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Online materials

Alaska’s Digital Archives

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If you have found materials from UAA on the Alaska’s Digital Archives site and are interested in obtaining copies or using them for any purpose, you will need to contact Archives & Special Collections for citation requirements, permission, and information on costs and availability. Please include: 1) the item identifier number or numbers, 2) how you intend to use the image or document, and 3) the type of duplicate you need.  If you are seeking a scan, please provide the file type and resolution you require. Archives employees will be happy to assist you with your request, calculate costs, and determine which forms you will need to complete.

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Preserving audio, video, and film related to public health in Alaska

This project, funded by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR), allowed us to digitize audio, video, and film related to public health in Alaska and the circumpolar north. Selected items can be accessed online from Alaska’s Digital Archives and the Archives and Special Collections YouTube channel.

List of all items digitized under this grant.


Further information regarding the exhibits and materials online are available by clicking on the title of each exhibit.

Dear Jellybean: fan letters to a radio show announcer;” 2020 April. A collection of letters from children and their parents to the host of a KFQD daily radio show for children. The show aired in Anchorage but was heard in many areas across Alaska. The letters date from 1954-1955. The exhibit was curated by Arlene Schmuland.

The Art of Sam McClain;” 2017 November. An exhibit featuring the artwork of Sam McClain, which includes watercolors and sketches of various Russian Orthodox Churches in Alaska, as well as buildings, houses, and businesses around Anchorage. The exhibit was curated by Veronica Denison, while a majority of the artwork was digitized by Josh Cress.

Military Food;” 2017 May. An exhibit featuring military food, photographs, and memorabilia. All of the menus in this exhibit are from holidays and special events. Veronica Denison curated this exhibit.

AKPlaces;” 2016 January-2016 December. Each week of 2016 on Twitter we featured a different location in Alaska and posted images and documents relating to that location. The exhibit link contains all the materials tweeted. Materials selected, digitized, and described by Rebekah Butler, Amanda Coffey, Josh Cress, Veronica Denison, Arlene Schmuland, Gwen Sieja, and Sara Rollins.

Steamship Menus;” 2016. Researched and partially digitized by Adriana Pasley. Additional menus digitized and online exhibit created by Amanda Coffey.

100 Years of Anchorage;” 2015. One item from our holdings was selected to represent each year in Anchorage’s history, originally posted on Twitter twice-weekly. Materials selected, digitized, and described by Archivists Veronica Denison, Arlene Schmuland, and Gwen Sieja.

Ruth Schmidt;” 2014. Veronica Denison curated this exhibit.



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