New in the Archives, May-June 2024

Newly described collections

EPH-0559: Alaskan aerial photograph holiday cards; undated. 26 photographic cards featuring aerial photographs of Alaskan villages and holiday greetings.

EPH-0560-APU: South-Central Alaska Regional Science Fair program; 1972.

EPH-0561-APU: Poetry Society of Alaska Stella Borealis newsletter; 1964 March.

HMC-0780-APU: Mildred O. Mantle papers; 1949-1956. 0.01 cubic feet and 2.73 GB.  Scrapbooks of news clippings and reports on spending and commerce in Alaska compiled by a longtime Anchorage resident.

HMC-1457: Alaska Mountain Rescue Group records; 1947-2011. 1.3 cubic feet and 1.4 GB.  Documentation of a search and rescue organization in Anchorage, AK. Processed by our intern Hannah Bissett.

HMC-1461: R. Greg Dixon photographs; 1948-1978. 0.02 cubic feet. Family and work photographs of an archaeologist who grew up in Anchorage.

HMC-1462: Norman W. Lindsey photographs; 1945-1946. 0.2 cubic feet. Photographs taken by a U.S. Army serviceman who served in Alaska during World War II. Processed by our intern Rachel Nill.

HMC-1463: Alaska Highway Alberta-British Columbia Division construction records; 1942 March-September. 0.25 cubic feet. Records likely collected by a senior highway engineer from the construction of Section F of the Alaska Highway.

HMC-1464: William G. Sprowls photographs; 1964. 0.2 cubic feet. Photographs from throughout southcentral Alaska created by U.S. military personnel of 1964 earthquake damage.

Additions to existing collections

HMC-0782-APU: Alaska Methodist University earthquake papers; 1964.  hmc-0782-APU. Papers and photographs documenting the 1964 Alaska earthquake that were collected by Alaska Methodist University. 0.1 cubic foot addition.

New online

12 images from the Cesare Carlucci papers.

5 images from the Robert H. Brown photographs (in response to a researcher request).

Rachel Nill, our wonderful intern for the summer, create a topic guide of Homer-related archival collections.


In May, archivist Gwen Higgins was awarded tenure and promoted to Associate Professor. Congratulations Gwen!

Becky and Arlene attended the Northwest Archivists annual conference in Spokane.

Arlene took a trip down to Juneau in late May to do a workshop with our colleagues from the Alaska State Library, State Archives, and Juneau Douglas City Museum on doing Alaska’s Digital Archives work.

A lot of archivists and librarians working on putting things online.

In other news, a brief update on our renovations. They’re still underway. Most of the new sprinkler system has been installed but testing, inspection, and any corrections are yet to be done. Likewise, the seismic bracing is almost completed, but work is still underway. Once all of that is completed, the movers will start bringing our collections back on-site. Once the move is completed, we’ll need to do a shelf-read, update our collections database with any new information, and trouble-shoot anything that went awry in the move planning process.

And last, but definitely not least, Becky has been very busy re-energizing our podcast. She’s created ones on public health letters, World War II letters, and one on a project she has underway to collect oral histories from UAA students.

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