simpson and Patterson Peaks. (AKPE)
9251 Location uncertain, but probably looking toward Twin Peaks. (AKPE)
9252 Looking SSW over Agassiz Peninsula and head of Thomas Bay toward Petersburg in the distance. (AKPE)
9253 Looking southeast along east side of Frederick Sound; Wood Point in the foreground. (AKPE)
9254 Looking west at Kane Peak and hanging lake below it. (AKPE)
9256 Looking northeast and down at Petersburg. (AKPE)
9257-9265 Sequence of shots down at the east side of Wrangell Narrows between old fox farm and about Danger Point. (AKPE)
9266-9268 Several shots looking NNW along Wrangell Narrows from about Spruce Point. (AKPE)
9268a Looking northwest over mouth of Blind River. (AKPE)
9269-9270 Looking north over downtown Wrangell. (AKPE)
9171-9272 Looking northwest to west over small boat harbor, Wrangell. (AKPE)
9273 Looking approximately south from a position over Snow Passage toward Blaske Islands in the center of the picture. (AKPE)
9274 Looking southeast along southwest shore of Zarembo Island along Snow Passage. (AKPE)
9275-9276 Looking south over southern end of Shrubby Island to Middle Islands and Baske Island in the distance. (AKPE)
9277 Looking approximately WSW over logging camp at southeast end of Shipley Bay; Mt. St. Francis in distance. (AKPE)
9278 Location uncertain. (AKPE)
9279 Location uncertain; probably northwest Prince of Wales Island. (AKPE)
9280-9284 Series of close-in shots of Blaske Islands toward west and northwest. (AKPE)
9285 Location uncertain; certainly H. C. Berg in foreground, possibly on dunnite of Blaske Islands. (AKPE)
9286 ‘Discovery’ quarry, Zarembo Island. Massive sulfide layers in about center of picture just under grass. (AKPE, about 56 22′ N, 132 50′ W)
9287-9288 Crew being winched off the D.J.M. by Ed Margaeles in Wrangell. (AKPE)
9289 Downtown Wrangell and entrance to small-boat harbor, Wrangell. (AKPE)
9290 Japanese freighter taking on timber ion Wrangell. (AKPE)
9291 Log raft in Wrangell. (AKPE)
9293-9294 D.J. Miller at Standard Oil dock in Wrangell small-boat harbor. (AKPE)
9295-9298 Massive sulfide deposit about 2.5 miles southeast of the head of St. John harbor, Zarembo Island. (AKPE)
9299-9303 ‘Capt. Shakan’ eating a C-ration after falling in the creek and cutting up my hand. (AKPE)
9304-9305 H.C. Berg in creek about 2 miles southeast of head of St. John Harbor, Zarembo Island. (AKPE)
9306 Rhyolite dikes cutting black phyllite in quarry on logging road about 1 mile east of head of St. John harbor, Zarembo Island. (AKPE)
9307-9310 Crew getting ready to go to work off stern of D.J.M. (AKPE)
9311 Sue Hunt looking at an old steam engine at the abandoned cannery at the mouth of Burnett Inlet. (AKPE)
9312 Ed Svec sitting in a Hughes 500C. (AKPE)
9313 Location uncertain; possibly Mossman Inlet. (AKPE)
9314-9316 D.J.M. anchored near the mouth of Burnett Inlet(?) (AKPE)
9317-9324 D.J.M. anchored near head of Steamer Bay. (AKPE)
9325-9326 Looking east to northeast along traverse from 9327; Helen to Bessie Peaks, northern Etolin Island. (AKPE)
9327 H.C. Berg on boat traverse along western side of Woronkofski Island. (AKPE)
9328 H. C. Berg working on the D.J.M. (AKPE)
9329 Ron Sonnevil on D.J.M. (AKPE)
9330 Dave Brew plotting his field notes on D.J.M. (AKPE)
9331 Sue Hunt point counting at Wild stereo microscope on D.J.M. (AKPE)
9332 Sue Hunt cutting rocks in the work room of the D.J.M. (AKPE)
9333 Dave Brew and Sue Hunt on D.J.M. (AKPE)
9334 Hank Berg; looking south over mud flats in bay at the mouth of the Castle River. (AKPE)
9335-9336 H.C. Berg doing his things at the north end of the big shallow bay at the mouth of the Castle River. (AKPE)
9337-9339 As previous location; basalt dike cutting felsic semischists. (AKPE)
9341 H. C. Berg at north end of big, shallow bay at the mouth of the Castle River. (AKPE)
9342-9344 Barite mine on one of the Castle Island, Duncan Canal. (AKPE)
9345-9346 D.J.M. anchored in Duncan Canal. (AKPE)
9347 H. C. Berg and Sue Hunt on D.J.M. (AKPE)
9348-9349 Sue Hunt point counting on D.J.M. (AKPE)
9350 Sue Karl on D.J.M. (AKPE)
9351 As 9348. (AKPE)
9352 Sue Hunt and Ron Sonnevil on D.J.M. (AKPE)
9353 Dave Brew on D.J.M. (AKPE)
9354 Sue Hunt lapping rocks on D.J.M. (AKPE)
9355 John Cathrall doing ‘Longs and Lats’ on D.J.M. (AKPE)
9356 Sue Hunt in workroom of D.J.M. (AKPE)
9357 Columnar basalt on High Castle Island, Duncan Canal. (AKPE)
9358 Pilot house of D.J.M. (AKPE)
9359 D.J.M. at dock in Wrangell small-boat harbor. (AKPE)
9360-9361 Fishing boats in Wrangell small-boat harbor. (AKPE)
9362 As 9359. (AKPE)
9363 Fishing boats in Wrangell small-boat harbor. (AKPE)
9364 D.J.M. anchored in Duncan Canal. (AKPE)
9366 Looking northeast at cabin near Spruce Point, south entrance to Wrangell Narrows (AKPE)
9367 Undescribed
9368-9369 Looking northeast from Petersburg toward Coast Range. (AKPE)
9370-9372 Spectacular sunset. Looking northwest from south end of Duncan Canal near Pearl Island. (AKPE)
9373-9375 D.J.M. in Wrangell small-boat harbor. (AK0P)
9376-9377 Dave Brew, Ed Maghaeles, Arden Breth, ‘Frosty’ Frothingham, and Sue Hunt on D.J.M. in Wrangell small-boat harbor. (AKPE)
9378-9380 Sue Hunt, Ed Svec, Arden Breth, and Ron Sonnevil. (AKPE)
9381 Ron Sonnevil. (AKPE)
9382 ‘Frosty’ Frothingham in pilot house of D.J.M. (AKPE)
9383-9385 Fishing boats in Wrangell small-boat harbor. (AKPE)
9386 H. C. Berg in ‘office’ of D.J.M. (AKPE)
9387-9388 Noted ‘geologist’ Marti Nelson on D.J.M. (AKPE)
9389-9390 A. T. Ovenshine on D.J.M. (AKPE)
9391 Dave Brew on D.J.M. (AKPE)
9392 Ron Sonnevil posting traverse map in ‘office’ of D.J.M. (AKPE)
9393 Dave Brew on D.J.M. (AKPE)
9394 Sue Hunt. (AKPE)
9395 Kip Nelson and Ed Magnaeles on the stern of the D.J.M. (AKPE)
9396 Arden Breth, cook on the D.J.M., cleaning fish. (AKPE)
9397 Kip Nelson (deckhand), Ed Maghaeles (chief engineer), and ‘Frosty’ Frothingham (master) on the stern of the D.J.M. (AKPE)
9398 Arden Breth, cook on the D.J.M., cleaning fish. (AKPE)
9399 Kip Nelson and Ed Maghaeles on the stern of the D.J.M. (AKPE)
9400 H.C. Berg in office of D.J.M. (AKPE)
9401 Wrangell Air Service, Beaver delivering mail to D.J.M. (AKPE)
9402 Me cutting rocks. (AKPE)
9403 Ron Sonnevil point-counting. (AKPE)
9404 Me reading. (AKPE)
9405 Sue Karl. (AKPE)
9406 Ron Sonnevil. (AKPE)
9407 Sue Karl. (AKPE)
9408 H. C. Berg. (AKPE)
9410 Sue Hunt with small halibut. (AKPE)
9411 Ed Svec, helicopter pilot, cleaning halibut. (AKPE)
9412 Sue Karl, Dave Brew, and Hank Berg on D.J.M. (AKPE)
9413-9414 Sue Hunt cleaning halibut. (AKPE)
9415 Ed Maghaeles. (AKPE)
9416 Log yard at the Wrangell mill. (AKPE)
9417-9418 Sue Hunt taking pictures of me being ‘craned’ off the D.J.M. in Wrangell. (AKPE)
9419 Ed Maghaeles at the crane of the D.J.M. (AKPE)
9420-9431 Various views of the D.J.M. in Wrangell harbor and USGS people being ‘craned’ of it. (AKPE)
9432 Art Ford, Kip Nelson, and Ed Maghaeles in work room of the D.J.M. (AKPE)
9433-9434 Ed Maghaeles and Kip Nelson at the ‘trash burner’ on the D.J.M. (AKPE)
9435 Sue Hunt packing rocks on the D.J.M. (AKPE)
9436 The duties of a Project Chief are varied; in this case Dave Brew cutting Sue Karl’s hair. (AKPE)
9437 Joh Cathrall. (AKPE)
9438 H. C. Berg. (AKPE)
9439-9440 Dave Brew and H. C. Berg. (AKPE)
9441 Sue Karl packing up to go. (AKPE)
9442-9443 H. C. Berg (AKPE)
9444-9445 D. J. Miller at Wrangell dock. (AKPE)
9446-9447 Shot of Petersburg; leaving at the end of the season. (AKPE)
9448-9449 Aerial shot looking southwest along Kayak Island. (AKMI)
9450 Location uncertain but aerial shot taken while flying to Anchorage. Probably Port Wells area, Prince William Sound. (AKSR)
9451 Aerial shot looking WSW along Passage Canal toward Whittier. (AKSR) END OF 1979 FIELD SEASON IN SOUTHEASTERN
9452 Index map of National Petroleum Reserve, Alaska.
9453 Typical coastal plain SW of Barrow (72AOF5-24)
9454 Recently drained shallow lake south of Prudhoe Bay. (71AOF1-35)
9455 On foothills looking south to Brooks Range (69AOF2-20)
9456 Icing on the Canning River. (73AOF3-35)
9457 Ice shove at Barrow. (7\70AOF8-4)
9458 Sea cliffs near Barter Island; ice-rich and unstable (73AOF4-29)
9459 Ice exposed on riverbank near Prudhoe. (70AOF6-25)
9460 Ground crack in permafrost soils (72AOF2-13)
9461 Ice-wedge polygons near Prudhoe Bay (70AOF6-29)
9462 Top of ice wedge near Prudhoe. (72AOF4-18)
9463 Beaded drainage formed by water thawing in permafrost. (72AOF2-32)
9464 Ground view of beaded drainage. (73AOOF5-15)
9465 Pingo-like ice mound near Sadlerochit River. (73AOF7-20)
9466 Tabular ice mass near Sadlerochit River. (73AOF7-8)
9467 Pingo 40 miles SE of Prudhoe Bay. (73AOF3-23)
9468 ‘Granddaddy’ pingo approximately 25 miles SE of Prudhoe Bay. (73AOF2-17)
9469 Landslide-mudflow near Galbraith Lake. (72AOF4-35)
9470 Headwall of large landslide-mudflow. (a72AOF4-30)
9471 Unstable, fine-grained, ice-rich bluff on the Sagavanirtok River. (72AOF4-9)
9472 Seismic trail near Canning River. (72AOF2-1)
9473 Fifteen-foot gully on old seismic trail near Kavik. (72AOF1-25)
9474 Gully on old seismic trail near Sagwon. (71AOF2-34)
9475 Aerial view of Prudhoe Bay area. (69AOF2-10)
9476 Winter snow trail near Prudhoe Bay. (6/70AOF3-1)
9477 Ponded water behind winter snow trail near Sagavanirktok River. (6/70AOF3-6)
9478 Bridge on Putuligayuk River near Prudhoe Bay. (7/70AOF8-23)
9479 Gravel road, vicinity Prudhoe Bay. (69AOF2-14)
9480 Rollegan (75AOF14-35)
9481 Drill rig on 5-6′ gravel pad, Prudhoe Bay area. (70AOF8-18)
9483 ‘Arco Hilton’, Prudhoe Bay. Note wood piles. (7/70AOF8-22)
9484 Barrow, Alaska (7/72AOF5-31)
9485 Typical view of Barrow, Alaska. (6/73AOF2-3)
9486 Test section of buried steel pipe in permafrost near Barrow. (70AOF8-3)
9487-9490 Old steam engine at long-abandoned sawmill near the railroad tracks at the mouth of the Twentymile River. (AKSR)
9491 Arrigetch Peaks (Dave Brew photo). (AKSP)
9492-9493 Complex folds in carbonates; about 3 miles south of Takahula Lake (Dave Brew photo). (AKSP)
9494 Myself, A. T. Ovenshine, H. C. Berg, George Becraft, and Dallas Peck at Walker Lake, USGS camp (Dave Brew photo) (AKSP)
9495-9496 Looking SSW from airliner along Placer River Valley. (AKSR)
9497-9498 Looking approximately north over Anchorage from airliner over Turnagain Arm. (AKAN)
9499 C&S flanger at state historical museum near Silver Plume, Colorado.
9500 C&S boxcar attached to flanger in 9499. Silver Plume, Colorado.
9501 As 9499. Colorado.
9502-9504 Looking down and to south at Silver Plume, Colorado from old wagon road.
9505-9506 C&S #1006 caboose at Silver Plume, Colorado.
9507 Looking approximately north at Smuggler Mine from old highway; Silver Plume, Colorado. Note Griffith monument high on the hillside.
9508-9518 Panorama west across Central City, Colorado.
9519-9520 C&S locomotive #71 at Central City, Colorado.
9521 Nicely restored house at south end of Central City, Colorado.
9522 Old steam winch vicinity Russel Gulch, Central City, Colorado.
9523 Old powder magazine in Russel Gulch, Central City, Colorado.
9524-9529 C&S locomotive #60 at Idaho Springs, Colorado.
9530-9531 C&S #1009 caboose at the Colorado Railroad Museum, Golden, Colorado.
9532 RGS passenger car at the Colorado Railroad Museum, Golden.
9533 Old Coors reefer at the Colorado Railroad Museum, Golden.
9534-9536 Looking northeast over Petersburg from the air. (AKPE)
9537 D.J.M. parked in Saginaw Bay; Ed Maghaeles waving. (AKPE)
9538 Looking southeast along Duncan Canal; old Indian Point FAA station in foreground. (AKPE)
9539 Braided delta of small stream. (AKPE)
9540-9544 D.J.M. anchored in Saginaw Bay. (AKPE)
9545 Looking down to the northeast over Petersburg on a foggy day. (AKPE)
9546-9547 Bob Miller, Ed Maghaeles, and Frosty Frothingham fishing off the stern of the D.J.M. (in Petersburg?) (AKPE)
9548 Looking down and approximately northeast from a position near Baht Harbor, Zarembo Island at two Alaska ferries about to pass. Mouth of Stikine River in distance. (AKPE)
9549-9552 Looking down on barite mine on one of the Castle Island, Duncan Canal. (AKPE)
9553 Looking northeast up LeConte Bay. (AKPE)
9554 Looking ENE to terminus of LeConte Glacier and upper LeConte Bay. (AKPE)
9555 And old DC-6 being loaded with herring roe in Petersburg for Japan. (AKPE)
9556-9557 Hank Berg and ? geologists looking at metafelsites at prospect approximately 2 miles northwest of Ropund Point, Zarembo Island. (AKPE)
9558-9559 Looking NNW over Duncan Canal from over Beecher Pass. (AKPE)
9560-9561 Looking north along lower Wrangell Narrows from approximately over Blind Island. (AKPE)
9562 Looking northwest along Duncan Canal from about over Woewodski Island. (AKPE)
9563-9564 Looking south along western Prince of Wales Island; Point Baker in foreground and Mt. Calder in middle distance. (AKPE)
9565 Looking approx. NNW over altered zone associated with top of small intrusive near a prominent peak about 3.5 miles ESE of the mouth of Port Malmesbury. (AKPE)
9566 From near 9565; looking northwest at Port Malmesbury with Hank Berg. (AKPE)
9567-9568 Looking approximately east over the contact zone of small intrusive near Peak 2259, just W of Bear Harbor on Afleek Canal. Note Hughes 500C and fluorescent vest near contact. (AKPE)
9569 Looking south along western side of northwest Prince of Wales Island. Port Protection in foreground; Mt. Calder in distance. (AKPE)
9570 Looking down at Point Baker. (AKPE)
9571 Wrangell lumber mill and small-boat harbor. (AKPE)
9572 Looking approximately north along prominent rhyolite dike in vicinity Berg Basin. (AKPE)
9573-9575 Berg Basin lead prospect associated with rhyolite dike. The two geologists are with AMAX who had a camp in Groundhog Basin. (AKPE)
9576 FAA DC-3 at Petersburg airport. (AKPE)
9577-9579 Old Exxon(?) drill camp on prospect near Peak 4560 in upper Groundhog Basin. Rhyolite dikes cutting metamorphic rocks. (AKPE)
9580 A small molybdenum prospect at top of the cirque at the head of Groundhog Basin. (AKPE)
9581 Looking approximately northwest along the contact of the foliated tonalite sill in vicinity of Andrews Creek. (AKPE)
9582 LeConte Bay looking northeast. (AKPE)
9583 Looking northeast along LeConte Bay to terminus of LeConte Glacier. (AKPE)
9584 Looking northeast at unnamed glacier just SE of Rodgers Peak. (AKPE)
9585 Looking northeast at glacier vicinity Rodgers Peak (or further north?). (AKPE)
9586 Looking approximately NE up Baire Glacier. (AKSD)
9587-9589 Looking down on Petersburg. (AKPE)
9590 ___________, mechanic, getting helicopter ready for Sue Hunt dressed in her field apparel. (AKPE)
9591 Dave Brew pumping gas in preparation for what is obviously a wet day. (AKPE)
9592-9593 Dave Brew and Inyo Ellersieck getting ready to go skiffing. (AKPE)
9594 Steve McDanal and John Cathrall in skiffing gear. (AKPE)
9595 D.J.M. anchored in Portage Bay, northern Kupreanof Island. (AKPE)
9596 Hank Berg working in our room in the Mitkof Hotel. (AKPE)
9597 Fishing boats in Petersburg harbor. (AKPE)
9598 Ron Sonnevil. (AKPE)
9599 Dave Brew and Sue Karl on the D.J.M. (AKPE)
9600 Bob Miller, cook on the D.J.M. in 1980. (AKPE)
9601-9602 Sue Hunt and John_____________, deckhand, in pilothouse of D.J.M. (AKPE)
9603 Frosty Frothingham, master, in pilothouse of D.J.M. (AKPE)
9605 Sue Hunt in D.J.M. (AKPE)
9606 Helicopter mechanic on D.J.M. (AKPE)
9607 Looking approximately east at end of Beecher Pass. (AKPE)
9608 Old fox farm on north side of island in Beecher Pass area. (AKPE)
9609-9611 Abandoned house and beached boat on rocks near east end of Beecher Pass. (AKPE)
9612-9619 Various scenes of fishing boats and houses in Petersburg on a nice sunny day. (AKPE)
9620 House just across channel from Petersburg. (AKPE)
9621-9622 Looking out over the bow of the Alaska Ferry Malaspina on a trip through Wrangell Narrows to Wrangell. (AKPE)
9623-9624 Passing a small cargo vessel being towed through Wrangell Narrows (why?); while on Alaska Ferry on trip through Wrangell Narrows. (AKPE)
9625 Location uncertain. (AKPE)
9626 Looking east over the mouth of the Stikine River. (AKPE)
9627 Looking north along Wrangell Narrows. (AKPE)
9628 Undescribed
9629-9635 Barite mine on one of the Castle Island, Duncan Canal. (AKPE)
9636-9638 Felsic tuffs and pyrite-rich tuffs exposed along high tide limit north of the mouth of the Castle River. (AKPE)
9639 Supercub on Eagle Glacier, Chugach Mountains (Photographer unknown) (AKAN)
9640 Rockfall on Mt. Eklutna, Chugach Mountains (Photographer unknown). (AKAN)
9641 Tom Dutro in Nulato quadrangle. (Photographer unknown) (AKNU)
9642 Undescribed
9644 Ultramafic rocks in Nulato quadrangle (Photographer unknown). (AKNU)
9645 Tidal bore in Turnagain Arm, July 1969 (Photographer unknown). (AKSR)
9646 Drilling at Portage for earthquake hazard project; February 1975 (Photographer unknown). (AKSR)
9647 Supercub on Eagle Glacier, Chugach Mountains (Photographer unknown). (AKAN)
9648-9649 D.J.M. anchored in vicinity of Entrance Island near north end of Rocky Pass. (AKPE)
9650-9653 Sue Hunt (and I) mapping in columnar basalt in Rocky Pass. (AKPE)
9654-9658 D.J.M. while anchored near Entrance Island, north end of Rocky Pass. (AKPE)
9659-9661 Flight somewhere over Nebraska or Colorado.
9662 Large fold somewhere over Wyoming; looking south from air.
9663-9664 Flight between Wyoming and Washington looking down to the south.
9665-9666 Near Yakima, Washington; looking southwest at Mt. Adams with Mt. St. Helens far in distance.
9667 Western Cascades near Seattle.
9668 Looking east and down at Ketchikan from air. (AKKC)
9669 Out over Gulf of Alaska looking east at the Fairweather Range. (AKMF)
9670-9674 Looking down on Harpers Ferry from Maryland Heights.
9675-9680 View to the north over District of Columbia from flight taking off from National Airport. Panorama from Capitol to Georgetown.
9681 Outcrop of Greenstone just east of Shasta Dam in roadcut. From left: Dick Taylor, A.T.O., T.P. Miller, John Albers, Dick Meyer, Bill Cannon.
9682 Roger Ashley and A. T. Ovenshine at outcrop of 9681.
9683 Brecciated phase of Balaklala Rhyolite.
9684 Stop in Balaklala Rhyolite west of Shasta Lake on road to Mammoth Mine.
9685 Altered rhyolite(?) at Mammoth Mine.
9686-9688 Altered rhyolite at Mammoth Mine.
9689 A. T. Ovenshine on small fault at the Balaklala Mine.
9690-9693 Precipitation plant at the Iron Mountain Mine.
9694-9697 Large gosan at the Iron Mountain mine; A. T. Ovenshine and T. P. Miller in pictures.
9698-9700 Pit in the massive pyrite lens below the gossan at the Iron Mountain Mine.
9701 Looking down on the magnetite operation below the prominent gossan on Iron Mountain.
9702-9703 Pit in the massive pyrite lens below the gossan at the Iron Mountain Mine.
9704 Stop at Balaklala Rhyolite exposure west of Redding.
9705-9707 Point of Rocks railroad station, Maryland.
9710 Rear of 11749 Indian Ridge Road, Reston, Virginia.
9711 Old railroad building in Leesburg, Virginia.
9712-9715 Old railroad station and adjacent buildings; Point of Rocks, Maryland.
9716-9717 Particularly nice old farmhouse just south of Lovettsville in Loudoun County.
9718-9719 Old restored log cabin a few miles south of Lovettsville in Loudoun County; off to west on a dirt side road.
9720 Church and old store(?) in Purcellville, Loudoun County, Virginia.
9721 Undescribed
9722-9723 A nice restored old farmhouse about 5-8 miles south of Purcellville, Loudoun County, Virginia. Was then for sale at about $180K.
9724 Massive outcrop of dolomite in roadcut in West Tennessee Zn district.
9725 Sphalerite=bearing limestone in quarry, West Tennessee Zn district.
9726 The participants in the West Tennessee Zn-district trip: Sandy Clark, Helmuth Wedow, Joe Briskey, A. T. Ovenshine, Gus Armstrong, and Bill Cannon.
9727-9734 At the New Jersey Zinc Mine in West Tennessee district.
9735 Bill Cannon and Tom Ovenshine at motel in Knoxville.
9736 Nice old building in Leesburg, Loudoun County, Virginia.
9737-9741 Several picturesque buildings in Purcellville, Loudoun County, Virginia.
9742-9753 Pictures from tour-boat trip around Baltimore Harbor: tugboat, heavy industry, USS Constellation, science museum, Trade Center, shipbuilding yards, and freighters.
9754 Picturesque old log cabin in Lincoln, Loudoun County, Virginia.
9755-9756 Undescribed
9757 Church about 5 miles south of Leesburg on Highway 15, Virginia.
9758-9759 Sully Plantation near Dulles Airport, Fairfax County, Virginia.
9760-9763 Several photogenic old buildings in vicinity of Larimer Street, Denver, Colorado
9764 Old Tivoli Brewery, Denver, Colorado
9765-9768 Spanish church and restored house at Denver Metro College, just west of downtown Denver, Colorado.
9769 The old Knights of Pythius Hall at Silver Plume, Colorado.
9770-9771 George Rowe’s house at Silver Plume, Colorado. Note the inscription on the paperbox: ‘Denver Post steady since 1896, never missed a day.’
9772 Old school house at Silver Plume, Colorado.
9773-9774 View north at Silver Plume, Colorado from old Argentine Central railroad grade.
9775-9776 Views north over Georgetown from road to Guanella Pass.
9777 Old ore bin at the Tucson Mine on Iron Hill, Leadville, Colorado.
9778 Looking west over Iron Hill and Leadville toward Turquoise Lake from the south end of Breese Hill; Colorado.
9779-9780 Looking approximately east over the Ibex Mine from the north end of Breese Hill; Colorado.
9781 Vicinity Fortune Mine in upper Evans Gulch, Leadville, Colorado.
9782-9783 Vicinity south Evans Gulch, Leadville, Colorado
9784 Vicinity (if not the) Diamond Mine near Diamond Lake in upper Evans Gulch, Leadville, Colorado.
9785 Looking west from upper Evans Gulch toward Turquoise Lake in distance; probably from Diamond Mine, Leadville, Colorado.
9786 As 9784; Leadville, Colorado.
9787 Ore bunker just south of Conley Lakes, upper Evans Gulch, Leadville, Colorado.
9788 A striking old building in downtown Leadville, Colorado.
9789-9791 Old schoolhouse, Leadville, Colorado.
9792 DG on D.J.M. in Petersburg quad, 1980. Special hat made by Ed Maghaeles in honor(?) of my initial run with a new Johnson 25 in Wrangell narrows–the prop was then retired. (Dave Brew photo.) (AKPE)
9793 Rare-earth plant at Mountain Pass, California.
9794 Phosphate strip mine, Utah.
9795-9796 Iron mine, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
9797 Abandoned nitrate mine, Chile.
9798 National Center, USGS; Reston, Virginia.
9799 Vertical LANDSAT image of the Loveland area, Colorado.
9800 Fractures on 4th Street apartments after 1964 Alaska earthquake.
9801 Offsets along San Andreas(?) fault, California.
9802-9803 Colvin Mill near Dranesville (Great Falls), Virginia.
9804-9805 D.J.M. in Wrangell harbor, Summer 1979. (AKPE)
9806 EAST TENNESSEE ZINC-DISTRICT TRIP Bill Cannon, Helmuth Wedow, Sandy Clark, A. T. Ovenshine, Gus Armstrong, Joe Briskey.
9807 House in Annapolis, Maryland.
9810 Picturesque old cabin in Lincoln; Loudoun County, Virginia.
9811-9812 Sunken Lane; Antietam battlefield, Maryland.
9813-9814 Near Stanley Mine, Idaho Spring, Colorado.
9815 Near Tyson’s Corner, Virginia.
9816-9819 Sherrick house near Antietam battlefield, Maryland.
9819 McClellan’s headquarters during the battle of Antietam.
9821 Mouth of Stikine River looking approximately east. (AKPE)
9822 D.J.M. passing through Wrangell Narrows one foggy morning. (AKPE)
9823 Downtown Sitka looking east from an airliner. (AKSI)
9824 Looking down and approximately north at lower Hillside area, Anchorage. (AKAN)
9825 House in Alexandria, Virginia.
9829 Sue Karl wading among the salmon in the creek which flows south into the head of Anita Bay. (AKPE)
9830 Location uncertain, perhaps Wrangell Narrows. (AKPE)
9831-9832 Striking assimilation zone at the contact of a small granitic stock in pelitic metamorphic rocks; near a fishing cabin at the center of the longest of the Niblack Islands. (AKPE)
9833 H. C. Berg coming back very slowly–and with a very sore back– from our trip to the south end of Deer Island. (AKPE or AKBC)
9834 Sue Karl and Tom Moore going skiffing in their finery. (AKPE)
9835 Dave Brew, ______________, and Sue Karl collecting in the andalusite schists along the west side of Zimovia Straits. (AKPE)
9836 Sue Karl on Zimovia Strait. (AKPE)
9841-9849 Panorama of the Climax Mine, Colorado. (Fit together into a particularly nice view of the whole mine when it was active.)
9850-9856 Panorama over Central City, Colorado. (But can’t make the pictures match.)
9857-9861 Another panorama at Central City, Colorado.
9862 Undescribed
9865-9867 Panorama looking east at Little Big Top from Devils Den area, Gettysburg battlefield, Pennsylvania.
9868 Unusual jointing along a fracture(?) in the leucogabbro at Devils Den, Gettysburg battlefield, Pennsylvania.
9869 View out our living room window, 11749 Indian Ridge Road; Fall 1981.
9870-9871 An old abandoned barn about 2 miles north of Sterling and just off the old Washington and Old Dominion rail-road grade.
9872 Old abutments of the W&OD railroad bridge over Goose Creek, Loudoun County, Virginia.
9873 Old abandoned house/store along the W&OD railroad grade as Ashburn, Loudoun County, Virginia.
9874 Church at Ashburn, Loudoun County, Virginia.
9875 Gravel pit near Golden, Colorado. Looking approximately north off McIntire Street.
9879-9883 Constitution Hall, Washington, D.C.
9884-9885 Old Executive Office Building, Washington, D.C.
9886 Constitution Hall, Washington, D.C.
9887 Fall on Indian Ridge Road, Reston, Virginia.
9889 House off Ft. Lewis Road near McLean, Virginia.
9890-9894 Sully Plantation near Dulles Airport, Fairfax County, Virginia.
9895-9897 Jenny, summer of 1981 at a Reston swimming pool.
9903-9904 Victorian house in Georgetown, Colorado.
9905 K.P. hall in Silver Plume, Colorado.
9906 Begin in old quarry; massive lens of franklinite in franklinite-bearing marble. Two individuals turned toward camera are Julian Hemley and John Slack.
9907 Close-up of rocks at locality of 9906.
9908-9911 Bob Metzger, the NJZ geologist, showing us the mine model.
9912 Underground: franklinite-bearing marble.
9913 Underground: willemite(?)
9914 Underground: rich zincite ore.
9915 Famous mine geologist, A. T. Ovenshine, looking over one of the stopes.
9916 A. T. Ovenshine and Bill Cannon underground.
9917 A. T. Ovenshine going down a tight raise.
9918 Eric Brown.
9919 Quartz vein that illustrates some important but now forgotten fact.
9920 Underground: particularly nice franklinite-willemite ore in stope on the 1300′ level(?).
9921 As 9920 but shows transition to zinc-bearing marble.
9922 In a stope on 1300′ level; collected a nice big piece of this ore here.
9923-9924 Breccia.
9925 Group shot: from left, Bob Metzger (NJZ geologist), Mike Foose, Bob Ayuso, Ton Hanley, Irv Brown, A.T.O., Bill Cannon, Julian Hemley, Terry Cline, John Slack, Jack Gair, Rob Robinson.
9926-9929 Variants of 9925; several with me in red plaid shirt.
9930 Headframe of the Sterling Mine.
9931 View out of my study window in late Fall; 11749 Indian Ridge Road, Reston, Virginia.
9932 FOLLOWING FROM SAM PATTERSON (USGS, Reston) Bauxite mine, Moengo, Surinam.
9933 Billiton bauxite mine, Surinam.
9934 Georgia kaolin.
9935 Bauxite mine, Sangaredi, Guinea.
9936 Surako mine, Surinam.
9937-9939 Georgia kaolinite mine.
9940 Hydraulic stripping, Suralco, Surinam,
9950 FOLLOWING FROM GEORGE ERICKSEN (USGS, Reston) Metallogenic provinces of western South America.
9951 Major mines of western South America.
9952 Sn-Ag mines; Oruro, Bolivia.
9953-9955 Tin dredge, Bolivia.
9956-9957 Sulfur at mine west of Salar de Maricuma, Chile.
9958-9962 Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia; drilling Li resources there.
9963 Operating nitrate mine; Oficina, Victoria (Chile?)
9964 Abandoned nitrate mine, Chile.
9965 Nitrate mining, Chile.
9966 Toro Mocha porphyry copper deposit, Morococho, Peru.
9967 Morococha, Peru.
9968 Pb-Zn-Ag veins; Morococha, Peru.
9969 Tailings pond and part of townsite; Morococha, Peru.
9970 Pb-Zn-Ag veins; Morococha, Peru.
9971 Contact between oxide and sulfide zones near Morococha, Peru.
9972 McClune pit; Cerro de Pasco, Peru.
9973 Toquepala pit, Peru.
9974 Toquepala Cu mine, Peru; Sen Schmidt in yellow hard hat.
9975-9976 USGS party in Peruvian Andes, 1948.
9977 Quadilatero Ferifero Iron Mine; Minas Gerais, Brazil.
9978-9981 Old farm house just west of where W&OD railroad grade crosses Goose Creek, Loudoun County, Virginia.
9987-9989 Views to east from top of Trade Center, Inner Harbor; Baltimore, Maryland.
10002-10026 Houses around Lake Thoreau, Reston, Virginia.
10079 Various armor and artillery at Aberdeen Proving Ground museum, Maryland; trip with A. T. Ovenshine and Doug Fridrick.
10090-10094  Undescribed
10095 Chuck Thorman, Ed Ruppel, and Bob Hamilton at stop in western Montana.
10096 As previous slide plus John Houghton.
10097 Chuck Thorman, Bob Hamilton, Rachael and Mary Hamilton at Stanley, Idaho.
10098-10101 Old buildings at Bayhorse Mine, Idaho.
10102-10103 Dredge tailings and abandoned dredge near Bonanza(?), northeast of Stanley, Idaho.
10104 Looking west over a gold development, north of Stanley, Idaho.
10105-10109 Thompson Creek Mo-porphyry development between Challis and Stanley, Idaho.
10110-10111 Unsuiting at Stanley, Idaho.
10112 Old mill, Stibnite, Idaho.
10113 John Houghton in bag looking at scheelite with lamp. Ben Leonard talking to CG.
10114 The ‘convenience’ at old prospect, north of Stibnite, Idaho.
10115-10116 From left: John Houghton, Bob Hamilton, _____________, and Fred Fisher going over map of geology in Challis quadrangle, Idaho.
10117-10119 Lunch break near Stanley, Idaho. In 10,118, from left: Thor Kiilsgaard, Fred Fisher, Kate Johnson, John Houghton, and Chuck Thorman.
10120-10123 Contact effects and dikes in hypabyssal granitic pluton at southwest corner of Challis quadrangle, Idaho.
10124 The CG, Bob Hamilton, Thor Kiilsgaard, and Fred Fisher at geology stop.
10125 PETERSBURG QUADRANGLE, SUMMER 1982 D.J.M. anchored at some now forgotten place (Canoe Passage?) (AKPE)
10126 Phil Bethke and Dave Brew discussing an outcrop. (AKPE)
10127 Floating fishing camp near Zimovia Strait. (AKPE)
10128-10129 Crew getting ready for a day of skiffing on a wet, foggy morning. (AKPE)
10130-10131 Massive-sulfide ‘discovery’ in quarry in center of Zarembo Island. (AKPE)
10132 Cabin at mouth of creek that drains Harvey Lake, Woewodski Island. Phil Bethke for scale. (AKPE)
10134-10137 Aerial obliques of Petersburg harbor. (AKPE)
10138 Peter Burell and Kim Redding getting ready to go skiffing on another marginal day. (AKPE)
10139 Someplace in Petersburg quadrangle. (AKPE)
10140-10142 Textures in rhyolite pile, east of head of Lovelace Creek, southern Kupreanof Island. (AKPE)
10143-10145 Phil Bethke at end of traverse on southern Kupreanof Island. One tired Branch Chief! (AKPE)
10146-10147 D.J.M. on a foggy, wet day. (AKPE)
10148-10153 Aerial obliques on a pass around Blaske Islands. (AKPE)
10154-10155 D.J.M. under way. (AKPE)
10156 Hughes 500D on D.J.M. (AKPE)
10157 Sue Hunt and Peter Burrell packing rocks. (AKPE)
10158-10160 Dave Brew and Phil Bethke working on the ‘beach’. (AKPE)
10161-10162 Kim Redding during a traverse along the beach north of Monte Carlo Island. (AKPE)
10163-10169 D.J.M. off-loading at Wrangell. (AKPE)
10170-10171 Aerial obliques of downtown Kotzebue. (AKKZ)
10172-10174 Aerial obliques of Noatak and braided channel of lower Noatak River. (AKNT)
10175-10176 Looking approximately northwest at Lik deposit along base of carbonate ridge. (AKDL)
10177 Arriving at Lik airstrip on Cessna chartered from Baker Aviation, Kotzebue. (AKKZ)
10178 Tom Miler at Red Dog deposit. (AKDL)
10179-10186 Panoramas to north over the Red Dog deposit. (AKDL)
10187-10191 Various shots traversing down to the Red Dog deposit. In 10,198 can identify Roy McMichael, Paul Barton, Bob Hamilton, and Tom Miller. (AKDL)
10192 Astar helicopter chartered by Cominco. (AKDL)
10193 Cominco camp from air near Red Dog deposit. (AKDL)
10195-10197 At older Cominco camp just east of Wulik River. In 10,195, from left: Joe Briskey, Roy McMichael, Bob Hamilton, Paul Barton, and Tom Miller. (AKDL)
10198-10199 Aerial obliques on flight to Kotzebue. (AKDL, AKNT)
10200 Looking down on pingo in middle of tundra. Note fireweed on pingo. (AKNT?)
10201 Aerial obliques on flight to Kotzebue. (AKDL, AKNT)
10202 Aerial oblique, vicinity of Kotzebue. (AKKZ)
10203 Kotzebue.
10204 Aerial oblique to north(?) at east end of Selawik Lake. (AKSE)
10205 Bob Hamilton talking to pilot on trip to Fairbanks.
10207 Probably vicinity of Tofty. (AKTN)
10208 At Alyeska pipeline crossing in Goldstream Creek, north of Fairbanks. (AKFB)
10210-10211 Loading up in Fairbanks for a flight to Paxton: Barton, Miller, Hamilton. (AKFB)
10212 Looking north over Tanana River toward Fairbanks. (AKFB)
10213 Aerial oblique looking northwest over Eielson A.F.B. (AKFB)
10214 Looking approximately northwest along the braided Tanana River from vicinity Eielson A.F.B. (AKFB)
10215-10216 Pipeline crossing of the Tanana River near Big Delta and pipeline camp there. (AKBD)
10217-10218 Looking southwest up the Black Rapids Glacier from about over the Richardson Highway. (AKMH)
10219 Aerial oblique looking northeast up the Castner Glacier from over the Richardson Highway. (AKMH)
10220 Looking ESE from plane up the Cantwell Glacier from a position over the Richardson Highway. (AKMH)
10221 Looking down and to east from the air over the altered zones at the north end of Rainbow Mountain. (AKMH)
10222-10223 Looking northeast from over Isabel Pass toward Gulkana Glacier and the pipeline camp. (AKMH)
10224 Looking down at Paxton from the air. (AKMH)
10225 Arrival at Paxton. Only new face is Warren Nokleberg. (AKMH)
10226 Looking west from Sugarloaf Mountain toward unnamed peak in the Amphitheater Mountains. Nice examples of talus cones verging on rock glaciers. (AKMH)
10227 Warren Nokleberg, Bob Hamilton, Ian Lange, and Tom Miller at Sugarloaf Mountain. (AKMH)
10228 Hamilton, Nokleberg, Lange, and Paul Barton climbing up to a prospect in the north fork of Rainey Creek. Note helicopter at nearest landing spot. (AKMH)
10229 Looking east along south side of Black Rapids Glacier toward terminus. (AKMH)
10230 Looking southeast along the Denali Fault from a position about 8 miles NW of the Richardson Highway. Cantwell Glacier in distance. (AKMH)
10232 Looking SSE from a position about 4 miles south of Mt. Pillsbury, along the McKinley Strand of the Denali fault. Fault cuts just about through the center of the picture. (AKMH)
10233 Lange, Nokleberg, Barton, Miller, and Hamilton having lunch near site of 10,232. (AKMH)
10234-10235 Port area and downtown Anchorage. (AKAN)
10236 Steve Nelson and Paul Barton on D.J.M. anchored near Cordova. (AKCV)
10237-10239 D.J.M. anchored at head of Simpson Bay near Cordova. (AKCV)
10240 Marti Miller looking at low-grade metamorphic rocks on north fort of Rude River. (AKCV)
10241 Marti Miller and Juli Doumoulin near 10240. (AKCV)
10242 Trees killed by deflection of one of the channels of the Rude River into the forest. (AKCV)
10243-10244 Helicopter on D.J.M.; Nelson and Doumoulin in foreground. (AKCV)
10245 Old machinery (from cannery?) at Ellamar Mine. (AKCV)
10246 Aerial oblique down on Ellamar Mine. (AKCV)
10247 Aerial oblique of Tatitlek. (AKCV)
10249 Helicopter on D.J.M. (AKCV)
10250-10251 Leaving with Paul Barton; looking down on D.J.M. and geochemists going out sampling. (AKCV)
10252-10253 House in New Market, Maryland.
10274-10276 Looking out over Tucson, Arizona during field trip at Western Cluster Meeting, November 1982.
10277-10279 Various during field trip west of Tucson, Arizona.
10280 One of the open pits south of Tucson Arizona; Twin Buttes? Note the thick gravels that overlie the deposit.
10282-10286 San Xavier Mission, south of Tucson, Arizona.
10287-10288 Aerial obliques in (downtown?) Denver, Colorado
10289 View from plane over eastern Colorado.
10298 Shipping in Baltimore harbor, Maryland.
10299 Part of dredging operations anchored in front of Ft. McHenry, Baltimore harbor, Maryland.
10300 Looking southeast from Fort McHenry at Baltimore harbor, Maryland.
10301-10304 Girls and guns at Fort McHenry, Baltimore, Maryland.
10313-10318 Wild Goose dredge on upper Ophir Creek near Council. (Sue Hunt photo) (AKBN)
10319-10320 Dredge on Seward Peninsula; looks like Aggie Creek dredge(?). (Sue Hunt photo) (AKBN)
10322 Looking ESE from Cape Mountain along coast. Plane taking off from Tin City airstrip. York Mountains in distance. (Sue Hunt photo) (AKTE)
10441-10442 A. L. Clark photo: Location uncertain but looks like dunite body on Annette Island, southeastern Alaska. (AK KC)
10443 Undescribed
10444-10449 Allen L. Clark photo, 1969: Area of springs and sinter cones on Soda Creek at the head of Soda Bay southeast of Craig. (AKCR)
10450 Our Shasta, Hiller 12E helicopter somewhere in the Craig area, 1969. (AKCR)
10451-10452 Unusual radial fracture pattern in a mountain lake caused by a landslide/snowslide. Vicinity of Pin Peak near Craig; 1969. (AKCR)
10453 Ray Wehr on a traverse, vicinity of Craig? (AkCR)
10454 Sea Lions on Forrester Island; Allen L. Clark photo, 1969. (AKCR)
10455 Me collecting a geochemical sample near Port Houghton; 1969. Allen L. Clark photo. (AKSD)
10456-10459 Allen L. Clark at various place in southeastern Alaska, 1969. (mainly AKSD)
10460 Location uncertain but nice fold in metamorphic rocks; probably southeastern Alaska, 1969.
10461 Al Weissenborn, USGS Spokane, and our (crazy) helicopter pilot, Joe Dwyer, fishing off the D.J.M. in southeastern Alaska during the summer of 1969.
10462-10464 Several Allen L. Clark slides showing the distribution of zoned ultramafic bodies in southeastern Alaska and the Duke Island geology.
10465 Undescribed
10466-10503 Whole series of slides showing the layering in the Duke Island ultramafic body. Can see Gary Winkler in one of the shots. (AKPR)
10504 Label says ‘Dissication cracks in dunite-Union Bay’; Allen L. Clark photo. (AKCR)
10505 Label says: ‘Nose of folded pyroxenite, Twin Peaks’. Allen L. Clark photo. Location uncertain; possibly ENE of Petersburg. (AKPE?)
10506-10509 Label says: ‘Banded chromite, Eklutna ultramafic’. Allen L. Clark photo. (AKAN)
10510 Allen L. Clark photo: Label says: ‘Moose in distance, Twin Peaks, Anch’. Probably vicinity Eklutna ultramafic; although not in Orth. (AKAN)
10511-10512 Label says: ‘Banded chromite, Eklutna ultramafic. Twin Peaks traverse, 1969’. Allen L. Clark photo. (AKAN)
10513-10516 Various slides from USGS publications and Allen L. Clark’s data showing geology of the White Mountains mercury prospect. (AKMG)
10517-10524 Various shots showing the mine, milling operation, and geology of the White Mountain mine, 1970. Can identify Bob and Betty Lyman and their boys in several of the photos. Also Denny Sorg. (AKMG)
10525-10543 Various shots of cinnabar ore and cinnabar creek mine; Allen L. Clark photos, 1970. (AKSM)
10544-10548 Various shots around the mill of the Cinnabar Creek mine; Allen L. Clark photos, 1970. Can identify Russ Hubbard, Francis McClure, several of the workers, and Denny Sorg. (AKSM)
10549 Allen L. Clark photo. Location uncertain but probably Joe Hoare’s camp on one of the Tikchik Lake. (AKTA)
10550 Joe Hoare in helicopter. Allen L. Clark photo.
10551 Allen L. Clark photo. Location uncertain; caribou herd somewhere in southwestern Alaska.
10552 Location uncertain; Allen L. Clark photo. Denny Sorg and Hank Congdon (?) in southwestern Alaska.
10553 Allen L. Clark photo. Location uncertain but dredge somewhere. Possibly Flat? (AKID?)
10554-10556 Allen L. Clark copies of some of my slides of the dredge at Goodnews Bay in 1971. (AKGO)
10597-10598 Several nice aerial shots of San Francisco looking west from over the bay.
10599-10601 Aerial shots of Cordova one foggy day in late summer of 1983.
10602 The details escape me but on a field trip to a Ni-deposit in Maryland. Can identify Mike Foose, Bruce Lipin, Jack Gair, and Bill Wright.
10611 Aerial shots looking west over San Francisco, the Bay bridge, and the Golden Gate bridge.
10612-10614 Location uncertain, probably somewhere offshore from Lituya Bay and Malaspina Glacier.
10615-10616 Location uncertain but suspect glaciers in the Chugach Mountains somewhere just west of Anchorage. (AKAN)
10617 A not particularly good, near-vertical shot down on the Huffman Road area, Anchorage. (AKAN)
10618-10627 Series of shots of the dredge on Klery Creek in the Baird Mountain quadrangle. Taken on traverse along creek to look at gold placers. (AKBM)
10628 Old, very basic churn drill on Klery Creek near the dredge camp. (AKBM)
10629-10631 Various shots while on visit to Sue Karl’s operations in the Baird Mountain quadrangle. Can identify Irv Tailleur. Anita Harris, and Inyo Ellersieck in one; carbonates and caribou in others. (AKBM)
10632-10633 Three wheelers hauling various camp equipment from Sue Karl’s camp in Kiana to the road. Can identify Anita Harris and several of the Sandvik kids. (AKBM)
10634-10642 Various shots of the buildings in Kotzebue one sunny day in 1983. (AKKZ)
10643 Location unknown but probably on flight from Kotzebue to Nome.
10644-10647 Serial aerial shots of Nome, the Submarine dredge, and the coastal plain at Nome on commercial flight in to Nome one sunny day. (AKNM)
10648-10649 Buildings at the Hirst-Chicagof mine; Alouette helicopter.
10650 Location uncertain but almost certainly in Craig quadrangle. Should be able to identify the radio tower and buildings. (AKCR)
10651 Stop at the Salt Chuck Mine in 1983. Can identify Nora Shew, Norm Gunderson, the Division Program Officer, and Ralph Erickson on the mill dump. (AKCR)
10652-10653 Undescribed
10654-10655 Visitors fishing off the D.J.M. in the Craig quadrangle. Certainly Ralph Erickson and probably Norm Gunderson with back to us. (AKCR)
10656 One of the Cu-Fe mines on the ridge crest in the middle of the Kasaan Peninsula. Possibly the Mt. Andrews? (AKCR)
10657-10660 On top of the Union Bay ultramafic body; can identify chromite, A.T. Ovenshine, Ralph Erickson, and Norm Gunderson. (AKCR)
10661 Old piece of machinery at one of the mines on the Kasaan Peninsula. (AKCR)
10662-10667 Aerial shots of D.J.M. anchored in small bay south of Kasaan Island in Kasaan Bay. Note log raft and skiffs coming in to D.J.M. at end of day. (AKCR)
10668 Noted Program Officer Norm Gunderson panning stream sediments somewhere south of Kasaan Bay(?). (AKCR)
10669-10670 D.J.M. somewhere in Craig quadrangle. (AKCR)
10671-10674 Shots of Norm Gunderson and Ralph Erickson collecting stream sediment samples in vicinity of Dora Bay. Lots of salmon in the creeks, here at low tide. (AKCR)
10676 Undescribed
10679-10681 Aerial shot probably taken from a helicopter looking approx. south along Tongass Narrows toward Ketchikan. (AKKN)
10683 Myself and A.T. Ovenshine on road south of Silver Plume looking down at the town and up to my thesis area.
10684 Maxwell House, Georgetown, Colorado. (Doug Fridrich photo).
10685-10686 Undescribed
10687 Ollie Herold, the OMR and ‘my(?)’ secretary during my tour at the National Center in Reston.
10688-10705 Series of shots around the OMR office in the National Center: Beverly in the CG’s office; ? ; Nancy ?, one of the OMR secretaries; Helen Beikman, ?, one of the OMR secretaries; A.T.O.; A.T.O. and Pratt; Ralph Erickson; A.T.O.; Gus Goudarzi; ? ; Doug Fridrich; Skip Cunningham and secretary; Doug Fridrich; me; Jeff Wynn; Doug Fridrich. Late 1983 probably just prior to departure.
10706-10708 Series of very dark slides to document the electric company contractor knocking down our fence on Huffman Road. Ended up doing nothing but fixing it myself.
10784-10785 Walking around town taking pictures of buildings; modern commercial buildings to old (poorly insulated) houses.
10787-10788 Taken out the back windows of Gould Hall at the steelwork of the new Survey building being erected.
10789 Looking out my office window in Gould Hall at Chugach Range and balloon being filled up beside Tudor Road.
10792-10793 Views out from the top of the Trade Center in Baltimore Inner Harbor over the National Aquarium, various museum vessels, and Baltimore Harbor.
10794-10795 Particularly photogenic gneiss facings on sidewalk structures around the FBI building in Washington, D.C.
10796-10797 Several aerial obliques of Anchorage taken from an airliner circling about the city prior to landing. (AKAN)
10798 Looking east along the Denali Fault someplace on a flight between Anchorage and Fairbanks. (AKHE)
10812 Can identify Cathrall, Antweiler, and Dick Trip; stopped along the road somewhere looking at the geology. (AKLG)
10813-10814 I believe this is the Scrafford Mine south of Vault Creek. Then being actively explored under the impetus of high antimony prices. (AKLG)
10815 Jack Antweiler and Elwin Moiser at piece of old mining machinery on creek just above Berry Camp on Eagle Creek. (AKCI)
10816-10824 Various on Eagle Creek. Several of the buildings at Berry Camp including one with Jack Antweiler and Earl Beistline. The then active mining operation run by Doug Colp below Berry Camp. (AKCI)
10825-10826 Old building in the middle of the tailings near Miller House. (AKCI)
10827 Old tank car being used as a fuel storage facility at a placer camp on upper North Fork of Harrison Creek. (AKCI)
10828 Portable pump at placer camp on upper North Fork of Harrison Creek. (AKCI)
10829-10835 Placer operation just below where the North Fork and South Fork of Harrison Creek join. Nice shots of sluice boxes and wing dam. (AKCI)
10836-10837 Particularly photogenic old cabin at Manley just back of the old roadhouse. (AKTN)
10838-10839 Old store and roadhouse (where we stayed) in Manley. (AKTN)
10840-10841 Non-floating washing plant and sluicing operation near Woodchopper(?) (AKTN)
10842-10843 Old dragline and cabin near Tofty. (AKTN)
10844-10845 Cathrall and Antweiler panning near Tofty. Old Grumman amphibian at airstrip at Manley. (AKTN)
10846-10847 Non-floating washing plant and sluicing operation near Woodchopper. (AKTN)
10848-10857 Believe these are all of the placer operation on American Creek. Note dredge in 10,855 and 10,856. (AKTN)
10858-10868 Believe this is the placer operation we visited on lower Boulder Creek. Nice shots of washing plant. (AKTN)
10869-10878 I believe most of these are in the Eureka area including several up Pioneer Creek and various shots of the high-level bench placers. (AKTN)
10879-10880 Picturesque old building at the placer operation at Woodchopper. Railroad tank car being used as a fuel storage facility at airstrip near Woodchopper. (AKTN)
10881-10882 Elwin Mosier, John Cathrall, and Larry Luetke somewhere in Tofty area. (AKTN)
10883-10889 More shots of the placer operation on lower Boulder Creek shown in 10,858 to 10,868. Nice shots of gravel in cuts. (AKTN)
10891 John Cathrall on elongate boulder piles sorted from high-level bench placers near Eureka. (AKTN)
10892 Rick Swenson and partner at their placer operation on a tributary of Pioneer Creek near Eureka. (AKTN)
10893 Undescribed
10894 Ryan Air twin that we took to McGrath on way to Flat. (AKAN)
10895 Ex-Navy Liberator at McGrath airfield. Then being used for forest fire work. (AKMG)
10896-10897 Aerial views of what I believe is the dredge on Candle Creek near McGrath. (AKMG)
10898 A little uncertain but this aerial may well be looking down on all that remains of the site of Iditarod. (AKID)
10899-10900 Aerial view looking over Flat up Otter Creek. (AKID)
10901 Aerial shot down on the old dredge near Discovery on Otter Creek. (AKID)
10902-10903 Looking down from air on John Miscovich’s placer operation in 1984 and his camp. (AKID)
10904 Aerial shot down on the old dredge near Discovery on Otter Creek. (AKID)
10905-10907 Beautiful downtown Flat from the air; John Miscovich’s camp, and John’s placer operation–all from the air. (AKID)
10908 Aerial view of the old dredge near Discovery on Otter Creek. (AKID)
10909-10911 Aerial view down on the Golden Horn mine and vicinity; bunk house there, and machinery at the Golden Horn mill. (AKID)
10913-10919 Ground views of the old dredge near Discovery on Otter Creek. Last operated by John Miscovich in 50’s (?).(AKID)
10920-10924 Various ground shots of John Miscovich’s mine and washing plant in operation. (AKID)
10926-10927 Clean-up at John Miscovich’s mine. John in both pictures and his children in the first. (AKID)
10928-10929 Not as good a pictures as I would like but this is John Miscovich hosing gravel into a hydraulic elevator as a demonstration of a historic old piece of equipment. (AKID)
10930-10932 Various old buildings in downtown Flat. Some kind of old bucket elevator lying on the tailings in Flat. (AKID)
10933-10964 Great series of pictures, both from outside and inside (with flash) of dredge just downstream from Flat. (AKID)
10965-10967 Old vertical boiler on tailings near John Miscovich’s camp. (AKID)
10968-10973 Marti Miller, John Miscovich and his family, and myself at one of John’s clean-ups. (AKID)
10974-10976 Various buildings at Flat including the old Army Radio Station building (where Marti based her camp the following year. (AKID)
10977 Waiting for the plane in Flat. Can identify Marti Miller, Tom Bundtzen, and three-wheeler. (AKID)
10978-10982 BLM Argosy which delivered Marti’s fuel and is here taking her horses on board for the flight back to Anchorage. (AKID)
10983-10984 Day Marti and I took the three-wheelers to the old site of Iditarod. Can just see the top of one of the old buildings in the distance. (AKID)
10985 Old vertical boiler on tailings near John Miscovich’s camp. Sheet metal torn off and vertical water pipes exposed. (AKID)
10986 Horses getting on BLM Argosy for flight back to Anchorage. (AKID)
10987-10989 Shots around John Miscovich’s camp including three-wheelers and old shovel. (AKID)
10990-10993 Ex-military ‘Liberator’ (actually a Navy PB4Y-2 Privateer) and C119 Flying Boxcar then stationed at McGrath for firefighting (which was very slow at the moment). (AKMG)
10994-10999 Various houses, planes and local color in McGrath (taken while waiting for a plane). (AKMG)
11000 Looking East up O’Malley Road just east of Seward Highway. (AKAN)
11001 New Sohio Building under construction in Anchorage. (AKAN)
11002-11003 Winter at the Port of Anchorage. (AKAN)
11010 On D.J.M. in Craig Quadrangle, Summer 1984. Can identify Jeff Wynn, Nora Shew, Skipp Cunningham, and Steve McDanal. (AKCR)
11011 Undescribed
11012-11014 Aerial shots of Klawock and vicinity, Prince of Wales Island. (AKCR)
11015 Skipp Cunningham, ‘Frosty’ Frothingham, Jeff Wynn, and Ed Maghaeles here bring skiff aside D.J.M. (AKCR)
11016 Aerial shot down on Craig; looking approximately northwest. (AKCR)
11017 Certainly Craig quadrangle but exact location escapes me. (AKCR)
11018-11019 Not sure but this may be the logging camp at the northwest end of Long Island. Views looking northwest. (AKDE)
11020-11021 Can’t begin to remember where these are but certainly Craig quadrangle. (AKCR)
11022-11023 Near Cape Addington on Noyes Island, Craig quadrangle. Contact of felsic pluton with low-grade metamorphic rocks. Sparse mineralization at contact zone. (AKCR)
11024-11030 Nora Shew and I on prominent peak just to the Southwest of the head of Steamboat Bay on Noyes Island. Several large packing boats then in Steamboat Bay. (AKCR)
11031-11032 Aerial views of Craig looking southeast toward Trocadero Bay. (AKCR)
11033 Clear Cut near Craig with spar pole in place. (AKCR)
11034-11035 Hughes 500D with Ralph Yetka reading on the skid. (AKCR)
11036-11037 George Gehrels and Ralph Yetka among the logs on a beach somewhere. Ralph fixing the door of his helicopter. (AKCR)
11039 D.J.M. anchored somewhere on a sunny day. (AKCR)
11040 Skip Cunningham putting his raingear back in his pack. (AKCR)
11041 No idea where this is but decent shot of typical Price of Wales Island(?) on a somewhat overcast day. (AKCR)
11042-11043 Not sure where this is but apparently skiffing along the beach with the D.J.M. anchored offshore. (AKCR)
11044-11050 Skipp Cunningham and I visiting the mill of the Salt Chuck mine. Several shots of the machinery in the mill. (AKCR)
11051 Not at all sure where this is but good shot of the water and trees of Prince of Wales Island on a low-overcast day. (AKCR)
11052-11054 Nice shots of the stern of the D.J.M. one sunny day. (AKCR)
11055-11059 Large fishing vessels and cannery in Steamboat Bay on Noyes Island. As I recall, was skiffing alone around Noyes Island that day. (AKCR)
11060-11061 Lunch stop on carbonates on west side of St. Nicolas Channel on Noyes Island. (AKCR)
11062-11065 Houses and main street of Hydaburg just after the cannery burnt down. (AKCR)
11066 Unknown locality.
11068-11069 Not sure exactly but probably west (ocean) side of Dall Island showing the waves breaking against the shore. (AKDE?)
11070-11071 Nora Shew fooling around with the gas line of the outboard on a skiff; Steve McDanal watching. (AKCR)
11072-11075 More shots of cannery and fishing vessels in Steamboat Bay, Noyes Island. (AKCR)
11076-11089 The D.J.M. at the dock in Craig and various scenes around Craig Harbor including the old L.M.& L. office and the boiler out on the dock. (AKCR)
11090 Tyee Beaver at the float plane dock in Craig. (AKCR)
11091-11096 Waves breaking on the outer coast of Dall Island and stop on small felsic pluton on island just off Gooseneck Point. (AKCR
11097-11098 Vicinity creek coming into the head of McLeod Bay on southern Dall Island. Note bear in 11,098 that pounced on a salmon in the shallows while I was eating lunch. (ALDE)
11099 D.J.M. anchored somewhere. (AKDE)
11100-11103 Nora Shew and I stream sediment sampling in the creek at the head of Pond Bay. Note bear in 11,100 and the many salmon in the other pictures. (AKDE)
11104-11105 Remains of the cannery in Rose Inlet on southern Dall Island. (AKDE)
11106-11107 Fairly nice outcrop of metamorphic rocks(??) in the rain and fog. Note Nora Shew for scale. (AKDE?)
11108  Undescribed
11109-11113 Aerial obliques of Craig at various angles. (AKCR)
11114 Aerial oblique of Klawock. (AKCR)
11115-11117 D.J.M. underway (I believe) through Karheen Passage. (AKCR)
11119 Nora Shew fooling with the outboard on a skiff. (AKCR)
11120 John Cathrall in his raingear getting into a Hughes 500D. (AKCR)
11121 Outboards on the D.J.M. (AKCR)
11122 Undescribed
11124 Aerial oblique looking east at Peninsula Point north of Ketchikan. (AKKN)
11125 Looking down on the main terminal area of the Ketchikan airport. (AKKN)
11126 Near-vertical shot down on the D.J.M. underway. (AKCR?)
11128-11130 Series of a barge being pulled by a tug out in the middle of Clarence Strait. (AKKN)
11131-11137 Visit to Ralph Yetka’a friend, Stan Oaksmith who ran a floating resort in Clover Bay on Prince of Wales Island. (AKCR)
11138 Uncertain location probably on Prince of Wales Island. More typical than recognizable. (AKCR?)
11139 Aerial shot down on Craig. (AKCR)
11140 John Cathrall in skiff of D.J.M. (AKCR)
11141-11144 George Gehrels and Nora Shew sampling in felsic pluton on Stripe Mountain on southern Dall Island. (AKDE)
11145-11146 Uncertain but probably southern Prince of Wales Island or Dall Island.
11147 Floating houses in Craig. (AKCR)
11148-11153 Various shots of springs with brilliant orange deposits around them along Soda Creek at the head of Soda Bay. Note Doug Fridrich for scale. (AKCR)
11154 Aerial oblique of the Waterfall Restort one foggy day. (AKCR)
11155-11156 Nora Shew and Greg Dubois at the Green Monster Mine near Green Monster Mountain. (AKCR)
11158 One of the portals of the Khayam Mine north of Barren Mountain. View looking south; much massive pyrite on dump. (AKCR)
11159-11161 Floating logging camp in the small inlet near the old town of Dolomi at the head of Port Johnson. (AKCR)
11162 Typical muskeg pond on Prince of Wales Island. (AKCR)
11164 Old steam powered tugger, winch which is high on the hillside between Gould Island and Mt. Jumbo. (AKCR)
11165-11167 Aerial obliques of Craig. (AKCR)
11168 Floating house in Craig. (AKCR)
11169-11178 Doug Fridrich’s first attempt to fish–which resulted in an approx. 80 lb. halibut. Among the interested onlookers can identify Ralph Yetka, Shew, DuBois, McDanal. One of the West arms of Moira Sound. (AKCR)
11179-11180 Pulling a shrimp pot on Moira Sound. (AKDE)
11181 D.J.M. anchored somewhere near Niblack Anchorage. (AKCR)
11182-11184 Nora Shew, Ralph Yetka, and mechanic cleaning shrimp on the stern of the D.J.M. (AKCD)
11185-11187 D.J.M. anchored at some unknown spot on an overcast day. (AKCR)
11188-11194 Series of aerial obliques on the west side of Prince of Wales Island approx. opposite Ketchikan of various seine boats with their nets out and being pulled. (AKCR)
11195 Hughes 500D at gold prospect on the west side of Helm Bay. Near what is labeled the Bert Lide mine but probably not exactly at that location; current work. (AKCR)
11196-11198 The mill on the shore of Helm Bay of the Gold Standard Mine. Very picturesque old stamp mill just above the high tide line. (AKCR) Picture of stamp mill used in issue of Alaska Geographic.
11199 The area around the old fishing-station building in Craig one very foggy day. (AKCR)
11200-11203 Various aerial obliques of the dock area of Ketchikan. (AKKN)
11204 D.J.M. at the city dock in Ketchikan near Tongass Hardware. (AKKN)
11205 Not dead sure but probably floating house north of Ketchikan along coast road. (AKKN)
11206-11207 Location unknown but somehow I think these are views across Tongass Narrows from Ketchikan. (AKKN)
11208-11210 D.J.M. at the dock in Ketchikan and in the process of departing from Ketchikan for the last time under the U.S.G.S. flag. Very sad. (AKKN)
11221-11224 Shots of Zeiss Universal microscope setup for reflected light and with Zeiss photometer attached. Lab in basement of Gould Hall, Anchorage.
11227-11229 High oblique shots down on Denver and the Golden area, Colorado from a commercial airliner; one winter day with much snow on the ground.
11230-11231 More oblique shots from commercial airliner. Looking north and down at Idaho Springs and Silver Plume, Colorado.
11257 My old house on Deadend Alley; lived there for 2-3 years during my last days as a student at UAF. At that time, no water or john! (AKFB)
11258-11259 House about half way around Farmers Loop Road in Fair-banks. The classic example of the problems of building on permafrost. While taking these pictures, the owner came home and noted he had some problems. (AKFB)
11260-11261 Old USSR&M dredge at Chatanika. (AKLG)
11262 Not sure where this is but excellent example of a braided river.
11263 Not sure where this is in detail but clearly agricultural development on the west side of Cook Inlet. Note Anchorage in the far distance. (AKAN)
11264-11267 Old restored rail(auto)car from the Chitna-McCarthy run as then at the Palmer Fairground. (AKAN)
11268-11270 Old Bristol Bay boat at the Transportation Museum in Palmer; railbus and, old combine.
11271-11272 D.A. Brew’s crew offloading the D.J.M. prior to giving it to the Craig project. (AKJU)
11273-11282 Coming into and various scenes in Petersburg on our way to Ketchikan. Several shots of the fishing boats in the harbor area including a small CG cutter based there. (AKPE)
11283-11285 D.J.M. at the city float in downtown Ketchikan. (AKKN)
11286 View in the Bokan Mountain mine, i.e. the Ross-Adams mine with Marti Miller. (AKDE)
11287-11288 The D.J.M. anchored somewhere on southern Prince of Wales Island. (AKDE)
11294-11295 D.J.M. anchored somewhere, probably in Niblack Anchorage. (AKCR)
11298 Field trip with Lac Minerals and Noranda geologists to their prospects on the ridge south of Niblack Anchorage. Can identify Bill Block (Noranda) in the photo. (AKCR)
11299-11300 From ridge south of Niblack Anchorage to east and south. Note D.J.M. anchored in several of the shots.
11302-11303 The D.J.M. anchored somewhere, perhaps still Niblack. (AKCR)
11304 Undescribed
11305 This not particularly impressive prospect is the Green Monster Mine of museum-quality epidote fame. Marti Miller and I picked about a while but specimens on dump were not as good as previous year. (AKCR)
11306-11307 Aerial shots down on the D.J.M., probably still anchored in Niblack Anchorage but? (AKCR)
11310 Jeff Wynn and Nora Shew about to go out skiffing in the rain. (AKCR)
11311-11312 Uncertain but probably one of the quartz-vein exposures in the vicinity of the Dawson Mine, hear Hollis. (AKCR)
11313-11316 Jeff Wynn taking gravity stations on Kasaan Peninsula. Al Jones was the pilot for a few days on charter basis. Note the tie on Jeff; probably the only one ever to see the Kasaan Peninsula! (AKCR)
11317-11319 Series of shots of the quartz vein at the Dawson Mine. Had just been exposed that summer in a series of Cat trenches. (AKCR)
11320 Floating logging camp at some now unremembered location. (AKCR)
11321 Obviously the bow of the D.J.M. underway. (AKCR)
11322-11329 The D.J.M. tied to the dock in Ketchikan. Can identify Marti Miller, Ed Maghaeles, and Byron Richards, the skipper that summer. (AKKN)
11330-11331 John Cathrall sitting on the stern of the D.J.M. (AKKN)
11332-11335 Fixed-wing flight into Ketchikan. Typical scenery and aerial shots of Ketchikan. (AKKN)
11336 Tyee Otter and Beaver tied up at the Tyee dock in Ketchikan. (AKKN)
11337-11339 Floating houses (at low tide) north of Ketchikan along road. (AKKN)
11340 Aerial shots down on Peninsula Point north of Ketchikan and Scow Bay and the lumber mill there. (AKKN)
11341-11344 Aerial shots from window of airliner down on Anchorage and vicinity. (AKAN)
11345-11357 Locations uncertain but scattered from Anchorage to Juneau as seen from window of airliner. Icy Bay and Malaspina Glacier certainly. (AKvarious)
11358-11359 View to the east over the Mendenhall Flats, the Juneau airport, and Mendenhall Glacier from air. (AKJN)
11360 ? walking away from a Hughes 500 on the helicopter deck of the D.J.M. (AKJN)
11361-11364 No idea where these were taken but Prince of Wales Island I assume.
11365 D.J.M. anchored at some now forgotten location.
11366 Nora Shew walking away from Hughes 500D with helicopter helmet on.
11367-11369 John Cathrall, Steve McDanal, and Charlie Rubin going off skiffing. (AKKN?)
11370-11371 D.J.M. must have been anchored just off Peninsula Point because here is the skiff going over there. Also view toward lumber mill in Scow Bay. (AKKN)
11372 Marsha Green and Charlie Rubin on the helicopter deck of the D.J.M.
11373-11375 D.J.M. anchored somewhere.
11376 Note a very good picture but looks like one of the copper-iron mines on the Kasaan Peninsula from the air. (AKCR)
11377-11379 Ed Maghaeles and John Cathrall on the bow of the D.J.M. in Ketchikan. (AKKN)
11380-11387 The D.J.M. leaving the dock in Ketchikan, probably for the last time for the U.S.G.S. (AKKN)
11388-11393 Buildings at Silver Plume, Colorado including KP Hall, George Rowe’s old house, and railroad museum.
11394 Aerial view down on Potters March and south Anchorage from commercial flight coming into Anchorage. (AKAN)
11395-11396 Glenn Allcott and Bill Cannon at viewpoint over the Copper River between Copper Center and Chitna. (AKVA)
11397-11400 Old boxcar/work car and buildings at Chitna, Alaska (AKVA)
11401-11403 Aerial views from commercial flight of San Francisco and Oakland, California.
11404 (I think) an unusual housing development just outside Reno, Nevada.
11405-11407 Field trip and cluster meeting at Lake Tahoe in late 1985.
11408-11422 Commercial flight, probably from Seattle to Anchorage: Kayak Island, 20 Mile River and head of Turnagain Arm, and many obliques of Anchorage including the airport. (AKCV, AKAN, AKSR)
11423-11424 Unknown, probably Alaska on commercial flight.
11425-11428 D.J.M. getting underway at Ketchikan. (AKKN)
11429 John Cathrall, Steve McDanal, and Al _________, Temsco pilot on the helicopter deck of the D.J.M.
11430-11433 Nora Shew, Jeff Wynn, and _________, master of the D.J.M. that summer ready to go skiffing.
11434 D.J.M. getting underway at Ketchikan. (AKKN)
11435 D.J.M. at the dock in Ballard, Washington.
11436 Placer mine on Eagle Creek near Twelve Mile Summit. Being run by Doug Colp then. (AKCI)
11437 Aerial shot taken looking approximately north over the east side of the head of Knik Arm toward the Knik River and the Chugach Range. (AKAN)
11438-11440 Audi Air, DC-3 which the Branch Chiefs flew on from Fairbanks to Prudhoe Bay during the summer of 1986.
11441-11442 Doug Fridrich taking picture of the plaque on Leffingwell’s cabin on Flaxman Island. (AKFI)
11443 Era Huey we used for transportation on the Arctic Coast during the Branch Chiefs meeting. Here on Marsh Creek. (AKML)
11444-11447 Aerial shots from March Creek to Barter Island/Kaktovik where we had lunch of C-rations. Nice shots of braided stream, polygonal ground, and Barter Island/Kaktovik. (AKML, AKBA)
11448 Audi Air DC-3 just about to take off at the Barter Island airfield with the Dewline site in the background. (AKBA)
11449 Undescribed
11450 KP Hall in Silver Plume, Colorado.
11451-11453 Colorado & Southern #1106 caboose at Silver Plume, Colorado.
11464 Particularly nice old stamp mill at one of the commercial museums in Virginia City, Nevada.
11465 Restored house in Virginia City, Nevada with an unusually nice, modern addition on the side.
11466-11469 Several views looking west toward Virginia City, Nevada. Hiked over here for an attempt at a nice panorama but lighting from wrong direction.
11470 Fault offsetting quartz vein and black shale at the Dawson Mine near Hollis. Cut just opened that year; just north of road to Craig. (AKCR)
11471 Hughes 500D parked outside the collapsed mill of the Salt Chuck Mine. (AKCR)
11472-11477 Pits of the Stevenstown Mine on the Kasaan Peninsula. Nice exposures of Copper-iron mineralization. (AKCR)
11478-11484 Branch Chief’s meeting to San Carlos Reservation, Arizona. Participants; nice speroidal-weathering diorite in roadcut; Doug Fridrich.
11485-11486 Aerial shot of Juneau looking south along Gastineau Channel. And very nice view of braided river, probably in southeastern Alaska. (AKJN)
11487 Undescribed
11497-11502 Joint USGS/USBOM meeting in South Carolina, Fall 1986. This sequence is of the Haile (?) gold mine in South Carolina. Among the many participants are Larry Drew, taking notes in several of the pictures.
11503-11506 Lunch and trip to a kyanite(?) prospect, somewhere in South Carolina. Among the prominent are Allcott, Enzer, Frischnecht, McKee, Drew, Blasko, Berger, Winkler, DeYoung, Marcus, Jansens.
11507-11510 Visit to a muddy pyrophyllite mine in South Carolina.
11511-11518 Group picture of the joint USGS/USBOM group.
11522-11527 KP Hall, #1006 Caboose, several other buildings, and old schoolhouse in Silver Plume, Colorado.
11528-11531 View down toward Silver Plume, Colorado; portal of the Burleight Tunnel; exposure of folded gneiss near the Burleigh Tunnel; and main street of town.
11539-11540 Sights in or near Tokyo from the seat of a chartered bus from Tsukuba to Tokyo and Mt. Fuji area.
11541 ‘Jimmy’ Kurasawa, Teiko Hiromata, Ben Morgan, the CG, and George Gryc somewhere on our field trip.
11542 Teiko and ‘Jimmy’ taking our pictures at the end of the road at Mt. Fuji.
11543 Bus chartered by the Geological Survey of Japan for our field trip.
11544-11545 Recent basalt exposure in quarry near Mt. Fuji. Red soils and altered fracture zones in basalt are result of late degassing.
11546-11549 Views from and about the Fuji View Hotel; clearly a class act. Note Morgan and Greenwood for scale.
11550 Buddhist shrine near the Fuji View Hotel. As it turned out Grenwood and Eitrem got to ring the evening bell.
11551-11553 Fuji View Hotel and our chartered bus. Note the ‘Morgan Party’ poster on front!
11534-11555 Nice exposure of recent pyroclastics from the Mt. Fuji complex. Note Fuji in distance.
11556 Distant view of Mt. Fuji with afternoon clouds just beginning to build up at the summit.
11557-11560 Active hot spring with geothermal energy plant near Hakone.
11561 Aeroflot jet at Nagita, Japan waiting to take us to Khabarovsk.
11562 View out my window of the Intourist hotel in Khabarovsk the morning after I arrived. Woke to the Russian national anthem and watched a platoon of soldiers start police call next door at the Sports Palace. [FERUS]
11563-11564 Front entrance of the Institute of Tectonics in Khaborovsk. Bill Greenwood, Lidia Dubas, our translator, Ben Morgan, _________, Steve Ettreim, and George Gryc–after a day of cordial discussions. [FERUS]
11565 Another view out my hotel window at the local Sports Palace and the Amur River in the distance. [FERUS]
11566-11576 A cruise on the Amur River. Lydia, Oleg Chudaev, Gryc, and Ettreim in 11,567. Note airfoils and swimmers on beach; also numerous pleasure boats. [FERUS]
11577 Old buildings in front of the Intourist Hotel in Khabarovsk. [FERUS]
11578 Monument in the center of Khaborovsk to the heroes of the Revolution (in the Far East I think). [FERUS]
11579-11580 The main street in Khabarovsk–in this case, Karl Marx Avenue! [FERUS]
11581-11586 Aprx. center of Khabarovsk near the City Hall. Note wedding parties having pictures taken. The red-brick is a pre-revolutionary hospital. Note Lenin, Oleg Chudaev, Gryc, Lydia, Ettreim, and __________. [FERUS]
11587 Now in Yuzno-Sakalinsk because this wonderful series of flats was nicely framed in one of the back windows of our hotel. This is ‘modern’ construction and relatively well done compared to some I saw. [FERUS]
11588-11589 The Hotel in Yuzno-Sakalinsk we stayed at and the view from the entrance down the street. [FERUS]
11590 Institute of Marine Geology and Geophysics in Yuzno-Sakalinsk. Look closely at the construction! [FERUS]
11591-11592 First stop on our field trip west of Yuzno-Sakalinsk; in Cretaceous sediments. Gryc, Oleg, and Lydia in 11,591; also our Party\KGB watchdog in the dark suit back of Oleg. . [FERUS]
11593 Helios Gribidenko, Gryc, and Oleg Chudaev leading a parade of taxi cabs at one of our stops. [FERUS]
11594 A young pioneer camp we saw during our field trip west of Yuzno-Sakalinsk. Seemed to be a nicely kept up place (relatively) and the kids seemed to be having a good time. [FERUS]
11595 Undescribed
11596-11597 Getting ready to mount up in our fleet of taxi cabs in front of the Sakhalin Hotel for another field trip. [FERUS]
11598 Front of the local Communist Party hall in Yuzno-Sakalinsk where we held our meetings and the symposium we were nominally attending. [FERUS]
11599 Mounting up for another field trip in front of the hotel. [FERUS]
11600 East of Yuzno-Sakalinsk on field trip; here at a briefing meeting on the geology. [FERUS]
11602-11603 Another translator from the Marine Science Institute (?) and Lydia Dovbas, our translator from Vladivostok. And Ben Morgan in the second picture. [FERUS]
11604-11606 Finally stopped at a small river for the afternoon after doing at best minor geology. Basically a social affair and freedom for the taxi drivers to go fishing–with sardine-sized success. [FERUS]
11607 Relaxing on the river bank. Oleg Chudaev, Lydia Doubas, Bill Greenwood, Ben Morgan, and of all people, Jurgen Kienle! [FERUS]
11609-11610 Pictures of my hotel room in Yuzno-Sakalinsk. Note the modern plumbing–the sink was instantly detachable–and the TV set. Also the flowers which Acad. Radkevich presented us on arrival. [FERUS]
11611-11613 Walking from the CP hall to the hotel one afternoon taking pictures of buildings. 11,611 was actually a pretty nice department store where they took us shopping. [FERUS]
11614-11616 Almost certainly pre-revolutionary wooden houses near the hotel. Not sure ‘they’ would have liked me taking pictures of them but the woodwork was quite charming. [FERUS]
11617 A ‘modern’ series of flats near the wooden buildings in the previous pictures. Note the great improvement in the style and workmanship! [FERUS]
11618-11619 Side view of the Sakhalin Hotel and a line waiting next to it, apparently turning in bottles for ? [FERUS]
11620 Various shots of Yuzno-Sakalinsk and the people involved. [FERUS]
11621-11622 Undescribed
11623-11625 View from the flat of one of the senior scientists in the Institute of Marine Science out toward the courtyard and adjacent series of flats. This is probably typical if not better of Soviet housing! [FERUS]
11626 The ubiquitous status of Lenin in the center of Yuzno-Sakalinsk. [FERUS] [FERUS]
11627 Another view of the main street of Khabarovsk the day before we left for Japan and the U.S. [FERUS]
11628-11635 The D.J.M. at its dock adjacent to the Seiners Association building in Ballard. This was its winter home for many years.
11645-11648 Waiting for the weather to lift so we can fly back to Brooks Camp for our visit to the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes. Not much to do but take pictures of the planes there.
11649 Aerial shot down on Novarupta probably toward the southwest. (AKMK)
11650 Wes Hildreth expounding to Dallas Peck on Novarupta while Tom Miller and Bob Christensen look on. (AKMK)
11651-11652 Several more views of Novarupta while on traverse toward it. (AKMK)
11653 Hildreth, Peck, Miller, and Christensen at lunch on the side of Novarupta (out of the unending wind). (AKMK)
11654 Layering in the Novarupta plug. (AKMK).
11655-11656 Ground views showing the moat and paraphet around the Novarupta plug. (AKMK)
11657 View toward Baked Mountain from Novarupta. Note helicopter for scale. (AKMK)
11658-11659 At the head of Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes. (AKMK)
11660 Internal structure of the recent rocks at the head of the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes. Here at the head of Lethe Creek near damned lake below glacier. (AKMK)
11661 Aerial shot down on incised stream in about the middle of the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes. (AKMK)
11662-11663 Stratigraphy in the ash at the terminus of the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes near Three Forks. (AKMK)
11664 Dallas Peck looking at stratigraphy in recent ash layer at the top of the volcanic sequence near Three Forks.
11665-11666 Patagonia Mine (I think) in Arizona while on field trip in connection with the OMR Branch Chiefs meeting. (Left prematurely for Ketchikan because of the Yetka-Frischnecht accident.)
11667 Shot taken while waiting at the Ketchikan airport for a plane back to Anchorage after Ralph Yetka’s funeral. (AKKN)
11668-11669 Panorama of the lumber mill at Scow Bay near Ketchikan. (AKKN)
11670-11673 Scenes of the old mission and adjacent buildings in Taos, New Mexico during a Cluster meeting.
11674 Architecture of our motel in Taos, New Mexico.
11675 Undescribed
11676-11679 Recent faulting in sediments associated with the Rio Grande rift south of Taos, New Mexico (as interpreted by Bill Muehlenberger). Field trip during Cluster meeting lead by Carol Ann Hodges–her last I think.
11689-11690 A rainy day in Ketchikan; boats at one of the docks and view of the town. (AKKC)
11697-11700 Aerial shots in the Southwest: alluvial fans, playas, and an aerial of Lake Mead and Hoover Dam.
11701-11705 Various shots at Jerome, Arizona. Views of the United Verde Extension and several nice shots of the stamp mill at the museum there.
11706-11712 Silver Plume, Colorado: vicinity Mendota Tunnel; portal of the Burleigh Tunnel; old Schoolhouse; Buckley’s store, and a house near the store.
11713-11727 Leadville, Colorado: various buildings; panorama at SE edge of town; view up Iowa Gulch at carbonate section; several old mines in upper Iowa Gulch; and view west along Iowa Gulch.
11728-11731 Silver Plume, Colorado: Shop at Railroad museum; view of Terrible vein above Smuggler Mine; view down on Johnny Bull; and vein exposed in highway cut below the Smuggler Mine.
11732-11734 Trip to Taos, New Mexico: old mill at Cimarron; Mexican-style motel at Taos where we stayed.
11745-11751 Great aerial shots on flight going west from Denver: Dakota hogbacks, Central City area, Georgetown valley, and Henderson mill.
11752-11755 Nice aerial shots on flight north from San Francisco: San Francisco; north Oakland(?); and mines (?) near Redding.
11756-11758 Trip with Ellen in Spring of 1988: Buildings at Port Gamble.
11759-11765 Trip to Washington with Ellen in Spring of 1988: various buildings at Port Townsend
11766-11772 Trip to Washington with Ellen in Spring of 1988: various buildings at Victoria, B.C.; Coast Guard cutter and planter at Port Angeles.
11773-11783 Trip with Tom Light and Alexander Peyve to Eklutna ultramafic body: helicopter with Alex; nice aerial shots of Anchorage–especially APU area; shots up Knik River; and lunch (which soon turned to rain) (AKAN)
11784-11786 Temsco Beavers at Ketchikan dock; aerial view north along Tongass Narrows from over airport. (ALKC)
11787-11791 Aerial shots on flight to Kendrick Bay: nice shots up Niblack Anchorage and several nice shots of the mine area of Bokan Mountain. (AKCR, AKDE)
11792-11793 Beaver leading the float at Kendrick Bay; Jim Calzia on the road up to the mine. (AKDE)
11794-11800 Various shots of the I & E vein system (with REE-bearing dikes) (AKDE)
11801-11815 Several locations on hike up to saddle NE of the mine: nice panoramas of mine, I&E-vein-system area, and Bokan Mountain granite. (AKDE)
11818-11819 Ross-Adams pit; first vein looking east, the second looking west at the top of the raise. (AKDE)
11820-11821 Jim Calzia and the camp at Kendrick Bay. (AKDE)
11822-11826 Taken at or from several pits on the OK vein system; first just above beach; 823 at the pit there; and then several coming back down from the highest prospect in the pits. (AKDE)
11827-11828 Jim Calzia waiting on the float for the plane to take us back to Ketchikan. (AKDE)
11829-11836 Panorama of Brandilyn Circle (taken from the Survey Point in the middle of the Circle) taken in July 1988.
11838-11842 Nice aerial shots in Washington and British Columbia: Aerial of downtown Seattle; shot toward Mt. Rainier, Mt. Adams, and Mt. St. Helens; Victoria; and the spits at Sequim and Point Angeles.
11846-11847 Catching Aeroflot flight to Khabarovsk from Niigata, Japan; Eittreim, Greenwood, Patton, and Nokleberg.
11848 Pre-revolutionary building, now a library in the town square (with the monument to the heroes of the Revolution). [FERUS]
11849-11851 Scenes about Khabarovsk the first days: street scene; the USGS party outside a bookstore; and an unusual building that turned out to be a bar (after deciphering the sign). [FERUS]
11852-11853 Continuing our walk about Khabarovsk: the back of a rather grim looking apartment house and a street scene in the residential area. [FERUS]
11855-11856 Continuing our walk: The farmers market; another apartment building going up; and an old building next to the Intourist Hotel that was some kind of museum to a person whose name never seemed to come up. [FERUS]
11857-11869 Series of photographs of Khabarovsk from the top of the Intourist Hotel. Several panorama; shifts sides of hotel after 862 and again after 866. [FERUS]
11870-11876 Roaming around the Khabarovsk airport with Dimitry Napara. Front of the International Terminal; a farmers market nearby; and a thriving enterprise selling Shiskebab at the airport. [FERUS]
11876-11878 The Zeya Hotel in Blagoveshchensk where we stayed. First charming view is out my window; rest are the front of the hotel. [FERUS]
11879 The Political Education Hall in Blagoveshchensk where the meetings were held. (Looks almost the same as the one in Yuzno-Sakalin where the meeting was held last year!) [FERUS]
11880-11881 Scenes about Blagoveshchenck: review stand in in the center of town; waterfront looking across at China. [FERUS]
11882-11884 ‘Eternal Flame’ monument to the Great Patriotic War, near the hotel. Young Pioneers changing the guard. [FERUS]
11885 Almost certainly a pre-Revolutionary building next to the ‘Eternal Flame’ monument; now a hospital or some kind of medical facility. [FERUS]
11886 Renovation of an old building near the hotel. [FERUS]
11887 Again, out of my hotel room in Blagoveshchenck. [FERUS]
11888 The Russian equivalent of a jeep; common, this one belongs to the Institute in Blagoveshchenck. [FERUS]
11889-11892 Walking tour with Greenwood and Pavel Sychev about Blagoveshchenck: imposing old building near the hotel; children along the street (who now have BAG pins!); and the local party building. [FERUS]
11893-11897 Continue walking tour: apartment buildings in downtown Blagoveshchensk; street scene; a Churkin-family building (that an amazing number of Russians were also photographing) [FERUS]
11898 Very unusual, very well built, log shopping stalls across the street from the hotel. Part of the facade across there. [FERUS]
11899 Again, the ever changing dynamic view out my hotel room window. [FERUS]
11900 Old wooden house on one of our bus trips. [FERUS]
11901-11904 Visit to the dinosaur locality in Blagoveshchenck; actively being excavated by what looked like a group of teen-age urchins. Pretty low budget for sure but the Institute has grand building plans for this site. [FERUS]
11905-11906 Waren Nokleberg holding a Alaskan metallogenesis session in his room: 11,906 from left–Lida Kovbas, unknown, unknown, Nekrasov, Warren, Irene Budrina, and Sidorov from Magadan. [FERUS]
11907-11913 View from 10th floor of Zeya Hotel on open balcony on side of hotel. Nice shot of facade in front of industrial plant in front of the hotel. [FERUS]
11914-11916 View out of the window of Warren Nokleberg’s room on the 10th floor of the Zeya Hotel. China across the Amur River. [FERUS]
11917-11918 As 11,907 on, later in the day. View from balcony of the Zeya Hotel out across the town. [FERUS]
11919 Barge on the Amur, undoubtedly a dock for sightseeing boats. [FERUS]
11920 Party in front of the Zeya Hotel getting ready for our field trip after the symposium. [FERUS]
11921 On our way to the Blagoveshchensk airport; apartment house(?) with the ubiquitous 27th Party Congress billboard. [FERUS]
11922-11923 Chulman airport; the Yak 30 passenger jet that took us from Blagoveshchensk to Chulman. Temperature outside was just above freezing. [FERUS]
11924-11928 The town at the Neryungri mine (which actually may be called something else or at least is near the old site of Berkakit). This is the initial housing put up in the late 1970’s as the town was just being built. [FERUS]
11929 View toward the old open pit at Neryungri and the power plant–over a prominent steam pipe, one of the many which heat the whole town. [FERUS]
11930 Shot from the bus over the Neryungri industrial area toward the old open pit and the new power plant. [FERUS]
11931 Some of the very old housing near the power plant. The guide was very forceful in saying this all was being replaced and represented the earliest days of the Neryungri development. [FERUS]
11932 View from the bus over the industrial area toward the new apartment houses of the town (the shining castle on the hill). [FERUS]
11933-11940 The main pit of the Neryungri coal mine. Eighty meter seam of coking coal exposed in the bottom of the pit. Cretaceous rocks. Nice panorama of the whole pit. [FERUS]
11941-11943 Coal haulage truck and drill rig at our overlook of the mine. [FERUS]
11944 Maya Victoreva, and Allison Robinson picking flowers at the coal mine stop. [FERUS]
11945 Cameraman from Soviet TV, Maya Victoreva (simultaneous interpreter from Moscow), reporter from Soviet TV, and a journalist from one of the local papers who was with us for a while. [FERUS]
11946-11948 Several shots from the bus on the way back to the town; looking over the industrial area and the power plant at the town beyond. [FERUS]
11949-11951 Large Electra Haul (Canadian) trucks near what appears to be the main repair shops of the mine. [FERUS]
11952 Driving through town (briskly); several of the big apartment houses going up. [FERUS]
11953-11956 Taken during a stop at the museum building (954) in the older portion of town. Partly taken to show the wonders of Soviet workmanship. [FERUS]
11957 Taken at a stop at the Neryungri Sports Palace. The picture was taken specifically to show the atrocious workmanship in the concrete block construction (and the Sports Palace wasn’t much better inside!) [FERUS]
11958 Couple of young comrades at the Sports Palace. [FERUS]
11959-11960 Couple of scenes driving around Neryungri: older and newer concrete slab construction [FERUS]
11961 Our buses have come to pick us up at the siding in New Nagorni. [FERUS]
11962 Inside our sleeping cars: Lida and Valentina Marcusova down the aisle. [FERUS]
11963-11965 First days field trip in the Stannovoy Complex north of Nargorny. Unit, coal trains passing us most of the day on the ‘Little BAM’ [FERUS]
11966-11968 Party looking at outcrop of Archean gneiss; Michael, Valentina Marcusova, Dimitry Napara, and Arkady Ignatiev [FERUS]
11969 Coal trains waiting on the siding near the tunnel at ————–Pass, north of Nargornyy. [FERUS]
11970-11974 Old Nargornyy on the main road between Tynda and Yakutsk. Looking south. [FERUS]
11975-11979 Various scenes at our siding in Nargornyy: our cars: BAM gravel train passing by: Lida and Warren trading secrets at the station one evening; and looking toward New Nagornyy. (I liked old Nargornyy better!) [FERUS]
11980-11983 Scenes around the ‘Old’ Nagornyy. [FERUS]
11984 Gold placer near Lapri Station where we stopped for a morning. No one seemed to know any details. [FERUS]
11985 Lapri Station near the boundary between Amur Province and Yakutia. Train brought the rest of our party up. Monument was memorializing the completion of a major tie on the ‘Little BAM’. [FERUS]
11986-11988 Our translator ladies, Valentina Markusova and Lida Kovbas at the stop near Lapri Station; outcrop of metasediments in a cut near Lapri; coal train waiting at the siding at Lapri. [FERUS]
11989 Typical of the way telephone and power poles are held up in the permafrost of this part of the Soviet Union. [FERUS]
11990-11992 Coming into Tynda on the railroad: street scene at outskirts of town; view of Tynda across Tynda River; (poor) shot of the train station at Tynda (that got a Soviet architect a Lenin Prize for its seagull look). [FERUS]
11993-11995 Street scenes south of Tynda. Note contrast between the old and the new [FERUS]
11996 Concrete-slab yard near the railroad area in Tynda. Spare parts for existing buildings or staging area for new buildings going up? [FERUS]
11997-12004 Modern and not-so-modern apartment houses in downtown Tynda. Guide told us that these buildings were all manufactured in Moscow and shipped here. And streets in downtown Tynda are same names as Moscow streets. [FERUS]
12005-12006 Large Aeroflot helicopter slinging electrical wires from staging area at Belenkaya. [FERUS]
12007 Waiting for the engine to pick up our train at Belenkaya. [FERUS]
12008-12010 Map that Karsakov was using on our field trip; part of the BAM report. Note especially the Mongol-khotsk zone which he interprets as a subduction zone. [FERUS]
12011 The Railroad official and part of the kitchen staff peeling mushrooms. Belenkaya must be the mushroom capitol of the Far East. [FERUS]
12012-12014 Visit to a classic field camp on the Tynda River near Belenkaya that was being run by a charming, young geologist who went all out feeding us. The river was very, very cold–but most of those with suits went in! [FERUS]
12015-12016 Several villages from Bam on the Trans-Siberian toward the east. Quite picturesque, at least from a distance. [FERUS]
12017 Undescribed
12108-12019 Various groups of people in front of the hotel: in 12,018, Chinese, Chuoy, Dimitry, Maya, myself in shadow, Greenwood, Nokleberg, Ettreim; also Paul Robinson from Halifax, and Lida in others. [FERUS]
12020 Undescribed
12021-12025 Street scenes in Khabarovsk: typical row of flats; old building that turned out to be the headquarters for the Pacific Science Association; street scenes on Karl Marx Street. [FERUS]
12026-12027 The old library and the monument to the Revolution across from it, in downtown Khabarovsk. [FERUS]
12028-12031 More shots from the top of the Intourist Hotel one sunny afternoon. [FERUS]
12032-12034 Scenes at and around the train station at Khabarovsk, preparatory to leaving for Vladivostok. [FERUS]
12035-12037 On trip from Khabarovsk to Vladivostok: our obviously-electrified train; contrasts of old and new on the outskirts of Vladivostok. [FERUS]
12038-12042 Out of order: These scenes taken at a major rail center near where the BAM meets the Trans-Siberian; perhaps Magdagachi. Dimitri Napara in 12,041. [FERUS]
12043-12046 Scenes in the vicinity of the VIP hotel we stayed at in Vladivostok (because the rest of the town was out of hot water!). Also beach and official dacha near the hotel. [FERUS]
12047-12048 Apartments in Vladivostok [FERUS]
12049-12053 Trip to Marine Biology station: Institute boat on right with Lida; waterfront near departure point; driver and his two girls; Ivan Panchenko, Bill, and Lida; Allison and Louisa Robinson. [FERUS]
12054-12056 Far East Geological Institute: view out front window; and our departure from the front of the Institute. [FERUS]
12057-12068 View toward south over the port of Vladivostok; an amazing view of the port. Several panorama sequences here. [FERUS]
12069-12073 Another less spectacular viewpoint at a small park for the fishing fleet, at south end of port: party is Paul Robinson, Ivan Panchenko, his boy, Alex Khanchuk, Lida, Igor Kholodkevich, and Greenwood. [FERUS]
12074-12081 Views from Lenin Square at the center of downtown Vladivostok; one panorama here around about 180 degrees. Note prominent monument to the Heroes of the Revolution, who here triumphed on Oct 25, 1921. [FERUS]
12082-12085 More scenes about Lenin Square: old (?) port building; monument to the revolution in the Far East; street scene looking east; Vladivostok’s equivalent to the Aurora. [FERUS]
12086-12088 More scenes near Lenin Square: The Eternal Flame monument in Vladivostok with WWII submarine that came through the Northern sea passage; classic old houses with the ubiquitous pictures of the local party people front [FERUS]
12089-12091 More downtown Vladivostok: ?-style building next to 12,088; pre-revolutionary buildings on main street; the hotel we were supposed to stay at (if they had hot water) and somewhat older building next to it. [FERUS]
12092 On trip from Vladivostok to Khabarovsk by train; a typical field of dachas near town. [FERUS]
12093-12095 More shots at the Khabarovsk train station; the group of teen-agers are going off to school in the Fall. [FERUS]
12096-12098 More scenes from the top of the Intourist Hotel in Khabarovsk; attempts to get some artsy-craftsy shots with the setting sun. [FERUS]
12099-12102 Street scenes in Khabarovsk: gingerbread on old cabin near hotel; typical buildings on Karl Marx Street with their ubiquitous calls to action and pictures of Lenin (next to main Post Office). [FERUS]
12103 Undescribed
12104-12105 Jury Baculin giving us a short historical story of the Amur River and region from the pavilion on the white cliffs at Khabarovsk; Soviet Army platoon passing by underneath along the river. [FERUS]
12106-12107 Mushroom hunting with Jury Baculin, Tanya _______, and Bill Greenwood, south of Khabarovsk. (I think they’ve replaced religion with Lenin and mushrooms!) This is the main road south to Vladivostok. [FERUS]
12108-12111 Area of dachas near our mushroom hunting woods; Jury Baculin son-in-law’s dacha in 108 and 109. Sign says something about this group of dachas belonging to people from the Geological Institute. [FERUS]
12112-12113 Eternal Flame monument in Khabarovsk to World War II. This one with a staggering number of names of the dead from the Khabarovsk Krai. [FERUS]
12114 Arcadi Ignatiev, Jury Baculin, and Bill Greenwood signing our agreement at Khabarovsk. [FERUS]
12115-12116 Beautiful old house/ building near the ‘Revolution’ square in downtown Khabarovsk. [FERUS]
12117-12119 What looks like the best-build, modern building in downtown Khabarovsk. Was built several years ago for some kind of prestige meeting I now disremember. Also view to barge where tour boats dock, nearby on river. [FERUS]
12120-12122 Various old houses near the Eternal Flame monument in Khabarovsk. [FERUS]
12123-12126 Near the Eternal Flame Monument; monument to some kind of Hero-metal awardees (with basuska picking up paper). Large prestigious building being built next to it. Note the atrocious workmanship in 12,125! [FERUS]
12127-12130 More street scenes between the Eternal Flame monument and ‘Revolution’ square. Various old and older buildings of various ages. [FERUS]
12131-12133 More views on ‘Revolution’ square in Khabarovsk; the monument itself, people and pigeons nest to it, and the prerevolutionary building on the corner (now a library). [FERUS]
12134-12135 Another shot of the classic old building near ‘Revolution’ square; the library building on the square. [FERUS]
12136-12137 Couldn’t resist these shots of the steps I went up and down on many time near the Intourist Hotel. Typical of the quality of concrete work in the CCCP and concrete steps in particular (God help Sov women in high heels!) [FERUS]
12138-12140 Our last day in Khabarovsk: Bill Greenwood, Arkady Ignatiev, Igor Kholodkevish, Lida Kovbas, and Sylchev, in Igor’s room for a parting drink. [FERUS]
12141 Too bad this turned out so light: ___________, Lida, ?, Ignatiev, Greenwood, driver, and Igor in front of classic black Chaika that belong to Krosygin/the Institute of Tectonics. [FERUS]
12142-12144 Didn’t take many pictures of Japan but couldn’t resist these on the west coast of Japan just before we landed in Narita.
12145-12152 Flight from Seattle to Anchorage: obliques of southern POW Island including Bokan Mountain and Kendrick Bay, and Craig/Trocadero Bay/Klawock area. (AKCR, AKDE)
12153-12155 Aerial flight from Seattle to Anchorage: obliques over southern Baranof Island looking toward Zarembo Island and vicinity Sitka. (AKPE, AKSI)
12156-12162 Aerial shots, 9/88, south Anchorage; nice photographs.
12163 Downtown Anchorage over mud flats from near Earthquake Park.
12199-12225 Easter party at Sue Karl’s house, Spring 1989. Most of the younger members of the Branch there.
12226-12236 Branch Chief’s\Promotion meeting, Denver, Spring 1989.See Lipin, McKee, Menzie, Filapek, ATO, Allcott, Lindsey, Williams, McGurk, and others.
12237 Michele Joan Grybeck, Baskin and Robbins salesperson.
12255-12261 Field trip along Turnagain Arm looking at McHugh Complex with Soviet visitors: Khanchuk, Popeko, Lidia, Nelson, Patton.
12262 Undescribed
12266-12270 Various street views of Nome in Spring 1989 during field trip to Northwest Alaska.
12271-12287 Various shots on the Bima dredge, offshore Nome, during AMA field trip to Northwest Alaska.
12288-12293 Westgold’s placer operation north of Nome; during AMA field trip.
12294-12303 Alaska Gold Company’s dredge on submarine beach; during AMA field trip.
12304 Thaw field on submarine beach; during AMA field trip.
12305-12306 Don Blasko and ? at Nome; Nome from motel window.
12307-12315 Red Dog mine during AMA field trip, Spring 1989.
12316-12317 Glaciers south of Mt. McKinley on flight from Nome to Anchorage, Spring 1989.
12318-12321 Flight from Fairbanks to Eagle, Spring 1989, with Ellen. Plane and Ellen; view north over Ft. Wainwright and Fairbanks; gravel operation southeast of Fairbanks, and unknown placer operation.
12322-12323 Aerial shots of Eagle and Eagle Bluff. (AKEA)
12324-12342 Various around Eagle: Nice panorama of the Allisons’ house, Wickersham house; buildings at old fort; river boat; and pump house. (AKEA)
12343-12344 Alaska State, ex-Navy?, fire-spotting plane at Eagle airport, Spring 1989.
12345 Dick Alison and Ellen with Forty-Mile Air’s 206 at Eagle.
12346-12353 Flight from Eagle to about Central: several aerial shots of Eagle, unknown placer operation; Yukon River below Eagle, aerial shot down on Circle and another on Central.
12354-12361 Various building, etc. in Eagle: several river boats, nice cabin, and panorama of Allison’s house. (AKEA)
12362-12365 Trip with Dick south along Taylor Highway: several small ‘dredges’ sniping on American Creek; and small placer operation about 10 miles north of town on American Creek.
12366-12370 Old dredge north of Boundary Roadhouse on Walker Fork. Note labels on wall and levels at winchman’s station. (AKEA)
12372-12373 Boundary Roadhouse, Summer 1989, and Dick Allison with Carol’s truck (which overheated uphill). (AKEA)
12374-12379 Various buildings around Eagle, including Allison’s house.
12380-12386 Aerial shots from Central to Fairbanks; these mainly Crooked Creek area to the old Berry operation south of Eagle summit. (AKCI)
12387-12391 Aerial shots on flight from Central to Fairbanks. Not sure where these are at but probably most from Eagle Creek to Cleary Summit area. (AKCI) (AKLG)
12392-12395 Aerial shots: first is over what would become the Fort Knox deposit; Gilmore Creek and tracking site; unknown placer; and then nice aerial of Fox-Dredge 8 area. (AKLG)
12396-12398 Aerial shots to southeast over Fairbanks from general University area. (AKFB)
12400-12401 Nice aerial shots to northwest at University of Alaska from position near Sandvik road. (AKFE)
12405-12407 Various buildings at Khabarovsk; including outside mineralogical museum in 12,406 (with Tanya, our translator). [FERUS]
12408-12409 Various buildings in Magadan; shortly after arrival. [FERUS]
12410-12411 Mineralogical museum in Northeast Interdisciplinary Institute (AH) in Magadan. See Sidorov, Gelmen, Tanya our translator, and Nokleberg in 12,410. [FERUS]
12412 Front entrance of Northeast Institute in Magadan. Note Roman Eremin and Art Eppinger prominently. [FERUS]
12413-12424 Various buildings in downtown Magadan (including the best I saw under construction in 12,416). [FERUS]
12425-12429 Visit to a silver-gold prospect near Karamken with ___Maxschutz (sp.?). In volcanics; drilled but dormant. See Sidorov, Eppinger, Chessner, Tanya, Eremin, among others. [FERUS]
12430-12433 Either Karamken or a town near it. The wonders of wretched Soviet building construction. [FERUS]
12434 Stop on trip to Ust Umchug with Institute ‘jeeps’. People are ?, Art Eppinger, Tanya, Nokleberg, Bundtzen, and Eremin. [FERUS]
12435-12436 AN-2 single engine, biplane at airport in Ust Omchug. [FERUS]
12437 Soviet MI-8 helicopter at airport in Ust Omchug; as the one that would take us to Butuguchug. [FERUS]
12438-12441 Aerial views of Ust Omchug [FERUS]
12442-12446 Aerial shots of working dredge just outside of Ust Omchug. [FERUS]
12447-12451 Aerial shots from helicopter on the initial circles over Butuguchug. First two are of fallen-in mill buildings (possibly for U); last are of the tin mine proper. Several good shots of Gulag. [FERUS]
12452 MI-8 dropping us off on the ridge near Butuguchug; literally doing so, it hovered about 1.5 m off the ground while we jumped. [FERUS]
12453-12464 Ground shots while traversing on the north(?) side of the Butoguchug mine in the granite. Several of wire fence and the stopes in the granite. [FERUS]
12465-12474 Butuguchug mine: generally looking east(?) toward the Gulag camp from at or near the old guard post. [FERUS]
12475-12478 Lunch at the Butuguchug mine: (translator) Tanya, Nokleberg, Eppinger, Chessner, Roman, Anarov, Pakhomov, Tanaev, and Voznesensky (I think). Nice shots. [FERUS]
12479 Ton Bundtzen at a stope of the Butuguchug mine. Said to be several veins and veinlets along this stope. [FERUS]
12480-12490 The Gulag camp at the Butuguchug mine. [FERUS]
12491-12492 Overall view of the Butuguchug mine looking north up valley. Good shots to show granite contact relations. [FERUS]
12493 View toward north from my hotel room in downtown Magadan. [FERUS]
12494 Nokleberg, Chessner, Popeko, Eppinger, and Bundtzen in front of the hotel in Magadan [FERUS]
12495 Warren Nokleberg and Vshaslav Popeko on picnic north of Magadan [FERUS]
12496-12499 Picnic at mouth of river near________ which is about ____ km west of Magadan along the Coast. See Sidorov, Eremin, manager of fish plant nearby, and several ladies in addition to our party. [FERUS]
12500 Plane that will take us to Susuman. [FERUS]
12501 Looking down from my hotel room at Susuman at the food sellers. [FERUS]
12502-12504 Orientation and getting ready to go underground at the Sverloye mine. Besides us, Tanya, and Popeko can make out Akchoorin, Shapko, and Golota from the Min. of Geology office in Neksican. [FERUS]
12505-12509 Underground pictures of the vein at the Svetloye mine near Susuman. [FERUS]
12510-12514 Lunch at the Svetloye mine. Again us, Skchoorin, Shapko, and Golota in various pictures. [FERUS]
12515 Heavy duty, field truck with large cab on back; this one from the Min. of Geology in Neksican. [FERUS]
12516 Placer operation just outside Susuman. [FERUS]
12517 Another view of the food vendors from my hotel room in Susuman. [FERUS]
12518-12522 Wonderful dinner at the Usbek Cooperative restaurant in Neksican. Many people many we didn’t know; Akchoorin in several pictures, Bundtzen, and most of our party. Also much food and vodka. [FERUS]
12523-12528 Wandering around Susuman one morning; mostly moderately wretched buildings. [FERUS]
12529 Bus stop and food vendors outside our hotel in Susuman. [FERUS]
12530 The office of the Ministry of Geology in Neksican. [FERUS]
12531-12533 Several shots of buildings around Susuman; taken from bus while passing by. [FERUS]
12534-12541 Dredge just northeast(?) of Susuman. Built in Yuba City, California! [FERUS]
12542-12554 Pretty dark, almost to the point of useless, pictures of placer operations northeast(?) of Susuman. Looks like pretty standard stripping and sluicing operations. [FERUS]
12555-12558 Exceptionally well constructed two-story log cabin at the Susuman airport. Now the Aeroflot office; but originally build to house Americans servicing land-lease plane during World War II. [FERUS]
12559 Anatov-24 that was to take us from Susuman back to Magadan [FERUS]
12560 V. Popeko at the Susuman airport [FERUS]
12561 Early morning from my hotel room in Magadan. [FERUS]
12562-12569 More buildings and various street scenes in downtown Magadan. Including Lenin and the new CPSU building under construction (!). [FERUS]
12570 Large, 4-turbine commercial/military aircraft with Aeroflot markings mounted at the Magadan airport.(An Ilyushin something?) [FERUS]
12571-12577 Korf airport area one nice sunny day. Here met Farid Kutyev and a very nice (looking) lady who was filling in for the local party bosses. [FERUS]
12578-12581 Aerials shots, mostly toward the east on flight from Korf to Achayvayam on the way to the geologic field camp on the headwaters of the river that extends NE from Achayvayam. Nice shots of glacial topography. [FERUS]
12582-12584 Achayvayam on the Apuka River, Koryak Mountains. Koryak native village, mostly(?) devoted to reindeer herding. Landed briefly for fuel. [FERUS]
12585 Apuka River, just northeast of Achayvayam in the Koryak Mountains. [FERUS]
12586-12587 (First) aerial views of the geologic camp set up by Farid Kutyev and his crew at the headwaters of the river that extends NE from Achayvaham; camp about 90 km NE of that town. [FERUS]
12588 As previous shots but looking approx. NE toward zoned ultramafic body at the head of the valley. [FERUS]
12589-12591 MI-8 helicopter that took us from Korf to field camp. [FERUS]
12592-12598 Various shots around the camp in the Koryak Mountains; mostly we Americans getting dressed in appropriate Russian gear. Good shots of many of the people in camp. [FERUS]
12599 Small water powered generator used to supply electricity to the field camp. Worked quite effectively until the water in the creek slacked off. Fed by flexible plastic hose about 2o cm in dia. [FERUS]
12600-12605 Various shot on the zoned ultramfic body at the head of the valley from camp. Several in dunite-peridotite and contact of ultramafic rocks with gabbro. Several glaciers in vicinity. [FERUS]
12606-12607 12,606: Sidorov, Kasyankov, Elena Fedotova, Popeko, V. Reznichenko, Nokleberg, Bundtzen, Chessner, Eppinger. And me in 12,607 [FERUS]
12608-12609 Various in vicinity of camp in upper Koryak Mountains. [FERUS]
12610-12611 Working with the microscopes in the camp: Reznichenko, Bundtzen; Nokleberg, Eppinger, Chessner, and Bundtzen [FERUS]
12612-12614 Victor Reznichenko’s guns: a 12 gauge automatic (much like a typical Browning), a 28 gauge under-and-over, and a scoped, 5.45 x 38 bolt action rifle that he thought sufficient for bears. [FERUS]
12616-12618 Geologic consultations in camp: prominent are Warren Nokleberg, Farid Kutyev, Sergei Kasyankov, the translator, and Warren’s terrane map. . [FERUS]
12621 Shot down on Valentina Batenova’s camp approx. 3 km downriver from our camp. Large zoned ultramafic in background. [FERUS]
12622-12624 Banding in layered gabbro body about 40 km ESE of Achayvayan. [FERUS]
12625-12627 Aerial shot, mostly or all looking East, in the high rugged mountains east of our camp and the coast. [FERUS]
12628-12630 Lunch along river in middle of large zoned ultramafic body where we easily panned platinum in the creek. The river drains into Natali Bay which is about 15-20 km downstream . [FERUS]
12631-12635 Undescribed
12636 Victor Reznichenko and his hunting dog. He obviously thought a lot of her but…. [FERUS]
12639-12641 Undescribed
12642 Tracked vehicle that the Ministry of Geology was using from their camp at the lake about 15 km to the south. [FERUS]
12644-12645 12,644: Grigorovsky, Reznichenko, Grinvald, Medunitsa, Vetrenko, Popeko, Fedotova, Kutyev, Sidorov, Kasyankov, V. Batanova, Semenov, ?, Astrahanchev. Other plus Nokleberg, Eppinger, Chessner, and me. [FERUS]
12646-12647 Elena Vetrenko, Elena Fedotova, Svetlana Grinvald, (‘5th class cook), and Warren Nokleberg. [FERUS]
12648 Myself and Victor Reznichenko’s dog. [FERUS]
12649 Table in the main tent; set up for some meal; camp in the Koryak Mountains. [FERUS]
12650 Suspect that we are loading up the MI-8 for our departure from the camp in the Koryak Mountains. [FERUS]
12651-12652 Inside an MI-8 helicopter. No helmets, no seatbelts, and rebar guard over the fuel tank! [FERUS]
12653-12655 Several aerial shots of the (actual) town of Korf, and the terminal building at the Korf airport which is on a spit across the inlet from the town. [FERUS]
12656 Pre-revolution detailed on an old house in downtown Khabarovsk. Torn down as of 1991. [FERUS]
12657-12658 Street scenes on Karl Marx Street in downtown Khabarovsk. [FERUS]
12659-12662 Series of shots from the top of the Intourist Hotel in Khabarovsk. [FERUS]
12663-12667 Shots along the waterfront in downtown Khabarovsk. [FERUS] [FERUS]
12668 Building under construction near eternal-flame memorial in downtown Khabarovsk. Note the care in laying the bricks and the lack of steelwork. [FERUS]
12669 Looking upriver over the Amur and downtown Khabarovsk from the roof of the Intourist Hotel. [FERUS]
12670-12671 Bundtzen, Oleg Mishin (from Blagoveschensk), Nokleberg, Irene Budrina, and myself at the Central Hotel in Khabarovsk. [FERUS]
12672-12675 Various shots around the central square in Khabarovsk including the pre-revolutionary building now a hospital, and the regional government building. [FERUS]
12676 Front of the Intourist Hotel in Khabarovsk. [FERUS]
12677-12681 Various buildings in central Khabarovsk including building (interminably) under construction next to the Post Office, and surrounding the central square. [FERUS]
12682 Farid Kutyev took us to lunch for a group of his friends from Petropavlovsk at a Chinese restaurant in Khabarovsk. [FERUS]
12683-12684 Nicely constructed brick buildings in downtown Khabarovsk. One said to be the city library. [FERUS]
12686 Scenes along Karl Marx Street in downtown Khabarovsk. Note line for watermelons that are being unloaded. [FERUS]
12688 T34 and T?? tanks outside military museum in Khabarovsk. [FERUS]
12689-12692 Scenes from field trip along Amur just upstream from the big railroad. Mostly Mesozoic flysch and related rocks. [FERUS]
12693-12697 Scenes at the Khabarovsk International Terminal waiting for the plane to Kavalerevo: Ratkin, Kutyev, Kovas, Nokleberg, Bundtzen, and Jan Krason. [FERUS]
12698-12703 Scenes in the center of Kavalerevo near our hotel. (The delightful little girl probably still wonders about the bright new Kennedy half-dollar I gave her.) [FERUS]
12704-12713 Geologic maps on the wall during our briefing at the Arsenyev mine near Kavalerevo. Also the head man’s office and the desk of his secretary. [FERUS]
12714-12717 Shots underground at the Arsenyev mine. Quartz vein in Mesozoic(?) sediments with cassiterite, pyrrhotite, and chalcopyrite mainly. [FERUS]
12718-12724 Surface plant of the Arsenyev mine (and several fit together into a panorama. [FERUS]
12725 Lunch setting at the Arsenyev mine near Kavalerevo. [FERUS]
12726 The usual rectangular, concrete slabs of flats in downtown Kavalerevo [FERUS]
12727-12729 The children outside School #3 in Kavalerevo just before our delightful visit there. [FERUS]
12730 Looking over the area in the vicinity of Kavalerevo during a field trip to a limestone there which was being mined to produce cement. [FERUS]
12731-12735 During a field trip in the vicinity of Kavalerevo. Detached houses with gardens, messy sedimentary rocks, Farid Kutyev, and plate of ‘starters’ before launch. [FERUS]
12737-12741 Field trip to the beach near Olga one fine sunny day: cottages and rest hotel of the mines at Kavalerevo; somebodies map; the beach near Olga; campers there; and farm near Olga. [FERUS]
12743-12749 Various from the museum at Dalnegorsk: maps on wall of several of the mines, specimen, during tour of museum, and group picture. [FERUS]
12750-12751 Lunch at Dalnegorsk; mostly ‘starters’ to this point. [FERUS]
12752-12765 Several panoramas over the Bor mine, Dalnegorsk, and the chemical plant to the south. All from the prominent overlook over the mine. [FERUS]
12766-12770 Great pictures of the datolite skarns at the Bor mine. [FERUS]
12771-12772 Ton Buntzen and Warren Nokleberg packing their specimens and various gifts at their hotel rooms in Kavalerevo. [FERUS]
12773 The hotel(?) where we stayed in Kavalerevo. [FERUS]
12774-12776 Mine geologist, ___________, at the ??? mine near Dalnegorst, and his very impressive maps. [Almost sure the diagram I took a picture of in the museum–12,743–is a section through this deposit. [FERUS]
12777-12783 Going underground at the mine just mentioned. Several of the party in their ‘diggers’, including Ratkin, Lydia, and mine people; sphalerite-galena mineralization; and mine building. [FERUS]
12784-12785 Again the restaurant at Dalnegorst and lunch there. [FERUS]
12786-12789 More (not very impressive) pictures of homes in Kavalerevo, including the hotel where we stayed. [FERUS]
12790 An Aeroflot MI-2 at the airport in Kavalerevo. This is the only small helicopter we saw; MI-8’s were typically the smallest we saw. [FERUS]
12791-12793 Downtown Vladivostok shortly after arrival. Post office, area near train station, and monument to the Revolution on the main square. [FERUS]
12794-12795 Thought this was moderately daring at the time…and it was maybe. Vladivostok was still a closed city and we had to get special permission for our visit of only three days. [FERUS]
12796-12798 Downtown Vladivostok, generally looking west down Lenin street from the vicinity of the Far East Branch of the AH, building. [FERUS]
12799-12804 During boat trip to Popov Island for a ‘rest’. Various scenes in Vladivostok harbor including the Soviet Navy, shipping and loading facilities and buildings overlooking the harbor. [FERUS]
12805-12808 Popov Island: dock with the Academy’s boats, walking back to the village and museum in the center of the island, the village itself, and the guest house near the Laboratories. [FERUS]
12809-12818 Views of Vladivostok and the it’s harbor on our way in from Popov Island. [FERUS]
12819-12820 View to the northeast over Amurskiy Bay from my hotel room in the Vladivostok Hotel. [FERUS]
12821-12824 Downtown Vladivostok: first looking south along a main street at the Revolution Monument; rest looking west along Lenin Street from near the GUM Department store. [FERUS]
12825 Probably out on the peninsula that forms the west side of the harbor in Vladivostok. Typical housing. [FERUS]
12826 The train station in Vladivostok [FERUS]
12827-12839 Various panoramic shots from the viewpoint just above the inclined tramway. Some great views of the harbor and Vladivostok. [FERUS]
12840-12843 Not sure where these are but typical Vladivostok. [FERUS]
12846 Being seen off at the Vladivostok train station: Kholodkevich, Bundtzen, Lydia Kovbas, Nekrasov, and Warren Nokleberg [FERUS]
12847-12850 Not sure but these may be shots from the train on the trip from Vladivostok to Khabarovsk. [FERUS]
12851-12856 Culture shock! These pictures from my hotel room in the something-or-other Prince Hotel in Tokyo. In the last day have come from the 19th century to the 21st!
12857 Collage of various pins and badges I collected during my travels in the Far East Soviet Union in 1989. Note the central red one that says ‘I support Perestroika’, which was considered rather daring then! [FERUS]
12859-12860 Nice souvenir showing banded skarn and datolite from the Bor mine. [FERUS]
12861 Inscribed souvenir specimen from Dalnegorst: quartz, galena, and ilvaite(?). [FERUS]
12862 Nice specimen of sphalerite from the museum at Dalnegorsk. [FERUS]
12863 Some of my ivory carving from 1988 and 1989, i.e. my ‘bone’ carvings. Looking at a total cost then of about $50!…even at Beriozka store prices. [FERUS]
12867 The CIMRA building in Tucson, a just ex-lumber yard and soon to be rebuilt, in late Fall 1989.
12868-12870 During field trip from Tucson, Arizona in late 1989; the Mammoth Mine I believe.
12871-12873 Another field trip to the Patagonia district with Glenn Allcott and the other Branch Chiefs; late 1989. Doug Fridrich, myself, and the ____ mine.
12874 Not sure but possibly Mt. Shasta area, California on a flight from San Francisco to Seattle. Recent volcanic flows and cinder cones. [
12881-12883 Several aerial views of Anchorage in mid-winter of 1989-1990 (on a flight to Mt. Redoubt).
12884-12886 Various aerial shots of the central Kenai Peninsula (during flight to Mt. Redoubt) and especially the refinery and loading facility near Nikiski (AKKN).
12888-12902 Aerial shots of Mt. Redoubt volcano in mid-winter of 1989-1990, just after it erupted. Also several pictures coming across Cook Inlet at Mt. Redoubt in distance, and Drift River. (AKKN)
12905-12909 Offshore oil platforms near Middle Ground Shoal in Cook Inlet (on flight back from Mt. Redoubt); mid-winter, 1989-1990. (AKKN)
12910-12911 Doug Fridrich and Glenn Allcott in their offices in Reston, Spring 1990
12912 No idea where exactly but probably southeastern Alaska flying by to Seattle. Glaciers and glacial moraines brought out by low snow angle.
12913 Aerial shot down to eat of Seattle which flying by in Spring 1990.
12915-12918 Roche Harbor where Ellen and I spend several days in the Spring of 1990.
12922-12925 Several shots of the exposed veins at the Grant mine, on Ester Dome near Fairbanks. Field trip with Will White and Roger Burgraff in early summer 1990.
12926 The old Westonvich prospect at the head of Cleary Creek; looking downstream with Cleary Hill mine in distance. (AKLG)
12927 New cut (within last several years) on beautifully exposed vein marked by abundant sulfides and sulfosalts in Cleary Hill district. About 1/4 of a mile upstream from the Cleary Hill mine on E side. (AKLG)
12928 Mill at the Hi-Yu mine, summer 1990. (AKLG)
12929-12931 All the remains of the old Chatham Creek dredge in the summer of 1990. Pushed here, about 1\4 mile about the mouth of the Creek, during on-going placer mining. (AKLG)
12932 Mill of the Hi-Yu mine in summer 1990. (AKLG)
12933 The classic problem of building in permafrost in the Fairbanks area; the notorious house on Farmers Loop Road. Summer 1990 when it was clearly becoming uninhabitable. (AKFB)
12935-12936 Unclear where. Mountain could be anywhere…but perhaps Mt. McKinley. And not sure where the placer mined area is, perhaps Fairbanks.
12937-12938 Aerial shots down on the University of Alaska, Fairbanks, in the summer of 1990. (AKFB)
12939-12941 Cleary Hill district from the air: shot looking down toward E on upper Cleary Creek; looking approx. SE over the McCarty mine area; and looking west over the Ft. Knox property. Al in summer 1990. (AKLG)
12942 Aerial shot down and to north over Fairbanks. (AKFB)
12943-12948 Various (nice) aerial shots of downtown Anchorage, summer 1990. (AKAN)
12949-12950 Placer operation on the high divide between Banner Creek and Junction Creek in the Richardson Dist. During field trip there with Will White; summer 1990. (AKBD)
12951 Looking down the tributary at the headwaters of Banner Creek, recently mined and explored by Tri-Valley Mining. Looking at the main producing pit. Richardson district. (AKBD)
12952-12955 Old dredge just east of Nome along the beach road. (AKNM)
12956 At Dredge ___ of Alaska Gold Co., at Nome: Joe Fisher telling Eremin, Byalobzhesky, Rosenblym, Will White, and Nokleberg about the dredge (AKNM)
12957-12961 Various of dredge ____, north of Nome, and the thaw field out in front of it Summer 1990. (AKNM)
12962-12964 The Rock Creek Prospect of Aspen Gold Corp., about 15 miles north of Nome. Sheeted quartz veins in schist. (AKNM)
12965 Front Street in Nome; Summer 1990. (AKNM)
12966-12969 Various pieces of equipment–steam shovels, cannon, and boilers–at the equipment (outdoor) museum at the east end of Nome. (AKNM)
12970-12971 Think this is the large, burned-out dredge skeleton just north of the Nome airport. (AKNM)
12972-12973 Believe this is the old dredge about three miles north of Nome, i.e. about a mile south of Cooper Gulch. (AKNM)
12974-12976 Various ground shots at the Lost River mine; Bylobzhesky, Rosenblum, Eremin, Nokleberg, Will White.
12977-12978 The beryllium mineralization about a mile up Camp Creek from the Lost River mine; best exposures along creek. (AKTE)
12979 Chained weasel tracks at the Lost River airstrip; the very ones I must have labored so long at in 1961! (AKTE)
12980-12986 Aerial shots, Lost River area: first five looking down on the mine itself; looking down Lost River; and looking SW at the lower part of Rapid River. (AKTE)
12987-12988 Another visit to Rock Creek prospect, this time with Ted Eggleston of Tennaco who had a lease on the property in the summer of 1990 (and dropped it by the next year). (AKNM)
12989-12993 R. V. Bailey of Aspen showing the Russian visitors–Bylobazhesky, Rosenblum, and Eremin–how to pan samples on lowe Glacier Creek (AKNM)
12994-12995 Looking out over the coast plain from Anvil Mountain (AKNM)
12996-12997 Aerial shots of Kotzebue, summer 1990. (AKKZ)
12998 Field trip to NW Alaska with Washington big shots: Spang (BLM), Dole Fridrich, Girrard, Bob Lawton (BLM), and DeVine. Summer 1990. (AKKL)
12999-13001 Exact locality unknown; certainly northwestern Brooks Range. Possible west of Ivotuk on way back from looking at prospect.
13002-13003 Ivotuk camp, summer 1990; BLM camp then being used by joint USGS and BOM party. Also pond and pad at NPRA drill site. (AKKL)
13004 Don Blaska, T Arey, and Jake Jansens at Ivotuk Camp, getting ready to depart on their chartered plane. (AKKL)
13008 Undescribed
13009 Joint USGS and BOM party at Red Dog mine, Summer 1990. (AKDL)
13010-13024 Various shots, mostly from overview point above mill, of the Red Dog mine. One panorama sequence with caribou on tailings dump! (AKDL)
13025 (Not very good) shot of the terraces north of the York Mountains along the coast; Lost River area. (AKTE)
13026 Skarn veins in marble just below the mill at the Lost River mine. (AKTE)
13027-13029 Soviet party at the Lost River mine (one cold day): Ratkin, Kutyev, and Russian translator. (AKTE)
13030-13035 Panorama of Lost River valley and the Lost River mine from about the Bessie and Maple prospect. (AKTE)
13036-13039 Aerial shots of the Lost River mine and surrounding area. (AKTE)
13040 Aerial shot down on west Nome. (AKNM)
13041 Nome
13042-13049 Sequence of shots of the skeleton of the old dredge just above the mouth of Otter Creek near the mouth of the Nome River. Fine shots of the basic internal structure of a dredge. (AKNM)
13051-13062 Some fine shots of dredge____, then being operated by Alaska Gold Company about 3 miles north of Nome at about the headwaters of Burbon Creek. (AKNM)
13063 Ratkin, Kutyev, Russian translator, and Warren Nokleberg (with Farid ‘sneaking’ a shot of the radar site). (AKNM)
13065-13066 Out of sequence. My official name tag and a copy of a photograph used in a newspaper article about the Symposium in Blagoshchensk in 1988. (Lenin still lived then!) [FERUS]
13067 Out of sequence…by about 70 years! A Kodachrome of a photograph from my father’s old photograph album. Looking west 1921 along what is now Lenin Street in Vladivostok with GUM in middle distance on right [FERUS]
13068 Doug Fridrich shot 1984: ‘Nora Shew, Jim Domenico, Ralph Yetka, and Mark Weiss’ on D.J Miller in Craig quadrangle. (AKCR)
13069 Doug Fridrich, 1984: ‘Mark Weiss and Greg DuBois’ with large halibut on D.J. Miller. (AKCR)
13070 Doug Fridrich, 1984: Me someplace on Prince of Wales Island one rainy day. (AKCR)
13071-13072 Doug Fridrich, 1984: Aerial shots down on Craig. (AKCR)
13073-13074 Doug Fridrich, 1984: Waterfall resort, Prince of Wales Island. (AKCR)
13075 Doug Fridrich, 1984: 500D and myself, someplace on Prince of Wales Island. (AKCR)
13076 Doug Fridrich, 1984: Me and Ralph Yetka after collecting some samples on Prince of Wales Island: (AKCR)
13077 Doug Fridrich, 1984: Nora Shew, somewhere on Prince of Wales Island. (AKCR)
13078 Doug Fridrich, 1984: Me with a big fish on; some unknown creek on Prince of Wales Island. (AKCR)
13079 Doug Fridrich, 1984: ‘Frosty’ Frothingham and outboard motors on D. J. Miller. (AKCR)
13080 Doug Fridrich, 1984: Ralph Aspen, Ed Maghaeles, and Joe Wheeler at the old cannery at Craig. (AKCR)
13081 Doug Fridrich, 1984: Me and Ed Maghaeles walking back from the old cannery at Craig. (AKCR)
13082 Not ever sure where this was taken anymore; an OMR field trip certainly, perhaps to Arizona somewhere. Nice brecciated vein with second manganese minerals.
13098 Spit at Pt. Reyes, California on one of my flights past there in early 1991.
13099-13101 Hearst castle in California; spring 1991, on way to Santa Barbara and Los Angeles.
13103 Field trip with Soviet visitors during McKelvey meeting in Reno, Nevada; March 1991.
13104-13106 Panorama of Virginia City, Nevada, looking north.
13107-13108 Locality unknown, but probably southeastern Alaska on one of my flights by there in early 1991. Some nice glacier shots.
13109 Breakup on Brandilyn Circle, 1991.
13110-13112 Several (marginal) aerial shots of south Anchorage and Fire Island on an approach to the Anchorage airport. (AKAN)
13113 Looking east over Leadville, Colorado toward the Mosquito Range from the National Mining Museum.
13114 Large polished slab of Mo mineralization from Climax at the mining museum in Leadville.
13115-13116 The old Tabor Opera House and an old hotel in downtown Leadville, Colorado
13117-13119 Panorama looking west over Leadville from about the Tucson mine.
13120-13124 Panorama looking out from Big Round Top toward the west over the Gettysburg, Pennsylvania battlefield. (During weekend trip while at Penn State Management course.)
13125 Someplace in mid-continent on flight; possible one of the dams on the Missouri.
13127 The Branch of Alaskan Geology (unofficial) pin….that I personally designed.
13131-13133 Undescribed
13134 The old schoolhouse, now a museum, at Skagway, Alaska. (AKSK)
13135-13136 Several old, now restored buildings at Skagway, Alaska (AKSK)
13137 Coast Guard cutter at the dock in Petersburg, Alaska (AKPE)
13138 Petersburg while passing through on ferry. (AKPE)
13139-13143 Looking west from mountain just east of Pt. Mirabilis toward Craig, San Juan Bautista Island, and Bucareli Bay (AKCR)
13144-13147 Vicinity Dora Bay: sequence of aerial shots looking generally north; first over Dora Lake, then various of the logging operations near the mouth of Dora Bay. Lots of clearcuts!. (AKCR)
13148 Looking north toward Polk Inlet from an aerial position in the vicinity of the head of Dog Salmon Creek. (AKCR)
13149-13151 Jeff Wynn taking gravity measurements at a station in the vicinity of the Khayam mine. (AKCR)
13152-13153 Several aerial shots down on the Dawson mine on the Harris River. (AKCR)
13154 Aerial shot looking about southeast along Maybeso Creek. (AKCR)
13155 Looking southeast over the Salt Chuck at the head of Kasaan Bay; vicinity of Salt Chuck mine. (AKCR)
13156 Aerial shot looking north at the town of Thorne Bay. (AKCR)
13157 Aerial looking approximately northwest at the Salt Chuck and the Salt Chuck mine. (AKCR)
13158 Wynn, Carl, and Cathrall ready to go out on the Zodiac III from the dock at the lodge. (AKCR)
13159 Boat harbor in Craig. (AKCR)
13160 Banded gabbro at periphery of large granitic pluton north of Hollis. This photo along the beach about 2 miles northeast of the ferry terminal at Hollis. (AKCR)
13161 Injection, granite-boulder dike in Descon formation; on beach about 1.5 miles northeast of the ferry terminal at Hollis (AKCR)
13162 Jeff Wynn taking gravity station on road (still under construction) just north of the Poor Man mine. Obviously landed here with Temsco’s 500D. (AKCR)
13163 Harris River just above its mouth. Note the old jaw crusher in the creek; this is the site of the Harris River mine. (AKCR)
13164 Descon Formation?? Anyhow a nice conglomerate or volcanic breccia. (AKCR)
13165-13168 Panorama to the south over Klawock Lake; taken from the head of the northeast cirque at the head of Threemile Creek. (AKCR)
13169 Vein found in late 80’s by Sealaska at head of northwest cirque at the head of Threemile Creek and just below timberline. (AKCR)
13170 Meadow about 500′ below timberline just below the road at the head of the northwest cirque at the head of Threemile Creek. (AKCR)
13172 Low tide one morning in front of Fireweed Lodge where we were staying. Note eagle for scale. (AKCR)
13173 Sign at the junction of the Craig-Hollis and Hydaburg roads. (AKCR)
13174-13176 Panorama of floating logging camp near Dog Salmon Creek on Polk Inlet. (AKCR)
13177-13178 Folded limestone, dikes, and skarns in quarry just back of the shopping center at Klawock, i.e. just south of the bridge over the Klawock River at Klawock. (AKCR)
13179 Aerial shot looking down and to the west at the Salt Chuck mine and the salt chuck. (AKCR)
13180 500D helicopter and Jeff Wynn at a gravity station in the vicinity of Granite Mountain. (AKCR)
13181 Aerial shot looking down and to the northwest over the Salt Chuck mine. (AKCR)
13182-13184 Aerial shots looking down at Klawock and vicinity one fine sunny day. (AKCR)
13185-13186 Jeff Wynn and Sue Carl getting ready to take the Zodiac III out from the Fireweed Lodge. (AKCR)
13187 Don’t recognize the locality but certainly (AKCR).
13188 Outcrop of the Lucky Nell vein in creek. (AKCR)
13189 Don’t remember this rock…but looks like mineralized or at least quartz veined. (AKCR)
13190-13192 limestone
13193 Sue Karl taking notes. (AKCR)
13194 Jeff Wynn taking a gravity station from the Dodge Ram charger we were using this summer; John Cathrall lurking behind truck. (AKCR)
13195-13196 Logging operation on east side of Tuxekan Passage…where we ate lunch and watched them dump and yard the logs. (AKCR)
13197 Exact locality disremembered but classic POW. (AKCR)
13198 Sue Karl, Jeff Wynn, and John Cathrall suiting up to go out in Zodiac III from Fireweed Lodge. (AKCR)
13199 Alaska State office building in Juneau. (AKJU)
13200-13201 Underground pictures of the vein at the Greens Creek mine. (AKJU)
13202 Looking south along Gastineau Channel at Juneau in distance from near Juneau airport. (AKJU)
13203 Totem Park in Ketchikan during visit one day with Sue and Tamara Karl. (AKKC)
13206 Small boat harbor in Craig. (AKCR)
13207 Temsco ??? at Craig-Klawock airport. (AKCR)
13208 Ruins of the old Salt Chuck mine, mill in the summer of 1991. (AKCR)
13209 Shouldn’t but do not remember where this nice picture of a quartz vein was taken but almost certainly (AKCR).
13210 Large fold in limestone; taken in quarry along logging road about a mile and a half north of Craig. (AKCR)
13211 Fishing boats on the ways in front of Browns store in Craig. (AKCR)
13212-13214 Sue Karl and Jeff Wynne getting ready to take the Zodiac III out from the Fireweed Lodge with John Cathrall lending moral support. (AKCR)
13215 Totem park in Klawock looking north toward the cannery. (AKCR)
13216-13217 Sue Karl and Tamara leaving via a Temsco Beaver at Hollis.
13218 Uncertain but undoubtedly southeastern Alaska.
13219 Dawson, Nokleberg, Bundtsen, and Byaljewski walking down street in Magadan. [FERUS]
13220 The hotel we stayed in Magadan. Ex-Party hotel and probably the best in Magadan, such as it was. [FERUS]
13221-13222 Father Lenin in front of the deteriorating ‘new’ party building in downtown Magadan. [FERUS]
13223-13225 Various street scenes in Magadan, vicinity of the AH geological institute. [FERUS]
13226-13229 Various buildings going up between the geological institute and Nagayeva Bay. Slide 13,228, the new Far East Branch that will emphasize computer applications. [FERUS]
13230 Contrast between old and new buildings in Magadan. [FERUS]
13231-13233 Various port facilities at Magadan on the north side of Nagayeva Bay. [FERUS]
13234-13140 During boat trip around Nagayeva Bay. Mainly recreational trip one Sunday but some fishing. Foggy start but cleared up nicely later. Usual food. Roman Eremin in 13,235. [FERUS]
13241 Another view of the hotel where we stayed…again, probably the best in town. [FERUS]
13242-13247 Various buildings in Magadan, mostly in the southeast part of town near our hotel. Some excellent shots of the typical Soviet slab construction. [FERUS]
13248-13256 Field trip, first on coast about 12 miles SE of Magadan, then on coast about 1/2 way between Ola and Veselyy. Prof. Gelman led the trip. Mostly in rocks of the Magadan batholith. Rest camp in 13,252-3. [FERUS]
13257-13260 Some more shots of the wonderful new party building on the square in downtown Magadan. A type locality for shoddy Soviet construction! [FERUS]
13261-13264 More buildings in downtown Magadan; most 60’s construction but the last the classic new party building (that probably never will be finished.) [FERUS]
13265 Getting ready to go on a field trip to the Shkolnoe mine. Waiting at the small airport about 10 miles NE of Magadan. [FERUS]
13266-13269 Shots out of the helicopter taking off from the small airport near Magadan. Clutch of MI-8 helicopter; town near there; and another(?) airport nearby. [FERUS]
13270 MI-8 helicopter putting us off at the Shkolnoe mine. About 25 miles NW of Ust Omchug. [FERUS]
13271-13273 Various shots near or at the Shkolnoe mine. Note the big truck that took us around the area. [FERUS]
13274-13275 The exploration camp at the Shkolnoe mine. High wretchedness index! [FERUS]
13276 Churn drill near the Shkolnoe mine. Drilling holes along the river, depending on who you listened to, either for placer gold or for water. Actually down for repair. [FERUS]
13277 Out of sequence…by about 70 years! A Kodachrome of a photograph from my father’s old photograph album. Looking west 1921 along what is now Lenin Street in Vladivostok with GUM in middle distance on right [FERUS]
13278 As 13,276. [FERUS]
13279 On way back from Shkolnoe mine. Aerial shot looking down at a dredge operating near Ust Omchug. [FERUS]
13280-13283 More buildings in Magadan; vary from the merely wretched to shoddy and massive. [FERUS]
13284-13286 Pictures posted on the windows of a planning office in downtown Magadan. The drawings looked considerably better than the actual construction! [FERUS]
13287-13309 And yet (many) more buildings in various parts of Magadan. Vary from older, some ornate examples to modern slab numbers, to current construction, to older cabins. [FERUS]
13310-13312 Meetings and lunch at the Ministry of Geology building in downtown Magadan. Our party as usual–Dawson, Nokleberg, and Bundtzen–but Mary Godinsky in several of the shots. [FERUS]
11313 Undescribed
13314-13316 Our party struck up a conversation with several Asiatic ladies near the geologic institute who wanted their pictures taken. [FERUS]
13317 What’s underneath some of the stucco facing on many of the buildings near the geological institute. [FERUS]
13318 Serge Zaranof (from Petropavlovsk), Bundtzen, Byalobjewski, Dawson, and Nokleberg in downtown Magadan. [FERUS]
13319 Another fine building of flats in Magadan. [FERUS]
13320-13334 Climbing up to the hill just north of Magadan one windy, fairly sunny day. Various shots of Magadan itself, the power plant, and the port area on Nagayeva Bay.. [FERUS]
13335 Warren Nokleberg and Roman Eremin on a small utility truck at the geological institute. [FERUS]
13336-13342 Various equipment in the laboratories at the geological institute in Magadan: microprobes, high-pressure apparatus, computer, and ore microscopes–old and new. [FERUS]
13343 Street scene in Magadan [FERUS]
13344-13345 Scene outside the Chinese restaurant in Magadan where we had dinner several times. Looking north over port area on Nagayeva Bay. People are Anotoli Sidorov, Tanya our translator, Gleb Susonov, and Ilya Rosenblym. [FERUS]
13346 Lidiya Kovbas and Ken Dawson at?) Jaroslavsky, north of Vladivostok. [FERUS]
13347 Block of flats with photo exhibit underneath; along road we frequently used in Vladivostok. [FERUS]
13348-13355 Continuation of shots taken on climb to hill just north of Magadan. Mostly views of Magadan itself. [FERUS]
13356-13357 And the last of the building pictures in Magadan showing the exquisite workmanship! [FERUS]
13358 Tom Bundtzen, Warren Nokleberg, and Ken Dawson on the steps of the wretched place we were first sent to in Vladivostok. [FERUS]
13359-13360 Street scenes along Lenin Street in downtown Vladivostok. [FERUS]
13361-13370 Panorama out across the harbor from the WWII memorial in Vladivostok. [FERUS]
13371-13376 Mostly buildings and street scenes in downtown Vladivostok. Esp. monument to the Revolution, the CPSU building, and the GUM department store. [FERUS]
13377-13385 Another panorama of Vladivostok harbor from the prominent outlook point near the top of the inclined tram way. [FERUS]
13386-13387 On the way to Jaroslavsky: stop for lunch and view of us getting on the bus (that self-destructed the next day.) [FERUS]
13388-13396 View of the open pit at the Vosnesnka fluorite mine at Yaroslavsky. Includes shots of fluorite ore, and shovel loading ore on truck. [FERUS]
13397 View of Jaroslavsky from my hotel room–a pretty nice room by Soviet standards. [FERUS]
13398-13401 Field trip to various other ore deposits in the vicinity of the Vosnesenka fluorite mine. First three are on a granite exposure with high values of Nb-Ta; the last a magnetite-bearing skarn. [FERUS]
13402-13403 Soviet 7.62 mm Tokarev. Brought by Dimitry Anndorosov; we fired several clips through it at one stop–the one slide shows Lidiya’s fine shooting stance! [FERUS]
13404-13406 The open pit of the Vosnesenka fluorite mine at Jaroslavsky. [FERUS]
13407-13408 An abandoned open pit, tin mine 1-2 km southeast(?) of the Vosnesenka mine. Operated during the 60’s. Lots of alteration seen in the granite along the sides of the pit. [FERUS]
13409-13411 Street scenes in Jaroslavsky near the hotel. [FERUS]
13412-13414 Getting ready to depart on a boat trip to Popov Island on a Far East Branch boat. Note Ivan Pachenko’s Great Dane. [FERUS]
13415-13425 During a fishing trip about 10 kms southwest of Popov Island. Caught lots of fish but small. Prominent are Lydia Kovbas, Warren (who doesn’t fish), Vladimir Ratkin, Dawson, Pachenko, and Alex Khanchuk. [FERUS]
13426-13429 From Popov Island to Vladivostok: cruiser like the one we used coming to Popov; Vladivostok hotel from bay; the small boat harbor, and bathers on beach near the small boat harbor. [FERUS]
13430 Looking northwest from hotel room over Amursky Bay. [FERUS]
13431-13433 Buildings in downtown Vladivostok. Note ‘getto’ sign on building. [FERUS]
13434 Pre-Revolutionary building near hotel. [FERUS]
13435-13437 View from my hotel room: parking lot overgrown with Japanese cars, hotel entrance and Amursky Bay, off to southwest. [FERUS]
13438 View off to the southwest from the entrance to the Far East Geological Institute. [FERUS]
13439 View off to the southeast from somebody’s room at the Vladivostok Hotel. [FERUS]
13440 Undescribed
13441 Shops in one of the blocks of flats in Vladivostok. [FERUS]
13442 Lydia, ????, and Ivan Pachenko seeing Ton Bundtzen off at the Vladivostok train station. [FERUS]
13443-13447 View of Vladivostok harbor from the restaurant in the Far East Shipping, building near the train station. Note Soviet cruisers for scale. [FERUS]
13448-13449 Buildings along Lenin Street in Vladivostok. [FERUS]
13450 Entrance to the naval museum, nee Catholic church in Vladivostok. (Mediocre as museums go.) [FERUS]
13451-13453 Along Lenin Street in Vladivostok: sailors in front of old hospital in front of the GUM; the party headquarters (where red flag still flew); monument to the Revolution. [FERUS]
13454-13458 Flats where Vladimir Ratkin lived. Not bad by Soviet standards. 13,458 a new (private) building being put up by Chinese laborers. [FERUS]
13459 What was the old KGB hotel in downtown Vladivostok. Now?? [FERUS]
13460 Farmers market in downtown Vladivostok (on walking tour with Lydia and Yuri ____) [FERUS]
13461-13463 Walking tour of the backstreets of Vladivostok with Lydia and Yuri. Pretty dreary looking back there! [FERUS]
13464 Street scenes of Vladivostok; this time mainly people along Lenin Street. Note pre-Revolutionary houses, wall posters of ‘honorable people’, and street stalls. [FERUS]
13466-13467 Walking up to the Far East Geological Institute from train station: wretched dirt road and private house. [FERUS]
13369 Me one hot, humid day in Lydia’s office…working on the Magadan province, mineral deposit descriptions. [FERUS]
13470-13474 Various combinations of people working on the metallogenic map at the FE Geological Institute: Boris Natalin, Perfuenov, Lydia, and Alex Khanchuk/. [FERUS]
13475 Warren Nokleberg and Lev Natapov looking at Lev’s tectonic map of the USSR in the Vladivostok hotel. [FERUS]
13476-13482 Pleasant afternoon walking from Vladimir Ratkin’s flat to the overlook above Vladivostok harbor….. [FERUS]
13483-13484 ….On Victims of the Revolution Street as shown by street sign above Lydia, Vladimir, and Ken. The very dark slide is of a house on the other side of the street has the sign ‘We are the victims of the Revolution’ printed on it!. [FERUS]
13485-13488 Continue on walk with Vladimir, Lydia and Ken: details of pre-Revolutionary house, various building details, and details of panels on GUM department store. [FERUS]
13489-13490 View out of my hotel window on the day of the coup. In 13,490 note Alex Klanchuk and Vladimir Ratkin talking in the parking lot–bet that was a worrisome conversation. [FERUS]
13491-13492 View out of my hotel room at the Central Hotel in downtown Khabarovsk. [FERUS]
13493 Entrance to the Central Hotel in Khabarovsk. [FERUS]
13494 Street scene in Khabarovsk on the second day of the coup. Uncertainty prevails but people seem to be going about their business as usual. [FERUS]
13495-13497 Building still going next to the Post Office (compare against two years before); a renovated restaurant on Karl Marx Street; and said to be the old Dalstroi building. [FERUS]
13498 Street scene on Karl Marx Street in Khabarovsk on the second day of the coup. Platoon of Soviet Army conscripts seem to be going on about their business as usual…which probably isn’t much fun. [FERUS]
13499 Monument to the soldiers of the 13th Siberian Regiment who landed at this spot along the Amur River to found Khabarovsk in 1858. [FERUS]
13500-13501 Vladivostok Harbor taken from Restaurant in FESCO (FE Steamship) Building ; probably in August 1991 (right after the Putsch) [FERUS]
13502 Alaska State Fair: August (?0 1991)
13503-13504 Flying somewhere over Montana or Wyoming; looking down on prominent hogbacks and coal mine along one of the units.
13505 Looking East and down on Victoria B.C. on flight from Anchorage to Seattle.
13506-13508 Flat lying plain near An Najadi where USGS had drilling camp and I stayed for several weeks mapping geology in various prospects. Bruce Walker and Rick Carten in one picture with standard Toyota Land Cruiser .
13509-13510 Camels near An Najadi camp; probably taken in evening on ride back from mapping prospects.
13511 Trenches in old mine of “Ancients” near An Najadi; probably Agob mine.
13512-13513 Looking north from small hill where water truck usually parked over An Najadi Camp of the U.S.G.S.
13514 Trenches in old mine of “Ancients” near An Najadi; probably Agob mine.
13515-13517 On Flight from Jeddah to An Najadi; coincidentally flew over gold mine at Sukhayarat then being mined from an open pit after opening a few years previously.
13519-13520 Just about to land at An Najadi camp; several shots down on the U.S.G.S. camp, the French camp–they’d just arrived–and the trenches at An Najadi.
13521 Short Skyvan of the Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources; flew us up from Jeddah to An Najadi.
13522-13524 Panorama of the U.S.G.S. camp at An Najadi shortly after arrival, one calm evening.
13525 Mapping trenches at Agob mine with Muhamad Abdul Monuiem; granite massif of Jabal Qutn standing in stark relief in the far distance.
13526 Cook tent at An Najadi camp.
13527-13529 French just setting up diamond drill at An Najadi camp early in February.
13530-13532 Panorama of An Najadi camp looking north.
13533-13534 Herd of camels going “home” at the end of the day. Encountered them several times at about the same place in the evening about 15 km north of An Najadi.
13535-13539 Nice panorama of the An Najadi camp one clear evening.
13540-13544 Various shots of the Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resource’s Short Skyvan on one of its periodic trips to An Najadi. Can identify various people: Bruce Walker, Muhamed Abdul Monuieum ,Rasheed Al Otaibi, Majiod Ben Talib, and pilot (who once flew for Wein!)
13545-13552 Various shots of the first piece of core coming out of the first hole at An Najadi in February 1992. Much of the crew there but none really stand out in this picture.
13553-13555 Mapping trenches at Shabbah___, assisted by Muhamed Abdul Monueium. Can see some patches of oxidized (reddish) hematite typically assoc. with ore, but mainly thick spoil from old mining operations over bedrock .
13556 Truck mounted diamond drill at An Najadi one evening after drilling has stopped. Note water truck that supports the drill.
13557-13559 Panorama looking approx. west at the An Najadi camp and the French drilling camp over the monotonous plain.
13560 Trench at Shabbah West (?), Muhamed bringing samples back to truck.
13561-13562 Looking approx. south over USGS An Najadi camp. Not in a dust storm but wind picking up and dust on the horizon.
13563-13564 Mapping trenches at ??. Mostly old spoil from the Ancient’s mining. Few quartz veins showing in the Murdama sediments.
13565-13566 Looking approx. north over An Najadi camp. Wind brisk and dust on the horizon
13567 Probably trenches at Agob; resistant granites of the Jabal Qutn in the distance.
13568-13569 Very, very dusty day mapping at Shabbah ___; at one point couldn’t see more than 100 meters for all the dust
13570-13571 More mapping at Shabah __. Old workings, dead sheep, and Muhamed Abdul Monuieum who was helping me.
13572-13575 Panorama from the top of a prominent limestone knob about 10 miles north of Shabbah NE, Note the limestone knob of Jabal Ruhayl in the two pictures to the right.
13576 Flock of long haired Arabian goats that wandered through camp one afternoon, blithely ignoring the berm around the camp.
13577-13580 French diamond drill in operation at An Najadi one dusty day
13581-13582 Herd of long haired Arabian goats at their feeding area near diamond drill site at An Najadi
13583-13586 French diamond drill at An Najadi. Watching drilling and examining core. In 13,586 from left: Rashid Al Otaibi, Bruce Walker, and Majid Ben Talib
13587-13592 Panorama inside Silsilah ring-dike complex ; taken from entrance off main road on the western side of the complex. Panoramic view, clockwise through about 300o..
13593-13594 View on the southern of the two best-known Sn prospects in the Silsilah complex; here small ranite dome up into the middle of the complex.
13595-13598 Panorama but exact locality unknown; certainly from one of the two best-known Sn prospects associated with small granite plugs. View generally to the north showing all the trenching in the vicinity.
13599-13600 Definitely in the northern of the two Sn prospects associated with small granite plugs. First picture shows pegmatite layer capping the top of the plug; second shows cassierite veins in upper greisensized cap over the granite.
13601 Definitely at the southern of the two Sn-bearing granite plugs in the Silsilah complex. Looking north at the small knoll that marks the greisenized cap over the other Sn-bearing granite plug.
13602 Crew pretty settled down and drilling well at the French diamond drill at An Najadi. Still in the first hole.
13603-13604 Brisk, dusty day at the An Najadi camp. Got a lot worse some days but visibility less than a mile.
13605-13607 Short Skyvan of the Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources on another of their periodic visits to An Najadi. Much of the geologic crew there.
13608-13609 Core preparation tent at An Najadi Diamond drill and layout tables mainly. Note typical rug hangings in tent.
13610-13612 Nice close-up of diamond drill core from Hole #1 at An Najadi. Folded Murdama sediments shot through with quartz veins and some to sparse disseminated pyrite. Probably close to a buried granodiorite body.
13613-13614 Bruce Walker show Kamran, a Pakistani mining engineer how to log core.
13615-13617 Muhamed Abdul Monuiem and Bruce Walker looking at core at An Najadi.
13618-13619 USGS camp at An Najadi one dusty day . (As I recall much of the time could hardly see these tents from the cook tent where I was working.
13620-13624 Various parts of a panoramic scene taken from top of small hill about a kilometer eats of the USGS compound in Jeddah.
13625 Jet Ranger of the Ministry of Petroleum Geology and Mineral Resources at Yanbu airport. . Tom Wolters is helicopter pilot.
13626-13643 Wonderful early morning wandering around the old city area of downtown Jeddah with Rick Cartten. Note the tree in front of the house in 13,633; when Abdul Aziz took control of Jeddah in 192x, he stayed in this house in the old souk area and this was the only tree in town!
13644-13660 Typical (!) homes , a mosque or two and various buildings in the Cornische area in north Jeddah. (My Canon AE-1 was suffering the effects of a fall in the field by now.)
13662-13672 Wandering around housing development about a km south of the USGS compound in Jeddah; me and the goats. Not the most impressive homes in Jeddah but not too shabby either.
13673-13674 Front of the USGS compound in Jeddah and view out my window over the swimming pool.
13675-13677 Flight from Yanbu to Murrayjib: here coming up off the desert to the large composite batholith NE of Yanbu .
13678-13680 Flight from Yanbu to Murayjib: here dam and irrigation project west of the large batholith, probably in Wadi Far’ah
13681-13685 Bruce Walker and Rick Carten and I looking at trenches at Shabbah NE prospect north of An Najadi.
13686-13694 The modern part of downtown Jeddah; near main souk and entrance to it in 13,690.
13695-13696 Muhamed Abdul Monuieum, his father , and his uncle and family at his uncle’s house in Jeddah. Had a really nice lunch here with the family. From the Sudan; his father had then worked for the USGS mission for many years but always as a “guest” worker, i.e. exploited Saudi worker.
13697 Another view from my room in the guest house over the swimming pool.
13698 Undescribed
13699-13705 Various ground view of the Murayjib mine, northeast of Yanbu. Narrow quartz veins in shales and sandstones; disseminated pyrite now oxidized to hematite characteristic of the veins.
13706-13708 Flight from Yanbu to Murrayjib: speroidal weathering in granites on south end of large batholith on way.
13709 Typical small village on flight from Yanbu to Murayjib. Note the abundance of white pick-ups.
13710-13713 Aerial shots down on the Murrayjib mine from various angles.
13714-13719 Panorama on ground at old placer workings and town site at Ifshaygh (downstream from Murayjib). Taken clockwise beginning from south. Workings consist of a network of small pits that can be best seen from the air.
13720 Trench–more recently a garbage dump and place to dump dead goats–on old working on bench at Ifshaygh.
13721 Bedouin camp on main wadi near Ifshaygh. In the foreground, note mining pits across the old gravels in the alluvial fan at the mouth of the stream coming down from Murrayjib
13722-13728 Unclear exactly where but doesn’t matter much; on flight from Murayjib to Yanbu back in the mountains. Typical villages and agricultural areas along main wadi.
13729-13730 Aerial shots down on the Murayjib mine and Bilwi.
13731-13735 Aerials shots down on the old placer workings at Ifshaygh. Note the pock marked surface developed from the old mining pits; the contrast between the modern gravels and the old mined gravels; and the bedrock dam across the mouth of the valley coming down from Murrayjib
13736 Dam, village, and agricultural area in main Wadi about half way between Yanbu and Murrayjib.
13737 Rick Carten sitting on pit the French put in on the old placer workings. From air can see pock marked surface but not very evident on ground. On calley coming down from the Murayjib mine.
13738-13741 More aerial shots of the alluvial fan at Ifshaygh with its pock-marked surface caused by mining by the Ancients. Note bedrock ridge that dams the front of the valley and backed up the auriferous gravel.
13742-13744 Flight from Murrayjib to Yanbu. Typical village, mountainous topography, and old pre-Muhamamed archeological site commonly seen from the air in these mountains.
13745-13752 Agricultural settlements along the main highway in the lower part of Wadi Farah (on flight from Murrayjib to Yanbu).
13753-13754 Coming out into the coastal desert in the lower part of Wadi Farah on flight to Yanbu
13755-13756 Shot down on typical village on flight from Murayjib to Yanbu, and another shot of the damn in the upper reaches of Wadi Farah. Not much water behind dam but much of the water probably stored in the valley gravels.
13760-13763 Aerials shots down on the mines at Bilwi. Camera acting up but can still get a good idea of not only the large amount of surface trenching but the pervasive work in the placers in the valley below the mine and on the hillsides.
13764 Street scene in Yanbu early one morning.
13766 Lower part of the valley draining the Murrayjib mine. Mined at least locally.
13767-13768 Panorama looking west over the lower part of the valley coming down from the Murrayjib mine. Mined locally and can nicely distinguish the modern channel gravels from the old auriferous gravels that were mined from open pits.
13769 Interesting picture: in distance can see our helicopter and Tom Wolters coincidentally facing a Bedouin cutting down a tree in the valley. with a chain saw. He left very very shortly after Tom landed — very fast.– when the King’s helicopter dropped out of the sky and landed 100 m away.
13770 Another as 13,767 but lower down on the hill.
13771-13776 Group of shots taken while Rick Carten and I were looking at Ancient workings on area of quartz veining about half way between Murrayjib and Ifshaygh.
13777-13789 Short visit to the Ancient mine at Umm Huffra with Rick Carten. Abundant quartz veins probably related to top of a small granitic body. Mined from small glory hole. Note flock of sheep that wandered by while we were there.
13790-13791 Not sure where these aerial shots taken but probably on coastal plane in lower part of Wadi Farah or between there and Yanbu. Granitic bodies (?) sticking up through the sand.
13792 The Bird’s house on Brandilyn Circle in the summer of 1992, just before they painted it.
13794 Several John Hagenmeir’s houses that Ellen designed; maybe Brookwood North.
13797-13798 Georgetown, Colorado: Main business block and several restored Victorian houses.
13799-13800 Silver Plume, Colorado: back of old business block and looking back down toward town from the dump of the Mendota mine.
13801 Not sure where this is, on across the Northwest. Perhaps in Montana. Spectacular lateral and terminal moraines around glacial lake.
13802-13810 Walk from Northeast Institute, down Portola Street to Negayevno Bay and back to the Institute. Modern buildings going up from year to year. Last two picture of Arctic Institute under construction. [FERUS]
13811 Facade of probably early 50’s building along main street radiating off from the Northeast Institute toward the center of town. Note the cinder blocks in the alley; still typical of building construction. [FERUS]
13812-13813 Will White and Yelena Burak, our translator in front of the Lenin status in the Magadan Park. [FERUS]
13814-13816 Lenin Square, Magadan with new building going up beside the old/new KPCC building. [FERUS]
13817 Someplace in Magadan; perhaps approx. across the street from the Opera Hall. [FERUS]
13818-13823 The old dredge on Jack Wade Creek on the Taylor Highway (AKEA)
13824-13833 Walking about Eagle one fine morning. Various buildings around town that struck my fancy and old “tunnel” boat near the ex-NCC store building.
13834-13842 Yukon Consolidated Gold Company’s Dredge #8 (I think). Just moved here to Bonanza Creek this summer by the Canadian Army and is in process of being restored as a historical site.
13843-13845 Several small mining operations, Summer 1992, seen while driving the loop around the Klondike mining area.
13846-13853 Dawson, Y.T.: picturesque old buildings seen while wandering around Dawson (and new school). Also note the big slide above town in 13,852.
13854-13855 From the top of Midnight Dome above Dawson. First shot toward the east looking at the White Channel gravels across the Klondike River; the second looking up the Yukon River over Dawson.
13856-13858 Placer operation with front-end loaders on Bonanza Creek, Klondike area.
13859 Basically a gravel mining operation beside the Klondike River just up from the bridge at Dawson. However, also looks like they are putting the gravel through a washing plant.
13860-13863 View from the top of Midnight Dome, Dawson one rainy afternoon. First view up the Yukon River over Dawson; the rest looking east across the Klondike River toward the White Gravels
13864-13865 Old theatre in Dawson, now a historic site.
13866 Line up of cars at the ferry in Dawson. Some very long waits in the summer.
13867-13870 More houses and cabins in Eagle
13873-13880 A variety of old buildings and new construction in Dawson, Y.T. Includes new schoolhouse, new construction on cribbing over gravel pad on permafrost, and another new building being built on steel piles. Note effect of permafrost on old church.
13881-13887 Dawson.
13888 Small washing plant served by a front end loader in the Dawson area.
13889-13890 Taken during tour of the old Bear Creek camp of the YCGC. First just view of the yard there; the second the remains of an old dredge just out from the camp in the Klondike River valley.
13891-13892 White River gravels near the junction of Bonanza Creek and the Klondike River; 13,892 a close-up of the gravels
13893-13900 More shots of Dredge 8 on Bonanza Creek; just moved here by the Canadian Army and being restored.
13901-13903 Tin Holder and teen-age airport groupies at the Magadan airport awaiting arrival of Secretary Manual Lujan. [FERUS]
13904-13906 Anatonov-24b that we chartered to take Sec. Lujan and our party to the Dukat mine. Among other people see the Secretary T Arey and Will White in the pictures. [FERUS]
13907-13908 The Saturday flea market around the farmer’s market in Magadan. [FERUS]
13909-13910 Sukoi flighter beside block of flats in downtown Magadan. [FERUS]
13911-13912 Some street scenes in Magadan. Note Yelena Burak and Will White in one picture. [FERUS]
13913-13919 Street scenes in downtown Khabarovsk. Will White and Tatiana Korikina in several. Note building in 13,915 that I’ve watched going up for 5 years. [FERUS]
13920-13923 Will White and _____ in front of new statue of Count Murief-Amurski in Khabarovsk; beach along the Amur River; and view from the window of _____’s flat in Khabarovsk. [FERUS]
13924-13931 All the usual street scenes in downtown Vladivostok: Revolutionary Square and the monument there, the GUM; the ex-KPCC building now flying the Russian flag; the old pre-revolutionary war buildings with a new sign in front of them, and Svetlandskaya (ne Lenin) Street [FERUS]
13932-13938 And another panorama from the lookout point near the top of the funicular railroad across the port of Vladivostok. [FERUS]
13939 Can identify Oleg Chudaev, Ivan Panchenko, and Will White during visit to Primorae Geological Survey [FERUS]
13940 Small shops near the Far East Steamship Company building in downtown Vladivostok. [FERUS]
13941 Revolutionary Square and monument in downtown Vladivostok, [FERUS]
13942-13943 Taken in the mineralogical museum in Magadan: Mary ———-, and Will White looking at the spectacular gold specimen in the gold room there. [FERUS]
13944-13960 Series of pictures taken during boat trip to Russian Island. Can identify Oleg Chudaev and his son, Ivan Panchenko, and Will White. Various boats in inner harbor and beach near Vladivostok hotel. [FERUS]
13961-13968 Flight to Dukat mine: various aerial shots of Omchukshan, the Dukan mine and town there, and the big concentrator at Omchukshan. [FERUS]
13969-13971 Various routine shots of the plane on the ground near the Dukat mine, the Secretary and our party, and a stop on the bus tour around the property. [FERUS]
13972-13978 Various buildings in Magadan: near the library; in the vicinity of the businessman’s hotel, and from my room in the Magadan Hotel toward the bus station. [FERUS]
13979-13989 More new (?) and old buildings in Magadan: Lenin and the KPCC building; the brewery, and at the end , the new Intourist Hotel (which just may be completed some day). [FERUS]
13990-13991 Stopped by the Orthodox Church then under construction–the first church ever in Magadan. [FERUS]
13993-13995 More buildings in Magadan, old new, and falling apart. [FERUS]
13996-14000 Placer operation near Eagle that Dick and Allison and I visited one afternoon. On Teddy’s Fork of American Creek; operator working up stream with a small washing plant sniping at bits of pay that are left.
14001 Placer operation beside the road at Chicken.
14002-14003 Visit to Independence mine with Russian party.
14004-14005 Downtown Seattle flying by one day.
14006 Ivan Panchenko at our house on Brandilyn Circle.
14007-14008 New American consulate in Vladivostok. And across the street the corner where the statue of Iron Felix Dzerzhinsky stood for so many years. [FERUS]
14009 Old building on Sventlandskaya Street in Vladivostok [FERUS]
14010-14011 Cathy_____ of the State Department, Lidiya Kovbas, and Al Powers of MMS in Revolutionary Square in Vladivostok [FERUS]
14012-14018 Flight from Magadan to Petropavlovsk: mostly aerial shots down on Petropavlovsk harbor and town itself [FERUS]
14019-14026 Helicopter flight from Petropavlovsk north to geysers park about an hour and a half out of Petropavlovsk. Last two shots of an unknown volcano about just north of Petropavlovsk. [FERUS]
14027-14029 Landing at Petropavlovsk airport and another view of our helicopter [FERUS]
14030-14032 State Department delegation in front of the Central Hotel in Khabarovsk. Cold day; we’d been delayed in getting our flight for hours, and among other things we were watching the open manhole in front of the hotel, an open manhole that had stayed that way for more than a day. [FERUS]
14033-14038 Shopping at the market area in Khabarovsk one weekend. Amazing variety of things for sale, most of which the average Russian can’t afford. [FERUS]
14039 Imposing building in Khabarovsk that included a “military” department store on the ground floor that had slightly more for sale that the other stores in town. [FERUS]
14040 Back in Khabarovsk; killing time waiting for our plane that was delayed for 12 hours and walked along the Amur River on a bitterly cold day. [FERUS]
14041-14051 Various street scenes in Magadan. Cold day as I remember. Note the Orthodox church in Magadan in 14,047-14,048; just newly completed and looks very, very Russian—but also very small for a town of this size. [FERUS]
14052-14055 More buildings and street scenes in Magadan. [FERUS] [FERUS]
14056-14057 About at the end of our trip. Here a short trip to the Karamken mine…which didn’t amount to much. Just walked around a bit after a long drive. [FERUS]
14058-14061 Taken during a tour of Ardialiev’s new headquarters for the Arktica Institute. He swore it would be done by January of 1993 (but I’ve been taking pictures of its glacial progress since about 1988!) Pretty grim construction methods and the detailing inside was atrocious. [FERUS]
14062-14063 Departing Magadan on our flight home to Anchorage. Cold and clear; Border Guards there to see us off…and very nice to be getting away. [FERUS]
14064-14065 Just some of the terrain north of Magadan on our flight back to Anchorage. Perhaps about 30-45 minutes out of Magadan. [FERUS]
14066 BEGIN FIELD WORK IN THE FAIRBANKS AREA, JUNE 1993 Ryan Lode mine; old heap leach pile that they were then trying to clean up. (AKFB)
14067-14070 Ryan Lode mine: Very efficient drilling company from Montana then working there drilling out the orebody. (AKFB)
14071-14078 Ryan Lode mine; Various shots of the large open cut along the main ore zone. Note fracture zones, carbonaceous gouge layers, and general alteration. Also several samples of weathered quartz-rich, vein material with secondary scorodite. (AKFB)]
14079 Ryan Lode mine; Cyanide pond from older operation they were then trying to neutralize. (AKFB)
14080-14084 Panorama to east and south from top of Ester Dome. At left looking down on the Ryan Lode mine; at right, looking down to south toward Ester with the old dredge pond in the middle distance. Fairbanks in background. (AKFB)
14085-14090 Panorama across the south wall of the west pit of the Ryan cut as then exposed. Probably in wall rock mainly and face roughly parallel to ore zone. But note the folding and fracturing across the whole face. Bill Keith for scale. (AKFB)
14091 As 14,066. Ryan Lode mine; old heap leach pile that they were then trying to clean up. (AKFB)
14094-14095 Aerials obliques down on the University of Alaska campus and adjacent areas. (AKFB)
14096 Aerial shot down and to West over Cripple Creek toward Ester. (AKFB)
14097 Aerial oblique; not sure where this is for sure but probably looking East up the braided channel of the Tanana River from near Fairbanks. (AKFB)
14111 Aerial oblique to east and down on downtown Seattle. (WA)
14112-14114 House on Farmer’s Loop Road in Fairbanks built on Permafrost probably in 80’s and progressively racked itself to pieces. At this point the sign shows it as an example of where not to build on permafrost. Entirely torn down about a year later (but still several examples across the road of the same thing.) (AKFB)
14115 Beautifully exposed vein about 100 yards southwest of the old Tolovana mine on upper Cleary Creek. Found in 80’s; nothing previously known there. Thick section of sulfides and sulfosalt; probably related to a lens of carbonates in the schist that has been replaced with the ore minerals. (Black plastic on the massive ore minerals to hinder oxidization.) (AKLG)
14116 Undescribed
14117 Mark Meier washing gravel into a sluice box with a nozzle. Gravel from a drift mine in the banks of Cleary Creek opposite the mouth of Bedrock Creek. (AKFB)
14118-14119 Front of FE Company dredge on Upper Dome Creek. (AKLG)
14120-14127 Taken on the main ore zone at the Fort Knox mine. Includes: view up trench on the high-grade fracture zone; along the walls of that trench; a panorama from the north over the valley and deposit from the end of that trench; and a close-up of one of the fracture/quartz veinlets in the granite that carry the gold. (AKFB)
14128 Undescribed
14129-14130 Old dredge at the mouth of Fish Creek. Then long abandoned (and since burned). (AKFB)
14131-14132 View toward the northeast over the Denver Federal Center from hotel near there.
14133-14135 Aerial obliques taking off or landing at Denver Stapleton airport. First two are looking down on the old Rocky Mountain Arsenal (where various chemical munitions were once produced and now a superfund site); last is a gravel pit somewhere in vicinity. (CO)
14136-14137 Beautiful downtown Craig with fishing boat up on the grid.
14138 Undescribed
14140 Looking south along Tongass narrows over Ketchikan from a street up on the hillside; and drydock built at great expense and hardly used there since. (AKKN)
14141 Undescribed
14142 Doug Fridrick on the stern of an Alaskan Ferry going from Ketchikan to Haines, June 93. (Taking old white Dodge Ram from Ketchikan to Haines, and then drove it to Anchorage, and Fairbanks. (AKKN)
14143-14144 Scenes to the east from the deck of a ferry going from Ketchikan to Haines. Probably in the vicinity of the Kensington mine, then being developed. (AKJU)
14145 Fairly modern washing plant with a trammel and hopper; location uncertain, perhaps the Fairbanks area. (AKFB)
14146-14150 Dredge near the mouth of Fairbanks Creek; old mining equipment just south of road in dredged over area on lower Fairbanks Creek, includes old electric churn drills and boiler. (AKLG)
14151 Al Hopen’s placer operation at the head of the southwest tributary to Little Eldorado Creek; just north of Pedro Dome. Since cleaned up and revegetated. (AKLG; 1993)
14152-14155 Mark Meier’s drift mine in the banks of Cleary Creek opposite the mouth of Bedrock Creek. Here Bill Keith washing gravel into a sluice box with a nozzle. (AKFB)
14156-14159 Old gold dredge resting on gravel in upper Sheep Creek, north of Ester Dome. (AKFB)
14162-14163 Al Hopen’s placer operation at the head of the southwest tributary to Little Eldorado Creek; just north of Pedro Dome. Since cleaned up and revegetated. (AKLG; 1993)
14164-14165 Brookwood block party, probably on Labor Day, 1993.
14166-14168 Trip down to Seward with Steve Nelson in the winter of 1993 to check his boat out. Several photogenic boats I liked the looks of and Steve with his sailboat at that time. (AKSR; 1993)
14169-14171 The Robert Gray, ne the Don J. Miler at the dock in Vallejo, California in the Spring of 1994 Looked pretty shabby outside but the owner was doing extensive work inside at that time. (California; 1994)
14172-14173 The Tabor Opera House and an old, photogenic Victorian house at Leadville. (Colorado; 1994)
14174-14177 Andy Miscovich’s placer mine on upper Chatham Creek. Then taking a cut on the north bank roughly where the old Pioneer lode mine was discovered. Note the thick exposure of black frozen muck. Equipment just about on bedrock in these picture. Believe this just about the upper limit of his work on Chatham. (AKLG; 1994)
14178-14179 Not sure where the two pictures were taken but possibly the old Westonvich prospect on upper Cleary Creek. Here sulfides replacing a carbonate layer; much pyrite and locally gossan. (AKLG; 1994)
14180-14182 Rudy Vetter’s Keystone property on the divide between the head of Fairbanks Creek and the head of Chatham Creek. Extensive underground and surface operations in mid-80’s but not largely vegetated. Last two of series looking east at the one of the few places the vein still exposed in the end of the trench. (AKLG; 1994)
14183 Marv Andreasen’s son placer mining at the head of Dome Creek. (Then also held the Soo mine and had a camp nearby.) (AKLG; 1994)
14184 Old dredge at the head of Dome Creek. (AKLG, 1994)
14185 Undescribed
14186 Dog house boiler–as I recall near the mouth of Bedrock Creek on Cleary Creek. (AKLG; 1993)
14187 Beautifully exposed vein about 100 yards southwest of the old Tolovana mine on upper Cleary Creek. Found in 80’s; nothing previously known there. Thick section of sulfides and sulfosalts; probably related to a lens of carbonates in the schist that has been replaced with the ore minerals. (Black plastic on the massive ore minerals to hinder oxidization.) (AKLG)
14189-14191 (Mediocre) panoramic view to the south of the Fort Knox mine. Then still a prospect really; development started the next year in earnest. (AKFB; 1994)
14192 Undescribed
14193-14196 Panorama to north over Boyd Blair’s camp at head of Eva Creek; ridge where we mapped in distance. Somewhat above and to the east of the Liberty Bell mine that can be seen in 14,196. (AKFB; August 1994)
14197 Not sure but think an altered rhyolite near the Liberty Bell mine. (AKFB; Aug 1994)
14198 Altered zone in foliated intermediate granitic rocks in almost continuous exposures along the north, uppermost tributary to Moose Creek. AMAX worked in here several years before and saw several drill sites. Now only some small scale placer mining along this tributary. (AKFS; Aug 1994.)
14199 Small mobile, washing plant from operation on the uppermost northern tributary to Moose Creek in the Bonnifield district. Then in use; coarse screen over sluice boxes. (AKFB, August 1994)
14200-14202 Panorama to east from the low ridge/pass at the head of Eva Creel. Liberty mine in center photo. (AKFB, August 1994)
14203-14204 Milt Wiltse at Boyd Blair’s old camp on upper Eva Creek. This where we stayed. (AKFB, August 1994)
14205-14209 Wide panorama toward south of upper Eva Creek. Liberty Bell mine in center. Taken from ridge about 2 miles to the north of the Liberty Bell. (AKFB, August 1994)
14210 Float in Creek below Liberty Bell mine. Large piece of quartz stockworks that must have been filled in originally by arsenopyrite, etc. The arsenopyrite now oxidized to light-green scorodite. Much of this type of material in creek material which is also coated with a whitish scum for a mile or so below the mine; suspect the As content of stream material and water is very high. (AKFB, August 1994)
14211 Well-developed cleavage and foliation in phyllite near the Liberty Bell mine. (AKFB, August 1994)
14213-14217 Exact location uncertain but panorama to north from road along ridge that extends east from north of the Liberty Bell mine to Boyd Blari’s camp on California Creek. Rex Dome to left, Rex Creek hidden in distance in center and California Creek draining to the north on the right. Mostly massive foliated metafelsites. (AKFB, August 1994)
14218 One of the 4-wheelers that served us so well in mapping in the Liberty Bell area. (AKFB, August 1994)
14219-14221 Marv Andreasen’s son working his placer mine at the head of Dome Creek. (AKLG, 1994)
14224-14226 Dredge at the mouth of Fairbanks Creek on a nice sunny day. (AKLG, 1994)
14227-14228 Several view to the south over the Fort Knox mine from the ridge about a mile to the south. They still a prospect; major development started the next year. (AKFB, 1994)
14229 View down Cleary Creek from the top of the ski lift at Cleary Summit. Tolovana and Cleary Hill mines in middle distance. (AKLG, 1994)
14230 Small washing plant, location now uncertain. Hopper dumping into shaking screens that reject coarse material and put fines through sluice boxes. Classic small washing plant. (AKFB?, 1994)
14231 “Boot Hill” at a high point on the road between Ferry and the Liberty Bell mine. Milt Wiltse for scale. Looking south from the divide between the head of Wilson Creek and the southeast tributary to Moose Creek. (AKFS; August 1994)
14232 DGGS pickup that we used during our mapping at the Liberty Bell mine. (Had to be taken to Ferry on the Alaska Railroad; the bridge at Ferry is not open to vehicular traffic….but definitely so to 4-wheelers.) (AKFS; August 1994)
14233 Nenana Gravel just below the railroad bridge at Ferry. (AKFS; August 1994)
14234-14236 Generally looking east from the northwest corner of Pedro Done. Prominent placers are along Eldorado Creek. (Al Hopen’s now revegetated placer in the foreground.) 14,235 looking southwest over the True North prospect that even then was being actively drilled. (AKLG; August 1994)
14237-14240 (Somewhat dark) panorama to southeast from the top of Haystack Mountain. Swinging from Chatanika and lower Cleary Creek to Eldorado Creek and then to the low rounded hills where the True North prospect is located. (AKLG; Sept. 1994)
14242 (Back to the Bonnifield District) Another view of “Boot Hill” as per 14,231. (AKFB; August 1994)
14243-14244 Location uncertain but generally scenic views off to the northwest from the ridge at the head of Eva Creek in the bonnifield district. (AKFB; August 1994)
14246-14248 Scenic views toward the east from the ridge at the head of Eva Creek in the Bonnifield district. Liberty Bell mine prominent in all. (AKFB; August 1994)
14249 Undescribed
14250-14251 Several more scenic photographs to the west from the top of Pedro Dome. Fall in the air! View down Elcorado Creek and another toward the True North prospect. (AKLG; Sept 1994)
14253-14254 Remains of the dredge at the mouth of Fish Creek. Had just been burned. Doing a tour with Dick McCammon and he in foreground in one photo. (AKLG; Sept 1994)
14255 View south down Dome Creek from road just south of Pedro Dome. Can just make out dredge in the middle distance. (AKLG; Sept 1994)
14256 Coast Guard cutter at Homer. This and subsequent photos on a trip with Ellen to see the sights. (AKSV; Fall, 1994)
14257 Particularly nice looking wooden boat at the harbor in Homer. (AKSV, Fall 1994)
14258-14264 Several panoramas over Kachemak Bay and Homer toward the Chugach Mountains to the east. (AKSV, Fall 1994)
14265-14267 Dick Alison closing his cabin up at the end of the summer. (AKEA; Sept. 1995)
14268-14276 Various sights around Eagle: cabin going up, old buildings, boats on the river, and piles being driven in front of town. (AKEA; Sept. 1995)
14277 Monitor at Chatham Creek in the Fairbanks area. (AKFS; 1995)
14278-14279 Andy Miscovich’s placer mine on Chatham Creek in the Fairbanks area; last season here. Doing his last cut on the north bank of upper Chatham. Note thick frozen muck over gravel. (AKFB, 1995)
14280-14281 Entrance to Mark Mier’s drift mine on the north side of upper Eldorado Creek near Cleary Summit. Drift in the thick frozen muck here; note the diesel trammer he uses to haul the gravel out in the winter. (AKFB, 1995)
14287-14288 Eagle Creek near Eagle Summit, Circle District. First photo is view down Eagle Creek; second is view to east up a tributary to Eagle Creek that comes in just below the Berry Camp. Had just completed mining there a year or so before; note succession of settling ponds to trap the dirty water. (AKCI; July 1996)
14289-14290 Placer operation on Crooked Creek near Central. Group is the Earthquest native group I was conducting a field trip for. Classic washing plant with front end loader dumping the gravel into the hopper. (AKCI; July 1996)
14291 Classic granitic breccia at the Mo prospect up on the ridge between the head of Glacier and Groundhog Creeks. (AKPE; July 1996)
14293 Old camp at the at the Mo prospect up on the ridge between the head of Glacier and Groundhog Creeks. (AKPE; July 1996)
14294 Magnetite layer in metasediments at the Bradfield Canal Iron Deposit. Jan Still for scale. (AKBC; July 1996)
14295-14296 Jan Still and “Doc” the helicopter pilot at a spectacular landing spot in the Coast Mountains wet of Petersburg. (AKPE; Jul 1996)
14297 View to the southwest over Castle Island in Duncan Canal, the site of the old barite mine. Now little more than alder and overgrown tailings piles. (AKPE; Jul 1996)
14298 Low tide looking to the south from Phil Breeze’s cabin on the western Woewodski Island. (AKPE; Jul 1996)
14299-14300 Metamorphic section in east-west ridge about a mile east of the upper end of Groundhog Creek, in the Coast mountain east of Wrangell. Looking south; rocks iron stained and dipping to the east at about 45 degrees. (AKPE; Jul 1996)
14301 Classic granitic breccia at the Mo prospect up on the ridge between the head of Glacier and Groundhog Creeks. (AKPE; July 1996)
14302 Tug pulling log raft through Wrangell Narrows. (AKPE; Jul 1996)
14303 Temsco Hughes 500D at the Petersburg airport. (AKPE; Jul 1996)
14304 View one sunny morning from the door of my room at the Driftwood Motel in Juneau toward the Governor’s mansion. (AKJU; Jul 1996)
14305-14312 Roaming the docks of Juneau taking pictures of likely looking boats, likely looking being small trawlers mainly. (AKJU; Jul 1996)
14313 Jan Still and Ed _______ at lunch one fine day in the Petersburg quadrangle. (AKPE; Jul 1996)
14314-14315 I think sulfide layers in the metamorphic rocks of upper Groundhog Creek but…? (AKPE; Jul 1996)
14316 Definitely view up upper Groundhog Creek from old camp where we landed. Adit is on left in about middle distance just before the transition from talus and vegetation to layered schist and gneiss. (AKPE; Jul 1996)
14317 Aerial oblique to the north in the vicinity of prospect in Glacier Basin. Adit itself is in the lower part of the sharply defined, unvegetated gulley in the center of the picture. The gulley largely coincides with a rhyolite dike. Also see 14,322. (AKPE; Jul 1996)
14318 Braided channel of the upper Bradfield River. (AKBC; Jul 1996)
14319 Temsco 500D in beautiful scenery of the upper Bradfield River. View to the west from the Bradfield Canal iron deposit. (AKBC; Jul 1996)
14320 Undescribed
14321 Beautiful glacier in the upper Bradfield River area. (AKBC; Jul 1996)
14322-14323 Close-up of massive rhyolites with disseminated pyrite on southern Kupreanof Island (check exact location). Spectacular bright yellow exposures that can be seen for miles…but no discernable metal values or mineral occurrences. (AKPE; Jul 1996)
14324-14329 The Wrangell boat yard operated by Mark Robinson, ex-UAF and DGGS, and Wrangell inner harbor. (AKPE; Jul 1996)
14330-14331 Aerial obliques down on the old camp of the Mo prospect high on the ridge between the head of Groundhog Creek and Glacier Basin. (Overlooking Nelson Glacier just to east.) (AKPE; Jul 1996)
14332 See 14,317; closer view of the same area shown there. Aerial oblique to the north in the vicinity of prospect in Glacier Basin. Adit itself is in the lower part of the sharply defined, unvegetated gulley in the center of the picture near or in the lowermost snow banks at the bottom of the picture. The gulley largely coincides with a rhyolite dike. (AKPE; Jul 1996)
14333-14357 Copy of slide from Bob Chapman’s talk at the Alaska Science Conference on the early history of the USGS in Alaska.
14358-14359 On flight out of Anchorage in the Fall of 1995. Glaciers and mountains of the Chugach Range. Note that Turnagain Arm in distance of 14,358 and call see the Girdwood valley at the left-center. (AKAN; Fall 1996).
14360 Undescribed
14361 Wooden Boat Show at Port Townsend. (Washington; Sept. 1996)
14362-14363 Channel and retirement community at La Conner. (Washington, Sept. 1996)
14364 View out of my office window, 2028 Brandilyn, just after a heavy fresh snowfall. (AKAN; Nov 1996)
14366-14378 Houses and wooden boats at the Wooden Boat show, Port Townsend; 1997
14379-14383 Many fishing boats at some probably Alaskan harbor; possibly Wrangell
14385-14394 Undescribed
14396-14400 Fort Knox mine, in the summer of 1997 (AKFB)
14401-14406 Field trip in 1997 to mine at the mouth of Eva Creek, Ester, and just across the highway. A year or so later, the wall of the pit slumped, the highway was severely damaged, the company was heavily fined and soon disappeared. State spend big money reconstructing the road. Ester people also said it destroyed their aquifer. (AKFB)
14408 Aerial shot down on somewhere but haven’t a clue anymore where!
14409-14410 Independence Mine, Hatcher Pass area, one fine sunny day in 1998. (AKAN)
14411-14412 Ric Wilson, Dan Renshaw, and Damon Bickerstaff at the Gold Cord mine, Hatcher Pass area, in the summer of 1998. (AKAN)
14413 Looking south over the Independence mine, Hatcher Pass area, in the summer of 1998. (AKAN)
14414-14415 Aerial obliques down on downtown Seattle, Spring, 2002
14416 Aerial oblique down on Everett, Washington, 2002.
14417-14418 Aerial obliques down on ?? in 2002.
14419 ? but suspect looking down on pan ice of Cook Inlet.
14420 Not dead certain but looks like an aerial oblique looking down on La Conner and the Swinomish channel, probably in 2002.
14421-14429 Aerial obliques down on the Fairweather Range, several of Lituya Bay, and several nice glacier pictures (probably on an airline flight to Juneau or Seattle. (AK )
14430-14431 Aerial obliques from airlines, probably southeastern Alaska and like Juneau area (AKJU?)
14432 Juneau
14445-14458 Group of nice ground shots of the Independence mine, Hatcher Pass area, in the summer of 2000. (AKAN)
14459 Aerial oblique down on the Independence mine, Hatcher Pass area. Taken during sightseeing flight with Tom Light in his Cessna; Spring, 2003.
14460 Can’t place this but almost certainly some placered creek in the Fairbanks area. (AKFB)
14462-14463 Nicely restored, steam-driven wheeled churn drill at the Transportation Museum near Wasilla. (AKAN)
14464 Looking down Cleary Creek from near the top of the old ski lodge at Cleary Summit (AKLG in early 1999)
14475-14476 Undescribed
14477-14479 Some pictures for old times’ sake. Downtown Golden, Colorado looking north from back of Foss’s drugstore.
14480-14483 Aerial obliques looking down in the Fairbanks area, late summer or early fall, 2000. (AKFB)
14484-14489 Aerial obliques looking from airliner at San Francisco and vicinity; Fall, 2000.
14495-14498 Aerial obliques from SeaTac to the University district; Fall, 2001
14499-14500 Undescribed
14501-14511 Various during a short period of field work in the NE Dillingham quad; Summer 2001. Not terribly exciting photos but can identify Ric Wilson, Marti Miller, Cindy Preller, Keith LeBay, and Travis Hudson. (AKDI) Note: geologic map published.
14512-14513 Undescribed
14514-14515 Aerial obliques down on Port Townsend and the Hood Canal bridge on flight into SeaTac.
14532 ??
14533-14538 Shots of downtown Vancouver from view tower in the center of downtown (Summer, 2003)
14540-14549 Not sure where these were taken, probably California and maybe mostly Taylorsville, on a trip to visit with Tom Ovenshine. In any event, some nice pictures of restored stamp mills, steam winches, and placered gravels.
14550 Ellen on a day trip to Whistler on the railroad from Vancouver; July 2003.
14552 Aerial obliques from high over the University of Alaska-Fairbanks area, 2003 (AKFB)
14553-14555 Several aerial obliques on a flight in/out of Anchorage. Can identify Whittier, the head of Turnagain Arm, and probably somewhere in the upper Matanuska Valley. (AKSR and AKAN)
14556-14561 Aerial obliques of Anchorage on a flight in Tom Light’s Cessna. (AKAN)
14562-14563 Phil Beardsley’s cabin on Woewodski Island; summer, 2004. (AKPE)
14564-14565 Phil Beardsley’s office and B & B, Petersburg; summer 2004. (AKPE)
14566-14568 USCG buoy tender and docks in Petersburg; July 2004. (AKPE)
14569-14575 Views from the top of the aerial tramway, Juneau; July 2004. 14,573 = Art Kimble on a short hike from the upper tram station.
14576-14578 Summer, 2004: Yorktown Clipper at dock in Sitka. Cruise vessel I geologized on for a week or so. (AKSI)
14579 Episcopal church in Sitka; rock is massive Sitka Graywacke. (AKSI)
14580-14581 (Marginal) aerial oblique photos from an airliner over downtown Seattle.
14585-14587 Antique alidade owned by Mike Beale, then of Anchorage.
14588 Black K&E Exploration alidade.
14589-14592 Hank Berg on a trip to Mount Baker during a visit of he and July to Bellingham. Hank in front of an exceptionally good outcrop of columnar basalt/andesite.
14593-14594 Bokan Mountain area from air; summer 1988. (AKDE)
14595-14601 Shine gravel pit; summer, 2006. Taken from viewpoint in recently logged area, off road extending west from house.
Unnumbered slides Undescribed

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